ABSTRACT The frequency-dependent properties of Rayleigh-type surface waves can be utilized for imaging,and character- izing the shallow subsurface. Most surface-wave analysis relies on the accurate calculation of phase velocities for the horizontally traveling fundamental-mode,Rayleigh wave acquired,by stepping out a pair of receivers at inter- vals based on calculated ground,roll wavelengths. Inter- ference by coherent,source-generated,noise inhibits the reliability of shear-wave velocities determined,through inversion of the whole wave,field. Among,these nonpla- nar, nonfundamental-mode Rayleigh waves (noise) are body waves, scattered and nonsource-generated surface waves, and higher-mode surface waves. The degree to which each of these types of noise contaminates,the dis- persion curve and, ultimately, the inverted shear-wave velocity profile is dependent,on frequency,as well as dis- tance from the source. Multichannel,recording,permits,effective identifica- tion and isolation of noise according,to distinctive trace- to-trace coherency,in arrival time and,amplitude. An added,advantage,is the speed,and,redundancy,of the measurement,process. Decomposition,of a multichannel record into a time variable-frequency format, similar to an uncorrelated Vibroseis record, permits analysis and display of each frequency,component,in a unique,and continuous,format. Coherent,noise contamination,can then be examined,and its effects appraised,in both fre- quency,and offset space. Separation of frequency,com- ponents,permits real-time maximization,of the S/N ratio during acquisition and subsequent,processing steps. Linear separation of each ground,roll frequency,com- ponent,allows calculation of phase velocities by simply