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Diversionary Comments under Political Blog Posts
Jing Wang
University of Illinois at Chicago
Clement T. Yu
University of Illinois at Chicago
Philip S. Yu
University of Illinois at Chicago
Bing Liu
University of Illinois at Chicago
Weiyi Meng
SUNY at Binghamton
An important issue that has been neglected so far is the iden-
tification of diversionary comments. Diversionary comments
under political blog posts are defined as comments that de-
liberately twist the bloggers’ intention and divert the topic
to another one. The purpose is to distract readers from the
original topic and draw attention to a new topic. Given that
political blogs have significant impact on the society, we be-
lieve it is imperative to identify such comments. We then
categorize diversionary comments into 5 types, and propose
an effective technique to rank comments in descending or-
der of being diversionary. To the best of our knowledge, the
problem of detecting diversionary comments has not been
studied so far. Our evaluation on 2,109 comments under 20
different blog posts from shows that the proposed
method achieves the high mean average precision (MAP) of
92.6%. Sensitivity analysis indicates that the effectiveness
of the method is stable under different parameter settings.
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.3.3 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Information
Search and Retrieval-Information filtering, retrieval models,
selection processes
diversionary comments, spam, topic model, LDA, corefer-
ence resolution, extraction from Wikipedia
As a strong force of public opinions, blog comments at-
tract attention from people with different backgrounds. Ide-
ally, commentators write their truthful opinions to help shape
and build the contents in the blog posts. However, in prac-
tice, various types of unrelated comments are also written
by people with different intentions. For instance, companies
post advertisements to promote products, and politicians
or their supporters leave comments to divert the readers’
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CIKM’12, October 29–November 2, 2012, Maui, HI, USA.
Copyright 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1156-4/12/10 ...$15.00.
concerns to another political issue. Many kinds of these
unrelated comments in the blogosphere have drawn inter-
ests from researchers. One type of unrelated comments has
hyperlinks to commercial-oriented pages, and is defined as
comment-spam[4]. Various initiatives have been taken to re-
duce comment-spam. However, we did not find any study on
detecting comments that try to deliberately divert readers’
attention to another topic. Based on a study of 10,513 com-
ments for 115 political blog posts from, we found
39.5% of comments trying to divert the discussion topic.
Furthermore, according to the research by Brigham Young
University[1], most people who closely follow both politi-
cal blogs and traditional news media tend to believe that
the content in the blogosphere is more trustworthy. Given
such significant impact of political blog posts and comments,
the existence of the large amount of diversionary comments
would have considerably negative effect since they not only
twist the blogger’s original intention, but also confuse the
public. Therefore, we believe it is imperative to identify
such comments, especially under the political category.
In this paper, we define comments diverting to unrelated
topics as diversionary comments, and we focus our work
on comments under political blog posts. Based on our ob-
servation, there are generally five types of diversionary com-
ments, which are listed below (the type distribution among
diversionary comments is also given based on a manually
labeled data set of 2,109 comments for 20 randomly chosen
blog posts):
Type 1 (63.1%)(Comments diverting to different
Those that twist the post content’s intention or purposely
divert the discussion to a topic that is different from the
content of the post. One example of this type is that given
a post which states the risky rush to cut defense spending,
commentators write to discuss about reducing social security
spending without mentioning defense spending. This action
tries to steal the public’s attention from defense spending to
social security spending.
Type 2 (19.5%)(Comments about personal attack
to commentators):
Those that comment on the behavior of some preceding
commentators without discussing anything related to the
topic of the post. An example of this type is “What’s the
matter with you? Are you only posting at the very lowest
level of threads so you don’t deal with responses? ”
Type 3 (7.3%)(Comments with little content):
Those that lack content and only contain words such as
“lol” and “hahaha”. Even though they might express agree-
ments or disagreements with the preceding commentators
or the content of the blog post, their relatedness to the post
content is not clear, and therefore, are considered as diver-
Type 4 (5.8%)(Comments about the hosting web-
site only):
Those that complain about the poor function of the blog
hosting website. We consider them as unrelated to the post
content. An example diversionary comment of this type is
“Everyone should boycott Digg on Monday”. In this com-
ment, “Digg” is the hosting website.
Type 5 (4.3%)(Advertisements):
Those that introduce products or refer to companies, and
both of which are unrelated to the post content.
This paper proposes an effective unsupervised method,
which aims to rank comments in descending order of be-
ing diversionary. The method is based on the intuition that
the relatedness between two documents can be measured by
their similarity. A related comment should have high simi-
larity with the post content or with the preceding comment
it replies to, while a diversionary comment should have low
similarities with both the post content and the preceding
comment. Our approach tries to first represent each com-
ment and post by a vector, then to use a similarity function
to compute the relatedness between each comment and the
post, and that between each comment and the comment it
replies to, and finally rank comments based on these similar-
ities. However, the following reasons make it a challenging
(1) It is difficult to find an accurate representation for
each comment and the post. Comments are relatively short
and can only offer limited literal information. A simplistic
way of applying term frequencies to build document vectors
would yield low accuracies, because a related comment may
not share enough words with the post, while a diversionary
comment may share significant words with the post.
(2) Pronouns and hidden knowledge in the comments and
post are other obstacles to accurate representations. Firstly,
many commentators use pronouns to represent the person
or issue mentioned in the post. Without mapping pronouns
to their corresponding proper nouns or phrases, the number
of occurrences of the person or issue cannot be captured
accurately. Secondly, comments under political posts often
indicate political figures or events, which are not explicitly
mentioned in the post but are closely related to the post
content. Thirdly, many words or phrases, though different,
may refer to the same topics. Thus when two comments
contain different words but refer to the same topics, their
representations are different but ideally should be similar.
(3) A commentator may write to reply to the post directly,
but may also write to follow a preceding comment. Most
blog hosting websites offer a reply-to hierarchy for commen-
tators. However, many comments do not follow the hierar-
chy, which makes it difficult to find what a comment replies
The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
(1) It proposes the new problem of identifying diversionary
comments and makes the first attempt to solve the problem
in the political blogosphere.
(2) It introduces several rules to accurately locate what a
comment replies to.
(3) It proposes an effective approach to identify diver-
sionary comments, which first applies coreference resolution
[3] to replace pronouns with corresponding proper nouns or
phrases, extracts related information from Wikipedia[10] for
proper nouns in comments and the post, utilizes the topic
modeling method LDA [6] to group related terms into the
same topics, and represent comments and the post by their
topic distributions, and then rank comments in descending
order of being diversionary.
(4) A data set, which consists of 2,109 comments under 20
different political blog posts from, was annotated
by 5 annotators with substantial agreement. Experiments
based on the data set are performed to verify the effective-
ness of the proposed approach versus various baseline meth-
ods. The proposed method achieves 92.6% in mean average
precision (MAP)[2]. In addition, its effectiveness remains
high under different parameter settings.
By analyzing different types of diversionary comments, we
realize that types 2, 4 and 5 belong to the traditional spam
in different contexts. Therefore, we investigate related work
on various types of spam detection in this section.
The most investigated types of spam are the web spam
[7, 8] and email spam [5, 9]. Web spam can be classified
into content spam and link spam. Content spam involves
adding irrelevant words in pages to fool search engines. In
the environment of our study, the commentators do not add
irrelevant words as they want to keep their comments read-
able. Link spam is the spam of hyperlinks, and comment
spam [4, 14] is a form of it, but as we discussed in the
previous section, diversionary comments seldom contain hy-
perlinks. Email spam targets individual users with direct
mail messages, and are usually sent as unsolicited and nearly
identical commercial advertisements. However, diversionary
comments are mostly not commercial oriented and may not
contain the same kind of features. In addition, comments are
written with a context of the post and preceding comments,
while emails are written independently.
Another related research is opinion spam detection[11],
though it is not conducted in the blogosphere. Jindal and
Liu regard untruthful or fake reviews aiming at promoting
or demoting products as opinion spam. They detected spam
reviews based on supervised learning and manually labeled
examples. They detected untruthful reviews by using dupli-
cate and near-duplicate reviews as the training data. How-
ever, diversionary comments are different because they are
not necessarily untruthful or fake. In addition, we aim to
automatically identify all types of diversionary comments
without incurring the expensive task of manually collecting
and labeling of training data.
A standard hierarchy of post-comments in Digg is as fol-
lows. Under each post, each comment consists of 4 features
(username, written time, comment level, comment content).
Comments with “comment level” of (n+1) are designed to
reply to preceding comments of level n. In addition, if a
comment’s level is 0, then it is supposed to reply to the post
content directly.
Under such a hierarchy, we believe that a relevant com-
ment can be one related to the post content directly, and can
also have a close relation with the preceding comment that
it replies to, while a diversionary comment is unrelated to
both the post content and the comment it replies to. There-
fore, finding what a comment replies to is necessary for the
identification of diversionary comments.
3.1 Finding what a comment replies to
In most cases, a comment at level 0 replies to the post
content and a comment at level (n+ 1) replies to a comment
at level n. However, in practice, not all commentators follow
such rules when writing comments. Therefore, besides the
feature of “level”, we need to combine other features such as
written time and username to locate a comment’s reply-to
comment. We use the following heuristics to find a com-
ment’s potential reply-to comments.
Assume comment A is at level n and written at time t,
while its reply-to comment is written at time t.
(1) If comment A’s content contains the information about
username such as“@usernamej”, then among comments which
precede comment A and are written by “usernamej”, the
reply-to comment of A is the one that has the smallest pos-
itive value of (t−t);
(2) Among all comments which precede comment A and
have the level (n−1), the reply-to comment of A may be
the one that has the smallest positive value of (t−t);
(3) Among all comments which precede comment A and
have the level n, the reply-to comment of A may be the one
that has the smallest positive value of (t−t);
(4) Among all comments which precede comment A, the
reply-to comment of A may be the one that has the smallest
positive value of (t−t), no matter what its level is.
(5) If comment B satisfies condition (1), then B is A’s
reply-to comment, otherwise, all comments which satisfy
any of conditions (2), (3) or (4) are considered as poten-
tial reply-to comments. If there is only one potential reply-
to comment, we consider it as the final reply-to comment.
However, if there are multiple potential reply-to comments,
we compare the similarities between the comment and all of
its potential reply-to comments. Then among all potential
ones, we choose the one that has the largest similarity.
However, some comments reply to the post content di-
rectly instead of to other comments. The first comment of
the post definitely replies to the post. For each of the other
comments which have the level of 0, when its similarity with
the post is greater than its similarity with its potential reply-
to comments, and is greater than a specified threshold t, we
consider it replying to the post directly.
In this section, we present the proposed techniques for
identifying diversionary comments. We first explain each
strategy that we use to exploit the pronouns and hidden
knowledge, and the algorithm we use to rank comments.
We then discuss the pipeline of our method.
4.1 Techniques
As we mentioned in the previous section, a diversionary
comment is unrelated to both the post content and the reply-
to comment. Typical similarity functions such as the Co-
sine [15] function and the KL-Divergence [12] can be used
to measure the relatedness between two documents. How-
ever, a simplistic way of utilizing these similarity functions
would yield inaccuracies based on the experiment perfor-
mance, therefore, we add the following techniques to com-
pute the pairwise relatedness more accurately.
4.1.1 Coreference Resolution
Coreference resolution groups all the mentioned entities in
a document into equivalence classes so that all the mentions
in a class refer to the same entity. By applying coreference
resolution, pronouns are mapped into the proper nouns or
other noun phrases. If we replace pronouns with their cor-
responding words or phrases, then the entities become more
frequent. For example, a post which talks about President
Obama’s accomplishments, only mentions “Obama” once,
but uses “he” several times. Without coreference resolution,
the word “Obama” only occurs once. However, with corefer-
ence resolution, “he” will be replaced by “Obama”, and the
frequency of “Obama” increases. In this paper, we use the
Illinois coreference package [3].
4.1.2 Extraction from Wikipedia
When a post talks about President Hu Jintao’s visit to
U.S., a comment which discusses the foreign policy of China
will be considered relevant. However, the post does not men-
tion the word “China”, and it does not share any words with
the comment. A similarity function such as Cosine which
utilizes words in common would yield a small value be-
tween the post and the comment. Wikipedia comes to help
here, which offers a vast amount of domain-specific world
knowledge. In the above example, if we search “President
Hu Jintao” in Wikipedia, we will find the information that
President Hu Jintao is the current president of the People’s
Republic of China. However, Wikipedia offers much more
knowledge than is needed in the analysis of the post or com-
ments. In order to avoid adding noise, we only pick up an-
chor texts in the first paragraph from the searched webpage
since this information is believed to be most related.
4.1.3 Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [6]
LDA places different terms, which are related and co-
occur frequently, into the same topics with high probabil-
ities. Each term can be represented as a vector of topics.
Thus, two related terms which share some topics together
will have a positive similarity.
In general, a document-topic distribution can be obtained
in the LDA model using Gibbs sampling and it is given by
formula (1) [16]:
dj +α
k=1 CDT
dk +Tα (1)
Here, Dand Tstand for documents and the number of
topics respectively, CDT
dj is the number of occurrences of
terms in document d, which have been assigned to topic
j,andαis a smoothing constant. Based on formula (1),
the distribution of a document on a set of topics can be
estimated. Then we can compute the similarity between
two documents by using topic distributions as vectors.
Using Gibbs sampling, a term-topic distribution is also
obtained and it is given by formula (2)[16]:
ij +β
k=1 CWT
kj +Wβ (2)
Here, Wand Tstand for the number of terms and topics
respectively, CWT
ij is the number of times that term ihas
been assigned to topic j,andβis a smoothing constant.
4.1.4 LDA on training and test data
In order to build an accurate LDA model, a substan-
tial amount of data is required. A post and its associated
comments usually have limited amount of data. To obtain
enough data, we submit the title of the post as a query to
search engines and obtain the first 600 documents as pre-
liminary data to build an LDA model. We denote this data
as the training data. Then we build another LDA model
on the test data (which is the set of comments of the post),
but the term-topic distribution from the LDA model on the
training data is utilized in the following way: when running
Gibbs sampling to determine the topic assignment for each
term occurrence in the test data, if the term has appeared
in the training data, its term-topic distribution from the
LDA model on the training data is used, but if the term
only appears in the test data, the above formula (2) is ap-
plied to decide the topic assignment. At the same time, the
document-topic distribution for documents in the test data
is obtained based on the above formula (1). Then after this
LDA model is built, we can use the topic distributions as
the document vectors to compute pairwise similarities.
4.1.5 Rank comments in descending order of being
Algorithm 1 Rank comments in descending order of being
Constants t,t1,t2,t3,t4,wheret>0, t1≤t3,andt2≤t4
for each comment do
C1= the similari ty be tween the comme nt and the post;
C2= the similarity between the comment and its reply-to com-
if its level = 0 and C1>C
2and C1≥tthen
end if
if (C1<t
1and C2<t
Put the comment into potential diversionary list(PDL);
else if (C1>t
3or C2>t
Put the comment into potential non-diversionary list(PNDL);
Put the comment into the intermediate list(IL);
end if
end for
Sort comments in PDL in ascending order of sum(C1,C2);
Sort comments in IL in ascending order of max(C1−t1,C2−t2);
Sort comments in PNDL in ascending order of max(C1−t3,C2−t4);
comments in PNDL.
According to the property that a diversionary comment
is unrelated to both the post content and its reply-to com-
ment, if a comment has small similarities with both the post
and the reply-to comment, there is a high probability for it
to be diversionary. As a consequence, we set two thresholds
t1and t2such that if a comment’s similarity with the post
(C1)islessthant1and its similarity with the reply-to com-
ment (C2)islessthant2, then it is placed into a list called
potential diversionary list (PDL). In contrast, if a comment
has a big enough similarity either with the post or with its
reply-to comment, it is very unlikely to be diversionary. As
a result, we set two thresholds t3and t4such that if the sim-
ilarity of a comment with the post is higher than t3,orits
similarity with its reply-to comment is higher than t4,then
it is placed into a list called potential non-diversionary list
(PNDL). Comments which belong to neither of the above
two lists are placed into an intermediate list (IL). Com-
ments in this list do not have high probabilities of being
diversionary relative to those in PDL; they do not have high
probabilities of being non-diversionary compared to those in
PNDL either. Thus, comments in PDL are placed ahead of
comments in IL, which are ahead of comments in PNDL.
Based on the above analysis, we use Algorithm 1 to rank
4.2 Pipeline of the Proposed Method
Our proposed method combines all the techniques dis-
cussed above to identify diversionary comments. Each step
in the procedure is described below:
(1) Submit each post title as a query to search engines
and retrieve the first 600 web pages. We extract contents
from them as the training corpus. The test corpus consists
of each post and the associated comments.
(2) Apply coreference resolution to each document in the
training corpus and the test corpus separately, and replace
pronouns with their corresponding proper nouns or phrases.
(3) Identify proper nouns in the test data and search them
through Wikipedia. For each proper noun, if an unambigu-
ous page is returned, terms in the anchor texts in the first
paragraph of the page are added into the document.
(4) Build an LDA model based on the training and test
data as discussed in section 4.1.4. The document-topic dis-
tribution of each document in the test corpus is obtained.
(5) According to the rules described in Section 3.1, com-
pute the similarity between each comment and the post,
and the similarities between each comment and its potential
reply-to comments in the test corpus and then decide what
a comment replies to.
(6) Rank comments (the test corpus) based on the algo-
rithm in 4.1.5.
For the experiments of this work, we use a data set col-
lected from the politics category in, which contains
2,109 comments under 20 different political posts. Each post
contains around 100 comments. The corpus is annotated by
5 annotators, and they resolve their disagreement in the an-
notations together. We consider the final annotation as the
gold standard.
5.1 Diversionary Comments Distribution
In this section, we report diversionary comments distri-
bution variation. Based on the gold standard, there are 834
diversionary comment in the test corpus, which account for
39.5% of all comments. We observe that most posts contain
35% to 45% of diversionary comments, and among all diver-
sionary comments, type 1 is the most significant while type
5 takes a relatively low percentage, which also indicates that
diversionary comments studied in this work are not commer-
cially oriented, but focus on those deliberately diverting to
other topics.
5.2 Experimental Results
As we proposed in section 4, our method consists of sev-
eral techniques. In order to test the necessity of combin-
ing them, we perform experiments by comparing our final
method with baseline methods which only apply one tech-
nique or combine fewer techniques. The effectiveness of each
method is measured by mean average precision(MAP)[13].
In order to keep consistency among all methods to be
compared, we set parameters t,t1,t2,t3and t4using fixed
percentiles, which are required in the ranking algorithm as
Table 1: MAP for Cosine with different techniques
Techniques Baseline With With With
/MAP Coref Wiki Coref
Results(%) Wiki
Term Frequency 69.9 70.4 71.7 72.2
LDA on test data 57.4 58.0 61.1 60.1
LDA on training and test data 75.4 76.7 80.8 92.6
presented in Algorithm 1. In the section below, we set t to
50%, t1to 10%, t2to 20%, t3to 50%, and t4to 90%. When
LDA is applied, the number of topics is set to 10, αto 0.1,
and βto 0.01.
5.2.1 Comparison Results
We compare the following methods firstly: Cosine sim-
ilarity with term frequency, Cosine similarity with coref-
erence resolution, Cosine similarity with extraction from
Wikipedia, and Cosine similarity with both coreference res-
olution and extraction from Wikipedia. All these methods
represent comments and the post by building vectors based
on term frequencies. From the first row of Table 1, we ob-
serve that Cosine similarity with term frequency has the low-
est MAP value (69.9%), while Cosine similarity with both
coreference resolution and extraction from Wikipedia per-
forms the best (72.2%). Yet, even the best result is far from
being acceptable. The reasons for these poor results are ob-
vious. The Cosine similarity is incapable of matching a doc-
ument with another document if they have related but differ-
ent terms. This mismatch can be alleviated to some extent
by coreference resolution and extraction from Wikipedia.
However, many related terms remain unmatched.
In the second row of Table 1, the LDA model is built sim-
ply on the test data, we represent comments and the post by
their topic distributions. However, the results are also poor.
When coreference resolution, extraction from Wikipedia or
both of them are combined with LDA, better results are ob-
tained. However, even the best result has a mean average
precision value of 61.1% only. The reason for such a poor
result is that the amount of test data is too small for LDA
to identify related terms.
In the third row of Table 1, the LDA model is built on
the training data and test data, we rank comments based
on similarities of their topic distributions. When corefer-
ence resolution and extraction from Wikipedia are individu-
ally added to LDA, there are notable improvements, but the
largest and dramatic improvement comes when LDA and the
two techniques are combined, yielding 92.6% mean average
When the Cosine similarity function is replaced by the
symmetric KL function, the results turn out be close (89.1%)
to those in the third row of Table 1, where the Cosine simi-
larity function is applied.
5.2.2 Sensitivity Analysis
In order to test the stability of our method, we compare its
effectiveness by setting different parameters. We first test
its sensitivity by setting different numbers of topics while
keeping other parameter values unchanged. The number
of topics is set to 8, 10 and 12, but similar mean average
precisions are obtained. Thus, the method is believed to be
stable with different but reasonable number of topics.
Secondly, we test the method’s stability by setting differ-
ent values for ranking algorithm parameters while keeping
the number of topics as 10. To make the comparison simple,
we set t1and t2to be the same percentile, and t4to be the
percentage of t3plus 10%. t1and t2are set in the range
from 0.1 and 0.45, while t3changes from 0.2 to 0.55, and
t4changes from 0.3 to 0.65. The average MAP based on
Cosine function and symmetric KL are 89.5% and 86.1% re-
spectively. We find that with such wide ranges of threshold
values, there is little change in the effectiveness of identify-
ing diversionary comments. Therefore, we conclude that the
method is stable with reasonable threshold values.
This paper presented a study on identifying diversionary
comments under political posts. In our evaluation data set,
39.5% of comments were annotated as diversions. To the
best of our knowledge, this problem has not been researched
in the literature. This paper first identified 5 types of diver-
sionary comments, and then introduced rules to determine
what a comment replies to under a hierarchy of the post and
its associated comments. It then proposed a method to com-
pute the relatedness between a comment and the post con-
tent, and the relatedness betweenacommentanditsreply-to
comment, which involves coreference resolution, extraction
from Wikipedia and topic modeling. We demonstrated the
effectiveness of the proposed method using the mean aver-
age precision (MAP) measure. Comparisons with baseline
methods showed that the proposed method outperformed
them considerably.
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