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A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime


Abstract and Figures

Ninety-six months of crime incident data were examined to determine the extent to which crime counts changed within the Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown after the opening of a new casino. Count modeling regression results indicate that the operation of the casino had no significant effect on violent street felonies, vehicle crime, drug crime, or residential burglary in the surrounding community. Weighted displacement quotient analyses suggest that the operation of the casino may be associated with an increase in vehicle crime in the area surrounding the casino neighborhood, indicative of crime displacement. Drug and residential burglary offenses in the area surrounding the casino neighborhood decreased after the casino opened, suggestive of a diffusion of benefits possibly tied to a change in local police patrols. Net of unexamined police patrol changes/casino opening simultaneity effects, the current study is unable to identify a neighborhood level effect of the casino on crime. Additional research is necessary to examine localized effects of casinos on various offenses.
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Original Article
A partial test of the impact of a casino on
neighborhood crime
Lallen T. Johnson
*and Jerry H. Ratcliffe
Program in Criminology and Justice Studies, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
Department of Criminal Justice, Temple University, Gladfelter Hall, 5th Floor, 1115 Polett Walk,
Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA.
*Corresponding author.
Abstract Ninety-six months of crime incident data were examined to determine the extent to
which crime counts changed within the Philadelphia neighborhood of Fishtown after the opening
of a new casino. Count modeling regression results indicate that the operation of the casino had no
signicant effect on violent street felonies, vehicle crime, drug crime or residential burglary in the
surrounding community. Weighted displacement quotient analyses suggest that the operation of
the casino may be associated with an increase in vehicle crime in the area surrounding the casino
neighborhood, indicative of crime displacement. Drug and residential burglary offenses in the
area surrounding the casino neighborhood decreased after the casino opened, suggestive of a dif-
fusion of benets possibly tied to a change in local police patrols. Net of unexamined police patrol
changes and casino opening simultaneity effects, the current study is unable to identify a neigh-
borhood level effect of the casino on crime. Additional research is necessary to examine localized
effects of casinos on various offenses.
Security Journal advance online publication, 30 June 2014; doi:10.1057/sj.2014.28
Keywords: casino; Philadelphia; time series; count modeling; neighborhood
Before the last decade the presence of casinos had been limited to a few well-known sites in
the United States. Atlantic City (NJ), Reno and Las Vegas (NV), and numerous Indian
reservations have been able to capitalize on this limited presence by becoming central hubs
for gaming and associated industries. The American recession of the early 2000s as well as
continued national (and international) economic woes have, however, caused many law-
makers to reconsider whether the added tax revenue of the gaming industry outweighs its
perceived costs. For example, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (2011b) was charged
with the oversight of the casino industry and was the rst such state organization created in
40 years. Since then, Pennsylvania has authorized the development of 10 gaming establish-
ments within its borders. This move received substantial (though not unequivocal) support
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from local politicians and it is clear why; according to the Pennsylvania Gaming Control
Board (2011a), slot machines were responsible for US$2.2 billion in revenue for the state
during the 20092010 scal year. Thus the desirability of casinos in cash-strapped states
should come as no surprise.
Notwithstanding expected monetary benets, anti-casino interest groups have articulated
potential costs that are expected to be associated with casino development. Among these
include beliefs that gambling will precipitate a host of social problems such as alcoholism,
gambling addiction and organized crime, and that the gambling industry will exploit the poor
and elderly (Casino-Free Philadelphia, 2012). Social and economic cost concerns have also
been expressed by state-level governmental agencies (Pennsylvania Intergovernmental
Cooperation Authority, 2007). In Maryland, Attorney General Curran (1995) released a
damning opinion of casinos, arguing that they would lead to substantial increases in violent,
property, domestic, white collar and organized crime, as well as child abuse.
The federal government also has weighed in on the effects of gambling on American
society. In 1996 Congress authorized creation of the National Gambling Impact Study
Commission (1999). The Commission was charged to ‘…conduct a comprehensive legal
and factual study of the social and economic impacts of gambling on (A) Federal, state,
local, and Native American tribal governments; and (B) communities and social institu-
tions generally, including individuals, families, and businesses within such communities
and institutions(National Gambling Impact Study Commission, 1999, pp. IV2).
Although it was hesitant to form conclusions on the casino/crime relationship, citing
issues with current research, two points are noteworthy. First, the Commissionsreviewof
research suggested that studies were disproportionately based on pathological gamblers
individuals that may engage in crime to fund their gambling habit. As such, crimes
attributed to pathological gambling may be substantially different from those attributed to
non-pathological gambling. Second, in order to accurately associate crime with the casino
industry, one must distinguish the gaming industry from the larger tourism industry (see
also Miller and Schwartz, 1998).
Unfortunately, research to address the perceived disorder and crime-producing effects of
casinos has been limited to the municipality and county levels, leaving our understanding of
more micro-level neighborhood impacts limited. When the SugarHouse Casino opened its
doors in September 2010, just outside of downtown Philadelphia and in the largest city in the
United States to host a representative of the gaming industry (Associated Press, 2010), we
had an opportunity to examine the criminogenic impact of casinos within a more localized
environmental context.
The contributions of the current study are threefold. First, we examine the relationship
between the location of an urban casino and its immediate surrounding neighborhood, rather
than focusing on a larger areal unit such as the city or county. Second, we provide a new
perspective on the casino/crime link by considering it within the context of Philadelphia.
Urban casino research to date has overwhelmingly focused on cities historically known for
their expansive gambling/entertainment districts. Philadelphia has no such district with legal
gambling, which allows this research to avoid the need to theoretically or empirically
disentangle the effect of tourism from any crime-generating effects of the casino. Third, the
availability of geolocated crime data allows us to examine any changes in crime volume in
the immediate neighborhood environment of the casino alongside potential displacement or
diffusion of benets effects (Clarke and Weisburd, 1994).
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The remainder of the article is structured as follows. First, we review prior literature on
casinos and crime, organized by spatial unit of analysis. Second, the study site is described.
Third, a methodology for examining the relationship between casinos and neighborhood
crime is presented. After results are outlined, we conclude with a discussion of the
implications of neighborhood level investigations of the casinos and crime link.
Literature Review
City-level research
The most common research on casinos and crime has focused on the effects of casino
development on cities and towns in the Atlantic City (NJ) region. Albanese (1985) was
among the rst to investigate the role of casinos on urban crime, using index crime data from
19781982 for murder, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny and motor
vehicle theft. Results indicated that there was a positive correlation between casinos and index
crimes, but after controlling for the population at risk the correlation was negligible. This
suggested that crime increases were likely due to increases in Atlantic Citys population over
time. Police manpower and state crime rates also had negligible effects.
Research suggests that towns more accessible via road networks tend to have higher
rates of crime than those less accessible (Groff et al, 2014). Furthermore, property values
in accessible communities appear to be negatively affected by violence, burglary, robbery
and vehicle theft rates to a greater extent than in non-accessible communities (Buck et al,
1991). This may explain why towns accessible to the casino resort of Atlantic City via
major roads tended to have higher crime rates than non-accessible towns
(Friedman et al,
1989). Studies of casinos in Biloxi (MI), however, provided inconsistent ndings on the
casinos and crime linkage. While one study found no effect of casino introduction on city
crime rates (Chang, 1986), a subsequent study, however, did identify statistically
signicant increases in larceny theft and motor vehicle theft after the introduction of
riverboat gambling (Giacopassi and Stitt, 1993).
Matched quasi-experimental designs have been used to compare monthly crime rates in
municipalities with and without casinos, pre- and post-casino introduction (Stitt et al, 2003).
Non-parametric tests revealed that the addition of casinos was associated with marginally
signicant increases in larceny, liquor violations, homicide and prostitution; however, when
controlling for the population at risk these marginal differences disappeared. Time series
analyses of Part I crime in two Indiana towns with riverboat gambling have yielded divergent
results (Wilson, 2001): In Hammond, the introduction of riverboat gambling had no
discernible effect on crime, but in the case of Rising Sun the post-intervention period
demonstrated signicant increases in assaults and thefts.
More recent scholarship has employed spatial and temporal analysis to describe hot spots
of disorder offenses possibly associated with casinos. Casino hot spots in Reno (NV) were
more likely to be associated with public drunkenness, drugs and trespassing as well as
reports of suspiciousness, than non-casino hot spots (statistical tests lacking) (Barthe and
Stitt, 2009a).
Related research looking at the distribution of disorder crimes by hour in
casino versus non-casino hot spots indicated little temporal disagreement between hot spot
types (Barthe and Stitt, 2009b).
A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime
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County-level research
At the county level, casino presence appears to be related to signicant increases in violent
and property crime in the state of Wisconsin (Gazel et al, 2001). Furthermore, spatial lag
modeling suggested non-casino counties adjacent to casino counties should have higher
crime rates as a result of their proximity. Such ndings may be related to the statistical
technique employed. For example, while a panel-design study found signicant adjacency
effects when using an ordinary least squares regression model, the use of the more robust
generalized estimation model indicated no real effects (Koo et al, 2007). Research
considering temporal lag effects found that the effect of casino presence on county crime
shortly after opening was minimal (Grinols and Mustard, 2006); however, as time increased
from the intervention date the presence of the casino was associated with signicant
increases in crime.
In addition to index crimes, the association of gambling with social deviance and socially
undesirable conditions has been a focus of anti-casino interest groups (Casino-Free
Philadelphia, 2012; CBS News Miami, 2012). While some concerns are difcult to
substantiate, others may have merit. In particular, the serving of alcohol at most casinos
may have implications for the prevalence of driving under the inuence of alcohol. Counties
with casinos have tended to have more alcohol-related fatal accidents than non-casino
counties (Cotti and Walker, 2010). And, counties adjacent to casino counties also experience
higher levels of alcohol-related fatal accidents. The relationship between alcohol-related
fatalities and gambling may not be surprising considering that pathological gambling and
alcohol abuse tend to be co-occurring disorders (Grant et al, 2002). On the other hand,
research appears inconsistent in validating assumed linkages between certain negative social
conditions and locations of the gaming industry. A study matching casino counties to non-
casino counties found no relationship between the presence of the gambling industry and
suicide rates, and differences in divorce rates between casino and non-casino counties were
statistically non-signicant in half of the matched pairs (Nichols et al, 2004). Other research
found no relationship between casinos and unemployment and bankruptcy (Koo et al, 2007);
yet, a matched design methodology of eight counties revealed signicant increases in casino
county bankruptcies post-intervention (Nichols et al, 2000).
In summary, the extant literature has concentrated on spatial units that are larger than the
neighborhood level, examining crime rates at the city and county scale, often with conicting
ndings. The dearth of literature on spatial effects of crime at the immediate neighborhood or
sub-neighborhood level suggests that the impact of a casino on local conditions is difcult to
predict. With the development of the SugarHouse Casino in a Philadelphia neighborhood,
we have an opportunity to examine the introduction of the casino using prepost intervention
neighborhood crime data.
Theoretical Perspective at the Neighborhood Level
The more socially active members of local communities often view the introduction of
facilities such as casinos as likely to have a negative effect on crime rates in the immediate
neighborhood, with expectations of increased street and property crime. Other concerns
include worries about trafc upheaval, public intoxication, more raucous activity late at night
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and a general perception of increased disorder. With these concerns being paramount in the
minds of local residents and the police, an environmental criminology/crime science
perspective that examines the introduction of a casino as a potential crime generator or
crime attractor is appropriate. According to Brantingham and Brantingham (1995) crime
generators are places to which a large volume of people are drawn for non-criminal reasons
(such as coming to a casino to gamble), yet their collective presence provides increased
opportunities for offenders to interact with potential victims or to exploit criminal
opportunities. Crime attractors are places where people are specically drawn for the
opportunity to commit crime or engage in deviant behavior (bar and entertainment areas with
known lax enforcement standards can be an example).
It is also important to consider the role of routine activities in casino-related crime. In this
sense crime is a function of the extent to which casinos provide opportunities for motivated
offenders and potential victims to interact in an environment absent capable guardians (Cohen
and Felson, 1979). Criminal opportunities abound and potential offenders are likely to be aware
of them. First, casinos serve alcoholic beverages, which may lower the vigilance of potential
victims and serve to boost the condence of potential offenders. Second, they are locations that
exchange large amounts of money with patrons, and patrons on the receiving end of cash
winnings may be seen as potential targets. Third, the nature of casino gaming requires
individuals to make economic decisions about how much money should be invested in playing.
Individuals with low self-control may be less judicious in their playing decisions and as a result
more likely to nd themselves in compromised economic situations. In turn, casinos may be
attractive places to those with low self-control because they encourage risk-taking behaviors, a
characteristic found to be associated with criminal behavior (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990).
Such individuals may engage in criminal activity to compensate for their losses.
In response, casinos employ a number of strategies to prevent criminal behavior. For
example, the use of place managers (Eck, 1995) such as table attendants, supervisors and
bartenders directly or indirectly set behavioral norms for the casino premises. Furthermore
security guards and law enforcement may provide a sense of formal guardianship over
potential victims, deterring motivated offenders. The presence of place managers may also
displace criminal activity away from the casino grounds. For example, crime prevention at and
around the immediate casino location may cause motivated offenders to rob pedestrians of
their winnings after they have left the casino. If this is the case, localized crime prevention at a
casino may result in an increase in neighborhood violence and crime. Conventional thinking
suggests that focused crime intervention and prevention strategies as well as highly monitored
environments may merely push crime to surrounding areas; however, some modest displace-
ment may indicate that crime prevention tactics are working if matched with signicant crime
reduction at the target site. In other words opportunity reduction (or the removal of the most
optimal offense locations) may cause some crime to be displaced to surrounding, less
advantageous areas, yet still result in a net decrease in overall crime (Reppetto, 1976).
Alternatively, it may be that the removal of opportunities at one site spreads a crime
reduction side-effect to nearby locations. Crime reduction evaluations of Camden, New
Jersey (Ratcliffe and Breen, 2011) and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Lawton et al, 2005) hot
spots policing strategies not only found decreases in target area crime but also a diffusion of
benets, whereby surrounding areas not the target of any additional prevention also
experienced decreases in crime. Thus a crime science theoretical perspective suggests that
place management and guardianship at a casino might displace offender behavior or diffuse
A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime
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reduction benets to surrounding streets to a lesser or greater degree. While violent offenders
may seek out potentially wealthy casino patrons on the way to or from the casino in nearby
streets, given that identifying casino patrons (from non-casino-attending citizens) becomes
increasingly difcult as distance from the casino increases, this effect is likely to be
measured as a local neighborhood disturbance rather than a citywide impact.
In the next sections, we describe the study site and the security arrangements at the casino,
and then explain the methodology employed to assess the local crime impact of the opening
of the casino.
Study Site and Evaluation Design
SugarHouse Casino is located on the Philadelphia waterfront in the 26th police district, just
north of Philadelphias downtown area. The neighborhood is known to locals as Fishtown
for its historical prominence in the shing industry (see Figure 1). The area north and west of
Interstate-95 is composed of row homes common to the city, while the area south and east of
the interstate is less residential with a number of old factory buildings.
In May 2011, we had an opportunity to tour the facilities, as well as conduct semi-
structured interviews with the Director of Security and the Director of Communications
regarding crime and security inside the casino and on its grounds. These interviews
Figure 1: SugarHouse Casino area map.
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(summarized below) were predominantly used to gain insight into the security arrangements
in the area, and revealed a collaborative relationship with the local and state police
departments, transportation arrangements and environmental characteristics that may
collectively contribute to increased safety.
Respondents reported that 2 million visitors enter the casino in a year, with peak time being
during the weekend. About 50 visitors per day arrive by taxi Sunday through Thursday and
about 75100 on Friday and Saturday. The local public transportation agency, the South-
eastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), has a bus route that provides
service to the main road at the casino. About 150 people per day arrive, and 205 depart, via
SEPTA bus. Valet service parks about 13 cars per day in a lot with approximately 1800
spaces. In addition to the public bus routes that service the casino, the casino operates its own
shuttle with pick-up and drop-off locations throughout the city. Its two bus routes operate
from Sunday to Thursday, 14:0022:30, and weekends 23:0012:00 (SugarHouse Casino,
2011). Interviewees estimated that 55100 patrons arrive by walking
and about 12 private
hire bus trips arrive per week.
Local, state and private policing
Policing on the property of SugarHouse Casino is divided between the Pennsylvania
State Police and the Philadelphia Police Department. The Pennsylvania State Police has
exclusive policing jurisdiction over the gaming oor of the casino. The casino has its own
State Police ofce with a local commanding ofcer, and a regular detail of plain-clothes
ofcers has been assigned to police the gaming oor.Inadditiontopossessingtypical
police powers, the State Police is also responsible for gaming violations that occur inside
the casino. Both respondents reported that disorderly conduct is the most common
offense, albeit rare.
As the municipal law enforcement agency, the Philadelphia Police Department has
jurisdiction over the casino neighborhood outside of the casino building. The 26th Police
District has been provided with a radio that is connected to the casino radio system, making it
easier to provide assistance as necessary. Respondents agreed that the local police can be
seen daily patrolling through the parking lot. In spite of their ofcial jurisdiction being
limited to the outdoor areas of the casino, ofcers can sometimes be seen on the casino oor
and can be summoned when a uniformed presence is desired. The Philadelphia Police
provide backup assistance to the Pennsylvania State Police as necessary, most commonly
with the coordination of protection for armored truck money deliveries and exchanges.
The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board mandates a minimum of three security ofcers
at the front entrance and two in the parking lot, 24 hours a day. After dark, as many as seven
security personnel may be stationed in the parking lot to provide an additional presence.
Additionally, two to three security ofcers patrol the outdoor grounds via bike patrol.
The Director of Security reported that security resources are shifted as necessary to assist
employees during shift changes. The security detail also maintains two golf carts and a
small SUV to escort employees and guests to their vehicles upon request. An extensive
A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime
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closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera system is used to monitor the outdoor decks, gaming
oor and parking lots. Emergency call boxes are also stationed throughout the parking lots.
Patrons are able to receive free drinks as long as they are gambling, but are limited to two
drinks per hour. Staff members receive Responsible Alcohol Management Program
The Director of Communications noted that inebriated persons are not allowed to
play or leave the premises driving a vehicle; instead, they are offered coffee and water and a
staff member will call a cab or relative to transport them home. Disruptive patrons (that are
not inebriated) are asked to leave the establishment in lieu of prosecution. Those who return
are charged with trespassing.
When the casino opened in September 2010, the 26th Police District created a special casino
patrol area. This area of slightly less than half a square mile (shown in Figure 1) is patrolled
by one sergeant and 13 ofcers who provide coverage 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. An area
adjacent to the patrol area was selected to examine potential displacement and diffusion of
benets effects. This area is roughly two city blocks wide and is comparable in size to
displacement areas used in prior urban hot spots research (Weisburd and Green, 1995b). It is
also similar in size to the casino patrol area (0.49 square miles), but not so large that it
incorporates areas with crimes that are unlikely to occur due to displacement (Ratcliffe and
Breen, 2011). A control area of 0.77 square miles was selected within the 26th Police District
that is 2000 feet wide, and set 1200 feet away from the displacement area. This was done to
reduce the possibility of contamination effects (Weisburd and Green, 1995a). In other words,
the spatial separation of the control and displacement areas was designed to create a control
area that retained much of the neighborhood demographic and structural characteristics, but
would be free from inuence of processes related to the casino.
Crime data were sourced from the Philadelphia Police Departments Incident Transmittal
System. Crime incidents that occurred between January 2004 and December 2011 were
considered in the analyses and aggregated by month. For the time series analysis, this
permitted 80 pre-casino data points and 16 post-casino opening measurements. Analysis was
limited to four specic offense categories theoretically relevant to casino operation as
described in the literature review. Violent street felonieswas a category that included
homicides, aggravated assaults and street robberies. Given the proximity of residential housing
in the neighborhood as well as the concerns of residents, we also include a residential
burglarycategory. Monthly vehicle theft reports and monthly theft from vehicle reports were
examined. These two data sets were analyzed together as a vehicle crimecategory. Finally,
we included a drug crimecategory to represent all detected illicit drug activity in the area
(buying and selling) in case the opening of the casino was associated with an increase in illicit
drug crimes in the immediate vicinity of the facility.
Analytical strategies
We chose two analytical strategies: weighted displacement quotients (WDQs) and time
series analysis. First, we adopted the WDQ of Bowers and Johnson (2003) in order to
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address two of the perennial questions that are raised with regard to potentially crimino-
genic facilities: Has the casinos presence led to increased crime in the immediate area
(Ratcliffe, 2012), and if not, has crime been simply displaced to nearby locations (Cornish
and Clarke, 1987)?
The WDQ is a ratio measure designed to compare the change in crime before and after the
introduction of a crime prevention initiative relative to both the change in crime in a potential
displacement area and a control area (Bowers and Johnson, 2003). First, a success measure
compares the change in crime after the introduction of a crime prevention initiative in
relation to a control area. If there has been an improvement in the target intervention area
relative to any change in the control area, then it can be claimed that the intervention was a
success. In this case, the researcher can continue to examine the relationship between the
displacement area and the control area. This will indicate whether any of the crime reduction
in the target area was potentially the result of a shift of criminal activity to the displacement
area. This second calculation is termed the buffer displacement measure (also termed the
displacement measure in Bowers et al, 2011). Finally, the WDQ is calculated using the
success measure as the denominator and the buffer displacement measure as the numerator.
The WDQ indicates whether any displacement has been greater or less than the amount of
crime reduced in the target area. The full equation is as follows, using the terminology from
Bowers et al (2011):
where the crime count in the intervention (target) area is represented before the intervention
) and after (R
), the crime count in the control area is measured before (C
) and after (C
the intervention, and the crime count in the buffer (catchment) area is measured before (D
and after (D
) the intervention. In our case, we replaced the area targeted by a theoretical
crime prevention initiative in the above discussion and equation with the timing and
neighborhood of the area likely to be affected by the introduction of the casino. With regard
to the success measure (the denominator in equation 1), we would expect this value to be
positive if crime had increased in the area after the opening of the casino. For a time period,
we chose 1 year before and 1 year after the casino opening, a time period described by
Bowers and Johnson (2003)as a reliable sampling frame(p. 284).
While the WDQ allows us to determine crime change and estimate any displacement (or
diffusion of benets) it is less clear on whether any changes in crime are statistically
signicant. To reinforce this analysis we included a second approach, a time series analysis
employing a non-linear regression using time-varying covariates to model temporal trends.
Time-varying covariates were employed to model particular dimensions of temporal trend
and seasonality, as well as the opening of the casino in the study area. A linear variable
represents the sequential position of the particular month in the data set, starting in January
2004. This centered variable captured any long-term temporal trend in the data. If crime were
generally increasing over time then this variable would be positive, and if the general trend
were downward it would be negative. Similarly a centered quadratic variable was included
to capture non-linear changes to any long-term trend. Some types of crime display a
signicant seasonal component, especially robbery (Sorg and Taylor, 2011). As a result, it is
important to model seasonal effects. One option is to include 11 dummy variables
A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime
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representing each month except a reference month (Greenberg and Roush, 2009), or to
include a measure of temperature in the analysis to represent the seasonality displayed in
some street crime data (Ratcliffe et al, 2009). In the current study we address both
perspectives by modeling a linear month sequence variable, as well as an average monthly
temperature variable. Data for the latter indicator were obtained from the historical archives
available at Daily weather observations for the zip code 19102
were downloaded and the monthly mean temperature was calculated. A dummy casino
variable was coded 0 before the opening of the casino and 1 from September 2010 onwards.
Data for the casino area were modeled using a quasi-experimental time series design. The
advantage of a time series design is that it can compare multiple observations of a pre-
intervention period to a post-intervention period, and account for temporal autocorrelation
(Shadish et al, 2002). Count data, however, are inherently problematic for time series
analysis. Real-valued time series models, such as autoregressive integrated moving average
(ARIMA) models (Box and Jenkins, 1976; MacCleary and Hay, 1980; Chateld, 1989),
have been applied to crime data for many years (Krimmel and Mele, 1998; Novak et al,
1999; Degenhardt et al, 2005; Chamlin and Myer, 2009). Unfortunately, when attempting to
model non-negative integer-valued data such a low volume crime counts, ARIMA processes
may be inappropriate given a key assumption of ARIMA time series modeling is of
normality in the random shocks of the underlying error structures (Quddus, 2008; Greenberg
and Roush, 2009). Simply put, the inability of recorded crime data to exhibit negative values
truncates low volume crime counts such that the data more often exhibit Poisson or negative
binomial distributional qualities.
While crime count data tend to be non-negative and integer, and often follow a
generalized Poisson distribution, they are usually over-dispersed where the variance is not
found to equal the mean as in a true Poisson distribution. As such, a negative binomial
regression model can also be appropriate. Examples of negative binomial modeling of low
count crime data can be found in the crime analysis literature (Greenberg and Roush, 2009).
Table 1 shows the monthly descriptive statistics of the dependent variables for the casino
area over the time period 20042011 inclusive. As shown in Table 1 the casino-area crime
count variances are greater than the respective means, suggesting over-dispersion of the data.
Graphing the data series (not included in the article but available from the authors on request)
showed that most of the series remained stable during the study period, with the exception of
vehicle crime, a series that appeared to have a long-term trend increase over the period of
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of dependent variables (casino patrol area, 96 months)
Series Minimum Maximum Mean Standard deviation Variance
Violent street felonies 0 8 2.92 1.92 3.70
Vehicle crime 1 30 12.89 5.82 33.87
Drug crime 0 6 1.26 1.24 1.54
Residential burglary 0 6 1.21 1.20 1.43
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20042011. This potential increase over time is dynamically modeled by the linear time-
varying covariate.
WDQ results
Table 2 shows the pre/post crime counts for the 12 months before and after the opening of the
casino, the success measure, buffer measure and the WDQ value. In the immediate casino
area, violent street felonies increased by seven in the year following the casino opening, and
vehicle crime also increased. Detected drug crime was down, as was residential burglary.
The buffer area saw a decrease in drug offenses, but increases in all other crimes examined.
The control area, representing the overall trend of the region, showed an increase across all
crime types except drug offenses.
The success measure for the four crime types showed that the casino area performed worse
than the control area in violent street felonies (indicative of a relative crime increase) but better
than the control area in residential burglary, vehicle crime and drug crime. As Bowers and
Johnson (2003, p. 285) note in regard to the assessment of a crime prevention initiative, If the
denominator is positive then this means that the scheme has been unsuccessful, and it is
difcult to relate any change in the buffer zone to the scheme. Moreover, it would be
theoretically inappropriate to look for displacement/diffusion of benet, and therefore, in this
case, the weighted displacement quotient should not be used. While we are not examining a
crime prevention initiative in this article, we would argue that this line of thinking is equally
applicable, though in a different way. If crime has increased in the target area then there is no
reason to expect displacement to the buffer area, given the apparent increase in criminal
opportunities in the intervention neighborhood. As such, we concur with Bowers and Johnson
that reporting the buffer measure of WDQ results is inappropriate. The buffer measure for the
remaining three crime types shows a negative value for both residential burglary and drug
crime, indicative of a diffusion of crime prevention benets to the surrounding buffer area,
though some displacement for vehicle crime.
The WDQ is the last value reported in Table 2. This shows values greater than one for
residential burglary and drug crime, but less than 1 for vehicle crime. For a summary
of the overall results we can cross-reference Table 1 of Bowers and Johnson (2003) and
summarize the WDQ analysis as follows. Violent street felonies increased in the target area
compared with the control area. Vehicle crime decreased in the target area relative to the
Table 2: Success measure, buffer measure and WDQ results
Violent street felonies Residential burglary Vehicle crime Drug crime
Target before (R
) 35 19 180 15
Target after (R
) 42 16 207 13
Buffer before (D
) 37 45 286 26
Buffer after (D
) 64 51 353 18
Control before (C
) 109 81 345 110
Control after (C
) 121 114 405 97
Success measure 0.03 0.09 0.01 0.002
Buffer measure 0.11 0.04 0.05
WDQ 1.15 4.01 21.68
A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime
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control area; however, there was substantial displacement indicating that the introduction of
the casino made the vehicle crime problem in the combined treatment/buffer area worse than
before the casino was opened. Residential burglary and drug crime decreased in the target
area relative to the control area; furthermore, there was substantial diffusion of benets to the
surrounding areas indicating that the introduction of the casino made the residential burglary
and drug crime problem in the combined treatment/buffer area better than before the casino
was opened with an overall positive net effect.
The issue of increasing violent street felonies would clearly be of concern to casino
management, local residents and the police; however, the question remains as to whether this
increase is statistically signicant or could be attributed to the natural uctuation that is
partially associated with most crime patterns. We are unable to address this issue with the
ratio measure; therefore, we turn to the regression component of the analysis.
Casino area regression results
The issue of data over-dispersion was examined statistically. For the most part, Poisson
goodness of tχ
values were statistically signicant, indicating over-dispersion (violent street
felonies χ
=115.182, P=0.04; drug crime χ
=120.598, P=0.02; vehicle crime
=148.849, P<0.01). The exception is residential burglary (χ
=112.736, P=0.061). As a
result, over-dispersed models were tted using negative binomial regression and the residential
burglary series tted using Poisson regression. Because of the issue of the experiment-wise
error rate problem, the standard social science level of statistical signicance (P<0.05) was
adjusted using a Bonferroni correction to P<0.0125 for the independent variables. In the
statistical model tables below, the βcoefcients are replaced with the incidence rate ratios to
ease interpretation. Regression coefcients in count models represent the change in the log of
expected counts of the response variable with a one unit change in the predictor, but rather than
interpret logged values we focus on the incidence rate ratios. Standard errors are also
Table 3: Regression results for the four studied crime types
Violent street felonies
Vehicle crime
Drug crimes
Residential burglary
Intercept 1.529 6.460* 1.147 0.572
(0.390) (0.898) (0.431) (0.217)
Average monthly temperature 1.0098 1.0099* 1.0046 1.0135
(0.004) (0.002) (0.006) (0.005)
Linear trend 1.0001 1.0069* 0.9892 1.0023
(0.0037) (0.0020) (0.0060) (0.0053)
Quadratic trend 1.00009 1.0001 0.9996 0.9999
(0.0001) (0.00007) (0.0002) (0.0002)
Casino 1.001 1.055 1.412 1.155
(0.328) (0.180) (0.772) (0.531)
Incident rate ratios reported, with standard errors in parentheses. N=96 months with 16 months post intervention.
Negative binomial regression.
Poisson regression.
Johnson and Ratcliffe
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Table 3 displays the results of negative binomial models estimating violent street felonies,
vehicle crime and drug crime in the casino patrol area. It also shows the Poisson regression
results for residential burglary. As can be seen from the results of the violent street felonies
regression, none of the variables achieve statistical signicance. Changes over time were
unrelated to violent street felonies in the casino patrol area suggesting that the area had a
relatively stable violent street felonies trajectory over time. The constant, average monthly
temperature variable and linear trend variables were statistically signicant for vehicle crimes.
These indicate that for every 1 degree Fahrenheit increase in monthly average temperature
there is an expected 1 per cent increase in the count of vehicle crimes in the casino area, and
that across the entire time series, controlling for other factors, there was a monthly 0.6 per cent
increase in expected vehicle crime counts. Importantly however, the opening of the casino had
no statistically signicant impact on any of the crime types assessed.
This study evaluated the effect of a new casino development on four crime types at the
neighborhood level. SugarHouse Casino opened its doors in the Fishtown section of
Philadelphia in September 2010. Results of multiple time series analyses using 96 months of
crime incident data and a WDQ analyses indicated mixed effects. The combined results indicate
that while violent street felonies increased at a rate slightly greater than violence in the control
area, this increase was not statistically signicant when examined in the context of the longer
trend since 2004. Vehicle crime reduced in the target area; however, there was substantial
displacement and the reductions in vehicle crime were not statistically signicant over the long
term. Both residential burglary and drug crime reduced in the casino area (again though, not
signicantly from a statistical perspective) and there were reductions in these crimes in the
buffer areas. In summary, there is no evidence that the opening and operation of the casino had a
signicantly detrimental effect on the immediate neighborhood in terms of vehicle crime, drug
activity, residential burglary or violent street felonies. These ndings are contextualized below.
First, we should note that this is not a stand-alone quasi-experimental evaluation of the
introduction of a casino to a neighborhood, due to the additional complication of
the Philadelphia Police Department instigating a dedicated patrol to the neighborhood.
The additional patrolling from 14 assigned ofcers may have acted to provide additional
deterrence to any criminal activity. The dosage issue of these ofcers is an unresolved
question here, though the numbers would suggest a limited role for the police in any crime
suppression. Even if we consider the inclusion of the sergeant into any patrol activities, there
was limited ability to provide substantial round-the-clock policing. If ofcers worked a
40-hour week, then this averages out at approximately an additional 3.5 ofcers on duty at
any particular time in the patrol area. In reality, with refreshment breaks, vacation, sickness
and so on, the actual level of dedicated patrol activity is likely to be less. Whether this is
sufcient additional patrol for an area to have any impact cannot be tested here but it is clear
that any additional resources were modest at best.
The results do at least suggest that neighborhood concerns that the introduction of a
casino will herald signicant increases in local crime rates appear unfounded. This rst
examination of local crime rates at the sub-neighborhood level would appear to support the
notion that crime rates are largely unaffected by the introduction of a casino, or at least any
A partial test of the impact of a casino on neighborhood crime
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signicant increases can be held in abeyance by the reassignment of modest police resources
from an existing pool of staff (the district was not assigned additional personnel for the
casino but instead reassigned ofcers from within the police district).
One further threat to the validity of this research worth mentioning is instrumentation.
Semi-structured interviews with casino management revealed that the inside of the
casino is supervised by the Pennsylvania State Police, while all outdoor areas fall under
the jurisdiction of the Philadelphia Police. The conclusions and results of analyses
presented here are relative to data derived from the Philadelphia Police Department. We
nd this to be a minor limitation as we are most interested in linkages between the
presence of the casino and crime in the surrounding neighborhood, rather than activity
that takes place within the location. Relative to the availability of appropriate data, future
research should explore the nuances of casino-related crime. Specically, separately
analyzing crime types occurring within the casino and specically related to the nature of
casinos (such as thefts from dealers) versus crime associated with casinos occurring
outdoors (such as car thefts) would enable a richer understanding of casinos, crime and
With regards to the crime counts, we have two different measures. It could be argued that
the WDQ results are meaningful on their own given that we are examining the total
population of crime events in the target, displacement and control areas, and thus there is no
need for a statistical test. But as Fotheringham and Brunsdon (2004) point out, statistical tests
are useful for not just sample inference but also process inference. The longitudinal time
series analysis was designed to determine if changes detected by the WDQ were indicative of
more than simply modest random variation in crime patterns. The statistical tests modeled no
statistically signicant changes in crime counts due to the introduction of the casino. This
would suggest that the variations in crime counts after the opening of the casino detected
with the WDQ are within the parameters of the types of natural uctuations that we would
expect from longitudinal crime series.
Therefore while additional crime opportunities may have increased the pool of potential
victims for robbery, and increased the number of potential offenders drawn to engage in
burglary or vehicle crime, the presence of added patrons to the neighborhood could also have
increased formal as well as informal guardianship. Formal in terms of casino security and
additional police patrols, and informal guardianship through the addition of more eyes on the
street. These opposing forces (opportunity and guardianship) may have both increased,
offsetting each other.
The displacement ndings are interesting. In anticipation of the casino opening, the 26th
Police District commander created the special patrol district, to which were assigned
additional police ofcers. The increased police attention in the special patrol area may have
led to the displacement of vehicle crime to the surrounding area. Ofcers that were re-
assigned to the patrol area were not replaced in the rest of the district. It is possible that the
relative reduction in personnel outside of the casino area reduced patrol deterrence in the
displacement area, while suppressing crime in the target area.
In the current study we endeavored to analyze neighborhood level criminogenic effects of
a casino in an urban environment. Findings here do not settle the debate on casino and crime
linkages, but contribute to a growing body of knowledge and suggest a need for more
neighborhood level research. At the least, ndings demonstrate that oft-stated community
concerns regarding local crime conditions with the addition of a casino to a neighborhood
Johnson and Ratcliffe
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were not borne out by the SugarHouse Casino example. Any potential signicant crime
increases either did not occur, or were effectively controlled by a reassignment of existing
local police resources.
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... Therefore, it is hard to conclude that a casino would inevitably lead to a significant increase in the crime rate (Barthe & Stitt, 2007, 2009a, 2009bHaberman et al., 2017). Johnson and Ratcliffe (2017) acquired crime incidents data between January 2004 and December 2011, and the casino patrol area of SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia, PA (opened on September 23, 2010). By using weighted displacement quotient analysis and regression models, they concluded that the casino did not have any statistically significant impact on crime at the neighborhood level (Johnson & Ratcliffe, 2017). ...
... Johnson and Ratcliffe (2017) acquired crime incidents data between January 2004 and December 2011, and the casino patrol area of SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia, PA (opened on September 23, 2010). By using weighted displacement quotient analysis and regression models, they concluded that the casino did not have any statistically significant impact on crime at the neighborhood level (Johnson & Ratcliffe, 2017). In summary, there exists considerable evidence undermining the correlation between casinos and crime. ...
... Kim et al., 2016;Miller & Schwartz, 1998). Moreover, Even though some of the studies implied the importance of the spatial proximity to the casino on crime by using hotspots (Barthe & Stitt, 2007, 2009a or buffers (Barthe & Stitt, 2009b;Johnson & Ratcliffe, 2017), none of which measured the effect of proximity to the casino on crime with the proper control factors. ...
This study examines the macro and micro impacts of a casino on multiple crime types over time. JACK Casino, opened on March 4, 2013, is near the Central Business District of Cincinnati, Ohio. We use the weighted displacement quotient and a series of negative binomial models for the years from 2010 to 2016 to compare before-and-after crime patterns within the neighboring area of the casino (within 400-meter) compared to the entire city. Results show that the casino has differing effects on property and violent crime in regard to crime density and spatial patterns. Within the casino's neighboring area, property crime density decreased in the year of construction (2012) and the year of opening (2013), but increased in the following years (2014–2016). At the same time, the city experienced an overall decline in property crime. Also, property crime incidents started to cluster around the casino after its opening. We confirmed this distance decay by statistical analyses at both macro (citywide) and micro (neighboring area) scales. In contrast, the casino did not show such an obvious impact on violent crime. The initial increase of violent crime density just after the casino opened was followed by a drop to the pre-casino level. Meanwhile, although violent crime patterns around the casino were slightly altered because of the casino, the change was not statistically significant. The difference between property and violent crime in response to the casino's opening is an important contribution to the literature. Our findings also demonstrate that it is vital to examine the micro-spatial and temporal impact of casinos, rather than rely on the cross-sectional examination of jurisdiction-wide crime levels. Further, this approach should be generally applicable to other regions.
... Four studies describe Clarke and Weisburd's (1994) deterrence or discouragement mechanisms as possible explanations (Ariel & Partridge, 2017;Bowers et al., 2011;Lim et al., 2016;Perry et al., 2017). Two sets of researchers speculate that the opening or closing of facilities causes diffusion due to the increase in guardianship or removal of targets (Johnson & Ratcliffe, 2017;Soto & Summers, 2020). Guardianship increases could deter offenders and target removal may discourage them. ...
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One of the most facts about crime is that it concentrates at a few proprietary places: addresses, facilities, and land parcels. Do these crime-places radiate crime into their surroundings? Intuitively, crime radiation seems likely. And it may come in three forms: radiation from facilities that do not contain crime but make their environments crime-prone (cold dot radiation); radiation from facilities containing a great deal of crime (hot dot radiation); and radiation from places containing consensual illegitimate activity that direct offender foraging (veiled dot radiation). If radiation is common, then addressing crime-provoking places is essential for crime reduction. But researchers (with one exception) have not addressed crime radiation directly. There are three bodies of research which may provide indirect evidence of radiation: 1) the land use and crime research; 2) the near repeat victimization studies, and 3) the diffusion of crime control benefits research. We conducted narrative reviews of each to determine if radiation is likely. Each review shows evidence consistent with crime radiation. But each review reveals uncertainty about whether it is radiation or something else creating the findings. We conclude by offering a set of hypotheses for direct tests of the radiation conjecture. ***OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE - DOWNLOAD HERE:
... Recent scholarship has focused on the effect of macro crime generators, very large facilities that can accommodate many more people than the smaller facilities that have typically been considered crime generators previously. Examples of macro crime generators include amusement parks (Han et al., 2021), casinos (Johnson & Ratcliffe, 2017), and sports arenas and stadiums Kurland, 2019). Macro crime generators typically have a time-specific effect that coincides with their opening/closing times and/or peak hours of operation (Newton, 2018). ...
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Objectives Evaluate the effects that Prudential Center events had on crime in downtown Newark from 2007 to 2015 in terms of incident counts and spatial characteristics. Methods We evaluate the effects of events held at the Prudential Center on crime counts via negative binomial regression. Through the Fasano-Franceschini test, we assess whether crimes that occurred during events spatially differ compared to the incidents in no-event hours. Finally, we employ logistic regression to assess the correlation between crime locations and activity at the center. Results Five event types (out of nine) are statistically associated with increases in crime. Spatially, differences in the distribution of incidents when the facility is active partially emerge. Two out of six location types (streets and parking lots) correlate with activity at the center. Conclusions The complex array of crime-related effects that the center has on downtown Newark suggests tailored policies discriminating between event and location types for enhancing public safety.
... Several studies have identified a statistically significant positive relationship between the presence of casinos and crime rates (Arthur et al., 2014;Bottan et al., 2017;Kim et al., 2016). Other studies have found no relationship between casino or gaming machines and crime (Barthe & Stitt, 2009;Humphreys & Soebbing, 2014;Johnson & Ratcliffe, 2017;Nichols & Tosun, 2017). ...
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This study explores the relationship between the clustering of betting shops and crime in England using both spatial and multilevel modelling approaches. Spatial analysis revealed significant clustering of betting shops and crime across all crime types. Results from the multilevel models revealed statistically significant relationships between the number of betting shops and all the crime categories, with the strongest relationships observed with theft and disorder offences. These relationships were observed after controlling for socio-demographic and land-use predictors of crime. To reduce the effect of betting shops on crime, efforts should focus on place management strategies.
... We employ a multivariate spatial econometric approach to compare the social and physical characteristics of those neighborhoods where offenses are (and are not) committed on match and non-match days to estimate the contribution of a range of environmental characteristics on area levels of crime. The research complements recent efforts that have sought to examine the criminogenic effect (if any) of casinos (see Johnson and Ratcliffe 2014) and other "risky facilities" such as bars (e.g., Bowers 2014) on crime in the surrounding area. ...
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The aim of this study was to explore the influence of “micro-” (e.g., pubs and fast-food restaurants) and “super-facilities” on area level counts of crime. Soccer stadia were selected as an example of a super-facility as their episodic use provides conditions not unlike a natural experiment. Of particular interest was whether the presence of such facilities, and their influence on the flow of people through neighborhoods on match days affects crime. Consideration was also given to how the social composition of a neighborhood might influence crime. Crime, street network, and points of interest data were obtained for the areas around five UK soccer stadia. Counts of crime were computed for small areal units and the spatial distribution of crime examined for match and non-match days. Variables derived from graph theory were generated to estimate how micro-facilities might influence the movement flows of people on match days. Spatial econometric analyses were used to test hypotheses. Mixed support was found for the influence of neighborhood social composition on crime for both match and non-match days. Considering the influence of facilities, a selective pattern emerged with crime being elevated in those neighborhoods closest to stadia on match but not non-match days. Micro-facilities too were found to influence crime levels. Particularly clear was the finding that the influence of pubs and fast-food restaurants on estimated movement flows to and from stadia on match (but not non-match) days was associated with area level crime. Our findings provide further support for ecological theories of crime and how factors that influence the likely convergence of people in urban spaces affect levels of crime.
... Regardless of underlying theories, place-based criminological research has addressed the effect of environmental features such as schools (Willits et al. 2013;MacDonald et al. 2018); casinos (Johnson and Ratcliffe 2016); public housing complexes (Haberman et al. 2013); bars (Ratcliffe 2012;Morrison et al. 2016); and checkcashers and payday lenders (Kubrin and Hipp 2016). ...
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Objectives This study evaluates the effect of outpatient methadone maintenance treatment (OMMT) facilities on crime in surrounding areas. Methods Between 2007 and 2017 in Philadelphia, three OMMT facilities closed, and six new OMMT facilities opened. The variation in OMMT facility presence at these nine locations provides an opportunity to estimate the place-based effect of OMMT facilities on crime. We use Poisson regression to estimate the percentage change in crime relative to OMMT facility proximity. We also compare those effects relative to crime trends around OMMT facilities that were continuously open throughout the study period. Results Within a 200 m radius, the presence of an OMMT facility causes a significant decrease in property and total crime but a significant increase in drug and violent crime. There are no significant effects on crime outside of the 200-m radius. The effects of an OMMT facility on property, violent, and total crime decrease with increasing distance from the OMMT facility, consistent with a causal effect. Conclusions OMMT facilities appear to influence crime in their surroundings. The areas around OMMT facilities experience reduced total crime and property crime; nonetheless, these areas might benefit from further assessment of violent crime risk.
Background and aims Australians spend more per capita on gambling than any other country in the world. Electronic gaming machines (EGM) expenditure accounts for almost 90% of this expenditure. No study to date has conducted a rigorous longitudinal analysis of the relationship between gambling expenditure and crime. This study aimed to estimate the short‐ and long‐run relationship between gambling expenditure and crime. Design Longitudinal analysis using panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) modelling. Setting and cases Recorded property and violent crimes committed in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, between 28 December 2015 and 5 January 2020. Measurements Monthly gross EGM expenditure profit, broken down by Local Government Area (LGA). Monthly recorded rates of assault, break enter and steal (dwelling), break enter and steal (non‐dwelling), break enter and steal (total), motor vehicle theft, stealing from a motor vehicle, stealing from a retail store, stealing from the person, stealing (total) and fraud. Findings Each 10% increase in gambling expenditure in NSW is associated with annual: 7.4% increase in assaults, 10.5% increase in break and enter (dwelling) offences; 10.3% increase in break and enter (non‐dwelling) offences; 11% increase in motor vehicle theft offences; 8.2% increase in stealing from motor vehicle offences; and 7.4% increase in fraud offences. Conclusion Electronic gaming expenditure appears to be positively associated with property and violent crime in New South Wales, Australia.
This study analyzes the extent to which alarm systems impact geographical displacement and/or diffusion of benefits on burglary, which regards as a substitute for the absence of capable guardians. A quasi-experimental design with three nested concentric zones—target, buffer, and control—are utilized by incorporating the WDQ conceptual approach with GIS and a parcel map. The datasets include burglary incidents and alarm permit records. Alarms produce a sizeable impact on burglary reduction. No indication of spatial displacement is observed from protected houses to nearby houses. Alarms create a short geographic ambit and a wider spatial range of diffusion of benefits. A burglar alarm can protect the house without displacing burglary to nearby houses and provides neighboring houses with protection as well.
In this study, I argue that arresting the leaders of drug-selling gangs is a precise and impactful tactic for reducing gang-related gun violence in open-air drug markets. I construct a theory of leadership arrests in drug markets by building mainly on the political science literature on leadership removal of insurgents and drug cartels. To test my theory, and several controls derived from the scholarly literature on gang violence, I utilize an original dataset constructed using Freedom of Information Act responses from the Chicago Police Department, open-source data, and archival court documents. The latter data source and news articles were used to identify all gang leaders arrested in five drug markets on the Westside of Chicago between 2010 and 2019. Negative binomial analysis shows that arresting gang leaders is associated with significant reductions in gang-related shoot- ings. Additionally, one of the controls – search warrants that result in the seizure of illicit drugs – is negatively associated with gang-related shootings. Both outcomes indicate that policymakers in Chicago, and cities facing similar open-air drug market violence, should focus significant resources on specialized police units that can carry out drug-related search warrants, arrest leaders of drug-selling gangs on state charges, and aid federal law enforcement in arresting leaders of drug-selling gangs.
Gambling and crime represent two common behaviours that occur, to varying degrees and in myriad forms, across most societies. Keeping gambling free from crime has also emerged to become an important policy objective in many jurisdictions, particularly where commercial gambling has proliferated. Yet research exploring the interconnections between gambling and crime is sporadic, stymied, in part, by the need for a comprehensive, detailed and systematic approach to categorizing the variety of offences that may be linked to wagering activities. In response, this article reviews the extant literature exploring gambling and crime and the ways in which it has been sorted and classified, before outlining a taxonomy through which to examine and better comprehend different types of gambling-related crime. The proposed taxonomy represents a policy-oriented framework through which gambling-related crime research and knowledge may be organized in order to aid risk analysis, regulatory review and crime prevention strategies.
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Overall, teachers' multi‐component classroom management programmes have a significant positive effect in decreasing aggressive or problematic behaviour in the classroom. Students in the treatment classrooms in all 12 studies reviewed showed less disruptive or problematic behaviours when compared to the students in control classrooms without the intervention. It is not possible to make any conclusions regarding what components of the management programmes are most effective due to small sample size and lack of information reported in the studies reviewed. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Background One of the most common criticisms of spatially focused policing efforts (such as Problem‐Oriented Policing, police ‘crackdowns’ or hotspots policing) is that crime will simply relocate to other times and places since the “root causes” of crime were not addressed. This phenomenon—called crime displacement—has important implications for many policing projects. By far, spatial displacement (movement of crime from a treatment area to an area nearby) is the form most commonly recognized. At the extreme, widespread displacement stands to undermine the effects of geographically focused policing actions. More often, however, research suggests that crime displacement is rarely total. On the other end of the displacement continuum is the phenomenon of ‘diffusion of crime control benefits’ (a term coined by Ron Clarke and David Weisburd in 1994). Diffusion occurs when reductions of crime (or other improvements) are achieved in areas that are close to crime prevention interventions, even though those areas were not actually targeted by the intervention itself. Objectives To synthesize the evidence concerning the degree to which geographically focused policing initiatives are related to spatial displacement of crime or diffusion of the crime control benefits. Search Strategy A number of search strategies were used to retrieve relevant studies. First, we undertook a keyword search of electronic abstract databases. Second, we searched bibliographies of existing displacement reviews and reviews of the effectiveness of focused policing initiatives. Third, we did forward searches for works that had cited key displacement publications. Fourth, we reviewed research reports of professional research and policing organizations. Fifth, we undertook a hand search of pertinent journals and publications. Finally, once these searches were all completed we emailed a list of the studies that we had assessed as meeting (and a separate list of those not meeting) our criteria to a number of key scholars with knowledge of the area to identify any further studies we might have missed. Selection Criteria Eligible studies met the following criteria; (1) they evaluated a policing initiative; (2) this initiative was geographically focused to a local area; (3) the evaluation included a quantitative measure of crime for both a ‘treatment’ area and a displacement/diffusion ‘catchment’ area. This needed to be available for both a pre‐ and a post‐ (or during‐) intervention period. Other criteria specified that the study was written in English and that it reported original research findings. The studies could have been conducted at any point in time and at any location. Both published and unpublished studies were included. Data Collection and Analysis For all of our 44 eligible studies, we produced a narrative review and a summary of the author's findings, concerning the effectiveness of the policing initiative and any displacement or diffusion observed. For the 16 studies for which we were able to gain pre and post measures of crime for each of a minimum of three area types (a treatment, control and catchment area) we produced odds ratio effect sizes which were used in a meta‐analysis. For the meta‐analysis we reported the mean effect size for both the treatment areas and the catchment areas. This summarized the effectiveness of the policing interventions and the displacement/diffusion effect respectively. Because a number of studies had more than one primary outcome, we reported the largest effect and the smallest effect in each case. We also performed permutation tests using combinations in which one primary outcome was chosen from each study. Other tests assessed the effects of study design, intervention type, size of intervention and publication bias. A further quantitative analysis of these 16 studies summarised the mean Weighted Displacement Quotient (WDQ) a measure developed in earlier work by two of the study authors. Finally, a proportional change analysis looked at increases and decreases in crime in treatment and catchment areas for the 36 studies for which count data were available. This analysis did not require data to be available for a control area. Main Results The main findings of the meta‐analysis suggested that on average geographically focused policing initiatives for which data were available were (1) associated with significant reductions in crime and disorder and that (2) overall, changes in catchment areas were non‐significant but there was a trend in favour of a diffusion of benefit. For the weighted displacement quotient analyses, the weight of the evidence suggests that where changes are observed in catchment areas that exceed those that might be expected in the absence of intervention, a diffusion of crime control benefit rather than displacement appears to be the more likely outcome. The results of the proportional change analysis suggest that the majority of eligible studies experienced a decrease in crime in the treatment area indicating possible success of the scheme. The majority also experience a decrease in the catchment areas suggesting the possibility of a diffusion of benefit. These findings, which could not be statistically tested, are consistent with all others reported here, and with those from the narrative review. Conclusions In summary the message from this review is a positive one to those involved in the sort of operational policing initiatives considered, the main point being that displacement is far from inevitable as a result of such endeavor, and, in fact that the opposite, a diffusion of crime control benefits appears to be the more likely consequence.
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Crimes are created by the interactions of potential offenders witb potential targets in settings that make doing tbe crime easy, safe and profitable (see, e.g., Clarke, 1992; Brantingbam and Brantingbam, 1993a and 1993b; Felson, 1994). Eear of crime is created by situations and settings tbat make people feel vulnerable to victimization (see, e.g.. Fisher and Nasar, 1992a and 1992b; Nasar and Eisher, 1992 and 1993; Brantingbam et al., 1995). Tbe urban settings that create crime and fear are human constructions, tbe by-product of tbe environments we build to support the requirements of everyday life: homes and residential neighbourhoods; shops and offices; factories and warehouses; government buildings; parks and recreational sites; sports stadia and theatres; transport systems, bus stops, roadways and parking garages. The ways in which we assemble tbese large building blocks of routine activity into tbe urban backclotb can have enormous impact on our fear levels and on tbe quantities, types and timing of tbe crimes we suffer. Although criminologists bave argued this point in various ways for at least a hundred years (e.g., Eerri, 1896; Burgess, 1916; Shaw and McKay, 1942; Jeffery, 1971; Brantingham and Brantingham, 1993a and 1993b) it is only recently tbat large multipurpose municipal data bases, in conjunction with police information systems, have begun to make it possible to actually explore bow the juxtaposition of land uses and transport networks shapes the backcloth on whicb crime occurs. Tbis paper attempts to set out some of the next steps in understanding the construction of tbe backcloth and its effects on crime. Tbe model that will eventually emerge should provide us with a planning tool tbat will
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Problematic gambling is more common among people with alcohol use disorders (AUDs) (i.e., either alcohol abuse or dependence) compared with those without AUDs. This association holds true for people in the general population and is even more pronounced among people receiving treatment. No broadly accepted explanation for the link between problematic gambling and AUD currently exists. The available literature suggests that common factors may increase the risk for both conditions. For example, a defect of functioning in a particular brain system may underlie both conditions. This hypothesis should be further developed using brain imaging and psychopharmacological studies. Effective treatment and prevention will require additional research into relevant associations on both the event level (e.g., the effects of drinking on gambling behavior and vice versa) and the syndrome level (e.g., the relative onset and course of each condition among those who have either one or both disorders). A prudent interpretation of the available data suggests careful screening and treatment when necessary for problematic gambling among people with alcohol abuse and for alcohol abuse among people with gambling problems.
Although legalized gambling, and in particular casino gambling, has become an increasingly important American leisure activity, it has not escaped extensive controversy. Among the many evils forecast for communities that open casinos is a major increase in street crime. This article will review what we know about the relationship between street crime and casino gambling.
Crime scientists have long known that crime clusters near certain places such as drinking establishments, although the spatial parameters of that clustering are less established. This article proposes a methodology to estimate a distance beyond which there is significantly less evidence of a correlation between locations and concentrations of crime. The technique uses changepoints derived from a segmented regression applied to spatial buffers emanating from around particular crime‐generating land uses. Geographic information system techniques are used to create a series of buffers to determine the density of crime around sites. A changepoint Poisson regression of the buffer midpoints is used to estimate the distance beyond which crime densities do not appear to decline significantly with increasing distance. A case study of violent crime around 1,282 bars in P hiladelphia, P ennsylvania, for 2008 reveals that violence is highly clustered within 25.9 m (85 feet) then dissipates rapidly, a pattern that is not replicated using control sites (fire stations). This is an estimate of the spatial extent of violence around bars, and the technique could be used to estimate the extent of other crimes around a variety of crime‐generating locations. Expertos en el estudio del crimen saben desde hace tiempo que los delitos violentos se concentran cerca de algunos lugares tales como establecimientos de bebidas, aunque los parámetros espaciales de dichas aglomeraciones son menos conocidos. Este artículo propone una metodología para estimar la distancia máxima a partir de la cual hay significativamente menos evidencia de una correlación entre puntos de interés y las aglomeraciones de crimen. La técnica empleada utiliza puntos de cambio ( changepoints ) derivados de una regresión segmentada ( segmented regression ) aplicada a las zonas de amortiguamiento (buffers) generadas en torno a usos del suelo particulares asociados a delincuencia. Técnicas SIG (Sistema de Información Geográfica) son utilizadas para crear una serie de buffers y determinar la densidad de delitos en torno a la ubicación de cada establecimiento (bar). Una regresión Poisson de tipo changepoint de los puntos medios de los buffers es empleada para estimar la distancia a partir de la cual las densidades del crimen no disminuyen significativamente con la distancia. Un estudio de caso de los delitos violentos en torno a 1.282 bares en Filadelfia, Pennsylvania en 2008 revela que la violencia está muy concentrada dentro de un radio de 25.9 m (85 pies) y luego se disipa rápidamente, un patrón que no se replica cuando el análisis es aplicado a sitios de control (estaciones de bomberos). El resultado es una estimación de la extensión espacial de la violencia alrededor de bares y la conclusión que la técnica podría ser utilizada para estimar la extensión de otros delitos en torno a una gran variedad de lugares asociados con la generación de la delincuencia. 犯罪学家早已明晰犯罪集聚于某些特定区域(如酒吧)的周围,尽管较少地构建这类聚集的空间参数。本文提出了一种方法可估算在一定距离之外,区位与犯罪集聚程度间相关性呈显著减少的证据。将从分段回归中获得的变异点应用于犯罪发生地的空间缓冲区。地理信息系统(GIS)技术用于产生一系列缓冲区以确定地点周围的犯罪密度。缓冲区中点的变异点泊松回归用于估算超出犯罪密度区不呈现随距离增加而显著衰退的距离。本文以宾夕法尼亚州费城1282个酒吧周围暴力犯罪为案例进行研究,揭示出2008年暴力犯罪集聚于25.9m的范围内,并在该距离之外的迅速消失,而当控制点选为消防站时该格局不再出现。实验表明,这是一种估算酒吧暴力犯罪空间范围的方法,并且该技术可用于估算不同类型犯罪产生地的距离范围。
The displacement of crime is an important criminological phenomenon. However, while there has been theoretical discussion of this issue in the research literature, there has been little in the way of either standardized empirical work that investigates the incidence of displacement or in the development of techniques that can be used to measure it. In the current paper we discuss a new technique, the weighted displacement quotient (WDQ), that was developed to measure the geographical displacement of crime. A critical feature of the rationale is that displacement can only be attributed to crime prevention activity if crime is reduced in the target area considered. Thus, the WDQ not only measures what occurs in a buffer (displacement) zone but also relates changes in this area to those in the target area. Part of the appeal of the measure is that it can be used either with aggregate or disaggregate crime data and for any geographical boundary selected, provided the appropriate data are available. In addition to detecting displacement, when detailed data are available, the technique can also be used to identify where the effect was most prominent. The WDQ can equally be used to measure the diffusion of benefit of any crime prevention activity. A series of examples are presented for illustration purposes.