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Return of Experience on Automating Refinement in B


Abstract and Figures

Refining a B specification into an implementation can be a complex and time consuming process. This process can usually be separated in two distinct parts: the specification part, where the refinement is used to introduce new properties and specification details, and the implementation, where refinement is used to convert a detailed B specification into a B0 implementation. This article presents experience on the development and use of a refiner tool that automates the production of implementable models, in a number of industrial applications.
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Return of Experience on Automating Refinement in B
Thierry Lecomte1
1 ClearSy,
Aix en Provence, France
Abstract. Refining a B specification into an implementation can be a complex
and time consuming process. This process can usually be separated in two
distinct parts: the specification part, where the refinement is used to introduce
new properties and specification details, and the implementation, where
refinement is used to convert a detailed B specification into a B0
implementation. This article presents experience on the development and use of
a refiner tool that automates the production of implementable models, in a
number of industrial applications.
Keywords: B formal method, refinement, deployment, industry
1 Introduction
Historically, the B Method [1] was introduced in the late 80’s to design correct by
construction, safe software. B and Atelier B
, the tool implementing it, have been
successfully applied to the industry of transportation with the development of large
size embedded software [2], [3], [4], [10] and to a lower extent to other application
domains [5], [7], [11], [12], [13], [15], [16]. Based on the notion of refinement, the B
method allows writing software specification and implementation by using the same
formal language. Specification is progressively transformed (refined) into
implementation by adding algorithmic details and/or transforming abstract data types
into concrete (implementable) ones. If the specification is the result of a purely human
activity, the refinement process could be automated as it consists in a sequence of
transformation applied to the specification in order to obtain an implementable model.
In this article, we expose our return of experience on applying automatic
refinement in industry, through a number of industrial applications. In section 2, an
overview of refinement in B is given. Automatic refinement key concepts and tooling
are presented in section 3. Section 4 exposes industrial applications of automatic
refinement. Finally section 5 concludes and discusses further work.
2 Refining in B
The B method is mainly aimed at software development. B models are structured in
components: a component is usually
made of a specification model and an
implementation model (the implementation being a refinement of the specification).
Figure 1: structure of B specification and implementation
An implementation may use other specification models by calling their operations
(related models are imported) or by having a read access to the value of variables and
constants (related models are seen). A B model is made of variables, constants and
operations that modify the variables
. Variables and constants have types and
constraints linking some variables and constants can be expressed (called invariant for
variables and properties for constants). Variables and constants can be either abstract
or concrete. Operations are defined with substitutions [8] that can either be
deterministic or non-deterministic. Depending of the nature of the model,
substitutions used to describe operations are restricted: for example, sequencing is
forbidden in specification, as well as loops, and non-determinism is forbidden in
Major restrictions on B modelling are:
[R1] The obligation to have a concrete variable implemented in one and
only one implementation (it couldn’t be modified at two different places).
This constraint has a major impact on the structure of B projects:
dataflow have to be considered first before defining the components.
[R2] The imports graph must be a tree (see Figure 2): each concrete
module except the tree root must be imported in the project to insure that
the properties proved locally still hold at global level.
Other cases are: (1) Basic machines have no B implementation as they are used to connect B
models with third party software (2) Several successive refinements might be necessary to
obtain implementation.
Model initialisation is also considered as an operation. However it can be executed only once
and variables properties have to be set after this execution.
Figure 2: incorrect imports graphs
[R3] The dependency graph must not have any cycle. In this case, it
would not have any valid order of initialisation.
Figure 3: incorrect dependency graph
[R4] An operation defined in the specification of a component can’t be
used in the implementation of this component. It has to be called in
another implementation that imports this component. This constraint
requires adding extra-layers in the B project.
On the other hand, this modular decomposition based on specification importation
allows proving the models more easily as it breaks down proof complexity and
factorizes the proof of operations. Models are also considered as easier to read and to
As an example, let us consider the example shown in Figure 4. The specification
(machine M) declares a variable setv, typed as a subset of 1..10. This variable is
initialized as empty. Obviously this variable can’t be implemented as it is. Sets are
often refined by using a table (a function) that associates to each element of the
domain (here the interval 1..10) a Boolean value indicating if the element belongs to
the set. In this example, the new variable bitv is declared as a total function from the
interval 1..10 to BOOL.
The gluing invariant
setv = bitv-1[{TRUE}]
establishes a direct relation between the variable setv (that doesn’t exist anymore in
refinement M_r) and the variable bitv: all elements for which bitv is valued as TRUE
belong to setv. Initialisation has also to comply with this gluing invariant: setv being
initialised as empty, bitv has to be initialised with all elements associated to FALSE.
Figure 4: example of specification and refinement
3 B Automatic Refinement
Rationale. Automatic refinement has been initially imagined [6], developed and put
into existence by Matra Transport with the automated “Canarsie line” metro in New-
York [9]. By abstract model (see Figure 5), we do not mean the collection of all
specification models of the project but a selection of related top level components,
including specification, refinement and implementation models, that capture the
specification of the software. This specification is abstract but contains all details: it
just needs to be transformed into an implementable model.
Figure 5: separation between abstract model and concrete model
Automatic refinement is aimed at automatically generating the concrete model (or
part of it) from the abstract model, with the objective to dramatically reduce
development costs. Indeed, safety critical software usually requires twice more
workload because of additional testing, verification and validation. Automatic
refinement is aimed at dividing the workload by up to two as the concrete model is
automatically generated and the model is easier to validate. Finally safety critical
software would only require the budget of a non-safety critical software development
to complete.
Concepts. The main concept is the automatic building of the concrete model by
applying refinement patterns step by step, the refinement patterns being expressed as
refinement rules. The data (variables) are refined first. The substitutions are then
Abstract model is usually constructed with abstract data typed as set, partial function,
relation, etc. As B0 model only allows concrete data type as scalar, total function,
etc., data refinement consists in replacing abstract data with more concrete on e : this
needs to introduce a gluing invariant describing how abstract variable becomes
concrete. Data refinement can be done in several steps: not directly from abstract to
concrete but with intermediate data representation. Data can already be concrete but
be refined in order, for instance, to reduce the memory footprint. In principle, the
choice of a refinement for a variable is done regarding its initialisation and operations
manipulating this variable. In practice, the choice is done regarding the type of the
variable. However type for concrete variables is limited, B0 initialisation is limited
too. To automate the data refinement, refinement patterns are given describing the
constraints that have to be fulfilled by refined data, the introduced refining variable,
and gluing invariant. Then the automatic refiner chooses a refinement pattern
regarding the properties of the variables. This choice can be modified by the user who
can add new refinement pattern into the tool.
Figure 6: refinement process order
For substitution refinement, treatments on abstract data have to be refined to become
translatable treatment on concrete data. B0 allowed substitutions are : assignment, IF,
CASE, and WHILE. Similarly to data refinement, substitution refinement is based on
refinement patterns that should make explicit under which constraints they can be
applied, what are the resulting substitution, and either it is an implementation or it
should be refined one more time.
The refinement of a component consists in the 3 successive actions (see Figure 6):
determining refinement pattern for variables of a component, applying refinement
patterns for all the operations of a component, and producing the resulting B
component. Once a variable is refined, related information is stored (variables
refinement information) in order to be reused later on and to speed up the process
(variable refinement is elaborated once for all). The recursive application of these 3
steps should lead to a B project fully implemented, if the refinement patterns can be
applied at each step of the process. If it is not true, the refinement process stops and
some interaction with the user is required to modify existing refinement patterns
and/or add new ones.
Tools. In 1997, Matra Transport International (now Siemens Transportation Systems)
developed internally a tool called edithB that was used for the development of the
Automatic Train Protection System of Canersie Line in New York. This tool was
developed in Ada.
In 2008, with Siemens agreement, ClearSy developed a similar tool, called BART (B
Automatic Refinement Tool), in order to allow the Community to benefit from
automatic refinement tools. The development of the tool has been partly supported by
grant No ANR-06-SETI-015-03 awarded by “Agence Nationale de la Recherche”
during the R&D project RIMEL (Incremental refinement of event models). In 20009,
is integrated to the first open-source version of Atelier B (4.0). BART is made
more generic than editB, in particular the support of the vital coded-monoprocessor is
removed. This tool is developed in C++/Qt.
Figure 7: example of an IMPORTED_OPERATION substitution
For both tools, refinement patterns are expressed using a rich language [9] that allows
to specify guards/constraints like DECL_OPERATION (that requires for an operation
to be defined), to tune the refinement process and to use advanced substitutions like
TYPE_ITERATION (that generates while loops when iterating over a type) or
IMPORTED_OPERATION (that generates operation definition and operation call
when a treatment needs to be exported to another machine).
Figure 8: example of a rule using DECL_OPERATION. The valuation of @a by @b is
replaced by the call of an operation (named @d) that returns @b.
These advanced substitutions allow mimicking human refinement by defining
precisely how to refine variables and substitutions. These advanced substitutions are
replaced by regular substitutions during the automatic refinement process.
The refinement engine manages a stack which contains information about the project,
and how variables are refined. This stack also contains tags generated by the
refinement rules when applied, these tags have no prior semantics but could be used
by refinement rules to give a particular direction to the refinement process.
Metrics. Detailed metrics on edithB are not publically available. Concerning BART,
the complete software is made of 264 kloc decomposed as follows:
- Core tool: 89 kloc.
- GUI: 12 kloc
- B Compiler : 154 kloc
- Bwidgets : 7 kloc.
The core tool is made of the refining engine (the biggest module 7 kloc), the
rules parser, the splitter, the namer and the pattern matcher. The complete
development was completed in 10 months.
The tool was tested and validated using regular testbench. Indeed, even if the tool
is directly contributing to the building of SIL4
software, the tool is not expected to be
“correct-by-construction in case of design error, the generated model should be not
provable. In this case, the Atelier B prover is our safety belt.
4 Industrial Applications
Several applications have been developed with edithB and BART.
EditB has been used for an automatic train protection software (embedded software
in charge of stopping a metro in case it is not able to comply with speed limit) in New
York [10] and for a wayside control unit (in charge of avoiding train collision) in
Roissy airport [2]. If we compare the figures from a manual development [3], [4] and
from an automatic refinement development, for the same kind of application, it comes
first that automatic refinement is generating more lines of B models and target code
(see Table 1). Meteor and Canarsie being similar applications, automatic refinement is
able to double the size of the modelling. There are several reasons for that: every part
of the concrete model is usually broken down into many intermediate levels, which
produce lot of lines of B (hence lot of lines of target code), and code is not shared
through the refinement process (for example, generic elements share a similar code,
however the code is duplicated at each use). On the proof obligations side, Meteor,
Canarsie and Val Roissy generate respectively around 27 000, 82 000 and 43 000
proof obligations. Even if it is difficult to compare proof just from these figures, we
can notice automatic refinement generates more proof obligations. Most of them are
located in the abstract model, demonstrating the effectiveness of automatic
refinement. Moreover, while 1 400 mathematical rules were required to prove Meteor
Safety Integrity Level 4 (highest level)
proof obligations, only 290 rules were required for Val Roissy (together with 61
generic demonstrations, 97% proof obligations were automatically demonstrated).
Table 1. Number of lines of B models per project.
Abstract model
Concrete manual
Concrete automatic
<- 115 000 ->
Canarsie line
125 000
38 000
110 000
VAL Roissy
38 000
27 000
117 000
BART has been used for the development of several SIL4 T2
tools, mainly to
avoid the development of two redundant software (B allows to develop single SIL4
proven software, non-proven software requires to be developed twice by two separate
teams with distinct technologies). Figures similar to edithB have been measured from
these developments:
- manual modelling represents one third of the total while automatic
refinement is two third. Around 500 refinement rules have been added in
every project.
- abstract modelling represents two third of development + proof cost while
concrete modelling is one third. However 1 800 mathematical rules were
added to the prover (compared to the 290 for Val Roissy). This can be
explained by the fact that Atelier B main prover mathematical rules database
has been enriched to cover the same kind of modelling (ATP software), so
the new kind of modelling brought by these T2 tools requires to slightly
bootstrap the prover.
- generated source code has twice the size of handwritten source code because
of the many operation calls. Because of constraint [R4], every refinement
step requires to add an extra-layer of imports, hence the number of lines.
Generated models keep track of the initial substitution and of the refinement rules
used, with comments inserted in the model (see listing below).
Load_component_2(pcd, pid, pctd2) =
l_1 :(l_1 : INT);
/* Rule : specific.r14_exit */
/*? l_1 := perm_component_cpt ?*/
/* Rule : default.default */
l_1 <-- Load_component_2_1 ;
test_max_component_def(l_1) ;
/*? perm_component_r( bijection_component_def (perm_component_cpt
+ 1)) := pid ?*/
According to EN50128 standard, tools are categorized in three : T3 for tools directely
contributing to source ode, T2 for tools performing verification, T1 for all other tools (editors
for example).
/* Rule : default.default */
Load_component_2_2(pid) ;
Refinement rules are mainly gathered in a single file (rmf) shared in the whole
project. This file has to be set up right at the beginning of the project by identifying
the abstract data types that need to be taken into account and how they are
implemented. This identification requires performing several interactive refinement
sessions (see Figure 9). Then automatically refining the project is initiated, the
components being refined in parallel by different users. New refinement rule is added
in the shared rmf file if the rule is generic (reusable in another operation / component)
or added to a rmf file specific otherwise. Shared rmf file is composed of:
- 400 rules for operations
- 45 rules for structure
- 30 rules for data
- 30 rules for initialisation
Figure 9: example of interactive refinement session. The refinement tree is displayed on
bottom left
5 Conclusion and perspectives
Automatic refinement is likely to improve productivity by automating tasks, leading
to simpler proofs and simplifying the reuse of known refinement patterns. Similar
types and treatments are always refined the same way. This process is not limited to a
single type of application, as it has been applied to embedded software as well as to
more classical applications (symbolic computation, SysML model analyser /
transformer), while obtaining the same metrics (modelling, refinement and proof
effort). The process is scalable.
On the other hand, even if it was our objective when we decided to develop BART, an
automatic refiner is not a tool for beginners as it requires understanding why the
automatic refinement process stops and how to modify existing refinement rules.
Having some experience in refining in B is mandatory to get the most of it.
Constraint [R1] is giving hard time to existing refinement algorithms: in case of
conflicting rules, a single variable could be implemented in different components at
the same time that is rejected by Atelier B project checker. We are currently working
on improving these algorithms in order to not apply conflicting rules and to provide
some guidance to the user (interaction with user still remains to be decided). Current
feedback is provided as an implementation graph exhibiting exports and implemented
constraints. In Figure 10, we can clearly see a cycle (the upward arrow from variable
mb to component mask_blocks_1). The art of the automatic refinement is today to
understand from this graph how to modify refinement rules in order to solve these
Figure 10: conflict depicted to the user
We are also investigating the possibility to “prove” refinement rules in order to
consider that related proof obligations are “by construction” already proven. We are
using an approach similar the Atelier B main prover: the inference engine is based on
transformation rules that have been formally proven, hence the successive application
of these rules to solve a predicate is considered correct and the predicate is considered
1. Abrial, J.R. (1996) , The B-book: Assigning programs to meanings, Cambridge University
2. Amelot, A. & al (2005), Using B as a High Level Programming Language in an Industrial
Project: Roissy VAL, ZB 2005
3. Behm, P. & al (1998), METEOR: an Industrial Success in Formal Development, B’98
4. Behm, P. & al (1999), METEOR: a Successful Application of B in a Large Project, FM’99
5. Benveniste, M. & al (2009), A Proved “Correct by Construction” Realistic Digital
Circuit, RIAB, FMWeek 2009
6. Burdy, L.(1996) , Automatic Refinement. In Proceedings of BUGM at FM'99
7. Casset, L.,(1999) A formal specification of the Java byte code verifier using the B method,
Lisbonne 99
8. ClearSy (2014), Atelier B: B language Reference Manual
9. ClearSy (2014), BART: User Manual
10. Essamé, D. & al (2007), B in Large-Scale Projects: the Canarsie Line CBTC Experience,
B 2007
11. Hoffmann, S. & al (2007), The B Method for the Construction of Micro-Kernel Based
Systems, ZB 2007
12. Lecomte, T. (2008), Safe and Reliable Metro Platform Screen Doors Control/Command
Systems, FM 2008
13. Lecomte, T. & al (2007), Formal Methods in Safety Critical Railway Systems, SBMF 2007
14. Requet, A. & al (2008), BART: A Tool for Automatic Refinement, ABZ 2008
15. Sabatier, D. & al (2006), Use of the Formal B Method for a SIL3 System Landing Door
Commands for line 13 of the Paris subway, Lambda Mu 15
16. Sabatier, D. & al (2008), FDIR Strategy Validation with the B method, DASIA 2008
The B-Method has an interesting history, where language and tools have evolved over the years. This not only led to considerable research and progress in the area of formal methods, but also to numerous industrial applications, in particular in the railway domain. We present a survey of the industrial usage of the B-Method since the first toolset in 1993 and the inauguration of the driverless metro line 14 in Paris in 1999. We discuss the various areas of applications, from software development to data validation and on to systems modelling. The evolution of the tooling landscape is also analysed, and we present an assessment of the current situation, lessons learned and possible new directions.
Conference Paper
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In this article we would like to present some recent applications of the B formal method to the development of safety critical systems, namely platform screen door controllers. These SIL3/SIL4 1 compliant systems have their functional specification based on a formal model. This model has been proved, guaranteeing a correct by construction behaviour of the system in absence of failure of its components. The constructive process used during system specification and design leads to a high quality system which has been qualified 2 by French authorities.
Conference Paper
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In this article we would like to present some recent applications of the B formal method to the development of safety critical system. These SIL3/SIL4 1 compliant systems have their functional specification based on a formal model. This model has been proved, guaranteeing a correct by construction behaviour of the system in absence of failure of its components. The constructive process used during system specification and design leads to a high quality system which has been qualified 2 by French authorities.
In a formation flying satellite system, the FDIR strategy (Failure Detection, Isolation and Recovery) is paramount. When a failure occurs, satellites should be able to take appropriate reconfiguration actions to obtain the best possible results given the failure, ranging from avoiding satellite-to-satellite collision to continuing the mission without disturbance if possible. To achieve this goal, each satellite in the formation has an implemented FDIR strategy that governs how it detects failures (from tests or by deduction) and how it reacts (reconfiguration using redundant equipments, avoidance manoeuvres, etc.). The goal is to protect the satellites first and the mission as much as possible. In a project initiated by the CNES, ClearSy experiments the B Method to validate the FDIR strategies developed by Thales Alenia Space, of the inter satellite positioning and communication devices that will be used for the SIMBOL-X (2 satellite configuration) and the PEGASE (3 satellite configuration) missions and potentially for other missions afterward. These radio frequency metrology sensor devices provide satellite positioning and inter satellite communication in formation flying. This article presents the results of this experience.
Conference Paper
Eight years ago, Siemens Transportation Systems accomplished the first successful application of the B Method on an industrial project. The vital software of the METEOR automatic train control system, with very strong dependability and safety needs, was specified and coded in B. Beyond the technological challenge of using such a complex formal method in an industrial context, it is now clear for us that building software using B is not more expensive than using conventional methods. Better, due to our experience in using this method, we can assert that using B is cheaper when considering the whole development process (from specification to validation and sometimes certification). Since METEOR, Siemens Transportation Systems has generalized the use of B for building all vital software of its systems in particular its Communication Based Train Control Systems (CBTC) recently enacted on the New York City Canarsie Line. This short paper shares the Canarsie line experience in the B landscape.
Conference Paper
Refining a B specification into an implementation can be a complex and time consuming process. This process can usually be separated in two distinct parts: the specification part, where the refinement is used to introduce new properties and specification details, and the implementation, where refinement is used to convert a detailed B specification into a B0 implementation. The first part requires human interaction, since it corresponds to writing the specification. However, the implementation part is more mechanical, and usually corresponds to apply known refinement schemes.
Conference Paper
The automatic train operating system for METEOR, the rst driverless metro in the city of Paris, is designed to manage the traf- c of the vehicles controlled automatically or manually. This system, developed by Matra Transport International for the RATP, requires a very high level of dependability and safety for the users and the opera- tor. To achieve this, the safety critical software located in the dierent control units (ground, line and on-board) was developed using the B formal method,together with the Vital Coded Processor. This architec- ture thus ensures an optimum,level of safety agreed with the customer. This experience with the METEOR project has convinced Matra Trans- port International of the advantages of using this B formal method,for large-scale industrial developments.
Conference Paper
In this article we would like to go back on B used to design software, by presenting the industrial process established through years by Siemens Transportation Systems on a real project: the VAL shuttle for Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport. In this project, the logical core of an equipment located along the tracks and driving the shuttles is designed with B. By confronting this B software development, with the historical context, we show that B can be used as a high-level programming language offering the feature of proving properties. We show how this process is used to build, by construction, a large size software with very few design errors ever since its first release, and for a predefined cost.