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Academic Anxiety among Student and the Management through Yoga

  • Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Haridwar, India


Back ground: The college going students experience a lot of stress, which increase when they prepare for the examination. Yoga as an anxiolytic tool in anxiety reduction has been practiced over centuries in India. Aim: The present study aims to observe the effect of Yogic intervention over academic anxiety level among college going students. Method: A pre- post research study was conducted at a inter college of a developing town of Uttrakhanda. Thirty students were selected through random sampling for the Yogic intervention and were exposed to yogic practice daily for half an hour for 45 days. Results: The statistical results showed a significant reduction in the academic anxiety level of the subjects. Conclusions: Academic anxiety is one of the major problems with the young generation facing now days, Yogic intervention was found to reduce the academic anxiety level of the subjects.
International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences
Volume: 3, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2014
Academic Anxiety among Student and the Management
through Yoga
Dr. Kamakhya Kumar1 & Dr Somdutta Tiwary2
1. Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Yoga & Health, Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar
2. Health officer, All State Group of Companies, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharastra
Back ground: The college going students experience a lot of stress, which increase when they
prepare for the examination. Yoga as an anxiolytic tool in anxiety reduction has been
practiced over centuries in India.
Aim: The present study aims to observe the effect of Yogic intervention over academic
anxiety level among college going students.
Method: A pre- post research study was conducted at a inter college of a developing town of
Uttrakhanda. Thirty students were selected through random sampling for the Yogic
intervention and were exposed to yogic practice daily for half an hour for 45 days.
Results: The statistical results showed a significant reduction in the academic anxiety level of
the subjects.
Conclusions: Academic anxiety is one of the major problems with the young generation
facing now days, Yogic intervention was found to reduce the academic anxiety level of the
Key Words: Academic anxiety, Asana, Pranayama & Meditation
Yoga has its origins in ancient India and in
its original form, spiritual, moral and
material included a system of practices.
The central and common aspects of the
practice today, focusing the mind to
achieve relaxation and wellness that aims
to enhance various physical postures
(asanas) and breathing exercises
(pranayama) are located. Various health
benefits of yoga have been described in
previous studies. Many studies reported on
anxiety, stress reduction and general well
being as the beneficial effects of yoga.
Studies show that even low or moderate
levels of stress can interfere with the
performance. Inability to concentrate stress
results in cognitive reactions. Yoga is a
way of life, balance, health, harmony, and
is characterized by ecstasy. Meditation, the
seventh limb of Ashtanga Yoga warning
leisure is a state that is part of yoga, as is
being said by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
The practice of yoga, a person favorable or
unfavorable reaction to external events as
well as the person in control, and where
the mental fortitude reactions are moderate
in intensity, the situation is supposed to
Asana (ie, posture), pranayama (ie ,
breathing exercises aimed at influencing
the vital forces), kriyas (cleansing
processes) , Mudra (ie, fixed interval
approach) , and bandhans (ie,
neuromuscular locks) as Hatha Yoga
practices , are mostly taught as physical
practices . The changes are aimed at
developing the individual (Bhole MV
International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences
Volume: 3, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2014
Practice of Savasana and other Yoga
practices (meditation, asana and
pranayama) in six months, well- being,
reduction in body weight, endocrinal
functions vital capacity, increased
acceleration , and brings a sense of
improving memory . (Singh RH, Udupa
KN) studied the three -month headache ,
insomnia , and anxiety was the problem of
the 86 patients showing improvement
(Datey KK). Yoga has the potential to
affect stress disorder and suffer physical
and metabolic stability that helps to get to
know (Udupa KB, Singh RH, Dwivedi
KN). Sahasi et al . demonstrated the
effectiveness of yoga techniques in the
management of anxiety and increased
attention / concentration is reported .
Meditation, asana, pranayama through its
own technology to manage stress in
adolescents yields a positive effect. A
study of yogasanas and care for a 4 week
program to reduce students' aggressive
behavior that is found. In another study
note ( a ) maladaptive behaviors associated
with fewer problems , ( b) , have reported
increased emotional and physical health
and psychological well- being , ( c )
thought to reduce substance abuse the
frequency , ( d) low, and ( e ) generally
improved quality of life (Dua J. 1998).
Bakshi, A. Kumari, A. (2009) observed
the effect of Practicing Yoga among
Adolescents and found a significant
change on the level of Subjective Well
Being and Academic Performance.
Jadhav, S.G. Havalappanavar, N.B.
(2009) also find a significant change as the
effect of Yoga Intervention on Anxiety
and Subjective well-being level.
Venkataramana, H.L. Poomalil, S.N.
Shobhasree, T. (2008) having the similar
observation during their study and they
find a significant effect of Yoga on
Academic Stress of High School Students.
With this background the present study
examines whether there is an effect of
yoga on the academic anxiety level of
college going students.
The study was at a inter college of a
developing town of Uttrakhanda.
Academic Anxiety Scale For Children (
AASC ), developed by Dr. A.K. Singh
was administered on 30 students of Class
11. The participants were 15 boys and 15
girls, with ages ranging from 15 to 17
years. AASC was administered to identify
the academic anxiety level of the students.
Each item is of statement type (closed), to
which students were to answer by ticking
their option prescribed on the answer
sheet. The students were assembled in a
hall and made to sit in rows. Booklets
containing statement items along with
answer sheets were distributed to each
student. Instructions were delivered by the
investigator. Statements were written in
Hindi. Meaning of difficult words was also
explained. The students were told to finish
their test within an hour.
A code was provided to the students at the
time of pretest to keep their personal
identity closed. Their achievement scores
were exclusively used for the research
purpose and were not disclosed to their
educational institutions. The project was
approved by the Institutional Ethics
Committee, and the signed informed
consent was obtained from the college
Yoga module was used as an intervention
to the students for an hour daily in the
morning for 45 days. Academic Anxiety
Scale For Children ( AASC ) was used as a
pretest and posttest for the experiment to
assess the effect of yoga module on the
Academic anxiety of the subjects.
A yoga module [yogasana, pranayama &
meditation] was shared daily for an hour in
the morning with the subjects for 45 days.
Same academic performance test was
administered as a posttest.
International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences
Volume: 3, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2014
Table- 1: Yoga Module:
For 3 minute Gayatri mantra, Guru vandana (starting prayer).
For 15 minutes 3-5 rounds Surya Namaskar, and other simple asana
For 10 minutes Shavasana
For 5 minutes 5 rounds of Nadi shodhan pranayam.
For 15 minutes Jyoti Avtaran dhyan (Meditation).
For 2 minute Shantee Paath (ending prayaer).
Note: Break of half minute (30 seconds) was given between each practice, in order to allow them
to get themselves prepared mentally and physically for the next practices.
Table – 2: Result
Academic Anxiety M SD N df t- score
Pre test 12.8 3.14 30 29 5.11
Post test 10.2 2.92 30 29
r = 0.58, m1 ~ m2 = 2.6, SED = 0.508
* Significant at 0.01 level
Above is the students’ statistical analyses
was conducted to assess for differences
between pre and post test that might be
attributable to the yogic intervention.
Statistically significant differences were
found between pre and post test of academic
anxiety level of the students.
The findings of this study reveal that the
students who experienced yoga module
showed a significant reduction in their
academic anxiety level. The results are in
tune with the earlier studies, which found
that meditation, practiced over long periods,
produces definite changes in perception,
attention, and cognition. The value of t-
score is 5.11, which is significant at 0.01
The institutions in the developed countries
offer various counseling and stress
management programs to students to cope
with the situations. Among many North
American medical schools, several have
established policies and programs to provide
treatment services and wellness programs
addressing students’ mental health issues.
(Roberts LW, et al 2001). For example,
following a short yoga intervention, students
reported improvements in perceived stress
and depressive symptoms (Simard AA et al
2009). A study conducted on college going
student shows a reduction in stress and
anxiety level as effect of Yogic relaxation
(Kumar Kamakhya 2008).
As a result, this study shows a positive
decrease in Academic anxiety level of
subjects after practicing for 45 days. It can
be concluded that inclusion of yogic
intervention in the academic anxiety level of
the college going student’ and ultimately
benefit all aspects of their academic careers.
If these suggestions are implemented, the
overall anxiety of the students can be
reduced, which helps them to be more
successful as students and a human being
harmonious to the nature.
International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences
Volume: 3, Issue: 1; Jan- June 2014
1. Bakshi, A. Kumari, A. (2009) Effect of Practicing Yoga on Subjective Well Being and Academic
Performance Among Adolescents Indian Psychological Review 2009 Vol 72; Numb 4,
Page(S) 235-238
2. Jadhav, S.G. Havalappanavar, N.B. (2009) Effect of Yoga Intervention on Anxiety and
Subjective well-being Journal- Indian Academy Of Applied Psychology 2009 Vol 35; Numb
1, Page(S) 27-32
3. Venkataramana, H.L. Poomalil, S.N. Shobhasree, T. (2008) Effect of Yoga on Academic Stress
of High School Students Social Science International 2008 Vol 24; Numb 1, Page(S) 89-97
4. Bhole MV (1977). Psycho – Physiological importance of some yoga practices Paper presented at
the international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases. Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University;
5. Singh RH, Udupa KN. Psychobiological studies on certain hatha yoga practices. Paper presented
at the international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases.Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University;
6. Datey KK. Stress and heart diseases and how to control it with newer techniques – biofeedback
and Savanasana. Paper presented at the International seminar on stress in Health and
Diseases. Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University; 1977.
7. Udupa KB, Singh RH, Dwivedi KN. Biochemical study on meditation. Paper presented at the
international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases. Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University; 7.
8. Sahasi G, Mohan D, Kacker C. Effectiveness of yogic techniques in the management of
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9. Dua J. Meditation and its effectiveness. In: Pestonjee DM, Pareek U, Aggarwal R,
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10. Roberts LW, Warner TD, Lyketsos C, Frank E, Ganzini L, Carter D. Perceptions of academic
vulnerability associated with personal illness: A study of 1,027 students at nine medical
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11. Simard AA, Henry M. Impact of a short yoga intervention on medical students’ health: A pilot
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12. Kumar, Kamakhya (2008); A study on the impact on stress and anxiety through Yoga nidra;
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, Vol. 7 No 3; 401-404.
... Research has examined the differences in the physiological reactions elicited by yoga practice versus traditional exercise regimens. Some studies have demonstrated that the heart rate response to regular yoga sessions in healthy adults at normal room temperature is comparable to low-intensity walking exercise (9). This level of exercise is not sufficient to support cardiovascular fitness and overall health at the current recommended level. ...
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Within the realm of yoga, the Eight Limbs Path facilitates various aspects such as mental and physical coordination, cultivates positivity in the mind, and keeps the body healthy and fit, all of which enhance bodily functioning. Modern living is characterised by a variety of diseases and deformities, the majority of which are brought on by imbalanced diet and other factors. The mind is never present in the moment; it is constantly inquiring and rebelling. The mind's task is to think; it interprets everything without stopping. This pattern of habit changes behaviour and attitude and is observed, perceived, and experienced. Yoga is practiced by many people who want to maintain their health and well-being, get fitter, reduce stress, and live better lives. It can also treat certain health conditions such as back pain, neck pain, cancer and anxiety. In fact, yoga performed better than the control and waitlist methods, but not better than the treatment comparison groups, such as other types of exercise. Several other trials compared groups of yoga and vigorous exercise. Once the physical and mental health benefits of yoga were determined, participants were assigned to an inactive control group. Short breaks should be investigated to determine effectiveness and daily performance.
... Among the studies investigated, it appears studies based on experimental models involving intervention programs about reducing academic anxiety remained limited. When these studies are examined, it was determined that yoga (Kumar and Tiwary 2014), assertiveness training (Mohebi et al. 2012), meditation (Vats et al. 2020), Montessori education (Dhiksha and Suresh 2016) and cooperative learning methods (Jyoti 2019) were effective in reducing the academic anxiety of students. Additionally, one study completed with focus group interviews (Situmorang 2018) emphasized that the maladjusted beliefs of academic anxiety were due to cognitive distortions and that cognitive behavioral therapy may be helpful in this context. ...
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The aim of this research was to analyze academic anxiety studies in the literature using the thematic review method and to determine the current trend in this field. In the research, a meta-synthesis study was carried out including 61 studies, 3 of which were theses and 58 were articles, published between 1981-2021. The studies used in the research were accessed in Dissertations and Theses Global-Proquest, Eric-EBSCOhost, MEDLINE, Science Direct, Scopus, SpringerLink, Taylor and Francis Online, Wiley, ULAKBIM, YÖK Thesis Center and Google Scholar databases. Published articles or theses about determining the nature of academic anxiety in the literature were included in the study. In the examined studies, the relationship of academic anxiety with more than one variable was investigated and it was determined that most studies focused on examining the differences based on demographic variables. The survey model was the most frequently chosen research method, and qualitative research methods were not sufficiently used. The studies examined were carried out mostly by using the questionnaire method in high school level age groups and sample groups of 101-300 people. Therefore, in order to carry out new studies with larger working groups, to examine the academic anxiety of students at higher education level and to carry out reviews, scale development or adaptation studies for higher education students are needed. In addition, there was a limited number of experimental studies conducted about reducing student academic anxiety. Survey and relational based quantitative research needs to be supported by experimental methods.
... Academic stress and anxiety is the major problems for young generation facing now days. Short term comprehensive yoga-based lifestyle intervention is reducing anxiety and improving subjective 23 well-being. ...
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Yogic therapies are traditional, the oldest, and powerful combination with various methods to cope with different stressors and developing a healthy mental and physical health as an interventional program. The present study aimed to see the effect of yogic techniques on academic stress and psychological well-being among young adult girls. A total of 20 young adult unmarried nursing girl students were selected with age range 17-20 Years, and then randomly divided into 02 groups, 10 in experimental and 10 in control group. Scale for Assessing Academic Stress (SAAS) and Checklist for Psychological well-being were used as assessment tools. They assessed at the beginning and after 30 days of yogic practices intervention program. The Experimental group has been received a structured yogic intervention programme. The result found that yogic practices has signicantly effective on academic stress and psychological well-being on experimental group participants. Yogic practices are also effective in enhancing self-esteem level, positive mental-health and to developing self-awareness to all age groups.
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Abstract: Yoga is one of the most ancient schools of thought system, which is produced and practiced for ages. The purpose of yoga is “Yoga Chitta vritti nirodha” it means cessation of mental modification. In the process of education, the first step is to determine the aim of education. The aim of education is connected with aim of life and the aim of life is a good life which is considered a valuable life. Yoga has a very clear idea of the goal and its purpose. It has a systematic process to achieve the aim. Ashtanga-Yoga offers new learning possibilities not only to every age group of students but also to every individual. In the Ashtanga-yoga system of education from the early stage, Yama and niyama will start nurturing the character of the student, Asana and Pranayama will make the body physically strong with that student were enough capable of handling the physical strain. Concentration and mediation (Dhyana) will help the student to focus on the target and achieve it without much difficulty because mental modification gets stopped.
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Personality is a combination of characteristics or qualities that form some distinctive characters in an individual. Personality is an important theme to achieve carrier goals in modern scenario. In modern psychology, various approaches have been enacted to understand the theme of personality. Yogic point of view, a holistic personality is a multidimensional entity comprises morphological, physiological, emotional, intellectual, social, behavioural and spiritual dimensions. This article tries to discuss the role of Yoga in personality development with special reference to achieve carrier goals. Yoga offers a measured conscious process to solve the ominous problems of unhappiness, restlessness, emotional upset, hyperactivity, hypo-1 3 6 | P a g e activity and the other issues that arise in our daily lives which cause unbalance in our bodies. Yoga is helping to evoke the hidden potentialities and energy of individual in a systematic and scientific way through which individual can become a fit and complete individual.
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This review of literature focusses on the Indian education system in secondary and higher secondary schools. The issue of academic anxiety as a part of the student life at home and at school environment is subject to varied forces of pressure. The student undergoes, home schooling under parental guidance and shifts to classroom based societal interaction with teachers, peers. The student"s academic anxiety stems from examination, or "test anxiety" apart from class performance, peer pressure, social pressure and the parental expectations. Irrespective of gender, age, rural/urban, type of boards, socio economic background, academic anxiety has been found to be related to the increasing level of tough subjects (science, mathematics) in academic syllabus. Results of long-term exposure to high academic anxiety levels has resulted into fear psychosis, withdrawal from school, phobia from subject or blame of being a non-achiever. Academic performance is dependent on student"s individual self-identity, and developing self-efficacy renders confidence in taking final decisions in study strategy. The extensive secondary research shows emotional intelligence in maintaining the societal relationship is key for the student, while effective time management has been evident as a competency in higher secondary students. Parental encouragement and teacher recognising student effort helps socially, helps the academic achievement drive to be prolonged. It provides a boost to student motivation levels, attain greater control over the stable factors impacting academic achievement.
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Abstract The aim of this study was to observe the effect of selected yogic practices on adjustment of the students of Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga course residing at the hostel of the institute belonging to the age group of 20-35 years. Thirty (30) students have been selected randomly for the study. The subjects were given yogic practices as treatment from Monday to Saturday for four months for three (3) hours daily in the morning and afternoon. Adjustment Inventory for College Students (AICS) was applied to measure social, emotional, and educational adjustment. The inventory was developed by Prof. A.K.P. Sinha and Prof. R.P Singh (2009). The subjects were tested before and after treatment. Collected data were statistically treated through t-test to compare the effect. Results of the present study showed no significant changes in emotional, social, and educational adjustment among the students. Keywords: yoga, emotional adjustment, social adjustment, and educational adjustment
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ABSTRACT Adolescence has rapid changes in overall areas as- biological, physical, psychological, and social growth and development. Yoga is a progressive trend toward uses growing by peoples as a mind-body complement and alternative intervention to improving overall physical & mental health. This pilot study is an attempt to understand the feasibility and applicability of yogic practices as an intervention programme among school-going adolescent girls. Pre-post with experimental and control group design was used in the present study. A total of 10 adolescent girl participants were selected applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria and 05-05 participants were divided into two groups randomly. Assessment tools SAAS, Checklist for Psychological Well-Being, and Students Self Observation Checklist were used. Yogic practices module included: - Surya-namskara, Pranayama and Yoga-Nidra. A total of 24 sessions of 45-60 minutes twice in a week for 03 months were given experimental group. Data were analysed in two ways- qualitatively and quantitatively. A significant reduction was found on academic stress, and positive changes on psychological well-being, psycho-social & scholastic activities as well among experimental group girls as compare then control group girls. It means the yogic practices intervention programme is feasible and applicable among adolescent girls. (4) (PDF) A PILOT STUDY: YOGIC PRACTICES AMONG SCHOOL GOING ADOLESCENT GIRLS. Available from: [accessed Apr 06 2021].
Purpose: This study, conducted at a public university in Turkey, sought to determine the effects of yoga-based physical activity on perceived stress, anxiety, and quality of life in young adults. Design and methods: This study was planned as a semiexperimental nonrandomized study with a control group. Findings: Yoga-based physical activity decreased the perceived stress and state anxiety levels, but had no effect on trait anxiety levels and quality of life. Practical implications: It is recommended that yoga-based treatment can be included in nursing interventions for reducing stress and anxiety levels in young adults.
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Stress is a cognitive or emotional response made by the individual towards any situation, which demands adjustment. When the demands of the situation exceed the ability of the individual distress results, which may manifest in mental and physical symptoms of abnormality. The practice of Yoga nidra helps in building up the coping ability. The practitioner of Yoga nidra slowly becomes aware of the inherent dormant potentialities and thus prevents himself from becoming a victim of distress. As well as relaxation of yoga nidra relaxes the physical as well as mental stresses as it relaxes the whole nervous system. Stress-related disorders evolve gradually through four stages. In the first stage, psychological symptoms like anxiety and irritability arise due to over activation of the sympathetic nervous system. Yoga nidra can be consider as a highly effective practice for reducing stress on the basis of the present study as Yoga nidra releases the stress of the students of higher classes. Practice of Yoga Nidra also reduces the Anxiety of male and female subjects both. It may have positive results for the other age groups and occupations also.
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The present study aims at finding out the effect of Yoga nidra on stress and anxiety on college going students. The study conducted at the Yoga clinic of Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya. Practice time was 30 min the duration was 6 months. 80 students were taken from P.G. Yoga classes for observing the effect as well as 30 was in control group. The result shows a significant change in the practice group, as Yoga nidra positively decrease the stress level of the male and female subjects. Several other studies prove Yoga nidra equally influences anxiety level significantly in both male and female subjects.
The present study is an attempt to find out whether Yoga Intervention has any effect on State and Trait Anxiety and also on the Subjective well-being. Fifty, first year students were selected from Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences Course; on whom; Spielberger's State Trait Anxiety Inventory and Nagpal and Sell's Subjective well-being Inventory were administered in the beginning of the academic year and second time after a gap of one year. The data were analyzed by employing mean, SD and 't' ratio. Results reveal a significant decrease in both State and Trait Anxiety levels and positive change in the Subjective Well-being of the students. Yoga is considered to be one of the most important, effective and valuable tools available for man to overcome various physical and psychological problems. According to Kuvalayananda and Vinekar (1968) yoga includes cultivation of correct attitudes and reconditioning of the neuromuscular systems. Yoga helps the whole body to enable it to withstand greater stress and strain. Yoga proposes healthy diet and encourages the natural process of elimination, whenever it is necessary. Yoga aims at an integrated and harmonious development of all the potentialities of man. Anxiety and stress are the major problems of the modern world particularly of the youth and college going students who are loosing their health and well-being. Good health is one of the greatest resources for vitality, creativity and wealth, in contrast to poor health and negative feelings, which lead to various physical and psychological problems.
About one quarter of the more than 69,000 medical students in this country suffer symptoms of mental illness, including 7% to 18% with substance use disorders. Subjective distress and physical health needs of medical students are also common and have been linked to training stresses. This first large-scale study of medical student health care examined students' physical and mental health concerns and their perceptions of academic vulnerability associated with personal illness. A 7-page, confidential written survey was given to 1,964 students at nine US medical schools in 1996 and 1997. A total of 1,027 students participated (52% response rate). Nearly all (90%) reported needing care for various health concerns, including 47% having at least one mental health or substance-related health issue. A majority of students expressed a preference for health care outside their training institution, largely due to confidentiality concerns, and 90% preferred health insurance allowing off-site care. Students expressed varying levels of concern about academic jeopardy in association with personal illness, with physical health problems such as arthritis causing the least concern and alcohol and drug abuse triggering the most concern. Consistent differences were detected in these views based on respondent's gender, training level, and institution. Most medical students perceive the need for personal health care. Nevertheless, fear of academic reprisal may prevent medical students from seeking necessary care for their health problems during training. This phenomenon may be linked in important but poorly recognized ways to emerging illness and to impairment among medical students and physicians. Women, minority, and clinical students appear more sensitive to the connection between health and academic vulnerability. Constructive implications for medical school curricula, policies, and health care services are discussed.
Evaluated the efficacy of selected yoga practices (Group 1, N = 38) as compared with drug (diazepam) therapy (Group 2, N = 53) in anxiety–neurotic outpatients (aged 18–47 yrs). Ss were administered a battery of tests pre- and posttreatment. Data indicated a significant rate of improvement in Group 1 Ss who completed the prescribed length (5 days/wk for 3 mo) of yoga practices as compared with Group 2 Ss. At least 6.7% of Group 1 Ss were reported to be completely asymptomatic as compared with none of the Group 2 Ss. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
Medical students often experience significant distress early-on in undergraduate training. We aimed to demonstrate the impact of a brief structured yoga intervention on medical students. Fourteen first-year medical students participated in a 16-week yoga intervention pilot study. Students completed questionnaires at baseline, mid-intervention and end of the study. The students reported improvements in overall health, perceived stress and depressive symptoms following the intervention. A yoga intervention may be effective in decreasing stress and improving general well-being in medical students.
  • H L Venkataramana
  • S N Poomalil
  • T Shobhasree
Venkataramana, H.L. Poomalil, S.N. Shobhasree, T. (2008) Effect of Yoga on Academic Stress of High School Students Social Science International 2008 Vol 24; Numb 1, Page(S) 89-97
Psycho – Physiological importance of some yoga practices Paper presented at the international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases
  • Bhole
Bhole MV (1977). Psycho – Physiological importance of some yoga practices Paper presented at the international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases. Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University; 1977.
Stress and heart diseases and how to control it with newer techniques -biofeedback and Savanasana. Paper presented at the International seminar on stress in Health and Diseases
  • K K Datey
Datey KK. Stress and heart diseases and how to control it with newer techniques -biofeedback and Savanasana. Paper presented at the International seminar on stress in Health and Diseases. Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University; 1977.
Biochemical study on meditation. Paper presented at the international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases
  • K B Udupa
  • R H Singh
  • K N Dwivedi
Udupa KB, Singh RH, Dwivedi KN. Biochemical study on meditation. Paper presented at the international seminar on stress in Health and Diseases. Varanasi: Banaras Hindu University; 7.