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Molecular confirmation of Schistosoma and family relationship in two ancient Egyptian mummies


Abstract and Figures

Egg morphology and immunocytochemistry have identified schistosomiasis in ancient Egypt. Our study aimed to detect and characterize schistosomal DNA in mummified human tissue. Liver samples from the mummy Nekht-Ankh (c. 3900 BP) and intestinal samples from Khnum-Nakht, possibly his brother, were analyzed using PCR primers suitable for fragmented ancient DNA, specific for either Schistosoma mansoni or Schistosoma haematobium. Mitochondrial primers examined any relationship between the supposed brothers. Two independent laboratories confirmed S. mansoni DNA from the Nekht-Ankh liver. One laboratory detected S. haematobium DNA in both the Nekht-Ankh liver and intestinal samples from Khnum-Nakht in repeat experiments. We believe this is the first verified report of S. mansoni in ancient Egypt. Although no S. haematobium DNA sequence was obtained, the results support earlier histological findings of S. haematobium in ancient Egyptian mummies. These findings demonstrate that both S. mansoni and S. haematobium were present in Central Egypt during the Middle Kingdom, around 3900 years ago. From the mitochondrial DNA analysis it appears that these two individuals were not maternally related, which is consistent with the morphology of the skulls. The lack of genetic relatedness between these supposed brothers throws light upon the habit of adoption in this society.
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Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil
Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil
Yearbook of
Mummy Studies
Heather Gill-Frerking,
Heather Gill-Frerking,
Wilfried Rosendahl
Wilfried Rosendahl
& Albert Zink
& Albert Zink
Amelie Alterauge
Amelie Alterauge
(guest editor)
(guest editor)
Yearbook of Mummy Studies, Vol. 2, pp. 39-47, 4 figs., 1 tab., March 2014
© 2014 by Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, Germany – ISBN 978-3-89937-163-5
Molecular Confirmation of Schistosoma
and Family Relationship
in two Ancient Egyptian Mummies
Carney D. Matheson1, Rosalie David2, Mark Spigelman3, 4 and Helen D. Donoghue4, 5
Egg morphology and immunocytochemistry have identified schistosomiasis in ancient Egypt. Our study aimed
to detect and characterize schistosomal DNA in mummified human tissue. Liver samples from the mummy
Nekht-Ankh (c. 3900 BP) and intestinal samples from Khnum-Nakht, possibly his brother, were analyzed using
PCR primers suitable for fragmented ancient DNA, specific for either Schistosoma mansoni or Schistosoma haema-
tobium. Mitochondrial primers examined any relationship between the supposed brothers. Two independent
laboratories confirmed S. mansoni DNA from the Nekht-Ankh liver. One laboratory detected S. haematobium DNA
in both the Nekht-Ankh liver and intestinal samples from Khnum-Nakht in repeat experiments. We believe
this is the first verified report of S. mansoni in ancient Egypt. Although no S. haematobium DNA sequence was
obtained, the results support earlier histological findings of S. haematobium in ancient Egyptian mummies. These
findings demonstrate that both S. mansoni and S. haematobium were present in Central Egypt during the Middle
Kingdom, around 3900 years ago. From the mitochondrial DNA analysis it appears that these two individuals
were not maternally related, which is consistent with the morphology of the skulls. The lack of genetic related-
ness between these supposed brothers throws light upon the habit of adoption in this society.
Schistosomiasis has been extensively documented in Egypt, and Schistosoma eggs were detected in a pre-
Dynastic mummy from 3200 BC (Deelder et al 1990). Today around two billion people are infected in the
world, with 300 million suffering severely from the disease. Egypt continues to be a major affected area
and in 2009 there were 820 442 treated cases reported (WHO 2011). Descriptions of medical conditions
consistent with schistosomiasis have been documented in the Egyptological literature (Adamson 1976,
Jordan 2000, Nunn & Tapp 2000). Direct evidence of schistosomiasis was obtained when a paleopatholo-
gist found the calcified eggs of Schistosoma haematobium, recognized by their morphology, in preserved
kidneys from two mummies of the Twentieth Dynasty (Ruffer 1910). Further morphological evidence of
schistosomiasis was obtained from a 5000 year-old mummy (Deelder et al. 1990), the bladder of a New
Kingdom mummy dating to c. 3450 BP (Horne 2003) and a 65 % prevalence found among mummies
(350-550 CE) from the Wadi Halfa area on the Sudan-Egyptian border (Miller et al. 1992). In the 1990s, a
major study of schistosomiasis in ancient Egyptian mummified remains was undertaken at the University
of Manchester (Contis & David 1996). Immunocytochemistry was pioneered as a diagnostic tool to detect
1 Lakehead University, Department of Anthropology, Canada.
2 KNH Centre for Biomedical Egyptology Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, UK.
3 Kuvin Centre for the Study of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, The Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical
School, Jerusalem, Israel.
4 Centre for Clinical Microbiology, Royal Free Campus, University College London, London, UK.
5 Centre for the History of Medicine, University College London, London, UK;
E-mail: (corresponding author).
Matheson et al.: Schistosoma and Family Relationship in Egyptian Mummies
Yearbook of Mummy Studies 2 (2014)
the disease (Rutherford in David 2008: 99-115), fol-
lowed by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) and DNA as confirmatory tests (Rutherford
in David 2008: 116-132).
Detection and characterization of Schistosoma
infection in ancient human remains may help us
understand the relationship between the human
host and parasite in the context of activities and
environmental surroundings. PCR may be more
sensitive than immunological methods. Therefore,
the present study was undertaken to determine
whether mummified remains contain schistosomal
DNA and, if so, which species are present.
Until recently, PCR received relatively little at-
tention in clinical diagnosis of schistosomiasis, as
non-molecular methods are more cost-effective in
countries with a high incidence of the disease. The
Schisto soma genome project increased the number
and range of available nucleotide sequences, fa-
cilitating the differentiation of the major human
Schistosoma pathogens by PCR (Hamburger et al.
2001, Kane & Rollinson 1998, Pontes et al. 2002).
Today the total genome sequence of Schistosoma
mansoni is known (Berriman et al. 2009), but that of
Schistosoma haematobium was determined only after
the completion of this study (Young et al. 2012). In
archaeological material often only small fragments
of DNA (< 150 bp) survive, although this varies
greatly according to the local environmental con-
ditions at the particular archaeological site (Pääbo
1989). Therefore, the first aim of the present study
was to design and verify species-specific primers
based on a short target sequence. Thereafter, tissues
were examined for Schistosoma from two individu-
als believed to be brothers, dating from 3900 years
ago (Fig. 1) and located in the Manchester Museum:
Nekht-Ankh (inventory no. 11724) and Khnum-
Ankh (inventory no. 11725). Further details can
be found at:
The bodies of the two brothers have been
subjected to various studies. In 1908 they were un-
wrapped and autopsied together with a multidisci-
plinary team by Dr. Margaret Murray, then curator of the Egyptian collection at the Manchester Museum
(Fig. 4). This pioneering investigation marked a critical stage in the development of paleopathology. There
was no opportunity to examine the bodies using radiological or histological techniques, but, relying on
the use of morbid anatomy, the team made several interesting disease identifications (David 2003). In this
original investigation it was noted that while both bodies were poorly preserved the color and texture
of the residual tissue appeared very different in each case. Therefore, it was concluded that different
preservatives had been used in the mummification process. Since 1973 the now skeletal remains of the
two brothers have been the subject of continuing investigations by the Manchester Egyptian Mummy
Research Project; techniques have included radiography, histology, electron microscopy, immunocyto-
chemistry and paleoodontology (David 1979, 2000). Studies on the fragments of lung tissue indicated
the presence of sand pneumoconiosis; when the ancient embalmers eviscerated the thoracic cavity they
also removed part of the wall of the heart, which was attached to the lung. Here the histological sections
Fig. 1. Anthropoid coffins of Nekht-Ankh (right) and
Khnum-Nakht (left) as displayed in the Manchester
Museum, inventory numbers 11724 and 11725, re-
spectively. According to the coffin inscriptions, both
individuals were sons of the same mother, who was
called Khnum-Aa and carried the title Mistress of
the House, indicating she was an heiress who owned
property. The inscriptions do not make it clear if both
brothers shared the same father. Nekht-Ankh and
Khnum-Nakht were buried together without wives
or offspring, suggesting that neither man was married
(David 2003).
show fibrous tissue obliterating the pericardial and pleural cavities, indicating some time before death
there must have been inflammation in this area, possibly associated with pneumonia. In well-preserved
liver tissue a section containing a group of cells with thickened walls was tentatively identified as the
remains of the liver fluke, Facciola hepatica.
A sample of the liver from the Egyptian mummy Nekht-Ankh and a sample of intestine from Khnum-
Nakht, believed to be his brother, were analyzed by PCR for schistosomal DNA. Their family connection
remains controversial, so to try to resolve the matter, primers for human mitochondrial DNA were used
to determine any maternal relationship.
Materials and methods
Precautions against contamination
The standard strict precautions were taken at all stages of the study to ensure there was no cross-con-
tamination (Donoghue 2008). Negative DNA extraction and PCR controls were always included in the
protocols. All initial work on DNA extraction and PCR optimization was completed more than 12 months
before the ancient DNA investigation and thorough cleaning had been undertaken in the interim.
Material for optimization and verification experiments
The Kuvin Centre, Jerusalem (Laboratory 1) supplied purified DNA for optimization and verification
of experimental PCR primers. Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma intercalatum
were supplied as adult pairs of worms, preserved in ethanol to Laboratory 2 (UCL) by the Natural His-
tory Museum, London.
Ancient Egyptian mummy tissue
The mummy of Nekht-Ankh was discovered in 1905/1906 at a burial site known as the Tomb of Two
Brothers and belonged to Nekht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht (David 2003). These two mummies, discovered
in a previously undisturbed, provincial tomb, are archaeologically important as they have made a major
contribution to the emergence and development of paleopathology, and studies on them continue. In
addition to the mummies, the tomb contained a limited but well made range of artifacts. However only
Nekht-Ankh was provided with a set of four canopic jars in a canopic chest, to contain his mummified
viscera, removed from the body during the mummification process. The exact date of the burial cannot
be determined since there is no evidence of any royal names to be found at the cemetery. The style and
contents of the tomb, however, places it in the 12th Dynasty (c. 3900 BP). A small sample of liver from
the canopic jar of Nekht-Ankh was examined, together with a sample of intestine and another tissue
fragment from Khnum-Nakht.
DNA extraction: adult worms
A small segment was cut off and placed in 100 μl of demineralization solution (0.5 M EDTA pH 8.0/1 mg1
proteinase K) in a 1.5 ml tube with 10 glass beads (1.5-2.0 mm). After vortexing, tubes were incubated
overnight at 56 °C. Next the samples were incubated in lysis buffer (Qiagen DNeasy™ kit) for I hour at
70 °C. Thereafter the standard protocol was followed. DNA was captured onto spin columns, washed
and eluted.
DNA extraction: ancient Egyptian mummy tissue
In Laboratory 1 DNA was extracted from the liver and intestine using a modification of the procedure
described by Boom et al. (1990). Tissue was placed in 1.5 ml tubes containing 500 μl guanidium thiocyanate
solution (10 M), vortex mixed for 1 min., incubated at 56 °C and gently agitated for 5 to 8 h. Next, samples
were incubated at 94 °C for 10 min., centrifuged at 12 000 rpm for 3 min. and the supernatant transferred
to another sterile 1.5 ml tube. Guanidium thiocyanate solution (1 ml) and 10 μl of silica bead suspen-
sion were added to the sample. Tubes were vortex mixed for 20 s, placed on ice for 1 hour and agitated
every 15 min. Samples were centrifuged at 12 000 rpm for 30 s and the supernatant discarded. Pellets
were re-suspended in 500 μl of washing buffer (2 mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5)/10 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)/10 mM
Matheson et al.: Schistosoma and Family Relationship in Egyptian Mummies
Yearbook of Mummy Studies 2 (2014)
NaCl in a 50 % (v/v) water/alcohol mixture), centrifuged for 30 s at 12 000 rpm, and the supernatant
discarded. This step was repeated if the silica pellet appeared discolored. The silica was washed with
200 μl absolute ethanol and air-dried. DNA was eluted with 100 μl water, mixed for 20 s, incubated at
56 °C for 1 h and re-suspended in double-distilled water. The extract was centrifuged at 12 000 rpm, for
3 min. and the DNA extract stored at 4 °C. Extraction negatives were processed simultaneously to identify
any contamination during this process.
In Laboratory 2 a small quantity of sample was placed in 200 μl demineralization solution in a 1.5 ml
tube with beads, incubated at 56 °C and mixed in a bead beater daily until dispersed. After mixing well
in a bead beater, samples were split and one 100 μl aliquot was incubated for 1 h at 60 °C with 10 μl
0.1 M N-phenacylthiazolium bromide (PTB), a reagent that cleaves glucose-derived protein cross-links
(Poinar et al. 1998) thereby facilitating DNA release and strand separation. Both sets of samples were
then incubated for 2 h at 56 °C with 200 μl of lysis buffer containing guanidium thiocyanate, EDTA and
Triton X-100 (Boom et al. 1990). Subsequently the DNeasy™ protocol was followed.
PCR amplification
In Laboratory 1 the Schistosoma mansoni 121 bp tandem repeat sequence known as Sm1-7 (Hamburger et
al. 1991) was targeted for amplification using primers described by Hamburger et al. (1998): Primer 1:
5'-GAAAATCGTTGTATCTCCG-3' and Primer 2: 5'-GGTGACCTGCCTAAAAATAC-3'. To examine genetic
relatedness between the two mummified individuals, the following primers were used: mitochondrial DNA
16210: 5'-CCC ATGCTTACAAGCAAG TA-3' (Kolman & Tuross 2000) and 16401: 5'-TGATTTCACGGA
GGATGGTG-3' (Vigilant et al. 1989). Amplification was performed using a 25 μl PCR reaction mix com-
prised of: 20 mM Tris-HCl pH 8.4; 50 mM KCl; 2.0 mM MgCl2; 2.5 mM of each nucleotide (dATP, dCTP,
dGTP and dTTP); 0.25 μM of each primer; and 1.25 units of Platinum Taq (Gibco). DNA extract (10.0 μl)
was added to each tube. PCR and extraction negative controls were included in each PCR. Amplification
was achieved using a program consisting of a 3 min. initial denaturation at 94 °C, followed by 45 cycles
of: 94 °C for 1 min., 55 °C (primers 1 and 2) and 60 °C (primers16210 & 16401) for 1 min., and 72 °C for
2 min.; followed by a final extension of 10 min. at 72 °C. Primers 1 & 2 produce a 46-bp product and a
repetitive 121-bp product of S. mansoni; mitochondrial primers 16210 and 16401 amplify a 230-bp product
of the hyper variable region I.
In Laboratory 2 two sets of nested pairs of primers were devised based on the S. mansoni tandem
repeat unit (Hamburger et al. 1991) and an intergenic spacer region in S. haematobium near the 28S ribo-
somal RNA gene (Kane & Rollinson 1998):
Schistosoma mansoni outer primers SM1: 5'-GATCTGAATCCGACCAACCG-3' and SM2: 5'-CTTGTT-
TTATATTAACGCCC-3' (118 bp); inner primers SM3: 5'-GAATCCGACCAACCGTTC-3' and SM4 5'-ACG-
Schistosoma haematobium outer primers SH1: 5'-CGCTAGACTTCGGTCTGGTT-3' and SH2: 5'-CGTCG-
CAAGTATACGATAT-3' (107 bp); inner primers SH3: 5'-CTAGACTTCGGTCTGGTTAAAGC-3' and SH4:
PCR was carried out in 50 μl volumes containing Qiagen HotStar® buffer; 10 mM bovine serum al-
bumin; 3.5 mM MgCl2; 0.5 mM of each primer; 0.2 mM of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP; and 1.25 units
of HotStar® Taq polymerase.
Amplification was achieved using a program consisting of initial enzyme activation and DNA de-
naturation for 15 min. at 95 °C; followed by 10 cycles of touchdown PCR with annealing dropping 1 °C
per cycle from 65 °C to 56 °C; followed by 33-43 cycles of: 94 °C for 40 s, 55 °C for 1 min., and 72 °C for
20 sec + 1 s/cycle; followed by a final extension of 1 min. at 72 °C. Nested PCR when performed used
1 μl of the stage 1 PCR product with 25 cycles of amplification.
Detection of amplified DNA
PCR product was added to loading dye and electrophoresed in a 2.0 % (w/v) NuSieve© (FMC Bioprod-
ucts) agarose gel in 1X TAE at 108 volts for 35 min. (Laboratory 1); or a 3.0 % (w/v) NuSieve© agarose
gel in 1 x TBE or TAE at 8.8 volts cm1 for 65 min. (Laboratory 2). Amplified DNA was visualized using
ethidium bromide staining exposed to ultraviolet light, and recorded with digital imaging equipment
(Pharmacia Biotech, ImageMaster or LabWorks 3.6). PCR products were excised from the agarose using
sterile implements for direct sequencing.
DNA sequencing
In Laboratory 1 the PCR product was directly sequenced using a radioactive manual sequencing kit (Se-
quenase Kit, Amersham). Sequencing PCRs consisted of 32P radio-labeled nucleotides, Sequenase buffer
and 4 μl of liquefied (94 °C) excised agarose PCR product to a total reaction volume of 10 μl. Amersham
recommended thermocycling parameters were used and radio-labeled DNA was run on a 6 % acrylamide
gel and exposed to high resolution X-ray film (Kodak) for 48 to 72 hours before development.
Optimization and verification experiments
The S. mansoni PCR primers were highly specific and no amplicons were detected with S. haematobium
or S. intercalatum DNA extracts. The S. haematobium primers generated some amplified DNA from the
S. intercalatum DNA extract. This could be reduced considerably by touchdown PCR.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
118 bp
118 bp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
107 bp
107 bp
Fig. 2. Gel electrophoresis of Schistosoma mansoni
PCR. Wells were loaded as follows: Top row were
DNA extractions with phenacylthiazolium bromide
(PTB); bottom row were extracted without PTB. Lane
1; unrelated archaeological sample; lane 2: Nekht-
Ankh liver; lane 3: Khnum-Nakht intestine; lanes 4-6:
unrelated archaeological samples; lane 7 (top row): gel
positive control – archival stored PCR product; lane
7 (bottom row): blank; lane 8 (top row): DNA extrac-
tion positive control – archived; lane 8 (bottom row):
DNA extraction negative control; lane 9 (top row):
DNA negative control; lane 9 (bottom row): DNA
extraction positive control; lane 10 (top row): PCR
negative control; lane 10 (bottom row): PCR positive
control – archived DNA extract; lane 11: molecular
markers – PhiX174HaeIII digest. The 118 bp S. mansoni
PCR product can be seen in lanes 7 and 8 (top row) and
lanes 2, 9 and doubtfully 10 (bottom row). Negative
and positive controls are satisfactory and the extract
from the Nekht-Ankh liver is weakly positive.
Fig. 3. Gel electrophoresis of Schistosoma haematobium
PCR. Wells were loaded as follows: Top row: lane
1: PCR negative control; lane 2: DNA extraction
negative control; lane 3: S. haematobium positive con-
trol – 1 : 100 000 dilution of worm extract; lanes 4-6:
unrelated archaeological samples; lane 7: Nekht-Ankh
liver. Bottom row: lanes 1-4: samples from four unre-
lated canopic jars; lanes 5-6: Khnum-Nakht intestinal
samples; lane 7: blank. Lane 8 (both rows): molecular
markers – PhiX174HaeIII digest. Negative and positive
controls are satisfactory and the extracts from the Nekht-
Ankh liver, the Khnum-Nakht intestinal samples,
two of the canopic jar samples and another unrelated
archaeological sample are weakly positive.
Matheson et al.: Schistosoma and Family Relationship in Egyptian Mummies
Yearbook of Mummy Studies 2 (2014)
Ancient Egyptian mummy tissue
In Laboratory 1 extraction of DNA from the liver and intestine samples was immediately followed by
PCR amplification of the 121-bp S. mansoni tandem repeat unit. A faint 121-bp product was amplified
from the Egyptian liver sample but subsequent attempts
to repeat amplification were unsuccessful. It was noted
that significant degradation of the DNA extract occurred
during a 5-hour period before a second amplification was
attempted. Due to sample limitations this extraction could
not be replicated. A sequence exhibiting 100 % identity with
S. mansoni (reference sequence NCBI nucleotide accession #:
M61098) was obtained. The HVII mitochondrial DNA was
successfully amplified from both individuals (Table 1). All
extraction and amplification controls were negative.
In Laboratory 2 a faint 118-bp S. mansoni product was
obtained from the Nekht-Ankh liver sample, using the DNA extracted without the facilitating reagent PTB.
No amplicons were obtained with the Khnum-Nakht intestine samples. All extraction and amplification
controls were negative (Fig. 2). However, S. haematobium DNA was detected in both the Nekht-Ankh liver
and two samples from Khnum-Nakht, believed to be intestinal (Fig. 3). There was insufficient material
for further DNA extractions.
Results confirmed that the DNA extraction procedures resulted in amplifiable DNA from fixed tissues,
without the need for PTB. The sensitivity of PCR amplification was demonstrated by Pontes et al. (2002)
who, using a similar nested PCR and purified DNA, showed that as little as 1 fg was detectable. The
outer and nested S. mansoni primers were specific. However, the S. haematobium PCR allowed some S. in-
tercalatum amplicon unless stringent conditions were employed. This appears to be a general problem,
as Hamburger et al. (2001) reported a similar finding based on the Dra1 repeat sequence.
S. mansoni DNA was amplified and sequenced from the liver of a 3900 year old Egyptian mummy,
Nekht-Ankh, suggesting that he suffered from chronic schistosomiasis. This was confirmed in two in-
dependent laboratories. The intestinal samples from Khnum-Nakht were positive for S. haematobium but
were negative for S. mansoni. These findings support previous microscopic observations of Schistosoma
spp. eggs and immunocytochemistry (Rutherford 1999, David 2003). Data from Laboratory 2 indicate
that the liver sample from Nekht-Ankh was also positive for S. haematobium. In addition, S. haematobium
DNA was present in material from two of four unrelated Middle Kingdom canopic jars, which confirms
earlier conclusions that this species was widespread in ancient Egypt. Although S. haematobium eggs are
usually found in the ureter and bladder, the early observations by Ruffer (1910) described the calcified ova
of Bilharzia haematobia in the straight tubules of the kidney, whilst Reyman et al. (1977) reported schisto-
some eggs in the kidneys of a teenage boy, Nakht. Both these reports also described cirrhosis of the liver,
and calcified schistosome eggs with terminal spines, typical of S. haematobium, were seen in histological
sections of tissue from the portal region of the Nakht liver (Nunn & Tapp 2000). Therefore, although the
presence of this species is less usual in the liver, our finding is in line with the earlier reports. In addition,
where there are high intensities of S. haematobium and mixed infections with S. mansoni, S. haematobium
can be found in the mesenteric veins and thus their eggs appear in the liver and gastrointestinal tract
(Cunin et al. 2003).
It is believed that schistosomiasis originated in Central Africa and that the disease spread from
Ethiopia down the Nile (Adamson 1976). The snail hosts of S. haematobium, Bulinus spp, are bottom
feeders and are thus relatively unaffected by the rate of flow of the river. However, the snail hosts of
S. mansoni, Biomphalaria spp, are surface feeders, and cannot establish themselves except in waters with
a slow current or none. Therefore, it was believed that S. haematobium was always prevalent in Upper
Egypt, whereas S. mansoni was concentrated in the Nile delta (El-Khoby et al. 2000). Recently Hibbs et
al. (2011) demonstrated S. mansoni in desiccated tissue from Wadi Halfa (350-550 CE) and Kulubnarti
(550-750 CE) – settlements in early Christian Nubia, using a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay that does not cross-react with S. haematobium. There was a clear association between incidence of
Table 1. Hypervariable region I mitochon-
drial polymorphisms.
Individual 16223
C T 16261
C T 16292
Nekht-Ankh + + +
Khnum-Nakht + – +
S. mansoni and local irrigation practices in Wadi Halfa and the authors pointed out the need for further
data on the distribution of S. haematobium in the Nile Valley. The present study confirms the prevalence
of S. haematobium and also provides the first direct evidence of S. mansoni from 3900 years ago. The tomb
of Nekht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht was in Rifeh, near Assiut in Central Egypt. This may have been an
area where both species of Schistosoma were prevalent, as there almost certainly would have been pools,
wells and irrigation channels in the area that could have provided a source of S. mansoni (Butzer 1976).
The mitochondrial DNA sequences obtained from Nekht-Ankh liver and Khnum-Nakht intestinal
samples (Table 1) exhibit the 16223 T and 16292 T mutations common in the Middle East and Egypt.
Nekht-Ankh also exhibited the 16261 T mutation, suggesting that these two brothers were not ma-
ternally related. Exploration of postmortem damage of endogenous DNA has characterized genetic
damage, including oxidative modification and hydrolytic deamination, in ancient human samples as
miscoding lesions (Gilbert et al. 2003). Although results from the HVI mitochondrial analysis have not
been independently verified, they were replicated and showed no evidence of polymorphic variation, in
either the electropherograms or autoradiographs. In addition, the preservation of proteins and lipids in a
skin sample from Nekht-Ankh has been shown to be good (Petersen et al. 2003), which suggests that the
positive DNA results are likely to be genuine. Therefore it was concluded that authentic polymorphisms
were identified from these Egyptian mummies. The difference in the strength of the reactions from the
schistosomal DNA may reflect the limited and localized distribution of the parasite compared with the
human tissue.
In the inscriptions on the tomb equipment both brothers were described as the sons of a local
governor or mayor, and this wealthy family would have enjoyed considerable local status. It is recorded
that they were the sons of a woman named Khnum-Aa who carried the title mistress of the house.
However, the inscriptional evidence may indicate that Nekht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht were half broth-
Fig. 4. Margaret Murray and her team unwrap the mummy of Khnum-Nakht in 1908. On May 6 1908 Dr.
Murray and her scientific team carried out an autopsy on the mummy of Khnum-Nakht in the Chemistry
Lecture Theatre, University of Manchester. There was an invited audience of 500 people from the Manchester
Egyptian Association (David 2003). This was a critical event in the development of paleopathology as a scien-
tific discipline.
Matheson et al.: Schistosoma and Family Relationship in Egyptian Mummies
Yearbook of Mummy Studies 2 (2014)
ers, the children of different fathers since in Khnum-Nakhts case it provides information that both his
father and paternal grandfather were local governors, whereas it only states that Nekht-Ankhs father
held that position. The inscriptions also record that Khnum-Nakht was a great waab priest who served
the ram-headed god Khnum, and it would have been customary for Khnum-Nakht, as the son of the
local governor, to become a priest in the local temple. There is no information regarding the career of
The original study in 1908 considered the vexed question of the parentage of the brothers as there
are marked differences between the brothers skeletons particularly their skulls – Khnum-Nakhts skull
was prognathous, while that of his brother was orthognathous. Adoption was not uncommon in ancient
Egypt and this was thought to explain their physical dissimilarity. The findings of the present study that
these two individuals are maternally unrelated are consistent with these morphological observations.
Victoria Friends of the Hebrew University supported student travel to conduct research. Dr Vaughan South-
gate and his colleagues at the Natural History Museum, London kindly provided samples of adult Schistosoma
worms. Samples from Nekht-Ankh and Khnum-Nakht were provided by the Manchester University Museum
Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank. Thanks are due to Professor Joseph Hamburger, Kuvin Center for the Study
of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Hebrew University Hadassah Medical School, Israel for his helpful advice
on Schistosoma gene sequences. The technical assistance at UCL of Michelle Groves, Sahir Khurshid, Jasmine
Patel and Kim Vernon is gratefully acknowledged. Figures 1 and 4 are included by the kind permission of the
Manchester Museum, University of Manchester, UK.
Adamson, P. B. (1976): Schistosomiasis in antiquity. – Med. Hist. 20: 176-188.
Berriman, M., B. J. Haas, P. T. LoVerde et al. (2009): The genome of the blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. – Nature
460: 352-358. (doi:10.1038/nature08160)
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Butzer, K. W. (1976): Early hydraulic civilization in Egypt: a study in cultural ecology. – Chicago, London
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Cunin, P., L.-A. Tchuem Tchuenté, B. Poste, K. Djibrilla & P. M. V. Martin (2003): Interactions between Schis-
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Matheson et al.: Schistosoma and Family Relationship in Egyptian Mummies
Yearbook of Mummy Studies 2 (2014)
ISBN 978
ISBN 978
Bodies with any type of preserved soft tissue are considered mummies. The interna-
Bodies with any type of preserved soft tissue are considered mummies. The interna-
tional multidisciplinary research field of Mummy Studies incorporates research from
tional multidisciplinary research field of Mummy Studies incorporates research from
anthropology, medicine and numerous other fields in order to analyze and interpret
anthropology, medicine and numerous other fields in order to analyze and interpret
human and animal remains with preserved soft tissue. The
human and animal remains with preserved soft tissue. The
Yearbook of Mummy
Yearbook of Mummy
is the first, and only, academic journal dedicated solely to aspects of the study
is the first, and only, academic journal dedicated solely to aspects of the study
of mummies and aims to present research that explores the methods and theories used
of mummies and aims to present research that explores the methods and theories used
in the interpretation of human and animal mummies.
in the interpretation of human and animal mummies.
Front cover
Front cover
CT-based 3D reconstruction of the Late Period Egyptian mummy of Tadimentet inside the coffin.
CT-based 3D reconstruction of the Late Period Egyptian mummy of Tadimentet inside the coffin.
(Daizo et al., pp. 71
(Daizo et al., pp. 71
Back cover
Back cover
Stages of the facial reconstruction of a Roman Period Egyptian child mummy
Stages of the facial reconstruction of a Roman Period Egyptian child mummy
made by Raymond Evenhouse (University of Illinois at Chicago) in 1990.
made by Raymond Evenhouse (University of Illinois at Chicago) in 1990.
(Wisseman & Hunt, pp. 87
(Wisseman & Hunt, pp. 87
... The DNA of the intestinal form, Schistosoma mansoni, was detected in the liver sample by two laboratories and that of the urinary form, S. haematobium, was also detected by one laboratory. This study concluded to the presence of both types of Schistosoma from about 3900 years ago, during the Middle Kingdom in Central Egypt (47). ...
... The two mummies shared the same tomb and inscriptions on their coffins stated that they had the same mother name, Khnum-aa. However, when unwrapped, they were different morphologically from each other (47). Using hybridization capture of the mitochondrial and Y chromosome fractions, followed by NGS, the results revealed that both mummies were assigned to the same mtDNA haplogroup, M1a1, indicating a maternal relationship. ...
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The molecular Egyptology field started in the mid-eighties with the first publication on the ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis of an Egyptian mummy. Egypt has been a major interest for historians, archaeologists, laymen as well as scientists. The aDNA research on Egyptian biological remains has been fueled by their abundance and relatively well-preserved states through artificial mummification and by the advanced analytical techniques. Early doubts of aDNA integrity within the Egyptian mummies and data authenticity were later abated with studies proving successfully authenticated aDNA retrieval. The current review tries to recapitulate the published studies presenting paleogenomic evidence of disease diagnosis and kinship establishment for the Egyptian human remains. Regarding disease diagnosis, the prevailing literature was on paleogenomic evidence of infectious diseases in the human remains. A series of reports presented evidence for the presence of tuberculosis and/or malaria. In addition, there were solitary reports of the presence of leprosy, diphtheria, bacteremia, toxoplasmosis, schistosomiasis and leishmaniasis. On the contrary, paleogenomic evidence of the presence of rare diseases was quite scarce and mentioned only in two articles. On the other hand, kinship analysis of Egyptian human remains, including that of Tutankhamen, was done using both mitochondrial DNA sequences and nuclear DNA markers, to establish family relationships in four studies. It is clear that the field of molecular Egyptology is still a largely unexplored territory. Nevertheless, the paleogenomic investigation of Egyptian remains could make significant contributions to biomedical sciences [e.g. elucidation of co-evolution of human host-microbe interrelationship] as well as to evidence-based archeology.
... S. mansoni infection in archaeological settings has primarily been identified in Egypt and Nubia (Mitchell, 2024), a known endemic area today. S. mansoni DNA was detected in liver tissue using PCR from the mummy Nekht-Ankh found in Rifeh, Central Egypt dating to c. 3900 BP (Matheson et al., 2014). In Nubia, S. mansoni eggs were recovered from the pelvic soil of skeletons buried in Kerma (2400-1500 BCE), Sai Island (700-330 BCE and 275 BCE-350 CE) and Sedeinga (13th-14th c. ...
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Paleoparasitological studies have made important contributions to our understanding of the past epidemiology of parasites, infection in past populations and lifestyle in the past. In some cases, these ancient parasites can also provide evidence for long distance travel or migration of people in the past. Three sediment samples from a 15th–16th c. CE latrine from the Spanish nation house in Bruges, Belgium were analysed for preserved helminth eggs using microscopy. Bruges was a major trading centre in medieval Europe, thus it was home to a large merchant population with extensive trading networks. Paleoparasitological analysis revealed a preserved parasite egg from Schistosoma mansoni, which causes intestinal schistosomiasis. Roundworm, whipworm, liver fluke and Taenia tapeworm eggs were also found in the latrine which is consistent with parasites previously found in the local population in the medieval period. These new data provide direct evidence for the movement of S. mansoni outside of its endemic area. Today the vast majority of S. mansoni infections occur in Sub-Saharan Africa, with additional endemic areas in the Arabian peninsula and South America. The introduction of S. mansoni into South America is proposed to have occurred relatively recently in human history, as the result of forced movement of people from Africa to the Americas with the Atlantic slave trade. Thus, this infection may have occurred in a merchant who acquired the parasite during trade voyages to Africa or in an individual living in Africa who migrated to Bruges.
... However, after 1 year, samples preserved in NaCl were dried, those kept in garden soil had fungal growth, and untreated samples became liquid due to autolysis [196]. Parasite genetic material was obtained successfully from tissue from human mummies for Trypanosoma cruzi [197], Schistosoma mansoni in liver tissue [198], and Leishmania tarantolae [199]. It is challenging to examine highly putrefied carcasses for parasites. ...
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Wild terrestrial carnivores play a crucial role as reservoir, maintenance, and spillover hosts for a wide parasite variety. They may harbor, shed, and transmit zoonotic parasites and parasites of veterinary importance for domestic hosts. Although wild carnivores are globally distributed and comprise many different species, some living in close proximity to human settlements, only a few studies have investigated parasites of wild terrestrial carnivores using non-specific techniques. Access to samples of wild carnivores may be challenging as some species are protected, and others are secretive, possibly explaining the data paucity. Considering the importance of wild carnivores’ health and ecological role, combined with the lack of specific diagnostic methodologies, this review aims to offer an overview of the diagnostic methods for parasite investigation in wild terrestrial carnivores, providing the precise techniques for collection and analysis of fecal, blood, and tissue samples, the environmental impact on said samples, and the limitations researchers currently face in analyzing samples of wild terrestrial carnivores. In addition, this paper offers some crucial information on how different environmental factors affect parasite detection postmortem and how insects can be used to estimate the time of death with a specific highlight on insect larvae. The paper contains a literature review of available procedures and emphasizes the need for diagnostic method standardization in wild terrestrial carnivores. Graphical Abstract
... Other parasitic infections that lead to chronic blood loss and decreased absorption, as well as other bacterial, viral, or parasitic chronic infections, are believed to have been omnipresent in ancient Egypt (Gad et al., 2021). For example, Schistosomia mansoni, the intestinal form of schistosomiasis, and Schistosomia haematobium, the urinary form, have been found in two ancient Egyptian mummies (Matheson et al., 2014). One other important risk factor for iron deficiency anemia in children is iron deficiency in mothers. ...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of anemias in ancient Egyptian child mummies. Whole‐body computed tomography (CT) examinations of 21 ancient Egyptian child mummies from European museums were evaluated for estimation of sex and age at death. CT examinations were systematically assessed for skeletal effects of anemias using a clinical radiological approach as well as quantitative measurements of the thickness of the cranial vault and diploe. Additionally, the technical feasibility to assess porotic hyperostosis on the available CT data was examined. Twelve children were assessed as male and seven as female, and in two, the sex was indeterminate. The estimated age at death ranged from about 1 year to 12–14 years. One case showed radiological signs of thalassemia (β‐thalassemia major) at the cranial vault and postcranial skeleton. Additionally, this case had a macroglossia that probably indicated Beckwith–Wiedemann syndrome. Quantitative measurements confirmed a high variability of cranial vault thickness and diploe thickness. Compared with clinical reference values, seven out of the 21 (33%) child mummies had a pathological enlargement of the frontal cranial vault that represents a typical finding of chronic hemolytic anemia and iron deficiency anemia. Assessment of porotic hyperostosis was not feasible on the available CT examinations as the image quality was not sufficient for this examination. In conclusion, pathological enlargement of the frontal cranial vault as an indicator for chronic hemolytic anemia and iron deficiency anemia had a high prevalence, especially in the younger children. The mummy with radiological signs of thalassemia seems to be the first case with radiological evidence of skeletal effects of this anemia to the cranial vault and postcranial skeleton from ancient Egypt.
... PCR primers suitable for the fragmented ancient DNA detected Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium in samples of the liver from the mummy of Nekht-Ankh (ca 1900 BC) and in intestinal samples from his brother Khnum-Nakht (Matheson et al. 2014), both located in the Manchester Museum. ...
The paleoparasitology is an important branch of the paleopathology, which is the discipline that studies past diseases from ancient human remains, both skeletal and mummified. This topic is crucial for understanding the lifestyle of the past in terms of hygiene conditions, sanitary measures, and nutrition.A central role is certainly played by the study of the helminths; in fact, evidences of human ancient parasitism are largely recorded around the world, from prehistory to present age, through the analysis of the coprolites, latrine soils, and mummified remains.The purpose of the chapter is to illustrate the most significant paleoparasitological findings in the four continents and in various periods, thus showing the wide spread of the whole classes of the helminths (trematodes, cestodes, nematodes).KeywordsPaleopathologypaleoparasitologyhistorymummycoprolitesancient DNA
... A new Fasciola-specific reverse primer COI_FAS_R ('5-GACAAACAAACACAAGCAGG-3'), targeting a shorter COI fragment of 148 nucleotides when combined with the COI1_DIG_F primer (see Table 3), was designed to amplify DNA of the Fasciola museum samples, as no successful PCR amplification was obtained using the longer amplicon. It has become apparent that shorter amplicons (< 400 bp) outperform longer amplicons due to severe DNA fragmentation and/or degradation in old samples [107][108][109], such as the museum specimens in this study. Simplex PCR reactions and programs for sequencing were performed, according to Carolus et al. [5], in a 15 μL volume with 1.5 μL of DNA extract using the Qiagen™ Taq DNA polymerase kit containing 1.5 mM PCR buffer (Qiagen™), 0.6 mM dNTP mix (Qia-gen™), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.45 units of Taq Polymerase (Qiagen™), 0.8 μM forward primer, and 0.8 μM reverse primer. ...
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Background: Humans impose a significant pressure on large herbivore populations, such as hippopotami, through hunting, poaching and habitat destruction. Anthropogenic pressures can also occur indirectly, such as artificial lake creation and the subsequent introduction of invasive species that alter the ecosystem. These events can lead to drastic changes in parasite diversity and transmission, but generally receive little scientific attention. Results: In order to document and identify trematode parasites of the common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) in artificial water systems of Zimbabwe, we applied an integrative taxonomic approach, combining molecular diagnostics and morphometrics on archived and new samples. In doing so, we provide DNA reference sequences of the hippopotamus liver fluke Fasciola nyanzae, enabling us to construct the first complete Fasciola phylogeny. We describe parasite spillback of F. nyanzae by the invasive freshwater snail Pseudosuccinea columella, as a consequence of a cascade of biological invasions in Lake Kariba, one of the biggest artificial lakes in the world. Additionally, we report an unknown stomach fluke of the hippopotamus transmitted by the non-endemic snail Radix aff. plicatula, an Asian snail species that has not been found in Africa before, and the stomach fluke Carmyerius cruciformis transmitted by the native snail Bulinus truncatus. Finally, Biomphalaria pfeifferi and two Bulinus species were found as new snail hosts for the poorly documented hippopotamus blood fluke Schistosoma edwardiense. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that artificial lakes are breeding grounds for endemic and non-endemic snails that transmit trematode parasites of the common hippopotamus. This has important implications, as existing research links trematode parasite infections combined with other stressors to declining wild herbivore populations. Therefore, we argue that monitoring the anthropogenic impact on parasite transmission should become an integral part of wildlife conservation efforts.
... Schistosoma and lung inflammation (Matheson, David, Spigelman, & Donoghue, 2014), and a further association between PCLs and Schistosoma antibodies Alvrus (2006). ...
Objectives Cribra orbitalia (CO) and porotic hyperostosis (PH) are porous cranial lesions (PCLs) classically associated with iron‐deficiency anemia in bioarchaeological contexts. However, recent studies indicate a need to reassess the interpretation of PCLs. This study addresses the potential health correlates of PCLs in a contemporary sample by examining relationships between the known cause of death (COD) and PCL presence/absence. Methods This study includes a sample of 461 juvenile individuals (6 months to 15 years of age) who underwent examination at the University of New Mexico's Office of the Medical Investigator between 2011 and 2019. The information available for each individual includes their sex, age at death, and their COD and manner of death. Results Odds ratio of having CO (OR = 3.92, p < .01) or PH (OR = 2.86, p = .02) lesions are increased in individuals with respiratory infections. Individuals with heart conditions have increased odds of having CO (OR = 3.52, p = .03) lesions, but not PH. Conclusion Individuals with respiratory infection are more likely to have CO and/or PH. CO appears to have a greater range of health correlates than PH does, as indicated by the heart condition results. However, individuals with congenital heart defects are at higher risk for respiratory infections, so bony alterations in cases of heart conditions may be due to respiratory illness. Since respiratory infection remains a leading cause of mortality today, CO and PH in bioarchaeological contexts should be considered as potential indicators of respiratory infections in the past.
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The civilizations of ancient Egypt and Nubia played a key role in the cultural development of Africa, the Near East, and the Mediterranean world. This study explores how their location along the River Nile, agricultural practices, the climate, endemic insects and aquatic snails impacted the type of parasites that were most successful in their populations. A meta-analysis approach finds that up to 65% of mummies were positive for schistosomiasis, 40% for headlice, 22% for falciparum malaria, and 10% for visceral leishmaniasis. Such a disease burden must have had major consequences upon the physical stamina and productivity of a large proportion of the workforce. In contrast, the virtual absence of evidence for whipworm and roundworm (so common in adjacent civilizations in the Near East and Europe) may have been a result of the yearly Nile floods fertilising the agricultural land, so that farmers did not have to fertilise their crops with human faeces.
Parasites have been infecting humans throughout our evolution. When complex societies developed, the greater population density provided new opportunities for parasites to spread. In this interdisciplinary volume, the author brings his expertise in medicine, archaeology and history to explore the contribution of parasites in causing flourishing past civilizations to falter and decline. By using cutting edge methods, Mitchell presents the evidence for parasites that infected the peoples of key ancient civilizations across the world in order to understand their impact upon those populations. This new understanding of the archaeological and historical evidence for intestinal worms, ectoparasites, and protozoa shows how different cultures were burdened by contrasting types of diseases depending upon their geographical location, endemic insects, food preferences and cultural beliefs.
Contrary to prevalent assumptions, blood—the ultimate “soft tissue”—has a substantial fossil record. Although initial reports of blood remnants from the Holocene were deservedly controversial—and reports of blood cells and proteins in Cretaceous therapods remain controversial today—there is currently good evidence for original blood components in fossils more than 500 million years old. In this review, our knowledge of the fossil record of blood and its cellular and molecular constituents is documented and appraised. Cellular components have been described from both amber (e.g., erythrocytes and protozoan parasites such as Plasmodium and Leishmania) and mineralized bone tissue (erythrocytes and capillary vessels). Although small molecules such as hemoglobin-derived heme and hemocyanin-derived copper are documented in the fossil record, sequenceable polymeric molecules proteins and DNA have the greatest potential for informing us of ancient behavior and physiology—examples include the functionality of mammoth hemoglobin and the disease states of pharaohs.
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Schistosoma mansoniis responsible for the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis that affects 210 million people in 76countries. Here we present analysis of the 363 megabase nuclear genome of the blood fluke. It encodes at least 11,809 genes,with an unusual intron size distribution, and new families of micro-exon genes that undergo frequent alternative splicing. Asthe first sequenced flatworm, and a representative of the Lophotrochozoa, it offers insights into early events in the evolutionof the animals, including the development of a body pattern with bilateral symmetry, and the development of tissues intoorgans. Our analysis has been informed by the need to find new drug targets. The deficits in lipid metabolism that makeschistosomes dependent on the host are revealed, and the identification of membrane receptors, ion channels and more than300 proteases provide new insights into the biology of the life cycle and new targets. Bioinformatics approaches haveidentified metabolic chokepoints, and a chemogenomic screen has pinpointed schistosome proteins for which existing drugsmay be active. The information generated provides an invaluable resource for the research community to develop muchneeded new control tools for the treatment and eradication of this important and neglected disease.
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Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by blood flukes (genus Schistosoma; schistosomes) and affecting 200 million people worldwide. No vaccines are available, and treatment relies on one drug, praziquantel. Schistosoma haematobium has come into the spotlight as a major cause of urogenital disease, as an agent linked to bladder cancer and as a predisposing factor for HIV/AIDS. The parasite is transmitted to humans from freshwater snails. Worms dwell in blood vessels and release eggs that become embedded in the bladder wall to elicit chronic immune-mediated disease and induce squamous cell carcinoma. Here we sequenced the 385-Mb genome of S. haematobium using Illumina-based technology at 74-fold coverage and compared it to sequences from related parasites. We included genome annotation based on function, gene ontology, networking and pathway mapping. This genome now provides an unprecedented resource for many fundamental research areas and shows great promise for the design of new disease interventions.
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Direct molecular evidence of the presence of infectious microbes in human archaeological material has proved a fruitful but very controversial field of study. The great majority of published findings are based upon the direct detection of ancient DNA of pathogenic microorganisms, and even now there are those who doubt the authenticity of data. A good understanding of the natural history of the infectious agent and of its interaction with the human host is necessary. Practical problems arise unless the likely site in the body of any biomolecular traces of the microbe is known, and the relationship to the stage of the disease. This is entirely separate from the vexed question of the preservation of microbial biomolecules in comparison with those of their human host. General principles for undertaking this biomolecular work are described and likely developments indicated. The strategies adopted by particular groups of infectious microbes are outlined and the accumulated body of knowledge in relation to specific diseases is updated or reviewed. Finally, the interaction with the expanding field of microbial genomics is mentioned and the co-evolution of infectious agents and their human hosts is considered.
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The use of ancient DNA (aDNA) in the reconstruction of population origins and evolution is becoming increasingly common. The resultant increase in number of samples and polymorphic sites assayed and the number of studies published may give the impression that all technological hurdles associated with aDNA technology have been overcome. However, analysis of aDNA is still plagued by two issues that emerged at the advent of aDNA technology, namely the inability to amplify a significant number of samples and the contamination of samples with modern DNA. Herein, we analyze five well-preserved skeletal specimens from the western United States dating from 800–1600 A.D. These specimens yielded DNA samples with levels of contamination ranging from 0–100%, as determined by the presence or absence of New World-specific mitochondrial markers. All samples were analyzed by a variety of protocols intended to assay genetic variability and detect contamination, including amplification of variously sized DNA targets, direct DNA sequence analysis of amplification products and sequence analysis of cloned amplification products, analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms, quantitation of target DNA, amino acid racemization, and amino acid quantitation. Only the determination of DNA sequence from a cloned amplification product clearly revealed the presence of both ancient DNA and contaminating DNA in the same extract.
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Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease caused by blood flukes (genus Schistosoma; schistosomes) and affecting 200 million people worldwide. No vaccines are available, and treatment relies on one drug, praziquantel. Schistosoma haematobium has come into the spotlight as a major cause of urogenital disease, as an agent linked to bladder cancer and as a predisposing factor for HIV/AIDS. The parasite is transmitted to humans from freshwater snails. Worms dwell in blood vessels and release eggs that become embedded in the bladder wall to elicit chronic immune-mediated disease and induce squamous cell carcinoma. Here we sequenced the 385-Mb genome of S. haematobium using Illumina-based technology at 74-fold coverage and compared it to sequences from related parasites. We included genome annotation based on function, gene ontology, networking and pathway mapping. This genome now provides an unprecedented resource for many fundamental research areas and shows great promise for the design of new disease interventions.
Egyptian mummies have always aroused popular and scientific interest; however, most modern studies, although significantly increased in number and range, have been published in specialist journals. Now, this unique book, written by a long-established team of scientists based at the University of Manchester (England), brings this exciting, cross-disciplinary area of research to a wider readership. Its main aim is to show how this team's multidisciplinary, investigative methods and the unique resource of the Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank are being used for the new major international investigations of disease evolution and ancient Egyptian pharmacy and pharmacology. It also assesses the current status of palaeopathology and ancient DNA research, and treatments available for conserving mummified remains. Descriptions of the historical development of Egyptian mummifications and medicine and detailed references to previous scientific investigations provide the context for firsthand accounts of cutting-edge research by prominent specialists in this field, demonstrating how these techniques can contribute to a new perspective on Egyptology.
The evolution of disease is one of medicine's most challenging questions. This paper considers the epidemiology of schistosomiasis in Egypt over a 5000 year period. Evidence from mummies demonstrates the presence of this disease in ancient Egypt, and several diagnostic laboratory methods are currently being developed and used to examine the palaeopathology of schistosomiasis in the mummies. This data will be compared with information being gathered about the disease in Egypt today. An Egyptian Mummy Tissue Bank, currently being established at Manchester University Museum, will provide a unique and important research for the current project, and also for future studies on the evolution of other diseases. © 2007 Universidad de Tarapacá Facultad de Ciencias Sociales Administrativas y Económicas Departamento de Antropología.
Medical Service Corporation International of Arlington, Virginia, USA, and the Manchester Egyptian Mummy Project, University of Manchester, UK are jointly undertaking a study of the epidemiology of schistosomiasis (also known as Bilharzia) in Egypt. In order to clarify the paleoepidemiology of schistosomiasis in ancient Egypt, they are using modern laboratory techniques to detect the disease in mummies. The study, outlined here by George Contis and Rosalie David, will seek to establish an epidemiologic picture of schistosomiasis in Egypt from the time of the Old Kingdom (c. 2686 BC) to the end of the Roman Period (AD 641). It will compare this paleo-epidemiologic information with the epidemiology of the disease in Egypt today.
Schistosomiasis has been deemed "the most important water-based disease from a global public-health perspective" in modern populations. To better understand the burden of schistosomiasis in ancient populations, we conducted immunologic examinations of desiccated tissue samples from two ancient Nubian populations, Wadi Halfa (N = 46) and Kulubnarti (N = 191). Saqia irrigated agriculture increases the available habitat for the aquatic vector snails and the risk of exposure. On the basis of evidence regarding the impact of saqia irrigation on schistosomiasis prevalence and transmission in modern populations, we predicted that the prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni infection would be higher in Wadi Halfa (saqia irrigation) than Kulubnarti (annual flooding). We also predicted that peak infection prevalence would occur at an earlier age within the Wadi Halfa population than the Kulubnarti population and that in both populations the prevalence of schistosomiasis would be higher in males than females due to differential water contact. The prevalence of S. mansoni was greater in the Wadi Halfa population (26.1%) than at Kulubnarti (9.4%) (P = 0.002). However, peak prevalence of infection did not occur in a younger age category within the Wadi Halfa population; prevalence of infection peaked at 66.7% in the mature adult age group (46+ years) in the Wadi Halfa population and at 16% in the later child age group (6-10 years) in the Kulubnarti population. There were no statistically significant differences in prevalence between males and females of either population. The impact of human alteration of the environment on the transmission of schistosomiasis is clearly shown in these populations.