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A total of 290 horses were examined to determine the prevalence of Anhidrosis, find suitable therapy and to record effect of the condition on serum glucose level. The affected horses were divided in two groups i.e. group A received sodium chloride orally 80 grams for 3 days along with injection lasix 100 mg (10ml) for 3 days and ample drinking water. Group B received thyroxin 50 mg orally daily for 3 days , vitamin E 2000 IU orally, normal saline and ample drinking water. The prevalence of Anhidrosis was found to be 12.41 percent (36/290). Serum glucose levels were on higher side in affected horses which returned to normal after recovery, however, blood cholesterol level remained same before and after treatment. In group A and B 33(5/15) and 73.33(11/15) percent horse showed recovery, respectively.
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The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 20(2), 2010, Page: 70-72
ISSN: 1018-7081
S. U. Rasheed, M. S. Khan, Z. U. Rehman, M. Avais, J. A. Khan, and M. Z. Shabbir*
Department of Clinical Medicine and Surgery, *University Diagnostic Laboratory
University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore-54000 (Pakistan)
Corresponding author E-mail:
A total of 290 horses were examined to determine the prevalence of Anhidrosis, find suitable therapy and to record effect
of the condition on serum glucose level. The affected horses were divided in two groups i.e. group A received sodium
chloride orally 80 grams for 3 days along with injection lasix 100 mg (10ml) for 3 days and ample drinking water. Group
B received thyroxin 50 mg orally daily for 3 days , vitamin E 2000 IU orally, normal saline and ample drinking water.
The prevalence of Anhidrosis was found to be 12.41 percent (36/290). Serum glucose levels were on higher side in
affected horses which returned to normal after recovery, however, blood cholesterol level remained same before and
after treatment. In group A and B 33(5/15) and 73.33(11/15) percent horse showed recovery, respectively.
Key words: Anhidrosis; Thyroxin; Vitamin E; Normal saline, serum glucose level
Equine anhidrosis, dry coat, puff disease and
non-sweating are different terms used to describe the
condition in horses and is characterized by the inability to
sweat effectively in response to appropriate stimuli
(Dobson, 1979). Sweating has a variety of functions in
animals including pheromone actions, excretion of waste
products and maintenance of the skin surface ecosystem
(McEwan et al., 2006). Although the epidemiology and
clinical signs of the disease have largely been elucidated,
anhidrosis is still widely prevalent in many parts of the
world and methods of treatment and prevention are being
sought (Mayhew and Ferguson, 1987). The precise
prevalence of the disease is unknown, however it has
been estimated that up to 20 percent of horses in Miami
area of Florida may be affected (Warner and Mayhew,
1982). Initially it was considered the disease of
thoroughbred horses but an epidemiologic study of cases
in Florida has shown that many breeds are prone to it, and
long time inhabitants of a hot climate, may also be
affected (Mayhew and Ferguson, 1987).
The search for precise factors causing equine
anhidrosis are yet to be elucidated (Wilson et al., 2007)
and despite some excellent epidemiological studies, there
has been very little progress in understanding the
condition (Marlin et al., 1999). However, certain factors
(high protein feed, disease, exercise) tend to raise the
basal metabolism of affected horses that exacerbate water
loss (polyuria, purgation, etc.) or those influencing heat
loss (Julio and Calderin, 1966).
The therapies for this condition more often are
based upon clinical impressions rather than scientific
evidence treatment coupled with sound environmental
management continues to be a very important therapeutic
tool for affected horses (Hubert et al., 2002). However,
the therapies seem to provide only temporary relief but
complete removal from the environmental stress has a
long-term effect. It has been claimed that treatment with
vitamin E improves coat appearance and restores
sweating in anhidrotic animals. The present study was
conducted with the aim to determine the prevalence of
equine anhidrosis in Metropolitan City of Lahore,
Pakistan, its suitable treatment and effect of both disease
and treatment on serum glucose profiles.
Prevalence: The present study was conducted on cases
brought to outdoor veterinary services, University of
Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore. In addition the
horses referred to various private veterinary clinics were
also included in the study during the summer months. A
total of 290 horses were clinically examined to find out
the prevalence of anhidrosis. Anhidrosis was diagnosed
on the basis of clinical signs (Radostits et al., 2007).
Therapy: Thirty horses suffering from anhidrosis
irrespective of age and sex were divided into two equal
groups viz. A and B. Drugs used in groups A and B are
given in Table 1. The efficacy of the both treatments was
determined on the basis of reversal of clinical signs,
negative adrenalin test and normal serum glucose at the
end of treatment.
Serum Glucose and cholesterol levels: Serum glucose
and cholesterol levels were determined (pre and post
treatment) using commercially available kit (Bio systems
laboratories Ltd.,. Barcelona, Spain), through enzymatic
spectrophotometric method (Coles, 1986).
The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 20(2), 2010, Page: 70-72
ISSN: 1018-7081
Table 1: Detail of drugs used in different treatment
Group Drugs used
Sodium chloride orally 80 grams daily for 3
days. .
Injection Fursemide (Lasix, Hoechst Pharma
Pvt. Ltd.) 100 mg (10ml) for three days
Ample drinking water.
Thyroxin (GlaxoWellcome, Pvt. Ltd.).50mg
daily for three days orally
Vitamin E, (Roch, Pvt Ltd.)2000 IU orally
Normal saline 0.9 % I/v 2000ml daily.
Ample drinking water
Prevalence: Results of the present investigation indicated
that the occurrence of puff disease in horses was 12.41
percent. As this problem mostly happens in summer
months its prevalence in July, August and September is
given in Table 2. These results are in agreement with the
work of Mayhew and Ferguson (1987), Hungerford
(1989) and Radostits et al, (2007) where the range of
problem varied from 6.5 to 15 percent. Increased
prevalence of anhidrosis was recorded during July which
was due to severe environmental conditions like hot
weather and humidity. Severe environmental conditions
i.e. hot weather and humidity is considered as major
attributing factor in this problem (Smith, 2002).
Clinical Sings: Clinical signs observed in horses
suffering from anhidrosis during the course of study
were: inability to sweat even after hard exercise, dry
harsh coat, increased urination and panting. High body
temperature, increased pulse and respiration rates were
found. It was most probably due to the impairment of
thermoregulatory mechanisms of diseased horses
(McEwan et al., 2006).
Chemotherapy: Treatments are more often based on
clinical impressions rather than on scientific facts as the
exact etiology and pathophysiology of this condition are
still to be known (Hubert et al., 2002).
In group A 5 out of 15 horses were cured
completely, whereas four showed slight improvement in
their clinical symptoms. Present findings are in partial
agreement with Hungerford (1989). Who reported 100%
recovery on 20th day of post medication as indicated by
Hungerford (1989).
Lasix, a loop diuretic used to eliminate salt and
water from the body by urination, was good treatment as
it help to remove excessively accumulated heat in the
body due to non sweating.
In group B, 11 out of 15 horses were recovered
completely where as two out of 4 horses showed slight
improvement. This variation in recovery may be due to
the severity of disease in different animals. Findings of
the present study are congruent with the result of
Radostits et al (2007). Thyroxin played vital role to
activate the thyroid gland because hypothyroidism was
also a factor for puff disease. Hood (1979) reported that
hypothyroidism cannot be ruled out as a mechanism for
equine Anhidrosis. The daily administration orally of
1000-3000 units of vitamin E is also reported to be
effective and in severe cases intravenous injection of
physiological saline have shown good results (Radostits
et al., 2007).
Serum glucose and cholesterol levels: In group A,
serum glucose-levels were reported to be 74.47±5.21
mg/dl and 73.47±5.13 mg/dl pre-treatment and post-
treatment respectively. While in group B animals the
serum glucose levels were 77.87±4.63 mg/dl and
71.87±4.51 mg/dl, pre and post treatment respectively
(Table-3). These results are in line with earlier work
(Hood, 1979; Coles, 1986 and Yashki et. al. 1997).
Similarly, serum cholesterol levels in group A were
recorded as 133.53 ± 9.32 and 131.53 ± 9.40 mg/dl before
and after treatment, respectively, whereas in case of
group B it was 139.4 ± 13.48 and 130.4 ± 11.42 mg/dl
before and after treatment, respectively. Similar findings
have been reported by Coles, (1986) and Yashki et al.,
Table: 2. Prevalence of anhidrosis in different months
of summer in horses.
Month No. of horses
examined No. of
July 100 14 14.0
August 98 13 13.26
September 92 9 9.78
Total 290 36 12.41
Table 3. Comparison of serum glucose and cholesterol
levels in horses suffering from Puff disease
pre and post treatment in groups A & B
Group Pre treatment Post treatment
Serum Glucose Levels
A 74.47 a ± 5.21 73.47 a ± 5.13
B 77.87 a ± 4.63 71.87
± 4.51
Serum Cholesterol Levels
A 133.53 a ± 9.32 131.53a± 9.40
B 139.4 a ± 13.48 130.4
± 11.42
* Values are given as Mean ± S.E
**Values with different superscripts for each parameter differ
significantly from each other in rows (p<0.05).
The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 20(2), 2010, Page: 70-72
ISSN: 1018-7081
Coles, E. H. (1986). Veterinary clinical pathology, 4t Ed.
W.B. Saunders Company, U.S.A., pp. 228-229,
Dobson, R. (1979). The effect of repeated episodes of
profuse sweating on the human sweat gland. J.
Invest.Derm., 35: 195-198.
Hood, M. (1979). Function of Thyroid gland. Jap. J. Vet.
Sci., 14:72.
Hubert J. D., R. E. Beadle and G. Norwood (2002)
Equime Anhidrosis. Vet Clin North Am Equine
Pract. 18(2): 355-69.
Hungerford, (1989). Diseases of Livestock. 9th Ed.
McGraw Hill Sydney. pp. 1199-1200.
Julio, E. C. and G. G. Calderin (1966). Anhidrosis dry
coat syndrome in thoroughbred. J. Am. Vet.
Med. Assoc., 148(12): 1551-55.
Marlin D. J., R. C. Schroter, C. M. Scott, S. White, K. A.
Nyrop, P. L. Maykuth, P. A. Harris (1999)
Sweating and skin temperature responses of
normal and anhidrotic horses to intravenous
adrenaline. Equine Vet J Suppl. 1999 Jul;
Mayhew, I. G., and H. O. Ferguson (1987). Clinical,
clinicopathologic, and epidemiologic features of
anhidrosis in central Florida Thoroughbred
horses. J Vet Intern Med 1(3):136-141.
McEwan, J. D., H. Y. Elder, D. L. Bovell (2006) Equine
sweating and anhidrosis Part 1--equine sweating.
Vet Dermatol 17 (6): 361-92.
Radostits, O. M., C. C. Gay, K. W. Hinchcliff, P. D.
Constable. (2007) Veterinary Medicine. 10th Ed.
Elseveir health science, Philadelphia USA. pp
Smith, B. P. (2002). Large Animal Internal Medicine, 3rd
Ed. Elseveir health science, Philadelphia USA.
pp 37.
Warner, A. E., and I. G. Mayhew (1982) Equine
anhidrosis: a survey of affected horses in
Florida. J. Am Vet. Med Assoc. 180(6): 627-29.
Wilson, D. C., A. D. Corbett, C. Steel, R. Pannirselvam,
D. L. Bovell. (2007) A preliminary study of the
short circuit current (Isc) responses of sweat
gland cells from normal and anhidrotic horses to
purinergic and adrenergic agonists. Vet
Dermatol., 18(3):152-60
Yashki, K., R. Kusunose and S. Takagi (1997). Serum
glucose and cholesterol level in equines. Annual
Report-Equine Research Institute of Japan
Racing Association. 15: 88-91.
Horses with anhidrosis are defined by signs of impaired thermoregulation caused by sweating that is inadequate for the ambient conditions. Anhidrosis has been recognised since the early twentieth century; affected horses have been variably described as nonsweaters, drycoats, blowers or puffers. The condition affects horses of all age groups, breeds, coat colours, genders and activities and is common among horses in hot, humid environments. Despite the enormous financial and emotional costs of anhidrosis, the causes and pathogenesis of the condition are largely unknown and no consistently effective treatment has been found.
Summary Small artificial nest/roost boxes, originally designed for microbats, were deployed in three farm forest plantations and at one native forest site in southeast Queensland in order to assess their use by vertebrates and their contribution toward enhancing biodiversity in plantation forests through the provision of habitat. Two sites were located in a relatively ‘intact’ forest landscape (SF 351 and Strano) and two sites in a more ‘fragmented’ or ‘variegated’ landscape (Askham and Thomas). Twenty-four boxes were placed at each site over an area covering approximately 1.2–1.8 ha. Each site was checked from five (SF 351) to nine (Askham) times between April 1996 and November 2000. The artificial nest/roost boxes were attractive to a range of small fauna that included Feathertail Gliders (Acrobates pygmaeus), Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps), Squirrel Gliders (Petaurus norfolcensis) and the Yellow-footed Marsupial Mouse (Antechinus flavipes), all of which constructed nests inside boxes. Gould’s Long-eared Bats (Nyctophilus gouldi) used boxes primarily as roosts and maternity sites. In general, fewer animals were recorded in boxes at the two sites located within a relatively ‘intact’ landscape, while the highest numbers of animals were recorded in boxes in two farm forest plantations within ‘variegated’ landscapes. The availability of alternative natural hollows and landscape factors appear to be important determinants of the extent to which boxes are occupied. The present study indicates that the biodiversity of farm forests can be enhanced through simple habitat manipulation utilizing artificial roosting or nesting boxes. Key words Antechinus, biodiversity, farm forestry, glider, marsupial, microbat, nest box, roost.
A group of 834 Thoroughbred horses was surveyed on four central Florida farms for clinical and epidemiologic features of anhidrosis. In addition, comparative analysis was made of serum thyroxine, serum electrolytes, and fractional urinary electrolyte excretion ratios. An overall disease prevalence of 6.12% was observed. Training horses and nonpregnant broodmares had a predilection for the disease. Adolescent horses were infrequently affected. There was no correlation with sex or color. Comparative clinical signs, related to thermoregulatory compromise, included tachypnea and hyperthermia. Long-term effect included focal and generalized alopecia, decreased appetite, and impaired performance. Previously reported hypothyroidism and hypochloremia were not demonstrated; however, fractional urinary chloride excretion ratios indicated a significant relative conservation of chloride.
Anhidrosis has been recognised for over half a century, but despite some excellent epidemiological studies, there has been little progress in understanding the aetiology of the condition. Using a modified ventilated capsule, we obtained dynamic, quantitative data on sweating responses in anhidrotic horses and normal sweating controls from the same environment. Ten horses with current seasonal anhidrosis and 10 matched normal sweating controls were selected. Each horse was given two 10 min infusions of 1 and 2 micrograms/kg/min adrenaline, separated by at least 6 h. Sweating responses and skin temperatures on the neck and gluteal region were measured. Plasma and sweat for analysis of total protein and electrolytes and plasma for analysis of adrenaline were collected. Anhidrotic horses produced significantly less sweat, had lower initial and peak sweat rates and a greater neck:gluteal ratio for sweat production. Plasma adrenaline at rest or at the time of peak sweating rate was not different between groups. In nearly three-quarters of the anhidrotic horses, the shape of the sweat rate against time curve was different compared to controls. Volume of sweat produced was significantly correlated with skin temperature on the neck of controls and anhidrotic horses and on the gluteal region of controls, but not anhidrotic horses. Plasma total protein and electrolyte concentrations were not different between groups. There were significant differences in sweat electrolyte concentrations between controls and anhidrotic horses. These differences were reduced when sweat electrolytes were expressed per g of total protein, and no differences existed when expressed as g/m2. This study has provided insight into the response of anhidrotic horses to beta 2 adrenergic stimulation and may be a useful technique to investigate this condition.
Although the physiologic effects of repeated episodes of profuse sweating have been extensively studied in man, nothing is known of the possible anatomic alterations which may occur in the eccrine sweat gland as a result of these stimuli. It has recently been shown, however, that as a result of a single, prolonged episode of profuse sweating the human eccrine sweat gland undergoes characteristic cytologic changes (1). In addition, an orderly, progressive sequence of recovery from these changes has been observed (2).
The molecular basis of the pathophysiology of anhidrosis is still not well understood. Therefore, treatments are more often based on clinical impressions than on scientific fact. Treatment options for this condition will improve only when more is known about the molecular events that cause anhidrosis, especially as they relate to beta2-receptor dysfunction and stimulus-secretion coupling in the sweat glands of affected horses. Although this additional information is being attained, sound environmental management will continue to be a very important aspect of the treatment of horses affected with anhidrosis.