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Principles of
Principles of MULTIMEDIA
Principles of Multimedia, 2e essentially discusses about characteristics, representation,
compression, storage (file format) and processing tools for understanding and utilization of
various multimedia components, like text, image, graphics, audio, video, animation. This
edition additionally focuses on programming concepts using which practical tasks and
tutorials related to media processing and presentations, can be carried out by the reader to
gain a deeper understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts.
Key Features :
vIntroduction to topics on image processing, audio processing, and video processing along
with numerous MATLAB coding examples for performing related tasks
vStudies on concepts related to 2D and 3D graphics and animation including splines,
polynomials, transformations, projection, modeling, surface mapping, light, camera and
vOverview of lossless and lossy compression techniques with emphasis on JPEG and
MPEG standards
vDiscussions on hardware and OS supports for multimedia including optical storage
technologies, transmission standards, real-time protocols and playback architectures
vFocus on research issues in the fields of multimedia database, content-based storage and
retrieval, pattern recognition and computer vision
vInformation on text formats and standards, multimedia document architecture,
interchange formats, IPR, digital copyrights, digital library and multimedia archives
vExploration of Web-enabled multimedia content creation, hypermedia design and Web
programming languages like HTML, Dynamic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, SMIL, SVG and
vGuidelines and case studies for multimedia application development and authoring
ISBN-13: 978-1-25-900650-0
ISBN-10: 1-25-900650-6
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Principles of
Ranjan Parekh
7.25 X 9.5 inch
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Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited
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Second Edition
Published by Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited,
7 West Patel Nagar, New Delhi 110 008
Principles of Multimedia, 2e
Copyright © 2013, 2006, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited.
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ISBN (13): 978-1-25-900650-0
ISBN (10): 1-25-900650-6
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Preface xiii
Abbreviations xx
1. Multimedia—An Overview 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Multimedia Presentation and Production 1
1.3 Characteristics of a Multimedia Presentation 2
1.4 Hardware and Software Requirements 5
1.5 Uses of Multimedia 6
1.6 Analog and Digital Representations 8
1.7 Digitization 12
1.8 Nyquist’s Sampling Theorem 14
1.9 Quantization Error 16
1.10 Visual Display Systems 17
Review Questions 36
2. Text 39
2.1 Introduction 39
2.2 Types of Text 39
2.3 Unicode Standard 43
2.4 Font 45
2.5 Insertion of Text 47
2.6 Text Compression 48
2.7 Text File Formats 49
Review Questions 53
3. Image 55
3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Image Data Representation 55
3.3 Image Acquisition 57
3.4 Image Processing 64
3.5 Binary Image Processing 77
3.6 Grayscale Image Processing 82
3.7 Color Image Processing 99
! " # ! " $
3.8 Image Output on Monitors 128
3.9 Image Output on Printers 134
3.10 Image File Formats 137
3.11 Image-Processing Software 139
Review Questions 153
4. Graphics 155
4.1 Introduction 155
4.2 Advantages of Graphics 155
4.3 Uses of Graphics 156
4.4 Components of a Graphics System 157
4.5 2D Coordinate Systems 157
4.6 2D Transformations 158
4.7 Line-Drawing Algorithms 160
4.8 Circle-Drawing Algorithms 162
4.9 Filling Algorithms 163
4.10 Clipping Algorithms 163
4.11 2D Modeling 165
4.12 Curves and Splines 166
4.13 Splines as Polynomials 168
4.14 Linear Splines 172
4.15 Quadratic Splines 174
4.16 Cubic Splines 176
4.17 Hermite Splines 180
4.18 Catmull–Rom Splines 182
4.19 Cardinal Splines 184
4.20 Bezier Splines 186
4.21 B- Splines 190
4.22 Spline Conversions 198
4.23 Plotter 199
4.24 3D Graphics 200
4.25 3D Transformations 203
4.26 Projection 211
4.27 3D Modeling 217
4.28 3D Surface Characteristics and Lights 221
4.29 Graphics File Formats 226
4.30 Fractals 227
4.31 QuadTree 229
4.32 Graphics Software 232
Review Questions 246
! " # ! " $ %
5. Audio 248
5.1 Introduction 248
5.2 Acoustics 248
5.3 Sound Waves 249
5.4 Types and Properties of Sounds 251
5.5 Psycho-Acoustics 258
5.6 Components of an Audio Systems 261
5.7 Digital Audio 267
5.8 Synthesizers 269
5.9 Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) 270
5.10 Digital Audio Processing 276
5.11 Speech 301
5.12 Sound Card 311
5.13 Audio Transmission 314
5.14 Audio File Formats 317
5.15 Surround Sound Systems 324
5.16 Digital Audio Broadcasting 329
5.17 Audio-Processing Software 332
Review Questions 338
6. Video 340
6.1 Introduction 340
6.2 Motion Video 340
6.3 Analog Video Camera 341
6.4 Analog Video Signal Representation 344
6.5 Television Systems 353
6.6 Video Color Spaces 355
6.7 Digital Video 358
6.8 Digital Video Processing 375
6.9 Video Recording and Storage Formats 380
6.10 Video File Formats 384
6.11 Video Editing Concepts 389
6.12 Video-Processing Software 393
Review Questions 398
7. Animation 399
7.1 Introduction 399
7.2 Historical Background 399
7.3 Uses of Animation 400
7.4 Traditional Animation 400
% ! " # ! " $
7.5 Principles of Animation 403
7.6 Computer-based Animation 404
7.7 Animation on the Web 411
7.8 3D Animation 412
7.9 Rendering Algorithms 416
7.10 Animation File Formats 422
7.11 Animation Software 422
Review Questions 426
8. Compression 428
8.1 Introduction 428
8.2 Basic Concepts 428
8.3 Lossless Compression Techniques 432
8.4 Lossy Compression Techniques 441
8.5 Image Compression 454
8.6 Audio Compression 464
8.7 Video Compression 475
8.8 MPEG Standards Overview 487
8.9 Fractal Compression 499
Review Questions 510
9. CD and DVD Technology 512
9.1 Introduction 512
9.2 Compact Disc (CD) 512
9.3 CD Formats 515
9.4 Magneto-Optical Discs 522
9.5 DVD 523
9.6 DVD-Formats 526
Review Questions 530
10. Multimedia Architecture 532
10.1 Introduction 532
10.2 User Interfaces 532
10.3 OS Multimedia Support 536
10.4 Multimedia Extensions 539
10.5 Hardware Support 541
10.6 Distributed Multimedia Applications 544
10.7 Real-time Protocols 550
10.8 Playback Architectures 552
10.9 Synchronization 557
Review Questions 561
! " # ! " $ %
11. Multimedia Database 562
11.1 Introduction 562
11.2 What is a Multimedia Database 563
11.3 Content-Based Storage and Retrieval (CBSR) 564
11.4 Designing a Basic Multimedia Database 565
11.5 Image Color Features 569
11.6 Image Texture Features 574
11.7 Image-Shape Features 582
11.8 Audio Features 589
11.9 Video Features 596
11.10 ClassiÞ cation of Data 601
11.11 ArtiÞ cial Neural Networks 611
11.12 Semantics in Multimedia Data 631
11.13 Prototype Implementations 639
Review Questions 644
12. Multimedia Documents 646
12.1 Introduction 646
12.2 Document and Document Architecture 646
12.3 Hypermedia Concepts 651
12.4 Hypermedia Design 681
12.5 Digital Copyrights 682
12.6 Digital Library 688
12.7 Multimedia Archives 692
Review Questions 695
13. Multimedia Application Development 697
13.1 Introduction 697
13.2 Software Life-Cycle Overview 697
13.3 ADDIE Model 699
13.4 Multimedia Production Steps 699
13.5 Case Study 711
13.6 Authoring Software 718
13.7 Computer Games 721
Review Questions 727
14. Virtual Reality 729
14.1 Introduction 729
14.2 Forms of Virtual Reality 729
14.3 VR Applications 730
14.4 Software Requirements 730
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14.5 Peripheral Devices 731
14.6 Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) 732
Review Questions 739
Appendix 740
A.1 MPC Level 3 SpeciÞ cations 740
A.2 General MIDI (GM-1) SpeciÞ cations 745
A.3 Color Names with RGB Values in Hex for Web Design 748
A.4 MATLAB Command Summary 750
A.5 HTML Command Summary 752
A.6 CSS Attribute Summary 753
A.7 JavaScript Object Summary 754
Bibliography 755
B.1 Books 755
B.2 Research Articles 759
Coding 770
C.1 MATLAB Coding 770
C.2 VRML Coding 805
Index 816
The term ‘multimedia’ essentially implies ‘means of communication through multiple media’. From the earliest
times, humans have attempted to communicate their ideas through various means like gestures, sounds,
paintings, writings, etc. The multiple sense organs of humans also enable them to comprehend and support
such kind of multi-modal communications. In the real world, non-textual form of communication, like cave
paintings, were used much before the written form originated. In the computing world, however, the trend
has been just the reverse; text was the predominant form of communication over most of the earlier part
of computing history. Only in the last 20 years did non-textual forms gain signiÞ cance. Dealing with text
through computers was much easier than dealing with non-textual media like pictures or sound. In recent
times, many technical barriers have been overcome and practical problems have been solved. Principles of
Multimedia gives an insight into these solutions and highlights the landmarks achieved, a theoretical treatise
of humankind’s endeavor for communicating through multiple means in the digital domain. By multiple means,
we now imply the following media: text, image, graphics, audio, video and animation, all in the digital form.
Added to the above is an important aspect of multimedia that distinguishes it from television and movies—that
of interactivity. At the basic level, this lets the viewer interact with a presentation and decide how he or she
wants to view it, e.g. jump from the opening scene to a speciÞ c section instead of passively watching it from
beginning to end. At a more advanced level, interactivity lets the user change the normal course of action
within the presentation by performing certain pre-deÞ ned events. Good examples of such interactivity are
computer games and simulation packages like aircraft-training simulation. A ‘multimedia presentation’ is a
‘digital show’ using most or all of these components in an integrated way to communicate some idea to the
target audience. The advantage of such a presentation lies in the fact that one is allowed to present his/her
ideas in a variety of forms and ways that increase the comprehension level and retentivity of the subject matter
in the viewer’s mind. This makes it an important tool in education. Other possible uses of multimedia include
home entertainment, industrial training, information kiosks, corporate presentations, computer-aided design
applications, video conferencing and telemedicine only to name a few.
With increase in the processing powers of today’s computers and decrease in the costs of hardware and
software, there has been a deÞ nite trend in utilizing the advantages of digital multimedia in industries,
educational institutions and the research community. This is evident by the large number of digital repositories
of images, audio and video growing up all over the world. We have all heard the phrase “A picture is worth
a thousand words”. Going along those lines, a video should be worth a million. Added to that is sound and
interactivity. In order to use multimedia to its fullest extents, a thorough knowledge of its internals is essential,
especially for people who are willing to take up multimedia production as a career option. The Þ rst objective
of this book is to meet this requirement, i.e. to explain as clearly as possible the fundamental concepts behind
how different components of multimedia function. The technical level of the book is set at the graduate/
post-graduate levels of science/engineering streams. It is expected that after going through the book, the
reader would comprehend the issues and standards related to the digitization, processing, compression and
playback of various media components, as well as be competent enough to design multimedia presentations
for a variety of applications.
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Due to the widespread use of multimedia applications worldwide, multimedia as a subject has been
introduced in various forms in the curricula of schools and colleges all over the world. However, it being a
relatively new subject, the number of related books in the market is still limited. The situation is aggravated
by the fact that multimedia deals with a large number of different concepts put together. In fact, multimedia
is often seen as a meeting point of three different work areas: computer, communication, and entertainment.
Such being the case, a majority of the earlier books on multimedia deal with only speciÞ c areas of the subject
instead of presenting the entire gamut. The second objective of this book is to provide a full and comprehensive
view of the most important and relevant aspects of the subject to cater to curricula of educational institutions
written in a way that it might be used as a textbook or reference book at the graduate and post-graduate
levels. While writing the book, syllabi of major universities have been kept in mind including Anna University,
Pune University, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU), West Bengal University of Technology
(WBUT), Mumbai University (MU), Rajasthan Technological University (RTU), Biju Patnaik University of
Technology (BPUT), Gujarat Technological University (GTU), Uttar Pradesh Technological University (UPTU),
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya (RGPV) and
Rajasthan Technological University (RTU).
It is well known that the capabilities of our computers are increasing in leaps and bounds. Keeping pace
with this, the functionalities of multimedia hardware and software are also improving day by day. In such
a scenario, students and professionals working in this Þ eld need to keep their knowledge updated. In the
commercial arena too, the markets are ß ooded with gadgets having newer functionalities and improved
features. People often come across a variety of terms in their day-to-day lives without fully understanding
what they stand for. A few examples are: 5.1 channel, surround sound, 3D monitor, ATRAC audio, digital
audio broadcasting (DAB), digital Dolby (DD), digital theatre systems (DTS), laserdisc, MP4, super audio CD,
torrent, virtual reality, video conferencing and so on. A third objective of this book is to provide the reader with
an up-to-date knowledge of the recent advances in this Þ eld, which is more often seen in magazines and on
Websites than in textbooks. Attempts have been made to bring to light details about the state of the art in each
Þ eld in an easy-to-understand manner.
A fourth objective is to give the reader an idea about the major research advances in the Þ eld of multimedia
which includes image processing, audio processing, video processing, computer vision, pattern recognition,
multimedia databases, content based retrieval and non-textual data classiÞ cation. The user is introduced to
tools and techniques like ArtiÞ cial Neural Networks (ANN), Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Wavelet
decomposition and Eigen-space decomposition employed for handling such problems and their implementations
using MATLAB coding. Discussions on case-studies from research papers published in conferences and
journals also help highlight research issues pertaining to these areas.
Who Will BeneÞ t From This Book?
Students at the under-graduate and the post-graduate levels having technical backgrounds (science/
engineering), who have some idea of creation and usage of non-textual media like image/graphics and audio/
video especially in digital form can beneÞ t from this book. Primary readers include students at the graduate
(BE/BSc/BTech/BCA) and the post-graduate levels (ME/MSc/MTech/MCA) who have multimedia related
subjects as part of their curricula. This would include the technical colleges and institutions having streams
like computer science, communication and information technology. The book would also be useful for short
courses like certiÞ cate or diploma in subjects like image processing, audio/video processing, 2D and 3D
graphics and animation, Web design and multimedia production.
Secondary readers will be researchers in the Þ eld of computer science and information technology
specializing in the areas of computer vision, pattern matching, medical imaging, content-based retrieval and
data classiÞ cation. Research-based portions of the book include Chapter 3 (image processing), Chapter 5
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(audio processing), Chapter 6 (video processing), Chapter 11 (computer vision, pattern matching, medical
imaging, content-based retrieval and data classiÞ cation). A list of 212 research articles included in the
Bibliography and numerous website references in each chapter help the researcher in further readings.
About The Book
The book essentially discusses the characteristics, representation, compression, storage (Þ le format) and
processing tools for understanding and utilization of various multimedia components, e.g. text, image,
graphics, audio, video, animation. The second edition additionally focuses on programming concepts using
which practical tasks and tutorials related to media processing and presentations, can be carried out by the
reader to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts.
An objective is to give the reader an idea about the major advances in the area, e.g. image processing,
audio processing, video processing, analysis of graphical splines and curves, 3D based transformation
and projection, creation of multimedia based learning materiaIs/GBTs, as well as research-oriented topics
like computer vision, pattern recognition, medical imaging, multimedia databases, fractal imaging, speech
coding and content-based retrieval. Numerous MATLAB coding examples have been included for performing
tasks related to media processing. Hypermedia concepts have been explained using numerous examples
on Web programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Dynamic HTML, VRML, etc. The book also
introduces research-based concepts using state-of-the-art techniques like artiÞ cial neural networks, feature
representation through mathematical vectors, reduction of feature-space dimension using Eigen-space and
principal component analysis (PCA).
The book deals with salient aspects of creation, representation and analysis of various aspects of non-
textual media components as well as various aspects of lossless and lossy compression for their efÞ cient
utilization. The reader is introduced to the Þ eld through theoretical discussions of basic concepts, practical
tasks involving programming examples, and research-oriented discussions with references from numerous
research articles published in conferences and journals.
Future editions if any will include more research-oriented materials in the above-mentioned Þ elds.
Salient Features
∑ Introduction to topics on image processing, audio processing, and video processing along with numerous
MATLAB coding examples for performing related tasks
∑ Studies on concepts related to 2D and 3D graphics and animation including splines, polynomials,
transformations, projection, modeling, surface mapping, light, camera and rendering
∑ Overview of lossless and lossy compression techniques with emphasis on JPEG and MPEG
∑ Discussions on hardware and OS supports for multimedia including optical storage technologies,
transmission standards, real-time protocols and playback architectures
∑ Focus on research issues in the Þ elds of multimedia database, content-based storage and retrieval,
pattern recognition and computer vision
∑ Information on text formats and standards, multimedia document architecture, interchange formats,
IPR, digital copyrights, digital library and multimedia archives
∑ Exploration of Web-enabled multimedia content creation, hypermedia design and Web programming
languages like HTML, Dynamic HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, SMIL, SVG and VRML
∑ Guidelines and case studies for multimedia application development and authoring
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∑ Pedagogy
o About 50 Solved examples including 115 coding samples included in chapters.
o Small code snippets have been included in many chapters, especially chapter 12, to illustrate
theoretical and practical examples.
o Introduction provides a background of the concepts to be covered in a chapter and the conclusion
lists the important topics discussed in the chapter as bulleted points.
o A set of about 470 Þ gures are included in the book to illustrate key points.
o A list of 260 abbreviations and their full forms are included in the beginning of the book for ready
o A list of 105 book references and 212 references of research articles are included in the bibliography
for further readings. In addition, numerous online references and websites are included in each
chapter for further readings.
o Review questions have been included in each chapter to test and verify the knowledge of readers.
o In addition, problems will be included in the book website (OLC) to check problem-solving skills of
Organization of The Book
Chapter 1 provides an overview of what multimedia means and implies, what media types are involved,
characteristics of multimedia presentations, major uses and application areas, concepts on digital
media and digitization processes, parameters for determining quality and degradations, concepts
related to visual display systems like CRT and LCD, their major components and working principles,
with associated parameters for determining quality of visual media.
Chapter 2 is related to Text and discusses concepts related to text creation, representation, processing
and storage, differences between different types of text, ASCII and Unicode standards, factors for
determining appearance of text like font and style, insertion of text, optical character recognition (OCR),
text Þ le formats.
Chapter 3 is related to Image and discusses concepts related to pixels, types of images and their data
representations, image acquisition using scanner and digital camera, basic operations on images, binary
image processing including morphological and logical operators, gray-scale image processing including
intensity transformations, histogram processing, noise modeling and Þ ltering in spatial and frequency
domain, color image processing including color models and color transformations, factors related to
displaying images on output devices monitors and printers, issues related to color management and
gamma correction, image Þ le formats, major features of image editing softwares.
Chapter 4 is related to Graphics and discusses concepts related to vector graphics and differences with
bitmap images, components of graphics systems, 2D coordinate systems, 2D transformations, line
drawing and circle drawing algorithms, curves and splines, spline representation using polynomials,
parametric representations, blending functions, basis matrix, equations of linear quadratic and cubic
curves, Hermite-splines, CR-splines, Cardinal-splines, Bezier-splines, B-splines, spline conversions, 3D
coordinate systems and transformations, projection, 3D modeling, surface texture, lights, fractals, Þ le
formats, major features of 2D and 3D graphics softwares.
Chapter 5 is related to Audio and discusses concepts related to sound waves, tone and note, psycho-
acoustics and masking, components of audio systems, synthesizers and MIDI protocol, digital audio
processing, temporal domain and frequency domain representations, speech coding and companding,
/ 0 , 1 2 3 , & . ' '
cepstral and wavelet analysis, pulse code modulation (PCM), linear predictive coding (LPC), code
excited linear prediction (CELP), components of sound cards, audio transmission, audio connectors,
surround sound systems, digital audio broadcasting (DAB), audio Þ le formats, major features of audio
editing softwares.
Chapter 6 is related to Video and discusses concepts related to analog video camera, analog video transmis-
sion, generation of YC signals, chroma sub-sampling, television systems, digital video processing, video
color spaces, video recording and storage formats, video editing concepts, analog and digital video con-
nectors, video Þ le formats, major features of video editing softwares.
Chapter 7 is related to Animation and discusses concepts related to keyframes and tweening, cel animation,
computer based animations, interpolations, parameter curve editing, motion paths, hierarchical
animation, inverse kinematics (IK), camera locations and movements, particle systems and space
warps, rendering algorithms, Web based animation techniques, animation Þ le formats, major features of
2D and 3D animation softwares.
Chapter 8 is related to Compression and discusses concepts related to types of compressions, types of
redundancies, compression performance measurements, lossless compression techniques like run
length encoding (RLE) differential pulse code modulation (DPCM) Lempel-Ziv-Welsh (LZW) coding
Shannon-Fano coding Huffman coding and Arithmetic coding, lossy compression techniques involving
various transforms like discrete Fourier transform (DFT) discrete cosine transform (DCT) discrete
wavelet transform (DWT), image compression, audio compression, video compression, overview of
MPEG standards including MPEG-1 MPEG-2 MPEG-4 MPEG-7 MPEG-21, fractal compression.
Chapter 9 is related to CD and DVD storage technology and discusses concepts related to working principles
of optical storage, constant linear velocity (CLV) vs. constant angular velocity (CAV), data transfer
rate and X-rated speeds, various CD formats like CD digital audio CD-ROM photo-CD video-CD CD
recordable CD rewritable magneto optical discs laserdiscs, various DVD formats, CD vs. DVD, blu-ray
disc, multi-layered DVDs.
Chapter 10 is related to Multimedia Architecture and discusses concepts related to graphical user interfaces,
support for multimedia in operating systems, multimedia extension features in chipset like MMX,
hardware transmission cables like USB SCSI and FireWire, distributed multimedia systems, real-time
applications and protocols, multimedia playback architectures, synchronization types and techniques.
Chapter 11 is related to Multimedia Databases and discusses concepts related to content based storage and
retrieval, design and components of a multimedia database, low-level and high-level features, similarity
measurements, image features based on color texture and shape, audio features, video features,
classiÞ cation of data, clustering, indexing, Eigen vectors and values, principal component analysis
(PCA), artiÞ cial neural networks (ANN), character recognition, single-layer multi-layer perceptrons
(MLP), semantics in multimedia data, prototype implementations of multimedia databases.
Chapter 12 is related to Multimedia Documents and discusses concepts related to document architectures,
multimedia interchange formats, open media frameworks (OMF), hypertext and hypermedia, hypermedia
design models, Web programming languages like HTML CSS JavaScript XML SGML Dynamic-HTML
SMIL SVG, Digital copyrights and digital rights management, digital library standards and initiatives,
multimedia archives.
Chapter 13 is related to Multimedia Application Development and discusses concepts related to multimedia
production steps involving conceptualization, story, script, ß owline, storyboard, implementation, testing
and feedback, documentation, case studies, major features of multimedia authoring softwares, computer
game design and development.
Chapter 14 is related to Virtual Reality and discusses concepts related to forms of virtual reality, hardware and
software components, virtual reality application, virtual reality modeling language (VRML).
& . ' ' ' / 0 , 1 2 3 ,
In addition to this the Appendix provides details of relevant speciÞ cations and summaries of commands of
various programming languages used in this book. The Bibliography provides details of over 100 books and
over 200 research articles in this Þ eld. Lastly, the Coding section lists out about 90 MATLAB program codes
and 25 VRML program codes for various tasks and examples discussed throughout the book.
Online Learning Center
The Online Learning Center for this book is available at
o Presentation slides will be available on the OLC to provide teaching guidelines to instructors
o Solved examples, coding examples, review questions, problems are provided for students to check their
understanding of the subject matter
The readers can also post technical queries regarding matters in the book at the OLC to which the author
will attempt to provide appropriate answers, hints and guidelines.
Reviewers had asked for practical examples to be included in the book which has led to the inclusion of about
100 MATLAB examples related to various tasks related to image-, audio-, and video-processing. I am thankful
to all of them. Some names are given below.
Anirban Bhar Narula Institute of Technology, Kolkata
Rajendra Kumar Vidya College of Engineering, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh
Susan Elias School of Computer and Information, BSA Abdur Rehman University, Chennai
N J Uke Singhad College of Engineering, Pune
Sunith Varma GS Institute of Technology and Sciences, Rajiv Gandhi Technological University
(RGTU), Indore, Madhya Pradesh
I would also like to thank the editorial and production team members of Tata McGraw-Hill Education, India,
for their strong support to this project. Particularly, I am very much thankful to Ms Shalini Jha, Ms Smruti
Snigdha, Mr Sourabh Maheshwari, Ms Sohini Mukherjee, Mr Satinder Baveja, Mr P L Pandita and others
for their painstaking and meticulous effort during the developmental, editing and proofreading stages of the
In conclusion it must be emphasized that unlike the basic sciences, multimedia is a laboratory-oriented subject.
We are learning a set of principles and procedures for utilizing them in the creation of better and improved
applications. Hence, practical utilization of the knowledge acquired is at the heart of multimedia. In other
words, theoretical aspects alone do not provide a complete understanding of the subject; learners must also
know how to build presentations or implement research ideas using necessary software editing, authoring and
programming tools.
In general, all readers are encouraged to provide feedback about the content matter of book as well as any
omissions or typing errors. The author can be contacted at