Public Relations [is] management function which peculiarly support to be formed of congeniality sating in communications, understanding of, old activity and acceptance between organizational member with its public. Role of Public Relations not get out of media of mass or of Mass media in this hat is media print and also electronic broadcasting journalistic masterpiece. For assist duty and role of
... [Show full abstract] Public Relations Officer in submitting information and activity TELKOM DIVRE V JATIM usually take care of relation with Mass media by professional. To braid relation with Mass media of hares can create communications poly, which is good so that created contiguity of Mass approach which professional The target of this research is to know professional activity of Public Relations Officer in TELKOM DIVRE V JATIM in braiding relation with mass media. The result of this research has indicate that Public Relations Officer of TELKOM DIVRE V JATIM have taken care of relation with Mass media by professional seen from existence of FORWATEL that is bevy of mankind of Mass media laboring is equal to TELKOM DRIVE V and his member consist of 38 media print. Especial target braid relation with Mass media is to define vision, company mission, straightening wrong perception among public till define Corporate Social Reasonability to public. Professionalisms posed at by Public Relations Officer of TELKOM DIVRE V JATIM is always serve mankind of pets better like providing good items copy, interesting and good activity documentation. Conducted activity by Public Relations Officer in braiding relation with Mass media that is Press Release, Press Clipping, Press Luncheons, News Conference, and Interview Mass media, Pervasion of activity by mass media. Press Tour. Besides form attention of Public Relations Officer also provide facility of Press Room which is complete and balmy and also give for loaded of news pursuant to quality and his amount, in taking care of this good relation of Public Relations Officer also perform activity of is non formal through form activity of friendship in the field of sport. With existence of professional standard which specified by TELKOM DIVRE V to all Public Relations Officer practitioner hence expected can become guidance to run its duty in this hat how PROS practitioner in braiding relation with pets besides also supported with relation of Interpersonal approach sturdy between Practitioner of Public Relations Officer with merged into mass media mankind [is] FORWATEL TELKOM DRIVE V JATIM.