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To Zone or Not to Zone? Comparing European and American Land-use Regulation

PNDonline II|2010
This paper compares German and American approaches to land-use regulation. Conclusions are
derived from a review of regulatory documents and expert interviews conducted in the German city
of Stuttgart. The analysis shows that in the United States, the zoning approach is most commonly
based on the assumption of exclusivity (i.e., each land-use district is suitable for only a single type
of human activity, such as residential, business or industrial); whereas in Germany the prevailing
principle is that of predominance (i.e., each land-use district is suitable for multiple types of activity
and most districts end up essentially mixed-use). Thus, although the names of the land-use catego-
ries used in both countries are similar, their definitions – the types of activities they permit – are
starkly different. The paper concludes that zoning reform in the United States must start with a
fundamental rethinking of the definitions behind our standard zoning categories and recommends
further learning from European nations.
To zone or not to zone?
Comparing European and American Land-use Regulation
Sonia Hirt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor in
Urban Affairs and Planning
College of Architecture and
Urban Studies, Virginia
A broad consensus has emerged among pl-
anners that contemporary American urban
and regional landscapes, particularly those
developed since the 1950s, are unsustaina-
ble (e.g., Burchell et al. 2005, American Pl-
anning Association 1998, Talen and Knaap
2003, Duany and Talen 2002, Calthorpe
1993). These landscapes, often labeled as
»sprawl,« are defined by low densities, se-
gregated land uses and housing types, in-
creasing traffic congestion and air pollution,
and a failure to restore the vitality of historic
urban cores (Downs 2005). Not surprisingly,
much planning energy has focused on com-
bating the problem. Yet, the sprawling pat-
terns stubbornly persist. Smart Growth, as
Downs (2005: 367) notes, seems to be »much
more talked about than actually carried out in
In this paper, I focus on one of the most po-
pular tenets of Smart Growth: mixed land
uses. Many premier urban scholars and
many programmatic planning documents
point to mixed use as key to restoring the vi-
brancy of American cities (e.g., Grant 2006,
Talen and Knaap 2003, Daniels 2001, Downs
2001, Congress for the New Urbanism 2001,
American Planning Association 1998, Mont-
gomery 1998, Kunstler 1996, Schwanke et
al. 1987). Mixed use has become, as Grant
(2002: 71) put it, the new planning »mantra.«
Sonia Hirt: To zone or not to zone? ...2|14
Yet, wherever empirical research on the im-
plementation of the mixed-use principle has
been carried out, it has shown that in practice
mixed-use zoning remains an exception (Ta-
len and Knaap 2003; Hirt 2007; Grant 2003,
I argue that when it comes to mixed use, the
problem is not just that it is »much more
talked about than actually carried out in
practice.« Rather, the problem is that when
we, American planners and citizens alike,
talk about mixed use, we lack a good refe-
rence point which would enable us to define
the term meaningfully. Yet a reference point
is important because as Angotti and Hand-
hardt (2001) argue, there is no single definiti-
on of mixed use. There are degrees of mixed
use and our definition of the term depends
entirely on our point of comparison. I be-
lieve that when we talk of having mixed use
in our cities, we tend to talk of having more
mixed use than we used to have under strict
Euclidean zoning from the mid-20th century.
Thus, if we adopt a new downtown mixed-
use district, it seems to us we have made a
significant change. I propose to switch the re-
ference point: instead of comparing current,
ostensibly pro-mixed-use American zoning
codes with standard Euclidean codes from
the 1950s, I suggest we begin comparing
them to land-use practices in other nations.
And since Germany is the country credi-
ted with inventing use-based zoning (Talen
2005, Platt 2004, Liebmann 1996), it is a
logical starting point. Then, when compared
to German (and, more generally, European)
land-use practices, many recent U.S. ideas of
what pro-mixed-use zoning is seem surpri-
singly modest.
I first review the benefits of mixed use, as out-
lined in the literature, and argue for the need
to learn from other nations such as Germany.
I summarize the basic principles of German
land-use planning, especially with respect to
promoting mixed use, and compare them
to standard American practices. I find that
while the names of German and American
land-use zones seem similar, their defini-
tions and the uses they permit are very diffe-
rent. I conclude with a brief note on land-use
regulation in other European countries and
offer some thoughts on the current status of
land-use regulatory reform in America.
The overview of German land-use planning
is based primarily on data I collected during
a field visit to the German city of Stuttgart in
2006. The data include federal land-uses sta-
tues; local planning and land-use regulatory
documents; and in-person and phone inter-
views with the planning staff of the City of
Stuttgart, planning consultants working in
the region, and planning academicians from
the University of Stuttgart and the University
of Bonn. Other data sources include seconda-
ry literature on German planning and land-
use regulation, both historic and current, and
online resources.
The benefits of mixed use
Diversity – diversity of people, built forms,
human activities and land uses – is the lyn-
chpin of urbanity (Talen 2006, 2005: 37). As
J. Jacobs (1961) astutely argued nearly half
a century ago, land-use diversity may be the
most important precondition of urban vitali-
ty. It has the potential of attracting more pe-
destrian activity, increasing social interaction,
and restoring a richer civic life (Montgomery
1998, Calthorpe 1993, Krier 1988, Jacobs and
Appleyard 1987). It also brings important be-
nefits along the three key aspects of planning
sustainable cities: efficiency, equity and envi-
ronmental protection (Campbell 1996). As
Grant (2002: 72-3) explains:
Mix creates an urban environment active at
all hours, making optimum use of infrastruc-
π Smaller, post-baby-boom households can
have a greater range of options (rather
than just detached homes).
π Mixing housing types could increase
housing affordability and equity by redu-
cing the premium that exclusive, segrega-
ted areas enjoy.
π By providing housing near commercial
and civic activities, planners could reduce
the dependence of the elderly and child-
ren on cars.
π Enabling people to live where they can
shop, work, or play could reduce car ow-
nership and vehicle trips, increase pedest-
rian and transit use, and thus alleviate the
environmental consequences associated
with automobile use.
U.S. planning, however, has historically
sought to separate the uses (Boyer 1983). Se-
paration was a reaction to the threats which
noxious industry posed to public health in
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the late 19th century (Grant 2002). It served
several positive purposes: it reduced health
and safety hazards and stabilized the mar-
ket. But it reduced civic life (Kunstler 1997,
Calthorpe 1993, Krier 1988, Jacobs 1961),
increased inequities by inflating housing
prices (Asabere and Huffman 1997, Dowell
1984) and erecting legal barriers between
rich and poor, contributed to sprawl (Talen
2005), increased car dependence, worsened
pollution (Ewing, Pendall et al. 2002; Fischel
1999; Pendall 1999), and even harmed pubic
health by reducing the need for physical acti-
vity (Burchell and Mukherji 2003).
Growing evidence for the negative effects of
separation and the benefits of mixed use led
to a paradigm shift in planning (Hirt 2005).
Mixed use has become the new planning gos-
pel in the U. S. and Canada (Grant 2002).
It is a key tenet of today’s leading planning
movements such as Smart Growth and New
Urbanism (Downs 2005, 2001; Talen and
Knaap 2003; Daniels 2001; Congress for the
New Urbanism 2001). It is also heavily pro-
moted in Europe (Office of the Deputy Prime
Minister 2005, Hoppenbrouwer and Louw
2005, Wiegandt 2004, Rowley 1996, Syko-
ra 1995, Healey and Williams 1993). In fact,
when it comes to mixed use, programmatic
documents issued on both sides of the North
Atlantic share much of the same rhetoric
(European Commission 1999b, American
Planning Association 1998; also Siy 2004).
But the rhetorical similarities are superficial
because, as we shall further see in examining
the German experience, the European and
the American approaches to mixed use – past
and present – have been quite different.
Learning from European countries
Kenneth Jackson (2005: 13, also von Saldern
2005) recently observed that what distingu-
ishes the United States from other democra-
tic nations in the post-World War II-era is
that while other nations have been eager to
learn lessons from the United States, Ameri-
cans »did not bother to learn from European
and Asian experience.« This lack of learning
is regrettable for planners, Jackson argues,
because European cities albeit not prob-
lem-free, tend to be more vibrant, compact,
mixed-use, and ecologically friendly.
Jackson’s dire assessment aside, there is now
a burgeoning body of literature that has ta-
ken on the task of »learning from European
cities« (Beatley 2000). Nivola’s (1999) study
of national policies across the North Atlantic
and their impact on the urban landscape is
perhaps the most influential example. Nivola
points out that European cities have retained
much of their vitality as a result of a number
of government policies, such as the much
larger proportion of national budgets dedi-
cated to mass transit rather than highways,
the higher European taxes on gas, the lack
of home-ownership subsidies, the heavier
reliance on consumption in lieu of income
and property taxes, and the policies designed
to protect European small business. Beatley
(2000) adds the greater European empha-
sis on green technologies; and the stronger
role of national and regional governments in
protecting farmland and establishing growth
boundaries and greenbelts (also Alterman
1997). Siy (2004) points to recent planning
initiatives of the European Union which also
promote compact cities and the conservation
of green space.
Most of the above-cited literature acknow-
ledges that European cities »exhibit a much
higher level of mixing and integration of
functions,« and it identifies mixed use as a
key asset (Beatley 2000: 41). However, while
some studies have noted the exceptional na-
ture of U.S. single-family zoning (Culling-
woth 1993), none has examined in depth the
question of exactly what is different about Eu-
ropean regulation that enables the mix.
This gap in the literature has had unfortunate
consequences for planning practice. Ameri-
can practitioners tend to be unaware of the
key distinctions between American and Eu-
ropean land-use regulation. They generally
lack an international perspective that would
allow them to assess American practice cri-
tically. As a result, the standard American
way of zoning land in a highly prescriptive
fashion and in mutually exclusive districts
fit for housing, commerce or industry, but ra-
rely for a mix of them – has come to seem the
normal and inevitable state of affairs, the only
possible »default system« (Levine 2006).
In turn, recent ideas for mixed-use zoning,
which are often promoted as almost revolu-
tionary proposals for regulatory revamping,
have proceeded largely in a vacuum, without
the benefit of learning from abroad. Thus the
current system has taken on an aura of ine-
vitability, while proposals for its reform have
taken on an aura of brave innovation. These
Sonia Hirt: To zone or not to zone? ...4|14
connotations fade, however, when we consi-
der that in other nations mixed-use zoning
has always been the normal state of affairs.
American versus German approaches to
mixed use
Comparative basis
A choice to compare German and American
land-use regulation rests on several rationa-
les. In both countries, zoning developed as
an extension of 19th-century nuisance laws
which aimed to amend the dangerous con-
ditions of the polluted industrial city (Lefcoe
1979, Logan 1976). By the 1860s, European
countries like Italy and France had alrea-
dy adopted rules to protect housing from
factories. A select few American cities had
made similar attempts (Fischler and Kolnick
2006). However, it was German reformers in
the 1870-80s who invented the idea of zoning
an entire city into separate residential and
industrial districts (Platt 2004, Liebmann
1996). In 1891, Frankfurt became one of the
first large cities to have a citywide zoning
plan with use-based districts (Logan 1976).
The German system was widely emulated in
the U. S. (Logan 1976, Scott 1971).1
Today, the planning systems in Germany and
the U.S. share fundamental features. Both
countries are federations with national, state
and local levels of government. In both, the
federal level plays a limited role in planning
by providing key framework documents,
while most land-use planning occurs locally.2
In both countries, municipalities employ two
main land-use policy instruments. They first
prepare a general plan, which broadly outli-
nes the intended uses of land for the entire
municipal area (i.e., the U.S. Master Plan and
the German Preparatory Land-use Plan, Flä-
chennutzungsplan). These plans serve as the
basis for legally binding documents that set
the rules of building. In the U. S., the rules
are written and graphically presented in a zo-
ning code comprising text and map, and a set
of subdivision regulations (see Levy 2005).
In Germany, they take the form of the Buil-
ding Land-use Plans,3 Bebauungspläne.4 Like
American zoning codes, the Bebauungspläne
regulate use, area and bulk (e.g., lot depth
and coverage, setbacks, building height, etc.).
But unlike American codes, they also show
existing buildings and infrastructure (see
Wiegandt 2000; Federal Office of Regional
Planning, Building and Urban Development
1993; Kimminich 1975). Another difference
is that in the U. S. the zoning code is a single
document with a map of the entire municipa-
lity. In Germany, a municipality draws many
Bebauungspläne.5 Typically, each is a map of
a city block and includes written rules regar-
ding land use, bulk and area.
Most importantly, the U.S. and the German
systems share an overarching premise. In
both, development is guaranteed by right as
long as property owners abide the legal ru-
les. This is far from trivial because not all
planning regimes around the world operate
in this way. The English system, for examp-
le, is discretionary in that there are no formal
zoning rules, compliance with which guaran-
tees the private party’s right to build (Booth
Historical perspectives
Despite the similarities Germany and the
U.S. have always treated mixed use diffe-
rently. The goals of German zoning since its
inception were control of noxious industry,
relief from crowding and protection of the
countryside (Liebmann 1996, Lefcoe 1979).
The first two of those were of course aims of
U.S. zoning as well (the third gained promi-
nence later; Liebmann 1996). But U.S. plan-
ners had additional concerns and the zoning
system they devised became a quintessenti-
ally American institution (Platt 2004).
What distinguished the two systems from the
start was that German regulations focused
on bulk and density, while U.S. regulations
emphasized land-use control. German plan-
ners rarely prohibited all industry from resi-
dential areas; rather, they permitted it under
performance standards. The Frankfurt code
from 1891, for example, had six zones: two
residential, two mixed-use and two industri-
al. Industrial enterprises that needed permits
under the Imperial Code were banned from
residential areas, but all others were allowed
under certain criteria (Logan 1976). Moreo-
ver, in German codes commercial uses were
permitted in all parts of town; they were ban-
ned amid residences only if they released no-
xious fumes. Single- and multi-family dwel-
lings were almost always allowed to co-exist
freely; the legal texts rarely distinguished
between them (Liebmann 1996). In fact, J.
Stübben, the doyen of early 20th-century Ger-
man planning, spoke forcefully of the need
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to connect places of business with dwellings
and argued that »mixing of the wealthy and
the poor should be promoted« (cited by Talen
2005: 156).
From early on, U.S. planners were keener on
separation. In 1914, J. Nolen noted that the
key U.S. contribution to planning might be
»the separation of business and residential
neighborhood« (cited by Talen 2005: 154).
In 1929, E. Freund argued that: »People [in
Europe] do not mind a little store around the
corner a bit…We wouldn’t have that in this
country [the U.S.] because it is not compatib-
le to our ideals« (cited by Liebmann 1996).
Through the 20th century, American planners
can be credited with inventing at least four
zoning ideas: hierarchical zoning, the exclu-
sively residential zone, the exclusively single-
family zone, and non-hierarchical zoning. By
the consecutive application of these ideas,
U.S. zoning evolved over time in a clear di-
rection: toward more use-separation.
The most fully zoned American city in the
early 1900s was Los Angeles. By 1915, it had
zoned almost its entire area in various resi-
dential or industrial districts. Initially, even
the most restrictive residential zones allowed
some commerce and industry as »residence
exceptions« (Scott 1971, Pollard 1931). But by
1916, when New York enacted the first truly
comprehensive zoning code in the U.S., all
industry and most commerce were banned
from the residential districts. New York’s code
established three types of zones: residence,
business and unrestricted (Willis 1993). The
addition of the business zone is significant in
that commerce was for the first time deemed
sufficiently incompatible with residences as
to require its own category. The code intro-
duced the notion that the land uses form a
pyramid. Residential uses made the top of the
pyramid, while industrial uses made the bot-
tom. Residential uses could locate freely in all
zones that were below them in the pyramid
(i.e., in business and industrial zones), but
non-residential uses could not be built in the
residential zones. Similarly, commercial uses
could freely exist in the industrial zones, but
industrial uses were barred from commercial
zones (Hirt 2007, Platt 2004, Asabere and
Huffman 1997). The code was quasi-separa-
tionist because mixed use could legally occur
albeit only in the lower-level zones and
because it did not distinguish between sing-
le- and multi-family housing types but allo-
wed them to mix.
In the same year, 1916, Berkeley, California
invented the idea of the exclusively single-
family zone, which prohibited other types of
housing (Fischler 1998b). Berkeley’s code
also differed from New York’s in that it was
non-hierarchical. It treated each zone as
»pure« or suitable for only a single use. In
other words, not only did it ban industry in
the residential zones but it also banned re-
sidences in the industrial zones (Scott 1971).
Widespread adoption of zoning across the
U.S. occurred after two pivotal events in
1926: the Supreme Court ruling in Euclid v.
Ambler and the adoption of the Standard Zo-
ning Enabling Act. Both legitimized separa-
tion. In Euclid v. Ambler, the Court affirmed
zoning as a valid exercise of police power and
endorsed the sanctity of single-family zones
by declaring apartments in such zones as al-
most »nuisances« (see Nelson 1977: 11). And
although the Standard Zoning Enabling Act
dealt mostly with procedural matters (see
Platt 2004), it did mention that land should
be zoned for »trade, industry, residence, or
other purpose,« thus implicitly endorsing the
idea of single-use areas (Department of Com-
merce 1926).
In the years immediately following 1926,
New York’s quasi-separationist hierarchical
code served as a model for U.S. locales. But
after World War II, New York’s model lost
its appeal and Berkeley’s model (in which
each zone is deemed suitable for a single
use) spread around the U.S. (see Gerckens
2005, 2003). Even New York, when adopt-
ing its second code in 1961, moved toward
separation by limiting residential-business
mix, differentiating between dwelling types
and creating exclusively single-family zones
(Strickland 1993). By the late 20th century,
a large majority of U.S. locales had adopted
non-hierarchical codes (Platt 2004). In doing
do, they split their land into cells each fit for
a single type of activity and outlawed the buil-
ding of new mixed-use areas.
Current American versus German practice
Today, there is remarkable consistency in zo-
ning districts used across the U.S. In almost
all municipalities – Katz (2004) estimates in
around 99 percent of them – the districts are
land-use-based. In other words, the key fac-
tor that distinguishes between districts is the
Sonia Hirt: To zone or not to zone? ...6|14
list of land uses they allow (of course along
with area and bulk rules). Regardless of the
variation in names (e.g., »business« instead
of »commercial,« and »industrial« instead
of »manufacturing«), the standard classes
of districts are: residential, commercial (of-
ten split into retail and office), industrial and
agricultural. Separate public districts are also
common, albeit less so, since public uses are
often conditionally listed in the other zones.
The classes are normally subdivided into
sub-classes; e.g., residential classes branch
into one-family, two-family and multi-family
ones. Regarding each land-use district, the
zoning code typically specifies the primary
(or by-right) permitted uses, the accessory
uses (which are closely related to the primary
uses; e.g., garages in residential zones), and
the conditional uses (e.g., civic buildings in
residential zones). In hierarchical codes, as
already noted, mix is allowed in the lower-le-
vel districts. But in the more common, non-
hierarchical codes, the mix is very restricted,
and it may occur only as non-conforming
use, at the border of neighboring districts, or
in a special mixed-use zone. In both hierar-
chical and non-hierarchical codes, however,
the single-family zones ban all other major
uses (for a summary, see Platt 2004, Culling-
worth 1993).
To my knowledge, there are no studies of
exactly what proportion of U.S. locales use
hierarchical vs. non-hierarchical codes, nor
are there any nationwide surveys of locales
with mixed-use zones. Where case studies
have been performed, they have pointed to
the dominance of non-hierarchical zoning,
and the marginal status of mixed use (Grant
2002). Talen and Knaap (2003) showed that
while half of Illinois locales have nominally
mixed-use zones, most of these zones allow
only residential-civic mix while banning the
mix of housing types and the mix of retail
and housing. Thus, these zones qualify as
»mixed-use« only in name. In a study of six-
ty Ohio locales, Hirt (2007) found that only
a fifth of the codes are hierarchical. And alt-
hough half of all codes had mixed-use zones,
they permitted a very limited mix. Levine
(2006: 76-79) observed that while single-fa-
mily zones occupy by far the largest share of
territory in any U.S. metropolitan area, they
typically ban all other main land uses and are
almost immune to variances or re-zonings
allowing for land-use change. In short then,
American zoning separates uses quite strict-
ly. Exactly how strictly becomes clearer when
we look at German practice.
Municipal land-use regulation in Germany
is guided by a federal statute: the Federal
Land Use Ordinance (Baunutzungsverorn-
dung or BauNVO). This document defines
several districts and the uses they permit
(Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and
Housing 1990). It is flexible in that it allows
locales, when preparing their legally binding
plans, to choose which federal categories to
use on their land. However, locales cannot
invent districts that do not exist in the fede-
ral statute. Once they select which federal ca-
tegories to apply, they must broadly comply
with the list of uses permitted under each
BauNVO category (European Commission
1999a, Dietrich and Dransfeld 1995).
At first glance, the German land-use classes
are remarkably similar to their U.S. counter-
parts. They carry virtually the same names.
But there are stark differences in the defini-
tions of German vs. U.S. land-use classes;
i.e., in the lists of land uses they permit.
The BauNVO lists four land-use classes: re-
sidential, mixed, commercial and special.6
These are divided in ten subclasses: small-
scale residential, exclusively residential, ge-
neral residential, special residential, village-
type, mixed-use, town-center, commercial,
industrial and special districts.7 But consider
the uses each of them allows. From a U.S.
standpoint, almost all qualify as mixed-use.
»Small-scale residential« areas may allow
the following uses by right: single- and two-
family homes, farms, small shops,8 restau-
rants, crafts, and non-disturbing industry.
The »exclusively residential« areas, despi-
te their name, permit by right all dwellings
(without distinguishing between single- and
multi-family) but also list small shops, crafts,
hotels and civic buildings as special uses. The
»general residential« areas allow by right all
dwellings,9 small shops, restaurants and ci-
vic buildings; they may permit as special uses
hotels, gas stations and non-disturbing indus-
try. Regarding what constitutes »non-distur-
bing industry,« another statute applies— the
German Industrial Norms (Deutsche Industri-
enorm or DIN 18005). This statute sets stan-
dards for industrial emissions and noise for
each of the BauNVO residential classes.
Thus, no area is envisioned for only single-
family houses. There is no residential-only
category to begin with. The residential clas-
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ses differ in their balance of uses; yet none
is single-use.10 According to the experts, the
guiding principle is that at least 50 percent
of the land in residential zones should be oc-
cupied by dwellings.11 One expert explained:
»Clearly, the residential classes are intended so
that people can have normal and comfortable
living conditions. They are, as their names say,
meant for ‘living.’12 But how do you define li-
ving? You obviously need shelter but you cannot
really sustain living without an easy access to
things that make it possible – like buying bread
or other basic necessities. So having access to
such services seems to me as part of living as ha-
ving shelter. They really are part of the same. So
if someone proposes a store in a ‘living’ district,
my thought is whether it enhances living. If it’s
a big specialized store, most people don’t need it
in their lives on a daily basis. But if it’s a small
bakery, I see it as part of daily living.«
Notwithstanding the above discussion, many
city blocks in German cities are single-use.
In fact, large areas made of contiguous city
blocks may turn only residential and, just as
in the U.S.; the urban outskirts often end up
dominated by mono-functional chunks of
land occupied by mega-stores or industrial
campuses. The BauNVO does not require
mixed use. The only class under which a mix
is mandated is the Mixed-use District (Misch-
gebiete). In all other classes, the BauNVO
only lists the uses which locales may allow.
Furthermore, it gives locales the flexibility
to place additional restrictions. For example,
although according to the BauNVO the »ex-
clusively residential’ areas may allow stores,
a particular Bebaungsplan may ban them. But
the experts interviewed said that this is rather
rare in German practice. Moreover, they no-
ted that the most restrictive of the BauNVO
residential classes are all but extinct. The
small-scale residential class, which limits
dwellings to only single-and two-family, is
used only in small villages. The exclusively
residential class, which does not restrict
dwelling types but allows non-residential
only as conditional uses, today takes only an
estimated 5-to-10 percent of Stuttgart and
does not exist in Bonn at all.13 14 In contrast,
66 percent of metro Detroit and 80 percent
of metro Cleveland are under single-family
zoning, which bans all but single-family hou-
ses and their accessories (Hirt 2007, Levine
2006, NOACA 2002).
The following scenario illustrates the diffe-
rence between German and U.S. standard
practice. If a developer proposes a new sing-
le-family development occupying several va-
cant city blocks, located in a predominantly
residential part of town, there certainly would
be no legal reason to prohibit it in either
country. In both, the residential group would
normally be zoned under some residential la-
bel (most likely »single-family residential« in
the U.S. and »general residential« in Germa-
ny). However, if a property owner proposes a
small new store amid the residences, under
U.S. zoning this could occur only if the fu-
ture store’s lot were rezoned as commercial.
Such rezoning, however, is in most cases very
unlikely. In Germany, in contrast, the store’s
construction would not require rezoning or
other legal reclassification. Rather, the store
would already be on the list of permitted uses
and planners would be unlikely to ban it, if it
would serve only the local residents. In other
words, the underlying presumption in the
United States is that a store does not fit amid
the dwellings, unless proven otherwise; whe-
reas in Germany, the underlying presumpti-
on is that the store fits amid the dwellings,
unless proven otherwise.
The experience of other European countries
Only a survey of planning across Europe can
show whether the German approach is typi-
cal. Here I can only offer brief notes on three
South European states: Greece, Serbia and
Bulgaria. In recent decades, all three have
undergone economic or political hardships
and, in the case of Serbia, even war. Yet in
all three, large cities like Belgrade, Salonica
and Sofia are remarkably vibrant. In all three,
the planning systems use the same main in-
struments: a general city plan and multiple
legally binding building land-use plans. Yet
the level of mixed use allowed exceeds what
we find in Germany, not to mention the U.S.
In Serbia, state statutes categorize land-use
districts (including residential ones) based
on their predominant – not single – use.
Belgrade’s code interprets the statute in set-
ting specific percentages of residential vs.
commercial uses for the various parts of
town. The percentage varies from 50/50 to
80/20. No residential areas ban commerce
completely. In Greece, a Presidential Decree
outlines the following districts: exclusively
residential, general residential, central, light
industrial, heavy industrial, tourist and green
space. But the »exclusively« residential are-
Sonia Hirt: To zone or not to zone? ...8|14
as not only allow all types of dwellings, but
also permit by right small stores and small
hotels, as well as all civic uses. Note that the
decree does not list commercial districts, as
commerce is allowed in all residential areas.
Bulgarian state statutes use almost the same
typology, again omitting any reference to
commercial areas, as small-scale commerce
is deemed an integral part of the residential
Discussion and conclusions: American zo-
ning from the comparative perspective
American zoning of course does not preclude
mixed use. Mixed use may occur in special
zones, in areas with non-conforming uses,
at the borders of single-use zones, or via re-
zonings and variances even in the standard
zoning districts. But American zoning does
make mixed use difficult by treating it as an
exception. This is, I believe, because eight de-
cades of Euclidean zoning have given land-
use separation (especially separation which
occurs via the establishment of single-family
districts) an air of normalcy and inevitability
(Wickersham 2001). Separation has become
the »default planning system« (Talen 2005),
the »state of nature« (Levine 2006), a habit
of the heart. Yet the experience of other coun-
tries shows that there is nothing normal or
inevitable either about separation or about
residential-only districts. In fact, in other
countries residential areas are by definition
mixed-use and single-family zones do not
even exist.
From this perspective, recent planning ef-
forts to promote mixed use in America fall
short of their stated goal. If Talen and Knaap
(2003) and Hirt (2007) are correct in asser-
ting that the most common zoning tools to
encourage mixed use in U.S. locales are plan-
ned unit developments (PUD) and mixed-use
zones, then this provides further proof that
mixed use continues to be treated as an ex-
ception. Both tools presume that mixed use
is suitable for a few corners of the city and
needs its own, exceptional districts. Both are
piecemeal solutions that do not question the
basic premise of standard zoning: that uses
should normally be separated. Both reduce
the idea of the mixed-use city to that of the
mixed-use part of the city. Perhaps instead of
coloring new spots on the zoning map under
»PUD« or »mixed-use« labels, a much more
substantive approach – one with citywide
impact would be to revise the zoning text
and expand the oppressively short list of per-
mitted uses in the standard residential zones.
This could be done, as in Europe, by allowing
small-scale commercial uses that will serve
the local residents.
Of course aside from PUD there are other,
more promising alternatives to standard zo-
ning: performance and form-based codes.
Performance zoning was proposed in the
U.S. in the 1950s (Scott 1971) and has been
used in cities such as Largo, Florida, and Ft.
Collins, Colorado. Building on the German
tradition of regulating industry, it requires
development to meet certain standards (in
terms of impervious surface, noise, traffic,
etc.) without specifying land use. Form-based
zoning, the New Urbanist idea, was proposed
in the 1990s and is used in places such as
Kendall and Seaside, Florida, and parts of Ar-
lington, Virginia. It ostensibly defines zones
according built-form character (scale and sty-
le) rather than land use (Katz 2004, Duany et
al. 2004, Duany and Talen 2002a, b).
Unfortunately, performance and form-based
zoning have had limited impact. Only a few
dozen locales have switched from standard
to performance zoning. And while Duany et
al. (2004) notes that 900 developments with
form-based codes have been built (which
represents a small proportion of all new de-
velopments), the website of the Congress
for New Urbanism lists only 22 locales with
form-based codes (out of 40,000 US cities
and towns). Furthermore, form-based zoning
is not used town-wide. Rather, form-based or
performance elements are co-opted into stan-
dard codes as additional rules and applied
(like PUD or mixed-use zones) to small areas
(Langdon 2006, Miller 2004, Porter 1998).
I believe the root of the problem lies in that
we have become too accustomed to guiding
urban development by dividing cities into pi-
eces of land, each fit for a single human acti-
vity. Yet, international experience shows that
a different approach is not only possible but
also widely practiced. And I would like to end
with an additional problem with form-based
zoning, which I see as follows: it goes too far,
yet not far enough. By doing away with the
familiar categories of residential, commercial
and industrial, I believe form-based advoca-
tes often shock local officials and citizens
alike. Yet there is nothing inherently wrong
with land-use-based zoning. In fact, Germa-
PNDonline II|2010 9|14
ny and the other countries I studied do practi-
ce it. But instead of defining use districts in
terms of exclusivity, other countries define
them in terms of predominance; i.e., residen-
tial zones are dominated by dwellings, yet
they allow other appropriate uses which ena-
ble and complete everyday life. What these
appropriate uses are may be defined in terms
of form, performance standards, or land-use
ratios all methods are used in some com-
bination in Germany and Southern Europe.
Planners may also use their discretion in
deciding which services target only the local
residents. But while form-based zoning may
go »too far« in nominal abolition of stan-
dard use-based categories, it does not go far
enough in allowing mixed use. For example,
Duany and Talen’s (2002) »transect« model
– the theoretical basis of the so-called Smart-
Code – eliminates use-based zones in favor of
the following six alternatives: Rural Preserve,
Rural Reserve, Sub-urban Edge, General Ur-
ban, Urban Center and Urban Core. Yet only
the last two, the Urban Center and the Urban
Core, qualify as mixed-use from a European
viewpoint. The Sub-urban zone is for single-
family detached housing with possible civic
or office uses yet a single-family category
does not even exist in Germany. The Gene-
ral Urban zone is for single-family detached
and row housing with retail »confined to
designated lots, typically at corners« – a de-
finition more restrictive than that of even the
»exclusively« residential areas in Greece. So
perhaps instead of spending energy on new
systems of classification, we should strive
to learn more from other countries where
mixed use has always been a way of life.
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Sonia Hirt: To zone or not to zone? ...14|14
10 In fact, the Commercial and Industrial classes in the
BauNVO allow much less mixed-use than the residen-
tial classes. In both the Industrial and the Commercial
areas, the only permitted dwellings are those of the fa-
cility owners and managers. According to the experts,
it is presumed that most small to medium commerce
and clean industries are dispersed in the residential are-
as. Thus, the Industrial and Commercial areas usually
house large enterprises with disturbing effects. Hence
most dwellings there are discouraged.
11 Similarly, if a doctor or lawyer wanted to convert his
or her residence to a professional practice, the prevailing
principle would be that at least 50 percent of the building
must remain in residential use.
12 The names of the residential classes Reine Wohngebie-
te, Allgemeine Wohngebiete, and Besondere Wohngebiete are
derived from the German verb »wohnen which means
»to live.«
13 Unfortunately, unlike American cities, German cities
do not maintain precise statistics on the percentage of
their areas zoned under the various land-use classes.
Thus, the figures I cite are based on the interviews.
14 It is important to note that not all parts of German
cities are covered by Bebaungspläne. Historic areas often
do not have Bebaungspläne since they are already built-
out and thus there is no need to provide them with a le-
gal document stating what is permissible to build in the
future. If significant changes in either land use or form
are proposed for such an area, the so-called »blend-in«
rule applies (BauNVO & 34). This rule states that propo-
sed buildings »blend-in« with the existing surroundings.
Technically, the »blend-in« rule may be used to either to
increase or to decrease the level of mixed use. If an area
is occupied only by housing, the »blend-in« rule requi-
res that only residences be built there in the future. But
most historic areas are already mixed-use, so in most ca-
ses the rule implies that this mixed-use character should
be maintained.
15 These notes are based on visits to Belgrade, Salonica
and Sofia; 6 expert interviews (2 per city); and a review
of the following translated statutes: from Serbian, Law
on Territorial Development (1995), Law on the Con-
tent of Urban Plans (1998) and Belgrade’s Ordinance
(2003); from Greek, Presidential Decree on Land-use
Areas (1990) and Ministry of the Environment, Urban
Planning and Public Works’ Urban Design Standards
(2004); and from Bulgarian, Law on Territorial Develop-
ment (2001), and Codes 6 and 7 (2004).
1 The First American National Conference on City Pl-
anning in 1909 lavishly praised German zoning (Willis
1993: 13). Speaking at the conference, F. L. Olmsted, Jr.
pointed to Germany as the country from which U.S. pl-
anners should be learning most (Fischler and Kolnick
2006). Over time, many U.S. zoning pioneers such as E.
Bassett, A. Bettman, F. Howe, J. Nolen, B. Marsh and L.
Veiller admitted their debt to Germany (Liebmann 1996,
Talen 2005: 132, Fischler 1998b: 400, Logan 1976: 377,
Scott 1971: 128-31).
2 There is, however, an important difference here. The
German states yield much greater power than their
American counterparts in that they prepare general sta-
te plans. Local plans must conform to the state plans
and are approved at the state level (Federal Ministry for
Transport, Building and Housing 1997b; Federal Office
of Regional Planning, Building and Urban Development
1993; Schmitd-Eichstaedt 2001).
3 The Federal Building Code (Baugesetzbuch or BauGB)
sets the relationship between the Preparatory and the
Building Land-use Plans (Federal Ministry of Transport,
Building and Housing 1997a; Federal Office of Regional
Planning, Building and Urban Development 1993). The
system has been in place since 1961.
4 Literally, the term means »plan for the use of land for
building purposes.«
5 Düsseldorf, e.g., has around 3,000 such plans (Diet-
rich and Dransfield 1995). Stuttgart has around 5,000.
6 Like U.S. codes, the BauNVO does not only control
land uses but also sets bulk and area standards (e.g.,
open-to-built and floor-to-area ratios) for each land-use
class. More standards are set in the Bebaungspläne.
7 In German these are: Kleinsiedlungsgebiete, Reine Wohn-
gebiete, Allgemeine Wohngebiete, Besondere Wohngebiete,
Dorfgebiete, Mischgebiete, Kerngebiete, Gewerbegebiete, In-
dustriegebiete & Songergebiete.
8 The BauNVO does not impose size limits on stores
in residential area but allows stores that »serve the daily
needs of the neighborhood residents.« According to the
experts, a large store like IKEA, which draws upon a re-
gional market, could never fit into this category. When a
shop is proposed in a residential area, the planners will
analyze the proposal in terms of whether it will serve
only the local neighborhood residents.
9 This does not mean that one can build a high-rise in
any residential area. The BauNVO controls building
mass through open-to-built ratios and floor-to-area rati-
os. The Bebaungsplan sets strict rules regarding setbacks,
heights, etc. to ensure that the physical form of a buil-
ding makes it conform to its surroundings.
... Zoning is implemented in dividing a city's land into zones that allow or prohibit certain land uses [1] . Zoning is widely used in land-use control, and zoning related studies have received considerable attention in the past decades [2] in fields including urban planning [3] , land-use regulation [4] , environmental management [5] , transportation planning [6] , and housing markets [7,8] . Curtis and MacPherson [10] produced the first rigorously defined geography of housing market areas taking account of three strands of evidence: commuting, migration and house prices [11] . ...
... Zoning of other categories surrounding each residential zone will also affect house prices due to favoritism of buyers. Approximate to some zones, such as commercial and green lands, are usually favorable to buyers, while approximate to some other zones, such as industrial, can be mostly unfavorable [4] . On the other hand, house agents and buyers have their definitions of house price zones. ...
Full-text available
Zoning is widely used in land-use control and the criteria for a ‘good’ zoning scheme varies dramatically for different purposes of zoning. Studies during the past decades have presented many theoretical frameworks for the design and evaluation of zoning schemes designed for dynamic urban processes especially the housing market, but challenges remain. Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the robust zoning over time help derive boundaries that better fit with changing housing market. It starts with the preliminary introduction of the zoning and a review of spatial big data and existing studies on evaluating the suitability of zoning schemes over time. Three indicators are adopted to evaluate the current zoning framework. A new index called RHD that can evaluate zoning changing dynamics over time is proposed, followed by the discussion of the empirical findings of the impacts of the zoning on land supply and house prices in the territory. The proposed framework for evaluating zoning can benefit future studies of zoning regarding dynamic housing market in the world.
... Bulk and density are regulated in Germany minutely (Hirt, 2010). While residential land use is subdivided by densities (ultimately intending towards single family or multi family dwelling) many of the residential areas are actually mixed use with predominant residential use. ...
... Low density housing is an attempt to be a green character synergized with ecology of the area thereby keeping low population and built up. In reality, the ability of the Local Development Plans is that they might allow non-residential use or they may even completely ban them which is most likely in case of the low density residential areas (Hirt, 2010). So, even though in principle the land use land use strategy (Landuse Planning Berlin, 2018), the outskirts might actually turn into low density single use sprawling suburban areas. ...
Conference Paper
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Mixed land use is said to have the benefits of shorter trip lengths, promote walking, vibrant environ, security with watchful people on streets etc. To harness these benefits many contemporary planning practices across the globe endorse mixed land use policies. Based on the strategy of regulations, mixed use manifests in different forms with different implications. Applicability of mixed use differs among cities not only based on their size, population and density but also on their tradition of planning, culture of people, demand of commercial activities etc. If not implemented effectively, there can be detrimental effects like noise pollution, threat to safety, intrusion in private life and loss of residential character. In this paper a critical comparative study of policies adopted by 6 different cities is done which gives insight into unique ways of promoting mixed use and their experiences. A two-step descriptive analysis approach is followed for understanding the policies. Firstly, a review of policy documents like master plan and development control regulations along with the trailing history of the case study city is done to understand their principle approach. Then, the response to the policy and its effect is studied through literature available in form of news articles, research papers etc. The findings create an inventory of mechanisms to regulate land use so that appropriate mix can be achieved wherein the advantages of mix use can be availed without any detrimental effect. It also gives an understanding about what kind of policies can be effective in a city with particular socio-cultural and demographic scenario. Keywords: Mixed Land Use Policy, Cities, Allowed Uses, Restrictions, Experiences
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La ciudad es una construcción colectiva. Es una responsabilidad tanto de los tomadores de decisiones y autoridades, así como de los habitantes mismos de la ciudad. La sostenibilidad, y, por tanto, la ciudad sostenible es un ideal. Ese ideal debe servir entonces como un objetivo a alcanzar a través de acciones públicas y la acción individual. El presente trabajo tiene el propósito de ser una reflexión colectiva, es por ello que en la primera parte se abordan cuáles son algunos de los retos a los que se enfrentan las ciudades ante diversos fenómenos como el cambio climático, los riesgos urbanos y acceso al agua, por mencionar algunos, por lo tanto, se ofrecen algunas perspectivas que desde diversas miradas estudian la problemática actual medio ambiental, desde lo global, y como ésta permea en lo local; se reconocen de esta manera desigualdades notables en el modo de enfrentar los problemas, y es precisamente la población más vulnerable la que resulta más afectada ante los problemas medioambientales pues no cuentan con los medios para hacerles frente, no obstante, se reconoce a nivel nacional avances importantes en la construcción de una política ambiental de cambio climático. En el siguiente apartado del libro se discute sobre algunos posibles abordajes y perspectivas que desde la política y la planeación urbana incorporan esta idea de lo sostenible para generar territorios más justos e inclusivos.
Статья посвящена изучению американского опыта правового зонирования с целью критического осмысления перспектив его применения в России. Исследование проведено в формате обзора существующих теоретических и эмпирических зарубежных исследований, основанных на анализе данных об американских городах. В обзор включены наиболее цитируемые американские тематические публикации, отобранные по заранее прописанному алгоритму в рамках подхода structured qualitative literature review (SQLR). Рассмотрение отобранных исследований свидетельствует о широте инструментария правового зонирования в США, а также о наличии взаимосвязи между ним и особенностями экономического уклада в стране. Сравнение истории становления правового зонирования в США и России позволяет сделать выводы о разнонаправленной динамике развития института в этих странах. Выводы статьи актуальны для ситуации в России, где в условиях наличия законодательной основы для развития института местные практики регулирования землепользования и застройки остаются в большинстве своем малоэффективными.
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Abstract: This paper aims to present a problematic issue of the spatial planning system in Poland in the context of landscape protection. In his research, the author proves that statutory spatial planning tools fail to be efficient in the area of aesthetic and spatial order. The author has analysed the provisions of the local laws on an example of a selected Polish municipality to answer the question whether local laws effectively protect local natural and cultural landscape that is a major factor for the development of sustainable tourism (a strategic aspect of the business activity in the municipality).Keywords: spatial planning, urban form, spatial order, place identity
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This paper aims to present a problematic issue of the spatial planning system in Poland in the context of landscape protection. In his research, the author proves that statutory spatial planning tools fail to be efficient in the area of aesthetic and spatial order. The author has analysed the provisions of the local laws on an example of a selected Polish municipality to answer the question whether local laws effectively protect local natural and cultural landscape that is a major factor for the development of sustainable tourism (a strategic aspect of the business activity in the municipality).
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During the last decade, new urbanism and sustainable development have become persuasive concepts in planning rhetoric. Canadian communities have, in many cases, revised policies and plans to incorporate new planning principles to enhance urbanity and sustainability. This paper explores the influence of new urbanism and its overlay of sustainable development in Canadian planning practice. We consider how planners interpret and ally themselves to various models of community design, and whether their policy interventions change the trends in new urban areas. While land use practices respond slightly to shifting paradigms in community planning theory in rapidly growing communities, in slower-growth regions, conventional development strategies reflect political and economic priorities.
Coming up with a new kind of zoning was not the first thing officials in Mississippi's Gulf Coast communities had on their minds after Hurricane Katrina left their region a shambles. On October 11, some 120 new urbanists from 22 states and three foreign countries set up shop in the ballroom of a damaged casino hotel on the Biloxi beachfront. Working side by side with local planners, architects, and public officials, the group spent the next week crafting visions of the Gulf Coast's future. By the time the Mississippi Renewal Forum concluded a week later, many Gulf Coast leaders were talking seriously about enacting the new forms of zoning codes. The conventional zoning and subdivision regulations now in place in Mississippi's coastal communities have encouraged a separate-use, automobile-dependent pattern of settlement. That mode of development is becoming untenable, he added. Municipalities need to find ways to reduce reliance on driving, and they need to build mixed use communities that would be more convenient for residents and arguably also better for the area's economy. Taylor and others see form-based coding as a tool that can help communities attain these goals.
The British system of universal development control celebrated its 50th anniversary in 1997. Remarkably, the system has survived more or less intact but the experience of the 1980s has left large questions unanswered about the relevance and effectiveness of the system. This book traces the history of the development control system in Britain from early modern times to the present day.
This chapter provides a comprehensive discussion of suburbanization in Prague's city region since the collapse of communism. It presents a general historical overview of urbanization processes and patterns. The chapter also discusses the problems of suburbanization and sprawl in metropolitan Prague in four parts. First it describes the initial period of Prague's housing boom, which peaked between 1996 and 1998. Second it documents the changing balance in the distribution of residents within the city region. The third part addresses the growth of suburban jobs related to the development of new shopping, warehousing, distribution, and logistic centers around Prague. Finally the chapter discusses the highly fragmented character of decision making related to land development and urban planning in Prague's city region, which is administratively split into over two hundreds independent municipalities in eager competition with one another for attracting new jobs and residents.
Dreaming the Rational City is both a history of the city planning profession in the United States and a major polemical statement about the effort to plan and reform the American city. Boyer shows why city planning, which had so much promise at the outset for making cities more liveable, largely failed. She reveals planning's real responsibilities and goals, including the kind of "rational order" that was actually forseen by the planning mentality, and concludes that the planners have continuously served the needs of the dominant capitalist economy.M. Christine Boyer is an Associate Professor in the School