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On analysing and interpreting variability in motor output



A recent article in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport by Chapman et al.1 reported data from an empirical investigation comparing lower extremity joint motions, joint coordination and muscle recruitment in expert and novice cyclists. 3D kinematic and intramuscular electromyographic (EMG) analyses revealed no differences between expert and novice cyclists for normalised joint angles and velocities of the pelvis, hip, knee and ankle. However, significant differences in the strength of sagittal plane kinematics for hip–ankle and knee–ankle joint couplings were reported, with expert cyclists displaying tighter coupling relationships than novice cyclists. Furthermore, significant differences between expert and novice cyclists for all muscle recruitment parameters, except timing of peak EMG amplitude, were also reported.
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Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 12 (2009) e2–e3
Letter to the Editor
On analysing and interpreting variability in motor output
A recent article in the Journal of Science and Medicine
in Sport by Chapman et al.1reported data from an empirical
investigation comparing lower extremity joint motions, joint
coordination and muscle recruitment in expert and novice
cyclists. 3D kinematic and intramuscular electromyographic
(EMG) analyses revealed no differences between expert and
novice cyclists for normalised joint angles and velocities of
the pelvis, hip, knee and ankle. However, significant dif-
ferences in the strength of sagittal plane kinematics for
hip–ankle and knee–ankle joint couplings were reported, with
expert cyclists displaying tighter coupling relationships than
novice cyclists. Furthermore, significant differences between
expert and novice cyclists for all muscle recruitment param-
eters, except timing of peak EMG amplitude, were also
Perhaps the most theoretically interesting finding to
emerge from this study was that novice cyclists exhibited
significantly greater variability in hip–ankle and knee–ankle
joint couplings than expert cyclists. From an information pro-
cessing theoretical perspective, it could be argued that these
results, taken at face value, support the proposition that motor
learning is characterised by progression towards invariance
in motor output2and that movement variability might be a
negative by-product of noise in the central nervous system
that should be minimised or eliminated.3–5 However, from
a dynamical systems theoretical perspective, observed vari-
ability in motor output in both novice and expert cyclists
may not necessarily be a reflection of system noise. As
motor learning from a dynamical systems theoretical perspec-
tive is considered to be the search for stable and functional
states of coordination,6it is possible that the greater variabil-
ity displayed by novice cyclists in the relative motion plots
of Fig. 1(b) of Chapman et al.1may represent exploratory
behaviour as the system attempts to discover stable regions
of the ‘perceptual-motor workspace’ or attractor states7that
subserve the production of functional, possibly optimal, coor-
dination solutions. The much narrower bandwidth of motor
variability exhibited by the expert cyclists could also be con-
sidered functional as it may represent subtle adaptations to
continuously fluctuating constraints on action, or ‘control-
lable chaos’ as Kelso and Ding8described it.
There are a number of theoretical and methodological
issues that need to be considered when attempting to estab-
lish the functionality and role of movement variability in
motor control and learning. First, operational analyses, such
as the one conducted by Chapman et al.,1need to be under-
pinned by a scientifically rigorous theoretical rationale that
should form the basis for hypothesis testing and experi-
mentation. Second, the theoretical framework adopted must
also have the scope to consider alternative interpretations
of motor variability, rather than making the default assump-
tion that it is an artefact of noise in the system.9Third, the
inverse relationship between movement variability and skill
level is not universally supported in the literature with some
studies actually showing reduced variability in less skilled
performers compared to their more highly skilled counter-
parts [e.g., 10,11]. Similarly, the clinical literature has shown
that patients exhibiting injury or disease, in some cases,
exhibit less variability than healthy controls12,13 although
there can be an increase or decrease of variability depending
on the intrinsic dynamics of the system and the constraints
on action.14,15 Finally, the recent introduction of non-linear
measurement tools16 in empirical studies have revealed that
it is the structure, rather than the magnitude, of movement
variability that appears to be of greater significance in under-
standing normal and pathological human perceptual-motor
To summarise, it is proposed that observations of motor
variability require careful consideration to establish its func-
tionality and role during goal-directed movement. Clearly,
the default interpretation that movement variability is syn-
onymous with noise is no longer tenable. However, this is not
to say that all motor variability is functional, but rather, that
not all variability is dysfunctional. Empirical research should
be firmly based on a theoretical framework, such as dynami-
cal systems theory, that can underpin hypothesis testing and
experimentation. Importantly, it is the structure, rather than
the magnitude, of variability that is important in uncovering
the functionality of this ubiquitous feature of human motor
1440-2440/$ – see front matter © 2009 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Letter to the Editor / Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 12 (2009) e2–e3 e3
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18. Newell KM, Slifkin AB. The nature of movementvariability. In: Piek JP,
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Paul S. Glazier
Centre for Sport and Exercise Science, Sheffield Hallam
University, Collegiate Campus, Sheffield, UK
Keith Davids
School of Human Movement Studies, Queensland
University of Technology, Australia
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.S. Glazier)
13 February 2009
... It is proposed that, in becoming skilled, the system consolidates an 'attractor state' ensuring that the movement is performed consistently well while also developing the ability to adapt to changes in the constraints (Davids, Glazier, Araujo, & Bartlett, 2003;Glazier & Davids, 2009a;Seifert, Komar, Araújo, & Davids, 2016). ...
... Indeed, researchers have rejected the historic notion that the presence of variability in the motor patterns of skilled movers reduces the performance level. Rather, variability acts as a functional aid to performance in terms of offering different motor solutions to optimise kinematic patterns (Bartlett, Wheat, & Robins, 2007;Glazier & Davids, 2009a;Langdown, Bridge, & Li, 2012). For example, in the case of a basketball shot, the segmental rotations and positions of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist vary across trials, and yet they interact successfully to optimise the endpoint movement pattern (i.e. the trajectory of the hand: Button, Macleod, Sanders, & Coleman, 2003). ...
... * statistical significance (p < .05). experiment reflect the process of optimising performance through many pattern repetitions to develop, in terms of the dynamical systems perspective, deep and stable attractors suited to the behavioural dynamics of the task (Davids et al., 2003;Glazier & Davids, 2009a;Seifert et al., 2016). ...
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Before examining the effect of changing constraints on skill adaptation, it is useful to know the tolerable variability of a movement pattern for optimal performance. Tolerable variability may vary throughout the period of task performance as some parts of the movement pattern may be more important than others. The purpose of this study was to quantify the inter-trial variability of performance variables, and hand path as the task-relevant parameter, of skilled front crawl swimmers during 25 m sprints. It was hypothesised that the wrist paths would have smaller inter-trial variability during the below water phase than during the above water phase. Twelve skilled swimmers performed four 25 m front crawl sprints which were recorded by six phased locked video cameras for three-dimensional analysis. Standard deviations and time series repeatability (R²) of the right and left wrist displacement were determined. On average, swimmers varied their sprint speed between trials by <1.5%. The spatio-temporal patterns of wrist paths varied by <3 cm in all directions (horizontal, vertical & lateral). There was no significant difference in inter-trial variability between above and below water phases. Swimmers increased wrist path consistency at the critical events of water entry in the horizontal and lateral directions and at exit for the horizontal direction. This study established levels of variability in spatio-temporal movement patterns of the paths of the wrist in sprint swimming and provided evidence that swimmers minimise variability for key events, in this case, the position of the wrists at water entry and exit.
... Cette perspective a ainsi entraîné des efforts visant à éliminer ou à réduire la présence de cette vi du mouvement. Toutefois, il est maintenant accepté que la vi du mouvement est inhérente au mouvement et que son étude permet d'en apprendre plus sur le fonctionnement complexe du système neuromusculaire (Glazier et Davids 2009 ;Latash, Scholz et Schöner 2002). ...
... On remarque, par exemple, plus de vi du mouvement dans certains mouvements de cyclistes novices en comparaison à des cyclistes experts (Chapman et al. 2009). Une possible interprétation de ces résultats est que les experts ont plus de facilité à s'adapter aux diverses contraintes lors de la production de séquences motrices, menant à une vi du mouvement réduite, tandis que les novices sont toujours à la recherche de la séquence motrice la plus appropriée (Glazier et Davids 2009). Cependant, il faut faire preuve de prudence avant de conclure quoi que ce soit sur la fonction de la variabilité de certains paramètres, puisque le résultat inverse a aussi été observé dans d'autres disciplines sportives, où les mouvements de novices présentaient moins de variabilité que ceux d'experts (Arutyunyan et al. 1968 ;Schöllhorn et Bauer 1998). ...
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Lorsqu’un mouvement est répété à plusieurs reprises, de subtiles différences peuvent être observées entre les répétitions. En biomécanique sportive, l’étude de la variabilité intra-individuelle ( vi ) du mouvement et de ses implications a le potentiel de prévenir les blessures, d’évaluer le progrès de traitements et d’informer le développement de protocoles de recherche ( Preatoni et al. 2013 ). Bien que les chercheurs du domaine de la musique partagent plusieurs de ces objectifs, peu d’attention a été accordée à la vi du mouvement. Cette revue exploratoire vise à consolider les informations existantes concernant la vi du mouvement en performance pianistique afin d’explorer trois importants enjeux méthodologiques : a) quelles méthodes ont été utilisées pour mesurer cette vi du mouvement ; b) quelle est l’influence de l’expertise sur cette vi du mouvement et c) combien d’essais devraient être utilisés dans un protocole de recherche afin d’obtenir une évaluation fiable d’une performance. En outre, les lacunes dans notre compréhension du phénomène sont identifiées et des recommandations pour les recherches futures sont émises.
... However, Glazier & Davids (2009) [66] state that it is the structure, ...
... However, Glazier & Davids (2009) [66] state that it is the structure, ...
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The aim of this study was to identify between-position (forwards vs. backs) differences in movement variability in cumulative tackle events training during both attacking and defensive roles. Eleven elite adolescent male rugby league players volunteered to participate in this study (mean ± SD, age; 18.5 ± 0.5 years, height; 179.5 ± 5.0 cm, body mass; 88.3 ± 13.0 kg). Participants performed a drill encompassing four blocks of six tackling (i.e. tackling an opponent) and six tackled (i.e. being tackled by an opponent while carrying a ball) events (i.e. 48 total tackles) while wearing a micro-technological inertial measurement unit (WIMU, Realtrack Systems, Spain). The acceleration data were used to calculate sample entropy (SampEn) to analyse the movement variability during tackles performance. In tackling actions SampEn showed significant between-position differences in block 1 (p = 0.0001) and block 2 (p = 0.0003). Significant between-block differences were observed in backs (block 1 vs 3, p = 0,0021; and block 1 vs 4, p = 0,0001) but not in forwards. When being tackled, SampEn showed significant between-position differences in block 1 (p = 0.0007) and block 3 (p = 0.0118). Significant between-block differences were only observed for backs in block 1 vs 4 (p = 0,0025). Movement variability shows a progressive reduction with cumulative tackle events, especially in backs and when in the defensive role (tackling). Forwards present lower movement variability values in all blocks, particularly in the first block, both in the attacking and defensive role. Entropy measures can be used by practitioners as an alternative tool to analyse the temporal structure of variability of tackle actions and quantify the load of these actions according to playing position.
... With regard to the UEFA Champions League, it appears that the kinds and combinations of performance indicator disparities between successful and failing teams can matter more than the absolute values of such differences. The observation of this phenomena in this setting highlights similarities with previous research on human motor control and variation of movement (Glazier & Davids, 2009;Latash et al., 2002). Future studies could compare margin to win/loss (the metric employed in this study), as margin might provide a different viewpoint on performance than the binary result of win/loss (Sargent & Bedford, 2013;Stewart et al., 2007). ...
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This study aimed to explore the factors influencing outcomes in men’s UEFA Champions League matches. The sample comprised 201 UEFA Champions League face offs, and the primary objective was to identify key components significantly associated with success in the UEFA Champions League through logistic regression analysis. The game outcome was treated as the dependent variable in a Binary Logistic Regression (Forward: LR Method). Logistic regression analysis identified six significant variables in establishing the model for match-winning: Ball Possession (p = .042), Passes Attempted (p = .001), Passes Completed (p = .001), Ball Recovered (p < .001), Clearance Completed (p = .002), and Goals (p = 001). The study highlights a significant correlation between crucial variables and success in UEFA Champions League matches. Players and coaches can gain valuable insights into essential elements contributing to victory in this prestigious tournament.
... In fact, the above-referred incoherencies may be due to expertise, i.e., the ability to adapt to environmental or task constraints rather than reproducing a pre-determined motor pattern, giving insight into the technique in-between cycles, especially at maximal velocities (Seifert et al., 2016;Silva et al. 2019b). The inverse relationship between movement variability and experience is not fully acknowledged in the literature, with some studies showing reduced variability in less skilled performers compared to highly skilled counterparts (Ganzevles et al., 2019;Glazier & Davids, 2009). ...
Intra- and inter-cycle velocity variations are of utmost importance for achieving enhanced swimming performances. However, intra-cycle events can impact and interfere with the subsequent cycles, making relevant to study several consecutive cycles allowing a better understanding of this possibility. We have assessed front crawl intra- and inter-cyclic velocity variations and overall biomechanical variables in sprint front crawl swimming. Twenty-seven elite swimmers performed 25 m all-out front crawl, were videotaped using moving cameras placed at the sagittal plane and were grouped according to their sprint mean velocity. Coefficient of variation, root mean square error and mean velocity differences between two consecutive paired cycles allowed assessing intra- and inter-cycle velocity variations. Visual inspection was performed to analyse possible variability causes and independent-measures t-test allowed comparing groups. Sprint front crawl was characterised by intra- (11.12 ± 2.98) and inter-cycle velocity variation (2.27 ± 0.80 of inter-cycle velocity coefficient of variation and 0.031 ± 0.014 of root mean square error), with no differences between fastest and slowest swimmers. Front crawl intra-cycle velocity variation was not related to mean velocity and cycle sequence but considered swimmers' personal strategy. Despite some abnormal oscillations within cycles, inter-cycle velocity variation was not caused by intra-cycle velocity variation, mean velocity or cycle sequence.
... In this study, no biomechanical data were acquired, which limits interpretation the observed outcomes. Furthermore, this study did not allow for an extensive familiarization period, which may explain the large variability in the outcomes [66], [67]. In this study the exoskeleton condition was compared to a condition without exoskeleton. ...
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Objective: This paper assesses the effect of a passive shoulder exoskeleton prototype, Exo4Work, on muscle activity, muscle fatigue and subjective experience during simulated occupational overhead and non-overhead work. Methods: Twenty-two healthy males performed six simulated industrial tasks with and without Exo4Work exoskeleton in a randomized counterbalanced cross-over design. During these tasks electromyography, heart rate, metabolic cost, subjective parameters and performance parameters were acquired. The effect of the exoskeleton and the body side on these parameters was investigated. Results: Anterior deltoid activity and fatigue reduced up to 16% and 41%, respectively, during isometric overhead work, and minimized hindrance of the device during non-overhead tasks. Wearing the exoskeleton increased feelings of frustration and increased discomfort in the areas where the exoskeleton and the body interfaced. The assistive effect of the exoskeleton was less prominent during dynamic tasks. Conclusion: This exoskeleton may reduce muscle activity and delay development of muscle fatigue in an overhead working scenario. For dynamic applications, the exoskeleton's assistive profile, which mimics the gravitational torque of the arm, is potentially sub-optimal. Significance: This evaluation paper is the first to report reduced muscle fatigue and activity when working with an occupational shoulder exoskeleton providing one third of the gravitational torque of the arm during overhead work. These results stress the potential of occupational shoulder exoskeletons in overhead working situations and may direct towards longitudinal field experiments. Additionally, this experiment may stimulate future work to further investigate the effect of different assistive profiles.
... Also, the intra-and inter-individual variability of motor coordination and more generally of swimming technique would not be considered as an error with regard to the expert model, but as functional, i.e. a variety of behaviour and resources to be used by the teacher and coach to individualize and enrich their intervention (Davids, Glazier, Araújo, & Bartlett, 2003;. In sum, Adaptability means adapted and adaptive (or adaptable) behaviors: adapted behavior to a set of constraints reveals stability against perturbations, while adaptive or adaptable behavior reflects flexibility to guarantee functional solution to constraints that dynamically interact (Edelman & Gally, 2001;Glazier & Davids, 2009;Seifert et al., 2016). ...
... An increased distance has been shown to instigate a reorganization of motor system dynamics. Constraints either allow individuals to explore the available phase-space [28], or alternatively, constrain the human movement system to a narrow range of kinematic solutions [29]. In other words, constraints set boundaries or limits within a dynamical system [30]. ...
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Purpose: This study used the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) approach to study joint coordination underlying the control of task-related variables important for success at dart throwing skill. Success at a task can be achieved, in principle, by always adopting a particular joint combination. In contrast, we adopt a more selective control strategy: variations of the joint configuration that leave the values of essential task variables unchanged are predicted to be less controlled (i.e., stabilized to a lesser degree) than joint configuration changes that shift the values of the task variables. Material: How this abundance of motor solutions is managed by the nervous system and whether and how the throwing in different distances affects the solution to joint coordination was investigated in this study. Our experimental task involved dart throwing to a target under three conditions (standard, short and long distance) that it performed by fifteen dart professional and semiprofessional athletes. The four joint angles of the arm were obtained from the recorded positions of markers on the limb segments. The variability of joint configurations was decomposed into components lying parallel to those sets and components lying in their complement with respect to control of the path of the arm’s center of mass and spatial position of the hand. Results: When performing the task in all three different conditions, fluctuations of joint configuration that affected arm’s center of mass and spatial position variables were much reduced compared with fluctuations that did not affect these variables. The UCM principle applied to arm’s center of mass and spatial position thus captures the structure of the motor control system across different parts of joint configuration space as the movement evolves in time. Moreover, constraints representing an invariant arm’s center of mass or the spatial position structured joint configuration variability in the early and mid-portion of the movement trajectory, but not at the time of throwing. This specific control strategy indicate a target can be hit successfully also by controlling irrelevant directions in joint space equally to relevant ones. Conclusions: The results suggests a specific control strategy in which changes of joint configuration that are irrelevant to success at the task are selectively released from control. As a result, the method can be successfully used to determine the structure of coordination in joint space that underlies the control of the essential variables for a given task.
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This study aims to profile biomechanical abilities during sprint front-crawl by identifying technical stroke characteristics, in light of performance level. Ninety-one recreational to world-class swimmers equipped with a sacrum-worn IMU performed 25m all-out. Intra and inter-cyclic 3D kinematical variabilities were clustered using a functional double partition model. Clusters were analyzed according to (1) swimming technique using continuous visualization and discrete features (standard deviation and jerk cost) and (2) performance regarding speed and competition caliber using respectively one-way ANOVA and Chi-squared test as well as Gamma statistics. Swimmers displayed specific technical profiles of intra-cyclic (smoothy and jerky) and inter-cyclic stroke regulation (low, moderate and high repeatability) significantly discriminated by speed (p<0.001, η²=0.62) and performance caliber (p<0.001, V=0.53). We showed that combining high levels of both kinds of variability (jerky+low repeatability) are associated with highest speed (1.86±0.12 m/s) and competition caliber (ℽ=0.75, p<0.001). It highlights the crucial importance of variabilities combination. Technical skills might be driven by a specific alignment of stroke pattern and its associated dispersion according to the task constraints. This data-driven approach can assist eyes-based technical evaluation. Targeting the development of an explosive swimming style with a high level of body stability should be considered during training of sprinters.
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Movement variability is defined as the normal variations in motor performance across multiple repetitions of a task. However, the term “movement variability” can mean different things depending on context, and when used by itself does not capture the specifics of what has been investigated. Within sport, complex movements are performed repeatedly under a variety of different constraints (e.g. different situations, presence of defenders, time pressure). Movement variability has implications for sport performance and injury risk management. Given the importance of movement variability, it is important to understand the terms used to measure and describe it. This broad term of “movement variability” does not specify the different types of movement variability that are currently being assessed in the sporting literature. We conducted a scoping review (1) to assess the current terms and definitions used to describe movement variability within sporting tasks and (2) to utilise the results of the review for a proposed framework that distinguishes and defines the different types of movement variability within sporting tasks. To be considered eligible, sources must have assessed a sporting movement or skill and had at least one quantifiable measure of movement variability. A total of 43 peer-reviewed journal article sources were included in the scoping review. A total of 280 terms relating to movement variability terminology were extracted using a data-charting form jointly developed by two reviewers. One source out of 43 (2%) supplied definitions for all types of movement variability discussed. Moreover, 169 of 280 terms (60%) were undefined in the source material. Our proposed theoretical framework explains three types of movement variability: strategic, execution, and outcome. Strategic variability describes the different approaches or methods of movement used to complete a task. Execution variability describes the intentional and unintentional adjustments of the body between repetitions within the same strategy. Outcome variability describes the differences in the result or product of a movement. These types emerged from broader frameworks in motor control and were adapted to fit the movement variability needs in sports literature. By providing specific terms with explicit definitions, our proposed framework can ensure like-to-like comparisons of previous terms used in the literature. The practical goal of this framework is to aid athletes, coaches, and support staff to gain a better understanding of how the different types of movement variability within sporting tasks contribute to performance. The framework may allow training methods to be tailored to optimise the specific aspects of movement variability that contribute to success. This review was retrospectively registered using the Open Science Framework (OSF) Registries (
Conference Paper
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Introduction Although single case studies are common in more general oriented behavioral sciences (Yin 1988), they are still very rare in sports science. The lasting preference of group studies in sports science finds practical support in the opinion that by acquiring a system of reference values one will be provided with an ‚'optimal kinematic movement pattern' for every athlete at all levels of performance. Problems occur if the reference values are either considered as single independent variables or very often if the reference patterns are based on the performance of a best subject (Schmidt&Young 1991). A practical problem with such an approach arises by transfering the results to the training of an individual athlete in form of instructions (feedback), particularly, when we consider the disadvantageous effects of average feedback (Wulf/Schmidt 1996). Even if we have 'optimal training conditions' with individual feedback, common optimal movements as reference systems seem to be speculative considering the problem of causality not in a classical linear way but rather from a nonlinear point of view. In nonlinear systems, as most biological systems can be assumed as, small causes can have large effects and large causes can result in small effects. Whether the assumption of common achievable movement patterns is justifiable kinematically, is subject of this study with a pattern recognition approach. Methods The final throwing phase (app. 200ms) of 8 male and 19 female javelin throwers was filmed with two highspeed cameras threedimensionally. The male throwers were finalists of the world championship 1987 in Rome, whereas the female group consisted of 10 worldclass heptathletes and 19 javelin specialists with national and international level. From 2 female specialists 10 and 6 throwing trials were filmed respectively in different competitions. The throwers' movements were described by means of the time courses of the main joint angles and angular velocities. The joints at the ankle, knee, elbow, and head were assumed as planar and, the hip and shoulder joints were assumed as three dimensional. In addition the orientation angle of the trunk axis and its velocity was considered for a physically complete description. This results in a sequence of 51 (time-normalized) 34-dimensional feature vectors v i (t) per trial i. The data were further processed by normalizing the individual dimensions to a mean of 0 and variance of 1. We then trained the selforganizing Kohonen maps (SOM) to project the individual feature vectors to an N=7x6x6 neuron output space. Learning parameters were σ init = 4.0, reduced to σ final =0.2 during training, ε=0.9 à 0.01, 2x10 5 learning steps (Bauer/Schöllhorn 1997). The sequence of feature vectors v i (t) which constitute the original movement pattern is transformed by the SOM into a sequence of excited neurons r i (t). Instead of considering a distance between two feature vectors in the 34-dimensional input space (fig.1 left), we can now operate in the only 3-dimensional output space (fig.1 right), with all redundant, noisy extra dimensions suppressed.
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When we make saccadic eye movements or goal-directed arm movements, there is an infinite number of possible trajectories that the eye or arm could take to reach the target. However, humans show highly stereotyped trajectories in which velocity profiles of both the eye and hand are smooth and symmetric for brief movements. Here we present a unifying theory of eye and arm movements based on the single physiological assumption that the neural control signals are corrupted by noise whose variance increases with the size of the control signal. We propose that in the presence of such signal-dependent noise, the shape of a trajectory is selected to minimize the variance of the final eye or arm position. This minimum-variance theory accurately predicts the trajectories of both saccades and arm movements and the speed-accuracy trade-off described by Fitt's law. These profiles are robust to changes in the dynamics of the eye or arm, as found empirically. Moreover, the relation between path curvature and hand velocity during drawing movements reproduces the empirical 'two-thirds power law. This theory provides a simple and powerful unifying perspective for both eye and arm movement control.
the acquisition of skill is examined with reference to the nature of the evolving perceptual-motor workspace / the evolution and dissolution of gradient and equilibrium regions within the workspace is [sic] discussed relative to the constraints on action / some experimental data are reported which address the impact of some of the features of perceptual-motor workspaces on exploratory behavior, criterion performance, and transfer while learning to locate the minimum of an unknown function (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
This is an upper-level undergraduate or graduate textbook for courses in human movement and skill acquisition. A professional reference for movement practitioners and scientists, including teachers, coaches, physical educators, physical therapists, rehabilitation specialists, sport scientists, psychologists, biomechanists, and physiologists. The book provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the constraints-led perspective, a recognized theory in motor learning and control. It outlines the development of a conceptual model of coordination and control within a multidisciplinary framework, capturing the various interlocking scales of analysis (e.g., neural, behavioral, psychological) and the many subsystems (e.g., perceptual and movement) involved in producing behavior. A conceptual model of coordination and control is important not just for designing learning environments, but it is also important for ensuring that learners gain positive experiences when acquiring motor skills. Practitioners and students will appreciate the applied focus which outlines a model of human movement with specific constraints-led approach strategies that address skill acquisition across a variety of professions, including teaching, coaching, and rehabilitation. By learning both the theoretical origins and applications for implementing a constraints-led approach to movement skill acquisition, readers will gain insight into how the informed organization of learning and rehabilitation environments produces more effective and efficient use of practice and therapy time. Contents: Traditional theories of skill acquisition -- Physical constraints on coordination : dynamical systems theory -- Informational constraints on coordination : an ecological perspective -- Redefining learning : a constraints-led approach -- Understanding the dynamics of skill acquisition -- Dealing with individual differences : implications for a nonlinear pedagogy -- Organizing practice to optimize learning -- Using verbal guidance as an informational constraint on learners -- Observational learning as directed search -- Implementing the constraints-led approach: case studies.
Unlabelled: In this paper, we are presenting an alternative approach to the investigation of lower extremity coupling referred to as a dynamical systems approach. In this approach, we calculate the phase angle of each segment and joint angle. Pairing the key segment/joint motions, we use phase angles to determine the continuous relative phase and the variability of the continuous relative phase. Data from two studies illustrate the efficacy of the dynamical systems approach. Individuals who were asymptomatic, even though they may have anatomical aberrant structural problems (i.e. high Q-angle vs low Q-angle) showed no differences in the pattern of the continuous relative phase or in the variability of the continuous phase. However, differences in the variability of the continuous relative phase were apparent in comparing individuals who were symptomatic with patellofemoral pain with non-injured individuals. Patellofemoral pain individuals showed less variability in the continuous relative phase of the lower extremity couplings than did the healthy subjects. We hypothesize that the lower variability of the couplings in the symptomatic individuals indicates repeatable joint actions within a very narrow range. Relevance: We claim that the traditional view of the variability of disordered movement is not tenable and suggest that there is a functional role for variability in lower extremity segment coupling during locomotion. While the methods described in this paper cannot determine a cause of the injury, they may be useful in the detection and treatment of running injuries.