Particle characterization and dynamics, Wen-Ching Yang Flow through fixed beds, Wen-Ching Yang Bubbling fluidized beds, Wen-Ching Yang Elutriation and entrainment, Joachim Werther and Ernst-Ulrich Hartge Effect of temperature and pressure, J.G. Yates Gas distributor and plenum design in fluidized beds, S.B. Reddy Karri and Joachim Werther Effect of internal tubes and baffles, Yong Jin, Fei Wei, and Yao Wang Attrition, Joachim Werther and Jens Reppenhagen Modelling, Thomas C. Ho Heat transfer, John C. Chen Mass transfer, Thomas C. Ho General approaches to reactor design, Peijun Jiang, Fei Wei, and Liang-Shih Fan Fluidized bed scaleup, Leon R. Glicksman Applications for fluid catalytic cracking, Ye-Mon Chen Applications for gasifiers and combustors, Richard A. Newby Applications for chemical production and processing, Behzad Jazayeri Applications for coating and granulation, Gabriel I. Tardos and Paul Mort Applications for fluidized bed drying, Arun Mujumdar and Sakamon Devahastin Circulating fluidized beds, John R. Grace, Hsiaotao Bi, and Mohammad Golriz Other nonconventional fluidized beds, Wen-Ching Yang Standpipes and nonmechanical valves, T.M. Knowlton Cyclone separators, T.M. Knowlton Dilute phase pneumatic conveying, George E. Klinzing Electrostatics in pneumatic conveying, George E. Klinzing Instrumentation and measurements, Rafal Kobylecki, Mayumi Tsukada, and Masayuki Horio Liquid-solids fluidization, Norman Epstein Gas-liquid-solid three-phase fluidization, Liang-Shih Fan and Guoqiang Yang Liquid-solids separation, Shiao-Hung Chiang, Daxin He, and Yuru Feng