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Abstract and Figures

During 25 field seasons between 1988 and 2012, Biodiversity Research Institute captured and uniquely color-banded 2,730 adult Common Loons (Gavia immer) on breeding territories in 11 States and seven Provinces throughout North America. Body mass was obtained from each individual; tarsus and bill measurements were obtained from more than half the birds banded. Clinal variation in body mass, tarsal width and bill length was observed. Body mass varied from 2,700 g to 7,600 g; loons from populations in the upper Great Lakes and central Canada were smallest, and size increased to the east and west. Examination of band return and satellite tracking data resulted in three migration distance groups: ˂ 1,500 km; 1,500-3,500 km; and ≥ 3,500 km. Body mass was inversely related to migration distance. Males were significantly larger (> 20%) than associated females, and within-pair differences increased with decreasing migration distance (i.e., males from coastal States were proportionally larger than their mates compared to interior State pairs).
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Body Mass in Common Loons (Gavia immer) Strongly
Associated with Migration Distance
Author(s): Carrie E. Gray, James D. Paruk, Christopher R. DeSorbo, Lucas J.
Savoy, David E. Yates, Michael D. Chickering, Rick B. Gray, Kate M. Taylor,
Darwin Long, IV, Nina Schoch, William Hanson, John Cooley and David C.
Source: Waterbirds, 37(sp1):64-75. 2014.
Published By: The Waterbird Society
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Body Mass in Common Loons (Gavia immer) Strongly Associated
with Migration Distance
Carrie e. Gray1,*, James D. Paruk1, ChristoPher r. Desorbo1, LuCas J. savoy1, DaviD e. yates1,
miChaeL D. ChiCkerinG1, riCk b. Gray1, kate m. tayLor1, Darwin LonG, iv1, nina sChoCh1,
wiLLiam hanson1, John CooLey2 anD DaviD C. evers1
1Biodiversity Research Institute, 19 Flaggy Meadow Road, Gorham, ME, 04038, USA
2Loon Preservation Committee, 183 Lees Mill Road, Moultonborough, NH, 03254, USA
*Corresponding author; E-mail:
Abstract.—During 25 field seasons between 1988 and 2012, Biodiversity Research Institute captured and
uniquely color-banded 2,730 adult Common Loons (Gavia immer) on breeding territories in 11 States and seven
Provinces throughout North America. Body mass was obtained from each individual; tarsus and bill measurements
were obtained from more than half the birds banded. Clinal variation in body mass, tarsal width and bill length was
observed. Body mass varied from 2,700 g to 7,600 g; loons from populations in the upper Great Lakes and central
Canada were smallest, and size increased to the east and west. Examination of band return and satellite tracking
data resulted in three migration distance groups: < 1,500 km; 1,500-3,500 km; and 3,500 km. Body mass was
inversely related to migration distance. Males were significantly larger (> 20%) than associated females, and within-
pair differences increased with decreasing migration distance (i.e., males from coastal States were proportionally
larger than their mates compared to interior State pairs). Received 26 February 2013, accepted 18 June 2013.
Key words.—clinal variation, Common Loon, Gavia immer, migration distance.
Waterbirds 37 (Special Publication 1): 64-75, 2014
Intraspecific variation of morphological
features in birds has been observed across
geographic ranges (Ainley 1980; McGilli-
vray 1989; Leafloor and Rusch 1997; Ashton
2002). The trend for body size to be larger
in cooler climates and smaller in warmer
climates (often represented by latitude) is
known as Bergmann’s rule when it occurs
among closely related species or James’s rule
when it occurs within species (James 1970;
Blackburn et al. 1999). The basis is that larg-
er body size will be favored in cool climates
because lower surface area to mass ratios re-
sult in reduced heat loss and, thus, apparent
increased survival. There is strong evidence
for similar variation within species; howev-
er, many exceptions to the rule have been
observed, particularly among migratory vs.
sedentary species (James 1970; Blackburn
et al. 1999; Ashton 2002; Meiri and Dayan
2003). In birds, this may be attributed to a
decreased load-carrying capacity of an indi-
vidual associated with increased body mass
(Hedenström and Alerstam 1992, 1997).
Further, migration speed is diminished with
increased body size for birds that use flap-
ping flight, resulting in increased migration
times and, thereby, constraining the migra-
tion distances that larger-sized birds are
capable of completing during their annual
life cycle (Hedenström and Alerstam 1998;
Alerstam et al. 2003; Hedenström 2003; Hein
et al. 2012). For example, among three spe-
cies of European swans, the smallest species
(Cygnus bewickii) had the longest migration
distance, the largest species (C. olor) the
shortest distance, and the mid-sized species
(C. columbianus) an intermediate distance
between the smallest and largest species
(Cramp and Simmons 1977). This pattern
has also been observed in Atlantic alcids
such as Thick-billed Murre (Uria lomvia; Vau-
rie 1965), Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica;
Moen 1991), Razorbill (Alca torda; Barrett et
al. 1997) and Dovekie (Alle alle; Wojczulanis-
Jakubas et al. 2011).
Loons are a small monophyletic group
(Gaviiformes) consisting of five species
worldwide (Sibley and Ahlquist 1990; Lind-
say 2002; Evers et al. 2010). They are heavy-
bodied piscivorous birds known as divers in
the Old World due to their foot-propelled
diving foraging strategy. Loons are a classic
K-selected species with long life expectancy,
delayed sexual maturity, and low fecundity;
their mating system is socially and geneti-
boDy mass in Common Loons 65
cally monogamous (Piper et al. 1997). The
Common Loon (Gavia immer) has the larg-
est geographic range of the loon species
in North America and is the only one that
breeds in the contiguous USA (Sibley and
Ahlquist 1990; Lindsay 2002), which makes it
a good candidate to examine within-species
variation. The annual life cycle of the Com-
mon Loon varies little across its broad geo-
graphical range in that it breeds on fresh-
water lakes throughout the northern USA,
including Alaska, and Canada north to the
southern edge of the taiga shield, and mi-
grates to coastal areas in the fall, including
the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts, Gulf of Mex-
ico, and Gulf of California. Satellite tracking
data indicate that the duration of migration
and the timing of arrival on the wintering
grounds appear to vary within and among
populations (U.S. Geological Survey 2013;
Biodiversity Research Institute, unpubl.
data). These differences among populations
seem to be associated with differences in mi-
gration distance. For example, northeastern
USA Common Loon populations typically
arrive in coastal wintering areas within a day
of departure from breeding areas, whereas
upper midwestern USA Common Loon pop-
ulations that travel up to seven times the dis-
tance of northeastern USA Common Loons
may take up to a few weeks to complete
their fall migration (U.S. Geological Survey
2013). Less information is available regard-
ing migration timing of Common Loon pop-
ulations in interior Canada. However, lim-
ited satellite tracking data suggest that they
travel the greatest migration distances of all
North American Common Loons and may
take up to 2 months to complete their fall
migrations (Confederated Salish and Koote-
nai Tribes 2008; Paruk et al. 2014).
A geographic cline in the body size of the
Common Loon (loons) has been observed
across its North American range and appears
to coincide with the differences in migration
distance, where interior breeding loons are
smallest and size increases to the east and
west (Rand 1947; Storer 1988; Evers et al.
2010). The increased physiological cost of a
larger body size during migration may create
a selection pressure that favors smaller body
sizes for loons with long migration distances.
However, an opposing selection pressure
for large body size may exist for loons that
migrate shorter distances. A central char-
acteristic on which several life history traits
may depend is individual body size, includ-
ing survival and fecundity (Boag and Grant
1981; Alisauskas 1987; Promislov and Harvey
1990; Sedinger et al. 1995). Loons are highly
territorial during the breeding season, and
competition for quality breeding territories
often results in aggressive interactions be-
tween individuals and pairs (Paruk 1999; Pip-
er et al. 2008; Piper 2011). Piper et al. (2000)
found that larger-sized loons were less likely
to be usurped from their territories dur-
ing these interactions compared to smaller
loons. Loons are also highly vocal during
the breeding season and produce an array
of calls, the yodel being the most complex
and used solely by males often in response
to territorial intrusions. Mager et al. (2007a)
confirmed that variability in the dominant
frequency of a male’s yodel is influenced by
body size, with larger males producing lower
frequency yodels. Further, loons appeared
to respond with more alarm to lower pitch
yodels compared to higher pitched yodels
during callback surveys (Mager et al. 2007b).
Over a 25-year period (1988-2012), the
Biodiversity Research Institute, with the
help of multiple collaborators, banded 2,730
adult Common Loons on their breeding
territories in 11 States and seven Provinces
throughout the species’ range in North
America. Of those individuals, 536 breed-
ing pairs were sampled (i.e., the male and
female of a territorial pair were captured
and banded within the same breeding sea-
son). These significant banding efforts have
resulted in the largest known collection of
morphological data on Common Loons.
We analyzed these data in an effort to deter-
mine if body size features, such as body mass,
tarsus width, and bill length, are linked to
differences in migration distance. We pre-
dicted that loon populations inhabiting the
interior part of the continent with ostensibly
longer migration distances will have smaller
morphological features than coastal ones
with much shorter migrations. We were also
66 waterbirDs
interested in how size differences between
pair members changed, if at all, across their
range. If being larger is more important for
a male than a female to defend and hold its
territory, then selection should favor larger
males relative to females when the distance
between breeding and wintering areas is de-
creased. Our prediction was that size differ-
ence between pair members would increase
as migration distance decreased.
Study Area
During the breeding season (June-August) from
1988 to 2012, Common Loons were targeted for cap-
ture and banding efforts in their breeding territories
on freshwater lakes and ponds in the following States
and Provinces: Alaska, Alberta, Maine, Manitoba, Mas-
sachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Bruns-
wick, New Hampshire, New York, Nova Scotia, Ontario,
Quebec, Saskatchewan, Vermont, Washington, and Wis-
Capture and Measurements
Adult loons were captured on their breeding lakes
with a replicable night-lighting technique (Evers 1993,
2001). Spotlights (400,000 to 1.5 million candle power)
were used to search lakes, and tape-recorded and mim-
icked calls were used to attract loons to the boat where
they were netted with large landing nets, restrained,
and transported to shore. All loons were marked with
U.S. Geological Survey aluminum or stainless steel
bands, and a unique plastic, colored leg band combina-
tion glued with an acetone-based derivative. The follow-
ing measurements were also taken using a standardized
protocol developed by Evers (2001): bill length, width
and depth; culmen; right and left tarsal width; and body
mass. Males were distinguished from females based on
yodel calls given before and/or after capture. In some
cases gender was determined by placing several drops
of blood on a cotton pad, which was sent to a genetics
lab for analysis. Sexing was accomplished by amplifying
a portion of the W-linked EE0.6 sequence and a control
sequence from the spindlin gene on the Z chromosome
with PCR (polymerase chain reaction). Female birds
showed two bands on an agarose gel (~150 and 300
base pairs; the Z and W fragments, respectively) and
male birds had a single band (~150 base pairs; the Z
fragment) (Itoh et al. 2001).
Migration Distance Categories
Migration distances between breeding and winter-
ing grounds were determined from wintering band
return and satellite tracking data (Table 1). Only
Common Loons banded on breeding territories and
recovered outside of the breeding area during the pe-
riod when loons are expected to be on the wintering
grounds and not in migration (i.e., December, Janu-
ary, and February) were included in the development
of the migration distance categories. Although loons
may be found in wintering locations outside of these
months, it was necessary to be conservative in the selec-
Table 1. Migration distance (km) from breeding to wintering areas of Common Loons in North America deter-
mined from band recoveries and satellite tracking data. BRI = Biodiversity Research Institute.
Migration Distance Traveled (km)
Data Source nMean ± SD Range
Band Recoveries
Maine 12 450 ± 223 190-950 BRI Banding Records
Michigan 5 2,660 ± 344 2,200-3,000 BRI Banding Records
Minnesota 4 2,869 ± 415 2,600-3,475 BRI Banding Records
Montana 3 1,967 ± 153 1,800-2,100 BRI Banding Records
New Hampshire 8 284 ± 103 175-500 BRI Banding Records
New York 3 800 ± 368 575-1,225 BRI Banding Records
Quebec 4 1,931 ± 383 1,600-2,475 BRI Banding Records
Washington 3 275 ± 150 125-425 BRI Banding Records
Wisconsin 11 2,550 ± 299 2,200-2,950 BRI Banding Records
Satellite Tracking
Alberta 1 4,700 4,700 Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes 2008
Alaska 2 286 ± 10 279-293 J. Schmutz, pers. commun.
Maine 7 498 ± 313 172-1,050 BRI, unpubl. data; Kenow et al. 2009
Minnesota and Wisconsin 4 1,884-2,121 Kenow et al. 2002
New Hampshire 2 154 ± 3 152-156 Kenow et al. 2009
New York 5 430 ± 60 362-527 Kenow et al. 2009
Saskatchewan 3 4,005 ± 451 3,694-4,522 Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes 2008;
Paruk et al. 2014
boDy mass in Common Loons 67
tion of recovery data to avoid inclusion of loons recov-
ered during migration in locales that did not represent
full migration distances between breeding and winter-
ing areas. Straight-line distances between breeding
territory locations and winter recovery locations were
measured in ArcGIS (Environmental Systems Research
Institute 2011). The same method was used to measure
the distance between breeding and winter locations for
the Biodiversity Research Institute’s unpublished satel-
lite tracking data. Distances were also obtained from
colleagues with unpublished satellite tracking data
through personal communication and from the peer-
reviewed literature (Confederated Salish and Kootenai
Tribes 2008; U.S. Geological Survey 2013; Paruk et al.
2014; J. Schmutz, pers. commun.). Three broad migra-
tion distance groups were developed based on these
data: short-distance (< 1,500 km), moderate-distance
(1,500-3,499 km), and long-distance ( 3,500 km). The
short-distance migration category included Common
Loons sampled in Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Brunswick, New Hampshire, New York, Nova Scotia,
Vermont, and Washington. The moderate-distance mi-
gration category included loons sampled in Michigan,
Minnesota, Montana, Ontario, Quebec, and Wisconsin.
The long-distance category included loons sampled in
Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. Loons banded in
States or Provinces without band recovery or satellite
tracking data, including Manitoba, Massachusetts, New
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Vermont, were as-
signed to a migration distance category based on their
geographic location relative to nearby populations with
known wintering locations.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses were performed in Microsoft EX-
CEL and JMP (SAS Institute, Inc. 2010). Banding records
of adult male (n = 1,419) and female (n = 1,311) Common
Loons sampled on breeding territories as part of research
conducted by the Biodiversity Research Institute between
1988 and 2012 were evaluated for differences in body
mass, tarsus width, and bill length. Normality of sample
distributions was checked with the Shapiro-Wilk test, and
homogeneity of variance was examined with the Bartlett
test. We examined the effects of latitude of breeding loca-
tion, longitude of breeding location, the compound effect
of latitude and longitude of breeding location (latitude
x longitude), and migration distance category on body
mass using a general linear model (GLM) framework.
Candidate models of suites of covariates were ranked with
Akaike Information Criterion adjusted for small sample
size (AICc). The model with the lowest AICc and those
having ΔAICc 2 had the most statistical support, values
between 4 and 7 had considerably less support, and those
> 10 had virtually no support (Burnham and Anderson
2002). The Akaike weight was also considered when deter-
mining the relative amount of statistical support for each
model. The relationship between body mass and tarsus
width and body mass and bill length were determined with
simple linear regression. Differences in tarsus width and
bill length among migration distance categories were ex-
amined with analysis of variance (ANOVA). Pairwise com-
parisons between categories were conducted with Tukey’s
honestly significant difference (HSD) test. All tests were
considered significant at P < 0.05.
The relationship between male and female body
mass within breeding pairs was examined with linear re-
gression for short-distance migrant breeding pairs (n =
415) and moderate-distance migrant breeding pairs (n
= 138). The variation in body mass, tarsus width, and bill
length between a male and female of a breeding pair
were tested for differences between short-distance and
moderate-distance migrant breeding pairs using Stu-
dent’s t-test. Small sample size precluded inclusion of the
long-distance category in the breeding pair analyses.
Body Mass
Body mass ranged from 2,700 g to 6,200
g in females (n = 1,311) and from 4,350 g to
7,600 g in males (n = 1,419). The top sup-
ported model included longitude, latitude,
longitude x latitude, and migration distance
for males and females, although migration
distance accounted for the greatest variation
in body mass (Table 2). Body mass decreased
with increased migration distance in males
and females (Fig. 1). Tukey’s HSD tests indi-
cated that female short-distance migrant least
squares mean (LSM) body mass [x = 4,505 g
(SE = 23)] was significantly greater than fe-
male moderate-distance migrants [x = 3,719
g (SE = 20)] (P < 0.001), and both of those
groups were significantly greater than female
long-distance migrants [x = 3,430 g (SE =
74)] (short to long: P < 0.001; moderate to
long: P < 0.001). Similarly, LSM body mass
of male short-distance migrants [x = 5,727 g
(SE = 27)] was significantly greater than male
moderate-distance migrants [x = 4,661 g (SE
= 21)] (P < 0.001), and both of these groups
were greater than long-distance migrants [
= 4,244 g (SE = 84)] (short to long: P < 0.001;
moderate to long: P < 0.001). Among State
and Province populations, male and female
Common Loons in Maine and New Hamp-
shire had the greatest arithmetic mean body
masses compared to loons sampled in any
other States or Provinces (Appendix).
Tarsal width ranged from 20.0 mm to
28.6 mm in females and 21.1 mm to 30.8
mm in males. Right tarsal width was mod-
erately correlated with body mass (females:
68 waterbirDs
r2 = 0.29, F681 = 275.39, P < 0.001; males: r2
= 0.34, F723 = 375.27, P < 0.001). ANOVA
results indicated significant differences in
tarsal width among the migration distance
categories for both sexes (females: F702 =
105.21, P < 0.001; males: F748 = 201.10, P <
0.001) (Fig. 2). Pairwise comparisons with
Tukey’s HSD test showed that short-distance
migrants [females: = 24.86 mm (SE = 0.05),
n = 536; males: = 26.87 mm (SE = 0.05), n
= 558] had greater tarsal widths than mod-
erate-distance migrants [females: x = 23.46
mm (SE = 0.11), n = 131, P < 0.001; males: x
= 24.86 mm (SE = 0.11), n = 153, P < 0.001];
both of these groups were greater than the
long-distance migrants [females: x = 22.68
mm (SE = 0.21), n = 36; short to long: P <
0.001; moderate to long: P = 0.003] [males:
x = 24.12 mm (SE = 0.21), n = 38; short to
long: P < 0.001; moderate to long: P = 0.005].
Among State and Province populations, the
largest tarsal widths were observed in Alaska
Table 2. Model selection results examining the effects of migration distance category (MD), latitude of breeding
location (Lat), longitude of breeding location (Long), and the compound effect of latitude and longitude of breed-
ing location (Lat*Long) on the body mass of female (n = 1,311) and male (n = 1,419) Common Loons sampled
across their North American breeding range from 1988 to 2012. Models are ranked according to Akaike Informa-
tion Criterion adjusted for small sample size (AICc). The table shows the variables included in the model, number
of estimated parameters (K), differences between model Akaike Information Criterion adjusted for small samples
size (ΔAICc), AICc weights (wi), and the amount of variation explained by the model (r2).
Model K ΔAICcwir2
MD1+Lat2+Long3+Lat*Long4 5 0.000 0.909 0.66
MD + Lat + Long 4 5.552 0.057 0.66
MD + Long 3 6.559 0.034 0.66
MD + Lat 3 19.284 0.000 0.65
MD 2 167.335 0.000 0.65
Lat*Long 3 386.360 0.000 0.54
Lat+Long 2 962.297 0.000 0.29
Long 1 1,007.851 0.000 0.26
Lat 1 1,221.432 0.000 0.13
MD+Lat+Long+Lat*Long 5 0.000 0.999 0.74
MD + Lat + Long 4 14.443 0.001 0.74
MD + Long 3 20.443 0.000 0.73
MD + Lat 3 49.510 0.000 0.73
MD 2 177.257 0.000 0.73
Lat*Long 3 529.061 0.000 0.62
Lat+Long 2 1,308.043 0.000 0.34
Long 1 1,350.686 0.000 0.32
Lat 1 1,638.399 0.000 0.16
Figure 1. Differences in body mass (g) among short
(< 1,500 km), moderate (1,500-3,499 km), and long (
3,500 km) distance migration categories for male and
female Common Loons banded on breeding territories
in Canada and the United States, 1988 to 2012. Box-
and-whisker plots represent median, interquartile range,
overall range, and outlier values of body mass (g). Short-
distance migrants: females: n = 791, males: n = 813; mod-
erate-distance migrants: females: n = 489, males: n = 572;
long-distance migrants: females: n = 31, males: n = 34.
boDy mass in Common Loons 69
Bill length ranged from 63.5 mm to 97.5
mm in females and 72.0 mm to 100.1 mm in
males. Bill length was weakly correlated with
body mass in both sexes (females: r2 = 0.20,
F737 = 182.97, P < 0.001; males: r2 = 0.10, F758 =
86.77, P < 0.001). ANOVA results indicated
that significant differences in bill length
were observed among the distance migra-
tion categories for both sexes (females: F757
= 90.45, P < 0.001; males: F790 = 70.06, P <
0.001) (Fig. 3). Pairwise comparisons with
Tukey’s HSD test showed that the bill length
of short-distance migrants [females: = 84.01
mm (SE = 0.19), n = 593; males: = 88.13
mm (SE = 0.18), n = 600] was greater than
the moderate-distance migrants [females: =
80.78 mm (SE = 0.41), n = 133, P < 0.001;
males: = 85.86 mm (SE = 0.36), n = 155, P
< 0.001]. Both of those groups had greater
bill lengths than the long-distance migrants
[females: x = 73.72 mm (SE = 0.83), n = 32,
P < 0.001; males: x = 79.81 mm (SE = 0.74),
n = 36; short to long: P < 0.001; moderate to
long: P < 0.001]. Among State and Province
populations, the longest bill lengths were
observed in Massachusetts (Appendix).
Breeding Pairs
Minimal correlation was detected be-
tween female body mass and the body mass
of its male mate among short-distance mi-
grant pairs (r2 = 0.07, F414 = 32.29, P < 0.001).
However, a slightly stronger correlation was
noted within pairs in the moderate-distance
migrant category (r2 = 0.20, F137 = 33.36, P
< 0.001). Small sample size precluded the
regression analysis of body mass for breed-
ing pairs in the long-distance migration cat-
egory. Male loons invariably weighed more
than their female mates, and the difference
increased with decreased migration distance
(Fig. 4). Male short-distance migrants aver-
aged 25% more in body mass [x = 1,293 g
(SE = 22), n = 415] than their female mates.
In comparison, male moderate-distance
migrants averaged 21% more in body mass
[x = 875 g (SE = 38), n = 138] than their fe-
male mates, which was significantly less than
the body mass difference observed within
short-distance migrant pairs (t551 = -10.46, P
< 0.001).
Tarsal diameter showed a similar pat-
tern as body mass; the tarsus of male short-
Figure 2. Differences in tarsus width (mm) among short
(< 1,500 km), moderate (1,500-3,499 km), and long
( 3,500 km) distance migration categories for male
and female Common Loons banded on breeding ter-
ritories in Canada and the United States, 1997 to 2012.
Box-and-whisker plots represent median, interquartile
range, overall range, and outlier values of tarsus width
(mm). Short-distance migrants: females: n = 536, males:
n = 558; moderate-distance migrants: females: n = 131,
males: n = 153; long-distance migrants: females: n = 36,
males: n = 38.
Figure 3. Differences in bill length (mm) among short
(< 1,500 km), moderate (1,500-3,499 km), and long
( 3,500 km) distance migration categories for male
and female Common Loons banded on breeding ter-
ritories in Canada and the United States, 1997 to 2012.
Box-and-whisker plots represent median, interquartile
range, overall range, and outlier values of bill length
(mm). Short-distance migrants: females: n = 593, males:
n = 600; moderate-distance migrants: females: n = 133,
males: n = 155; long-distance migrants: females: n = 32,
males: n = 36.
70 waterbirDs
distance migrants was = 2.1 mm (SE = 0.14;
n = 139) larger than their female mates,
which was greater than the tarsus width dif-
ference observed within moderate-distance
migrant pairs [x = 1.37 mm (SE = 0.24), n =
43] (t180 = -2.43, P = 0.02) (Fig. 5). The bills
of male short-distance migrants were = 4.69
mm (SE = 0.49; n = 122) larger than their
female mates and the bills of male moderate-
distance migrants were x = 4.14 mm (SE =
0.82; n = 43) greater in size than their mates
(Fig. 5). No significant differences in male
and female bill length were detected in ei-
ther group. Small sample size precluded the
comparison of tarsus widths and bill lengths
for breeding pairs in the long-distance mi-
gration category.
Body masses of Common Loons varied by
approximately two to threefold across their
breeding range with females ranging from
2,700 g to 6,200 g and males ranging from
3,250 g to 7,600 g. The heaviest males were
larger than Yellow-billed Loons (G. adamsii)
reported to date (Evers et al. 2010, 2014),
which were once considered as being the
largest of all the loon species (North 1994).
The body of the loon is streamlined to re-
duce drag while pursuing prey underwater,
and this is further achieved by holding the
wings very close to the body while swimming
(Barr 1973). Consequently, loon wings are
very narrow, 20 percent shorter than pre-
dicted for a bird of its size, and heavily cam-
bered (McIntyre 1988). The resultant trade-
off is one of the highest wing-loading ratios
of any breeding bird in North America (2.45
g/m2), which requires a runway of approxi-
mately 200 m to achieve lift (Poole 1938;
Welty and Baptista 1988). Once airborne,
loons beat their wings rapidly (~240 times/
min; Evers et al. 2010) and fly 112-129 kph
to keep their bodies aloft (Kerlinger 1982).
Thus, the physiological cost of transport for
loons is high (Hill et al. 2008), and the fit-
ness benefits associated with optimal time
management in migratory species (Alerstam
and Lindström 1990) would likely favor a
small body size for loons that perform long-
distance migrations.
The heaviest loons recorded were from
Maine and New Hampshire, which winter
within the Gulf of Maine south to Long Is-
land Sound—a distance of less than 500
km. In contrast, significantly smaller loons
breeding in the upper Great Lakes region
winter in the Gulf of Mexico—a distance of
greater than 1,500 km. Satellite movement
data of Common Loon migration indicate
that northeastern USA loons can arrive at
their wintering locations in 1 day, whereas
Figure 4. Mean plus standard error difference in body
mass (g) between male and female Common Loons of a
breeding pair according to migration distance category.
Short-distance migration (< 1,500 km): n = 415; moder-
ate-distance migration (1,500-3,499 km): n = 138.
Figure 5. Mean plus standard error difference in right
tarsus diameter (mm) and bill length (mm) between
male and female Common Loons of a breeding pair ac-
cording to migration distance category. Short-distance
migration (< 1,500 km): tarsus diameter (n = 127), bill
length (n = 116). Moderate-distance migration (1,500-
3,499 km): tarsus diameter (n = 44), bill length (n = 51).
boDy mass in Common Loons 71
interior loons have a protracted migration
of 4 to 10 weeks (Kenow et al. 2002, 2009;
Paruk et al. 2014; Biodiversity Research Insti-
tute, unpubl. data). The geographical gradi-
ent in body size revealed by our data (i.e.,
interior breeding populations in the upper
Great Lakes region and central Canada are
smallest in size and increase to the east and
west) supports the model that small body
size is favored over large body size in birds
using flapping flight for long-distance mi-
grations (Hein et al. 2012). It also supports
our original prediction that body size in
Common Loons is inversely related to mi-
gration distance between breeding and win-
tering areas. Similar variation in body size
has been observed in Canada Geese (Branta
canadensis), a species with 11 recognized
subspecies (Mowbray et al. 2002). However,
despite great differences in body size among
Common Loons, the geographic variation
was clinal and the designation of subspecies
originally proposed by Bishop (1921) for
smaller individuals in central North America
is not recommended.
Although many bird species have been
shown to adhere to Bergmann’s and James’s
Rules (James 1970; Ashton 2002; Meiri and
Dayan 2003), no strong support for a rela-
tionship between body size and latitude, and
therefore temperature, was found in Com-
mon Loons. For example, breeding loons
in Alaska were larger than those in the in-
terior of the continent; however, they were
not larger than breeding loons in the north-
eastern USA. It is expected that endotherms
with larger body sizes are favored in cooler
environments due to a decreased surface
area to volume ratio, which serves to mini-
mize heat loss. However, studies have shown
that feather mass and structure are perhaps
more important than body size with regard
to thermoregulation in birds (Scholander
1955; Geist 1987). It has also been proposed
that larger body size is favored in more sea-
sonal environments because larger animals
can store more fat and can use those stores
for greater survival during seasonal stress
(Boyce 1979; Lindstet and Boyce 1985).
Common Loons migrate in stages (Kenow
et al. 2002, 2009; Paruk et al. 2014), which
allows them to replenish fat stores along
their route, and so are likely not in need of
greater fasting endurance during seasonal
resource shortages.
Male loons were typically 22% heavier
than females in all migration categories.
Similarly, male diving seabirds may be up
to 25% larger than females and it has been
noted that they feed on larger prey items
and have different nitrogen isotopic signa-
tures (Croxall 1995; Bearhop et al. 2000,
2006; Forero et al. 2002, 2005). Barr (1973)
examined the digestive system of Common
Loons and concluded that males likely feed
on larger fish than females. Furthermore,
our data have shown that male loons have
larger bills than females, which supports the
belief of trophic segregation between the
sexes in Common Loons. Another potential
factor favoring size differences in loons is
that males engage in aggressive intra-sexual
contests for territories that can potentially
result in fatalities, whereas females do not
engage in such contests as often (Piper et al.
2008; Piper 2011). Piper et al. (2000) found
that 40% of loon territory changes between
years were due to usurpation by intruder
loons. Body size, muscle mass and strength
are intercorrelated in many animals (Le
Boeuf 1974; Whitham 1979; Dodson 1997;
Zeh 1997), and large body size is gener-
ally associated with an advantage in fighting
ability among a broad spectrum of animals
(Andersson 1994). If larger males are more
likely than smaller males to retain territo-
ries and/or mates, then selection should
favor larger-sized individuals. However, it is
unclear at this time if larger females experi-
ence fitness benefits. Among breeding pairs,
little correlation was detected between male
body size and that of its female mate. The
difference in body size was less pronounced
in pairs that migrated moderate distances
compared to short-distance migrant pairs,
suggesting that males, freed from the ener-
getic and physiological costs associated with
longer migration, increased in size relative
to females.
For body size (phenotypic variation) of a
species to be considered an adaptation, the
differences must also be genetic (Stillwell
72 waterbirDs
2010). Limited genetic research has been
conducted on Common Loons (Dhar et al.
1997; McMillan et al. 2004); more results will
be forthcoming (A. Lindsay and A. McMil-
lan, pers. commun.). Barbraud et al. (1999)
concluded that body size differences in Snow
Petrels (Pagodroma nivea) across a broad geo-
graphic scale were at least partly attributable
to genetic variation. Larger-sized petrels as-
sociated with coastal environments made sig-
nificantly shorter foraging trips compared
to smaller-sized individuals in more interi-
or environments. It was suggested that the
larger individuals made shorter trips to off-
set the increased energetic costs associated
with flapping flight for larger-bodied birds.
Across North America, Common Loons un-
dertake short, moderate, and long-distance
migrations between their seasonal environ-
ments. Our findings suggest that the body
size of regional populations is strongly influ-
enced by migration distance. Migration has
evolved as a strategy to maximize fitness in a
seasonal environment (Alerstam et al. 2003),
and, although we did not test for genetic dif-
ferences between our sampling areas, it is
likely that there is some genetic component
to body size variation in Common Loons.
However, we recognize the caveat of making
adaptive conclusions from phenotypic data
(Gienapp et al. 2008).
In conclusion, the morphometric data
collected from multiple Common Loon
populations across North America indicate
that short-distance migrants do not have
the physical constraints of long-distance mi-
grants and, therefore, selection favors larger
individuals that can more effectively com-
pete for limited high quality breeding terri-
tories. Further research on the heritability of
body size and other characteristics in loons
will likely better characterize underlying rea-
sons for geographically based variability in
Common Loon morphology.
All birds were banded in accordance with the gen-
eral conditions and specific authorizations of permits
granted by the USGS Bird Banding Laboratory, Cana-
dian Wildlife Service, and individual States and Prov-
inces. During the 25 years of this study, numerous
people (> 400) contributed to the capture and banding
of Common Loons. We offer each of them our sincere
gratitude and appreciation for their diverse contribu-
tions. However, we would like to thank especially the
following individuals for their dedicated service and
commitment to loon research and conservation and as
contributors of this project: Patty Baumgartner, Gael
Bissell, Neil Burgess, Louise Champoux, Dan Clark,
Peg Comfort, Cory Counard, Ariel Davila, Mary Derr,
Jeff Fair, Mark Fuller, Patty Freeman, Mark Fuller, Wing
Goodale, Ginger Gumm, Chris Hammond, Eric Han-
son, Jerry Hartigan, Jeff Hines, Liz Jozwiak, Larry Kal-
lemeyn, Joseph Kaplan, Gary Lee, Sarah Lord, Myron
Lysne, Andrew Major, Denny Masse, Amy McMillan,
Michael Meyer, Ken Munney, Kyle Murphy, Shearon
Murphy, Larry Neel, Matt O’Neal, John Ozard, Justin
Paugh, Dan Pepin, Chris Persico, Dan Poleschook, Amy
Sauer, Tony Scheuhammer, Joel Schmutz, Rocky Spen-
cer, Sally Stockwell, Keren Tischler, Harry Vogel, Lucy
Vlietstra, Mark Wayland, Jeff Wilson, Michael Yates, and
Sarah Yates. Our banding efforts started 25 years ago
at Seney National Wildlife Refuge, Michigan, and we
would like to extend our gratitude to Mike Tansey, Ref-
uge Manager, and Richard Urbanek, wildlife biologist,
who welcomed us into their backyard. We had no idea
we were embarking on a lifetime of devoted work.
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boDy mass in Common Loons 75
Appendix. Body mass, right tarsus width, and bill length of adult male and female Common Loons banded on breeding territories in Canada and the United States, 1988-2012.
Males Females
Body Mass (g) Tarsus Width (mm) Bill Length Body Mass (g) Tarsus Width (mm) Bill Length (mm)
Mean (SE) nMean (SE) nMean (SE) nMean (SE) nMean (SE) nMean (SE) n
Canadian Provinces
Alberta 3,963 (75) 24 24.48 (0.23) 29 79.45 (0.82) 26 3,255 (65) 23 22.77 (0.22) 30 72.80 ( 0.92) 24
Manitoba 4,156 (131) 8 23.00 (0.44) 8 81.24 (1.48) 8 3,341 (128) 6 22.40 (0.55) 5 76.10 (1.85) 6
New Brunswick 5,420 (111) 11 26.70 (1.25) 1 90.16 (2.42) 3 4,562 (90) 12 NA 83.99 (1.71) 7
Nova Scotia 5,751 (87) 18 26.96 (0.36) 12 87.86 (1.12) 14 4,461 (68) 21 25.06 (0.33) 14 83.14 (1.13) 16
Ontario 4,927 (99) 14 3,646 (104) 9 NA NA
Quebec 4,867 (53) 49 25.22 (0.21) 36 86.52 (0.69) 37 3,819 (50) 39 23.85 (0.21) 33 81.26 (0.83) 30
Saskatchewan 3,792 (261) 2 22.60 (1.25) 1 3,267 (221) 2 21.1 (1.23) 1 77.55 (3.20) 2
U.S. States
Alaska 5,667 (77) 23 28.22 (0.51) 6 82.10 (1.16) 13 4,429 (63) 23 25.48 (0.50) 6 75.52 (1.51) 9
Maine 5,982 (18) 409 26.93 (0.07) 283 87.91 (0.24) 296 4,672 (16) 400 24.89 (0.08) 266 84.41 (0.26) 300
Massachusetts 5,666 (64) 33 26.18 (0.26) 23 90.31 (0.84) 25 4,672 (56) 31 25.25 (0.27) 20 85.92 (0.94) 23
Michigan 4,605 (33) 126 24.40 (0.34) 14 89.08 (0.76) 30 3,662 (30) 108 23.97 (0.46) 7 84.77 (1.07) 18
Minnesota 4,310 (33) 126 24.57 (0.17) 53 85.13 (0.79) 28 3,497 (31) 105 22.83 (0.19) 43 80.37 (0.83) 30
Montana 4,690 (54) 47 25.40 (0.19) 43 82.60 (0.66) 40 3,863 (45) 48 23.98 (0.19) 42 78.79 (0.71) 41
New Hampshire 5,972 (28) 170 26.85 (0.12) 115 88.72 (0.37) 129 4,679 (25) 155 24.84 (0.11) 114 84.23 (0.41) 120
New York 5,593 (33) 123 26.90 (0.13) 95 88.83 (0.42) 101 4,295 (29) 119 24.75 (0.12) 97 83.50 (0.46) 97
Vermont 5,490 (111) 11 26.79 (0.40) 10 88.17 (1.32) 10 4,374 (90) 12 24.60 (0.39) 10 83.44 (1.36) 11
Washington 5,132 (95) 15 25.96 (0.35) 13 81.49 (1.40) 9 4,032 (78) 16 24.24 (0.41) 9 79.43 (1.43) 10
Wisconsin 4,550 (26) 210 22.73 (0.47) 7 87.34 (0.94) 20 3,651 (23) 180 21.72 (0.50) 6 81.36 (1.21) 14
... Differences in body size across the range of the common loon may contribute to regional differences in mortality rates from lead tackle ingestion as well. Larger loons inhabiting regions near the coasts (Gray et al. 2014) may be more likely to ingest larger fish, which, in turn, may be more likely to break fishing lines and ingest tackle. The role of body size in lead tackle ingestion may also be reflected in the skewed sex ratio towards males (Grade 2011), which average [ 20% larger than females (Gray et al. 2014). ...
... Larger loons inhabiting regions near the coasts (Gray et al. 2014) may be more likely to ingest larger fish, which, in turn, may be more likely to break fishing lines and ingest tackle. The role of body size in lead tackle ingestion may also be reflected in the skewed sex ratio towards males (Grade 2011), which average [ 20% larger than females (Gray et al. 2014). For the datasets represented in Table 2 for which the sex ratio of lead tackle mortalities is known, an overall average of 66.1% of lead mortalities are males, 28.6% are females, and 5.3% are unknown or unrecorded sex (total n = 469; range: males = 56.9-77.5%, ...
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Many publications have investigated the ingestion and toxicity of metallic lead from hunting and the shooting sports. However, there is limited literature on toxicity associated with the ingestion of lead fishing weights, despite our knowledge of damage caused to many species from entanglement in lines, nets, and fish-hooks. This paper surveys current knowledge of species poisoned by ingestion of lead fishing gear and the types of gear that have been implicated. We review the impacts of lead fishing tackle on wildlife species and human health and describe the efficacy of efforts to reduce the use of lead tackle through voluntary, educational, and regulatory approaches to encourage adoption of non-toxic fishing gear. The authors emphasize the need for further research and policy initiatives to deal with this serious problem.
... The Canadian Field-Naturalist such as oil (e.g., Camphuysen et al. 2010) and mercury (e.g., Alexander 1991). In addition, possible synergistic effects (e.g., Forrester et al. 1997;Augspurger et al. 1998) may affect overwintering survival (see review by Spitzer 1995) as well as the ability of individuals to prepare for the ensuing challenges of a protracted spring migration (Kenow et al. 2002;Gray et al. 2014). ...
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Little is known about the behaviour of Common Loon (Gavia immer) during the critical overwintering period, let alone the behaviour of the small, but increasing number of loons that overwinter on freshwater lakes in North America. We examined the diurnal time-activity budgets of Common Loon overwintering on a large reservoir in northwest South Carolina between 2018 and 2020. Similar to previous studies of breeding individuals and individuals that overwinter in marine waters, loons (n = 132) overwintering on this reservoir spent most of their time (52%) foraging. However, we found distinct differences in the activity budgets of individuals associated with their degree of sociality. Solitary birds (individuals spending 0–20% of time within 20 m of conspecifics) spent significantly more time foraging than did those that were either loosely-social (>20–<70% of time within 20 m of conspecifics) or strongly-social (70–100% of time). Although solitary loons made as many foraging dives as social birds, their dives were much longer, likely reflecting dives for larger predatory fish. In contrast, social individuals made much shorter, shallower dives, often foraging on shallower baitfish that they appear to pursue to the water surface and consume collectively. Such findings add to our understanding of loon winter behaviour and raise interesting questions regarding social behaviour and the short- and long-term trade-offs associated with social foraging in this species.
... Analysis in previous years suggested that there was no apparent effect of tags on body condition of red-throated divers Thompson et al. 2020). Although there was an average residual of -63g from birds caught in 2021 after having carried tags for three years, the body mass for each bird was still above average and was well within the recorded range for this species; average body mass of a red-throated diver is around 1680g (range 1430g -2030g) (Robinson 2005), but note that males are larger than females and clinal variations have also been observed in similar species (Gray et al. 2014). Other factors likely to influence body mass include age and stage of the breeding season; variation in the date of recapture between years could therefore result in apparent fluctuation in body mass. ...
Technical Report
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Offshore wind development around Europe is increasing to meet the demands for renewable energy production to help meet climate change targets. It is known that marine birds such as red-throated divers (Gavia stellata) are highly sensitive to disturbance caused by the construction and operation of offshore wind farms and are subsequently displaced from areas used in the non-breeding season. But the physiological, energetic and demographic consequences of such effective habitat loss is currently unknown. This report details the fourth and final field season of the Red-throated Diver Energetics Project ( During 2018-2021, archival geolocator (GLS) and time depth recorder (TDR) tags were deployed and retrieved from red-throated divers breeding in Scotland, Finland and Iceland to quantify foraging behaviour and approximate non-breeding season locations. This empirical data will provide insight into the time divers spend foraging, thus providing insight into whether divers potentially have the capacity to accommodate displacement effects of offshore wind development.
... However, we found limited support for any association between tidal cycle and lake visits. We also examined average daily wind speed, suspecting that the high wing loading of Common Loon (Savile 1957;Gray et al. 2014) would result in significant flight constraints during take-off in very calm conditions or during flight in strong winds. We observed that on windless days at Drizzle Lake, loons required greater take-off distance in flat surface waters and typically did not leave the lake until local winds increased, usually by midday. ...
Early studies (1976–1982) of the Drizzle Lake Ecological Reserve on Haida Gwaii, British Columbia focussed on the endemic Giant Threespine Stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) and their predators. These surveys showed daily visits to the small lake (110 ha) by up to 59 adult non-breeding Common Loon (Gavia immer), an important stickleback predator and up to 19 breeding and non-breeding adult Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata), which leave daily to forage in nearby marine waters. We continued loon surveys for 17 additional years (1983–1989, 2011–2020) and found that aggregations of non-breeding Common Loons occurred annually on the lake during July with maximum daily numbers of 78–83 individuals in 1987, 2018, and 2020 and a large increase from 2011 to 2020. We did not detect any relationship of these differences with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation but a significant inverse correlation with average wind speed. Average yearly numbers of Red-throated Loons declined by 50% from 1976 to 1989 and have remained low, with lowest numbers (<2) occurring in 2017. Two Red-throated Loon nesting territories on the lake were occupied from 1976 to 1995, with chicks occurring in 24 of 36 nests, but no successful nesting was observed on the lake over the last decade. The relative decline of Red-throated Loon in this reserve is similar to that reported in Arctic and Subarctic surveys of the species in the north Pacific and northern Europe. We discuss the implications for the evolutionary ecology of the sticklebacks and the conservation of the ecological reserve.
... However, we found limited support for any association between tidal cycle and lake visits. We also examined average daily wind speed, suspecting that the high wing loading of Common Loon (Savile 1957; Gray et al. 2014) would result in significant flight constraints during take-off in very calm conditions or during flight in strong winds. We observed that on windless days at Drizzle Lake, loons required greater take-off distance in flat surface waters and typically did not leave the lake until local winds increased, usually by midday. ...
... Similar to many seabird species, little information exists regarding the migratory patterns of loons, with only a few studies examining migration of Common Loons (G. immer) in the United States south of 50 degrees of latitude [12][13][14][15] and preliminary information from Yellow-billed Loons (G. adamsii) in Alaska [16][17]. ...
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Identifying post-breeding migration and wintering distributions of migratory birds is important for understanding factors that may drive population dynamics. Red-throated Loons (Gavia stellata) are widely distributed across Alaska and currently have varying population trends, including some populations with recent periods of decline. To investigate population differentiation and the location of migration pathways and wintering areas, which may inform population trend patterns, we used satellite transmitters (n = 32) to describe migration patterns of four geographically separate breeding populations of Red-throated Loons in Alaska. On average (± SD) Red-throated Loons underwent long (6,288 ± 1,825 km) fall and spring migrations predominantly along coastlines. The most northern population (Arctic Coastal Plain) migrated westward to East Asia and traveled approximately 2,000 km farther to wintering sites than the three more southerly populations (Seward Peninsula, Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, and Copper River Delta) which migrated south along the Pacific coast of North America. These migration paths are consistent with the hypothesis that Red-throated Loons from the Arctic Coastal Plain are exposed to contaminants in East Asia. The three more southerly breeding populations demonstrated a chain migration pattern in which the more northerly breeding populations generally wintered in more northerly latitudes. Collectively, the migration paths observed in this study demonstrate that some geographically distinct breeding populations overlap in wintering distribution while others use highly different wintering areas. Red-throated Loon population trends in Alaska may therefore be driven by a wide range of effects throughout the annual cycle.
... time spent attending to intruders) to the time of the season when it is most critical. For example, at the beginning of the season, successful owners may decrease territorial behaviour to build reserves lost during migration (Gray et al. 2014), and increase territoriality as the onset of mating and nesting approaches. It is possible that there are intrinsic differences between successful or unsuccessful breeders, but our data also strongly indicate that previous breeding success causally alters territorial behaviour. ...
As the value of a limited resource such as a territory increases, animals should invest more in the defence of that resource. Because reproductive success often depends on the quality of a breeding territory, reproductive success or failure may alter the perceived value of territory and affect an animal's investment in territorial defence. We used common loons (Gavia immer) to test the hypothesis that animals with recent breeding success would show stronger territorial defence than those with no recent breeding success. Surprisingly, successful loons responded less, not more, to a simulated intrusion. However, birds with success in the previous season also increased their territorial response as the breeding season progressed. In conjunction with past data showing that recently successful loons experience an increase in conspecific intrusions on their territories, we interpret our data to suggest that loons with recent success offset the cost of increased intrusions by adopting a more efficient strategy for territorial defence (e.g., limiting investment in resource defence until the time of the season when it is most critical).
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Mercury (Hg) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are global pollutants known for their toxicity to wildlife. Because of their trophic position, common loons (Gavia immer (Brünnich 1764)) are excellent indicators of environmental quality. In 2014 and 2015, tissue samples of ten adult common loons (plus one recapture) were obtained in Meadow Lake Provincial Park, Saskatchewan, and assessed for Hg and PAH exposure. Blood and feather levels of these contaminants are indicative of exposure during breeding and in wintering areas, respectively. Compared with an international Hg database, blood Hg levels were low (<1 μg/g). In most loons (90.5%, 10 out of 11), blood PAH concentrations were also low (<10 ng/g), but high (120 ng/g) for one individual (9.5% 1 out of 11). Feather PAH concentrations were high (95.9 ng/g and 250.6 ng/g) in two of the four loons (50%) caught in 2015. These data indicate that loons breeding in Meadow Lake Provincial Park were exposed to low levels of Hg; however, some individuals are being exposed to PAHs in both their breeding and wintering locations. The effect of these environmental pollutants on individual loon fitness is unclear, but because of their extreme toxicity in biological systems we suggest that future monitoring in the surrounding region is warranted.
Migration is a common phenomenon across many animal taxa. Understanding how migration scales with body size across species is fundamental in the development of migration theory and in making size-related predictions. Although aerodynamic theory and ecophysiological scaling laws have assisted greatly in generating such predictions, their verifications have been limited by a lack of empirical data across a range of body sizes. The recent development of ultra-light tracking devices and its rapid application to migration now allows us to put theory to the test. We used tracking data of seven closely related migratory sandpiper species (family Scolopacidae) along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway to compare their migratory behaviour when migrating towards the breeding grounds as a function of size (50-750g). We found that besides a marked decline in migration speed (migration distance divided by total migration duration, including time at stopover sites and in flight) with size, departure date from the non-breeding (i.e. wintering) ground and arrival date at the breeding ground also scaled negatively with size. Total migration duration, migration distance, total staging duration (the number of days staying at stopover sites plus days preparing, i.e. fuelling, prior to initial migration) and step length (distance covered within one migratory leg) were not significantly related with size. Correction for phylogeny showed consistent results for all variables. Besides improving our fundamental understanding of inter-specific variation in migration behaviours, the finding of a clear scaling with size in migration speed and migration timing highlight differential size related capabilities and constraints of migrants. Migratory birds, including sandpipers, are declining on a global scale and particularly along the EAAF. This notion of size-dependency in migratory traits may have a bearing on their vulnerability to specific environmental disturbances along their flyways.
We captured 93 wintering adult and subadult Common Loons (Gavia immer) in coastal Louisiana from 2011 to 2015 following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. We tested blood samples for exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and measured physiological variables including hematocrit, hemoglobin and total blood protein. PAH concentrations in loon blood differed from year to year and by age class. High PAH concentrations were significantly related to lower body masses in both adult and subadult birds and higher serum protein levels in adults only. PAH concentrations had marginal relations with both hematocrit and hemoglobin levels. The types of PAHs detected also underwent a major shift over time. The PAHs detected in 2011, 2012, and 2015 were primarily low molecular weight (three carbon rings); however, in 2013, most detected PAHs were high molecular weight (four carbon rings). It is unclear what events led to the increase in PAH concentrations and the shift in type of PAHs over time.
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Variation in body size among subpopulations of the same species may reflect phenotypic or genetic responses to environmental gradients or geographical distance. Here, we examine geographical variation in the body size of the dovekie (Alle alle), the most numerous high- Arctic seabird. Locations of dovekie breeding sites are largely restricted to the high-Arctic zone of the Atlantic. We compared wing length, head-bill length, body mass, and a body size index of 1,076 birds from nine main colonies spanning a large part of the breeding range of the species. Results suggest morphological variation across the studied populations of dovekies, with a longitudinal increase in body size from west to east. The smallest birds breed in the western part of the population (Greenland and Jan Mayen), middle-sized individuals on Svalbard, and the largest birds (A. a. polaris subspecies) breed in the eastern part of the studied area, Franz Josef Land. Environmental (air temperature, wind speed, and sea surface temperature) and geographical (intercolonial distance) parameters were analyzed to explore potential mechanisms driving differences in body size. The body size of birds increased significantly with decreasing air temperature, but only when the two subspecies were considered. We did not find a relationship between sea surface temperature and body size of birds. Also, no close relationship was revealed between birds' body size and the geographical distance between colonies. Whether the body size variation of dovekie can be explained by phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental conditions in wintering areas or a pattern of distance-independent gene flow between colonies remains to be explored.
I studied morphometric variation in 13 linear measurements from 228 American Coots (Fulica americana) collected in southern Manitoba. Univariate and multivariate techniques revealed differences in size and shape among adult coots that were 1, 2, and =2 yr old. In addition to the obvious differences in size between males and females, the morphometry of older birds differed from that of younger birds in two ways. First, older coots were of larger body size than younger coots of the same sex. Second, older coots had proportionately larger feet and claws relative to the size of their tarsi, and proportionately wider bills and heads relative to other head measurements, than did younger birds. Multivariate dispersion matrices within age/sex cohorts were less variable for older coots. In an analysis of 1-yr-old males, breeders did not differ from nonbreeders in overall body size, but breeders had relatively longer claws and wings than nonbreeders. Age-related differences in morphology may have relevance to the social structure of nesting coots, which involves highly aggressive territorial behavior. Part of the age-related variation in nesting phenology that has been documented elsewhere for coots may be a consequence of covariation in body size and shape.
Breeding Common Loons (Gavia immer) are well known for vigorously defending their territory from conspecifics. Territory holders are not previously known to be supplanted by loons during the breeding season. I observed a pair of adult Common Loons displace a resident pair from their territory shortly after a territorial conflict; the takeover coincided with the death of the resident loons' chick caused by an adult Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).