... See text for records from the Thuringian Forest; other finds are from the Pennines (Paton, 1974;Spindler, 2019), Rodez (Reisz et al., 2011b), Autun (Falconnet, 2010(Falconnet, , 2012Spindler, 2015;Spindler et al., 2016Spindler et al., , 2020, Jura and Lodève (Falconnet, 2007(Falconnet, , 2015Werneburg et al., 2022a), Saar-Nahe Basin (Voigt et al., 2014;Fröbisch et al., 2011;Spindler et al., 2020;Fischer et al., 2024), Chemnitz Basin as part of the Erzgebirge/Ore Mountains Basin (Kissel, 2010;Spindler et al., 2018), Döhlen Basin (Kissel, 2010;Spindler, 2013Spindler, , 2016Spindler et al., 2020), Sudetes , as well as Kladno-Ravovník and Boskovice (Štamberg & Zajíc, 2008;Spindler et al., 2020). Left out here: Russian parareptiles, diapsids, varanopids, caseids and therapsids starting with the middle Permian (Modesto & Rybczynski, 2000;Ivakhnenko, 2008), lower Middle Permian remains of Sardinia with the caseid Alierasaurus and an undescribed sphenacodont (Romano & Nicosia, 2014;Romano et al., 2018), the indeterminate amniote Tridentinosaurus from the Lower Permian of Trento (Bernardi et al., 2014;Spindler et al., 2019;Rossi et al., 2024), indeterminate synapsid remains from the middle Gzhelian of Rozelay, as well as from the mentioned French areas (Falconnet, 2010(Falconnet, , 2014, and finally the indeterminate anapsid cotylosaur Sphenosaurus from the (?Lower) Permian of Bohemia (Kuhn, 1961;Štamberg & Zajíc, 2008). Abb. 1 (links): Amniote Körperfossilien (Gattungen der Kronengruppe und der Diadectomorpha) aus Gzhelian und Rotliegend-Faunen Europas; Stratigraphie nach Schneider et al. (2020). ...