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Prediction of marathon performance time on the basis of training indices


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between marathon performance time (MPT) and some training factors recorded for a given number of weeks prior to a race. Twenty-two runners, age 28-54 years, participated as subjects in this investigation. They kept daily exercise records during their marathon training for an overall number of 46 races, whose marathon time ranged from 167 to 216 min. Among the several parameters investigated, MPT was found to be affected mainly by the mean distance run per week K, during the training period under observation, and by the mean training pace P. These two training parameters have been combined by a mathematical approach to give a correlation for the prediction of the mean marathon pace Pm (easily related to MPT), based on an 8-week training period, as follows: Pm (sec/km) = 17.1 + 140.0 exp[-0.0053 K(km/week)] + 0.55 P (sec/km). The above correlation is able to estimate the MPT with a SEE of about 4 min.
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | 2011 |
Prediction of marathon performance time on the
basis of training indices
DIMSET, University of Genova, Italy
Tanda G. Prediction of marathon performance time on the basis of training indices. J. Hum. Sport Exerc.
Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 511-520, 2011. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between
marathon performance time (MPT) and some training factors recorded for a given number of weeks prior to
a race. Twenty-two runners, age 28-54 years, participated as subjects in this investigation. They kept daily
exercise records during their marathon training for an overall number of 46 races, whose marathon time
ranged from 167 to 216 min. Among the several parameters investigated, MPT was found to be affected
mainly by the mean distance run per week K, during the training period under observation, and by the
mean training pace P. These two training parameters have been combined by a mathematical approach to
give a correlation for the prediction of the mean marathon pace Pm (easily related to MPT), based on an 8-
week training period, as follows: Pm (sec/km) = 17.1 + 140.0 exp[-0.0053 K(km/week)] + 0.55 P (sec/km).
The above correlation is able to estimate the MPT with a SEE of about 4 min. Key words: EXERCISE,
1 Corresponding author. DIMSET, University of Genova, via Montallegro 1, 16145 Genova, Italy
Submitted for publication February 2011
Accepted for publication September 2011
© Faculty of Education. University of Alicante
Original Article
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
| 2011 | ISSUE 3 | VOLUME 6
© 2011 University of Alicante
Efforts to correlate human endurance performance to physiological, physical and training factors have been
ongoing for about a century. For endurance sports like marathon running, the maximal oxygen uptake, the
lactate threshold and the energy cost of running appear to play key roles in endurance performance (see,
for instance, Sjödin & Svedenhag, 1985; Joyner & Coyle, 2008; Faude et al., 2009). Slovic (1977), Hagan
et al. (1981, 1987) and Bale et al. (1985) were among the first to point out that some training indices (such
as the training pace or the mean distance run per day) are also highly predictive of MPT. Florence & Weir
(1997) established a correlation between critical velocity CV (a velocity determined during tests involving a
series of fatiguing runs on a treadmill) and MPT; their data showed that marathon time correlated more
highly with CV than either peak oxygen consumption or ventilatory threshold. A study conducted by
Roecker et al. (1998), based on an incremental treadmill test, revealed that the individual anaerobic
threshold had the highest predictive value for long distance competitions among 16 other parameters. Billat
et al. (2001) showed that the discriminating factors for international top-class marathoners, when compared
with runners at a slightly lower level, are the maximal oxygen consumption V
̇O2max for males, and the
velocity on a 1000m run (after 10 km run at marathon velocity) for females. In a further investigation, Billat
et al. (2003) stated that the velocity at the V
̇O2max is the main factor predicting the 10-km performance in
elite male and female Kenyan runners; they also investigated the type of training and concluded that a
high-intensity training contributes to a higher V
̇O2max in men. More recently, Legaz et al. (2006) correlated
MPT for a top-level homogeneous group of males and females to some physiological measurements. Their
model for the male group used as independent variables the lactate value at 10km/h, left ventricular
telediastolic diameter (LVD) and lactate value at 22 km/h, whereas for the female group the independent
variables were the subscapular skinfold, serum ferritin and sum of six skinfolds.
Most of the above studies have been based on measurements of such variables as maximal oxygen
consumption, heart rates, lactic acid during submaximal and maximal treadmill running, performed on high-
level distance runners and involving expensive laboratory facilities. However, a method of predicting
performance based on training indices may be, for the increasing mass of non-competitive runners, an
attractive and inexpensive alternative to metabolic testing (typically reserved to elite athletes) in events like
the marathon.
The aim of this study is to correlate marathon performance time (MPT) only with training characteristics.
Correlations for MPT mainly or only based on training variables are already documented in the literature
(Slovic 1977; Hagan et al. 1981, 1987; Bale et al. 1985); moreover, a direct relationship between training
and physiological factors is likely to exist (Billat et al., 2002, 2003) and this could justify the assumption of a
correlation completely based on the training data. To comply with this purpose, a regression analysis has
been performed in order to identify those training factors, recorded for a given number of weeks prior to a
race, that contribute significantly to the prediction of final race time.
Research participants
This study collected training data of twenty-two runners (twenty-one males, one female), age 28-54 years
for a five-year period, over which they run 46 marathons, with MPT ranging from 167 min to 216 min (2h
47min to 3h 36min). All runners gave informed consent to participate in this investigation. Table 1 gives the
anthropometric characteristics of the subjects as mean ± SD (standard deviation), minimum and maximum.
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | 2011 |
The subjects provided their daily exercise records during their pre-marathon training (typically a three-
months period), including the distance and time run for each workout. To ensure the required level of
reliability of the study, the marathon races considered had the same level of difficulty (predominantly on flat
terrain), similar weather conditions and were run by the athletes at a regular pace throughout the race (with
a difference between first half and second half times less than 4 min) and at the highest intensity in line with
their training level.
Table 1. Anthropometric characteristics of the subjects.
Research design and training documentation
The purpose of the study was to develop a regression equation to predict the marathon performance time.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to record physiological measurements for the athletes’ sample; thus the
study was limited to training variables. The training data were accumulated over a twelve-week period
before the race. Since the workouts performed during the week immediately preceding the race are
typically of lesser importance, analysis was developed neglecting data collected in the final week.
The variables considered for the MPT prediction were: the number of previous marathons run Nm, the
number of training days per week Nd, the mean distance run for each workout Kday, the maximum workout
distance per week Kmax, the mean workout distance per week K, the mean training pace P. In order to
provide reliable data, subjects were used to train on track or in external flat environment with a GPS device
in order to correctly estimate their training distances. Moreover, each athlete included, in his/her training
programme, one or more long-distance workouts (typically a 30-35 km long steady run 3-4 weeks prior the
Parameters based on the distance run in a given time lap (day, week) typically include the distance run also
in the warm-up and recovery; the same consideration applies to the calculation of the training pace, given
by the ratio between the time, employed to run the workout distance (including the warm-up and recovery),
and the distance itself.
No tests for a given distance (i.e. faster time for a 5km or 10km run) were considered in this study for the
following reasons: the difficulty in scheduling a running test under standard conditions (i.e., similar weather
and terrain, same time allocation prior to the marathon, etc.) for athletes living and training in different
cities, and the consideration that numerous subjects of the sample did not include a fast 5km or 10km
workout in their programme of marathon training.
Training and performance characteristics of the research participants are summarised in Table 2. Even
though the analysis has been conducted by averaging the collected training data over 11, 10 and 8
consecutive weeks prior to the race, the time-averaged parameters reported in Table 2 refer to the 8-week
period since no significant alterations of data were recorded by changing (from 8 to 11 weeks) the period of
Height (cm)
Weight (kg)
BMI (kg/m
Age (years)
*male sample group (for the sole female runner: height:155 cm, weight 53.5 kg)
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
| 2011 | ISSUE 3 | VOLUME 6
© 2011 University of Alicante
observation. The reference, 8-week, period started 9 weeks before the race and finished seven days prior
to the race.
Table 2. Performance and training of the subjects.
Statistical analysis
The identification of the parameters significantly affecting the MPT was performed by using a standard
software for the regression analysis of data according to different shapes (linear, polynomial, exponential,
power law, etc.) of the mathematical correlating function. The standard error of estimate SEE and the
correlation coefficient r were considered to evaluate the accuracy of a given regression curve. Too large
values of SEE or values of r relatively far from unity were considered as indices of poor quality of the
Firstly, the effects of the selected training characteristics on the recorded marathon pace Pm (sec/km) were
investigated. It is useful to keep in mind that marathon performance time MPT, expressed in min, is related
to Pm, expressed in sec/km, by the equation: MPT = 42.195 Pm/60.
The relationship of marathon pace Pm to considered training indices is reported in Table 3, where the shape
of the best regression line, the correlation coefficient (r) and the standard error of estimate (SEE) are
indicated for each independent variable. Results showed that the mean distance for each workout Kday
(km/day) and the maximum distance per week Kmax (km/week) are not effective predictors for MPT.
Similarly, neither the number of workout days per week Nd, nor the number of previous marathons Nm were
found to be predictive of the marathon pace. Conversely, the mean distance per week K and the mean
training pace were found to be strongly correlated with MPT. The regression lines giving the marathon pace
Pm versus K and P are shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively.
Finishing time MPT (min)
Race pace Pm (sec/km)
Previous marathons Nm
#No. of training days per week Nd
#Mean distance for each workout Kday (km/day)
Maximum workout distance per week Kmax (km/week)
#Mean workout distance per week K (km/week)
#Mean training pace P (sec/km)
# averaged over an 8-week training period prior to the race
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | 2011 |
Table 3. Relationship of marathon pace to selected training indices.
K (km/week)
30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Pm (sec/km)
vs K
best regression line
Figure 1. Relationship between Pm (marathon pace) and K (mean distance run per week).
shape of best
coefficient of
Previous marathons Nm
#No. of training days per week Nd
#Mean distance for each workout Kday (km/day)
Maximum workout distance per week Kmax (km/week)
#Mean workout distance per week K (km/week)
0.81 10.7
#Mean training pace P (sec/km)
# averaged over an 8-week training period prior to the race.
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
| 2011 | ISSUE 3 | VOLUME 6
© 2011 University of Alicante
P (sec/km)
240 260 280 300 320 340
vs P
best regression line
Figure 2. Relationship between Pm (marathon pace) and P (mean training pace).
Attention was then turned to the development, through a multiple non-linear regression analysis, of the
relationship giving the marathon pace Pm as a function of the best predictive factors, K and P.
According to the complete set of training data, the marathon pace can be predicted by the following
Pm (sec/km) = 17.1 + 140.0 exp[-0.0053 K(km/week)] + 0.55 P (sec/km)
where exp denotes the exponential function. The standard error of estimate SEE of the regression equation
is 5.77 sec/km, which corresponds to a SEE of only 4 min in the MPT prediction. Despite the reduced range
of variation of BMI for the sample group, it was found that, when the sample of runners with BMI<23 kg/m2
is considered (17 athletes out of 22, with 37 marathons run out of 46) the SEE of the regression equation
drops to only 5.10 sec/km (i.e. 3 min 35 sec for MPT).
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | 2011 |
The predicted values of Pm (sec/km) are plotted in Figure 3 as functions of the recorded values. The solid
line represents the line of perfect agreement. The correlation predicts 69% of MPT values within 4 min and
50% within 2 min. These figures increase to 73% and 54%, respectively, when only subjects with BMI<23
kg/m2 are considered.
m, measured
220 240 260 280 300 320
m, predicted
Figure 3. Mean marathon pace: predicted values against measured values. Solid line: perfect agreement.
The present study converged to a correlation featured by a standard error of estimate typically lower than
that encountered in similar studies reported in the literature (Hagan et al., 1981, 1987; Florence & Weir,
1997), despite the heterogeneous physical and training characteristics of the subjects, and developed
utilizing only two independent variables, one related to the training volume and the other to the training
intensity. The reasons for such a successful result of the regression analysis are probably: (i) the good
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
| 2011 | ISSUE 3 | VOLUME 6
© 2011 University of Alicante
quality of the sample training data (each runner selected for this study performed his training seriously and
with great motivation) and of the achieved race performances (each marathon run by the athlete group has
been typically featured by a constant pace throughout the race), (ii) the correct identification of main
training indices, (iii) and the choice of a non-linear regression analysis. The main limitation of the regression
equation for MPT is its validity range, currently from 167 min (2h, 47min) to 216 min (3h, 36min), which is
the range of race finishing time of the sample group. However, it is worth noting that, for example, more
than 10 thousand Italian people ran, in 2010, at least one marathon with a finishing time included in the
above MPT range; therefore the results of this study are potentially addressed to a relatively large cohort of
The duration of time over which the training measurements were accumulated ranged, in similar studies
reported in the literature (Slovic, 1977; Foster 1975, 1983; Grant et al. 1984; Hagan et al. 1981, 1987; Billat
et al. 2001), from 8 to 12 weeks. Hagan et al. (1987) showed that regardless of the period of observation
(8, 9, or 12 weeks), their equation variables remained unchanged. The present investigation seems to
support this consideration; the processing of present data was not affected by the period (from 8 to 11
weeks) over which training data were averaged. The 8-week period was then selected for the regression
equation since it involves a lower amount of data to record and process.
The number of subjects tested for this study was 22, lower than that considered by Hagan et al. (1981,
1987), but comparable to the one used by Billat et al. (2001, 2003) and higher than the sample number of
Florence & Weir (1997). It should be emphasized that some of the 22 athletes provided training data for
more than a single marathon race (up to four) run typically at six months/one year of distance from each
other; therefore the number of overall training data (and relevant marathon races run by the 22 athletes)
was 46, satisfactory to develop an accurate regression analysis. The sample group is mostly formed by
male athletes (21 subjects out of 22), However, the training data (recorded for 3 marathons run) provided
by the sole woman of the sample group are accurately correlated by the present analysis. Of course, the
accumulation of further training data for a larger sample of women and of athletes, in general, including
elite marathoners, could lead in the near future to an even more accurate correlation within a larger field of
Of the several training indices investigated, the analysis suggests that some are poorly correlated to MPT,
like the mean distance for each workout, the maximum distance per week, the number of previous
marathons, and the number of workout days per week. This result is in agreement with the majority of
similar studies reported in the literature. Conversely, the mean distance run per week and the mean training
pace emerged as the most important training characteristics affecting the marathon performance. Hagan et
al. (1981) included (among the others) these two parameters in their correlation for MPT prediction based
on the analysis of male runners training data; in a following study (Hagan et al., 1987), conducted for
female distance runners, MPT was correlated to the mean training pace and to the daily (rather than the
weekly) workout. It is interesting to note that the maximal aerobic power was not related to MPT for the
female sample. A similar study (Bale et al., 1985) on female marathon runners indicated the number of
sessions per week, the ectomorphy, the distance run per week and the number of years of training as the
best predictors for MPT. Conversely, studies conducted for first-time marathoners (Grant et al., 1984) and
for middle-aged and older runners (Takeshima et al., 1995) found only a low or moderate level of
correlation between the weekly running distance and the endurance running performance.
A more recent investigation on elite runners (Billat et al., 2003) revealed that the velocity at the high-
intensity training is the main factor predicting the 10km-run performance; this finding is in agreement with
Tanda G. / Prediction of marathon performance time JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT & EXERCISE
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | 2011 |
the results of this study, showing that the mean training pace P, which is related to intensity of the training
period, is the best predictor for MPT (lowest SEE and highest r). However, incorporating also the mean
weekly distance K is found, in the present analysis, to enhance the predictive accuracy of the developed
correlations for MPT; this is probably ascribed to the characteristics of the sample, not including elite
runners but amateurs only.
The effect of the athletes’ physical characteristics on MPT was not investigated in this study, apart from the
body mass index (BMI) of each runner, recorded and included in the analysis. Hagan et al. (1981, 1987)
showed that BMI was a better predictor of MPT for experienced female runners than for male runners.
Campbell (1985) found that the most important predictors for running speed in half-marathon were the
distance per week and BMI. No statistical significance was reached for the relationship of BMI with finish
time for both men and women ultramarathon runners was recorded by Hoffman et al. (2010), whereas BMI
was shown to account for 10-11% of the variation in finish time in a previous study (Hoffman et al., 2008),
where a larger sample size was considered. The present regression analysis indicated that a BMI lower
than 23 kg/m2 (that is quite usual for an experienced long-distance runner) contributes to increasing the
accuracy of the regression equations for MPT. Since BMI values of the sample group varied in a too narrow
range, no attempt to relate it to MPT was make; however it is argued from results that BMI may (negatively)
affect MPT only beyond some critical values (say 23 kg/m2).
The results of this investigation, conducted by processing the marathon training data of 22 athletes,
showed a high correlation between marathon performance time and a couple of training indices that can be
easily calculated by processing training data accumulated over a given period of observation (8 weeks)
prior the marathon race. These indices (the mean weekly distance and the mean training pace) condensed
the volume and intensity of training respectively, regardless of the type of training programme followed by
each athlete. Currently, the validity range of the correlation for MPT is from 167 min to 216 min. The
standard error of estimate of the regression equation is 4 min but it goes down to about 3min 30sec when
only runners with BMI lower than 23 kg/m2 are considered.
The author is grateful to the athletes for their availability to be subjects for this investigation, and to Prof. S.
Lo Presti, for the technical assistance and suggestions.
This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Maurizio Magagnini, trainer and dear friend, who passed
away on July 7, 2010.
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... In recent decades, several mathematical models have been proposed to predict MRT in both male and female runners. These models are based on different endurance performance variables, including anthropometric (e.g., body mass, body mass index -BMI-, body fat percentage, calf circumference, trunk-to-leg proportion etc.) and physiological variables (e.g., maximum oxygen consumption -VO2max-, running economy -RE-, physiological thresholds etc.) [11,12] as well as those related to training (e.g., weekly training distance or volume, training frequency, average weekly running speed or pace, TID etc.) [3,[13][14][15] and previous experience in the distance [16]. However, some of these variables are commonly assessed by qualified specialists through laboratory tests or by using specific and not easily available equipment for recreational runners and coaches. ...
... Scientific literature reported other regression models for estimating MTR mainly based on training variables (i.e., average weekly training distance or volume, training frequency, mean weekly training speed or pace, maximum workout distance per week etc.). [13,14,37] In this regard, the equation proposed by Schmid and colleagues (2012) reported R 2 values of 0.50 considering calf circumference and average running speed during training. Similarly, other works reported prediction equation R 2 values of 0.44 based on body fat percentage and running speed during training, [38] while Nikkolaidis and coworkers (2021) reported higher R 2 values (R 2 = 0.61) when VO 2max , weekly training distance and BMI are included in the prediction equation. ...
... Similarly, other works reported prediction equation R 2 values of 0.44 based on body fat percentage and running speed during training, [38] while Nikkolaidis and coworkers (2021) reported higher R 2 values (R 2 = 0.61) when VO 2max , weekly training distance and BMI are included in the prediction equation. Only two studies [14,37] reported R 2 values similar to those of our regression models (R 2 = 0.72 for Tanda's model and R 2 = 0.81 for Tanda and Knechtle's model vs R 2 = 0.87-0.91 for ours). However, compared to our models, some of these proposals require monitoring of specific training and physiological variables that the majority of recreational runners do not conduct, making it more difficult to apply these regression models. ...
Full-text available
Objective The main aim of this study was to develop an equation for predicting performance in 42.2 km (MRT) using pacing and packing behavior, age group and previous 21.1 km time as possible explanatory variables. Methods 1571 men and 251 female runners who took part in the Valencia Marathon and Half-Marathon were selected to display the regression models. Stepwise regression analysis showed as explanatory variables for MRT: pacing behavior, age group, and time in 21.1 km. Results The analysis showed four regression models to estimate accurately MRT based principally on athletes previous performance in half-marathon and pacing behavior for men (R²= 0.72–0.88; RMSE= 4:03–8:31 [min:s]). For women, it was suggested a multiple linear regression for estimating MRT (R² 0.95; RSE= 8:06 [min:s]) based on previous performance in half-marathon and pacing behavior. The subsequent concordance analysis showed no significant differences between four of the total regressions with real time in the marathon (p>0.05). Conclusion The present results suggest that even and negative pacing behavior and a better time in 21.1 km, in the previous weeks of the marathon, might accurately predict the MRT. At the same time, nomadic packing behavior was the one that reported the best performance. On the other hand, although the age group variable might partially explain the final performance, it should be included with caution in the final model because of differences in sample distribution, causing an overestimation or underestimation of the final time.
... A number of elite and recreational runners train daily to perform well in marathon races (Haugen et al. 2022;Karp 2007;Tanda and Knechtle 2013). Several studies have reported that marathon time is influenced by training indices (Gordon et al. 2017;Hagan et al. 1987;Salinero et al. 2017;Takeshima and Tanaka 1995;Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015) as well as by anthropometric (Hagan et al. 1987;Loflin et al. 2007) and physiological (Gordon et al. 2017;Hagan et al. 1987;Takeshima and Tanaka 1995;Loflin et al. 2007) variables. ...
... Previous studies have suggested that training indices, such as training frequency (Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015), training volume (Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015;Foster et al. 1983) and running pace (Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015), are important predictors of marathon time. Superior runners train more frequently and run further per workout than inferior runners (Gordon et al. 2017). ...
... Previous studies have suggested that training indices, such as training frequency (Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015), training volume (Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015;Foster et al. 1983) and running pace (Tanda 2011;Tanda and Knechtle 2015), are important predictors of marathon time. Superior runners train more frequently and run further per workout than inferior runners (Gordon et al. 2017). ...
Full-text available
PurposeThis study attempted to clarify the relationships between marathon time and monthly training volume, training frequency and the longest (LRD) or average running distance per workout (ARD), as well as their interactions.Methods Male recreational runners (n = 587) participating in the Hokkaido Marathon 2017 completed a questionnaire before the race; of these, 494 finished the race. We assessed age, running career, body height, body weight, body mass index (BMI), monthly training volume, training frequency, the LRD and the ARD. These indicators were each divided into 4 or 5 homogeneous subgroups to determine whether the other indicators in each subgroup predicted marathon time.ResultsIn the training frequency subgroups, there were significant correlations between monthly training volume, the LRD or the ARD and marathon time, except for the subgroup that trained 2 times per week or less; in this subgroup, the relationship between the ARD and marathon time was not significant. In all monthly training volume subgroups, there were no significant relationships between training frequency, the LRD or the ARD and marathon time. In the ≥ 21 km LRD and ≥ 10 km ARD subgroups, there were significant correlations between monthly training volume and marathon time (all P < 0.01); these correlations were not significant in the 1–20 km LRD and < 10 km ARD subgroups.Conclusion These results indicate that monthly training volume is the most important factor in predicting marathon time and that the influence of monthly training volume is only significant if the running distance per workout exceeded a certain level.
... Especially recreational runners with lower training volumes can potentially increase their performance by increasing the amount of training. This was underlined by the results of Roecker et al. [199] and Tanda [200], who found training volume to be one of the key predictors for marathon performance in recreational runners. ...
... Despite the absence of conventional metrics to assess performance improvement we believe that Δ 10 is a plausible surrogate since it should reasonably reflect an improvement in endurance capacity [74]. Also, research has shown that the velocity of 10 km races highly correlates to marathon performances [200,211]. ...
... Strong correlations between average marathon velocity and average 10 km velocity have been reported by others [200,211] and are verified by our data. The sorted values for Δ 10 show a heterogeneity in response to training. ...
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Body-worn sensors, so-called wearables, are getting more and more popular in the sports domain. Wearables offer real-time feedback to athletes on technique and performance, while researchers can generate insights into the biomechanics and sports physiology of the athletes in real-world sports environments outside of laboratories. One of the first sports disciplines, where many athletes have been using wearable devices, is endurance running. With the rising popularity of smartphones, smartwatches and inertial measurement units (IMUs), many runners started to track their performance and keep a digital training diary. Due to the high number of runners worldwide, which transferred their data of wearables to online fitness platforms, large databases were created, which enable Big Data analysis of running data. This kind of analysis offers the potential to conduct longitudinal sports science studies on a larger number of participants than ever before. In this dissertation, both studies showing how to extract endurance running-related parameters from raw data of foot-mounted IMUs as well as a Big Data study with running data from a fitness platform are presented.
... Variations in training characteristics have been observed among runners with different skill levels, and race distances. The training volume and intensity was increased if runners had higher performance and prepared for longer running events such as half marathon and marathon Tanda, 2011). Previous studies reported that elite marathoners trained over 160 -220 km which distributed for 11-14 sessions per week (Casado et al., 2022). ...
... Among the recreational runners, distinctions in training distances were also presented as the highly trained runners covered longer mileage than the lower trained runners. Moreover, many studies found associations between training characteristics and race time in marathoners and half marathoners (Fokkema et al., 2020;Friedrich et al., 2014;Knechtle et al., 2011;Rüst et al., 2011;Tanda, 2011;Yamaguchi et al., 2022). The time to finish the race would be shorter if the runners trained more frequently over greater running distances. ...
... Obviously there are unique psychological requirements in different sports, but there are also common factors that predict high performance in any sport-for example, some personality traits (Piedmont et al., 1999). The identification of important psychological factors is needed especially in demanding disciplines, such as marathon, which depends on numerous training sessions and requires huge effort during the competition itself (Tanda, 2011). Researchers explain successful sports performance as stemming from positive attitudes and thoughts, strong determination, and engagement (Harmison, 2006). ...
... As Busseri et al. (2011) observed, training engagement may be assessed based on behavioral indicators such as training frequency and the amount of time invested. Multiple training sessions are necessary to improve performance by providing better endurance and improving physiological parameters (e.g., maximal oxygen uptake; Tanda, 2011). However, in contrast to competition, training does not lead to immediate reward after this activity (Ericsson, 2006), and training sessions are exhausting not only physically but also mentally. ...
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Psychological mechanisms explaining running performance have not been fully identified yet. One of the factors potentially important in running performance is positive orientation—a higher order construct capturing the core of self-esteem, life satisfaction, and optimism. The aim of the study was to investigate the role of positive orientation in explaining running performance of recreational runners. The study involved 204 recreational runners taking part in a marathon race. Before the race, they reported their positive orientation, training engagement, BMI, and previous marathon experience. Actual running performance was measured using runners’ personal bib numbers and their objective time scores obtained from the official competitors’ list after the race. Structural equation modelling results show that the higher is runners’ positive orientation, the higher is also their training engagement before the marathon, which in turn predicts their actual running performance. The study extends the understanding of a role of personality in recreational sport performance. The findings broaden also evidence concerning the role of positive orientation in effective functioning.
... Regression models are then used to establish prediction equations. Among these models, the prediction models for marathon performance based on body morphology and training variables have shown moderate utility with r 2 values ranging from 0.41 to 0.6812,21 . Beat Knechtle predicted halfmarathon times for male and female runners using the following equations: Male race time (minutes) = 142.7 + 1.158 × body fat percentage (%) − 5.223 × running speed during training (km/h) (r 2 = 0.41), Female race time (minutes) = 168.7 + 1.077 × body fat percentage (%) − 7.556 × running speed during training (km/h) (r 2 = 0.68)11,22,23 . ...
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BACKGROUND Smartwatches for running are highly prevalent among amateur runners. Their reliability and validity need investigation for accurate predicting running performance. OBJECTIVE This study aims to examine the accuracy of the HUAWEI WATCH GT Runner smartwatch in predicting running performance. METHODS A total of 154 amateur runners, comprising 123 men and 31 women, were recruited. After wearing the HUAWEI WATCH GT Runner for a minimum of six weeks, the runners' actual completion times for 5km, 10km, and half marathon distances were measured, resulting in 288 test instances. The predicted completion times for the same distances as displayed on the watch on the day of the test were simultaneously recorded. RESULTS The actual and predicted performances for the 5km, 10km, and 21.1km distances were highly correlated, with r ≥ 0.95 (P < 0.001), r² ≥ 0.9 for all three distances, and an error rate between the measured and predicted values of less than 3%, and ICC ≥ 0.9. The Bias ± 95%LoA was − 20.6 ± 46.1 seconds for the 5km, 4.1 ± 299.1 seconds for the 10km, and 143.8 ± 400.4 seconds for the half marathon. CONCLUSIONS This study confirms that the smartwatch exhibits high precision in predicting 5km, 10km, and half marathon performances, with an accuracy exceeding 97%. The performance prediction feature of the smartwatch can effectively guide amateur runners in setting reasonable competition goals and preparing for races.
... Moreover, the percentage of training days is also considered. The period of last weeks is chosen due to better performance than shorter time windows which was concluded in the existing literature [7][8][9][10]. In context of runner's load, number of competitions since the beginning of the month is taken into account. ...
Although studies used machine learning algorithms to predict performances in sports activities, none, to the best of our knowledge, have used and validated two artificial intelligence techniques: artificial neural network (ANN) and k-nearest neighbor (KNN) in the running discipline of marathon and compared the accuracy or precision of the predicted performances. Official French rankings for the 10-km road and marathon events in 2019 were scrutinized over a dataset of 820 athletes (aged 21, having run 10km and a marathon in the same year that was run slower...). For the KNN and ANN the same inputs (10-km race time, body mass index, age and sex) were used to solve a linear regression problem to estimate the marathon race time. No difference was found between the actual and predicted marathon performances for either method (p > 0.05). All predicted performances were significantly correlated with the actual ones, with very high correlation coefficients (r> 0.90; p < 0.001). KNN outperformed ANN with a mean absolute error of 2.4 vs 5.6%. The study confirms the validity of both algorithms, with better accuracy for KNN in predicting marathon performance. Consequently, the predictions from these artificial intelligence methods may be used in training programs and competitions.
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Cette thèse avait pour objectif de présenter les différents travaux réalisés sur la prédiction de la performance en course à pied afin d’aider les athlètes et les entraîneurs à optimiser leur processus d’entraînement. Ces études, en collaboration avec la Fédération Française d’Athlétisme (FFA), se sont appuyées sur le système d’information fédéral répertoriant notamment l’ensemble des résultats athlétiques, les bilans ou encore le nombre de licenciés. La première étude avait pour objectif d’exposer l’évolution des performances françaises des courses de demi-fond et de fond chez les femmes. Les études suivantes étaient principalement destinées à tester la validité, la justesse, et la précision de différentes méthodes de prédiction (i.e., capacité à prédire les performances) sur des performances individuelles réelles d’athlètes de différents niveaux, hommes et/ou femmes. Les résultats se sont avérés valides et précis, quelle que soit la méthode de prédiction utilisée. Enfin, la dernière recherche était destinée à la prédiction du potentiel de performance. Cette étude a notamment mis en avant une analyse du taux d'amélioration des performances en demi-fond et en fond précédant la réalisation de records personnels chez les hommes et chez les femmes. Un index de progression à visée pratique, a également été proposé, afin d’évaluer l’évolution des performances et permettre une éventuelle détection et orientation des athlètes au fort potentiel.
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The importance of the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) for competitive running performance is established. Although of clear importance, the quantitative association between the volume and intensity of training, and running performance has not been established. The purpose of this investigation was to quantify the relative importance of VO2 max, training volume (miles/week) and intensity for running performance at distances ranging from 1.0 to 26.2 miles. Seventy‐eight well‐trained runners of widely varying ability were studied during uphill treadmill running to determine VO2 max. They provided training records to determine training volume and intensity, and participated in races of 1.0 (n = 31), 2.0 (n = 55), 3.0 (n = 28), 6.0 (n= 17), 10.0 (n = 20) and 26.2 (n = 25) miles. The relationship of VO2 max and training volume and intensity to performance was determined using multiple regression. Performance (running time) was highly correlated with VO2 max (r= ‐0.91, ‐0.92, ‐0.94, ‐0.96, ‐0.95 and ‐0.96 for 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 6.0, 10.0 and 26.2 miles, respectively). The addition of training measures improved the multiple correlations in some (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 6.0 miles) but not all (10.0 and 26.2 miles) events. However, even when addition of one or both training indices improved the multiple correlation, the net reduction in the standard error of estimate was small. The results imply that the volume and intensity of training, per se, are relatively minor determinants of cross‐sectional differences in competitive running performance.
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Performance in marathon running is influenced by a variety of factors, most of which are of a physiological nature. Accordingly, the marathon runner must rely to a large extent on a high aerobic capacity. But great variations in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) have been observed among runners with a similar performance capacity, indicating complementary factors are of importance for performance. The oxygen cost of running or the running economy (expressed, e.g. as VO2 15 at 15 km/h) as well as the fractional utilisation of VO2 max at marathon race pace (%VO2 Ma X VO2 max-1) [where Ma = mean marathon velocity] are additional factors which are known to affect the performance capacity. Together VO2 max, VO2 15 and %VO2 Ma X VO2 max-1 can almost entirely explain the variation in marathon performance. To a similar degree, these variables have also been found to explain the variations in the 'anaerobic threshold'. This factor, which is closely related to the metabolic response to increasing exercise intensities, is the single variable that has the highest predictive power for marathon performance. But a major limiting factor to marathon performance is probably the choice of fuels for the exercising muscles, which factor is related to the %VO2 Ma X VO2 max-1. Present indications are that marathon runners, compared with normal individuals, have a higher turnover rate in fat metabolism at given high exercise intensities expressed both in absolute (m/sec) and relative (%VO2 max) terms. The selection of fat for oxidation by the muscles is important since the stores of the most efficient fuel, the carbohydrates, are limited. The large amount of endurance training done by marathon runners is probably responsible for similar metabolic adaptations, which contribute to a delayed onset of fatigue and raise the VO2 Ma X VO2max-1. There is probably an upper limit in training kilometrage above which there are no improvements in the fractional utilisation of VO2 max at the marathon race pace. The influence of training on VO2 max and, to some extent, on the running economy appears, however, to be limited by genetic factors.
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Of 221 competitors in a University half marathon in 1983, 98 replied to a questionnaire before the race which asked for details of training, age, height, weight and resting pulse rate. Finishing times of all competitors were recorded. In a multiple regression analysis significant predictors of running speed were: amount of training, expressed as distance run per week and number of weeks training for the event, the Body Mass Index (weight/height) and resting pulse rate. We conclude that for assessing running speed amongst competitors with similar amounts of training, the Body Mass Index and the resting pulse rate are useful substitutes for more elaborate and expensive measures.
During the last nearly 50 years, the blood lactate curve and lactate thresholds (LTs) have become important in the diagnosis of endurance performance. An intense and ongoing debate emerged, which was mainly based on terminology and/or the physiological background of LT concepts. The present review aims at evaluating LTs with regard to their validity in assessing endurance capacity. Additionally, LT concepts shall be integrated within the ‘aerobic-anaerobic transition’ — a framework which has often been used for performance diagnosis and intensity prescriptions in endurance sports. Usually, graded incremental exercise tests, eliciting an exponential rise in blood lactate concentrations (bLa), are used to arrive at lactate curves. A shift of such lactate curves indicates changes in endurance capacity. This very global approach, however, is hindered by several factors that may influence overall lactate levels. In addition, the exclusive use of the entire curve leads to some uncertainty as to the magnitude of endurance gains, which cannot be precisely estimated. This deficiency might be eliminated by the use of LTs. The aerobic-anaerobic transition may serve as a basis for individually assessing endurance performance as well as for prescribing intensities in endurance training. Additionally, several LT approaches may be integrated in this framework. This model consists of two typical breakpoints that are passed during incremental exercise: the intensity at which bLa begin to rise above baseline levels and the highest intensity at which lactate production and elimination are in equilibrium (maximal lactate steady state [MLSS]). Within this review, LTs are considered valid performance indicators when there are strong linear correlations with (simulated) endurance performance. In addition, a close relationship between LT and MLSS indicates validity regarding the prescription of training intensities. A total of 25 different LT concepts were located. All concepts were divided into three categories. Several authors use fixed bLa during incremental exercise to assess endurance performance (category 1). Other LT concepts aim at detecting the first rise in bLa above baseline levels (category 2). The third category consists of threshold concepts that aim at detecting either the MLSS or a rapid/distinct change in the inclination of the blood lactate curve (category 3). Thirty-two studies evaluated the relationship of LTs with performance in (partly simulated) endurance events. The overwhelming majority of those studies reported strong linear correlations, particularly for running events, suggesting a high percentage of common variance between LT and endurance performance. In addition, there is evidence that some LTs can estimate the MLSS. However, from a practical and statistical point of view it would be of interest to know the variability of individual differences between the respective threshold and the MLSS, which is rarely reported. Although there has been frequent and controversial debate on the LT phenomenon during the last three decades, many scientific studies have dealt with LT concepts, their value in assessing endurance performance or in prescribing exercise intensities in endurance training. The presented framework may help to clarify some aspects of the controversy and may give a rationale for performance diagnosis and training prescription in future research as well as in sports practice.
This study compares body composition characteristics with performance among participants in a 161-km trail ultramarathon. Height, mass, and percent body fat from bioimpedance spectroscopy were measured on 72 starters (17 women, 55 men). Correlation analyses were used to compare body characteristics with finish time, and unpaired t-tests were used to compare characteristics of finishers with non-finishers. Mean (+/-SD) BMI (kg x m(-2)) was 24.8+/-2.7 (range 19.1-32.2) for the men and 21.2+/-2.1 (range 18.1-26.7) for the women. Among the three fastest runners, BMI values ranged from 22.1 to 23.4 for men and 21.5 to 22.9 for women. Mean (+/-SD) percent body fat values for men and women were 17+/-5 (range 5-35) and 21+/-6 (range 10-29) , and ranged from 6 to 14 and 14 to 27 among the fastest three men and women. There was a significant positive correlation (r(2)=0.23; p=0.0025) between percent body fat and finish time for men but not for women, and percent body fat values were lower for finishers than non-finishers for men (p=0.03) and women (p=0.04). We conclude that despite wide variations in BMI and percent body fat among ultramarathon participants, the faster men have lower percent body fat values than the slower men, and finishers have lower percent body fat values than non-finishers.
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of marathon performance time (MPT) to maximal aerobic power (VO2 max), physical characteristics, and training indices recorded for 12 weeks prior to a race in 35 female distance runners. The marathon experience of the subjects ranged from two to fifteen races. Physical and aerobic power characteristics (mean +/- S.D.) were: age, 35.7 +/- 8.5 yr; height, 166.4 +/- 5.7 cm; weight, 55.1 +/- 5.7 kg; body fat, 15.7 +/- 5.0%; VO2 max, 56.5 +/- 6.2 ml . kg-1 . min-1. Marathon time for this race averaged 227.0 +/- 31.6 min. Records from individual training diaries indicated the runners averaged 71.0 +/- 10.0 workout days, 10.0 +/- 10.0 two X day-1 workouts, 81.0 +/- 8.0 total workouts, 12.3 +/- 1.8 mean km . workout-1, 5402.8 +/- 1302.6 total training min, 187.0 +/- 18.0 m . min-1 training pace, 112.2 +/- 32.1 max km . wk-1, 83.1 +/- 23.4 mean km . wk-1, 998.8 +/- 282.6 km . 12 wk-1 and 13.8 +/- 2.4 mean km . day-1. MPT was positively correlated to body mass index (r = 0.52), and body fat (r = 0.52) but negatively related to VO2 max (r = -0.65). MPT was also negatively related to previous marathons completed (r = -0.47), workout days (r = -0.47), two X day-1 workouts (r = -0.52), total workouts (r = -0.56), mean km . workout-1 (r = -0.58), total training min (r = -0.56), m . min-1, training pace (r = -0.66), max km . wk-1 (r = -0.70), mean km . wk-1 (r = -0.74), km . 12 wk-1 (r = -0.74), and mean km . day-1 (r = -0.77). MPT for our population of runners may be predicted (r = 0.82, R2 = 0.68) by the following equation: MPT, (min) = 449.88 - 7.61 (-/x run) - 0.63 (m.min-1, training pace); SEE = +/- 18.4 min.
The purpose of this study was to determine how female marathon runners of varying standards differed in body composition and physique and in their training regimes, and secondly to develop predictors of distance running performance from the anthropometric and training variables. Female marathon runners (n = 36), all participants in a national 10 mile (16 km) road racing championship, were divided into three groups according to their best time for the 26.2 mile race. They were assessed for body composition and somatotype using anthropometric techniques and completed a questionnaire about their current training for the marathon. No difference was found between the groups of distance runners when measured for height, bone widths and circumferences. The three groups were found to have similar body weights of approximately 53 kg, a value which is much lower than the average for sedentary women, but which compares favourably with those from previous studies of female long distance runners. While all the runners had a lower per cent fat, as measured from skinfold thicknesses, than sedentary women, the elite runners were seen to have significantly lower values (P less than 0.05) than the other two groups. The difference in body fat was particularly reflected in the triceps skinfold value. There was also a tendency for the elite runners to be more ectomorphic and less endomorphic than the others. The better runners were seen, on the whole, to have been running longer, and to have more strenuous regimes, both in terms of intensity of training and distance run per week. Multiple regression and discriminant function analyses indicated that the number of training sessions per week and the number of years training were the best predictors of competitive performance at both 10 mile and marathon distances. They also indicated that a female long distance runner with a slim physique high in ectomorphy has the greatest potential for success.