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Chemical characterization, antioxidant properties, and volatile constituents of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) cultivated in Costa Rica


Abstract and Figures

Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) is a native fruit of the Andes, cultivated and consumed mainly in Ecuador, Colombia, and Central America. Because of its pleasant aroma and attractive color, it has high potential as an ingredient of products such as juices, nectars, and jams. The main characteristics of mature naranjilla fruits cultivated in Costa Rica were assessed, including sugar content, total titratable acidity, total soluble solids, oxygen radical absorbance capacity (H-ORAC), and total polyphenolic and ascorbic acid content. Carotenoid and volatile compound identification was also done. The samples showed sucrose, glucose, and fructose content of 1.6 +/- 0.3, 0.68 +/- 0.05, and 0.7 +/- 0.1 g/100 g, respectively. Total titratable acidity was 2.63 +/- 0.07 g citric acid equivalent / 100 g and total soluble solids amounted to 9.1 +/- 0.5 degrees Brix. H-ORAC value was 17 +/- 1 micromol Trolox equivalent /g, total polyphenolic content was 48 +/- 3 mg gallic acid equivalent /100 g and ascorbic acid content was 12.5 +/- 0.0 mg/100 g. Carotenoid content of the whole fruit and pulp was 33.3 +/- 0.6 and 7.2 +/- 0.3 microg/g, respectively. The predominant carotenoid among the compounds identified in the whole fruit was beta-carotene. Ten volatile compounds were identified in naranjillapulp, the predominant being methyl butanoate. The chemical composition of naranjilla cultivated in Costa Rica does not seem to differ from that previously reported in studies at different locations.
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Organo Oficial de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición Vol. 59 Nº 1, 2009
Chemical characterization, antioxidant properties,
and volatile constituents of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.)
cultivated in Costa Rica
Óscar Acosta, Ana M. Pérez, Fabrice Vaillant
Centro Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (CITA), Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica.
Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (CIRAD),
Département Performances des systèmes de production et de transformation tropicaux (PERSYST), France
SUMMARY. Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) is a native fruit
of the Andes, cultivated and consumed mainly in Ecuador, Colombia,
and Central America. Because of its pleasant aroma and attractive
color, it has high potential as an ingredient of products such as juices,
nectars, and jams. The main characteristics of mature naranjilla fruits
cultivated in Costa Rica were assessed, including sugar content, total
titratable acidity, total soluble solids, oxygen radical absorbance
capacity (H-ORAC), and total polyphenolic and ascorbic acid content.
Carotenoid and volatile compound identification was also done. The
samples showed sucrose, glucose, and fructose content of 1.6 ± 0.3,
0.68 ± 0.05, and 0.7 ± 0.1 g/100 g, respectively. Total titratable acidity
was 2.63 ± 0.07 g citric acid equivalent / 100 g and total soluble
solids amounted to 9.1 ± 0.5 ºBrix. H-ORAC value was 17 ± 1 μmol
Trolox equivalent / g, total polyphenolic content was 48 ± 3 mg
gallic acid equivalent / 100 g and ascorbic acid content was 12.5 ±
0.0 mg/100 g. Carotenoid content of the whole fruit and pulp was
33.3 ± 0.6 and 7.2 ± 0.3 μg/g, respectively. The predominant
carotenoid among the compounds identified in the whole fruit was
ß-carotene. Ten volatile compounds were identified in naranjilla pulp,
the predominant being methyl butanoate. The chemical composition
of naranjilla cultivated in Costa Rica does not seem to differ from
that previously reported in studies at different locations.
Key words: Solanum quitoense Lam., chemical composition,
antioxidants, volatile compounds.
RESUMEN. Caracterización química, propiedades antioxidantes
y constituyentes volátiles de naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.)
cultivada en Costa Rica. La naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) es
una fruta nativa de los Andes, cultivada y consumida principalmente
en Ecuador, Colombia y América Central. Las principales
características de frutas de naranjilla maduras cultivadas en Costa Rica
fueron evaluadas, incluyendo contenido de azúcares, acidez titulable
total, sólidos solubles totales, capacidad de absorbancia de radicales
de oxígeno (H-ORAC) y contenido de polifenoles totales y ácido
ascórbico. La identificación de carotenoides y compuestos volátiles
fue también realizada. Las muestras presentaron contenidos de sacarosa,
glucosa y fructosa de 1.6 ± 0.3, 0.68 ± 0.05 y 0.7 ± 0.1 g/100 g,
respectivamente. La acidez titulable total fue 2.63 ± 0.07 g equivalentes
de ácido cítrico / 100 g y los sólidos solubles totales fueron 9.1 ± 0.5
ºBrix. El valor de H-ORAC fue 17 ± 1 μmol equivalentes de Trolox /
g, el contenido de polifenoles totales fue 48 ± 3 mg equivalentes de
ácido gálico / 100 g y el contenido de ácido ascórbico fue 12.5 ± 0.0
mg/100 g. El contenido de carotenoides de la fruta completa y la pulpa
fue 33.3 ± 0.6 y 7.2 ± 0.3 μg/g, respectivamente. El carotenoide
predominante en los compuestos identificados en las frutas completas
fue ß-caroteno. Diez compuestos volátiles fueron identificados en la
pulpa de naranjilla, siendo el predominante el butanoato de metilo. La
composición química de naranjilla cultivada en Costa Rica aparenta
no diferir de aquella reportada previamente en estudios realizados en
lugares diferentes.
Palabras clave: Solanum quitoense Lam., composición química,
antioxidantes, compuestos volátiles.
Naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) is a native fruit of
the Andes, cultivated and consumed mainly in Ecuador, Co-
lombia, and Central America. The tree grows best between
1200 and 2300 m above sea level (m asl); it is neither a tropi-
cal nor a temperate plant (1). The fruit is round and its peel is
covered with brittle hairs. During ripening, naranjilla turns
from green to orange, and the fruit is climacteric, with a rela-
tively low respiration rate even during the climacteric peak
(2). Even though the fruit is sometimes consumed and pro-
cessed at earlier stages of maturity (due to the pulp’s attrac-
tive greenish color), total soluble solids increase with matu-
rity, which results in a sweeter pulp at later stages. The pH
does not vary significantly with maturation (3).
The fruit contains four compartments separated by mem-
branous partitions and filled with pulp, which has a some-
what acidic flavor and a pleasant delicate aroma. It has nu-
merous flat and hard seeds. The flavor of naranjilla has been
described as sweet, similar to a mixture of banana, pineapple,
and strawberry (4).
According to Heiser and Anderson (1), naranjilla trees
were introduced over a half century ago to Costa Rica. Current
estimates indicate about 30-50 ha cultivated with the crop. Fruits
are usually sold fresh in local markets and supermarkets and are
used to produce beverages, with the addition of water and sugar.
As for processed products, naranjilla jam may be the only cur-
rently produced in commercial quantity in Costa Rica.
Despite the fact that naranjilla pulp is mostly consumed in
Latin America, either in fresh form or as a sweetened drink,
authors agree that the fruit has high potential as an ingredient
for products such as juices, nectars, ice creams, candies, jams,
jellies, toppings, sherbets, sauces, and other cooked confec-
tions (5, 6). The pulp’s green color may be an advantage for
the food industry, but it should be protected from oxidation so
it does not turn brown that quickly.
Since ripe naranjilla fruits are highly susceptible to me-
chanical damage and fungal attack, fruits are usually harvested
green, but when they reach physical maturity. Therefore, fruits
are more easily managed and marketed for a longer time. It
should be considered that fruits harvested at later maturity
stages show better quality characteristics when ripe that those
harvested at earlier stages (3). At ambient temperature, the
shelf life of physiologically mature fruits is only 6-8 d long
after harvest (2, 5). Arango et al (2) recommended several
postharvest handling systems for naranjilla and concluded that
fruits at physiological maturity can be maintained green for
50 d when packed inside polyethylene bags with an ethylene
absorber and refrigerated at 7.5ºC. Morton (5) indicated that
fruits picked half-colored can be stored for 1 or 2 mo at 7.22-
10ºC and relative humidity of 70-80%.
As for volatile constituents of naranjilla, Brunke et al (4)
used gas chromatography / mass spectrometry analysis and
sensory evaluation with a gas chromatographic sniffing de-
tector to identify components and determine their influence
on the flavor of the fruit. It was determined that the methyl
and ethyl esters of lower carboxylic acids contributed much
to the typical naranjilla flavor, but it was not possible to find
one or more impact compounds, which made researchers sus-
pect that the yet unidentified substances that possess strong
odors play an important role in the flavor complex of the fruit.
Osorio et al (7) concluded that glycosides isolated from
Solanum quitoense leaves have a role as flavor precursors
because they produce several volatile compounds with pleas-
ant sensorial notes by the action of some enzymes present in
the fruit. These generated volatile compounds may be impor-
tant with respect not only to the fruit flavor but also to the
flavor of the processed products because they would be re-
leased during processing. In a different study, with the aid of
multilayer coil countercurrent chromatography, subsequent
acetylation, and liquid chromatographic purification of a gly-
cosidic mixture obtained from S. quitoense leaves, three C13-
norisoprenoid glucoconjugates were isolated by Osorio et al
(8) in pure form.
There is great similarity between S. quitoense L. and S.
vestissimum D. with regard to both the shape of the plant and
the aspect of the fruit. However, aromas are rather different.
Authors have extensively studied the volatile constituents of
the second fruit (9), glycosidically bound aroma compounds
from its pulp and peelings (10), change in volatile compounds
during maturation (11), and volatile constituents from its
peelings (12).
The characterization of naranjilla cultivated in Costa Rica,
in terms of chemical composition, antioxidant properties, and
volatile constituents will be critical in increasing this crop’s
value in local and regional markets, as a fresh fruit and as raw
material for processed products.
Plant material
Fully mature naranjilla fruits were harvested from several
trees in a plantation located in Heredia, Costa Rica (Helénica
Proverde S.A.). The agroecological characteristics are as
follows: geographical position 10º 01' 59'’ N, 84º 02' 41'’ E;
soil of volcanic origin; altitude, 1360 m asl; annual average
precipitation, 2479.7 mm; annual average temperature, 18.7ºC;
and annual average relative moisture, 87%. Fruits were
manually sorted for physical and microbiological damage and
then cleaned, washed, and sanitized by immersion for 3 min
in a 150-ppm solution of sodium hypochlorite. Only ripe fruits
(75-100% orange color in peel) were analyzed.
Methods of analysis
Analyses were conducted on four separate fruit lots (ob-
tained from the same location but on different dates). Fruits
were cut in halves and pulp was extracted by using an indus-
trial finisher with a 1.5-mm sieve. After the pulp was obtained,
one part was taken for moisture, total titratable acidity, pH,
total soluble solid, and color analyses. The rest of the pulp
was immediately frozen by immersion in liquid nitrogen, and
a portion was used to determine total polyphenolic content.
The remainder was then freeze-dried and stored at -20ºC in
laminated bags until further analyses. For carotenoid and vola-
tile compound analyses, whole fruits from two of the four lots
were frozen until analyses.
Moisture, ash, protein, dietary fiber, total titratable acidity
(expressed as citric acid equivalent) and pH were determined
using standard AOAC methods (13). Fat content was deter-
mined using the Soxhlet method (ether extraction) (14).
Available carbohydrate content was determined by difference,
from moisture, ash, protein, fat, dietary fiber, and total
titratable acidity analyses. Total sugars (sucrose, glucose, and
fructose) were determined using a Shimadzu LC-6A high-
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) system, equipped
with an Alltech Econosphere NH2 column with a mixture of
90 ACOSTA et al.
acetonitrile and bidistilled water for the mobile phase. En-
ergy content was calculated using the general factors of 4, 4,
and 9 calories per g of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, respec-
tively (15). Color was measured with a HunterLab ColorFlex
CX1192 colorimeter.
Antioxidant capacity was measured in terms of hydrophilic
oxygen radical absorbance capacity (H-ORAC), following the
method described by Ou et al (16) and adapted for manual
determination by Vaillant et al (17), expressing results as μmol
Trolox equivalent / g. Total polyphenolic compounds were
determined by using a modified Folin-Ciocalteu assay
described by Georgé et al (18) with gallic acid as standard
and expressing the results as mg gallic acid equivalent / 100
g, after corrections for interfering substances. By the same
methodology, ascorbic acid content was determined (using
an ascorbic acid standard) and results were expressed in terms
of mg ascorbic acid/100 g (18).
For total carotenoid analyses, frozen fruits were thawed
and contents were assessed on the whole fruit (pulp and peel),
pulp, and seedless juice. Homogenized samples were mixed
with acetone for extraction of carotenoids. The liquid was then
filtered and concentrated, and the carotenoids were extracted
with ethylic ether/n-hexane (50/50, v/v). The organic phase
was dried under a nitrogen flow, and the remnant was
dissolved in ethylic ether and saponified by mixing with po-
tassium hydroxide. The organic phase was separated and the
aqueous phase was extracted again with ethylic ether/n-hex-
ane (50/50, v/v). The total organic phase was mixed with a
sodium chloride solution to eliminate alkali, and then sepa-
rated and dried under a nitrogen flow. A precise amount of
n-hexane was added to a portion of the remnant and absor-
bance was read at 450 nm with a UV-1700 Shimadzu UV-
visible spectrophotometer. Total content of carotenoids was
estimated by using the extinction coefficient of ß-carotene at
a 1% concentration in n-hexane (2500). The same sample was
used for identification of carotenoids, using a Hewlett Packard
1050 reverse-phase HPLC system coupled to a diode array
detector. The HPLC was equipped with a Spherisorb ODS-2
HP (250 mm × 4 mm × 5 μm) column. The mobile phase was
a mixture of acetonitrile, dichloromethane, and methanol
(82:13:5); flow rate was set at 1.5 mL / min; and the determi-
nation was performed at 20ºC. For identification of caro-
tenoids, only whole fruits were analyzed.
To identify the volatile compounds, frozen whole fruits
were thawed and aroma compounds were assessed on the
seedless pulp. Extracts were obtained by mixing 2 g of pulp
with 30 mL of pentane/ether (50/50, v/v) and then
homogenizing using a Potter Elvejhem homogenizer for 5 min
at room temperature. The organic phase was recovered, dried
with anhydrous sodium sulfate, and concentrated at 37ºC to 1
mL with a 25-cm Vigreux distillation column (19). GC-MS
analysis was used to identify volatile components using a
Hewlett-Packard 6890 gas chromatograph coupled to a
Hewlett-Packard 5973 quadrupole mass spectrometer. The
column was a DB-WAX fused silica capillary column (30 m,
0.32 mm i.d., 0.25 μm film thickness), preceded by a 2 m,
0.32 mm i.d. uncoated pre-column. Oven temperature was
set at 40ºC for 3 min, then increased to 245ºC at 3ºC/min, and
kept at this temperature for 20 min. The on-column injector
was heated from 20ºC to 245ºC at 180ºC/min. The detector
and injector temperatures were 250ºC. Helium was the carrier
gas at 1.1 mL / min. The electron impact energy was 70 eV
and the ion source and quadrupole temperatures were 230ºC
and 150ºC respectively. Electron impact (EI) mass spectra
were recorded in the 40-600 amu range at 1-s intervals.
Injection volume was 2 μL of extract. Volatile compounds
were identified by comparing their spectra with those of the
Wiley 275 and NIST MS libraries.
The chemical characterization of Costa Rican naranjilla
pulp, as well as results found in literature for ripe fruits from
Colombia and Ecuador are summarized in Table 1. When com-
paring results, factors such as sampling, plotting, sample
preparation, extraction, and measurement, besides genetic and
environmental factors (maturity, UV light exposure, etc.)
should be considered. Total antioxidant capacity of naranjilla
pulp was measured in terms of H-ORAC (Table 2). Total
polyphenolic and ascorbic acid content are reported as well.
Total carotenoid content was determined in naranjilla whole
fruits, pulp, and seedless juice (Table 3). Carotenoid identifica-
tion in naranjilla whole fruits is presented in Table 4, where ß-
carotene was the main carotenoid found. No carotenoid identi-
fication in naranjilla fruit has been previously reported. Using
GC-MS analysis, 10 volatile compounds were identified in
naranjilla pulp (Table 5). In this study, the predominant aroma
constituent found in the fruit’s pulp was methyl butanoate, a
volatile compound described as sweet and fruity.
Main characteristics
When compared with the characteristics of naranjilla fruits
from Colombia as reported by Arango et al (2), Romero (20),
and Guzmán et al (21), moisture content in the Costa Rican
fruits (Table 1) was lower, ash content higher, protein content
similar, fat content lower (no fat detected in Costa Rican
samples), sugar content higher (sucrose and glucose content
higher and fructose content lower compared with samples
analyzed by Guzmán et al [21]); and total soluble solids lower.
Compared with the Ecuadorian fruit characteristics reported
by Dávila (22), total soluble solids of Costa Rican fruits were
higher, pH was lower, total sugars were higher, and ash con-
NRNRNRNRNR40 ± 3Hunter parameter b*
NRNRNRNRNR7.8 ± 1.0Hunter parameter a*
NRNRNRNRNR40 ± 3Hunter parameter L*
NR8NRNR9.5 ± 0.59.1 ± 0.5
Total soluble solids
NR3.33.3NR3.1 ± 0.1
3.20 ±
NR1.922.30NR3.65 ± 0.1
2.63 ±
Total titratable acidity
(g citric acid equivalent
23NRNR232418 ± 2
Energy va lue (kc al/100 g)
0.61 - 0.80.540.880.80.7
0.92 ±
Ash (g / 100 g)
NRNR0.75NRNR0.7 ± 0.1Fructose (g / 100 g)
0.68 ±
Glu cose ( g / 100 g)
NRNR1.08NRNR1.6 ± 0.3Suc rose ( g / 100 g)
NR2.512.4NR2.91 ± 0.23.0 ± 0.4Sugars (g / 100 g)
0.3 - 4.6NR0.530.3NR1.4 ± 0.2Dietary fiber (g / 100 g)
3.8 ± 0.5
Available carbohydrates
(g / 100 g)
0.1 - 0.24NR0.160.10.0001ND
Fat (g / 100 g)
0.107 - 0.6NR0.720.60.6 ± 0.10.7 ± 0.2Protein (g / 100 g)
85.8 - 92.590.6791.9592.592.290.6 ± 0.3Moisture (g / 100 g)
Costa RicaComponent
NRNRNRNRNR40 ± 3Hunter parameter b*
NRNRNRNRNR7.8 ± 1.0Hunter parameter a*
NRNRNRNRNR40 ± 3Hunter parameter L*
NR8NRNR9.5 ± 0.59.1 ± 0.5
Total soluble solids
NR3.33.3NR3.1 ± 0.1
3.20 ±
NR1.922.30NR3.65 ± 0.1
2.63 ±
Total titratable acidity
(g citric acid equivalent
23NRNR232418 ± 2
Energy va lue (kc al/100 g)
0.61 - 0.80.540.880.80.7
0.92 ±
Ash (g / 100 g)
NRNR0.75NRNR0.7 ± 0.1Fructose (g / 100 g)
0.68 ±
Glu cose ( g / 100 g)
NRNR1.08NRNR1.6 ± 0.3Suc rose ( g / 100 g)
NR2.512.4NR2.91 ± 0.23.0 ± 0.4Sugars (g / 100 g)
0.3 - 4.6NR0.530.3NR1.4 ± 0.2Dietary fiber (g / 100 g)
3.8 ± 0.5
Available carbohydrates
(g / 100 g)
0.1 - 0.24NR0.160.10.0001ND
Fat (g / 100 g)
0.107 - 0.6NR0.720.60.6 ± 0.10.7 ± 0.2Protein (g / 100 g)
85.8 - 92.590.6791.9592.592.290.6 ± 0.3Moisture (g / 100 g)
Costa RicaComponent
tent was higher. Morton (5) reported results of analyses per-
formed on fresh naranjilla fruits in Colombia and Ecuador.
When compared with these results, Costa Rican fruits showed
moisture and fiber contents within the reported range, but they
had higher protein and ash, and lower fat content.
Chemical characterization and color parameters of Costa Rican naranjilla pulp (data expressed on a fresh weight
basis and reported as mean ± standard deviation, n = 4 lots), and results reported in literature for ripe naranjilla
fruits from different locations
* ND = not detected. Determined by calculation. NR = not reported.
H-ORAC value, total polyphenolic, and ascorbic acid
content in naranjilla pulp (data expressed on a fresh weight
basis and reported as mean ± standard deviation,
n = 4 lots except for ascorbic acid: n = 3)
Component Result
H-ORAC (μmol Trolox equivalent/g) 17 ± 1
Total polyphenolics (mg gallic acid equivalent/100 g) 48 ± 3
Ascorbic acid (mg/100 g)
12.5 ± 0.0
Total carotenoid content of naranjilla whole fruits, pulp,
and seedless juice (data expressed on a fresh weight basis
and reported as mean ± standard deviation, n = 2 lots)
Sample Carotenoid content (μg / g)
Whole fruits 33.3 ± 0.6
Pulp 7.2 ± 0.3
Seedless juice 4.60 ± 0.08
92 ACOSTA et al.
Carotenoid identification in naranjilla whole fruits
Carotenoid Retention Proportion of identified
time (min) carotenoids (%)
β-carotene 10.1 58.4
Lutein 3.4 32.2
Cis-β-carotene 11.0 6.1
Violaxanthin 2.2 3.2
Antioxidant properties
The H-ORAC value of naranjilla was higher than those of
banana, cantaloupe, honeydew, kiwi fruit, nectarine, pineapple,
and watermelon (among others); similar to those of red grape-
fruit, navel orange, peach, pears, and tangerine; but lower than
those of apples, cherry, plums, and all berries (Wu et al [23]).
Total polyphenolic content was similar to values found in ba-
nana, pineapple, and lemon (24). Ascorbic acid content was
lower than values reported by other authors, of 25 (20) and in
the range of 31.2-83.7 mg / 100 g (5). Authors have reported
contents of total vitamin C of 37.5 (21), 47.5 (22), and 95 mg
/ 100 g (2) for Colombian and Ecuadorian naranjilla samples.
Carotenoid content and identification
For Colombian and Ecuadorian naranjilla samples, Morton
(5) reported carotene contents of 0.71-2.32 μg / g and Guzmán
et al (21) indicated ß-carotene content among Colombian
naranjilla samples of 2.212 μg / g (in edible portion). Costa
Rican naranjilla seemingly had higher contents. However, to-
tal carotenoid content in the edible portion of naranjilla from
different locations was lower when compared with fruits with
high content (more than 20 μg / g), such as grapefruit, pa-
paya, and nectarine (25). Carotenoid content found in the
whole naranjilla fruit (pulp and peel) was similar or higher
than those found in vegetables with high total carotenoid con-
tent, such as kale, red paprika, and parsley (25). Carotenoid
content in naranjilla peel was higher than in its pulp, which
was noticeable when the colors of both parts were compared.
Carotenoid identification in naranjilla whole fruits indicate
that ß-carotene and lutein, two of five carotenoids on which
most nutrition research has focused (26), were predominant.
ß-carotene, the main carotenoid found in naranjilla, has pro-
vitamin A activity and can be converted in the body to retinol
(26). Epidemiologic reports suggest that the sum of lutein
and zeaxanthin, the retinal carotenoids forming the macular
pigment, had the strongest protective effect against
neovascular age-related macular degeneration, when dietary
intakes of different carotenoids were analyzed (27).
Grassy green and fruityNot found1.902-methyl-2-pentenal
Herbaceous, sweet,
tobacco-like, coumarinic
8.22.33γhexal act one
Methyl 3-
Sharp and green-fruity0.93.40Met hyl ( E)-2-butenoate
Sweet, of pineapple-
apricot type
0.43.81Methyl hexanoate
Fruity, suggestive of
ban ana and pi neapple
26.74.02Ethyl butanoate
Pungent, heavy sweet,
0.35.75Methyl benzoate
Sour, reminiscent of
rancid butter
0.48.38Butanoic acid
Not reportedNot found13.25
Sweet, fruity12.154.30Methyl butanoate
Odor description (28)
Volatile compounds
identified by Brunke et al
(4) (area percent in
gas chrom ato gram s)
Proporti on of ident ifie d
volatile compounds (%)
Volatile compound
Grassy green and fruityNot found1.902-methyl-2-pentenal
Herbaceous, sweet,
tobacco-like, coumarinic
8.22.33γhexal act one
Methyl 3-
Sharp and green-fruity0.93.40Met hyl ( E)-2-butenoate
Sweet, of pineapple-
apricot type
0.43.81Methyl hexanoate
Fruity, suggestive of
ban ana and pi neapple
26.74.02Ethyl butanoate
Pungent, heavy sweet,
0.35.75Methyl benzoate
Sour, reminiscent of
rancid butter
0.48.38Butanoic acid
Not reportedNot found
Sweet, fruity12.154.30Methyl butanoate
Odor description (28)
Volatile compounds
identified by Brunke et al
(4) (area percent in
gas chrom ato gram s)
Proporti on of ident ifie d
volatile compounds (%)
Volatile compound
Volatile compounds identified in naranjilla pulp
Volatile compounds
In a previous study, Brunke et al (4) identified 59 compo-
nents in a solvent extract (80/20, v/v of ether/pentane) of
Ecuadorian naranjilla fruit juice after silica gel flash chroma-
tography. Authors also sensorially characterized compounds
by sniffing GC. From the list of compounds that Brunke et al
(4) identified, with concentrations higher than 0.9% (reported
as area percent in gas chromatograms), only ethyl acetate,
3-methylbutyl acetate, ethyl (E)-2-butenoate, ethyl
3-hydroxybutanoate, ethyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, ethyl
3-acetoxyhexanoate, linalool, and acetic acid were not found
in the present study. All of the compounds found in Costa
Rican samples were also reported by Brunke et al (4), except
for 2-methyl-2-pentenal and 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-
The chemical characteristics of samples of naranjilla (S.
quitoense Lam.) fruits cultivated in Costa Rica were analyzed.
The fruits exhibited a chemical composition similar to those
previously reported in different locations. Information on
chemical composition, antioxidant properties, and volatile
constituents may increase this crop’s value in local and re-
gional markets as a fresh fruit and as raw material for pro-
cessed products.
The authors thank M. Torres, J. Bustos, Y. Chan, and E.
Murillo for their technical assistance. They are likewise grate-
ful to Helénica Proverde S. A., the French agency AIRE
Développement (grant no. 01-8-CR-27-2), and Ministerio de
Ciencia y Tecnología, Comisión de Incentivos para la Ciencia
y la Tecnología, Consejo Nacional para Investigaciones
Científicas y Tecnológicas (CONICIT), Fondos PROPYME
no. FP-009-04 (San José, Costa Rica) for their valuable finan-
cial help.
1. Heiser CB, Anderson G. ‘‘New’’ solanums. In: Janick J, editor.
Perspectives on new crops and new uses. Virginia: ASHS Press;
1999. p. 379-84.
2. Arango H, Vaillant F, Vélez C, Millan P, Reynes M. Evaluation
of post-harvest performance of naranjilla (Solanum quitoense
Lam.) fruits packed under modified atmosphere. Fruits. 1999;
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Recibido: 30-09-2008
Aceptado: 15-01-2009
... However, there is a constant increase in both characteristics ( Fig. 1C and D). In any case, the climacteric behavior of lulo evidenced during the test has already been identified by other authors (Acosta et al., 2009;Mejía et al., 2012). ...
... The variation in the color of the fruit of lulo is caused by the action of several enzymes within the catabolic process through which chlorophyll degradation occurs, which allows the unmasking of other pigments such as carotenoids (Yahia and Carrillo, 2019), which in the case of lulo 13-cis-β-carotene, 9-cis-β-carotene, all-trans-β-carotene, and lutein are prevalent, giving way to orange and yellow colors (Acosta et al., 2009). In most cases, low temperatures delay the accumulation of carotenoids and decrease chlorophyll degradation (Xia et al., 2020), and consequently, the expression of the yellow-orange color typical of the ripening of the fruit occurs slowly. ...
... At 23 • C, the effect of 1-MCP was somewhat more noticeable with minor changes compared to the samples with only MAP and without MAP. This combination of treatments can delay the color change in fruits because they alter the metabolism of pigments (Yahia and Carrillo, 2019), specifically chlorophylls and carotenoids, major pigments in lulo (Acosta et al., 2009), mainly by reducing the level of available ethylene (Yahia and Carrillo, 2019), as shown in Fig. 4C. ...
Lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam) is a tropical fruit with high market potential but short shelf life. In this work, the effect of temperature, the application of 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), and the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) were evaluated on the preservation of fresh lulo fruits. Three independent experiments were made sequentially: in the first one, an adequate refrigeration temperature was established (between 5 and 18 °C), then in the second experiment, a suitable dose and application time of 1-MCP (0.35-1.0 μL L−1 and 10-15 min) were found and finally, the combined effect of refrigeration, 1-MCP, and MAP were determined in the last experiment. In the experiments with 1-MCP and MAP, some fruits were stored at refrigeration (5 °C) and then at room temperature (23 °C) while others were kept at room temperature the whole test. Different properties such as respiration, ethylene production, color index, and gas level were evaluated in the samples to determine post-harvest changes. Given the fruit behavior during cold storage, 5 °C proved to be more favorable for preservation. Likewise, samples treated with 0.70 μL L-1 1-MCP + 15 min immersion showed lower CO2 and ethylene production throughout cold storage and shelf time compared with other 1-MCP treatments. For the tests with MAP, the combined treatment with 1-MCP and at 5 °C resulted in a lower respiratory rate, ethylene production, and physicochemical changes during the evaluation (24 days of cold storage + 16 days of shelf time). The results obtained can contribute to increasing the possibilities of lulo commercialization and marketing.
... Solanum quitoense is commonly known as naranjilla and is a perennial shrub producing edible fruits native to South America (Dennis et al., 1984). Naranjilla is grown and consumed primarily in Central America and some parts of South America such as Ecuador and Colombia; it is native to the Andes region (Acosta et al., 2009). The fruit is consumed fresh or is processed into juice or jam (Acosta et al., 2009). ...
... Naranjilla is grown and consumed primarily in Central America and some parts of South America such as Ecuador and Colombia; it is native to the Andes region (Acosta et al., 2009). The fruit is consumed fresh or is processed into juice or jam (Acosta et al., 2009). It is a subtropical plant which is not tolerant of high tropical temperatures nor temperate climates, and it is a perennial but usually cultivated as an annual due to issues with root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne spp. ...
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Globodera pallida , the pale cyst nematode (PCN), is a quarantine pest of potato posing a serious threat to the Idaho potato industry. Globodera pallida only hatches in the presence of a hatching stimulus produced by a host plant or closely related species. In the absence of this hatching stimulus, G. pallida can remain viable in the soil for decades. A trap crop stimulates hatch of G. pallida but is a nonhost, which means the nematode cannot develop or reproduce. This study evaluated the trap crop potential of several solanaceous species by determining G. pallida host status and hatching effect of each species. The species under investigation included Solanum aethiopicum , S. macrocarpon , S. quitoense , S. retroflexum , and S. douglasii . All species were determined to be nonhosts of G. pallida . The most promising trap crop candidates with a hatching stimulatory effect comparable to potato were S. quitoense and S. retroflexum. Further research is needed to assess whether these species could be effective G. pallida trap crops under Idaho field conditions.
... Axial diameter (AD) is between 3 cm and 9 cm and longitudinal diameter (LD) is between 3 cm and 8 cm (Bernal & Diaz, 2006). In color, lightness (L*) varies between 37 (Acosta et al., 2009) and 61 (Forero et al., 2014), with color coordinate green-red (a*) between -10 and 52 (Mejía et al., 2012), color coordinate blue-yellow (b*) between 31 (Mejía et al., 2012) and 62 (Forero et al., 2014), chroma (C*) between 47 (Mejía et al., 2012) and 53 (Gancel et al., 2008), and hue (h) between 67 (Gancel et al., 2008) and 179 (Mejía et al., 2012). In biochemical characteristics, the pH of juice can vary between 2.4 and 3.5 (Morillo- Coronado et al., 2019), titratable acidity (TA) is between 2.6% (Acosta et al., 2009) with 4% citric acid (Forero et al., 2014, Ochoa-Vargas et al., 2016, and total soluble solid (TSS) contents is between 6.5 ºBrix (Almanza-Merchán et al., 2016) and 13.6 ºBrix (Jaime-Guerrero et al., 2022). ...
... In color, lightness (L*) varies between 37 (Acosta et al., 2009) and 61 (Forero et al., 2014), with color coordinate green-red (a*) between -10 and 52 (Mejía et al., 2012), color coordinate blue-yellow (b*) between 31 (Mejía et al., 2012) and 62 (Forero et al., 2014), chroma (C*) between 47 (Mejía et al., 2012) and 53 (Gancel et al., 2008), and hue (h) between 67 (Gancel et al., 2008) and 179 (Mejía et al., 2012). In biochemical characteristics, the pH of juice can vary between 2.4 and 3.5 (Morillo- Coronado et al., 2019), titratable acidity (TA) is between 2.6% (Acosta et al., 2009) with 4% citric acid (Forero et al., 2014, Ochoa-Vargas et al., 2016, and total soluble solid (TSS) contents is between 6.5 ºBrix (Almanza-Merchán et al., 2016) and 13.6 ºBrix (Jaime-Guerrero et al., 2022). ...
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Lulo or naranjilla (Solanum quitoense Lam.) is a tropical fruit with great potential for its contents of antioxidant and biofunctional compounds and sensory characteristics. Nowadays, the different methodologies to classify the ripening stage of lulo fruits are prone to bias and can hinder adequate characterization of the fruit maturity stage as they do not use measurements. The aim of this research was to define an accurate method for classifying lulo fruits by ripening stage based on non-destructive parameters and to determine their main characteristics according to the ripening stage. Hierarchical cluster analysis was carried out to classify fruits according to their maturity index (MI) into two (MI2) and three (MI3) homogeneous groups of individuals. Using partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), with the non-destructive parameters showing significant differences between groups, classification functions by ripening stage were established. The PLS-DA correctly classified 89.47% of the fruits in the MI2 classification and 78.95% in the MI3 classification. The predictive power of the models was tested with fruits other than those used to establish the prediction equations, obtaining a correct classification in 75% of the cases. It is possible to classify lulo fruits objectively with a limited number of non-destructive parameters that constitutes a useful tool from harvesting to consumption.
... Naranjilla is an Andean fruit bush consumed principally in Ecuador, Colombia and Central America(Acosta et al. 2009). ...
The chakra is the traditional agroforestry system of the Kichwa people in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Over time, it has incorporated cash crops (particularly cacao) as a way to improve the monetary income of indigenous households while preventing them from engaging in unsustainable practices. However, scarce empirical research has been conducted to determine if such a goal has been accomplished. Using data from a household survey (n=330) conducted among the members of three cacao producer associations, we determined that households producing cacao in the chakra system are poorer and have lower land endowments than other Kichwa populations in the area. Cacao accounts for 42 and 19% of agricultural and total income, respectively, reflecting that, indeed, income from cacao is essential for the livelihoods of the Kichwa people. Multivariate analysis reveals that income from cacao is positively correlated with landholding area, but negatively correlated with the area in forest, probably reflecting that the need for monetary income encourages indigenous households to expand the area of chakra. The results also show that households having off-farm income and receiving social assistance are less dependent on cacao income. Overall, our findings reflect that, while an essential source of monetary income, income from cacao -alone- is not sufficient to meet household needs. Diversifying the basket of products with market value, strengthening research on agroforestry systems, and promoting chakra tourism are proposed as alternatives to increase monetary income and preserving the chakra system.
... who studied the proximal composition of 10 native fruits from the South American Amazon. Regarding carbohydrate content, it is evident that the values reported by Obregón & Lozano (2021) for lulo fruits from Peru were higher than those reported by Acosta et al. (2009) from Costa Rica. This difference is due to several factors such as the genetic and origin of the fruit, as well as its state of maturity at the time of analysis and the technique used. ...
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The increasing interest in tropical fruits has been observed worldwide, driven by their desirable sensory and nutritional characteristics. Lulo (Solanum quitoense L.), an exotic and native South American fruit, is predominantly used in beverage production and commercially marketed in Colombia and Ecuador. However, the perishable nature presents challenges for their commercialization to market. This has prompted food researchers to be interested in developing new Lulo-based products, that can have an agro-industrial impact in the countries of origin. Lately, a growing number of studies have aimed to uncover the nutritional and bioactive properties of Lulo. These studies have revealed that the fruit is rich in vitamin C, chlorogenic acids, phenolic compounds, and bioactive amines, making it an attractive raw material for the agri-food and pharmaceutical industries. This review summarizes the current understanding of the properties of Solanum quitoense L., including its physicochemical, nutritional, and bioactive properties. The fruit's high concentration of beneficial compounds has increased interest from industries and presents new opportunities for economic growth in the countries where it is grown. The growing demand for natural products underscores the need for further research on Lulo's potential applications and benefits, which could result in the development of new and economically viable products.
... Gancel, Alter, Dhuique, Ruales y Vaillant (2008) estudiaron las características fisicoquímicas de la variedad "puyo hibrid" encontrando en la pulpa una alta cantidad de compuestos fenólicos y carotenoides, identificando como compuestos bioactivos principales el caroteno y la luteína. Esta fruta tiene un alto potencial como ingrediente para productos como jugos, néctares, helados, dulces, mermeladas, jaleas, coberturas, sorbetes, salsas y otros dulces cocidos (Acosta, Pérez & Vaillant, 2009). ...
El objetivo de presente estudio fue determinar las características físico-químicas, compuestos bioactivos y capacidad antioxidante de tres tipos de frutos provenientes de la sierra y selva del Perú: aguaymanto (Physalis peruviana L.), pitaya amarilla (Selenericeus megalanthus) y quito quito (Solanum quitoense Lam.). Los análisis realizados fueron: proximal, físico-químicos, minerales, compuestos bioactivos y capacidad antioxidante. Los mayores contenidos de fosforo, calcio y sodio (46,80, 38,40 y 4,50 mg %, respectivamente) correspondieron al aguaymanto; mientras que la pitaya amarilla presentó los mayores contenidos de magnesio y azufre (28 y 28,20 mg %, respectivamente). El quito quito presentó el mayor contenido de potasio (354,90 mg %). En cuanto a los microelementos, destaca el contenido de hierro de los frutos pitaya amarilla y quito quito (25,90 y 34,60 mg/ kg, respectivamente). Los frutos aguaymanto y quito quito presentaron las mayores cantidades de compuestos bioactivos, como vitamina C (43,1 y 30,1 mg/ 100 g, respectivamente), polifenoles totales (62,93 y 67,24 mg ácido gálico/100 g, respectivamente) y carotenoides totales (0,8 y 0,74 mg β caroteno/ 100 g, respectivamente). La capacidad antioxidante se determinó mediante los métodos DPPH, ABTS y FRAP; presentando, el aguaymanto y el quito quito los mayores valores, que variaron de 197 a 987 µmoles Trolox/100 g, respecto a la pitaya amarilla que varió de 110 a 638 µmoles Trolox/100 g. Los resultados permiten demostrar que los frutos: aguaymanto, pitaya amarilla amarilla y quito quito representan una fuente importante de nutrientes y de compuestos bioactivos, que podrían ser aprovechados en la alimentación humana y para elaboración de alimentos funcionales y nutraceúticos.
... Por otra parte, el lulo (Solanum quitoense), también conocido como naranjilla o tomate chileno, es una fruta nativa de los Andes, cultivada y consumida principalmente en Ecuador, Colombia y América Central (Acosta et al., 2009). Esta es una de las frutas exóticas más apetecidas en los mercados nacionales e internacionales gracias a su palatabilidad y valor nutricional (Legiscomex, 2013), además, es de las frutas tropicales más utilizadas en procesos de transformación agroindustrial. ...
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El sector hortofrutícola enfrenta problemáticas relacionadas con el mal manejo poscosecha, lo que genera altos porcentajes de pérdidas. El lulo (Solanum quitoense), fruto andino altamente apetecible en el mercado nacional e internacional, presenta una fisiología climatérica que acelera su metabolismo y disminuye su vida útil, por tal motivo, se ha impulsado el desarrollo de recubrimientos comestibles a partir de materiales biopoliméricos. El objetivo de la investigación fue comparar el efecto de diferentes formulaciones de recubrimientos a base de polisacáridos (pectina o hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa (hpmc)) y proteína (gelatina) sobre la pérdida de peso (%), índice de color y firmeza (n) en lulo. Los frutos fueron seleccionados, acondicionados y distribuidos en nueve (9) tratamientos con proporciones 75/25 %, 50/50 %, 25/75 % y 100 % del total de biopolímeros (3 % p/v) y frutos sin recubrimiento como control. Todos se almacenaron durante 15 días en condiciones ambientales (18,84 ± 1,07 °C y 51,33 ± 4,55 % de humedad relativa (hr)). Los resultados indicaron que T2 (50/50 % pectina/gelatina) presentó la menor pérdida de peso (9,654 ± 0,9 %) para el último día de evaluación y se redujo en 16,40 % respecto al control, preservó el color (9,909 ± 0,3) y mantuvo la firmeza del fruto (26,879 ± 4,0 n). Lo anterior permitió evidenciar un mejor efecto sinérgico entre la proteína y el polisacárido sobre las propiedades del fruto, convirtiéndose así en una alternativa viable y aplicable para la conservación y su contribución en la disminución de las perdidas poscosecha.
... El lulo (Solanum quitoense Lam.) es una Solanácea nativa de los Andes Colombianos y Ecuatorianos (Whalen et al ., 1981;Lobo y Medina, 2000), el cual se cultiva de forma comercial en países como Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y América central (Acosta et al ., 2009). Posee características organolépticas apetecibles como alto contenido de vitaminas, proteínas y minerales que lo hacen de alto valor comercial y de importancia en la economía en los países donde lo cultivan (Gancel et al ., 2008;González et al ., 2013). ...
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This book is presented researchs of Solanum quitoense Lam.
... [13] , Foeniculum vulgare Mill seeds from Rawalpindi, Pakistan [14] , Solanum quitoense Lam. fruits (naranjilla) cultivated in Costa Rica [15] , and Nepalese Acorus calamus L. rhizomes [16] , several of which exhibited antimicrobial activities. Furthemore, this compound has been identified as one of the major constituents of the cattle anal odour, which showed repellence to brown ear tick Rhipicephalus appendiculatus [17] . ...
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Vegetal extracts are mixes of secondary metabolites that exhibit a broad spectrum of pharmacology effects. The aim of this work was to identify the chemical constituents in ethanol extracts of eight plants from Ecuador and to relate it with biological activities reported for those compounds. Extracts were obtained from leaves of Coriandrum sativum, Cynara scolymus, Artemisia absinthium, Cnidoscolus chayamansa, Melissa officinalis, Moringa oleifera, Bougainvillea spectabilis, and Lippia citrodora by maceration with ethanol. Characterization of chemical composition was carried out by the technique of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Study showed that Ecuadorian plants are source of essential fatty acids and derivatives, benzenoids, and terpenoids such as phytosteroles and pentacyclic triterpenes. According to literature, almost all of constituents identified in the eight Ecuadorian plants have shown biological activity, such as antimicrobial and antitumor activities. This confirms that Ecuadorian plants could be important resources of bioactive compounds for treatment of illnesses such as cancer.
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Naranjilla (lulo) is an Andean fruit that is very attractive for consumption due to its acid flavor and aroma, as well as its antioxidant, mineral, carbohydrate, and protein content. However, several aspects of the fruit´s pre-harvest and ripening postharvest are unknown, which results in deficiencies during the postharvest handling and conservation. The aim of this review was to present and describe the naranjilla fruit´'s main physiological changes, such as respiration pattern, ethylene production, firmness reduction, and pigment variation, as well as the main preservation technologies implemented during the postharvest period. Naranjilla fruit has been cataloged as a climacteric fruit but its respiratory rate is lower than other fruits in this group. During ripening, there are changes such as a color evolution from green to yellow hue for the pulp and peel, an increase in the concentration of soluble sugars, ascorbic acid, and ethylene production, as well as a reduction in firmness and acidity. Given the nature of its ripening, naranjilla is considered a perishable fruit. To preserve the fruits throughout the postharvest period, different technologies involving cooling, packaging in modified atmospheres (MAP), use of 1-methylciclopropene (1-MCP), UV-C and gamma radiation, and ozone application have been evaluated. From these technologies, refrigeration and MAP are the most often used commercially; they are efficient and relatively economical. More research is required to optimize the use of these technologies for naranjilla preservation.
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Introduction. Red-purple pitahaya (Hylocereus sp.) is a promising crop grown commercially in dry regions of Central America. Both its skin and flesh are characterized by being a glowing, deeply red-purple color. Materials and methods. The main physicochemical characteristics of three commercial cultivars of red pitahaya were assessed, including total phenolic compounds contents, total betacyanins, vitamin C and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). Thermal stability of betacyanins at different temperature and pH was also assessed. Results and discussion. Pitahaya fruit has a low vitamin C content ranging from (116 to 171) μg·g-1 of fresh pulp without seeds, but it is rich in betacyanins [(0.32 to 0.41) mg·g-1] and phenolic compounds [(5.6 to 6.8) μmol Eq gallic acid·g -1]; it has a high antioxidant ORAC value of (8.8 to 11.3) μmol Eq Trolox·g-1. Visible spectra of aqueous fruit extracts were very similar to that of pure betacyanin. Indeed, the characteristic color of juice diluted to 1% presents a high hue angle (H° = 350° ± 3) and high chroma values (C* = 79 ± 2). Thermal stability of pitahaya betacyanin decreases with pH, but it remains compatible with industrial utilization as a colorant (half-time = 22.6 min at 90°C at pH = 5 of the fruit) and was found to be very similar to that previously reported for beetroot. Conclusions. Pitahaya juice combines the functional properties of a natural food colorant with high antioxidant potency.
Solanum quitoense, a perennial herbaceous plant native to the tropical regions of Ecuador and Colombia, is susceptible to root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White) Chitwood. The objectives of this study were to develop protocols for screening regenerants of S. quitoense for response to root-knot nematode. Internodal stem segments cultured on MS medium supplemented with BA (4.4 to 44 μM) were the most regenerative explants. Growth regulators were not required to proliferate, root and reestablish S. quitoense. Sterile cultures of M. incognita were initiated and maintained on S. quitoense root cultures. Root-knot nematode response for the regenerants was evaluated by screening greenhouse- and in vitro-rooted microcuttings. Screening in the greenhouse of 248 regenerants of S. quitoense 'Dulce' inoculated with 1,000 eggs of M. incognita resulted in 21 regenerants having five or fewer galls. Further screening of these 21 regenerants in the greenhouse determined that nine had greater fresh weights and one regenerant produced more eggs per plant when compared to the susceptible control. Reproductive factor (Rf) values and Host Resistance Classification (HRC) percentages suggest that five regenerants had reduced nematode reproduction.
With the aid of multilayer coil countercurrent chromatography, subsequent acetylation, and liquid chromatographic purification of a glycosidic mixture obtained from lulo (Solanum quitoense L.) leaves, three C-13-norisoprenoid glucoconjugates were isolated in pure form. Their structures were elucidated by NMR, MS, and CD analyses to be the novel (GR,SR)-13-hydroxy-3-oxo-alpha-ionol 9-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (4a), the uncommon (3S,5R,8R)-3,5-dihydroxy-6,7-megastigmadien-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (citroside A) (5a), and the known (6S,9R)-vomifoliol 9-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (6a). Enzymatic treatment of compound 5a showed the formation of 3-hydroxy-7,8-didehydro-beta-ionone (7), an; important lulo peeling volatile, which in its turn after chemical reduction and heated acid catalyzed rearrangement generates beta-damascenone (9) and 3-hydroxy-beta-damascone (10).
The volatile constituents of the lulo fruit (Solanum vestissimum D.) peelings were obtained by liquid–liquid extraction using pentane–dichloromethane mixture (2:1, v/v). In total, 61 components were identified by HRGC and HRGC–MS analysis. Among them, methyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, γ-hexalactone, benzyl alcohol, hexadecanoic acid, (Z)-hex-2-enyl acetate, (E)-hex-2-en-1-ol, (Z)-hex-3-en-1-ol, (Z)-isoeugenol, vanillin and 3-hydroxy-7-8-didehydro-β-ionone were found to be the major constituents. Chirospecific MDGC analysis revealed the presence of racemic mixtures each of methyl 3-hydroxybutanoate, methyl 3-acetoxybutanoate, and linalol. For ethyl 3-hydroxybutanoate, methyl 3-hydroxyhexanoate, and γ-hexalactone enantiomeric distributions of 28:72%, 16:86%, and 10:90%, each of (S):(R), respectively, were determined.
Aroma volatiles from naranjilla fruit (Solanum quitoense Lam.) were concentrated by either a closed-loop stripping or a solvent extraction method. Compounds were identified by capillary GC/MS and sensorially characterized by sniffing GC. The main aroma constituents were esters of butanoic acid and ethyl acetate. Aroma impact compounds could not be found.
Variation in the levels of the volatile constituents during maturation of lulo (Solanum vestissimum D.) was investigated by means of high-resolution gas chromatography and high-resolution gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Maturation was characterized by a significant increase in the amount of esters, mainly butyl acetate, methyl (E)-2-butenoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, methyl (E)-2-methyl-2-butenoate, methyl hexanoate, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, and methyl benzoate. A significant increase in linalool and alpha-terpineol concentrations was also observed, as well as a moderate increase in geraniol, hotrienol, and nerol concentrations. (Z)-3-Hexenol only increased significantly after the fourth maturation stage. In contrast, beta-myrcene, limonene, and terpinolene showed a slight decrease in their concentrations with increasing maturation. Detected aliphatic hydrocarbons showed irregular variations in their concentration and aldehydes a slight increase.
HRGC and HRGC-MS identifications of bound aroma compounds from the pulp and the peelings of lulo fruit (Solanum vestissimum D.) were achieved after isolation of extracts obtained by Amberlite XAD-2 adsorption and methanol elution followed by hydrolysis with commercial pectinase enzymes. Whereas the aglycons identified in the peelings mainly consisted of terpenoids, with enantiomerically pure (R)-(-)-linalool as the main constituent, aglycons exhibiting aromatic structures, in particular, benzoic acid and methyl benzoate, predominated in the pulp. After per-O-methylation of a fraction obtained from the glycosidic extract by rotation locular countercurrent chromatography (RLCCC), HRGC-MS revealed linalool beta-D-glucoside as the bound conjugate of linalool in the peelings.
The volatiles of fresh lulo (Solanum vestissimum D.) were separated from the fruit pulp by steam distillation and simultaneous solvent extraction (pentane-diethyl ether 1:1). The concentrated extract was subjected to prefractionation on silica gel column chromatography by a discontinuous pentane-diethyl ether gradient. Subsequently, the volatiles were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. A total of 65 volatiles could be identified for the first time as constituents of the lulo fruit pulp. Among them, methyl propionate, methyl butanoate, butyl acetate, methyl (E)-2-butenoate, 3-methylbutyl acetate, methyl hexanoate, methyl (E)-2-methyl-2-butenoate, (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, methyl benzoate, (Z)-3-hexenol, linalool, alpha-terpineol, and geraniol were found as major components.
 Epidemiological studies have shown inverse correlations between the consumption of vegetables and fruit rich in carotenoids and the incidence of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. A total of 22 species of vegetables (including potatoes) and 28 of fruit (including rhubarb) were analysed for their contents of carotenoids by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and photodiode array detection. A total of 27 carotenoids (among them β-carotene, lutein and violaxanthin also as cis isomers) were identified and quantified. Lutein, β-carotene (trans and cis forms) and violaxanthin were the predominant carotenoids in all green vegetables. Yellow and yellow-red vegetables and fruit contained β-carotene, α-carotene, β-cryptoxanthin and α-cryptoxanthin. Antheraxanthin and neoxanthin were found in nearly all produce. Lycopene was the predominant carotene in tomatoes, papayas and grapefruit. Vegetables with more than 10 mg of total carotenoids per 100-g edible portion were kale (34.8), red paprika (30.4), parsley (25.7), spinach (17.3), lamb’s lettuce (16.0), carrots (15.9) and tomatoes (12.7). In the case of fruit, grapefruit (3.5), papayas (3.4) and nectarines (2.4) were pre-eminent with more than 2 mg of total carotenoids (except for phytoene, phytofluene and ζ-carotene) per 100 g.