
Climaterio y bienestar psicológico

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A review on the psychological well-being during the female climacteric and on the influence exerted on it by the neuroendocrine changes, the external and environmental factors and other group of internal factors, including personality, self-steem, the aspirations and abilities to face this stage of changes occurring in life, and the situations of stress, in general, was made. Some factors considered important as mediators of the psychological well-being in general, and in this stage of life, in particular, such as the family context, the habitual well-being level of the person and the cultural factors, were stressed. It was concluded that the causes of well-being in this period of transition in women's life are given by a complex interaction between objective and subjective factors.

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... Como tal, el TDM puede presentarse durante las etapas de cambios hormonales tales como el inicio de la menarca o el embarazo (7), siendo una de las principales, la etapa menopaúsica, la cual constituye el cese de la capacidad reproductiva de las mujeres; iniciando alrededor de los 48 años en mujeres mexicanas (± 1.7 años) (8-9). La importancia del TDM durante este período de la vida radica no sólo en las complicaciones laborales y funcionales que terminan alterando la vida de las mujeres (10,11), sino además en su prevalencia que puede variar entre 20% a 50% (12,13). ...
... No entanto, vale salientar que a anorgasmia não é indicativo único para diagnóstico de disfunção sexual [25]. O impacto na qualidade de vida associado ao desempenho sexual nas mulheres em meia-idade pode estar associado com as mudanças típicas dessa fase, como a secura vaginal e a diminuição da libido [20]. Dessa forma, o climatério não inclui apenas os sintomas resultantes da diminuição do estrogênio, mas, acima de tudo, um contexto amplo no qual se mantem interrelações de diversas maneiras. ...
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Introdução: As mulheres, entre 40 e 65 anos, passam por mudanças fisiológicas que interferem na sua sexualidade, caracterizado pelo climatério. Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência das disfunções sexuais em mulheres climatéricas contribuindo com evidências para profissionais que lidam com a saúde da mulher. Métodos: Estudo de corte transversal descritivo e analítico, realizado na clínica especializada da mulher em Caruaru/PE, com 99 mulheres, de 40 a 65 anos e que tinham vida sexual ativa. Foram avaliadas através dos questionários: Sociodemográfico, Questionário da Saúde da Mulher, Quociente Sexual Versão Feminina e Índice de Função Sexual Feminino. Resultados: 44,44% têm indicativo para disfunção sexual. 52,52% possuem bom desempenho sexual, cerca de 58,58% tem alteração na lubrificação e 51,51% dor no ato sexual. 63,63% tem alterações na satisfação e orgasmo, 69,69% têm alterações no desejo e a falta de excitação foi o maior índice amostral, representado por 74,74%. Conclusão: A maioria apresenta bom desempenho sexual, entretanto possuem baixa qualidade de vida e alto indicativo para disfunções sexuais. Sendo assim, propõe-se desenvolvimento de pesquisas, gerando conhecimentos para profissionais que lidam com essa temática, visando saúde e qualidade de vida.
... Es una de las épocas más importantes en la vida de la mujer. Para algunas es un reto por las dificultades físicas y emocionales, para otras es un momento de plenitud personal, y para otras muchas una combinación de lo anterior que requiere un esfuerzo adicional y el apoyo de su entorno familiar, laboral y social (García-Viniegras, Regina, y Porta, 2003). ...
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The menopause is a phase of complex transition that involves biological, psychological, social, and cultural factors. The phenomenon of the menopause is something natural and universal for all women. This stage is influenced by the socio-cultural environment in which the woman to live. Through a qualitative research study among women who live in the province of Toledo. The selection of women was performed by sampling non-probability convenience. The procedure of discussion groups with women, of different social status, and various personal situations. Urban women are mostly the menopause as something pathological, many of them need help to deal with this moment, but those in rural areas see the menopause as a natural, another stage more of their lives in part because family support networks provide experiences and experiences that they share with their families. The urban areas arrive after the climacteric, multiparous women develop after menopause. Housewives become before the menopause, those working outside the home. Depending on the attitude towards the climacteric, will be able to have experiences or others, through the knowledge of the concept of menopause, improves in the future the quality of care.
... Como tal, el TDM puede presentarse durante las etapas de cambios hormonales tales como el inicio de la menarca o el embarazo (7), siendo una de las principales, la etapa menopaúsica, la cual constituye el cese de la capacidad reproductiva de las mujeres; iniciando alrededor de los 48 años en mujeres mexicanas (± 1.7 años) (8-9). La importancia del TDM durante este período de la vida radica no sólo en las complicaciones laborales y funcionales que terminan alterando la vida de las mujeres (10,11), sino además en su prevalencia que puede variar entre 20% a 50% (12,13). ...
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Antecedentes: El Trastorno Depresivo Mayor (TDM) puede presentarse durante el inicio de la menopausia, variando su prevalencia de acuerdo a diferentes factores de riesgo clínicos y sociodemográficos; presentándose una mayor asociación al existir alteraciones en la sintomatología menopaúsica. Ante esto, se buscará determinar el riesgo para desarrollar TDM al presentar alteraciones en la sintomatología menopaúsica. Metodología: Es un diseño transversal analítico que incluyó a 252 mujeres iniciando su menopausia (48±1.7 años), atendidas en centros de salud de Guadalajara, Jalisco. Las variables analizadas fueron antecedentes sociodemográficos, utilizando el Inventario de Depresión de Beck para identificar el TDM y la Escala de Valoración de la Menopausia para determinar alteraciones en los principales dominios sintomatológicos de la menopausia. Se realizaron análisis descriptivos y de asociación por medio de Odds Ratio (OR), aplicando finalmente una regresión logística. Resultados: La prevalencia de TDM fue de 40.5%, teniendo asociación con el antecedente de uso de anticonceptivos y con el agravamiento en la sintomatología menopaúsica. El análisis ajustado determinó que hay más riesgo de presentar TDM cuando existen alteraciones en los dominios sintomatológicos, tales como en el somático (OR 3.96, IC95% 1.58-9.95), el urogenital (OR 4.29, IC95% 2.13-8.65) y el psicológico (OR 13.55, IC95% 3.97-46.30). Conclusión: La presencia de alteraciones en la sintomatología menopaúsica se encuentra asociado con un mayor riesgo de presentar TDM, sobre todo si el dominio psicológico está afectado, por lo cual es necesario que el personal de salud identifique estas alteraciones y brinde un manejo temprano en esta etapa de la vida.
... Es una de las épocas más importantes en la vida de la mujer. Para algunas es un reto por las dificultades físicas y emocionales, para otras es un momento de plenitud personal, y para otras muchas una combinación de lo anterior que requiere un esfuerzo adicional y el apoyo de su entorno familiar, laboral y social (García-Viniegras, Regina, y Porta, 2003). ...
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El climaterio es una fase de transición compleja en la que intervienen factores biológicos, psicológicos, sociales y culturales. El fenómeno del climaterio es algo natural e universal para todas las mujeres. Esta etapa está influenciada por el entorno socio-cultural en el que la mujer viva. A través de un estudio de investigación cualitativo entre mujeres residentes en la provincia de Toledo. La selección de mujeres se realizó mediante un muestreo no probabilístico de conveniencia. El procedimiento grupos de discusión con las mujeres, de diferente condición social, y de situaciones personales diferentes. Las mujeres de ámbito urbano en su mayoría ven el climaterio como algo patológico, muchas de ellas necesitan ayuda para afrontar este momento, sin embargo las de zonas rurales ven el climaterio como algo natural, otra etapa más de sus vidas en parte porque las redes de apoyo familiares aportan vivencias y experiencias que comparten con sus familias. Las de zonas urbanas llegan después el climaterio, las multíparas desarrollan más tarde la menopausia. Las amas de casa llegan antes al climaterio, que las que trabajan fuera de casa. Dependiendo de la actitud frente al climaterio, van a poder tener unas experiencias u otras, A través del conocimiento del concepto de climaterio, mejora en el futuro la calidad asistencial.
... La menopausia es debida a la declinación gradual de la función ovárica (3,4,5,6), en México la edad de presentación es entre los 46 y 50 años de edad (7). La menopausia implica un cambio en la vida de la mujer, una fase de su desarrollo en que se producen no solo cambios fisiológicos sino también psicológicos y sociales, encaminados a adaptarse a lo que será su última etapa vital. ...
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Objetivo: Determinar las características del entorno familiar y actitud frente a la menopausia y su influencia en el síndrome climatérico. Métodos: Estudio comparativo en mujeres con menopausia que acudieron como acompañantes a las Unidades de Medicina Familiar de Querétaro, México. De Julio 2004 a Febrero 2005. Se formaron dos grupos: sin y con sintomatología del climaterio, los resultados fueron analizados con t de student, Chi cuadrado y Odds Ratio con un valor alfa de 0,05. Resultados: De 140 mujeres entrevistadas, 94 (67%) refirieron algún síntoma relacionado con el climaterio. Los factores que se asociaron al climaterio con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p<0,05) fueron: pareja disfuncional (OR: 4,69), baja autoestima (OR: 4,52), actitud negativa frente al climaterio (OR: 3,4), antecedentes del uso de anticonceptivos orales (OR: 2,69) y familia disfuncional (OR: 2,48). La residencia, escolaridad, ocupación, paridad, tener pareja sexual actual, índice de masa corporal, ejercicio, tabaquismo, alcoholismo, tipología familiar, cohesión familiar, no presentaron asociación significativa. Los síntomas más frecuentes fueron: fatiga (69%), bochornos (67%), piel seca (47%), cefalea (46%), irritabilidad (43%), insomnio (39%), ansiedad (39%), disminución de la libido (36%), depresión (34%), pérdida de la concentración y/o memoria (30%), artralgias (29%), resequedad vaginal (24%). Conclusiones: El entorno familiar, conyugal y una predisposición negativa ante la menopausia favorecen la presentación de síntomas climatéricos, por lo que es importante un manejo integral e interdisciplinario para el manejo del climaterio.
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Introducción y objetivos: Los síntomas de climaterio junto con el prolapso genital en la mujer que envejece, afectan la función sexual y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la función sexual y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en mujeres climatéricas con prolapso genital según características sociodemográficas y clínicas. Métodos: Diseño descriptivo de corte transversal, sobre una muestra consecutiva de 45 mujeres climatéricas inscritas en dos Centros de Salud Familiar de la región de Ñuble, se seleccionaron a todas aquellas entre 42 y 60 años de edad, con diagnóstico clínico o ecográfico de prolapso genital, con vida sexual activa los últimos 6 meses y sin terapia hormonal de reemplazo. Para evaluar la función sexual se aplicó el Índice de Función Sexual Femenina y para la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud el Menopause Rating Scale. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, y para analizar la diferencia entre las variables se aplicaron las pruebas estadísticas Chi-cuadrado y Test Exacto de Fisher. En todos los casos se consideró un nivel de significancia p<0,05. Los datos fueron analizados con el software estadístico SPSS v. 23. Resultados: Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre escolaridad y función sexual (p= 0,005) y el tipo de parto y la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (p=0,034). Conclusiones: El nivel educacional se podría considerar como factor protector de la función sexual.
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The climacteric stage is defined as the natural process of the female life cycle, it is inherent to the transition from reproductive to the non-reproductive phase, with the menopause as its major milestone. In this period, women go through several physiological, emotional, social and economic changes that can negatively impact on the activities performed. Aiming to analyze the perceptions and meanings attributed by the women seen at the Climacteric Ambulatory of the Clinical Hospital at Federal University of Paraná, on the impact on daily activities and occupational roles, we conducted an exploratory and qualitative research using a structured questionnaire with socioeconomic data containing, as well as a self-administered checklist and semi-structured interviews, in which data analysis was made using some techniques of content analysis. We observed that social prejudice and unawareness by the woman about the changes in this phase are barriers to conducting several activities, affecting necessary health care and consequently impairing their life’s quality. On the other hand, during this period, many women have greater ability to adapt, finding new activities, performing postponed plans and performing new occupational roles. It is important that women and health professionals comprehend the changes, perceptions and meanings of the climacteric stage to formulate a comprehensive care enhancing their individuality
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The experience of menopause for each woman is different and among women of different cultures or origin. Menopause is not the end of the life, but the onset of a stage occupying almost the third part of the female life; by other hand, it is proposed that climateric is not the final of existence, but the stage leaving open the doors for the enjoyment of a new way that must to take place with less stress and with less burden. According to the concepts of health, mental health and sexual health from the World Health Organization, nothing may to prevent that climateric woman be able to has a mentally and sexually life; thus, the health professional must to be updated on all those elements having an effect on a better performance and on the expression of completeness of physical, psychic and social possibilities of the woman during this stage. In present paper authors deepen in the historical and conceptual features of climateric and the menopause, the essential elements related to the main symptoms and signs of climateric, the risk factors present in this stage, as well as the therapeutical behavior to take into account for its appropriate management in the integral care by the health professionals.
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Introduction: the perimenopause is the phase that comprises almost one third of female life in women and it demands comprehensive health care for women. Objective: to describe women in perimenopause at Brisas del Golfo clinic. Methods: we performed a descriptive study. The universe was 256 women in Brisas del Golfo clinic, who aged between 45 and 59 years old. They had undergone a purposive sample and the sample was made up by 80 women. A survey was developed by the author to collect information. Results: 45 % of these women were married, 56.2 % had a job. 45 (56.3 %) were in the perimenopause stage, 35 (77.7 %) had toxic habits (coffee). 15 (18.8 %) assessed work and family dynamics as acceptable. 36 (45 %) were not protected by some method of contraception and vasomotor symptoms and psychological prevailed, such as: hot flashes, anxiety, and insomnia in 52.5 %, 38.8 % and 36.3 %, respectively. Conclusions: there was a predominance of working women with secondary education completed, stable love relationships, and good economic situation. There was high incidence of toxic habits with a predominance of coffee. Most of them did not use contraception methods. The relational dynamic was good and with increased incidence of vasomotor symptoms in perimenopausal stage.
Background: the stage of climacterium and menopause has been the reason for historical, literary and cultural references, despite the fact that in many cases it is ignored and even underestimated by women and many professionals. Objective: to increase knowledge level on climacteric and menopause in the women studied. Method: an educational intervention was conducted in women, who were seen in the Gynecology office at the University Teaching Polyclinic José Martí in Camagüey municipality, from January to August, 2010. The universe of study was constituted by 168 women, a sample of 30 patients through probabilistic random sampling was selected, which were applied an initial questionnaire in relation to knowledge about signs and symptoms, psychological disorders and consequences women may present as they begin the climacteric and menopause stage. Subsequently was implemented an educational program on the considered aspects of interest and a month later was applied the questionnaire again. Results were processed in a computerized way, statistics measures of frequency and percent distribution have been implemented, and results were presented through texts and tables. Results: before the educational intervention the 76.6 % of women identified hot flashes as one of the most frequent symptoms and the 73.3 % sweats; only 60 % of patients noticed nervousness and depression respectively as most frequent psychological alterations which may be evident in this stage, the 60 % of them pointed out family lack of understanding as one of the consequences may occur at home. Conclusions: ignorance regarding signs and symptoms in the stage of climacteric and menopause prevailed, psychological alterations which may be evident, as well as the consequences may occur at homes of the women studied, which was modified after the educational intervention.
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Introduction: climateric is the time in which women change of the reproductive status to that non-reproductive and account for a third of the female life; the study on how women perceive this so called complicated period is considered necessary to offer a special care to health. Objective: to describe the personal satisfaction of women in climateric stage. Methods: a descriptive study was conducted in Brisas del Golfo, Sucre state from july, 2005 to July, 2007. Universe included 256 women aged between 45 and 59. An intentional sampling was carried out and sample included 80 women. The information collection authors applied a close survey as a measurement tool of personal satisfaction validated by Universidad de La Habana (ISP-RLEBA). Results: the 81.3 % of women refers its satisfaction when they have sexual intercourse, the 74.5 % has common goals achieved with the partner, the 65 % feels satisfaction to be the responsible of care of relatives, between the 93.8 and the 75 % of women has a life project and the 96.3 % is satisfied with her family. Conclusions: most of climateric women has a positive overview of her life in couple with common goals, perceiving a great wellbeing with her task as care responsible of family. They are satisfied with her family and perceive wellbeing with a positive way on health.
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Introduction: to be incorporated into work and the working environment are social factors involved in sexual function of woman in reproductive stage, however, its meanings are not well established in the woman in climateric stage. Objective: our objective was to identify some features related to sexual response in mean age women working in health centers of Ciudad de La Habana. Methods: a cross-sectional and descriptive study was conducted to interview 59 mean age women participant in such study working in two assistance centers of health sector from the San Miguel del Padrón municipality in Ciudad de La Habana aged between 38 and 59 and with a stable sexual partner. A self-administered opinion poll was used to explore the sociodemographic features and the changes in sexual response (desire, excitation and orgasm) during the past months. The variables to be controlled were: present age, climateric stage, features of partner relationships and genre overload. Descriptive stadigraphs were used and ANOVA to establish differences among groups (value of p
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Objetivo: Determinar el grado de conocimiento de la fase del climaterio y su relación con el nivel de instrucción que tiene un grupo de mujeres de 40-64 años usuarias de atención primaria. Método: La muestra de tipo probabilística compuesta por 150 mujeres de 40 a 64 años, a quienes se aplicó una encuesta validada de preguntas de alternativas múltiples, puntuadas para su evaluación. Las variables estudiadas fueron divididas en tres grupos: a) aquellas que definen el perfil sociodemográfico de las mujeres; b) variables relacionadas con el grado de conocimientos de causas, síntomas, tratamientos, cuidados, cambios en la salud y calidad de vida de la etapa climatérica; c) fuentes de información del conocimiento. El análisis de estas variables se realizó a través de la determinación de medidas de tendencia central y la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis, con un p<0,05. Resultados: El perfil de las mujeres en este estudio fue: edad promedio 51,89 ± 7,35 años, 52% casadas, 52% previsión FONASA-A (pobreza e indigencia) y 60% con educación media incompleta. Solo el 11% de la población encuestada refirió haber asistido a talleres del tema, y un 40% refirió haber recibido información de médicos y/o matronas. En relación al conocimiento general de la población sobre la etapa climatérica, un 72% tiene un nivel medio y un 2% nivel bajo de conocimiento, respectivamente. Conclusiones: No existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre el grado de conocimiento sobre la etapa climatérica y la edad de las mujeres en el estudio, así como tampoco por la adquisición de información de fuentes válidas, pero sí con el nivel educacional de las mismas.
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Antecedentes: La osteoporosis es una enfermedad crónica no transmisible con factores de riesgo como sedentarismo, consumo de tabaco y alcohol, e ingesta de dieta no balaceada. Objetivos: Establecer la relación entre el estilo de vida saludable y la prevención de la osteoporosis en la mujer climatérica sin patología asociada. Métodos: Análisis descriptivo comparativo con diseño no experimental, transversal y correlacional, en muestra formada por 80 mujeres climatéricas en tratamiento de osteoporosis y 80 mujeres climatéricas sin diagnóstico de osteoporosis, con características sociodemográticas similares. Para recopilar la información se utilizó una encuesta semiestructurada validada en el estudio. Para el análisis estadístico se aplicaron las pruebas de Mann-Whitney y McNemar, según correspondiera. Resultados: Las mujeres con osteoporosis eran más sedentarias e ingerían menores cantidades de calcio que las mujeres sin el diagnóstico médico de la patología, de igual manera han utilizado en menor extensión terapia de reemplazo hormonal. En el grupo de mujeres con osteoporosis fue factor de riesgo para la enfermedad el consumo de tabaco pero no el de alcohol. Conclusiones: Tener un estilo de vida saludable durante el climaterio es una estrategia útil para prevenir la osteoporosis en el climaterio, puesto que en este estudio se detectaron como factores de riesgo en esta población: el estado nutricional enflaquecido, el no realizar actividad física y el ser sedentaria, tener antecedentes de consumo de tabaco y su consumo actual, el consumo insuficiente de calcio dietario y/o su uso terapéutico por periodos menores a un año.
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The aim of this study was to comprehend the living process of women in the period of climacteric. It was developed based on qualitative approach, using multi-participatory methods, with nine women of the Third Age Center (NETI), of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil (UFSC). Data was collected through interviews and meetings of groups and analyzed by analysis of the content. From the data analysis, emerged the units of meaning, which led the following categories: affirming one's self as a woman; experiencing the climacteric and ageing; interacting in the day-to-day and maintaining singularities; and opening paths to the experience of citizenship. Based on the result of the study, the living of women in the climacteric period is a complex, dynamic and paradoxical process, in which the aging and the possibility of becoming ill arise as greater challenges, and advances in the personal, cultural and social perspectives as special achievements.
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Antecedentes: varios informes relacionan la presencia de asociación entre trastorno depresivo mayor y niveles séricos elevados de biomarcadores de inflamación. Objetivo: evaluar la asociación entre síntomas depresivos y los niveles séricos de proteína C reactiva (PCR) e interleucina 6 (IL6). Metodología: se adelantó un estudio transversal entre los empleados adultos de una Escuela de Medicina. Para correlacionar los niveles de PCR e IL6 con el puntaje de la prueba CES-D, se utilizó regresión lineal y binomial. Resultados: un total de 159 personas participaron: 55.4% hombres, de entre 22 y 73 años de edad (media: 40.8 años). Hay asociación entre los IL6 > 3 pg/mL y obesidad, y entre el log de los niveles de PCR con ser mayor de 48 años y tener alteraciones inflamatorias de la cavidad oral. No se encontró asociación entre los niveles de PCR o IL6 con el puntaje de la CES-D. Conclusión: En esta población, no se encontró asociación entre los niveles séricos de IL6 y PCR con la presencia de síntomas depresivos.
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Depression is the main cause of disability-adjustedlost years around the world; hormonal changes which happen duringmenopause seem to increase susceptibility to develop depression.Aim: To establish depressive symptoms prevalence among femaleteachers aged 45 to 55 living at the Metropolitan Area of the Cityof Bucaramanga. Method: Cross-sectional survey with CES-D.Multivariated analysis was made to adjust confounding caused bydemographic and sexual/reproductive history variables with clinicallysignificant depressive symptoms (CSDS). Results: 581 womenparticipated (age average 50.3 years), 19.2% took hormonal therapy(HT); 50.2% (95%CI 45.3-55.2) were at their menopause. CES-Dscore oscillated between 0 and 39 points (average 13.6), beingsuperior among women with more time of amenorrhea, but not accordingto age, marital status, HT or sexual life. CSDS prevalencewas 32.4% (95%CI 28.6-36.3), but adjusted by predictive valuesallows to estimate a depression prevalence in 11.5%. The associatedfactors with CSDS were age (prevalence rate –PR– 0.948,95%CI 0.912-0.986), to have active sexual life (PR 0.492, 95%CI0.384-0.632), amenorrhea time (PR 1.57, 95%IC 1.057, IC 95%1.035-1.080), being divorced (PR 0.604, 95%CI 0.371-0.983), beingsingle (PR 0.590, 95%CI 0.381-0.914) and living out of wedlock.(PR 1.707, 95%CI 1.352-2.155). Conclusions: The depressionprevalence among perimenopauseal female teachers is similar to thegeneral population, being their risk factors similar to ones alreadyinformed in the medical literature.
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A descriptive study of the whole female population aged 40-59 years cared for by the doctor's office # 16 of "Jorge Ruíz Ramírez" polyclinics was carried out, taking the family medical history classification record of the doctor's office as a basis. They were given a questionnaire to find out some aspects of the climateric and menopause process such as age at menopause and its possible relation with age at menarche, number of children, smoking, educational level, occupation and marital status of the patients. Chi-square, Fisher's test and Z test were used as statistical methods to compare ratios. It is concluded that average age at which menopause appeared in these patients was 47,7 years and it was not associated with menarche, number of children or smoking. The majority of them were workers with middle educational level and the highest percentage showed a fixed mate.
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W. Wilson's (1967) review of the area of subjective well-being (SWB) advanced several conclusions regarding those who report high levels of "happiness." A number of his conclusions have been overturned: youth and modest aspirations no longer are seen as prerequisites of SWB. E. Diener's (1984) review placed greater emphasis on theories that stressed psychological factors. In the current article, the authors review current evidence for Wilson's conclusions and discuss modern theories of SWB that stress dispositional influences, adaptation, goals, and coping strategies. The next steps in the evolution of the field are to comprehend the interaction of psychological factors with life circumstances in producing SWB, to understand the causal pathways leading to happiness, understand the processes underlying adaptation to events, and develop theories that explain why certain variables differentially influence the different components of SWB (life satisfaction, pleasant affect, and unpleasant affect). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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This paper reviews advances in the study of satisfaction in the context of Social Indicators Research. Five developments are considered: (1) changes in the conceptualization of satisfaction, (2) advances in the measurement of satisfaction, (3) growth of a significant body of comparative data on satisfaction, (4) the map of satisfaction that emerges from these developments, (5) resulting advances in understanding of the appraisal-process, and (6) developments in the use of the satisfaction concept in wider conceptions of welfare.
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Young, middle-aged, and elderly adults (N = 308) evaluated themselves on 6 dimensions of psychological well-being according to present, past, future, and ideal self-assessments. Young and middle-aged adults saw considerable improvement in themselves from the past to the present on all dimensions of well-being. The elderly, however, indicated largely a perception of stability with prior levels of functioning. Future ratings showed that the 2 younger groups expected continued gains in the years ahead, whereas the oldest respondents foresaw decline on most aspects of well-being. The comparison of present and ideal self-ratings supported (cross-sectionally) the hypothesis that with age, individuals achieve a closer fit between their ideal and their actual self-perceptions.
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The effect of age on happiness, as defined by positive and negative affect, was examined in a survey of 2,727 persons of a broad age range (25-74) conducted by the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Midlife Development. The age-affect association was examined, controlling for a host of sociodemographic, personality, and contextual influences. Among women, age was related to positive affect nonlinearly but was unrelated to negative affect. Among men, age interacted with 2 key variables in predicting affect: extraversion and marital status. These findings lend support to recent life span theories of emotion and indicate that personality, contextual, and sociodemographic variables, as well as their interactions, are all needed to fully understand the age-affect relationship.
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The happy-productive worker hypothesis has most often been examined in organizational research by correlating job satisfaction to performance. Recent research has expanded this to include measures of psychological well-being. However, to date, no field research has provided a comparative test of the relative contribution of job satisfaction and psychological well-being as predictors of employee performance. The authors report 2 field studies that, taken together, provide an opportunity to simultaneously examine the relative contribution of psychological well-being and job satisfaction to job performance. In Study 1, psychological well-being, but not job satisfaction, was predictive of job performance for 47 human services workers. These findings were replicated in Study 2 for 37 juvenile probation officers. These findings are discussed in terms of research on the happy-productive worker hypothesis.
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Theorists have proposed that greater centrality (personal importance) of a social role is associated with better psychological well-being but that role centrality exacerbates the negative effects of stress in that same social role on well-being. The present study found evidence to support both hypotheses in a sample of 296 women who simultaneously occupied the roles of parent care provider, mother, wife, and employee. Greater centrality of all four roles was related to better psychological well-being. As predicted, wife centrality exacerbated the effects of wife stress on life satisfaction, and employee centrality exacerbated the effects of employee stress on depressive symptoms. Contrary to prediction, centrality of the mother role buffered women from the negative effects of mother stress on depressive symptoms. These findings point to an aspect of role identity that can benefit well-being but that has complex effects in the context of role stress.
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This research examined the effects of giving and receiving assistance on psychological well-being while taking into account other salient dimensions of social support including negative interaction and anticipated support. Structural equation models were evaluated by using data derived from a national probability sample of 1,103 individuals aged 65 years or older. Results indicate that the major dimensions of social support are significantly interrelated, not only directly but also indirectly. Giving and receiving support have both positive and negative consequences on well-being. With reference to the role of reciprocity, the evidence provides some support for the hypothesis of esteem enhancement instead of social exchange and equity theories.
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The study was an investigation of the relationship between psychological well-being, life satisfaction, self-consciousness, and the four Myers-Briggs Type Indicator dimensions (MBTI; I. B. Myers & M. H. McCaulley, 1985). The participants were 97 college students (79 women and 18 men whose mean age was 31.4 years). All the students were administered four instruments, the Psychological Well-Being Inventory (C. D. Ryff, 1989), the Satisfaction With Life Scale (E. Diener, R. A. Emmons, R. J. Larsen, & S. Griffin, 1985), the Self-Consciousness Scale-Revised (M. F. Scheier & C. S. Carver, 1985), and the MBTI (Form G Self-Scoring). MANOVAs revealed significant differences on three of the four dimensions of the MBTI with extraverts showing higher psychological well-being and life satisfaction and lower self-consciousness than introverts. Intuition types scored higher in psychological well-being and lower in self-consciousness than Sensing types. Judging types scored higher in psychological well-being than Perceiving types. Correlational analyses showed that most dimensions of psychological well-being were negatively related to self-consciousness. The relationship between life satisfaction and personality variables is discussed.
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Subjective well-being (SWB) is evaluation of life in terms of satisfaction and balance between positive and negative affect; psychological well-being (PWB) entails perception of engagement with existential challenges of life. The authors hypothesized that these research streams are conceptually related but empirically distinct and that combinations of them relate differentially to sociodemographics and personality. Data are from a national sample of 3,032 Americans aged 25-74. Factor analyses confirmed the related-but-distinct status of SWB and PWB. The probability of optimal well-being (high SWB and PWB) increased as age, education, extraversion, and conscientiousness increased and as neuroticism decreased. Compared with adults with higher SWB than PWB. adults with higher PWB than SWB were younger, had more education, and showed more openness to experience.
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Subjective well-being (SWB), people's emotional and cognitive evaluations of their lives, includes what lay people call happiness, peace, fulfillment, and life satisfaction. Personality dispositions such as extraversion, neuroticism, and self-esteem can markedly influence levels of SWB. Although personality can explain a significant amount of the variability in SWB, life circumstances also influence long-term levels. Cultural variables explain differences in mean levels of SWB and appear to be due to objective factors such as wealth, to norms dictating appropriate feelings and how important SWB is considered to be, and to the relative approach versus avoidance tendencies of societies. Culture can also moderate which variables most influence SWB. Although it is challenging to assess SWB across societies, the measures have some degree of cross-cultural validity. Although nations can be evaluated by their levels of SWB, there are still many open questions in this area.
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All individuals have multiple views of themselves. Whereas the consistency among the different aspects of identity is emphasized in Western cultures, the "multiple selves" are often viewed as coexisting realities in East Asian cultures. This research revisits the classic thesis in psychology that identity consistency is a prerequisite condition of psychological well-being. Between individuals (Study 1), people with a more consistent self-view had a more clear self-knowledge, were more assertive, and, most notably, had self-experiences that were less affected by the perspectives of others. Compared with North American participants (Study 2), Koreans viewed themselves more flexibly across situations, and their subjective well-being was less predictable from levels of identity consistency. Also, consistent individuals received positive social evaluations from others in the United States but not in Korea.
Being the recipient of favored parental treatment has been identified as a correlate of enhanced socioemotional well-being. However, knowledge of children's perceptions of the legitimacy of preferential treatment may provide a more complete understanding of associations between preferential treatment and children's socioemotional well-being. The current study investigated whether children's well-being varies in accordance with their views about the fairness of preferential parental treatment. One hundred thirty-five children (M = 11.74 years) and their older siblings (M = 14.64 years) were interviewed independently about parents' distribution of affection and control. Although the amount of preferential control children reported experiencing was related to more externalizing behavior problems, lower levels of internalizing behavior problems and greater global self-esteem were indicated when children perceived that such preferential behaviors were fair.
The relationship between subjective well-being and age is equivocal. This issue is addressed by two studies. In the first, a cross-sectional design with over 1000 participants revealed a positive association between well-being and age, with age as the most significant predictor of well-being and age, with age as the most significant predictor of well-being using multiple regression analysis. A longitudinal study found less stability in well-being than has been found in the past. Differential age experiences and access to available resources may help to explain the results.
Menopause has often been described as a time of loss and decay in the lay and medical literature. The present research aims at defining women's perception of themselves and their health care needs in this period of life. Through a community-based sample of women, participative assessments were performed and their conclusions contrasted with the opinions of male and female gynecologists. Though both groups coincided concerning the relevance of loneliness, partnership, beauty and the "empty nest" syndrome, several items showed a marked difference between both groups. Gynecologists tended to perceive women as much more striving for an active sex-life, depressed, lacking projects for the future and worried about their health care than they actually were. Women, instead, stressed the relevance of menopause as a life crisis laden with opportunities for self-accomplishment and positive changes in life-style towards greater autonomy.
Quality of life (QOL) is an outcome variable requiring measurement in clinical care or pivotal regulatory trial research. Current menopause QOL measures are mostly life phase or disease symptom inventories or scores. Believing that QOL should refer more to "sense of well-being," we have developed the Utian QOL scale (UQOL) that is strongly based on perception of sense of well-being as distinct from menopausal symptoms. A pool of items sampling various aspects of well-being was developed. Peri- and postmenopausal women (n = 327) responded to the items, and their responses were subjected to a factor analysis. Four factors emerged, each representing a QOL domain. The resulting 23-item instrument was validated in a geographically and socioeconomically diverse sample of peri- and postmenopausal women using the Short Form-36, an established, frequently used QOL inventory. QOL domains were subjected to confirmatory factor analyses, formal item analysis was completed, and the measure was assessed for reliability and validity, including a second sample of women (n = 270). Women (n = 597; mean age, 52.9 years) from 12 communities across the United States completed the measure. The UQOL seems to reflect four components of QOL: occupational QOL, health QOL, emotional QOL, and sexual QOL. The questionnaire and scoring system are presented. We are reporting on the process of validating an instrument for quantifying sense of well-being in a perimenopausal population. Substantial reliability and validity estimates for the scale and its subscales support the UQOL as a valuable new tool for use in clinical research and practice.
The aim of this study was to determine whether women's well-being changed with the menopausal transition, and the effect on well-being of other biological, psychosocial and lifestyle factors. A longitudinal observational study was carried out utilising a population-based sample of 438 mid-aged, Australian- born women. A total of 9 assessments were made at annual intervals. Mood was measured using the Affectometer 2. Mood, menopausal status, psychosocial and lifestyle variables and hormone levels were determined annually. 226 subjects who transited the natural menopausal transition were included in the analysis. As women pass from early in the menopausal transition to later in the transition, reporting at least 3 months of amenorrhoea, negative mood declines significantly, positive mood does not change and well-being significantly improves. Well-being scores are highly correlated over time, with early scores having a major effect on later scores. Well-being is also significantly affected by changes in marital status, work satisfaction, daily hassles and life events. Well-being improves as women enter the later stages of the menopausal transition and is also influenced significantly by psychosocial factors.
Differentiating autonomy from individualism and independence: a self-determination theory perspective on internalization of cultural orientations and well-being
  • V Chirkov
  • RM Ryan
  • Y Kim
  • U Kaplan
Factores relacionados con las características del síndrome climatérico en un grupo de mujeres cubanas
  • D Navarro Despaigne
The happy personality: a meta-analysis of 137 personality traits and subjective well-being
  • KM De Neve
  • H Cooper