Leadership in Organizations (4th Edition)
... SME leaders must also consider this when making decisions. Yukl (2010) and Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) use the work of many authors to create their own models. Yukl (2010) formulates 14 guidelines using the works of many authors (Beer 1988, Conner 1995, Jick 1993, Kotter 1996, Nadler et al. 1995, Pettigrew & Whipp 1991, Tichy & Devanna 1986. ...
... Yukl (2010) and Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) use the work of many authors to create their own models. Yukl (2010) formulates 14 guidelines using the works of many authors (Beer 1988, Conner 1995, Jick 1993, Kotter 1996, Nadler et al. 1995, Pettigrew & Whipp 1991, Tichy & Devanna 1986. Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) similar to Yukl (2010), using the works of many authors (Korsgaard et al. 2002, Lines et al. 2004, Schoorman et al. 2007, Allen et al. 1979, Koys & Decotiis 1991, Lines et al. 2005, Eisenberger et al. 1986, Miller et al. 1994, Oreg 2006, Piderit 2000, Miller-Monge 1986, Eisenberger et al. 2002, Carter et al. 2004, Covin & Kilmann 1990) to develop his model. ...
... Yukl (2010) formulates 14 guidelines using the works of many authors (Beer 1988, Conner 1995, Jick 1993, Kotter 1996, Nadler et al. 1995, Pettigrew & Whipp 1991, Tichy & Devanna 1986. Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) similar to Yukl (2010), using the works of many authors (Korsgaard et al. 2002, Lines et al. 2004, Schoorman et al. 2007, Allen et al. 1979, Koys & Decotiis 1991, Lines et al. 2005, Eisenberger et al. 1986, Miller et al. 1994, Oreg 2006, Piderit 2000, Miller-Monge 1986, Eisenberger et al. 2002, Carter et al. 2004, Covin & Kilmann 1990) to develop his model. Bouckenooghe et al. (2009) in addition to the creation of a model, a new tool, a questionnaire, was created under the name 'Organizational Change Questionnaire -Climate of Change, Processes, and Readiness' (hereinafter: OCQ-C,P,R). ...
THE AIMS OF THE PAPER The primary objective of the analysis was to create a detailed, multi-step model through the comparison of change management models found in the literature, encompassing all aspects of the change process during organizational transformation. One of the sub-goals was to test the developed model among SMEs through primary research, which also explored whether respondents considered increasing the frequency of any particular step to be important compared to current practices. METHODOLOGY To fulfill these goals, I used a t-test in addition to literature analysis and descriptive statistics. I worked with a sample size of 100 from the leaders of organizations based in Hungary. The sample includes organizations from manufacturing, services, and trade sectors in almost equal proportions. MOST IMPORTANT RESULTS The paper creates the broadest model containing the most steps by identifying, comparing and analyzing the steps included in change management models. It has been proven that the Yukl model (which is the broadest model with the largest number of steps available) should be supplemented with a starting and a closing step. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the reviewed literature, the subject of my investigation, i.e., the comparison of the level of steps currently used and considered desirable, has not yet been tested in the literature. This seems to be a promising area of research, as such a study could offer valuable insights into whether leaders are aware of the necessary steps or which actions need greater emphasis to achieve success. These insights could prove particularly beneficial for SME leaders in ensuring effective change management. Raising awareness among SME leaders about the importance of planned change is strongly recommended.
... The impact of culture on leadership and its effectiveness is widely examined in literature. On the one hand, leaders' cultural values influence their choice of communication, decision-making, and conflict management styles (Gunkel et al., 2016;Bartel-Radic & Munch, 2023;Yukl, 2010). On the other hand, leadership does not exist in the vacuum but is embedded in the cultural context (Erez & Earley, 1993). ...
... On the other hand, leadership does not exist in the vacuum but is embedded in the cultural context (Erez & Earley, 1993). Therefore, it is affected by national cultures and societal norms because leaders have to adhere to those (Yukl, 2010). Employees' leadership perceptions also depend on their cultural identities, so each follower has different assumptions and expectations with regard to the "ideal" leadership (Yukl, 2010;Lee et al., 2014;Aycan et al., 2014). ...
... Therefore, it is affected by national cultures and societal norms because leaders have to adhere to those (Yukl, 2010). Employees' leadership perceptions also depend on their cultural identities, so each follower has different assumptions and expectations with regard to the "ideal" leadership (Yukl, 2010;Lee et al., 2014;Aycan et al., 2014). For instance, Dynamic Model of Leader-Follower Interaction ...
Multicultural working environments, diversity, and inclusion are the topics of interest in contemporary human resource management and leadership studies (Getha-Taylor et al., 2020). Since working environments with truly homogenous workforce are difficult to find, it is acknowledged in the literature that diversity brings benefits along with challenges for leadership to handle. This case study of a higher education institution in a governmental sector in the Sultanate of Oman aims to explore the role of cultural values, cultural and social identities in employees' preferences of leadership styles. In this study, quantitative and qualitative approaches were combined to triangulate the findings and ensure their reliability. Initially, data were collected using an online survey distributed among employees of a governmental higher education institution in Oman. 153 responses were obtained with 52% response rate. Quantitative data were coded and analyzed statistically with the help of SPSS software. This was followed by one-to-one semi-structured interviews with 28 participants to clarify the findings of the first stage and ensure their reliability. Thematic analysis with thematic mapping was utilized to analyze the data collected by grouping concepts into themes and establishing the relationships between them. Overall, the current study attempts to demonstrate how employ-ees' identities and cultural values affect individuals' leadership style preferences. The findings, in general, support previously conducted studies. However , they highlight the lack and inconsistency of other works regarding the correlation between leadership style preferences and cultural values in non-Western countries.
... Com o intuito de evitar a diversidade de conceitos sobre liderança, este projeto adotou a abordagem apresentada por Northouse (2007), na qual liderança vem a ser um processo em que um indivíduo influencia um grupo de indivíduos para alcançar um objetivo comum. Para tanto, são utilizados os instrumentos de influência, poder e autoridade (YUKL, 2006), de forma que indivíduos e organizações caminhem na mesma direção para solucionar uma crise. ...
... Nesta abordagem, os processos de liderança ocorrem em meio a relações sociais entre indivíduos ou grupos de pessoas, a partir de tentativas de influência, caracterizadas pelo efeito exercido por uma parte sobre as atitudes, percepções e comportamentos de outra(s) parte(s) (YUKL, 2006). Por sua vez, o conceito de poder deve ser entendido como potencial de influência. ...
... As pessoas têm poder quando acumulam a habilidade para afetar as crenças, atitudes e linhas de ação de outras pessoas (NORTHOUSE, 2007). O conceito de autoridade, de acordo com Yukl (2006), envolve os direitos, prerrogativas, obrigações e deveres associados a uma posição particular dentro de uma organização ou sistema social. Por outro lado, Heifetz (1994) desenvolveu uma definição de autoridade que extrapola as relações hierárquicas. ...
... While there are many factors involved, leadership will play an important role in overcoming these challenges. Leadership is of course central to the functioning and performance of organizations in general [4,5]. However, the current circumstances may make leadership a particularly critical factor for the mining industry. ...
... Furthermore, certain leadership behaviors enable organizational change management and adaptation to changing external circumstances. More broadly, adapting to a changing environment requires a particular type of leadership, the so-called change-oriented leadership [4,7]. ...
... This model was chosen based on its frequent use in previous studies, which allows for a comparison of results. The dimensions relating to relations and structure (that is, production/task orientation) have been tested empirically since the 1940s; the change-related dimension was introduced in the 1990s [4,7]. The second is the Healthy and Effective Leadership (HEL) behaviors model [24]. ...
This study examines differences in leadership behaviors and in the perceived work environment between older and younger managers in a large Swedish mining company. The leadership behaviors and work environment of young managers in the mining industry will become more important in the future due to the changes taking place in the industry. Such changes include the older generation of managers reaching retirement age, while the industry generally finds it difficult to recruit a younger generation of employees. Moreover, rapid technology-centered transition, such as the green transition of the mining industry, is underway which may put young managers in particular under pressure. Meanwhile, research on young managers in the mining industry more broadly is sparse. Data for this study was mainly gathered via a questionnaire, complemented by data from interviews. The questionnaire included 48 validated self-rate questions on background variables, social and organizational working conditions, health, and leadership behavior. The survey was answered by 216 managers (response rate: 63%). Interviews were carried out with ten young managers (35 years or younger). The study found no statistically significant differences between younger and older managers with regards to workload, working hours, health, and work satisfaction. We found that older managers rate themselves higher, at a statistically significant level, for change-oriented leadership behaviors. However, when age is analyzed together with other variables that are significantly different between the two groups, only managerial experience and managerial positions show statistically significant associations with change-oriented and healthy and effective leadership behaviors. The interviews indicate that the young managers encounter challenges that are related to their experience and training, but few are related to their age. Given the influence of managerial experience on leadership behaviors, leadership training appears to be an important area of intervention, and conditions must be improved to enable change-oriented leadership among managers in the mining industry, with a greater focus on young managers.
... Kepemimpinan merupakan proses pemahaman serta mengarahkan anggotanya untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan organisasi (Yukl, 2013), peran seorang pemimpin sangat penting dalam mengarahkan perilaku kerja anggotanya (Tao et al., 2020), pemimpin dengan konsep keselamatan mendorong anggotanya untuk bekerja sama secara efektif walaupun dengan latar belakang keilmuan yang berbeda (Folkman et al., 2019), dan pemimpin yang berfokus pada keselamatan akan berupaya membentuk kedisiplinan anggotanya untuk memaksimalkan surgical safety checklist agar tindakan pembedahan dilakukan secara aman untuk menghindari insiden keselamatan pasien di kamar operasi (Munthali et al., 2022), karena pada dasarnya kepemimpinan berupaya mendorong keberhasilan anggotanya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi (Cakir & Adiguzel, 2020), dan kepemimpinan keselamatan secara efektif membentuk perilaku kerja tenaga kesehatan yang berpegang teguh pada budaya keselamatan pasien (Buttigieg et al., 2023), karena kepemimpinan keselamatan dibentuk (Tao et al., 2020). Fenomena yang melandasi penelitian ini adalah terjadinya beberapa insiden keselamatan pasien di kamar operasi pada rumah sakit milik daerah di Kabupaten Bekasi, berdasarkan informasi yang didapat dari kepala bagian mutu rumah sakit pada bulan januari 2023, terjadi beberapa kejadian yang tidak diharapkan yaitu 6 kasus tidak terpasangnya gelang identitas pasien, 12 kasus penundaan operasi dan tidak dilakukaknya penandaan sisi operasi sebaanyak 15 kasus rentang tahun 2022, dan kejadian yang tidak diharapkan di ruang operasi merupakan bentuk lemahnya kedisiplinan tenaga kesehatan terhadap sistem budaya keselamatan pasien (Nwosu et al., 2022). ...
... Kepemimpinan merupakan proses pemahaman serta mengarahkan anggotanya untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan organisasi (Yukl, 2013), peran seorang pemimpin sangat penting dalam mengarahkan perilaku kerja anggotanya (Tao et al., 2020), pemimpin dengan konsep keselamatan mendorong anggotanya untuk bekerja sama secara efektif walaupun dengan latar belakang keilmuan yang berbeda (Folkman et al., 2019), dan pemimpin yang berfokus pada keselamatan akan berupaya membentuk kedisiplinan anggotanya untuk memaksimalkan surgical safety checklist agar tindakan pembedahan dilakukan secara aman untuk menghindari insiden keselamatan pasien di kamar operasi (Munthali et al., 2022), karena pada dasarnya kepemimpinan berupaya mendorong keberhasilan anggotanya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi (Cakir & Adiguzel, 2020). ...
... (Yukl, 2013), peran seorang pemimpin sangat penting dalam mengarahkan perilaku kerja anggotanya (Tao et al., 2020). Hal tersebut diprediksi karena adanya masalah cara pimpinan melakukan pengorganisasian untuk mendorong tenaga kesehatan menjalankan pendelegasian tugas dan menjalankan tugas sesuai kompetensi masing-masing tenaga kesehatan, sehingga kelemahan tersebut menyebabkan ketidak efektivan kepemimpinan keselamatan dalam memperkuat sistem kolaborasi interprofesional terhadap budaya keselamatan pasien, seharusnya tugas keperawatan didistribusikan kepada masingmasing bagian dengan keilmuan yang linier dan saling bekerja sama agar tugas keperawatan berjalan efektif (Geese & Schmitt, 2023), dan seharusnya pimpinan berperan aktif membentuk kolaborasi interprofesional dengan tujuan membentuk ekdisiplinan tenaga kesehatan yang berpegang teguh pada budaya keselamatan pasien (Schmidt et al., 2021). ...
Penelitian ini dilandaskan pada permasalahan di instalasi bedah sentral rentang tahun 2022. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap secara empiris pengaruh kolaborasi interprofesional dan implementasi surgical safety cehcklist terhadap budaya keselamatan pasien dengan kepemimpinan keselamatan sebagai variabel moderasi. Penelitian ini termasuk pada penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional study , populasi yang tenaga kesehatan di instalasi bedah sentral, teknik sampling menggunakan sampel jenuh sehingga ditetapkan jumlah sampel sebanyak 77 responden dengan metode purposive sampling. Metode analisa yang digunakan dengan analisa three box method dan PLS-SEM. Hasil analisa menyimpulkan bahwa kolaborasi interprofesional, implementasi surgical safety cehcklist dan kepemimpinan keselamatan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap budaya keselamatan pasien, kepemimpinan keselamatan tidak mampu memoderasi kolaborasi interprofesional tetapi memoderasi secara positif implementasi surgical safety checklist terhadap budaya keselamatan pasien
... Com o intuito de evitar a diversidade de conceitos sobre liderança, este projeto adotou a abordagem apresentada por Northouse (2007), na qual liderança vem a ser um processo em que um indivíduo influencia um grupo de indivíduos para alcançar um objetivo comum. Para tanto, são utilizados os instrumentos de influência, poder e autoridade (YUKL, 2006), de forma que indivíduos e organizações caminhem na mesma direção para solucionar uma crise. ...
... Nesta abordagem, os processos de liderança ocorrem em meio a relações sociais entre indivíduos ou grupos de pessoas, a partir de tentativas de influência, caracterizadas pelo efeito exercido por uma parte sobre as atitudes, percepções e comportamentos de outra(s) parte(s) (YUKL, 2006). Por sua vez, o conceito de poder deve ser entendido como potencial de influência. ...
... As pessoas têm poder quando acumulam a habilidade para afetar as crenças, atitudes e linhas de ação de outras pessoas (NORTHOUSE, 2007). O conceito de autoridade, de acordo com Yukl (2006), envolve os direitos, prerrogativas, obrigações e deveres associados a uma posição particular dentro de uma organização ou sistema social. Por outro lado, Heifetz (1994) desenvolveu uma definição de autoridade que extrapola as relações hierárquicas. ...
... The results of this study are expected to provide deeper insight into women's leadership in the context of religious organizations, especially for women who have to carry out dual roles. Yukl (2013) argues that one of the main characteristics of a successful leader is his or her ability to adapt his or her leadership style according to the situation and challenges faced, especially in situations that require a balance between professional and personal roles. The findings of the study indicate that the ability to manage time, delegate tasks, and support from family are the main factors in the success of his or her leadership. ...
... This shows that transformational leadership does not only depend on material resources but also on the leader's ability to generate collective enthusiasm and vision. According to Yukl (2013), effective leaders can adjust their strategies and approaches based on the unique situations they face, such as the differences in socio-economic conditions in the schools Siti leads. The ability to manage challenges in two schools with different characteristics shows that Siti Kusnul Kotimah practices adaptive and contextual leadership, which allows for success in various situations. ...
Di antara topik yang cukup jarang diulas dalam kajian akademik terkait kepemimpinan adalah gaya kepemimpinan perempuan dengan peran ganda. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi gaya dan strategi kepemimpinan Ketua Fatayat NU Tulungagung yang terbilang cukup sukses meski menjalankan peran ganda. Peran lain yang juga diemban oleh ketua Fatayat NU Tulungagung adalah istri, Ibu dari 2 anak dan kepala Sekolah untuk 2 SDN di Tulungagung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi partisipatif, dan dokumentasi dari Ketua Fatayat NU. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Ketua Fatayat NU Tulungagung mengadopsi gaya kepemimpinan transformasional yang ditandai dengan keterbukaan, empati, serta kemampuan untuk mendelegasikan tugas secara efektif. Selain itu, kemampuan untuk mengelola peran ganda secara seimbang berkontribusi pada keberhasilan organisasi, di mana dukungan dari anggota keluarga dan organisasi menjadi faktor penentu. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan perempuan dengan peran ganda tidak hanya efektif dalam memajukan organisasi, tetapi juga mencerminkan model kepemimpinan yang adaptif dan responsif terhadap kebutuhan organisasi berbasis keagamaan.
... The leadership style variable is at a moderate level, with the highest index in the transactional leadership dimension, based on the opinion that leadership style is an individual's way of influencing others to agree with orders that need to be carried out and is coercive so that the orders can be carried out effectively both individually and collectively (Yukl, 2019), ...
... Leadership style determines the behavior of its members to participate in the successful achievement of organizational goals through work behavior by using a work system as a guide to achieving these goals, and specifically in nursing services, the leadership style of the head of the room is to direct and motivate nurses to achieve quality services , will form nurses' commitment to making patient safety culture a work principle to avoid low-quality nursing services. This situation supports the opinion that leadership style is an individual's way of influencing other people to agree with orders that need to be carried out and is coercive so that these orders can be carried out effectively both individually and collectively (Yukl, 2019), because the way the head of the room applies the pattern leadership aims to create safe work behavior for nurses, so that they are motivated to deliver quality services and avoid patient safety risks (Harton & Skemp, 2022), apart from that the leadership concept of the head of the room seeks to carry out nursing planning by referring to the principles of patient safety culture (Liukka et al. al., 2021). ...
This research is based on the results of initial observations which indicate that several safety incident problems will occur in the year 2022. The aim of this research is to reveal empirically the influence of leadership style and cognitive attitudes on patient safety culture with coordination as a moderator. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional study design. The population used is nurses who work in inpatient installations. The sampling technique is non-probability sampling, with perm = calculation of the number of samples using Slovin's formula with an error rate of 10%, so that a total sample of 64 respondents was found. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire, and the analysis method uses three box method analysis and PLS-SEM with the help of the Smart-PLS program. The results of the analysis prove that leadership style, cognitive attitude and coordination simultaneously and partially influence patient safety culture, and cognitive attitude is the most dominant variable capable of improving patient safety culture. Coordination cannot moderate the influence of leadership style on patient safety culture, but coordination can weaken the influence of cognitive attitudes on patient safety culture.
... School is considered a complex organization that needs a head teacher embracing G l o b a l E d u c a t i o n a l S t u d i e s R e v i e w ( G E S R ) leadership characteristics to play an active role in steering the school toward excellence. Outstanding leadership is inevitable to provide quality education (Vivas, Gelaye, Aboset, Kumie, Berhane, & Williams, 2010;Yukl, 2002). ...
... Researchers (Bird, 2006;Hollander, 1978;Ibukun & Oyewole, 1997;Peterson, 2004;Triandis, 2006) identified personal qualities of successful leaders such as; courage, wisdom, and counselor while character an example of those traits, said to make an individual leader to ensure effectiveness for a particular set of leader functions. Hence, the ability of leaders is relative to the specific social unit or organization (Yukl, 2002;Thomas &Inkson, 2004;Earley& Mosakowski, 2004). The quality of leadership makes a significant difference to school and student outcomes. ...
This study explores the impact of PEELI training on head teachers in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan, focusing on their pivotal role in school performance. A sample of 416 participants, equally divided between trained and untrained head teachers, was selected through random sampling. Data was collected using questionnaires and checklists and analyzed using SPSS-11 software. This descriptive study found that PEELI training significantly enhances headteachers' awareness of children's right to education, barriers to accessing education, and effective resource utilization. Trained head teachers demonstratedbetter practices in using learning aids and maintaining hygienic school conditions, highlighting the importance of in-service training for educational leaders.
... Based on this value, it can be interpreted that the better the digital leadership acceleration will increase the change readiness response of the academic community in Insan Cendikia Islamic High School in West Lombok, and vice versa, the worse the digital leadership acceleration will reduce the change readiness response of the academic community in Insan Cendikia Islamic High School in West Lombok. This research is in line with the theories of several experts which state that leadership is an important factor in organizational change (Hersey & Blanchard, 1969;Hiatt, 2006;Kotter, 1996;Yukl, 2013) The results of this research are also in accordance with several previous studies which found a very significant positive relationship between leadership and readiness to change. The higher the strength of leadership, the higher the readiness to change in the academic community, conversely, the lower the leadership, the lower the readiness to change in the academic community. ...
This research aims to investigate the acceleration of digital leadership and the use of knowledge Management towards readiness for change and strengthening the organizational climates of the academic community of Insan Cendikia Islamic High School in West Lombok. This type of research is causal and associative with research. The data collection tool used in this study was a questionnaire with 78 respondents from 340 population in Insan Cendikia Islamic High School. The data analysis technique uses PLS-SEM with Smart PLS version 3 software. The research results show that digital leadership and the use of knowledge Management have a positive and significant effect on readiness to change. Organizational climate moderates the positive and considerable influence acceleration of digital and utilization knowledge Management toward readiness to change. The study recommends that strengthening the conduciveness of the organizational climates is necessary to improve the practice of accelerating digital leadership and optimizing knowledge Managementin Islamic High School environments throughout Indonesia.
... Addressing performance problems is an essential, albeit challenging, managerial function (Daley, 2008;Yukl, 2013). It may lead to confrontations, increase the risk of involving managers in litigation (Goodhew et al., 2008), and, perhaps more importantly, can be an emotionally exhausting process for both managers and employees (Daley, 2008). ...
Organizational leniency, defined as management’s systematic failure to address performance problems (such as low productivity, poor quality of work, absenteeism, etc.), is often a reality in public organizations. We posit that the negative consequences of organizational leniency may extend beyond the lost productivity of a few poor-performing employees. Specifically, we investigate the extent to which perceived organizational leniency may adversely affect the organizational climate and job satisfaction of public employees at large. We propose that the negative effect of organizational leniency is mediated by both perceived recognition received and employee-organization value congruence, forming a parallel mediation model. In other words, perceived organizational leniency may make public employees feel that their efforts are inadequately recognized and also diminishes how much they feel their values align with organizational practices. To test our hypotheses, we surveyed 256 government employees from various public organizations in Brazil. The data were analyzed using multiple linear regression with ordinary least squares and mediation tests. Consistent with our predictions, we found that perceived organizational leniency is negatively related to job satisfaction, with both perceived recognition and value congruence mediating this effect.
... Lidar com problemas de desempenho é uma função gerencial essencial, embora desafiadora (Daley, 2008;Yukl, 2013). Pode levar a confrontos, aumentar o risco de envolver gestores em litígios (Goodhew et al., 2008) e, talvez mais importante, pode ser um processo emocionalmente exaustivo para gestores e servidores (Daley, 2008). ...
Resumo A leniência organizacional, definida como a falha sistemática da gestão em lidar com problemas de desempenho (como baixa produtividade, baixa qualidade de trabalho, absenteísmo, etc.), é frequentemente uma realidade em organizações públicas. Propomos que as consequências negativas da leniência organizacional podem ir além da perda de produtividade de alguns funcionários com baixo desempenho. Especificamente, investigamos em que medida a percepção de leniência organizacional pode afetar negativamente o clima organizacional e a satisfação no trabalho dos servidores públicos em geral. Propomos que o efeito negativo da leniência organizacional é mediado tanto pela percepção de reconhecimento recebido quanto pela congruência de valor entre os servidores e a organização, formando um modelo de mediação paralela. Em outras palavras, a percepção de leniência organizacional pode fazer com que os funcionários públicos sintam que seus esforços não são adequadamente reconhecidos e, ao mesmo tempo, diminui a percepção de alinhamento entre seus valores e as práticas da organização. Para testar nossas hipóteses, realizamos uma pesquisa com 256 funcionários do governo de várias organizações públicas no Brasil. Os dados foram analisados utilizando regressão linear múltipla com mínimos quadrados ordinários e testes de mediação. Consistente com nossas previsões, encontramos que a percepção de leniência organizacional está negativamente relacionada à satisfação no trabalho em nossa amostra, e tanto o reconhecimento percebido quanto a congruência de valor mediam esse efeito.
... Thus, the purpose of this research is to undertake an in-depth analysis of NVC in order to comprehend the concept from a broader perspective and to provide a conceptual model for CI. By using NVC skills, leaders build a high level of trust, unity, and sensitivity to the needs of their followers (Yukl, 2013). Darioly & Mast (2014) investigate the role of NVC in leadership, demonstrating that a leader's NVC is a significant factor in shaping the relationship and ensuring effective leadership. ...
Nonverbal communication comprises an essential part of the interactions between leader and follower. Although numerous studies have been conducted on nonverbal communication in multiple industries, there has been limited attention given to the effect of nonverbal communication in the construction industry. Additionally, there is a lack of a reliable model for a leader's nonverbal communication in construction. Therefore, this study specifically aims to contribute to this gap by linking leaders' nonverbal communication to an under-researched outcome of the leader-follower relationship, namely, followers' job satisfaction. This study also emphasises the mediating effect of followers' emotions in the aforementioned relationship. For this purpose, the literature review is built upon nonverbal communication, job satisfaction, and emotion, which were identified through scientific manuscripts and electronic databases. Consequently, this study proposes a model for the leader's nonverbal communication and followers' job satisfaction. The literature review illustrates the significance of nonverbal communication in the construction industry to improve the productivity and effectiveness of followers. This research suggests investigating the proposed model virtually and developing deeper insights on leaders' nonverbal communication and its possible impact on job satisfaction.
... As indicated in Chapter 2 and 5, there are different styles of leadership. According to Yukl (2002), the term leadership itself projects images of powerful, dynamic individuals who command victorious armies, build wealthy and influential empires, or alter the course of nations. Stated succinctly, people commonly believe that leaders make a difference and want to understand why. ...
Distributed Leadership
Environmental Education
Curriculum Management
... According to Yukl (2010), the shared learning process facilitated by systematic resource allocation is central to the cultural concept. Yammarino and Bass (1990) highlight the role of cognitive systems in enhancing organizational culture, while Podsakoff, MacKenzie, and Bommer (1996) emphasize the normative cohesion fostered by organizational culture in enhancing management effectiveness. ...
Purpose: This study explores the dynamics of institutional collaborative culture and its influence on task accomplishment in industrial contexts. Using a correlational design, it investigated variables such as teamwork, dynamic support, delegation of responsibilities, and organizational norms and values in relation to task completion. Research Methodology: This study targeted a population of 200 principal officers from diverse departments within industries in Iran. Data collection employed a modified Likert-scale instrument focused on Institutional Collaborative Culture and Task Accomplishment in Iranian industries. The sampling was stratified, resulting in a sample size of 110 participants. Data analysis included mean, standard deviation, and regression techniques. Results: The findings indicated a significant correlation between the elements of institutional collaborative culture (teamwork, dynamic support, norms, and values) and task accomplishment. However, delegation of responsibilities did not demonstrate a significant relationship with task completion. Recommendations: This study proposes promoting teamwork principles and providing comprehensive support to personnel across all levels of industrial operations as essential strategies for enhancing task accomplishments within industrial settings.
... This approach leads to a relational or interactional conception of leadership, as presented in empirical studies, for instance, in the context of an R&D project in a small biotechnology venture (Lindgren & Packendorff, 2011), or in various contexts of urban church, theater district, and technology ventures (Lichtenstein & Plowman, 2009), or local public service ecosystems in the cities of Tampere and Oulu (Finland) . Thus, Lindgren and Packendorff (2011) drew on the concepts of participative leadership and shared leadership (O'Toole et al., 2002;Pearce & Sims, 2002;Spillane, 2005;Yukl, 2013), where a formal leader invites followers to participate and leadership duties are distributed among multiple team members. In R&D projects, collective leadership processes are not necessarily smooth or harmonious, as team members may have conflicting interests and power bases; however, they move the project forward by collectively construing co-orientation, addressing issues, resolving responsibility ambiguities, and developing identity understandings. ...
This chapter advances the sociocognitive perspective on ecosystem leadership, emphasizing the critical roles of managers, their cognitions, and their social interactions in shaping a shared ecosystem vision (sensing), achieving ecosystem-specific commitment (seizing) and maintaining ecosystem stability (reconfiguring). We explore which sociocognitive processes and capabilities likely underpin dynamic managerial capabilities. Towards this aim, we review the literature on ecosystem leadership, focusing on insights into sociocognitive dynamics to open new avenues for future research into the sociocognitive microfoundations of ecosystem leadership. We contribute to the literatures on ecosystem leadership and dynamic capabilities as well as to the sociocognitive perspective in management.
... And the influence of various factors on the effectiveness of leadership is revealed in the studies of D. Hristov, N. Scott and S. Minoch [30], P. Mishra and R. K. Misra [31], F. Morais, A. Kakabadze and N. Kakabadze [32], Y. L. Wu, B. Shao and G. Schwartz [33], G. A. Yukl [34]. ...
The purpose of the study is to develop a classification of leadership styles based on a combination of two indicators: the degree of employees’ involvement in the decision-making process and the prevailing orientation at the enterprise either towards achieving organizational results or towards ensuring employees’ satisfaction. The scientific novelty of the work is in the approach to solving the stated problem, namely, the creation of the authors’ typology of management styles (individual authoritarian, paternalistic, collective, communal), based on a combination of the degree of staff participation in making management decisions and target orientation towards business/relationships. The results obtained show that this methodology helps to reveal most efficiently the features of management at modern Russian enterprises. This methodology was used as a basis for the analyses of the aspects determining the nature of the leadership. There was revealed its relationship with various socio-economic factors. Long-term longitudinal studies conducted at Naberezhnye Chelny enterprises provided the authors of the article with empirical material, on the basis of which it was concluded that authoritarianism and paternalism were the most characteristic of the modern domestic managers’ style. The practical significance of the study is in the possibility of applying its results at enterprises in various sectors of the economy. The proposed classification of management styles can be used as a methodological toolkit in studying the effectiveness of management work at different organizations, as well as in the process of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.
... Furthermore, the investigation into the boundary conditions among servant leadership, thriving at work, and knowledge sharing remains insufficiently explored Jang et al., 2023). From the contingency perspective of leadership, leadership is understood as a social construct that can only be fully examined within the specific context in which it occurs (Yukl, 2010;Zhang et al., 2012). Previous leadership studies have suggested that followers' self-concept may moderate the effectiveness of leadership (Van Knippenberg et al., 2004;Abbasi et al., 2021). ...
Drawing upon stewardship theory, we propose a moderated mediation model that thriving at work as the mediator and organizational identification as the moderator in the relationships between servant leadership and employee knowledge sharing. Using a sample of 355 working adults through a time-lagged survey in China, the hypotheses were demonstrated using Hayes’ PROCESS macro in SPSS. The results reveal that thriving at work fully mediates the positive effect of servant leadership on employee knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the indirect effect of servant leadership on knowledge sharing via thriving at work is stronger for employees with high organizational identification. This study advances our understanding of how servant leadership results in knowledge management among employees. This contributes to the literature by identifying thriving at work as a suitable mediating mechanism linking the positive associations of servant leadership with employees’ knowledge sharing behavior.
... Yukl [48] study summarizes the ethical leader as one who promotes honesty and mirrors his or her actions with their values and beliefs. He also mentions that ethical leadership is an ambiguous construct and is difficult to evaluate since it includes various constituents. ...
Since the non-western perspectives of ethics have not been well explored in the literature, this paper addresses this concern by explaining ethics from an ancient Indian concept of dharma. Though we consider various normative aspects of dharma from multiple conversations available in the Indian scriptures, we consider a precise narrative of dharma from Nāradaparivrājaka Upaniṣad as the fundamental reference to define dharma as a multidimensional construct. Further, we adopt a dharmic approach to highlight the significance of ethics in leadership which may significantly contribute to assuring sustainable business practices. The paper would bring in certain theoretical implications as follows. First, elucidating certain dimensions of dharma would help broaden the normative domain of ethics literature. Second, given the sustainability-engrained nature of Vedic philosophy, such a dharmic approach toward ethical leadership would further widen the construct with a novel theoretical viewpoint. Third, the acknowledgment of a specific leadership act to be ethical or unethical becomes more objective in this context with the provision of a definitional framework of dharma, narrated in this paper.
... Role modeling IT use helps increase followers' performance, their degree of IT leadership (Avolio & Gibbons, 1988) and employees' job satisfaction (Podsakoff, MacKenzie & Bommer, 1996). Yukl (2012) pointed out that leaders must be able to communicate with their followers IT Leadership= IT self-leadership + personal innovativeness with IT+ innovate with IT for collaboration. ...
... Contingent leadership provides an alternative approach with the assumption that every school is different, and requires leaders to adapt themselves to particular contexts. Effective leaders are endlessly reading and reflecting on a given situation and act accordingly (Yukl, 2002). Leithwood (1994) considered this leadership as the extent to which a leader is capable of responding to changes and providing the necessary measures for that circumstance. ...
This exploration was inspired by the fact of the various studies both on the gospels and educational leadership, as well as the researcher’s interest in educational leadership. The study did not explore these concepts from a theological or biblical perspectives of leadership in the gospels, but rather takes an explanatory stance on how the researcher interprets different leadership events in the gospels when compared with contemporary educational leadership theories. In particular, taking into consideration the models of educational leadership as suggested by Bush and Glover (2003, 2014) as valuable contemporary typologies. The study delves in the role of Jesus as a leader and the role of leadership in the New Testament, leadership in general with further emphasis on educational leadership. The study was explored using desk research by gathering information and insights from various scholars and analysing them to interpret the correlation between leadership, in particular leadership in the gospels with contemporary educational leadership concepts. The study suggests that there is much more to be explored but there is much in common with leadership theories dating back around 2000 years with today’s typologies.
... Therefore, an individual will support an organization if he believes that through it, his personal objectives and goals could be met, if not the person"s interest in the organization will decline. (Leithwood, Jantzi, and Seinbach, 1999;Yukl, 2002;Cuban, 1998). In an organization, the leadership of the most important elements, is due to have capabilities that can affect human and move the other to work in order to achieve the goal. ...
Universidade da Paz (UNPAZ) is an academic institution and established since year 2003. In fact, happening, innovation and flexibility which is owned by the direction of every unit are rigid and at the time of decision-making related to the crucial actions that still have not been fullest due to fear of sections moved. Verbal abilities already possessed by every leader in every work unit, but due to cultural factors which all crucial decisions should be moved into a section so that it is centered on impact the quality loss that is owned by any leadership especially in the actions of decision-making, and it almost happened on all institutions of higher education. The research aimed to know the influence of employee motivation and leadership partially against the effectiveness of administrative service at the UNPAZ, Dili, Timor-Leste. This research uses the quantitative method with multiple regression analysis techniques that are supported with some research instrument test. As variable in this research is the ability of human resources (X1) and performance (X2) as the variable exogen (X), and service quality (Y) as an endogenous variable.
... Die Personalführung kann in eine interaktive und eine strukturelle Dimension aufgefächert werden (vgl. Wunderer (2006), S. 5ff.; Yukl (2006) In Anlehnung an Kieser/Reber/Wunderer (1995), Sp. XI ...
Dieser Beitrag gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Grundlagen und Formen der Mitarbeiterführung. Es werden die theoretischen Konzepte und praktischen Ansätze der Führung im Unternehmenskontext dargestellt, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Rollen und Verantwortlichkeiten von Führungskräften gelegt wird. Der Artikel untersucht die Bedeutung der Führung als integraler Bestandteil des Managementprozesses und erläutert verschiedene Führungsstile, Motivationstheorien und Anreizsysteme, die zur Steigerung der Mitarbeiterleistung und -zufriedenheit beitragen können. Zusätzlich werden strukturelle und interaktionelle Aspekte der Führung sowie deren Einfluss auf die Unternehmenskultur und die individuelle Mitarbeiterentwicklung beleuchtet. Ziel des Beitrags ist es, Führungskräften praxisorientierte Handlungsempfehlungen zu bieten, um eine effektive und nachhaltige Mitarbeiterführung zu gewährleisten.
The present field study evaluates a newly designed and change-oriented leader development training to strengthen instrumental and transformational leadership behaviors. The aim was to investigate the trainability of instrumental as well as transformational leadership behaviors within a two-day training and to examine the process of how leaders develop when taking their previous knowledge as a starting point. In order to evaluate the training, we calculated a growth curve model, considering the nonlinearity of the development. In sum, 59 leaders rated by 387 employees participated in the training. The control group consists of 54 leaders, rated by 188 employees. The results show that instrumental and transformational leadership behaviors developed three months after the training, whereas the control group nearly maintained or decreased. Moreover, it was found that transformational leadership behavior develops in a reversed U‑shape based on previous knowledge.
Practical Relevance For the first time, organizations aiming at developing their leaders can rely on evaluated instrumental and transformational leadership training.
The objective of the study conducted at Qatar University is to assess the impact of different leadership styles on the effectiveness of decision-making. To address the variables of the study, a descriptive-analytical method was employed by the researchers. The study population consisted of a total of 95 employees, out of which a random sample of 78 employees from Qatar University was selected. The study instrument used is a questionnaire. Consequently, data is collected, analyzed, and hypotheses are tested using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study yields several conclusions, the most significant being that the level of leadership styles, including democratic, lenient, and autocratic, at Qatar University is found to be average. Similarly, the level of decision-making effectiveness, encompassing problem identification, information gathering, alternative generation, and alternative selection, is also determined to be average at Qatar University. Furthermore, a statistically significant effect is observed at a significance level of α = 0.05, indicating that leadership styles, with their dimensions, had an impact on decision-making effectiveness, with its dimensions, at Qatar University. Based on the findings, the study puts forth several recommendations, including the encouragement of adopting and implementing leadership styles at Qatar University, motivating officials to devise mechanisms for adhering to leadership styles, fostering the exchange of experiences with esteemed educational institutions to enhance the application of leadership styles, and bolstering the decision-making process.
Leadership succession planning requires urgent attention (Barner in JAMA 54:47–47, 2000; Rothwell in Effective succession planning: Ensuring leadership continuity and building talent from within, AMACOM, 2015). Organizational researchers discerned the emerging crisis as the baby boomer generation retired from leadership roles, and administrators faced the challenge of sustaining future viability (Daley in Succession planning in organizations: Understanding organizational survival patterns in nonprofit organizations, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses, 2020; Place in Surviving succession: Navigating the emotional minefield of transition planning, Financial Planning (Online), 2023, https://www.proquest.com/trade-journals/surviving-succession-navigating-emotional/docview/2763069622/se-2). Although previous research addressed the succession crisis, few works offered insights from scriptural succession models (Veiss & Hunt in Jesus and succession planning, Springer International Publishing AG, pp. 159–173, 2021. 10.1007/978-3-030-69929-1_9). This chapter analyzes the prophetic succession of Elijah and Elisha, and four principles emerge. Succession flourishes when it (a) encompasses a destiny-defining mission, (b) acknowledges the importance of calling, (c) recognizes the mentoring opportunity, and (d) encourages communal confirmation in endorsing the new leader.
Pertamina EP Field Lirik merupakan bagian strategis dari PT Pertamina EP yang berperan dalam mendukung produksi energi nasional di tengah tantangan globalisasi, volatilitas harga minyak, dan persaingan sektor energi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis proses transformasi organisasi dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja 7S McKinsey sebagai pendekatan utama. Penelitian ini juga mengeksplorasi peran teknologi, regulasi keberlanjutan, serta pengelolaan sumber daya manusia dalam mendukung proses transformasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif melalui studi kasus di Pertamina EP Field Lirik. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam, studi literatur, dan analisis dokumen perusahaan. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi tujuh elemen utama model 7S McKinsey, yaitu strategy, structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, dan staff, untuk menilai keselarasan antar elemen dalam mendukung transformasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa digitalisasi melalui teknologi seperti otomatisasi dan Internet of Things (IoT) dapat meningkatkan efisiensi operasional dan daya saing perusahaan. Selain itu, nilai-nilai bersama yang kuat membantu membangun budaya kerja adaptif dan inovatif. Kepemimpinan yang responsif dan gaya manajerial yang inklusif berperan signifikan dalam mendorong keterlibatan karyawan selama proses transformasi. Transformasi ini juga didukung oleh pengelolaan sumber daya manusia yang berfokus pada pengembangan keterampilan yang relevan. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan model 7S McKinsey dapat menjadi panduan efektif untuk membantu Pertamina EP Field Lirik meningkatkan efisiensi, mengelola risiko, dan memperkuat daya saing di pasar energi yang dinamis. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi bagi perusahaan energi lain yang menghadapi tantangan serupa.
This paper emphasizes some ethical ways of being a leader and steers for own professional development and growth as entrepreneurial managers. We have witnessed that some organizations have become more diverse in terms of ethical values and those in the business arena are experiencing ethical dilemmas that if not given immediate attention may result to serious complications. Thus, this study likewise emphasizes the necessity to explore ways in which the sample of entrepreneurial managers find their values and behaviors as contributing to the fostering of culture of trust within the organization. This research employed a quantitative-qualitative methods of research. A quantitative-descriptive design is used to observe and measure the variables to identify the different categories of small and medium enterprises in selected municipalities in Bulacan. A qualitative-narrative design is used to conduct an in-depth interview to reconcile conflicting stories and highlight tensions and challenges which can be opportunities for innovation. A narrative survey design, based on the study by Gardiner and Tenuto (2015), was utilized consisting of a semistructured oral interview process with the key informants from small and medium enterprises in selected municipalities in Bulacan. Data were collected in the form of interviews and professional observations with the entrepreneurial managers, such as business owners, managers, supervisors, and officers-in-charge. Dilemmas reported were analyzed utilizing respondents’ ethical values in an organization together with the ethical leadership theories. Results indicated ways how business or organizational leaders can utilize ethical decision-making for organizational improvement and ways to build a culture of trust within the organization.
Keywords : Professional Ethics; Organizational Practices; Culture of Trust; Entrepreneurial Managers; Small and Medium Enterprises.
Leadership and followership are closely intertwined, creating a dynamic relationship within organizations. Toxic leadership has a negative impact on followers’ attitudes, behaviors, and well-being. Followers might contribute to toxic leadership through conformity, dependency, or fear of retaliation, continuing a cycle of dysfunction. Tackling the toxic interplay between leadership and followership necessitates measures at both individual and organizational strata, such as advocating for ethical leadership and establishing a culture of accountability. Future studies should concentrate on process tracing and identifying obstacles to comprehensively outline the factors and catalysts that foster destructive leadership.
The study endeavours to give insight into leadership skills among police personnel at Tangail district in Bangladesh. The case study is based on interviews with 23 police officers at the case site. The study could not find women police leaders as respondents in this study. The results obviously has 100% of male respondents. Based on the case study, one can identify some leadership skills, which should be possessed by police personnel. These are, operational skill, ethical decision making, accountability, honesty, predictability, logic, supportive, approachable, higher level thinker, motivation, creative, taking responsibility, respectful, desire to influence, enthusiastic, selflessness, politically astute, good communicator, team builder and intellectual motivation. The study concludes that effective police leaders have particular relational strengths that serve to elevate levels of commitment, work satisfaction, and motivation. The paper also points out that a police leader can encourage and motivate other police personnel within the department to achieve the goal. The findings provide important preliminary insights into the experiences and beliefs of police supervisors.
Leadership is a capability that all organizational units should consider in order to gain a sustainable competitive advantage over time. Leadership has been regarded as a hard-to-measure capability, but it is essential for the proper functioning of organizations. This chapter of the book will try to show the main definitions, characteristics and styles of leadership that have been developed today. In addition, it will analyze the effects of leadership in organizations. Finally, the book chapter proposes a case where managerial leadership is a key success factor.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan terhadap loyalitas anggota organisasi HIMA Manajemen STEI. Loyalitas anggota merupakan faktor penting dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi, yang dipengaruhi oleh efektivitas gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode wawancara kepada 60 anggota aktif, pasif, dan proaktif di HIMA Manajemen. Wawancara berfokus pada aspek bimbingan, dukungan, motivasi, dan interaksi yang diberikan oleh pengurus HIMA dalam mengelola anggotanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gaya kepemimpinan pengurus dinilai efektif dalam meningkatkan loyalitas melalui dukungan yang konsisten, arahan yang bijaksana, serta menciptakan iklim organisasi yang positif dan inklusif. Temuan ini penting bagi pengembangan strategi kepemimpinan di organisasi mahasiswa.
This study focused on the effect of teamwork on employee performance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Kampala. A case study at Exquisite Solution Limited. The objectives of the study were; to establish if effective communication in teams has an impact on the employee performance at ESL, to identify the effect of leadership in teams on the employee performance at ESL and to analyze the role of reward management in teams on employee performance at ESL. The study employed a descriptive research design since the analysis unit was based on only one firm. A case study design was used to select a sample size of 50 respondents and Purposive and Simple random sampling procedures were used. Secondary data was collected and it's what was used to explain the research phenomenon. The study concluded that the worker productivity increases when there is effective communication among the teams and within the organization. Besides many other things the communication within the organization helps the employees to perform their tasks well, to have information about the duties they have to perform, and about the goals of the organization. They argue that existence of communication within the organization lead to the effective decision making. The study concluded that the worker productivity increases when there is effective communication among the teams and within the organization. The study examined and evaluated the effect of teamwork on Employee Performance among Small and Medium Enterprises in Kampala, a case study of Exquisite Solution Limited. Based on the findings, there is a positive and significant relationship between effective communication and employee performance. Therefore, effective communication in the entertainment industry is an essential tactic that has been performed which can extract the ultimate of the employee to help the both organization and the employees to achieve their ultimate goal. Level of trust has a positive and significant relationship with employee performance as referring to the findings. Building trust is building the confidence in each other's competencies and reliabilities, thus, the existence of trust among team members constructs synergy in the organization and a better performance of its employees as trust in based on the reliability and the competencies.
The relationship between leadership and culture and the influence of culture on leadership have been relevant to scholars for the last 50 years. Culture itself is one of the determining factors that directly influence the leadership model that is most effective in a particular culture, because even understanding the model of effective leadership depends on the culture and its underlying values. Different national cultures understand the model of effective leadership in different ways, because they have different basic values and models of behavior that are the basis of a specific effective model of leadership. According to the dominant values of a national culture, people subconsciously imagine their leaders as behaving in accordance with these ideals of leadership and value their leaders accordingly. The study of leadership in a cultural context has undergone significant transformations along with the evolution of leadership theories and the development of cross-cultural management. The purpose of this study is to analyze contemporary theories of leadership in the cross-cultural context and determine the influence of culture on modern models of effective leadership. The cross-cultural analysis of contemporary leadership theories determined that almost all theories emphasize a significant influence of culture on modern models of effective leadership. Behavioral theory and contingency theory of leadership emphasize that cultural norms play a key role in a cross-cultural context. The autocratic leadership style has been found to have significant cultural limitations to its effective use, whereas transformational leadership can be used and be effective in any culture. In transactional leadership is based subordinates are not self-motivated because they need to be closely observed and controlled. Servant leadership will now gain even more acceptance in different cultures, but has already proven to be effective primarily in cultures based on individualism, democracy, and egalitarianism. Contemporary leadership theories such as relational leadership, complex leadership, ambidextrous leadership, and adaptive leadership also emphasize the need to consider the interaction between leaders and the environment as influenced by culture.
This paper explores the role of leadership in team development and performance in organizations. It reviews literature on leadership theories, team dynamics, and performance outcomes, examining the impact of different leadership styles on team cohesion, motivation, and productivity. The paper analyzes effective leadership strategies and best practices, providing insights on how organizations can empower and nurture leaders. Empowered leaders can harness team potential, maximizing effectiveness and paving the way for sustainable growth. The findings emphasize the importance of understanding and implementing nuanced leadership approaches, fostering a culture of excellence, and achieving enduring success.
This study examines the role of transactional and transformational
leadership in achieving innovation within organizations operating in the
petroleum services sector. The research utilized questionnaires and sampled
workers from three entrepreneurial organizations located in the industrial
zone of HassiR’Mel (Laghouat). The data were analyzed using (SEMpls).
The study concluded that there is a strong positive relationship between
both transactional and transformational leadership and innovation, with
transformational leadership being the most influential dimension. The study
recommends adopting and supporting transactional and transformational
leadership style through training and development activities.
Purpose: The review focuses on past prominent leadership literature, aiming to highlight the emerging thematic evolution of the leadership literature Design/methodology/approach: Qualitative approach by using the literature synthetization to derive to concept and definition of leadership are applied for this research. The concept and definition are discussed at length to see the application and changes of leadership paradigms. Findings: Various leadership theories seem to be overwhelmed with different thematic thoughts-from the earliest trait-based charismatic and authoritative style; to the seemingly complete full-range of effective leadership styles and communicational techniques; and finally, the emergence of the more contemporary value-based leadership theories such as authentic, service, servant, ethical, inclusive, and later the paradoxical yin-yang leadership style. This research concludes that there is no one style fits all. Due to the these complex dynamics as the VUCA 2.0, the concept and practicality of leadership has changed significantly. Research limitations/implications: The review opens with an attempt to define the meaning of contemporary leadership, followed by exploration and analysis of emerging themes, identifying the literature gap, and lastly, a comprehensive discussion on new insights. The review concludes with recommendations of potential future research directions in leadership. Practical implications: this research layout the different perspective of leadership. It begins with the discussion on concept and definition. The practicality of the paper is viewed from the literature standpoint of view.
Background: The incidence of HAIs at the Bandung Adventist Hospital in 2019 is still quite high, where the incident rate of HAIs is 18% VAP, 13% UTI, 7% phlebitis, 1% HAP, and 4% SSI. Nurses' compliance in implementing the HAIs bundle is very important to do as a form of patient safety. Nurse compliance can be increased by applying the appropriate leadership style by the head of the room. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with nurse compliance in implementing the SOP bundle of HAIs in the inpatient room of the Bandung Advent Hospital. The research method: Analytical survey with correlation design. The research sample was 62 respondents who were taken by using proportional random sampling. The variables of age, sex, and years of service were measured using a checklist questionnaire. Leadership style is measured using a questionnaire with a Semantic Differential scale (1-8), and compliance is measured by observing nurses in implementing SOP bundles of HAIs, including SOP Bundles of ISK, IAD, VAP, IDO. Data were analyzed using univariate, bivariate (chi square), and multivariate (multiple logistic regression). Results: The results of the Chi Square test show that there is a relationship between tenure and compliance with the ISK bundle, and there is a relationship between leadership style and compliance with the implementation of the HAIs SOP bundle and the IDO bundle. The results of regression analysis showed that democratic and authoritarian leadership styles were the types of leadership styles that were most related to nurses' compliance in implementing the SOP bundle of HAIs (p 0.018), especially in the implementation of the IAD bundle SOP (p 0.040).
Objective: The purpose of this study is to look at how employee engagement and leadership style affect worker productivity at the main unit of PT PLN (State Electricity Company) in the West Kalimantan Region. Design/Methods/Approach: An explanatory design and a quantitative methodology were used in the study. Documentary studies, questionnaires, and observation were some of the methods used to collect data. Customers who have utilized go-pay services in Pontianak made up the respondents. A Likert scale was used to measure the data, and multiple regression analysis was used. Findings: With a statistical analysis result of t-value 6.794 > t-table 1.984 and a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05, the research findings show that the Employee Engagement variable has a positive and substantial impact on employee productivity in the partial test (t-test). In a similar vein, the leadership style variable also strongly influences the work productivity variable, as seen by the resulting t-value of 5.889 > t-table 1.984 and a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. The estimated F-value is 91.568 > F-table 3.090, and the significant value is 0.000, which is less than the significance level of 0.05, according to the simultaneous test (F-test). Originality/Value: This study focuses on how leadership style and employee engagement affect workers' productivity at West Kalimantan's PT. PLN (Persero) Regional Main Unit. A crucial component is employee involvement. The study's findings can give the business information that it can use to improve decision-making procedures and raise worker productivity. Practical/Policy implication: This research can be utilized in formulating company management policies that emphasize the importance of employee engagement and the implementation of effective leadership styles, which can result in a more motivated and productive workforce.
ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Albanian society and the global society are facing more and more economic difficulties to ensure good well-being and mental health. These problems were created by the lack of human and material resources, but also by bad governance. The key instrument that improves the lives of citizens and regulates their governance is education. This study is based on qualitative research methodology and its analysis is that of comparative analysis in which the importance that other developed countries determine for school leadership, as well as the path followed for its development and continuous improvement, is compared. Through education, students can reach the best results and have prospects and development for their families and society too. At this time, after 20 centuries of development of society, the students must make many offers and try to challenge new circumstances that surround them. There are many fields to invest but investment in education is the most profitable area and key to success for a society. The school leader is the most important element in the educational system for the follow-up and implementation of all educational requirements and standards to achieve high results and increase the quality of education. Therefore, the preparation and building of school leaders through special programs is an important aspect of investment in education. The school leadership training program, considering the relevant training topics, is more like a reinforcement of the master's degree in teaching than a program for the formation and practice of educational leadership. The distribution of responsibilities of the structures of the educational system according to levels, the empowerment, and the increase of the responsibilities of the school leader are done through the construction of a new structure of educational leadership in the school.
هدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة تأثير العوامل الشرطية "نمط القيادة الإدارية" و"استراتيجية المنظمة" في مستوى تطور نظم معلومات المحاسبة الإدارية (MAIS). وتمّ بناء الفروض على وجود تأثير مباشر وإيجابي بين نمط القيادة الإدارية ونوع الاستراتيجية المتبعة في المنظمة ومستوى تطور MAIS، وأن استراتيجية المنظمة تتوسط العلاقة بين نمط القيادة الإدارية ومستوى تطور MAIS، كما أن هناك تأثيراً موجباً لنمط القيادة الإدارية في نوع الاستراتيجية المتبعة في المنظمة. وتمَّ جمع البيانات عن طريق توزيع استبانة على 82 مديراً (الإدارة العليا والتنفيذية والتشغيلية) يعملون في 15 شركة صناعية عامة سورية. وأظهرت النّتائج وجود تأثير مباشر وإيجابي بين كل من نمط القيادة الإدارية واستراتيجية المنظمة في مستوى تطور MAIS، وأن استراتيجية المنظمة تتوسط العرقة بين نمط القيادة الإدارية ومستوى تطور MAIS بشكل جزئي. وأن لنمط القيادة الإدارية تأثير موجب ومباشر في نوع الاستراتيجية المتبعة في المنظمة. وتمَّت مناقشة هذه النّتائج وتقديم التوصيات بناء على هذه النّتائج. This research examines the impact of leadership style and business strategy on the management accounting information systems (MAIS) sophistication level. Based on a questionnaire survey conducted to 82 managers in senior, executive, and operational management working in 15 publicly held manufacturing companies on the Syrian Coast. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 25. The statistical methods are Pearson's Correlation Coefficient, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The research hypothesizes and finds that there is a direct and positive effect between leadership style and business strategy on MAIS sophistication level and that the organization's strategy mediates the relationship between the leadership style and the level of MAIS sophistication in part. In addition, there is a direct and positive effect between leadership style and business strategy. The findings were discussed. some recommendations and suggestions were provided.
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