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Introductory chapter to Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice, edited by Rodrigo Magalhaes and Ron Sanchez

  • Kuwait College of Science and Technology

Abstract and Figures

We human beings are not rational animals; we are emotional, languaging animals that use the operational coherences of language, through the constitution of rational systems, to explain and justify our actions, while in the process and without realizing it, we blind ourselves about the emotional grounding of all the rational domains that we bring forth (Humberto Maturana, 1988:787)
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Introductory chapter to Autopoiesis in Organization Theory and Practice, edited by
Rodrigo Magalhaes, PhD and Ron Sanchez, PhD. Emerald, 2009
Autopoiesis and the Organization of the Future
Rodrigo Magalhaes
Ron Sanchez
We human beings are not rational animals; we are emotional, languaging animals
that use the operational coherences of language, through the constitution of
rational systems, to explain and justify our actions, while in the process and without
realizing it, we blind ourselves about the emotional grounding of all the rational
domains that we bring forth (Humberto Maturana, 1988:787)
This introductory chapter elaborates some of the key ideas which shaped the concept
of this book. The overriding idea is that autopoiesis theory has the potential to provide
a unifying framework for the study of organizational phenomena in the 21st century.
Although organization studies have recently had no shortage of new paradigms and
approaches such as postmodernism, phenomenology, ethnomethodology,
reflexivity, and critical theory the field seems to be expanding in ways that make it
increasingly difficult to comprehend, especially for the uninitiated.
In the 1950s and 60s, open systems theory, together with sociological systems theory,
was enormously influential in providing a coherent framework for the study of
organizations and their environments. These approaches were in important respects
motivated by ideals of order, stability, and predictability. So influential were they that
the paradigm they define is still prevalent today. Although today’s organizations and
their environments are often characterized by transformation, emergence, much
unpredictability, and a strong emphasis on people, the systems approach to
understanding organizations is still not being conveyed in a coherent manner,
especially to students and managers. The reason for this, in our view, is the lack of a
unifying framework for explaining a spectrum of organizational phenomena, from
stable to highly dynamic organizations and environments.
Autopoiesis is a concept developed through the pioneering work of Maturana and
Varela (1980; 1992) in biology, primarily as a construct which enabled a distinction to
be made between living and non-living systems. The concept and its postulates have
slowly been gaining ground and generating enthusiasm among many scientific
communities. For Fritjof Capra, for example, Maturana and Varela’s book The Tree of
Knowledge (1992) contains no less than the “outlines of a unified scientific
conception of mind, matter and life” (on book’s back cover). King (1993) suggests
that autopoiesis is developing into a new theoretical paradigm in the social sciences,
and von Krogh and Roos (1995) suggest that autopoiesis offers the basis for a new
general systems theory.
We believe that the organization of the future needs an epistemology (i.e. a theory of
organizational knowledge) which is radically different from epistemologies that have
guided organizational thinking hitherto, and that autopoiesis theory, with due
adaptations, can furnish such an epistemology. In this chapter we begin by providing
a brief overview of the key tenets of autopoiesis theory applied to organizational
settings. Next, we discuss the organization of the future, starting with the external
pressures that are increasingly being exerted on social organizations of all types and
inducing them to undertake new kinds of transformations. This chapter identifies
important challenges facing organizational thinkers, now and in the foreseeable
future, that exist not only as the result of the external pressures, but also as a
consequence of internal developments in organization science and theory. The chapter
concludes with an overview of the topics addressed by the contributors to this volume.
For many people, the adoption and use of concepts from autopoiesis theory in
organizational analysis is uncontroversial. However, some organization scholars are
reluctant to adopt autopoiesis concepts or theory because of concerns as to whether
organizations really are autopoietic systems (Mingers, 2002; 2004). Thus, while some
authors choose to apply autopoiesis theory to organization studies following strict
ontological principles, others are less convinced theoretically and treat autopoiesis as
a metaphorical perspective. The controversy between these two approaches is
somewhat surprising given the freedom with which metaphors are used in much
organizational theorizing (Morgan, 1997).
The reluctance that many authors show in applying autopoiesis to social settings may
be partly due to the fact that both Maturana and Varela stated in their writings that
autopoiesis is not a social theory. From his personal contacts with Humberto
Maturana, Zeleny (2007) has added a further perspective, suggesting that the creators
of Autopoiesis were so careful in pointing out that the theory should be left out of the
social domain because of the political climate of Chile in the 1970s. Zeleny suggests
that Maturana and Varela may have been apprehensive about the misuse by the
prevailing political powers of the mechanistic nature of their theoretical propositions
in the biological sciences in the social sphere.
Nevertheless, in the following, we provide an overview of the principal applications
of autopoiesis theory in organizational settings.
Organization and structure
In the organizational world, there are forces which are informal, enduring, and hard to
change (e.g. cultural norms), and others which are formal, often ephemeral, and more
amenable to adoption (e.g. processes, procedures, and tasks). The latter are inevitably
influenced and shaped by the former. In organizational theory and research, these two
kinds of forces are usually treated separately, because it is often very difficult to
reconcile them, although from the point of the practitioner, this is always
disappointing. Autopoiesis theory, however, offers organizational theorists and
researchers new possibilities to address such disparate organizational phenomena in a
much more integrated fashion. Take the concepts of organization and structure, for
example. Within the autopoietic perspective, organization means necessary
relationships or network of rules that govern relations between system components
and that thereby define the system conceptually. Structure means the actual relations
between the components that integrate the system in practice and that satisfy the
constraints placed by the organization.
Using the tenets of autopoietic theory, Zeleny (2005) interprets organizations as
networks of interactions, reactions, and processes identified by their organization
(network of rules of coordination) and differentiated by their structure (specific
spatio-temporal manifestations of applying the rules of coordination under specific
conditions or contexts). Following these definitions, Zeleny argues that the only way
to make organizational change effective is to change the rules of behavior (i.e. the
organization) first, and then change processes, routines, and procedures (i.e. the
structure). He explains that it is the system of the rules of coordination, rather than the
processes themselves, that defines the nature of recurrent execution of coordinated
action (recurrence being the necessary condition for learning to occur). He states:
“Organization drives the structure, structure follows organization, and the observer
imputes function” (Ibid, p. 197).
Espejo et al (1996) adopt similar terminology, but instead of organization they refer
to an organization’s identity as the element that defines any organization, explaining
that it is the relationships between the participants that create the distinct identity for
the network or the group. Organization is then defined as “a closed network of
relationships with an identity of its own” (Ibid, p.75). Like Zeleny, Espejo et al (1996)
also see the organization’s structure as being the differentiating factor. While
organizations may share the same kind of identity, they are distinguished by their
structures. People’s relationships form routines, involving roles, procedures, and uses
of resources that constitute stable forms of interaction. These allow the integrated use
and operation of the organization’s resources. The emergent routines and mechanisms
of interaction then constitute the organization’s structure. Hence, just like any
autopoietic entity, organizations as social phenomena are characterized by both an
organization (or identity) and a structure. The rules of interaction established by the
organization and the execution of the rules exhibited by the structure form a recursive
The adoption of autopoietic notions of organization and structure by conventional
organization theory may create exciting new opportunities to establish theoretical and
practical links between the structurally determined or “engineered” parts of an
organization, such as its business processes, and the emergent properties arising from
the actions and interactions of human actors that jointly shape the organization’s
identity. Our understanding of the heterogeneous engineering (Law, 1987) of the
multitude of soft and hard aspects of social organizations can greatly benefit from an
elaboration of this dichotomy and the ways in which the two dichotomous parts
interact and influence each other. We return to this point below.
Operational closure, self-referentiality, and recursivity
An autopoietic system is defined as a system that is generated through closed
organization processes of production such that the same organization of processes is
reproduced through the interactions of its own products (components). Thus, the
organization of components and component-producing processes may remain
relatively invariant through the interactions and turnover of components. If an
organization (the specified relations between components or processes) were to change
substantially, there would not necessarily be a change in that system's identity. What
would change is the system's structure (its particular manifestation in the given
environment) within the degrees of freedom allowed by the specified relations between
components. In this way, the development of a system’s structure is done recursively.
In order to enable the evolution of structure through such recursive behavior which is
the essence of autopoiesis the autopoietic system needs to be operationally closed
(Zeleny, 2003).
Mingers (2001) argues that although autopoiesis cannot be applied as a whole to
social theory, there are some key principles of autopoiesis that are applicable, namely
the principle of an organization’s operational closure. This argument is based on the
assumption that throughout the entire hierarchy of systems proposed by Boulding
(1956), all levels of systems exhibit characteristics of organizational closure. As we
have explained above, in autopoiesis the main requirement for identifying living,
autonomous systems is not the existence of a set of inputs and outputs, but an internal
coherence that results from the interconnectedness of a system’s inputs and outputs
(Varela, 1984). In this respect, organizational closure “requires some form of self-
reference, whether material, linguistic, or social, rather than the more specific process
of self-production” [emphasis added] (Mingers, 2001: 111).
Organizational closure and self-referentiality are criteria that unequivocally define
social systems. The various institutional systems and sub-systems that make up a
social system become closed domains of communication, autonomous and
independent, while maintaining strong forms of interdependence (structural
couplings) because they rely on each other to perform many societal functions.
Interactions between sub-systems are often quite well defined, for example, in
business organizations. Communications about the environment may give rise to
strategic marketing communications that, in turn, trigger communications among
product development, capital budgeting, and production sub-systems. Such
communication activity arises from interactions among organizational actors that may
enhance or constrain further communication activity.
Understanding organizational closure is one of the most important insights that an
autopoietic perspective can bring to organizational analysis. The influence of open
systems theory has sometimes helped to popularize the notion that organizations are
wholly open systems. However, there is host of organizational phenomena that cannot
be explained as open systems phenomena, but that can be explained through
autopoietic systems theory’s concept of organizational closure. Organizational
culture, for example, cannot be adequately explained by invoking the principles of
open systems theory. In more practical terms, an understanding of the closed and
recursive nature of its broader social system is crucial for an organization’s actors to
understand the environmental impacts of the organization’s activity. Organizational
closure also provides the conceptual and practical foundation for studying the
systemic feedback loops that writers such as Argyris (1977), Senge (1990), and
Sanchez and Heene (1996) have re-interpreted for the managerial world.
Structural coupling
Goldspink and Kay (2004) suggest that autopoiesis also provides the basic concepts
for understanding the mechanics of sociality and therefore of organizations. They
Humans exist in and through domains, which are the product of their structural coupling with
an environment. This environment is the world around them, including other humans, and
exists both physically and causally. As humans enter into reciprocal interaction over time
there emerges, as a consequence of structural coupling, a certain alignment of their behaviors,
including their linguistic behaviors. Hence we can refer to the resulting domain as a
consensual domain. This domain now forms the basic unit of social analysis, and exists in a
causal sense but not in a physical one (Ibid, p. 605)
Human beings are autopoietic, which means that as individuals we are all
operationally closed. To illustrate, we have all experienced occasions when no matter
what we say and explain to our dialoguing counterpart, he or she is unable to
comprehend our point of view. This situation can last for a few minutes, or hours, or
may endure for years and even lifetimes. Operational closure can be observed in our
daily interactions at work, in the shopping mall, and in the family. The only way to
overcome autopoietic closure is by building structural couplings. The nature and
degree of structural coupling that emerges when two or more individuals interact is a
defining feature of the macro system of invisible rules and procedures that
characterize social institutions.
Organizational closure, however, should not be confused with the notions of “closed”
and “open” systems from traditional systems theory. Maula (2006) argues that
openness and closure are not only simultaneous phenomena, but they also necessitate
each other. In other words, there are no environmentally “closed” systems. An
organizational closed system cannot be completely closed to its environment, because
it cannot be completely unresponsive to environmental signals and perturbations.
Organizational closed systems are therefore closed with respect to their own
organization and structure, but they may nevertheless maintain intense interactions
with the environment. Through recurrent environmental signals, perturbations, and
triggers, a system becomes coupled to its environment. Such coupling is achieved
through changes in the system’s structure, even while the organization remains
autonomous and closed (Zeleny, 2003).
Structural coupling is an essential concept in understanding the decentralized
networked organization. The concept of coupling provides the basis for understanding
how an organization may be fragmented in time and space while retaining its unity as
a system. This autopoietic concept has a direct counterpart in the organizational
terminology created by Weick (1976) when he refers to “loose coupling.” He asserts
that organizations are loosely coupled systems and defines loose coupling as “a
situation in which elements are responsive but retain evidence of separateness and
identity” (Orton and Weick, 1990: 203). In autopoietic terminology, “responsiveness”
refers to compensating actions in response to perturbations from the environment.
“Separateness and identity” refer to the maintenance of the network of interactions
that defines the organization of the system. Orton and Weick (1990) further propose
loose coupling in organizational design requires more modularity in organizational
design (Sanchez and Mahoney, 1996), a broader range of requisite variety (Ashby
1956), and greater behavioral discretion. They also suggest that an organization’s
compensatory mechanisms for loose coupling may include enhanced leadership,
focused attention, and shared values.
The implications of the notions of structural coupling and loose coupling for
organization theory are very significant. They underpin the representation of
organizations as composites for which words such as bricolage or assemblage are
increasingly being used as descriptors (Ciborra, 2000).
Language and languaging
Von Krogh and Roos (1995) made one of the most significant contributions to
integrating autopoiesis into management theory and research. In so doing, they
advanced an anti-cognitivist position in the organizational knowledge debate. They
reject the notion that knowledge is a given and that the task of organizational systems
is to represent it as accurately as possible. Instead, they argue that knowledge is
embodied in human beings and that representations of the world in the human mind
come forth as a result of actions or observations by human beings. This point is
illustrated by the often cited statement by Maturana and Varela (1992), “Knowledge is
what brings forth a world.” The following passage from von Krogh and Roos (1995:
52) exemplifies this crucial issue:
“Imagine that you are about to enter an office that is new to you. Your experience
(knowledge) tells you to take an initial sweeping look in order to locate the reception
desk, your assumed point of entry into the inner circles of the office. Having located
what you believe is the reception desk (world) you take the first steps towards the
desk. In doing this you get a glimpse of a corridor on your right-hand side in which
you see a door and on which you locate a name plate (world). You recognize the
name on the door to be the person you are supposed to visit (knowledge).”
The ideas that the world is brought forth in knowledge and that knowledge is not
abstract but is embodied in human action frame the discussion about individual versus
organizational knowledge (Sanchez, 2001, 2006). Von Krogh and Roos (1995) argue
that the bridge between socialized and individualized knowledge is achieved by
means of language. Language is what allows action to be coordinated in the
organization, and such coordination is achieved through organizational members
making useful distinctions about the organization (an important form of
organizational learning). The first and broadest distinction is the concept of
“organization” itself. Linguistically, the organization has to be distinguished from its
environment. The emergence in social interactions of a new entity, in this case the
organization, presupposes a languaging capability. Organizational members conceive
of the organization they are working for through language, and from this very broad
distinction (i.e., the organization from the environment), finer distinctions can start to
be made. For example, there will be linguistic distinctions associated with the concept
of “product” in a given organization. In this way, an organization develops its own
languaging process and resulting language that conveys its own system of meaning.
An organization’s language-enabled system of meaning, in turn, develops its own
“Languaging” is the expression used by Maturana and Varela (1980; 1992) to denote
the act of using language. Given its dynamic nature, languaging fulfils a dual but
conflicting function. On one hand, because languaging contributes to creating a
unique identity for an organization (e.g., language is integral to its culture),
languaging can be instrumental in bringing about change. On the other hand, language
is important in maintaining the status quo and may thereby be a source of resistance to
change, given the self-referential nature of autopoietic systems. Hence, “to allow for
rules and languaging that give way for effective action” (von Krogh and Roos, 1995:
101) is one of the main goals for and functions of socialized organizational
knowledge. Von Krogh and Roos (1995a) suggest that knowledge development in
organizations comes about through the innovative use of old and new words and
concepts for example, through managerial efforts to shape language development in
an organization.
Emotions and emotioning
One form of communication in organizations is the conversations that can take place
between two or more persons. When conversations happen and become recurrent
among the same group of people, a social network, group, or community is formed.
Conversations allow a structuration process (Giddens, 1984) to evolve, and once the
structure of the network is formed, conversations become organizationally closed and
self-referential. Metaphorically speaking, conversations have embedded in them the
genetic code of a social network, through the three elements of structure
signification, domination, and legitimation (Giddens, 1984). The internal dynamics,
roles, and values of networks, groups, and communities develop through
conversations. Hence, for a newcomer to become part of a group a behavioral
domain – she has to learn, through participation, the group’s genetic code and her role
that is implicit in it. In this way, the social individual becomes structurally coupled to
the social network.
Social membership means accepting the unwritten rules of a group and (thereby)
being accepted by the group.1 Without mutual acceptance on some basis, cooperation
and social action are not possible. Social boundaries, social norms, and emerging
social practices transcend the individual and remain even after individuals have
departed. Particular members may join or leave, but the social organization carries on.
Moreover, organizations are based on self-transcendence the reaching out beyond
one’s own existence in order to create shared understandings with others. In
empathizing with colleagues or customers in the process of socialization, the
boundaries between individuals are diminished. In the process of committing to a
1 Maturana (1988) argues that decisions about acceptance and rejection by groups are likely to be
emotional rather than rational i.e., emotions are the ingredient that makes social phenomena possible,
through mutual acceptance (love, in his terminology). Sanchez suggests (here), however, that this view
may also reflect Maturana’s Latin cultural context in Chile, and that other cultural contexts may
emphasize more rational bases for acceptance or rejection of members by social groups (e.g., trust
among managers in a network of frequently transacting firms, commitment to adhere to the norms of a
professional group, and a recognized common interest in a coordinated community response to an
opportunity or threat).
group and becoming part of the group, the individual transcends the boundaries of the
self. In the process of internalizing organizational knowledge, individuals cross the
boundaries and enter the domain of the group or an organization (Nonaka et al, 2001).
The notion of boundaries of social systems implies a complementary notion of
organizational contexts. Context can be understood as a situation in which individuals,
work teams, or an organizational unit exerts a significant influence on internal and
external interpersonal relationships. Kakabadse and Kakabadse (1999: 7) assert that
“the power of context is substantial, for context helps form the attitudes and
perspectives individuals hold about life, work, people, and organization.” Viewed
through the lens of autopoiesis theory, the notion of organizational context can be
seen in a new light. Maturana (1988) argues that emotions form the background for
the embodiment of all our knowledge and thus cannot be separated from logical
thought in everyday action. For Maturana, emotions are the ingredient that makes all
social phenomena possible, through mutual acceptance. However, in our western-style
management we have evolved a paradigm that encourages the separation of logic and
One of the earlier voices to denounce this state of affairs was Selznick (1957: 80):
“The importance of values is affirmed but the choice of goals and of character-
defining methods is banished from the science of administration.” However, this
situation may be changing for example through the emergence of the idea of karma
capitalism (which we will revisit further on) as exemplified by the notions of soft
power and smart power put forward by Nye (2008). Such movements suggest that
there is a renewed perception of the importance of intangible elements like attitudes,
emotions, and values in the workplace. The merging of the economic and emotional
contexts of firms, for example, is at the heart of the holistic representation of firms in
new strategic management theory (Sanchez and Heene, 2004).
In this section we propose a view of the organization of the future in two important
dimensions. First, we consider external pressures at the macro level that will
increasingly exert a force for change for all types of organizations. Second, we
suggest some major internal organizational challenges that both organizational
researchers and practitioners will be challenged to face in the foreseeable future. Of
course, both the external pressures and the internal organizational challenges are
interrelated (see Figure 1).
Practice turn, trans-
disciplinarity and
The integration of the
social and the
The networking
nature of
organizing and
inspired on non-
linearity and
Search for new
Figure 1 Ğ Major external pressures and key challenges of the
organization of the future
External pressures
Organizational trends
Sustainability of the Earth
Ubiquitous, real-time
New Kinds of Capitalism
Technical and Social
James March (2007) suggests that the field of organization studies may be entering a
fourth “invasion” era characterized by the growing influence of information
technologies and biological advancements on social life and the by the earth’s
declining ability to sustain the current conduct of the rapidly growing human
species.2 We agree with this broad assessment and suggest that four trends will be
decisive in shaping the organization of the future:
The earth’s declining capacity to sustain the current practices of the human
New kinds of capitalism, leading to the individualized corporation;
Technical and social networking as the basis for decentralized, autonomous
organizational forms;
A world fuelled by ubiquitous, real-time data and information.
In particular, we suggest that the environmental issues associated with global
warming are bound to have a marked effect on many aspects of organizations and
organizational life. A central challenge for organization researchers therefore will be
to understand how organization studies can contribute towards a world that is
sustainable, not only in business terms, but more fundamentally in terms of the
survival of the human species. The role of organizations in dealing with the earth’s
declining ability to sustain the human species will depend to a large degree on the
approaches and concepts adopted by organizations’ managements on a global scale.
2 The previous critical landmarks according to March (2007) were (1) the Second World War; (2) the
social and political protests of the 1960s and early 1970s; and (3) the collapse of the Soviet Empire and
the triumph of the markets.
A related trend is the emergence of new attitudes and values in capitalism as a basis
for economic organization, as exemplified by the development known as karma
capitalism. The growing awareness of environmental issues that at least some
corporations have been displaying in recent years is helping to bring about a new
business ethos, which can be characterized as a more socially, environmentally, and
morally concerned approach to business. In the past many companies would bow only
to the demands of their shareholders and customers; increasingly, however,
companies are forced to consider their impact on everyone with a direct or indirect
interest. Growing numbers of business scholars are advising executives to pursue
broader purposes than just making money and are urging companies to take a more
holistic approach to business, taking into account the needs of shareholders,
employees, customers, society, and the environment (Sanchez and Heene, 2004).
Developments like karma capitalism reflect the convergence of many global trends.
The Nobel Peace award to Muhammad Yunus for promoting micro-credit as a new
form of capitalism for the very poor also reflects these trends. However, capitalism is
also changing from within the firm, often leading to dramatic changes in the
relationship between the firm and the individual. Such changes are captured in the
notion of The Individualized Corporation as proposed by Ghoshal and Bartlett (1998).
More than ever before in some firms, the individual worker is becoming the center of
management concerns. This trend is due to the ongoing shift in the economy from
traditional industries based on manual workers to new enterprises based on
knowledge workers who are now the crucial asset in many businesses. At the same
time, while many corporations can no longer guarantee employment, growing
numbers of knowledge workers no longer need or are even concerned about
guaranteed employment. As a result, the nature of the bond between the organization
and its employees is changing radically, and the notion of a “moral contract” between
a firm and its employees is beginning to replace legal contracts as the basis for
employment (Ghoshal and Bartlett, 1998).
The organizational world is also being transformed by phenomena that run counter to
the traditional command and control model of organization. Although the idea of the
“networked organization” has been a topic of discussion for a couple of decades, we
are now entering an era in which we can observe real decentralized, autonomous,
networked organizations on a global scale. What is important in this development is
that not only organizations as institutions are able to network with other
organizations, but people are now able to network person-to-person as never before.
Internet and mobile telecom technologies are enabling people to meet and to
coordinate their activities in ways that are profoundly affecting their lives, both
professional and private. Perhaps the best example of the positive potential of a
global, decentralized, autonomous, networked organization is the World-Wide Web.
However, other examples such as Al-Qaeda, where individual networking capabilities
seem to play a predominant role in organizing, show that such developments are not
limited to corporate or high-tech domains. Both examples not only follow a
decentralized, networked form, but also lack any kind of conventional management
structure. In a similar manner, the Linux phenomenon has no formal structure,
employees, or budgets, and its product is free. Yet Linux is already posing a serious
threat to the largest software firms in the world (Hernes and Bakken, 2003).
Networking (individual and institutional) is of course intimately related to the
proliferation of information technology (IT) in human society. Ever faster enterprise
LANs, telephony over IP data networks (VOIP), mobile telephony, home networks,
and internet access in automobiles, planes, and trains are all having a major impact on
an organization’s and an individual’s capability to transmit information. As citizens of
the world, we are increasingly surrounded by real-time or near real-time data and
information. When an ice sheet breaks loose in the Arctic, citizens of Africa learn
about it a few minutes later. If a car breaks down in Outer Mongolia, the
manufacturer’s assistance services in Europe will be alerted instantaneously. Online
DNA data is being used by international police forces to solve crimes in a fraction of
the time it took to solve similar crimes in the past.
An even greater effect of IT than the ubiquity of information is its ability to represent
large chunks of organizational life as information. Balanced scorecards, dashboards,
value added analytics, customer relationship management systems, early warning
systems, trend monitoring, and knowledge management are examples of systems that
facilitate representation of many aspects of an organization. The ever increasing
capability to collect, organize, transmit, and use information anywhere is bringing the
notion of the real-time enterprise into reality (Kuhlin and Thielmann, 2005). There is
a growing realization, however, that organizations need to harness such information
by developing more sophisticated representational techniques to enable hitherto
unthinkable levels of organizational self awareness (Magalhaes, Sousa, and Tribolet,
New epistemological approaches inspired by non-linearity and complexity
Complexity research has its roots in long standing traditions in economics (Adam
Smith’s hidden hand), natural evolution (Darwin’s blind watch making),
neuropsychology (Hebb’s cell assembly), and computation (von Neumann’s self
reproducing automata). From the point of view of the social sciences, complexity
theory does not try to make detailed predictions, but rather raises new kinds of
questions and possible organizational actions. Analyzing social systems from a
complexity perspective does not ensure the derivation of specific outcomes, but may
“foster an increase in the value of populations over time, whether populations are
livestock, technical innovations, or new strategies for business competition” (Axelrod
and Cohen, 2000: 19).
Experiments in artificial intelligence, for example, have shown that emergence and
self-organization are implicate order phenomena which follow a bottom-up, parallel-
processing, distributed-control logic in which local interactions within populations of
semi-autonomous entities are usually governed by a system of simple rules. When
recursively applied to individual behaviors and interactions among the components of
a system, unpredictable global behavioral patterns may be observed under certain
conditions. Human waiting queues often exhibit, at least temporarily, the voluntary
self-organization characterized by its own specific behaviors, rules of conduct, choice
of interpersonal distance, and modes of communication. In short, as has been
suggested by Gell-Mann, we are able to observe “surface complexity arising out of
deep simplicity” (Lewin, 1992:14).
In organizations the situation is analogous i.e., whatever phenomenon one wishes to
study will always be dependent upon a higher level context, which in turn has
dynamic links with the event under scrutiny. In effect, one needs to understand how
individual components contribute to the behavior of a holistic organizational context,
but it is also crucial to understand how the context influences the behavior of each
individual component. As a case in point, consider how a system of local trading
agents develops prices that cause global inventories to clear or how companies form
networks of trust that ensure individual customers’ loyalty and continued growth?
(Axelrod and Cohen, 2000).
Autopoiesis has a counterpart in the cognitive sciences enacted cognition which
may also be considered part of the complexity paradigm. Autopoiesis and enacted
cognition are interrelated because in explaining the evolution of living organisms,
autopoiesis invokes the notion of enacted cognition (Varela et al, 1991) to suggest
how human beings understand the world and how knowledge is formed. For Varela et
al. (1991), cognition cannot be understood without “common sense,” by which they
mean our physical and social history, the mutual co-specification between the knower
and the known or between the subject and the object. They use the term enactment to
denote interpretation or the act of bringing forth meaning from a background of
understanding. They adopt a non-objectivist view of knowledge, in which knowing is
the result of an ongoing interpretation process that emerges from our ability to
understand and which enables us to make sense of our world. The notion of the
embodiment of cognition has been strongly influenced by the philosophy of European
thinkers such as Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Foucault, who since the beginning of
the twentieth century have challenged one of the most entrenched suppositions of our
scientific heritage i.e., the rationalists’ view of the world as independent from the
The application of complexity concepts and theory to economics, management, and
organization has attracted a great deal of interest and generated a large number of
academic communications (see, for example, the specialized journal Emergence:
Complexity & Organization - E:CO). At the risk of oversimplifying the issue, we
mention the key conclusions from one of the earliest investigations in the field.
Trisoglio (1995) posits that economics and much of management theory is based on
reductionist, linear, and equilibrium-centered models of the world. Although they may
be simple, such models would be seriously misleading as descriptions of a “reality”
that is manifestly often non-linear. Economies and organizations routinely manifest
the properties of non-linear and chaotic systems, exhibiting creation of both order and
disorder as well as pattern and regularity.
The link between autopoiesis, complexity, and social organizations has been
described by Goldspink and Kay (2004):
Autopoiesis provides a model of how phenomena (which we may now call social phenomena)
emerge from the complex (and non-linear) interplay between the heterogenous (in having
unique ontogenies) agents (people) which make it up. Complexity then allows us to explain
the resulting dynamics by describing the generative processes that link empirical observation
and causal actuality. Social systems can be seen as a specific class of complex systems and it
is autopoiesis which clarifies the distinguishing characteristics of this class, in particular the
linguistic/reflexive character of social agents (Ibid, p. 615).
The search for a new organizational paradigm
The situation in organization science/studies today is that the overwhelming majority
of textbooks used in graduate and post-graduate courses convey linear, reductionist
representations of organizations that are typical of what we might call the old
paradigm. An example is the book by Scott and Davis (2007) which undertakes to
bring together much of the accumulated wisdom in rational, natural, and open systems
views of organizations. Although warning about the dangers of clinging too much to
the past when trying to move towards the future, these authors nevertheless present an
overview of organization theory that offers a fairly simplistic divide between the old
(closed systems) and the new (open systems) - see Table 1.
Table 1 - The conventional wisdom of organization theory
Levels of
Closed Systems Models
Open Systems Models
Rational Models
Natural Models
Rational Models
(Taylor, 1911)
Human Relations
(Whyte, 1959)
Bounded Rationality
(March & Simon, 1958)
Decision Making
(Simon, 1945)
Contingency Theory
(Lawrence and Lorsch,
(Weber, 1968)
(Barnard, 1938)
Comparative Structure
(Woodward, 1965; Pugh
et al, 1969; Blau, 1970)
(Millar / Rice, 1967)
(Fayol, 1919)
Human Relations
(Mayo, 1945)
Conflict Models
(Gouldner, 1954)
Transaction Cost
(Williamson, 1975)
(Hannan & Freeman,
(Nonaka & Takeuchi,
Resource Dependence
(Pfeffer & Salancik,
Institutional Theory
(Selznick, 1949; Meyer &
Rowan, 1977; DiMaggio
Source: Scott and Davis (2007)
As is demonstrated by continuing organizational failures in every area of activity,
open systems theories have not “solved” the problems of organizations. One reason
for this may be the current relative neglect of “old fashioned” closed systems
approaches, according to the summary of schools of thought expounded by Scott and
Davis (2007). Although open systems have brought crucial advances in organizational
thinking especially in fostering new understanding of the contingent nature of
organizational designs the open systems view still has major unresolved problems.
Behind this state of affairs may be the way that the open systems framework has been
utilized by the research community in the organizational sciences.
Almost three decades ago, Pondy and Mitroff (1979) pointed out that “we have
seriously misunderstood the nature of open systems and have confused them with
natural or control systems” (Ibid, p. 22), and that “organization theorists seem to have
forgotten that they are dealing with human organizations, not merely disembodied
structures in which individuals play either the role of in-place metering devices (...) or
the role of passive carriers of cultural values and skills” (Ibid, p.17). These comments
by Pondy and Mitroff were early warnings about the inherent limitations of an
emerging new organizational paradigm. Three decades later, however, these problems
So, why is change moving so slowly? Is the debate between open versus closed
systems ended? Why do we find it so hard, as an intellectual community, to move
away from overly simplistic input-output organizational models as if the issue of the
interchange between the organization and its environment were clear-cut and
unproblematic? Given the current institutionalization of organization studies, can
autopoiesis theory play a role in renewing systems theory as applied to organization
The turn towards practice, trans-disciplinarity, and multi-disciplinarity
Organization theory is paradigmatic because of its deep (and sometimes
unrecognized) underlying assumptions. The organization a concept can be
researched from a considerable number of perspectives, as Morgan’s (1997)
metaphors amply illustrate. A tendency within the field has therefore been to adopt
multi-paradigm or trans-disciplinary research approaches that do not favor any one
approach. Gibbons et al (1994) suggested that there are two opposing modes of
knowledge production in society. Mode 1 refers to the traditional practices of science
and research focused on developing and testing theories about the social world, while
Mode 2 focuses on developing ideas that have relevance and can be applied in
contemporary organizations. Many proponents hold a view that the organization
sciences are moving towards Mode 2, and that they need to be not only more trans-
disciplinary but also more problem-oriented.
The turn towards Mode 2 for knowledge production comes with a strong assumption
that a similar turn is under way in the theories of organization and strategy
(Whittington, 2006). However, as we are well aware, an organization is a social
construction that cannot be engineered as neatly a bridge or a molecule.
Organizational engineering has to be carried out with an understanding of
organization as complex systems made up of a wide variety of elements. These
elements may be subsumed into two major categories: the natural and the intentional
(McKelvey, 1997). The natural are the human, behavioral, action-oriented, and mostly
intangible elements that are often problematic to model formally but that cannot be
ignored in any attempt to model an organization. The intentional elements are the
man-made, rational, planning-driven, and mostly tangible elements that interact with
the natural elements in an organization.
In line with advances in many of the sciences, McKelvey (1999) argues for a “model-
centered” organization science in which research would be bifurcated into two types
of activity. On one hand, idealized models of organized or organizing activity would
be devised and tested and, on the other hand, descriptive analyses and case studies
would be carried out in order to compare “the isomorphism of the model’s idealized
processes/structures with that portion of real-world phenomena” (Ibid, p.18). Models
do not attempt to explain real-world behavior; they only attempt to explain “model”
behavior. In order to make models meaningful and useful to real-world organizations,
idealized models must be validated against real-world phenomena. This, in turn,
requires a trans-disciplinary research disposition. Can autopoietic epistemology
inspire and frame a trans-disciplinary research disposition? Can it provide the much
needed bridge between the hard and the soft sides of the organization sciences?
The networked nature of organizations and organizing
Increasingly, organizations are being conceptualized as networks with no substance
except a system defined by its knowledge (Von Krogh and Roos, 1995). The
knowledge of the organization can also be conceptualized as a network, put together
in the following manner (Hanseth, 2004):
(1) individual “pieces” of knowledge are related and interdependent
(2) different individuals (or actors) adopt the same “piece” of knowledge and that
“piece” becomes embedded into organizational routines
(3) as individuals (or actors) and routines are linked together, they become
interdependent, and thus begin forming the network
One of the key characteristics of the networking perspective is the interactions that
organizational members design and develop in seeking to communicate with other
organizational members. Through interactions, organizational members perform
socially embedded (i.e. role-based) actions and build relationships at a variety of
levels (local, group, intergroup, organization, and interorganization). The relational
nature of organizational life and the conception of an organizational member as a
social actor are also features of actor-network theory (ANT), an important landmark
in contemporary organization theory. As tool for understanding crucial organizational
concepts, the network concept can be explained as follows:
[the network] has the same relationship with the topic at hand as a perspective grid to a
traditional single point perspective painting: drawn first, the lines might allow one to project a
three-dimensional object onto a flat piece of linen; but they are not what is to be painted, only
what has allowed the painter to give the impression of depth before they are erased (Latour,
2005: 131)
Actor-network theory can be seen as a systematic way to bring out the network
infrastructure that is usually omitted in "heroic" accounts of scientific and
technological achievements (Ryder, 2008). ANT views social change as an emergent
process that is initiated and guided by actors with specific interests and strategies and
describes the progressive constitution of a network in which both human and non-
human actors assume identities according to prevailing strategies of interaction. In this
sense, organizational life is heterogeneously engineered, after an expression coined by
Law (1987). Instead of characterizing the technological world as a neat set of
homogenously engineered, cause-and-effect relationships, Law describes it as the result
of the activity of myriad dynamic networks, comprised of multiple actors possessing
many different attributes, interests, and goals.
Besides actor-network theory, other approaches have been put forward that are
consistent with the networked view of organizational life. Another relevant example is
social capital (Burt, 1997; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998; Adler and Kwon, 2002) which
holds that the source of the organizational capacity to create value is the interactions
between individuals or between firms, rather than the individuals themselves.
According to this view, knowledge about what products systems produce is becoming
less important than knowledge about how systems produce themselves i.e., how
systems renew their own ability and capacity to produce (Zeleny, 2003). Given the
considerable degree of convergence between the networked approaches to organization
and the tenets of autopoietic theory, can autopoiesis become a more encompassing
organizational theory of networks?
The integration of social and technological architectures in organizations
Ever since the 1960s, increasing volumes of data have been reduced to text and stored
in computers’ memories, making it possible to retrieve, combine, re-combine,
condense, and transmit data with the greatest of ease. The maturity and pervasiveness
of this IT-supported capability raises the issue of the impact of information
technologies on organizations to a new level of debate. Managing data has given way
to managing information, and the increasing availability of information in
organizations is now leading to increasing interest in managing knowledge.
Data, information, and knowledge are all concepts relevant to information systems.
So, what is an information system? Symons (1991:186/187, emphases added) has
suggested the following definition:
a complex social object which results from the embedding of computer systems into an
organization (…) where it is not possible to separate the technical from the social factors
given the variety of human judgments and actions, influenced by cultural values, political
interests and participants’ particular definitions of their situations intervening in the
implementation of such a system.
This understanding of “information system” (IS) opens up a host of new possibilities
for the deployment, use, and management of IT in organizations. In the world of
business strategy, there is a general recognition that the “positions” of companies in a
competitive market do not assure that they can maintain sustainable advantage. In the
“knowledge economy,” both manufacturing and service organizations require an
ongoing stream of new capabilities to sustain competitive success. The ability of a
company to mobilize and exploit its intangible assets has become far more important
than investing in and managing physical, tangible assets (Wernerfelt, 1984, 1995;
Conner, 1991; Barney, 1991; Grant, 1991; Mahoney, 1995; Conner and Prahalad,
1996). Intangible assets enable organizations to develop customer relationships, retain
the loyalty of existing customers, serve new segments more effectively and
efficiently, introduce innovative products and services, produce customized products
with high quality, low cost, and short lead times, and mobilize employee skills and
motivation for continuous improvement.
However, following the trend of fragmentation among the sciences in general,
organization, information, and systems are commonly treated as independent aspects
of organizations that are divorced from each other both in theory and practice. As a
result, IS/IT development, implementation, and management are often presented as
separate issues from strategic analysis, organizational development, or change
management. This discrete treatment of interdependent phenomena places severe
limitations not only on the development of multidisciplinary approaches in
organization theory, but also on the search for solutions to the practical problems that
both management and information systems specialists face on a daily basis.
In order to move forward, we have to abandon the “either-or” mindset. The problem
of integrating IS/IT and the organization cannot be solved by either organization
theory or computer science working alone. Similarly, it is pointless to argue about
whether organizations are socially engineered or socially constructed. Organizations
have to be seen, studied, and managed from both perspectives. We believe that an
“either-or” mentality has been a major obstacle to the development of organizational
thinking in the 20th and 21st centuries. Magalhaes (2004) proposes that the problem
can only be solved through the adoption of a holistic perspective, founded upon the
following assumptions:
(1) organizations are complex adaptive systems where efficient, effective, and sustainable
growth and development depends upon the constant production of new internal
(2) as in complex adaptive systems, the transformation of organizations often starts from
small innovations found at the fringes of the system’s central core of activity;
(3) innovations and new knowledge are partly associated with the implementation and
management of IS/IT;
(4) IS/IT-related innovations and new knowledge creation are often found at the fringes of
the organization’s central core of activity;
(5) organizations need to adopt new managerial theories and practices in order to discover
and benefit from the knowledge assets found at their fringes, including new IS/IT-
related knowledge (Ibid, p. 225).
In effect, new knowledge assets are to be found in an organization’s social
architecture (management systems, structures, performance measures, processes, and
culture) as well as in its technical architecture (information and communication
infrastructure and applications). These two types of architecture are often considered
the pillars of the competitive advantage of companies (Prahalad and Krishnan, 2008),
and together these two architectural perspectives are redefining the principles and
rules of organizational design and engineering. Hence, the challenge is for new
integrated research approaches to be launched in which there is an equal contribution
from organization and IT theorists. An appropriate context for such research can be
found in the holistic approaches proposed by the complexity framework, including
autopoiesis theory and enacted cognition.
In spite of the growing interest in autopoiesis and autopoietic systems in organizations
over the last 10 or 15 years, such interest has not made its way into the textbook
domain. In the 1960s open systems theory, a breakthrough in the biological sciences
(Von Bertalanffy, 1950) made its way into the organization sciences through the
seminal work of Katz and Khan (1966) and has held a dominant position ever since.
Many of the tenets of open systems now need to be revisited, but so far there has not
been an alternative perspective as powerful or influential in organization theory.
Although autopoiesis has been heralded by many as a new systems theory, it has not
yet achieved the same kind of impact as open systems thinking, in large part because
there is no clear-cut agreement among organization scholars regarding the role or the
place of autopoiesis in organization science.
Nevertheless, there has been a considerable amount of publishing on autopoiesis in
organization studies, a selective summary of which has been presented in this chapter.
While some authors have adhered to the qualified approach of Luhmann, others have
taken autopoiesis straight from the realm of the biological sciences to organization
studies, and have even combined it with other approaches. The result has been a
number of proposals, some cautioning observation and interpretation, others
supporting analysis and direct intervention, but none attempting to elaborate an
integrated or comprehensive approach. In this volume, we have set ourselves the
challenge of moving the possibilities for theoretical integration forward and of
placing autopoiesis alongside other mainstream approaches in organizational
To this end, five questions encapsulating the trends at the forefront of contemporary
organizational thinking were posed to the authors included in this volume:
(1) Can autopoiesis provide the backdrop for a new organizational paradigm?
(2) Framed within the complexity paradigm, can autopoiesis provide the meta-
language for a new theory of organization and management?
(3) What might be the role of autopoiesis in the turn towards a focus on
practice and trans-disciplinarity in organizational thinking?
(4) How might autopoiesis theory lend further support to the views supporting
the networked nature of organizations and organizing?
(5) Given its holistic nature, can autopoiesis provide a suitable framework for
the integration of information technology/systems into social organizations?
The invited authors responded in a variety of ways to these questions, and the result is
the present volume of original and peer reviewed papers. The editors hope that the
ideas presented here will provide the basis for establishing autopoiesis as an
innovative intellectual lever for the study of organizations.
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Organization Theory. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press
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ESPEJO, R.; SCHUMANN, W.; SCHWANINGER, M.; BILELLO, U. (1996). Organizational
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GHOSHAL, S.; BARTLETT, C.A. (1998).The Individualized Corporation: a fundamentally new
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TROW, M. (Ed) (1994). The New Production of Knowledge: the dynamics of science and research in
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GIDDENS, A. (1984).The Constitution of Society: outline of the theory of structuration. Cambridge,
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GOLDSPINK, C. ; KAY, R. (2004). “Bridging the Micro-Macro Divide: a new basis for social
science”. Human Relations, 57 (5): 597-618
GRANT, R.M. (1991). “The Resource-Based Theory of Competitive Advantage: implications for
strategy formulation.” California Management Review,33(Spring): 114-135.
GUEDES, F. C. (1999). Economia e Complexidade. Coimbra, Portugal: Livraria Almedina
HALL, W. P. (2003). Organizational Autopoiesis and Knowledge Management. Twelfth International
Conference on Information Systems Development. Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 August 2003
HANSETH, O. (2004). “Knowledge as Infrastructure” in C. Avgerou; C. Ciborra; F. Land (eds) The
Social Study of Information and Communication Technology. Oxford: Oxford University Press
HATCH, M. J.; CUNLIFFE, A. L. (2006). Organization Theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern
perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press
HERNES, T.; BAKKEN, T. (2003). “Introduction: Niklas Luhmann’s autopoietic theory and
organization studies a space of connections” in T. Bakken and T. Hernes (eds), Autopoietic
Organization Theory. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press
HODGSON, M. G. (2007). “Institutions and Individuals: interaction and evolution”. Organization
Studies, 28 (1): 95-116
KAKABADSE, A.; KAKABADSE, N. (1999). Essence of Leadership. London: International Thomson
Business Press
KATZ, D.; KAHN, R.L. (1966).The Social Psychology of Organizations. N. York: Wiley.
KING, A. (1993). “The Truth about Autopoiesis.” Journal of Law and Society, 20 ( 2): 218-236.
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LAMB, R.; KLING, R. (2003). “Reconceptualizing Users as Social Actors in Information Systems
Research”. MIS Quarterly, 27 (2): 197-235
LATOUR, B. (2005). Reassembling the social: an introduction to actor-network theory. Oxford:
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expansion. Technology and Culture, 28, 227-252
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MAGALHÃES, R. (2004). Organizational Knowledge and Technology: an action-oriented approach
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MAGALHAES, R.; SOUSA, P.; TRIBOLET, J. (2008). The Role of Business Processes and Enterprise
Architectures in the Development of Organizational Self-Awareness. Tekhne: Revista de Estudos
Politecnicos (in press)
MAGALHÃES, Rodrigo, ZACARIAS, Marielba; TRIBOLET, José (2007). Making Sense of
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Architectures, November
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MINGERS, J. (2004). “Can Social Systems be Autopoietic? Bhaskar’s and Gidden’s Social Theories”.
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Strategy has been defined as “the match an ovganization makes between its internal resources and skills … and the opportunities and risks created by its external environment.” 1 During the 1980s, the principal developments in strategy analysis focussed upon the link between strategy and the external environment. Prominent examples of this focus are Michael Porter's analysis of industry structure and competitive positioning and the empirical studies undertaken by the PIMS project. 2 By contrast, the link between strategy and the firm's resources and skills has suffered comparative neglect. Most research into the strategic implications of the firm's internal environment has been concerned with issues of strategy implementation and analysis of the organizational processes through which strategies emerge. 3
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This paper investigates interrelationships of product design, organization design, processes for learning and managing knowledge, and competitive strategy. This paper uses the principles of nearly decomposable systems to investigate the ability of standardized interfaces between components in a product design to embed coordination of product development processes. Embedded coordination creates ‘hierarchical coordination’ without the need to continually exercise authority—enabling effective coordination of processes without the tight coupling of organizational structures. We develop concepts of modularity in product and organization designs based on standardized component and organization interfaces. Modular product architectures create information structures that provide the ‘glue’ that holds together the loosely coupled parts of a modular organization design. By facilitating loose coupling, modularity can also reduce the cost and difficulty of adaptive coordination, thereby increasing the strategic flexibility of firms to respond to environmental change. Modularity in product and organization designs therefore enables a new strategic approach to the management of knowledge based on an intentional, carefully managed loose coupling of a firm's learning processes at architectural and component levels of product creation processes.
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As yet, there is no enactive account of social cognition. This paper extends the enactive concept of sense-making into the social domain. It takes as its departure point the process of interaction between individuals in a social encounter. It is a well-established finding that individuals can and generally do coordinate their movements and utterances in such situations. We argue that the interaction process can take on a form of autonomy. This allows us to reframe the problem of social cognition as that of how meaning is generated and transformed in the interplay between the unfolding interaction process and the individuals engaged in it. The notion of sense-making in this realm becomes participatory sense-making. The onus of social understanding thus moves away from strictly the individual only.
Research on careers has recently discovered the growing relevance of inter-organizational, boundaryless careers. The new paradigm of career studies that goes hand in hand with the concept of boundaryless careers, though, has not yet paid very much attention to the impact of new career patterns on how organizations function. To fill this gap, the paper analyses the effects of boundaryless careers on organizational decision making. Drawing on Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems, we elaborate how observing a (potential) employee's life in terms of career generally facilitates organizational decision making by what we call the evaluative capacity of career. Further, the paper shows in what respect employing this mode of observation is rendered more difficult by the emergence of boundaryless careers. Based on the theoretical framework developed, we finally deduce and apply a scheme of classification of possible reactions to the organizational problems caused by boundaryless careers. In sum, the paper provides a new theoretical approach to analysing different ways of how organizations can cope with the challenges of new career patterns.
Examines how organizations identify and respond to conditions of stability and change and classifies responses as appropriate or dysfunctional. Using case study and historical survey approaches, the authors formulate conclusions about organizations themselves, individual organization members, and sub-organizational combinations of members. These three perspectives correspond to the organization's goals, individual career aspirations, and internal politicking. Technical progress and development of new organizational forms proceed in tandem; advancement in either field augurs movement in the other field. The inventor requires a suitable milieu and new technology enables further sophisticated forms of organization. Matching the rise of modern industrial concerns, technological research and development has been increasingly professionalized and financially supported by large corporations and government. Firms in (then) newly created industries, such as electronics, face a unique difficulty. Unlike counterparts in established fields, new firms in these industries must respond to rapidly changing market conditions without the benefit of a management experienced in the exigencies of that sector. The authors examine common new-industry responses to planning needs. These include the transfer of technical staff to the sales force and assignment of user needs research to research and development staff. Two important organizational approaches are identified. The mechanistic approach, suitable for stable industries, is marked by precise definition of member function and is highly hierarchical. The organic approach is more appropriate to industries undergoing change and is characterized by fluid definitions of function and interactions that are equally lateral as they are vertical. (CAR)