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Participatory disease detection through digital volunteerism: how the doctorme application aims to capture data for faster disease detection in thailand


Abstract and Figures

This paper reports the work in progress of incorporating a participatory disease detection mechanism into the existing web- and mobile device application DoctorMe in Thailand. As Southeast Asia has a high likelihood of hosting potential outbreaks of epidemics it is crucial to enable citizens to collectively contribute to improved public health through crowdsourced data, which is currently lacking. This paper focuses foremost on the localised approach, utilizing elements such as gamification, digital volunteerism and personalised health recommendations for participating users. DoctorMe's participatory disease detection approach aims to tap into the accelerating technological landscape in Thailand and to improve personal health and provide valuable data for institutional analysis that may prevent or decrease the impact of infectious disease outbreaks.
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Participatory Disease Detection through Digital
Volunteerism: How the DoctorMe Application Aims to
Capture Data for Faster Disease Detection in Thailand
Patipat Susumpow
14/5 Soi 11 Sirimagaiajarn Rd.
Sutep Maung
Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
Patcharaporn Pansuwan
14/5 Soi 11 Sirimagaiajarn Rd.
Sutep Maung
Chiang Mai 50200 Thailand
Adam W. Crawley
Skoll Global Threats Fund
1808 Wedemeyer St, Ste. 300
San Francisco, CA 94129
Nathalie Sajda
299/92 Suttisan Winitchai Rd.
Samsennok, Huay Kwang
Bangkok 10310 Thailand
This paper reports the work in progress of incorporating a
participatory disease detection mechanism into the existing web-
and mobile device application DoctorMe in Thailand. As
Southeast Asia has a high likelihood of hosting potential
outbreaks of epidemics it is crucial to enable citizens to
collectively contribute to improved public health through
crowdsourced data, which is currently lacking. This paper focuses
foremost on the localised approach, utilizing elements such as
gamification, digital volunteerism and personalised health
recommendations for participating users. DoctorMe’s
participatory disease detection approach aims to tap into the
accelerating technological landscape in Thailand and to improve
personal health and provide valuable data for institutional analysis
that may prevent or decrease the impact of infectious disease
Participatory surveillance, digital disease detection, gamification,
crowdsourcing, Thailand.
Southeast Asia has long been a ‘hotspot’ for emerging and re-
emerging diseases; it was the birthplace of both severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and highly pathogenic
avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 between 2003 and 2005 [1,2]. As
viruses of zoonotic origin, these diseases typify pathogens with
the greatest pandemic potential, made all the more dangerous
when found in a region of the world, such as Southeast Asia, that
contains a high level of wildlife and microbial diversity [3]. The
region is in the midst of rapid social, economic, and
environmental change, driven by increased travel and trade to the
region, urbanisation, and changing agricultural practices. While
many of these trends may increase the risk for emerging diseases,
technological advancements in digital communications and
medical diagnostics can play a key role in protecting the
population’s health.
Over the last decade the public health community has made
significant progress in global surveillance for emerging and re-
emerging diseases, with a number of new disease surveillance
technologies now complementing more traditional reporting
systems. The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (Pro-
MED), a global listserve of infectious disease reporting [4], and
the Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), a news
aggregation system that detects early signs of disease outbreaks
[5], were two of the first efforts to leverage the Internet for global
infectious disease surveillance. Other systems such as HealthMap
[6], MedISys [7], and Biocaster [8] have also been developed,
using a variety of digital media and a blend of computer
algorithms and human expertise to detect the first signs of disease
transmission [9]. In addition to these data-mining techniques,
participatory epidemiology, with roots in wildlife health
surveillance [10], has the potential to directly engage the public in
disease surveillance through online reporting of symptoms to
platforms such as Influenzanet [11] in Europe, Flutracking [12] in
Australia, and Flu Near You [13] in North America. These
participatory methods combined with digital communications
hold great potential for detecting outbreaks faster.
Copyright is held by the International World Wide Web Conference
Committee (IW3C2). IW3C2 reserves the right to provide a hyperlink to
the author's site if the Material is used in electronic media.
WWW’14 Companion, April 7–11, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
ACM 978-1-4503-2745-9/14/04.
Recent improvements in international and regional disease
surveillance networks will complement the ongoing
improvements in disease detection and reporting. In East and
Southeast Asia regional collaborations have improved through
partnerships within World Health Organization (WHO) regions,
the development of the Mekong Basin Disease Surveillance
System (MBDS), and growing participation in the Training
Programs in Epidemiology and Public Health Interventions
Network (TEPHINET) [1]. Thailand, geographically located in
the heart of Southeast Asia and a key partner in both MBDS and
the Asian Partnership for Emerging Infectious Disease Research
(APEIR), hosts a population of approximately 67 million people
and is working with neighbouring MBDS countries to improve
community participation in disease surveillance, strengthen
surveillance at the human-animal interface, and improve
epidemiology capacity.
In addition to regional collaborations, Thailand’s Ministry of
Public Health (MOPH) works closely with the United States’
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a range of
initiatives, including a Global Disease Detection (GDD) Regional
Center that was established in 2004 and which WHO designated a
Collaborating Center for Implementation of International Health
Regulations National Surveillance and Response Capacity.
Through the GDD the CDC works with Thailand and other
partners to detect a range of diseases, including influenza,
tuberculosis, anthrax, and other zoonotic and vector-borne
diseases by developing sustainable, local capacity to address these
Beyond traditional governmental partnerships, Thailand has
demonstrated a willingness to improve public health through the
use of new technologies. GeoChat, a group communication tool
that uses SMS, email, and Twitter for chat, reports, and alerts, is
being used in some Thai-Laos border provinces to improve
disease surveillance communication [14]. This effort is supported
by a collaboration between MBDS, Innovative Support to
Emergencies, Diseases, and Disasters (InSTEDD), a non-profit
organisation focused on using a blend of social and technical
approaches to improve global health, safety and sustainable
development, and Opendream, a social enterprise with expertise
in Internet solution development and information design with
“one single bold aim — deliver the information, change the
world”. GeoChat has also been used to support communication
among the Thai Hospital Network, with over 900 facilities,
enabling users to exchange information and receive alerts about
disease outbreaks in the country.
2.1 DoctorMe: Incorporating Participatory
Surveillance into a Self-Care Application
Thailand holds the advantageous position of enhancing innovative
approaches, as illustrated in the GeoChat case, through its rapidly
emerging technology sector. In Thailand, mobile phone
penetration was reported in the second quarter of 2013 to have
reached 131.8%, with the number of mobile subscriptions
exceeding its population. Meanwhile, Internet access reaches
35.8% of the population, at 23.86 million users [15]. Similar to
the global trend, the majority of mobile phone- and Internet users
are found in urban areas. The potential for tapping into the large
pool of mobile and Internet users with the aim to capture health
data is promising.
As Southeast Asia is a hotspot for disease outbreaks and
Thailand’s technological capacity continues to increase, the web-
and mobile application DoctorMe aims to incorporate a
participatory disease surveillance mechanism to capture health
data from citizens.
In 2009 Folk Doctor Foundation digitalised their bi-weekly
healthcare magazine in collaboration with Change Fusion, a non-
profit project of Opendream, and with financial support from the
Thai Health Promotion Foundation. In late 2011, this initiative
developed into the free iOS and Android mobile device
application known as DoctorMe, and was incorporated into the
Folk Doctor Foundation website in 2012. DoctorMe’s
digitalisation of existing general health care information
published in a handbook created by the Folk Doctor Foundation
has enabled a more cost-effective and wider scale of outreach.
The DoctorMe mobile application has, since its launch in 2011,
steadily been ranked amongst the most popular applications in the
health and fitness category of mobile applications in Thailand,
both in the iOS and Android markets. By the end of 2013, the
application had been downloaded by over 400,000 users and has
35,000 active users monthly. DoctorMe also provides a Global
Positioning System (GPS) with a database of over 1000 registered
hospitals and clinics, free emergency call system and information
regarding medicines and Thai herbal remedies.
DoctorMe’s current version does not collect user data, but
identifies trending symptoms searched by users. By early 2014,
the DoctorMe web- and mobile application will integrate a
participatory disease surveillance mechanism that is incorporated
into the existing application.
Together with the financial support of the Skoll Global Threats
Fund and in collaboration with the Folk Doctor Foundation,
Opendream has developed the software and incentive-basis for
DoctorMe to incorporate a function for citizens to contribute to
public health though community reported data, potentially
enhancing the process of detecting diseases faster.
2.2 Incentives for Participatory Surveillance
DoctorMe’s participatory surveillance mechanism has from an
early stage utilised a community approach. Opendream's
participation and co-organisation of the hack-a-thon1 “epihack” in
Phnom Penh, Cambodia in August 2013, marked the first step in
DoctorMe's conceptual development, through collectively
developing the functions, desired impact and incentives that could
be applied in the application.
DoctorMe holds the advantage of being an existing application
with a broad, and continuously growing, user base. However,
designing the incentives for engaging users in the participatory
surveillance mechanisms are crucial.
To leverage the pre-existing function of healthcare advice,
DoctorMe aims to generate relevant data for users reporting
symptoms of disease. One incentive for participating citizens will
be customised health advice, based on the health status reported,
as well as a personal health tracker, allowing the user to identify
one’s own health trends. In addition, DoctorMe uses an appealing
design, which has been referred to as “Asian cuteness”, and
integrates a gamification element, meaning that as a user actively
reports their health status they will be virtually rewarded through
badges and personalised avatars. DoctorMe also desires to
advocate for so-called digital volunteerism, where users are aware
of the value of individual reporting as a public health good. As
volunteerism is a distinguishing characteristic found in the Thai
society, such as local rescue work or temple work, the concept of
digital volunteerism may be engaging.
1 The “epihack” hack-a-thon is an event gathering designers,
software developers and public health experts from across the
globe to jointly improve and develop health-based technology.
DoctorMe is the first application of its kind in the Southeast Asian
region, a geographically important region, as it holds a high
likelihood of fostering emerging diseases. DoctorMe has carefully
given attention to a vast spectrum of factors that may ensure the
successful implementation and function of its participatory
disease surveillance mechanism, both among web- and mobile
device users. It is crucial to localise DoctorMe through allowing
users to report their interaction with animals (which no other
digital participatory disease mechanism allows), as this may be a
factor for disease spread. Through the weekly push notifications
and email blasts DoctorMe aims to collect health reports with a
gamification approach and advocacy of digital volunteerism,
while delivering personalised health recommendations to users.
DoctorMe illustrates the potential for combining creative tools
while enhancing public health through crowdsourced data.
Thus, the two main objectives of DoctorMe’s participatory
surveillance approach are; (a) to provide users personalised health
care recommendations through a feedback loop based on the
reported symptoms, which consequently contributes to improved
personal health and potentially decreases the costs of medical
care, and (b) to utilise the captured data on an institutional level to
track public health trends and identify potential disease outbreaks,
which may be analysed by the Thai Bureau of Epidemiology,
local hospitals or veterinarians. All data captured by DoctorMe
will stored by Opendream on behalf of the Thai Health Promotion
Foundation and the application will be built using open source
code. Data will be provided to the Thai Bureau of Epidemiology
for analysis by that institution.
DoctorMe is an application that has grown from the initial
function of providing useful health recommendations to
incorporating a participatory disease surveillance mechnaism.
DoctorMe addresses the pressing need of including the general
public in the disease reporting process. This technology represents
an effective, scalable and cost-effective tool to reach the aim of
detecting diseases more rapidly for safer societies.
Our thanks to the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, Folk
Doctor Foundation and Change Fusion, who jointly enabled
DoctorMe to bridge technology and public health. We are also
grateful for the support and encouragement of the Skoll Global
Threats Fund in taking DoctorMe to the next level, by
incorporating a participatory disease surveillance element into the
system. Last, but not least, our thanks to the whole Opendream
team - that joyfully and creatively constructed the online
application; whose impact reached offline.
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... They could also attach photos and a location (GPS) with their report. After the report is submitted, the PODD Epicenter receives it and a specialist makes a decision to Source: (Susumpow, Pansuwan, Sajda, & Crawley, 2014) respond to the situation. If the report of an animal disease is confirmed, the alert will be sent to the local government and the livestock authorities ( figure 11). ...
... This application has been downloaded by 400,000 users over two years and the number of active users per month is 35,000, mostly in Thailand. (Susumpow, Pansuwan, Sajda, & Crawley, 2014). The population in Thailand is 64.55 million in 2003(World Bank, Population, total -Thailand, 2020. ...
... After an update, the function of user health data collection was removed and the application only demonstrates the user searching trends of symptom. However, the issue of a user incentive, such as a monetary or social incentive for engaging, is very important for the application(Susumpow, Pansuwan, Sajda, & Crawley, 2014).Given the success in applying advanced technology to disease surveillance, such as the DoctorMe and GeoChat apps, Thailand expanded from human health to animal disease surveillance systems. In 2014, The Participatory One Health Diseases Detection or PODD was established in collaboration with Chiang Mai University (CMU), Skoll Global Threats Fund, and the Chiang Mai Livestock Office. ...
Zoonotic diseases are a continuously significant threat to global human and livestock health (causing millions of deaths yearly). Zoonotic diseases are not only a human health threat, but also a threat to animal health and welfare. Moreover, they have a high impact on national economies and food security due to productivity and production reduction. Expanding worldwide travel and global trade increases the importance of the threat of zoonotic diseases. The increase in global meat consumption contrasts with the escalating instability of the global meat market, which is affected by the increase of livestock densities, changes in production intensity, and slaughtering systems, causing animal disease outbreaks to spread widely. This study focuses on the animal disease surveillance system in Thailand as an important world meat exporter. In 2014, the Participatory One Health Disease Detection project, or PODD was set up by the veterinary inspection authorities to test animal epidemic control systems using smartphone applications in the Chiang Mai province in northern Thailand The main objectives of this study are (i) to evaluate the economic impact of the PODD system on farmers by impact assessment (n = 177) (ii) to demonstrate the impact of monetary and non-monetary incentives on the PODD reporters by the experimental approach (n = 17), (iii) and to present the effect of the socioeconomic factors and behavioral bias on farmers’ animal disease reporting behavior with the logit model (n = 467). Focusing on the first objective, the results of this study concluded that there is an impact on the farmers. The technology alone cannot improve animal health security in the short-term. In the second objective, the results concluded that, in the case of the PODD reporters, the decision of using monetary incentives to motivate most of the PODD reporters has a negative impact in the long-term. Losing reporter motivation and effort reflected to the low efficiency of the digital surveillance system of PODD and no impact on farmers. Concerning In the last objective, the results concluded that the optimistic bias of farmers has a very high impact on their decision making about reporting animal diseases on their farm. Just one infected farm in the case of dairy milk farmers can spread the foot-and-mouth disease to other farms. The new digital animal health surveillance system alone is not enough to reduce the impact of animal diseases of farmers. Suitable motivation for the reports and awareness of farmers’ optimistic bias in animal disease reporting cannot be neglected in digital animal disease surveillance system improvement. Overall, it can be concluded that the digital animal disease surveillance system is a powerful instrument for reducing the impact of animal diseases and increasing food safety and security. However, application of this advanced technology still needs time to demonstrate the impact and to be broadly adopted by users. In terms of motivation, the monetary incentive can increase the effort of report in the short run but it comes at a high cost and has a negative impact in the long-term. While the social incentive costs less and is more effective in the long-term. Where farmers’ animal disease reporting behavior is concerned, the optimistic bias is the highest influential factor on the farmers’ reporting decisions, in an inverse correlation.
... Participatory disease surveillance systems that monitor influenza-like illness (ILI) are prevalent in the IWOPS community, with Europe, Australia, and the United States having established such systems for many years. Several other systems have been designed with a broad list of symptoms intended to capture a range of emerging infectious diseases in humans [17][18][19][20][21]. Still others take an event-based approach to reporting health threats at the community level, such as the sale of counterfeit or fraudulent medications, food safety incidents, and environmental hazards like poor air and water quality [10,22]. ...
... Another approach to broadening the scope of citizen-reported symptom data beyond an influenza focus was developed with the expansion of the "DoctorMe" mobile app in Thailand in 2014. As a preexisting health app available via Web and mobile devices, "DoctorMe" added a mechanism for volunteers to report on symptoms of disease, leveraging the popularity of the "DoctorMe" app and its utility for diagnosing potential maladies [20,30]. ...
... Many participatory disease surveillance systems have included useful information for the user, such as the location of vaccine distributors and mapping of disease activity [19,29]. Others have included health quizzes and other gamification approaches to increase user engagement and improve health promotion, while targeted alerts are used in some systems to trigger local government health interventions for the reporting population [9,10,20,31,32]. Though the degree to which IWOPS systems provide feedback to users varies greatly, it is likely that this mechanism will continue to be leveraged to provide greater value to users and increase participation in these systems. ...
Full-text available
Background: Since 2012, the International Workshop on Participatory Surveillance (IWOPS) has served as an informal network to share best practices, consult on analytic methods, and catalyze innovation to advance the burgeoning method of direct engagement of populations in voluntary monitoring of disease. Objective: This landscape provides an overview of participatory disease surveillance systems in the IWOPS network and orients readers to this growing field of practice. Methods: Authors reviewed participatory approaches that include human and animal health surveillance, both syndromic (self- reported symptoms) and event-based, and how these tools have been leveraged for disease modeling and forecasting. The authors also discuss benefits, challenges, and future directions for participatory disease surveillance. Results: There are at least 23 distinct participatory surveillance tools or programs represented in the IWOPS network across 18 countries. Organizations supporting these tools are diverse in nature. Conclusions: Participatory disease surveillance is a promising method to complement both traditional, facility-based surveillance and newer digital epidemiology systems.
... Ahmed and Mueller, 2014;AlRouqi and Al-Khalifa, 2014;Ansari et al., 2013;Bainbridge, 2015;Benjamin, 2016;Biegel et al., 2014;Bockes et al., 2015;Burnett et al., 2012;Fava et al., 2015;Fedorov et al., 2016;Hammais et al., 2014;Hantke et al., 2015;Marasco et al., 2015;McCartney et al., 2015;Mizuyama and Miyashita, 2016;Moreno et al., 2015;Netek and Panek, 2016;Panchariya et al., 2015;Pinto and Viana, 2015;Prandi et al., 2015;Roa-Valverde, 2014;Silva and Lopes, 2016;Smith and Kilty, 2014;Stannett et al., 2013;Supendi and Prihatmanto, 2015;Supriadi and Prihatmanto, 2015;Susumpow et al. 2014;Wu and Luo, 2014; Xie et al., 2015 29 26.4 ...
... Ahmed and Mueller, 2014;Brenner et al., 2014;Carlier et al., 2016;Choi et al., 2014;Dai et al., 2016;Dergousoff and Mandryk, 2015;Eickhoff et al., 2012;Feyisetan et al., 2015;Hantke et al., 2015;Harris, 2014;He et al., 2014;Ipeirotis and Gabrilovich, 2014;Kacorri et al., 2014;Kacorri et al., 2015;Katmada et al., 2016;Kurita et al., 2016; T. Y. Lee et al., 2013;Panchariya et al., 2015;Nose and Hishiyama, 2013;Roengsamut et al., 2015;Runge et al., 2015;Saito et al., 2014;Sakamoto et al., 2016;Simperl, 2015;Stannett et al., 2013;Vasilescu et al., 2014; Yu et, 2013;Bowser et al., 2013;Fedorov et al., 2016; J. J.Lessel et al., 2015;Mason et al., 2012;Massung et al., 2013;Netek and Panek, 2016;Preist et al., 2014;Prestopnik and Tang, 2015;Supendi and Prihatmanto, 2015; Supriadi and Prihatmanto, 2015 12 Cartography, navigationBockes et al., 2015;Goncalves et al., 2014;Kawajiri et al., 2014;Martella et al., 2015;McCartney et al., 2015;Moreno et al., 2015;Reinsch et al., 2013;Simões and De Amicis, 2016;Talasila et al., 2016;Uzun et al., 2013;Wang et al., 2015;Wu and Luo, et al. 2014;LaToza et al., 2013;Snijders et al., 2014Snijders et al., , 2015Yakushin and Lee, 2014; Xie et al.Majchrzak, 2015;Brandtner et al., 2014;Cherinka et al., 2013;Lauto and Valentin, 2016; Roth et 2013;Dumitrache et al., 2013;Silva and Lopes, 2016;Susumpow et al. 2014; Tinati et al.Liu, Alexandrova, Nakajima et al., 2011;Sigala, 2015; Simões et al., 2015 3 EnergyCao et al., 2015; Hammais et al., 2014 2 Mobility, transportationBrito et al., 2015;De Franga et al. ...
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Two parallel phenomena are gaining attention in human-computer interaction research: gamification and crowdsourcing. Because crowdsourcing's success depends on a mass of motivated crowdsourcees, crowdsourcing platforms have increasingly been imbued with motivational design features borrowed from games; a practice often called gamification. While the body of literature and knowledge of the phenomenon have begun to accumulate, we still lack a comprehensive and systematic understanding of conceptual foundations, knowledge of how gamification is used in crowdsourcing, and whether it is effective. We first provide a conceptual framework for gamified crowdsourcing systems in order to understand and conceptualize the key aspects of the phenomenon. The paper's main contributions are derived through a systematic literature review that investigates how gamification has been examined in different types of crowdsourcing in a variety of domains. This meticulous mapping, which focuses on all aspects in our framework, enables us to infer what kinds of gamification efforts are effective in different crowdsourcing approaches as well as to point to a number of research gaps and lay out future research directions for gamified crowdsourcing systems. Overall, the results indicate that gamification has been an effective approach for increasing crowdsourcing participation and the quality of the crowdsourced work; however, differences exist between different types of crowdsourcing: the research conducted in the context of crowdsourcing of homogenous tasks has most commonly used simple gamification implementations, such as points and leaderboards, whereas crowdsourcing implementations that seek diverse and creative contributions employ gamification with a richer set of mechanics.
... They recommended that clinical research be embedded within the local healthcare system, and that during an epidemic an independent rapid research response workgroup should convene, to prioritise products for trial, assess trial designs, and monitor and evaluate the trials. 127 Strengthening national clinical research capacity is a key part of epidemic preparedness. The World Bank and CEPI created the International Vaccines Task Force in October 2017 to strengthen research capacity in low-income countries, including appropriate physical infrastructure, trained health research workforce, functional ethics committees, regulatory capacity, and expertise in social sciences. ...
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In a January 2017 article in the British Medical Journal, we examined seven major reports published in the aftermath of the 2013-2016 Ebola epidemic. We identified areas of consensus, assessed what progress had been made, and highlighted gaps. The following table summarises the state of affairs as of mid-2018 across eight issue areas critical for global capacity to manage outbreaks, and highlights remaining gaps. Overall, our analysis leads us to three priorities: First, significant investments are needed to strengthen outbreak management capacity, but thus far only a small fraction of required funding seems to have been committed at national or international levels. The large number of initiatives, the scope of funding required, and decreasing political attention have all con- tributed to this gap. In order to achieve adequate progress, more funding, and better tracking and coordination of those funds, are required. Second, it is difficult to meaningfully assess the overall level of global capacity to manage outbreaks, as doing so requires in-depth investigation of implementation efforts and specialised expertise, and no clear arrangements exist for doing so system-wide. Ideally, the new Global Pandemic Monitoring Board will be a much-needed independent global mechanism to ensure regular in-depth, system-wide tracking and assessment of efforts. Finally, leadership, better coordination, and a clear governing framework are needed to ensure that efforts are coherent and that they sum up to a functional, adequate global system. In the absence of overarching stewardship, efforts are being made initiative by initiative and pathogen by pathogen. While the WHO can and does govern some areas, the overall system requires broader stewardship, a role we argue is best served by the UN. Without adequate leadership, momentum cannot be sustained, and the world will fall short of what is required to manage a major outbreak.
... The data from these devices could be considered crowdsourcing if there is a specific call for data. Gamification has also been used to enhance the crowd' s experience while crowdsourcing and encourage participation [21,50,51]. Finally, another debatable form of crowdsourcing could be data mining, using Twitter posts or Google Flu Trends [32,52,53]. ...
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Background First coined by Howe in 2006, the field of crowdsourcing has grown exponentially. Despite its growth and its transcendence across many fields, the definition of crowdsourcing has still not been agreed upon, and examples are poorly indexed in peer–reviewed literature. Many examples of crowdsourcing have not been scaled–up past the pilot phase. In spite of this, crowdsourcing has great potential, especially in global health where resources are lacking. This narrative review seeks to review both indexed and grey crowdsourcing literature broadly in order to explore the current state of the field. Methods This is a review of reviews of crowdsourcing. Semantic searches were conducted using Google Scholar rather than indexed databases due to poor indexing of the topic. 996 articles were retrieved, of which 69 were initially identified as being reviews or theoretically–based. 21 of these were found to be irrelevant and 48 articles were reviewed. Results This narrative review focuses on defining crowdsourcing, taxonomies of crowdsourcing, who constitutes the crowd, research that is amenable to crowdsourcing, regulatory and ethical aspects of crowdsourcing and some notable examples of crowdsourcing. Conclusions Crowdsourcing has the potential to be hugely promising, especially in global health, due to its ability to collect information rapidly, inexpensively and accurately. Rigorous ethical and regulatory controls are needed to ensure data are collected and analysed appropriately and crowdsourcing should be considered complementary to traditional research methods.
... The data from these devices could be considered crowdsourcing if there is a specific call for data. Gamification has also been used to enhance the crowd' s experience while crowdsourcing and encourage participation [21,50,51]. Finally, another debatable form of crowdsourcing could be data mining, using Twitter posts or Google Flu Trends [32,52,53]. ...
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Background First coined by Howe in 2006, the field of crowdsourcing has grown exponentially. Despite its growth and its transcendence across many fields, the definition of crowdsourcing has still not been agreed upon, and examples are poorly indexed in peer-reviewed literature. Many examples of crowdsourcing have not been scaled-up past the pilot phase. In spite of this, crowdsourcing has great potential, especially in global health where resources are lacking. This narrative review seeks to review both indexed and grey crowdsourcing literature broadly in order to explore the current state of the field. Methods This is a review of reviews of crowdsourcing. Semantic searches were conducted using Google Scholar rather than indexed databases due to poor indexing of the topic. 996 articles were retrieved, of which 69 were initially identified as being reviews or theoretically-based. 21 of these were found to be irrelevant and 48 articles were reviewed. Results This narrative review focuses on defining crowdsourcing, taxonomies of crowdsourcing, who constitutes the crowd, research that is amenable to crowdsourcing, regulatory and ethical aspects of crowdsourcing and some notable examples of crowdsourcing. Conclusions Crowdsourcing has the potential to be hugely promising, especially in global health, due to its ability to collect information rapidly, inexpensively and accurately. Rigorous ethical and regulatory controls are needed to ensure data are collected and analysed appropriately and crowdsourcing should be considered complementary to traditional research methods.
... In this context, health promotion represents all the literature pertaining to the use of or discussion of IT-mediated crowds for the promotion of public health care, and includes health care activities such as; disease detection (Susumpow et al 2014, Bodnar & Salathe' 2013) and surveillance (Chunara et al 2013, Boulos et al 2011), behavioural interventions (Morris et al 2011, Noronha et al 2011), health literacy (Johansson et al 2013, Rubenstein 2013), and health education (Moskowitz et al 2015, Tuominen et al 2014). Moreover, the health research category encompasses literature pertaining to the use or discussion of IT-mediated crowds for public health research, and includes activities such as; pharmaceutical research (Adams 2014, Ekins & Williams 2010), clinical trials (Darrow 2014, Kuffner et al 2014health experiment methodology (Barsnes & Martens 2013, Schmidt 2010), building and improving health care research knowledge (Mortenson et al 2013, McCoy et al 2012). ...
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For what purposes are crowds being implemented in health care? Which crowdsourcing methods are being used? This work begins to answer these questions by reporting the early results of a systematic literature review of 110 pieces of relevant research. The results of this exploratory research in progress reveals that collective intelligence outcomes are being generated in three broad categories of public health care; health promotion, health research, and health maintenance, using all three known forms of crowdsourcing. Stemming from this fundamental analysis, some potential implications of the research are discussed and useful future research is outlined.
The conception that several infectious diseases were linked to an inherited disorder has been discussed, and every day, substantial evidence now is supported by the human genetic contribution to susceptibility to infectious diseases. Despite being a forerunner, personalized medicine (PM) is not yet routinely applied in infectious patient care. For this scope, education is a crucial step for the successful implementation of PM in the clinic, and with this part, we would like to encourage learning about PM in the communicable disease field. The information in this section will drive you through the concept of personalized infectious diseases and a piece of basic knowledge about the possibility of identifying determinants of clinical outcomes, looking at the host face through selected infectious diseases which are considered a global health issue such as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection and related AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, malaria, and COVID-19 infection. It is especially important, as it can enable the development of one’s own thoughts and ideas to be able to understand and implement this rapidly developing field of science. A brief overview of the genetic identification of more vulnerable individuals is expected to inform personalized treatment and perhaps vaccination strategies. Additionally, new technologies are supporting the rapid identification of infective agents and targeted approaches based on the genetic resistance of pathogens to antibiotics. This information can lead to revising the data that can be used for personalized predicting diseases, improving personalized treatment, and also personalized prevention strategies specific to infectious pathogens. The last subchapter is dedicated to a deeper revision of the COVID-19 infection from a personalized medicine perspective.
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With the growing concern about the spread of new respiratory infectious diseases, several studies involving the application of technology in the prevention of these diseases have been carried out. Among these studies, it is worth highlighting the importance of those focused on the primary forms of prevention, such as social distancing, mask usage, quarantine, among others. This importance arises because, from the emergence of a new disease to the production of immunizers, preventive actions must be taken to reduce contamination and fatalities rates. Despite the considerable number of studies, no records of works aimed at the identification, registration, selection, and rigorous analysis and synthesis of the literature were found. For this purpose, this paper presents a systematic review of the literature on the application of technological solutions in the primary ways of respiratory infectious diseases transmission prevention. From the 1139 initially retrieved, 219 papers were selected for data extraction, analysis, and synthesis according to predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results enabled the identification of a general categorization of application domains, as well as mapping of the adopted support mechanisms. Findings showed a greater trend in studies related to pandemic planning and, among the support mechanisms adopted, data and mathematical application-related solutions received greater attention. Topics for further research and improvement were also identified such as the need for a better description of data analysis and evidence.
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Objective To develop a participatory system for monitoring the activity of influenza-like-illness among the United States general population. Introduction The emergence of new influenza strains including H1N1, H5N1, H3N2v as well as other respiratory pathogens such as SARS, along with generally weak information about household and community transmission of influenza, enforce the need for augmented influenza surveillance. At the same time, Internet penetration and access has grown, with 82% of American adults using the Internet [1], enabling transfer and communication of information that can be collected and aggregated in near real-time. Surveillance targeted towards influenza in other countries, and towards malaria in India, has previously been executed with good user engagement [2,3]. In this study, we created an online participatory influenza surveillance tool in the United States, called Flu Near You. Methods Volunteer users were primarily solicited via collaboration with the American Public Health Association and their members’ networks starting Oct. 24, 2011. Upon registration, each user is sent a weekly email, taking them to the Flu Near You website. On the website they fill in a short survey asking if they had any of 10 symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, chills/night sweats, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, body aches and headache, in the last week. Users can also enroll their household members and enter information in for them weekly. A map of influenza activity is made available to users, and anyone accessing the website [Figure 1]. On the map, the number of individuals reporting with no symptoms, some symptoms, or Influenza-like illness are visualized, aggregated to the zip code level. Users can also compare the contributed data with other surveillance systems: the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Google Flu Trends for the same time period [Figure 1]. We also obtained user feedback through a survey in early July 2012. Results As of August 21, 2012, there are over 9300 Flu Near You users, from all 50 states. 94.0% of users are between 20 and 70 years, although 37.2% of household members are < 20 years old. Overall 62.0% of members (users and household) were female. We found that 46.4% of users answered 3 or more surveys. Qualitatively from survey responses, we learned that simple feedback and an emphasis on public health education are important in this type of system. Conclusions We found that it is possible to engage users in a symptom self-reporting system and augment information about influenza for the nation. Increased uptake would increase the value of the system for the public and public health professionals. Flu Near You is expanding in its second season, working to increase user participation. Other connected projects are also examining the expansion into other diseases with high prevalence and in need of augmented surveillance. With a larger user base and through a longer period of execution, systems like Flu Near You will help to improve our understanding of influenza epidemiology as well as guide implementation of relevant and timely public health interventions, for example in estimating vaccination rates and efficacy among different demographic groups. Information reported by individuals can augment traditional public health surveillance methods for more timely detection of disease outbreaks, monitoring disease activity and increasing the public’s engagement in their own and population’s health.
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It is 10 years since severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) emerged, and East and Southeast Asia retain a reputation as a hot spot of emerging infectious diseases. The region is certainly a hot spot of socioeconomic and environmental change, and although some changes (e.g., urbanization and agricultural intensification) may reduce the probability of emerging infectious diseases, the effect of any individual emergence event may be increased by the greater concentration and connectivity of livestock, persons, and products. The region is now better able to detect and respond to emerging infectious diseases than it was a decade ago, but the tools and methods to produce sufficiently refined assessments of the risks of disease emergence are still lacking. Given the continued scale and pace of change in East and Southeast Asia, it is vital that capabilities for predicting, identifying, and controlling biologic threats do not stagnate as the memory of SARS fades.
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Most pandemics--eg, HIV/AIDS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, pandemic influenza--originate in animals, are caused by viruses, and are driven to emerge by ecological, behavioural, or socioeconomic changes. Despite their substantial effects on global public health and growing understanding of the process by which they emerge, no pandemic has been predicted before infecting human beings. We review what is known about the pathogens that emerge, the hosts that they originate in, and the factors that drive their emergence. We discuss challenges to their control and new efforts to predict pandemics, target surveillance to the most crucial interfaces, and identify prevention strategies. New mathematical modelling, diagnostic, communications, and informatics technologies can identify and report hitherto unknown microbes in other species, and thus new risk assessment approaches are needed to identify microbes most likely to cause human disease. We lay out a series of research and surveillance opportunities and goals that could help to overcome these challenges and move the global pandemic strategy from response to pre-emption.
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We compared the accuracy of online data obtained from the Flutracking surveillance system during pandemic (H1N1) 2009 in Australia with data from other influenza surveillance systems. Flutracking accurately identified peak influenza activity timing and community influenza-like illness activity and was significantly less biased by treatment-seeking behavior and laboratory testing protocols than other systems.
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Beginning in 2003, highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus spread across Southeast Asia, causing unprecedented epidemics. Thailand was massively infected in 2004 and 2005 and continues today to experience sporadic outbreaks. While research findings suggest that the spread of HPAI H5N1 is influenced primarily by trade patterns, identifying the anthropogenic risk factors involved remains a challenge. In this study, we investigated which anthropogenic factors played a role in the risk of HPAI in Thailand using outbreak data from the "second wave" of the epidemic (3 July 2004 to 5 May 2005) in the country. We first performed a spatial analysis of the relative risk of HPAI H5N1 at the subdistrict level based on a hierarchical Bayesian model. We observed a strong spatial heterogeneity of the relative risk. We then tested a set of potential risk factors in a multivariable linear model. The results confirmed the role of free-grazing ducks and rice-cropping intensity but showed a weak association with fighting cock density. The results also revealed a set of anthropogenic factors significantly linked with the risk of HPAI. High risk was associated strongly with densely populated areas, short distances to a highway junction, and short distances to large cities. These findings highlight a new explanatory pattern for the risk of HPAI and indicate that, in addition to agro-environmental factors, anthropogenic factors play an important role in the spread of H5N1. To limit the spread of future outbreaks, efforts to control the movement of poultry products must be sustained.
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John Brownstein, Clark Freifeld, and Lawrence Madoff write that a new generation of disease-surveillance “mashups” can mine, categorize, filter, and visualize online intelligence about epidemics in real time.
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BioCaster is an ontology-based text mining system for detecting and tracking the distribution of infectious disease outbreaks from linguistic signals on the Web. The system continuously analyzes documents reported from over 1700 RSS feeds, classifies them for topical relevance and plots them onto a Google map using geocoded information. The background knowledge for bridging the gap between Layman's terms and formal-coding systems is contained in the freely available BioCaster ontology which includes information in eight languages focused on the epidemiological role of pathogens as well as geographical locations with their latitudes/longitudes. The system consists of four main stages: topic classification, named entity recognition (NER), disease/location detection and event recognition. Higher order event analysis is used to detect more precisely specified warning signals that can then be notified to registered users via email alerts. Evaluation of the system for topic recognition and entity identification is conducted on a gold standard corpus of annotated news articles. Availability: The BioCaster map and ontology are freely available via a web portal at Contact:
L'epidemiologie participative consiste a appliquer les methodes participatives a la recherche epidemiologique et a la surveillance des maladies. Il s'agit d'une technique eprouvee qui a surmonte la plupart des contraintes des methodes epidemiologiques traditionnelles et permis de resoudre un grand nombre de problemes dans les domaines de la surveillance et de la recherche en sante animale. Mise au point dans le cadre de petits programmes communautaires de sante animale, cette methode a ete appliquee ensuite dans des initiatives internationales de grande envergure pour la prophylaxie des maladies animales. Le Programme mondial d'eradication de la peste bovine a fait appel a l'epidemiologie participative en tant qu'outil de surveillance pour la peste bovine. Par la suite, cette methode a ete utilisee en Afrique et en Asie dans des configurations tant rurales qu'urbaines de lutte contre la fievre aphteuse, la peste des petits ruminants et l'influenza aviaire hautement pathogene. La surveillance participative contribue de maniere significative a la prophylaxie des pathologies rares comme des affections courantes. Les auteurs examinent les principales applications de l'epidemiologie participative en soulignant les lecons tirees de l'experience sur le terrain. En outre, ils exposent les defis futurs ainsi que les aires nouvelles qui s'ouvrent a la recherche.
The Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED-mail) reports on outbreaks of diseases of infectious or toxic etiology, whether natural or intentionally released, that affect humans. Open to all sources, free of political constraints, and available to users free of charge, ProMED-mail exploits the speed and ubiquity of the Internet to serve as an early warning system for the detection of emerging disease outbreaks. ProMED-mail monitors diseases of plants and animals of agricultural importance in addition to zoonoses because of their key role in disease emergence. Reports are carefully screened for validity and are placed in an appropriate context by commentary and references from a panel of expert moderators. Reports are then posted to the Web and sent by e-mail to >32,000 subscribers in >150 countries.