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Abstract and Figures

In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication and electrochemical characterization of a microchip with 12 identical but individually addressable electrochemical measuring sites, each consisting of a set of interdigitated electrodes acting as a working electrode as well as two circular electrodes functioning as a counter and reference electrode in close proximity. The electrodes are made of gold on a silicon oxide substrate and are passivated by a silicon nitride membrane. A method for avoiding the creation of high edges at the electrodes (known as lift-off ears) is presented. The microchip design is highly symmetric to accommodate easy electronic integration and provides space for microfluidic inlets and outlets for integrated custom-made microfluidic systems on top.
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Sensors 2014, 14, 9505-9521; doi:10.3390/s140609505
ISSN 1424-8220
A Compact Microelectrode Array Chip with Multiple
Measuring Sites for Electrochemical Applications
Maria Dimaki 1,*, Marco Vergani 2, Arto Heiskanen 1, Dorota Kwasny 1, Luigi Sasso 1,3,
Marco Carminati 2, Juliet A. Gerrard 3, Jenny Emneus 1 and Winnie E. Svendsen 1
1 DTU Nanotech, Technical University of Denmark, Oersteds Plads, Bldg 345E, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby,
Denmark; E-Mails: (A.H.); (D.K.); (J.E.); (W.E.S.)
2 Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32,
I-20133 Milano, Italy; E-Mails: (M.V.); (M.C.)
3 The MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Biomolecular Interaction
Centre, School of Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800,
Christchurch 8140, New Zealand; E-Mails: (L.S.); (J.A.G.)
* Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail:;
Tel.: +45-45-25-58-29; Fax: +45-45-88-77-62.
Received: 20 January 2014; in revised form: 15 May 2014 / Accepted: 22 May 2014 /
Published: 28 May 2014
Abstract: In this paper we demonstrate the fabrication and electrochemical characterization
of a microchip with 12 identical but individually addressable electrochemical measuring
sites, each consisting of a set of interdigitated electrodes acting as a working electrode as
well as two circular electrodes functioning as a counter and reference electrode in close
proximity. The electrodes are made of gold on a silicon oxide substrate and are passivated
by a silicon nitride membrane. A method for avoiding the creation of high edges at the
electrodes (known as lift-off ears) is presented. The microchip design is highly symmetric
to accommodate easy electronic integration and provides space for microfluidic inlets and
outlets for integrated custom-made microfluidic systems on top.
Keywords: microfabrication; lift-off ears; electrochemical applications; multiple
measuring sites
Sensors 2014, 14 9506
1. Introduction
In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of reported lab-on-a-chip systems
utilizing electrochemical techniques for the detection of a wide range of analytes, e.g., DNA, amino
acids, peptides, drugs and even explosives [1]. The main reason for this increased interest is that
electrochemical detection can easily be integrated on-chip, since it only requires the manufacturing and
miniaturization of electrodes for which conventional microfabrication methods can be used. Moreover,
the method is reliable, providing high sensitivity [2], as well as a high degree of specificity and
selectivity, when appropriate modifications are applied. One other advantage is that the potential
required to perform electrochemical analysis is low opening up the possibilities of developing portable
battery operated point-of-care systems [3].
Electrochemical sensing is usually carried out in a 3-electrode system comprising a working
electrode (WE) where the reactions of interest take place, a reference electrode (RE) in proximity to
the WE to maintain a known and stable potential, and a counter electrode (CE) to facilitate electron
transfer that is complementary to the processes taking place at the WE allowing the resulting current to
pass through the electrolyte solution [2]. One of the most promising electrode geometries is
interdigitated arrays of microelectrodes (IDEs), mainly in terms of detection sensitivity and the
possibility for signal amplification [4]. The two fingers of the IDEs can be biased at the same or at
different potentials depending on the application [5], rendering the platform very versatile.
Regarding the choice of material, a great number of applications utilize gold WEs as they are easy
to functionalise, e.g., by thiols, and relatively inert [68]. Typical REs are composed of Ag/AgCl with
an internal electrolyte (KCl) and therefore their integration in microsensor devices is cumbersome and
requires additional microfluidic channels and complex microfabrication steps. Due to the complexity
of these designs there is usually only one measuring site per chip, which restricts the possible
applications of these devices for lab-on-a-chip and especially point-of-care systems, where multiple
measurements on a single sample are often needed. Furthermore, using an Ag/AgCl electrode might
compromise the biocompatibility of the chip, if used for electrochemical detection from cell cultures or
in vivo. Over long-term exposure to culturing media or physiological conditions, a possible release of
Ag+ ions and degradation of the electrode surface materials can occur [9]. For these reasons, Au is a
preferred REs material when it comes to microsensors for biological applications. Moreover, gold
electrodes have been extensively characterized and their electrochemical behavior is well known, not
only for WEs, but also for the cases of REs and CEs.
Although gold films are easily integrated into microfabrication processes, e.g., lift-off techniques
and other micro-lithography based processes, there are still major issues related to gold electrode
fabrication that need to be addressed.
Metal lift-off, based on the removal of the excess gold by dissolving the resist on which the gold is
deposited, is one of the most popular methods for creating gold electrodes due to its simplicity. A resist
undercut is required in order not to create a continuous gold film so that lift-off is easier and negative
tone resists or a chemical treatment of a positive tone resist can be used for the purpose [10]. However,
a common problem with this technique is the appearance of ear-like structures at the edges of the gold
(or other metal) patterns (known as ―rabbit ears‖ or ―lift-off ears‖). The presence of lift-off ears renders
additional microfabrication steps cumbersome and often impossible; this is particularly the case when
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a thin film layer has to be deposited on top of these structures, as is the case in this work. Moreover,
the sharp edges mean that a powerful electric field can be generated there, which can disrupt
measurements involving electric fields in liquids. Therefore a reliable method for avoiding their
formation is imperative.
In order to monitor electrochemical reactions only at the electrodes and not also on the connecting
wires, most of the chip’s surface needs to be insulated, leaving openings only at the active electrode
surfaces (and the contact pads). Materials used for the purpose can be dielectrics, e.g., silicon oxide
and silicon nitride, or polymers, e.g., SU8 or polyimide. Silicon oxide and silicon nitride layers are
preferred because of the ability to create thin layers and the ease in integration with other
microfabrication process steps. The deposition of these materials is also well known and characterized
in cleanroom processes. Good adhesion between the passivation material and the surface of the metal
is needed in order to avoid creeping of liquid under the passivation layer. This can be an issue in itself
for both silicon oxide [11] and silicon nitride but more so in relation to the existence of lift-off ears,
which inevitably will have an effect on adhesion.
In this paper we present a versatile and reproducible fabrication process for a microchip design
having 12 identical sets of microelectrodes, each including an interdigitated WE, one RE and one CE,
for use in various bioanalytical applications relying on electrochemical detection. We show how the
effect of lift-off ears can be avoided by using an additional etching step before the metal deposition
and how the use of a 500 nm thick layer of silicon nitride improves the stability and functionality of
the passivation layer. The influence of the optimized fabrication process and electrode cleaning on
high reproducibility of electrochemical processes is demonstrated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Finally, examples of the functionality of the microchips
in DNA hybridization and protein nanofibril-based glucose biosensing applications are shown.
2. Experimental Section
2.1. Chip Design and Fabrication Process
The chip dimension was determined so that the number of chips patterned on a 4-inch wafer could
be maximized to keep the fabrication costs sufficiently low. Due to this, the counter electrode to
working electrode area ratio was decreased to 6.4 (for each side of the interdigitated electrodes)
although a ratio of at least 10 would be more optimal. We also introduced a simple pseudo reference
electrode on chip, fabricated simultaneously with the working and counter electrodes and show that
this does not affect the electrochemical performance of the chip, even in applications where the
reference electrode is modified during electrode preparation or measurements. The distances between
the WE and CE and RE and WE were chosen in order to maximize the number of individual
measuring sites and not after consideration of the IR drop; however, due to the small distances and the
size of the WE the IR drop is generally small [12].
The microchip design was based on specific requirements regarding the number of desired
individual measuring sites, the size of the electrodes in each measuring site, the space occupied by
contact pads, on-chip wiring to the electrodes and space for integrating an individually addressable
microfluidic electrochemical cell to each measuring site. Moreover, the on-chip wiring to the
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electrodes was designed to be symmetric in order to simplify the construction of a miniaturized
potentiostat to be integrated on a microfluidic platform holding the microchip for electrochemical
measurements [5]. An additional design constrain was that cleanroom fabrication rules limited the use
of metal to a maximum of 8%9% of the surface of a wafer. The design also allows for the fabrication
of 12 microfluidic chambers connected by a smaller number of microfluidic channels to inlets and
outlets on the chip. The microfluidic system will not be addressed in this paper.
The width of and gap between the interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) was set to be 10 µm, although
the fabrication process was also tested on structures of 2, 3 and 5 µm (width was always equal to the
gap size). Each microchip contains 12 identical electrochemical measuring sites, each comprising an
IDE, a reference electrode with a diameter of 50 µm and a counter electrode with a diameter of
700 µm. The sizes of the RE and CE were chosen in order to satisfy space requirements in each
measuring site and the need of having a CE with significantly larger surface area than the IDE [13].
An individual set of IDE, RE and CE can be seen in Figure 1a. To accommodate all the electrodes and
the on-chip wiring, each microchip has the dimensions of 22 × 22 mm2, facilitating fabrication of
nine chips on a 4-inch wafer. The layout of a microchip is shown in Figure 1b.
Figure 1. (a) Optical microscopy image of a single measuring site with RE, CE and two
working electrodes comprising an IDE, taken after the end of the fabrication process;
(b) Layout of the microchip containing 12 measuring sites.
The optimised fabrication process is schematically summarized in Figure 2. First, 500 nm of silicon
dioxide were thermally grown on a standard single-polished silicon wafer in a drive-in furnace at
1050 °C. All the metal structures, i.e., electrodes, wiring and contact pads, were defined by
photolithography using a positive photoresist (AZ® 5214E from MicroChemicals GmbH, Ulm,
Germany) with an image reversal process. After development the wafer was dipped in HF for 100 s in
order to form a 150 nm deep isotropic undercut into which the metals (10 nm Ti and 150 nm Au) were
deposited by electron beam evaporation. The HF dip was necessary in order to avoid the formation of
lift-off ears at the edges of the metallic structures, as is shown in the results and discussion section.
The structures were subsequently formed after lift-off in acetone. All non-active gold areas (the wiring
from the electrodes to the contact pads) were passivated by 500 nm silicon nitride deposited by
plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD). Etching of the nitride from the active gold
areas was done after another photolithographic step, again using an image reversal process, coupled
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with a reactive ion etch (RIE). The photoresist used as the etching mask was removed by ultrasonication
in acetone followed by intermediate rinsing with ethanol and final rinsing with deionised water.
Figure 2. Summary of the optimised fabrication process. (1) 500 nm silicon dioxide are
deposited on a silicon wafer; (2) The electrodes are patterned by photolithography and a
HF dip creates undercuts at the locations where the metals are to be deposited; (3) 10 nm Ti
and 150 nm Au are deposited by a thermal evaporation process and the electrodes are
formed by lift-off; (4) 500 nm of silicon nitride are deposited by PECVD; (5) The nitride
layer is patterned by photolithography and etched with RIE to open the electrode areas and
the contact pads.
During the optimization of the fabrication process we also tested the use of a 1 µm thick PECVD
deposited silicon dioxide layer as the passivation layer. A comparison of the two materials as
passivation layers is presented in the Results and Discussion section.
2.2. Atomic Force Microscopy Measurements
A Nanoman Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) from Bruker Corporation (Billerica, MA, USA) was
used in order to characterize the height of the lift-off ears at the edges of the metallic structures (mostly
the IDEs). Images were taken at several positions on the wafer in order to determine whether the chip
location on the wafer had an effect on the measured height.
2.3. Electrochemical Characterization
Prior to the electrochemical characterization the electrode chips were cleaned by treatment with a
solution composed of 50 mM KOH and 25% H2O2 for 10 min, followed by a potential sweep of the
IDEs from 0.2 to 1.2 V in 50 mM KOH at the potential scan rate of 50 mV/s to remove the gold
oxides formed during the chemical cleaning [14].
To characterize the effects of the cleaning procedure on the electrode chips both electrochemical
impedance spectra (EIS) and cyclic voltammograms (CVs) were acquired using an Autolab potentiostat
(PGSTAT302N, Utrecht, The Netherlands) before and after every cleaning step in a solution containing
10 mM of ferri/ferrocyanide ([Fe(CN)6]3/4) in phosphate buffer saline (PBS). For EIS recordings a
sinusoidal perturbation potential (10 mV RMS vs. the open circuit potential) was applied between the
on-chip CEs and IDEs of each measuring site in the frequency range between 200 mHz and 1 MHz. The
CVs were recorded at the scan rate of 100 mV/s in the potential window from 0.5 to 0.5 V.
To demonstrate that all of the 12 electrode sets on a chip are identical, CVs were acquired on each
of the IDEs (the same electrolyte solution as above) using a CH1000A multichannel potentiostat
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(CH Instruments Inc., Austin, TX, USA). A potential scan rate of 100 mV/s was used in the potential
window from 0.35 to 0.35 V. The on-chip RE and CE of each measuring site were used for the CV
recordings. For EIS spectra showing the similarity between the 12 electrode sets the same parameters
as for the characterization were used.
Additionally, the DNA hybridization on the IDEs of the electrode sets was monitored with EIS
using an Autolab PGSTAT302N potentiostat. Prior to DNA sensing the electrodes were cleaned as
described above; however, the potential cycling was performed from 0.2 to 1.4 V. The chips were
modified by overnight incubation in a humidity chamber at room temperature (RT) with a 1 µM thiol
modified DNA probe. After washing in PBS the chips were incubated with 1 µM complementary DNA
solution in PBS for 1 h at RT. Before the measurements the chips were washed in PBS. All DNA
sequences used in the project are listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Details of the DNA sequences used in the DNA experiments.
DNA probe (SH-DNA)
Complementary DNA (cDNA)
Non-complementary DNA (ncDNA)
The EIS recordings were done using the same parameters and electrolyte solution as described
above. The impedance spectra were acquired after each step of the DNA sensing procedure: (1) on
bare cleaned gold electrodes; (2) after overnight immobilization of SH-DNA probe; and (3) after
hybridization with a complementary DNA (cDNA) target. As all of the electrodes were modified with
the DNA probe (i.e., also the reference electrode), impedance spectra acquired using the on-chip RE of
each measuring site were compared with spectra acquired using an external custom made
pseudoreference electrode (a silver wire covered with AgCl) placed in the measurement chamber.
Moreover, a control experiment with non-complementary DNA was carried out to evaluate the source
of the signal change.
Protein nanofibrils (PNFs) from whey protein isolate were fabricated and functionalized with
glucose oxidase and thiol moieties using a previously reported multifunctionalization approach [15].
Deposition of the functionalized PNFs onto electrodes was done by pipetting 200 µL of a PNF solution
(2 mg/mL) onto the microchip and allowing the PNFs to sediment onto the electrodes for 30 min. After
washing of the microchip with milliQ water, the cyclic voltammetry measurements were carried out
using a mediator solution of potassium ferricyanide ([Fe(CN)6]3−, 10 mM) with and without the inclusion
of D-glucose (100 mM). The mediator concentration was chosen after an optimization process to
clearly visualize the detection peak. A control experiment using fibrils that had not been functionalized
with glucose oxidase was also conducted.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Fabrication
The fabrication process used for the electrodes had three requirements: (1) The gold electrodes
fabricated should be relatively equal in terms of width and height across the wafer; (2) The width of
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and the gap between the digits of the IDEs should be equal; (3) The passivation layer should adhere
well on the substrate (both the oxide and the gold electrodes) so that creeping of electrolyte under the
layer and onto the metal leads could be eliminated. In an image reversal process an undercut profile is
expected to be formed in the developed photoresist which prohibits the deposition of a continuous
metal film. Apart from being difficult to lift-off, such a continuous film would also create rough edges
(lift-off ears) on the metallic structures, which are unwanted in a process aiming at the fabrication of
robust well-defined electrode areas.
3.1.1. Elimination of Lift-Off Ears
To confirm that no edges were present AFM characterization of the IDEs was performed after the
lift-off process. The obtained results are shown in Figure 3 and were contrary to expectations. Despite
the applied image reversal process lift-off ears were formed on the electrode structures, with heights
ranging from 10 nm all the way to 900 nm above the electrode surface. The height of the lift-off ears
was depending on the electrode width and the location of the electrode chip on the wafer. Figure 3ac
show 2 µm wide structures from different parts of the wafer, while Figure 3d shows 5 µm wide
structures. Although lift-off ears were also present on the 5 µm wide structures, they were considerably
lower, with height distribution up to 200 nm, which still is, however, of the same order of magnitude
as the height of the electrodes.
Figure 3. 3D reconstruction of AFM images showing the formed lift-off ears. (a) 2 µm
width structures at the middle of the wafer; (b) 2 µm width structures at one edge of
the wafer; (c) 2 µm width structures at the opposite edge of the wafer relative to (b); and
(d) 5 µm width structures at the right side of the wafer; (e) Schematic of the metal evaporation
process that is thought to cause the uneven distribution of the height of the lift-off ears. The
letters mark the location at which the images (a)(d) were taken.
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It is clear from Figure 3 that the location of the electrode chips with respect to the centre of the
wafer has an effect on the height of the ears. Since thermal evaporation was used, the metal is
deposited on the wafer from a point source (where the electron beam hits the metal target in the
cubicle) following line of flight, thus hitting a particular point on the wafer at an angle dependent on
the distance of the point from the centre of the wafer (see illustration in Figure 3e). This means that for
electrodes located at the edges of the wafer, one side of the photoresist is covered with more metal than
the other side, which results in the formation of higher lift-off ears. Furthermore, the angle of the
electrodes relative to the incoming trajectory of the metal also influences the height distribution of the
formed lift-off ears: An angle of 0° results in the most one-sided deposition whereas at an angle of 90°
the ear formation is more even. The deposition angle cannot be fully controlled during metal
evaporation, since placement of the wafer on the holder is done manually. Due to this, the effect of the
deposition angle was only noted after most of the wafer batches had been processed. However, it was
clear that the electrodes located closest to the edges of the wafer had the most uneven height
distribution of lift-off ears. It should be noted that the inhomogeneity of the ear height could to some
extent be compensated by rotating the holder during deposition. In that case the deposition would have
been more homogeneous across the wafer, but the lift-off ears would not be eliminated.
Despite considerable lithography optimization in terms of exposure time and exposure mode
(constant intensity or constant power) the ears were present every time a new wafer batch was started.
Moreover, the width of and gap between the IDEs was not the same for the smaller dimensions, having
variation by as much as 25%. Although a small variation is to be expected, given the nature of
photolithography, this large deviation cannot only be explained by this. After having first examined the
used lithographic mask, the developed photoresist was imaged by Scanning Electron Microscopy
(SEM). The results, shown in Figure 4, confirm that the photolithography process is the probable cause
for the aberrations in electrode width and gap: (a) the resist profile does not have an undercut, but the
resist is broader at the bottom of the layer and narrower at the top; and (b) the top surface of the resist
is not homogeneous in height but has grooves that seem to follow the structures on the mask. The
results presented in Figures 3 and 4 appeared continuously over a period of 1 year for eight batches of
wafers fabricated by two cleanroom trained researchers, an experienced cleanroom technician and a
lithography process specialist. During the same period no other lithography problems were reported by
cleanroom users. Therefore, we concluded that the problem may have been caused by lightwave
interference due to the geometry of the fabricated structures.
The formation of the ears, a common challenge in lift-off processes, poses a large problem for the
further passivation of the electrodes by PECVD oxide or nitride, and therefore its removal or
avoidance is imperative. We investigated the use of iodine etch (100:25:500 KI:I2:H2O (w/w/v)) to
remove the sharp ears, which are expected to be etched much faster than the bulk of the gold
electrodes. However, the etch rate of gold was not controllable using this approach; even a few
seconds of exposure to the etch solution removed entirely the gold structures from the wafer. For the
same reason it was not possible to fabricate the electrodes by first depositing the metal followed by
patterning the electrodes through gold etching.
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Figure 4. SEM images (at 30° tilt) of the resist structure. (a) The 2 µm structures (resist
lines represent the area between the electrodes), showing an almost 2 fold difference in the
width of the top and bottom layer of the resist, with a narrower top part. The scalebar is 3 µm;
(b) The resist structure at the end of an electrode, showing an inhomogeneous surface
topography with a central groove. The electrode (dark region in between the light regions)
is also ill-defined at the corner. The scale bar is 5 µm.
Figure 5. AFM images of 2 µm wide electrodes using the HF etching technique prior to
metallization. (a) An electrode where no ears are present; and (b) an electrode with
existing ears with a height that is considerably lower than before and with only partial
coverage of the electrode surface. The left panels show the AFM image, the middle panels
show a 3D reconstruction of the AFM image and the right panels show a line profile across
the electrode width. Scale bar is (a) 1 µm and (b) 2 µm.
A solution to the problem was found by introducing an HF etching step after the photolithography
of the electrodes prior to depositing the metals [16,17]. Due to the isotropic nature of the HF etch, a
groove on the silicon dioxide surface is created, which is slightly wider than the area where the resist is
removed. By timing the HF etch so that about 150 nm of silicon dioxide are removed, only a few
nanometers of metal remain over the silicon dioxide surface. AFM images of the resulting structures
after metal deposition and lift-off are shown in Figure 5. By utilizing this HF etching step a significant
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decrease in the formation of ears is achieved both in terms of electrode area coverage as well as ear
height. As shown in Figure 5b, the maximum ear height is slightly over 50 nm compared to the
previously observed heights of over 900 nm. Moreover, based on optical microscopic examination of
the structures, we estimate that when using the HF technique maximally 10% of the electrode area has
lift-off ears, compared to a nearly total coverage when no etching is used.
3.1.2. Optimization of Passivation Layer
Passivation of the electrodes was originally attempted by depositing 1000 nm of PECVD silicon
dioxide. The effect of the lift-off ears on the passivation layer can be seen both immediately by optical
microscopy after finishing the fabrication process and electrochemically after acquiring a CV on the
fabricated electrode chips. Cracks are present on the silicon dioxide layer and there are entire regions
with no silicon dioxide at all (Figure 6a). These missing pieces are found deposited on other parts of
the wafer. Moreover, the oxide layer that does adhere on the metallic leads after the finished
fabrication process cracks during acquisition of a CV due to the large electric field generated at the
very sharp edges of the ears (Figure 6b).
Figure 6. (a) Optical microscope images of electrodes and leads with visible cracks in the
silicon oxide passivation layer; (b) The reference electrode before (left) and after (right) a
CV was acquired. New cracks are visible after acquisition of the CV; (c) The three
electrodes after fabrication, wafer dicing, cleaning and measurement. No cracks can be
seen in the utilized silicon nitride passivation layer. Scale bars in (a) and (b) are 50 µm, and
in (c) 700 µm.
On the chips with no (or with limited presence of) lift-off ears, i.e., those fabricated with the HF
etching step, there are no cracks present after the last fabrication step. These are however introduced
on the larger structures during dicing of the wafers with a diamond saw in order to acquire the
individual electrode chips. This can be avoided to a certain extent by dicing the wafers before
removing the photoresist layer used in the last lithography step for patterning the silicon oxide
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passivation layer. In this case, the resist is removed outside the cleanroom on a chip-to-chip basis by
soaking each chip in boiling acetone. Acquisition of CVs does not introduce cracks in this case;
however it was noticed that the cleaning procedure before electrochemical characterization also can
introduce cracks in the passivating oxide layer.
For these reasons the passivation layer was changed to PECVD silicon nitride, which adheres better
on the gold electrodes and is commonly used as a passivation layer [18]. Although nitride takes longer
time to deposit on the wafer and also increases the parasitic capacitance of the chip, the etching time in
RIE for the 500 nm layer is only 7 min, compared to about 1 h for the PECVD oxide, and there are no
visible cracks after the fabrication, dicing of the wafers, removal of the resist or after measurements
(Figure 6c). The adhesion of the nitride to the gold electrodes can further be quantified by looking at
the EIS spectra acquired during the characterization, as will be presented in the next section. PECVD
silicon nitride is generally free of pinholes (less than 1 pinhole per cm2 [19]) and according to the
cleanroom quality control data the number of particles on the nitride, the refractive index and the
deposition rate were all within the specifications at the time of the fabrication. No further
measurements of the pinhole density were therefore carried out. Finally, electrical breakdown
measurements for the deposited nitride were carried out at the non-etched regions by sweeping the
voltage across the nitride layer from 0 to 200 V (limit of the device) without any measurable
breakdown of the nitride. The current through the nitride at 200 V was about 180 nA.
3.2. Electrochemical Characterization
Considering that the best results in terms of electrode dimension reproducibility, ear removal and
passivation were achieved with larger size structures the chip design was modified by changing the
electrode width to 10 µm. All characterization results presented in this section were obtained on the
IDEs having 10 µm width and gap size.
The effect of the cleaning process can be seen in Figure 7. Impedance spectra (Figure 7a) and CVs
(Figure 7b) acquired on the IDEs are shown both before cleaning and after the two cleaning steps. The
impedance spectra show how the charge transfer resistance is reduced after each cleaning step and the
CVs show how the cathodic and anodic peaks become more pronounced. Usually there is only a small
difference between the CVs after the 1st and 2nd cleaning steps, which is in agreement with the results
described in [14].
The behavior shown in Figure 7 is reproducible on all 12 IDEs of a chip, although the quality of the
electrodes before the cleaning steps can sometimes vary significantly. The reason for this is most likely
the dicing of the wafers to obtain the individual chips and the subsequent removal of the resist after the
dicing. Dicing introduces a significant amount of silicon particles on the wafer surface (and thus on the
electrodes) and the resist cannot be removed effectively by only soaking in boiling acetone. Therefore
it is plausible that directly after fabrication some of the electrodes are cleaner than others.
After the cleaning described in the materials and methods section all of the 12 sets of electrodes are
practically identical in their electrochemical behaviour. This can be seen in Figure 8a, showing CVs
acquired on all of the 12 electrodes. The 12 CVs are significantly superimposed on each other,
confirming the good reproducibility of both the fabrication process and the cleaning procedure. EIS
spectra acquired on all of the 12 electrodes after cleaning are also identical (Figure 8b).
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Figure 7. (a) Impedance spectra and (b) CVs recorded on a WE before and after each
cleaning step. Each step reduces the charge transfer resistance and improves the cathodic
and anodic peak of the CVs.
Figure 8. CVs (a) and EIS spectra (b) recorded on all of the 12 WEs using the on chip
reference and counter electrodes for each measuring site. The CVs and EIS spectra are well
superimposed on each other, presenting practically identical peak potentials and currents as
well as impedance on each of the 12 electrodes.
Figure 8b also provides evidence of the good adhesion between the nitride passivation layer to the
gold electrodes. In the case of bad adhesion, i.e., a cavity forming between the metal and the
passivation layer, there would be a low frequency distortion of the spectra. This means that the straight
line of Figure 8b at roughly an angle of 45° would no longer be a line but a curve. This is indeed the
case when EIS spectra is taken for oxide as a passivation layer (data not shown).
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3.3. Applications of the Microelectrode Array Chip
Many applications of the electrodes involve modification of their surface using for instance
deposition of self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of thiols [20]. In such processes all the gold
electrodes, including REs and CEs are modified simultaneously although only the IDEs should ideally
be modified. This can inevitably influence the recorded electrochemical signal. We have therefore
compared the sensing abilities of the electrodes in terms of monitoring DNA hybridization when using
the on-chip RE and an external pseudo RE. After incubation with a DNA probe the charge transfer
resistance (the semicircle of Figure 9a) increases, as the DNA probe is negatively charged and
therefore inhibits the electrons from the mediator reaching the electrode. When complementary DNA
binds to the DNA probe the negative charge on the electrode increases further, as does the recorded
charge transfer resistance. No such change is observed when the DNA is a non-complementary strand,
as can be seen in Figure 9b, as there is no binding with the immobilized DNA probe occurring. We
note that the data presented in Figure 9a,b are not from the same experiment; the change in charge
transfer resistance depends on the amount of the probe/complementary DNA binding on the chips,
which can differ from experiment to experiment.
Figure 9. (a) Impedance spectra acquired on a bare WE, the same WE after modification
of the electrode surface with a DNA probe and after hybridization with a complementary
DNA (cDNA) using the on chip and an external reference electrode. The difference
between spectra recorded with the two different REs is minimal after the first modification
but is increased when the surface of the on-chip reference electrode is further modified by the
cDNA. However, detection of DNA hybridization is clearly possible using the on-chip RE;
(b) Control experiment (using RE on chip) where a non-complementary DNA strand is
first hybridized on chip. The EIS spectra remain virtually unchanged as no binding occurs
between the DNA probe and the non-complementary strand.
Sensors 2014, 14 9518
As can be seen in Figure 9a, there is a difference in the recorded impedance spectra after DNA
hybridization when using either the on-chip RE, which is modified together with the IDEs, or an
external RE. Although there is a difference between the spectra recorded with the two different REs,
this is quite small and the detection of the hybridization is still clearly possible using the on-chip REs.
Our results are comparable with those obtained using an external reference electrode [21] or an on-chip
reference electrode made of platinum [22].
An additional application for the microelectrodes created in this work is the creation of a
glucose-biosensing platform. PNFs formed from whey protein isolate were utilized as a nanoscaffold
for glucose oxidase (GOx) immobilization on the interdigitated WEs. The PNFs were functionalized with
GOx for biosensing and with thiol moieties for gold surface attachment using a multifunctionalization
approach [15]. After PNF-GOx immobilization onto the electrodes, cyclic voltammetry was used
as detection method. The mediated glucose response is seen by an increase in anodic peak current
(Figure 10a). The glucose detection peak is reflecting the mediator oxidation upon the redox reactions
occurring between the glucose and the glucose oxidase immobilized on the electrodes via the protein
nanofibrils. There is a small reduction peak (both in the presence and not of glucose), but it is hidden
by a large cathodic ohmic behavior which arises due to the nature of the electrode’s reversibility
characteristics in this particular batch and due to the high double-layer capacitance from the presence
of the protein nanofibrils (and other protein material) sitting on the surface of the electrode. As a
control, the response of electrodes covered with non-modified fibrils (i.e., fibrils without the glucose
oxidase enzyme) and exposed to the same detection solution (glucose + mediator) was recorded and
shown in Figure 10b. There is again a large cathodic current as before but no oxidation peak can be
seen. Although there are some issues with the electrode surface properties in this particular experiment,
there is a clear difference between the control and the glucose oxidase modified nanofibrils. These
results are comparable to similar PNF-based glucose biosensor systems that utilize commercially available
electrodes [15].
Figure 10. (a) Typical cyclic voltammogram of the biosensor platform’s response to glucose
(100 mM) in a Ferricyanide mediator (10 mM) (red) and to the mediator alone (black),
using individual WE/CE/RE microelectrode sets and a potential sweep rate of 100 mV/s;
(b) A CV obtained from electrodes modified with fibrils without the immobilized glucose
oxidase enzyme.
Sensors 2014, 14 9519
4. Conclusions/Outlook
In conclusion, we have presented a simple and robust process for the fabrication of microelectrode
chips having 12 identical individually addressable electrochemical measuring sites. The common
microfabrication issue of the lift-off ears has been solved by an HF dip before metallization and the
electrodes have been effectively passivated by a 500 nm silicon nitride layer exposing only the small
electrode areas to the analytes and thus reducing measuring noise. The optimized protocol has been used
in processing numerous batches of wafers during the past 3 years with consistent and reproducible
results, yielding WEs having the same impedance levels after the optimized cleaning procedure.
The chips have been characterized by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy and the results show that all 12 electrodes are identical in their electrochemical
behaviour. Moreover, we have shown that the on-chip reference electrode can be used even when the
application calls for a modification of the surface of the electrodes, which was successfully
demonstrated by the detection of DNA hybridization by impedance spectroscopy and by a protein
nanofibril-based glucose biosensing via cyclic voltammetry.
The fabricated chips have been used in various applications, such as monitoring of dopamine
exocytosis from PC12 cells, where the electrodes were modified by an overoxidised polypyrrole
layer [23] and mercaptopropionic acid SAM [24].
Finally, we note that the chip design is easily modified in order to accommodate other electrode
geometries, like for example a 7 × 7 array of circular flat gold or 3D electrodes in polymer [25]
centered on the chip. Furthermore, by adding a few extra steps in the fabrication sequence to
accommodate for patterning and etching structures in silicon by KOH, arrays of 3D electrodes [26,27]
can be made on the same platform, thus improving the electrode impedance due to the increased
surface area [28].
The authors thank the Danish Council for Independent Research (Technology and Production
Sciences) and the EU FP7 project EXCELL (NMP4-SL-2008-214706) for financial support.
Author contributions
Maria Dimaki designed the chip, developed the final optimized fabrication process and fabricated
and visualized the chips together with Marco Vergani in the cleanroom. Marco also developed the
PCB platform for obtaining connections to the chip and did a lot of the characterization of the oxide
passivated chips. Arto Heiskanen provided input to the chip design and developed the cleaning
protocol. Dorota Kwasny did all the DNA related measurements as well as the chip cleaning data (CV
and EIS). Luigi Sasso did the work with nanofibrils under the guidance of Juliet Gerrard and also
participated in the characterization of the chips. Marco Carminati assisted in the design of the
connecting wires so that the design of an integrated potentiostat would be simplified. Winnie Svendsen
and Jenny Emneus had the overall supervision of the project, and provided the background information
necessary. Maria Dimaki was the main author of the paper with contributions from Luigi Sasso,
Dorota Kwasny and Arto Heiskanen.
Sensors 2014, 14 9520
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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... On-chip electrochemical cell arrays are powerful devices in this regard that enable to simultaneously measure in a single experiment multiple analytes in one sample (Quinton et al., 2011) or a single analyte in multiple samples (Giagkoulovits et al., 2018), using cost-effective low-power instrumentation. One important feature when designing compact electrochemical cells of planar configuration is the arrangement of electrical tracks and related contact pads of electrodes operating independently (Dimaki et al., 2014). ...
... An excellent approach to circumvent these drawbacks is the use of thin-film microfabrication technologies (Sassa et al., 2020) for manufacturing miniaturized on-chip electrochemical cells. Robust electrodes can be mass-produced at high yield and arranged into compact three-electrode and two-electrode electrochemical cells showing different electrode materials and cell device architectures (Quinton et al., 2011;Giagkoulovits et al., 2018;Dimaki et al., 2014;Ino et al., 2011;Yao et al., 2015). Special attention is paid to the integration of stable REs into highly miniaturized devices (Gencoglu and Minerick, 2014). ...
This work reports on the fabrication and performance of a new on-chip array of gold thin-film electrodes arranged into five individually addressable miniaturized electrochemical cells. Each cell shows a two-electrode configuration comprising a single working electrode and a counter/pseudo-reference electrode that is compartmentalized to be shared among all the cells of the array. Using this configuration, just six contact pads are required, which significantly reduces the chip overall surface area. Electrochemical characterization studies are carried out in solutions containing the two species of reversible redox pairs. The concentration of one redox species can reliably be measured at the working electrode by applying potentiostatic techniques to record the current due to the corresponding electrochemical reaction. The redox counterpart in turn undergoes an electrochemical process at the counter/pseudo-reference electrode, which, under optimized experimental conditions, injects current and keeps the applied potential in the electrochemical cell without limiting the current being recorded at the working electrode. Under these conditions, the electrode array shows an excellent performance in electrochemical detection studies without any chemical or electrical cross-talk between cells. The enzymatic activity of horseradish peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase and myeloperoxidase enzymes is analyzed using different redox mediators. Quasi-simultaneous measurements with the five electrochemical cells of the array are carried out within 1 s time frame. This array layout can be suitable for multiplexed electrochemical immunoassays and immunosensor approaches and implementation in simplified electrochemical ELISA platforms that make use of enzyme labels. Moreover, the array reduced dimensions facilitate the integration into compact fluidic devices.
... This photoresist is thermally stable up to 300 • C. Second, PECVD material deposition produces nanometer spikes along the side edges of the patterns, especially as the deposited target height increases. This artifact is similar to the liftoff ears reported in the metal deposition by the sputtering method [33,34]. A possible cause is that the lift-off process may have left a thin SiO 2 deposit on the sidewalls of the PR because the thickness difference between LOR and SiO 2 is insufficient for the developer to pass through. ...
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Ultra-thin optical components with high design flexibility are required for various applications in today’s optical and imaging systems, and this is why the use of diffractive optical elements (DOEs) is rapidly increasing. They can be used for multiple optical systems because of their compact size, increased design flexibility, and ease of mass production. Unfortunately, most existing DOEs are fabricated using conventional etching-based methods, resulting in high surface roughness and aspect ratio-dependent etching rate. Furthermore, when small feature size and large feature size patterns co-exist in the same DOE design, the etching depth differs significantly in the same design, called reactive-ion etching (RIE) lag. All these artifacts lead to a reduction in the diffraction efficiency of DOEs. To overcome the drawbacks of etching-based fabrication methods, we propose an alternative method for fabricating DOEs without RIE lag and with improved surface smoothness. The method consists of additively growing multilevel microstructures of SiO2 material deposited by the plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) method onto the substrate followed by liftoff. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the fabrication methods with representative DOEs for imaging and laser beam shaping applications.
... All experiments were performed using a previously reported impedance measurement setup ( Figure 1) comprising a micromilled poly(methyl methacrylate) cell culture unit (600 µL well for cell culturing) [17], having a microelectrode array (MEA) chip with 12 interdigitated electrodes (IDEs -12 digits: length 500 μm; width and gap 10 μm), fabricated in a previously published UV lithographic process including ebeam evaporation of metals (150 nm of Au on a 10 nm Ti adhesion layer; 500 nm silicon nitride passivation layer to define active electrode areas and contact pads) [30], a miniaturized custom-made 12-channel bipotentiostat and data acquisition software [31]. ...
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We present here the first impedance-based characterization of the differentiation process of two human mesencephalic fetal neural stem lines. The two dopaminergic neural stem cell lines used in this study, Lund human mesencephalic (LUHMES) and human ventral mesencephalic (hVM1 Bcl-XL), have been developed for the study of Parkinsonian pathogenesis and its treatment using cell replacement therapy. We show that if only relying on impedance magnitude analysis, which is by far the most usual approach in, e.g., cytotoxicity evaluation and drug screening applications, one may not be able to distinguish whether the neural stem cells in a population are proliferating or differentiating. However, the presented results highlight that equivalent circuit analysis can provide detailed information on cellular behavior, e.g. simultaneous changes in cell morphology, cell-cell contacts, and cell adhesion during formation of neural projections, which are the fundamental behavioral differences between proliferating and differentiating neural stem cells. Moreover, our work also demonstrates the sensitivity of impedance-based monitoring with capability to provide information on changes in cellular behavior in relation to proliferation and differentiation. For both of the studied cell lines, in already two days (one day after induction of differentiation) equivalent circuit analysis was able to show distinction between proliferation and differentiation conditions, which is significantly earlier than by microscopic imaging. This study demonstrates the potential of impedance-based monitoring as a technique of choice in the study of stem cell behavior, laying the foundation for screening assays to characterize stem cell lines and testing the efficacy epigenetic control.
... Thin films of transition metals such as gold (Dimaki et al., 2014;Vafaiee et al., 2019), platinum (Brummer and Turner, 1977;Desai et al., 2010), and iridium (Eick et al., 2009;Brunton, 2015) are usually used for the construction of microelectrode arrays due to their high conductivity and biocompatibility (Blau et al., 2011). Given the importance of electrode size in the recorded signals, achieving less impedance in electrode construction is the crucial factor. ...
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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) coatings have been shown over the past few years as a promising material for neural interface applications. In particular, in the field of nerve implants, CNTs have fundamental advantages due to their unique mechanical and electrical properties. In this study, carbon nanotubes multi-electrode arrays (CNT-modified-Au MEAs) were fabricated based on gold multi-electrode arrays (Au-MEAs). The electrochemical impedance spectra of CNT-modified-Au MEA and Au-MEA were compared employing equivalent circuit models. In comparison with Au-MEA (17 Ω), CNT-modified-Au MEA (8 Ω) lowered the overall impedance of the electrode at 1 kHz by 50%. The results showed that CNT-modified-Au MEAs have good properties such as low impedance, high stability and durability, as well as scratch resistance, which makes them appropriate for long-term application in neural interfaces.
... The electrode surface was modified by immobilizing an aptamer/co-adsorbent complex as described in aptamer/MCH immobilization on the IDE Section. After incubation with the aptamer/MCH, R ct increased to 4.164% as the DNA aptamer probe is negatively charged and, therefore, inhibited electrons from the mediator reaching the electrode 14 . Incubation with the 25 nM MPT64 caused a further increase in R ct change up to 4.734%. ...
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This work presents experimental results on detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis secreted protein MPT64 using an interdigitated electrode (IDE) which acts as a platform for capturing an immunogenic protein and an electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) as a detection technique. The assay involves a special receptor, single stranded DNA (ssDNA) aptamer, which specifically recognizes MPT64 protein. The ssDNA immobilization on IDE was based on a co-adsorbent immobilization at an optimized ratio of a 1/100 HS-(CH6)6-OP(O)2O-(CH2CH2O)6-5′-TTTTT-aptamer-3′/6-mercaptohexanol. The optimal sample incubation time required for a signal generation on an aptamer modified IDE was found to be at a range of 15–20 min. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) results confirmed a possible formation of an aptamer - MPT64 complex with a 20 nm roughness on the IDE surface vs. 4.5 nm roughness for the IDE modified with the aptamer only. A limit of detection for the EIS aptasensor based on an IDE for the detection of MPT64 in measurement buffer was 4.1 fM. The developed EIS aptasensor was evaluated on both serum and sputum clinical samples from the same TB (−) and TB (+) patients having a specificity and sensitivity for the sputum sample analysis 100% and 76.47%, respectively, and for the serum sample analysis 100% and 88.24%, respectively. The developed aptasensor presents a sensitive method for the TB diagnosis with the fast detection time.
... This is related to the efficient mass transport of the redox-active species to and from the micro-sized electrode surface (i.e., the electrode diameter is <100 μm) and the bulk solution. 6,10,41 One of the many challenges in the development of multiplexed MEA sensors is to individually and independently immobilize functional coatings onto the electrode surface of each of the MEs with a high quality of spatial control. 7,9,42,43 Benefits of precise deposition of responsive functional coatings are expected to further boost the use of MEAs, for example, by fabrication of MEAs on soft materials or functionalization of MEAs improving their performance and biocompatibility. ...
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Printing arrays of responsive spots for multiplexed sensing with electrochemical readout requires new molecules and precise, high-throughput deposition of active compounds on microelectrodes with spatial control. We have designed and developed new redox-responsive polymers, featuring a poly(ferrocenylsilane) (PFS) backbone and side groups with disulfide units, which allow an efficient and stable bonding to Au substrates, using sulphur-gold coupling chemistry in a “grafting-to” approach. The polymer molecules can be employed for area selective molecular sensing following their deposition by high precision inkjet printing. The new PFS-derivatives, which serve as “molecular inks”, were characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FTIR spectroscopy and by gel permeation chromatography. The viscosity and surface tension of the inks were assessed by rheology and pendant drop contact angle measurements, respectively. Commercial microelectrode arrays were modified using the new PFS ink by using inkjet printing in the “drop-on-demand” mode. FTIR spectroscopy, AFM and EDX-SEM confirmed a successful, spatially localized PFS modification of the individual electrodes within the sensing cells of the microelectrode arrays. The potential application of these devices to act as an electrochemical sensor array was demonstrated with a model analyte, ascorbic acid, using cyclic voltammetry and amperometric measurements.
... In fact non-Faradaic EIS measurements have shown the C DL can be used with interdigitated gold electrodes to achieve attomolar sensitivity levels for DNA detection and that voltage pulses and the resulting non-Faradaic currents can be used to measure DNA hybridization in the pM to nM range (Fernandes et al., 2014;Hsu et al., 2016;Wang et al., 2017). Owing to the sensitivity of EIS, the placement of the reference electrode can affect the response (Dimaki et al., 2014). This lends microfabricated systems an advantage as the reference electrode can be fabricated on-chip resulting in consistent inter-electrode distances between measurements and between devices. ...
This review article presents an overview of recent work on electrochemical biosensors developed using microfabrication processes, particularly sensors used to achieve sensitive and specific detection of DNA sequences. Such devices are important as they lend themselves to miniaturisation, reproducible mass-manufacture, and integration with other previously existing technologies and production methods. The review describes the current state of these biosensors, novel methods used to produce them or enhance their sensing properties, and pathways to deployment of a complete point-of-care biosensing system in a clinical setting.
... PDMS stamp designed as in Figure 1 was washed in an ultrasonic bath in ethanol for 1 min and dried gently with N 2 before use. Microstructured PDMS was covered with 50 µL of eicosanthiol (HS-C 20 ) from 1 mM ethanol solution for 1 min and gently dried with N 2 and then applied on the gold substrate [38]. 1 min was found to be the optimal duration of contact between thiol and the gold substrate. ...
Facile fabrication of large electroactive surface area Pt microelectrodes by a combined soft lithographic and electroplating approach is reported. Pt nanostructures have been obtained on Au interdigitated array templates using potentiodynamic electrodeposition in additive-free platinisation solution. The surface morphology and chemical composition of the Pt microelectrodes were characterised by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) techniques. The developed fabrication approach proved to be highly reproducible, and the obtained nanostructured Pt surfaces exhibited high sensitivity to H 2 O 2 (2662 μA cm ⁻² mM ⁻¹ ) as tested by cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The linear range of the Pt microelectrode sensor spanned from 1 μM to 6 mM, the limit of detection was as low as 21.7 nM. The demonstrated precise, simple, wet bench-compatible fabrication approach resulting in the controlled growth of Pt nanostructures is promising for the development of low dimention sensors for medical, biotechnological and other analytical applications.
Since the advent of biosensors for rapid analytical applications and use of micro fabrication technology for their miniaturization, science has come a long way in addressing the requirements for multiplexing, reusability and automation required for multianalyte biosensing. Though, microfluidic device fabrication has become more or less a standard technique nowadays, it is often tricky to immobilize the bio recognition element onto them after device assembly. For example glass-PDMS based microfluidic devices needs to be bonded using oxygen plasma or UV-ozone. Therefore, biomolecules, such as enzymes, antibodies etc. cannot be immobilized prior to device bonding. In this chapter, we shall put special emphasis on such critical immobilization procedures, while we shall also discuss the methods of their stabilization for the sake of enhanced shelf-life and reusability. Our discussions shall be based also on lateral flow immuno-devices and other paper microfluidic devices apart from glass-glass, glass-PDMS, PMMA-PMMA, Si-wafers and other combinations.
Evaluation and understanding the effect of drug delivery in in vitro systems is fundamental in drug discovery. We present an assay based on real-time electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements that can be used to follow the internalisation and cytotoxic effect of a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)–sensitive liposome formulation loaded with oxaliplatin (OxPt) on colorectal cancer cells. The EIS response identified two different cellular processes: (i) a negative peak in the cell index (CI) within the first 5 h, due to onset of liposome endocytosis, followed by (ii) a subsequent CI increase, due to the reattachment of cells until the onset of cytotoxicity with a decrease in CI. Free OxPt or OxPt-loaded Stealth liposomes did not show this two-stage EIS response; the latter can be due to the fact that Stealth cannot be cleaved by MMPs and thus is not taken up by the cells. Real-time bright-field imaging supported the EIS data, showing variations in cell adherence and cell morphology after exposure to the different liposome formulations. A drastic decrease in cell coverage as well as rounding up of cells during the first 5 h of exposure to OxPt-loaded (MMP)-sensitive liposome formulation is reflected by the first negative EIS response, which indicates the onset of liposome endocytosis. Graphical abstract
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Quantification of biological or biochemical processes are of utmost importance for medical, biological and biotechnological applications. However, converting the biological information to an easily processed electronic signal is challenging due to the complexity of connecting an electronic device directly to a biological environment. Electrochemical biosensors provide an attractive means to analyze the content of a biological sample due to the direct conversion of a biological event to an electronic signal. Over the past decades several sensing concepts and related devices have been developed. In this review, the most common traditional techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, impedance spectroscopy, and various field-effect transistor based methods are presented along with selected promising novel approaches, such as nanowire or magnetic nanoparticle-based biosensing. Additional measurement techniques, which have been shown useful in combination with electrochemical detection, are also summarized, such as the electrochemical versions of surface plasmon resonance, optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy, ellipsometry, quartz crystal microbalance, and scanning probe microscopy. The signal transduction and the general performance of electrochemical sensors are often determined by the surface architectures that connect the sensing element to the biological sample at the nanometer scale. The most common surface modification techniques, the various electrochemical transduction mechanisms, and the choice of the recognition receptor molecules all influence the ultimate sensitivity of the sensor. New nanotechnology-based approaches, such as the use of engineered ion-channels in lipid bilayers, the encapsulation of enzymes into vesicles, polymersomes, or polyelectrolyte capsules provide additional possibilities for signal amplification. In particular, this review highlights the importance of the precise control over the delicate interplay between surface nano-architectures, surface functionalization and the chosen sensor transducer principle, as well as the usefulness of complementary characterization tools to interpret and to optimize the sensor response.
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A versatile microfluidic, multichamber cell culture and analysis system with an integrated electrode array and potentiostat suitable for electrochemical detection and microscopic imaging is presented in this paper. The system, which allows on-line electrode cleaning and modification, was developed for real-time monitoring of cellular dynamics, exemplified in this work by monitoring of redox metabolism inside living yeast cells and dopamine release from PC12 cells.
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Protein nanofibrils offer advantages over other nanostructures due to the ease in their self-assembly and the versatility of surface chemistry available. Yet, an efficient and general methodology for their post-assembly functionalization remains a significant challenge. We introduce a generic approach, based on biotinylation and thiolation, for the multi-functionalization of protein nanofibrils self-assembled from whey proteins. Biochemical characterization shows the effects of the functionalization onto the nanofibrils' surface, giving insights into the changes in surface chemistry of the nanostructures. We show how these methods can be used to decorate whey protein nanofibrils with several components such as fluorescent quantum dots, enzymes, and metal nanoparticles. A multi-functionalization approach is used, as a proof of principle, for the development of a glucose biosensor platform, where the protein nanofibrils act as nanoscaffolds for glucose oxidase. Biotinylation is used for enzyme attachment and thiolation for nanoscaffold anchoring onto a gold electrode surface. Characterization via cyclic voltammetry shows an increase in glucose-oxidase mediated current response due to thiol-metal interactions with the gold electrode. The presented approach for protein nanofibril multi-functionalization is novel and has the potential of being applied to other protein nanostructures with similar surface chemistry.
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An electrochemical detection system specifically designed for multi-parameter real-time monitoring of stem cell culturing/differentiation in a microfluidic system is presented. It is composed of a very compact 24-channel electronic board, compatible with arrays of microelectrodes and coupled to a microfluidic cell culture system. A versatile data acquisition software enables performing amperometry, cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy in each of the 12 independent chambers over a 100 kHz bandwidth with current resolution down to 5 pA for 100 ms measuring time. The design of the platform, its realization and experimental characterization are reported, with emphasis on the analysis of impact of input capacitance (i.e., microelectrode size) and microfluidic pump operation on current noise. Programmable sequences of successive injections of analytes (ferricyanide and dopamine) and rinsing buffer solution as well as the impedimetric continuous tracking for seven days of the proliferation of a colony of PC12 cells are successfully demonstrated.
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In micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) and micro electronic devices there has been a strong demand for the fabrication of electrodes. Platinum (Pt) is a good candidate for this, because it combines some attractive properties: low electrical resistance, high melting point and high chemical stability. However, the latest leads to very difficult for patterning Pt by wet chemical or dry etching. Besides, etching damages the surface making wafer bonding impossible. Lift-off seems to be a solution to this problem. A big problem in using lift-off is that platinum particles or ears may remain at the edges after lift-off. These ears protrude from the surface and may cause electrical shortcuts with an opposite electrode. Some authors reported shortly about a modified lift-off technique to overcome this problem. Before deposition of the metal, a small cavity is etched in the insulator, which is mostly SiO2, thereby breaking the metal during deposition. In this paper the effect of cavity depth and metal thickness on ear forming is investigated. A surface roughness and a resistance of the asdeposited metals are measured. The results of method have been applied successfully for Load Cell sensors in our lab.
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A surface modification of interdigitated gold microelectrodes (IDEs) with a doped polypyrrole (PPy) film for detection of dopamine released from populations of differentiated PC12 cells is presented. A thin PPy layer was potentiostatically electropolymerized from an aqueous pyrrole solution onto electrode surfaces. The conducting polymer film was doped during electropolymerization by introducing counter-ions in the monomer solution. Several counter-ions were tested and the resulting electrode modifications were characterized electrochemically to find the optimal dopant that increases sensitivity in dopamine detection. Overoxidation of the PPy films was shown to contribute to a significant enhancement in sensitivity to dopamine. The changes caused by overoxidation in the electrochemical behavior and electrode morphology were investigated using cyclic voltammetry and SEM as well as AFM, respectively. The optimal dopant for dopamine detection was found to be polystyrene sulfonate anion (PSS(-)). Rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells, a suitable model to study exocytotic dopamine release, were differentiated on IDEs functionalized with an overoxidized PSS(-)-doped PPy film. The modified electrodes were used to amperometrically detect dopamine released by populations of cells upon triggering cellular exocytosis with an elevated K(+) concentration. A comparison between the generated current on bare gold electrodes and gold electrodes modified with overoxidized doped PPy illustrates the clear advantage of the modification, yielding 2.6-fold signal amplification. The results also illustrate how to use cell population based dopamine exocytosis measurements to obtain biologically significant information that can be relevant in, for instance, the study of neural stem cell differentiation into dopaminergic neurons.
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In this work we introduce a novel out-of-plane electrode with pronounced scalloped surface and high aspect ratio for electrical recordings of brain tissue in vitro, with the aim to reduce significantly the impedance of the measuring system. The profile and height of the structures is tailored by means of silicon fabrication techniques that sharpen them progressively and in a controlled manner. We will show that the use of the scalloped area achieves a great decrease in impedance, which is very significant for a reduction of noise in electrical measurements. The measured impedance reflects an important improvement in comparison with already available systems. Additionally, first test of durability prove the robustness of these needle-like electrodes during indentation motions. In conclusion, the resulting electrodes are robust, sharp structures that decrease the typical impedance of microelectrodes and are potentially suited for indentation and recording of brain tissue.
Silicon nitride films were synthesized at 170 deg. C by using inductively coupled plasma chemical vapor deposition under three microwave power conditions of 500, 800, and 1000 W. The chemical, physical and electrical properties of the deposited silicon nitride films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared, wet etching, atomic force microscopy, ellipsometry, J-V, and C-V measurements of metal-insulator-semiconductor. The microwave power for film deposition is found to play an important role at the films' properties. A high microwave power reduces the retention of hydrogen in a form of Si-H and N-H atomic bonds. The microwave power significantly affects the density of pin holes; the 800 W film has the lowest density of pin holes. In general, the low-temperature silicon nitride films possess better surface roughness than the conventional silicon nitride films produced at higher temperatures. The low-temperature silicon nitride films exhibit an abrupt breakdown, a characteristic of avalanche breakdown. The variation in breakdown strength is correlated with the change in pin-hole density, and the 800 W silicon nitride film possesses the highest breakdown strength. The microwave power has limited influences on leakage current and resistivity of the films. All the low-temperature silicon nitride films are characterized by high-density fixed charges and interface charge traps, of which both densities vary slightly with the microwave power for film deposition.