
Information Systems Research: Relevant Theory and Informed Practice

... Digitalization has been defined in various ways by numerous researchers. Digitalization, also known as digital transformation, is defined by Kaplan et al. (2004) as the modifications brought about by the integration of digital technology into all spheres of human civilization (Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2004). Wade (2015) asserts that platforms for creating shareable digital capabilities (cloud solutions & marketplaces applications), mobile tools & applications, social media tools & applications, and analytics tools and applications (including "big data") are currently the technologies most significantly linked to digital transformation. ...
... Digitalization has been defined in various ways by numerous researchers. Digitalization, also known as digital transformation, is defined by Kaplan et al. (2004) as the modifications brought about by the integration of digital technology into all spheres of human civilization (Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2004). Wade (2015) asserts that platforms for creating shareable digital capabilities (cloud solutions & marketplaces applications), mobile tools & applications, social media tools & applications, and analytics tools and applications (including "big data") are currently the technologies most significantly linked to digital transformation. ...
... This study investigates how the MSME Go-Online program has affected MSMEs' ability to conduct business in Indonesia. Like Kaplan et al. (2004), who define digitalizationalso known as digital transformation-as the modifications brought about by the integration of digital technology into every facet of human civilization. It is also mentioned by Bharadwaj, El Sawy, Pavlou, and Venkatraman (2013), who claim that the synchronization of IT strategy and business strategy is necessary to introduce the concepts of digitalization and digital business to the market. ...
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Examining the impact of UMKM Go-Online and a knowledge-based dynamic capability on the adaptability of micro small medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia during the COVID-19 pandemic is the goal of this study. The pandemic has made it even harder for businesses to compete with one another due to pervasive social limitations. In fact, micro, small, and medium-sized businesses are some of the most significant factors driving Indonesia's economy. The government of Indonesia established the UMKM Go-Online program to assist micro, small, and medium-sized firms in relocating their operations online to circumvent this obstacle. However, not all actors in the MSMEs sector were familiar with using digital technologies. Through this study, quantitative research methods were employed, and a stratified random sample technique was used to collect data from 262 respondents in six Indonesian regions. SPSS and Smart PLS were applied for data analysis in this study. This research is limited since only 6 of 34 provinces in Indonesia were surveyed. MSMEs in Indonesia have established online operations using platforms such as Shopee, Tokopedia, Bukalapak, OLX, Blibli, and Google Business, according to the findings of this study. Grabfood, Gofood, Shopee Food, Traveloka Food, and Tokopedia are now the most popular online food markets in Indonesia. According to the results of the testing of the hypotheses, it shows that the impact of dynamic capability on digital transformation is the most significant, whereas the impact of knowledge resources on dynamic capacity is either small or may be ignored. When it comes to enhancing or developing an entrepreneur's ability to implement digital transformation for their business and ultimately create a resilient or agile business that can respond to the challenges of a dynamic and constantly shifting business environment, the dynamic capability variable is an important element.
... Therefore, the use of remote instead of making work easier for such employees has made it complex, with some joining the meeting close to an end. For a sensitive project like building a skyscraper, a slight miscommunication and assumption by a team member might translate to huge losses (Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2006). Companies are reporting unrealistic results, not because of poor performance, but because of the miscommunication that occurs in the typical meeting sessions. ...
... The software tools and setup remain a challenge for remote practice (Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2006). In a session, one would open more than five software programs but actively using one of the other four remains only distracts the user. ...
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The proposed study is coming at a time when companies have been facing challenges in employing an effective business model in their operational activities. In the UAE, the government proposed strict measures to curb coro-navirus spread by advocating for working-at-home policies. Companies with no system architecture to adapt to the work-at-home guidelines were forced to close down for a while. The three companies under this study, being multinational companies, struggled greatly with the new directives. As a result, the management of the three companies was left with no alternative but to adopt a new strategic plan to remain stable. This study aimed at finding out the key challenges and benefits associated with virtual team technology. The result of this study is based on a combination of primary and secondary data collection. The primary data collection was obtained via interviews with officials from the three companies. On the other hand, the secondary data was obtained from the comparative analysis of three companies already employing the remote work strategy. This was coupled with the results obtained from past studies in this field. Based on the preliminary results, the new strategy, as predicted, would affect the operations of the company for a while before it is fully embraced. Further, the study recommends that the three companies continue their innovative exercise on effective alternative management strategies to run their projects during this era of coronavirus pandemic and post-COVID-19.
... The role of SMEs during all this time is believed to be able to drive the economy of a country. Anyway, since covid-19 pandemic, SMEs are most defenseless compared to other business [1]. It is because this type of business is very dependent on the velocity of money from merchandise sales, so that the decreased demand disturbs the company's cash flow. ...
... It is in contrast to online markets. In a situation like covid-19, the adoption of technology is the best solution to keep 1 the sustainability of SMEs. Some SMEs do not know about digital skills that are applicable to business, so this situation forces them to learn online business. ...
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The research focuses on the impact of Covid-19 on SMEs in Europe and the respondent's views and opinions. This paper also provides and develops a scheme for sustainability in SMEs. The implementation of social distancing makes people limit activities outside their home, consequently sales turnover decreases. Therefore, SMEs need to change the mindset in running business by using technology transformation. However, some SMEs do not have knowledge about digital skills that are relevant to their business.
... To quantify the nature of the security issues formulate and contain the degree of Information "Share-ability", their semantic complexities and interrelationships requires a detailed and yet broad understanding of these issues, engineering constraints, common criteria evaluation and the development of Information as an asset in the Revolution of Military Affairs (RMA) and net-centric operations. (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994;Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2004). This study wasn't going to be easy; a positive outcome of the research has a high operational impact on the future conduct of Operational Exploitation of Information and Knowledge crossing many classified security domains 6 (Campen, Dearth, & Goodden, 1996;Pollock, 2002;Fenz & Ekelhart, 2009 (Paquet & Saxe, 2005) is to produce agile, robust COTS systems that are responsive to the Enterprise whilst being secure, and seen to be secure, to satisfy regulations, policies, laws (in particular those concerning data protection and privacy) and accurate reporting (Akdeniz, Walker, & Wall, 2000;Allor, 2007;Colwill, 2010). ...
... By not dwelling on topical, actual but highly sensitive problems, has limited the research to generalist issues and the overall problems for cross domain solutions, the directed research was to more contextual modelling (Strang & Linnhoff-Popien, 2004;Bettini, et al., 2010) than construction of a final engineered system or product. Researching Communication and Information Systems has moved away from technological to managerial and organizational issues through qualitative research methodologies (Kaplan & Maxwell, 1994;Kaplan, Truex, Wastell, Wood-Harper, & DeGross, 2004). The interpretive perspective and quantitative method provides context-dependent research into the holistic problems of Information Assurance and Bridging the Air Gap. ...
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The military has 5 domains of operations: Land, Sea, Air, Space and now Cyber. This 5th Domain is a heterogeneous network (of networks) of Communication and Information Systems (CIS) which were designed and accredited to meet Netcentric capability requirements; to be robust, secure and functional to the organisation’s needs. Those needs have changed. In the globalised economy and across the Battlespace, organisations now need to share information. Keeping our secrets, secret has been the watchwords of Information Security and the accreditation process; whilst sharing them securely across coalition, geo-physically dispersed networks has become the cyber security dilemma. The diversity of Advanced Persistent Threats, the contagion of Cyber Power and insecurity of coalition Interoperability has generated a plethora of vulnerabilities to the Cyber Domain. Necessity (fiscal and time-constraints) has created security gaps in deployed CIS architectures through their interconnections. This federated environment for superior decision making and shared situational awareness requires that Bridging the (new capability) Gaps needs to be more than just improving security (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) mechanisms to the technical system interfaces. The solution needs a new approach to creating and understanding a trusted,social-technical CIS environment and how these (sensitive) information assets should be managed, stored and transmitted. Information Assurance (IA) offers a cohesive architecture for coalition system (of systems) interoperability; the identification of strategies, skills and business processes required for effective information operations, management and exploitation. IA provides trusted, risk managed social-technical (Enterprise) infrastructures which are safe, resilient, dependable and secure. This thesis redefines IA architecture and creates models that recognise the integrated, complex issues within technical to organisational interoperability and the assurance that the right information is delivered to the right people at the right time in a trustworthy environment and identifies the need for IA practitioners and a necessary IA education for all Cyber Warriors.
... One of the key phenomena transforming society and business today is digitalisation. According to Stolterman and Fors (2004), digitalisation refers to 'the changes associated with the widespread use of digital technology in all facets of human society.' Digitalisation has facilitated the creation of new business models by allowing businesses to use data and technology to develop innovative products and services. ...
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Objective: The objective of the article is to compare the available digitalisation indexes in the EU (European Union) and Pacific Asia. The first step to tackling the between-country digital gap is to measure digital development. However, the available indexes differ substantially in terms of construction, metric used, and the areas they cover. Research Design & Methods: The first part of the study is a descriptive analysis of the scope and metrics used by three digitalisation indexes: digital economy and society index (DESI), ASEAN digital integration index (ADII) and digital intelligence index (DII). In the second part, we approach the problem from a quantitative perspective, using correlation coefficients and comparing countries’ rankings obtained using different indexes. Lastly, we performed clustering analysis with the use of an agglomerative algorithm with Euclidean distances and the Ward method. The data covers 13 countries from the Pacific Asia and 24 from the EU. Findings: We found that the specifications of indexes differ considerably, not only in the choice of particular metrics but in whole digitalisation areas. Some indexes include overall economic or social development measures that are not strictly related to the digital sphere. Despite that, for countries covered by two indexes, we found high correlations of scores: 0.932 between ADII and DII, and 0.883 between DII and DESI. Comparing rankings and using clustering analysis, we found that the indexes for Pacific Asia are more similar than for the EU, possibly because Asian countries are more heterogeneous both in digital and economic development. Implications & Recommendations: Any study of the digital divide and its causes is affected by the choice of digitalisation measure. We found that DII and ADII indexes include some socio-economic metrics that may interfere with the results in the studies of the links between economic and digital development. Although the indexes’ scores are quite highly correlated, in some cases, they can judge a country’s development very differently. This is a problem, especially in the EU, where countries are more similar in digital development than in Pacific Asia. Contribution & Value Added: The study compares digitalisation indexes from a quantitative perspective that has not yet been established in the literature. It shows how different indexes perform in ranking and clustering procedures. Researchers can use our article as a guide in choosing digitalisation indexes for the EU and ASEAN countries.
... According to [39], SMEs also work to construct control mechanisms in a participatory manner and engage in the creation of open and successful innovation strategies. Online software, according to [20] can make creating billing and payment papers simple. As posited by [6,7], inventory is the periodic and ongoing observation of inventories with the goal of determining average selling and buying prices. ...
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SMEs are the lifeblood that is essential to any country or nation. SMEs throughout the world add to a country’s GDP, stimulate a country’s economy, and contribute to its prosperity and future sustainability. The importance of SMEs can never be undervalued by a country’s government and leadership as they form the backbone in providing a steady stream of employment to many people in the community. However, like all evolving environments, SMEs’ is part of a complex macro-environment that is dynamic and constantly changing. SMEs must keep abreast of the changes in technology to grow and remain sustainable. In times of the COVID-19 pandemic, an important lesson for SMEs is that they needed to move to digital platforms to be sustainable. Since, information technology improved psychological empowerment as well as organizational performance, this can assist organizations in increasing psychological well-being among employees while also increasing organizational efficiency, allowing them to achieve greater levels of success in their respective fields of endeavor. The results of this study corroborated previous research that has pointed to the potential benefits of digital transformation in terms of enhancing organizational outcomes. In contrast, innovation possibilities failed to have any effect on the performance of the companies in question in the study. A plausible cause might be the kind, nature, and sector of the inquiry, which would urge that further tests be performed before the findings can be generalized. Notably, in Bahrain's SMEs, innovation prospects were found to be promising in terms of organizational performance and psychological empowerment of workers, among other things.
... In essence, DT represents a profound and all-encompassing change in technology utilization to enhance company performance. As Kaplan et al. (2010) stated, it can be described as a transformative process triggered or influenced by integrating digital technology into various facets of human existence. As per Lankshear et al. (2008), an alternative definition of DT refers to the highest level of digital proficiency attained, characterized by integrating digital technologies that enable but promote innovation and creativity, leading to substantial changes within professional or knowledge domains. ...
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This study analyzes data from 998 SMEs in the Western Balkans using probit regression analysis to explore the significance of digital skills in driving innovation. The findings indicate that variables such as offering staff training, operating in different Western Balkan countries (compared to the reference category), being in the manufacturing sector, and implementing concrete measures for digital skills have statistically significant effects on firms' probability of innovating. These results offer valuable insights to businesses, encouraging them to capitalize on the opportunities presented by emerging digital technologies and the ongoing trend of digitalization across industries. This study confirms the pivotal role of digital skills to the development of innovative products and services, enhancing business performance and our understanding of the interconnectedness between digital technologies, innovation, and digital skills in SMEs.
... Westernman et al. (2011) mendefinisikan transformasi digital sebagai penggunaan teknologi dengan tujuan untuk secara umum meningkatkan kinerja atau jangkauan dari sebuah perusahaan. Pengertian lain yang cukup umum dari transformasi digital adalah perubahan yang disebabkan atau dipengaruhi oleh pemakaian teknologi digital dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia (Kaplan et al. 2010). Pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara pelayanan publik, perlu beradaptasi dengan kemajuan zaman yang menuntut respon kebijakan yang serba cepat, tanggap, lincah dan solutif. ...
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Abstrak Keputusan politik tentang pemindahan Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) telah ditetapkan berdasarkan kesepakatan Pemerintah dan DPR RI, dengan terbitnya Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2022 Tentang Ibu Kota Negara. IKN Nusantara diproyeksi menjadi penggerak ekonomi masa depan, mewujudkan pemerataan pembangunan dan mencapai Indonesia emas 2045. Narasi tentang pemerintahan berbasis digital, tumbuh dan berkembang seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi. Perkembangan ini terjadi sebagai implikasi dari proses revolusi industri 4.0 yang mempengaruhi berbagai lini kehidupan, termasuk penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik. Dalam upaya mewujudkan pelayanan yang lebih cepat, mudah, transparan dan demokratis, konsep e-Government menjadi pilihan tepat untuk diterapkan di IKN Nusantara. Penggunaan sistem informasi dan komunikasi dalam penyelenggaraan negara, diharapkan dapat membuat birokrasi menjadi lebih lincah dan sigap (agile bureucracy). Birokrasi yang responsif, sangat dibutuhkan saat ini untuk menjawab berbagai tantangan global melalui penyediaan layanan publik terbaik.
... Digital transformation (or DT) refers to the use of digital technologies to fundamentally change how organizations operate and deliver value to their customers. Moreover, digital transformation is a phenomenon that impacts every aspect of human society, as noted by Kaplan et al. (2004). It compels companies and industries to undertake significant organizational changes and make critical adaptations to their business strategies in order to remain viable and successful (Porfírio et al., 2021). ...
... Another definition is also given by [2] which transformation digital he third and highest level of digital skills achieved when digital use is carried out also facilitates innovation and creativity and encourages significant change in the professional or knowledge field. Different meaning with general meaning about transformation change caused or influenced by the use of digital technology in every aspect of human life according to [3]. According to [4] activity of the business and implementation of data processing can be mutually related continuous due to the existence of the payroll system. ...
... Digital transformation (DT) nowadays is changing the dynamics of how societies are shaped (Agarwal, 2020). DT can be understood as the "changes that [the] digital technology causes or influences in all aspects of human life" (Stolterman & Fors, 2004). These changes are visible in different levels and scales, from individual to societal levels, and from more modernized urban areas, like smart cities, to less digitalized rural areas, in which DT occurs in an uncontrolled real-life context, and where people are involved in their everyday use context (Bockshecker et al., 2018;Spagnoli et al., 2019). ...
... Technology, accompany mankind in all everyday situations Grafström & Falkman, 2017). Neither privately nor professionally, no one can avoid the changes due to digitalization, and those who can deal with it adequately have an advantage Gfrerer et al., 2021;Kaplan et al., 2004). ...
Megatrends, such as digitalization, globalization, and demographic shifts, are creating an organizational environment that is more volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous than ever before (Stiehm & Townsend, 2002). In addition to geopolitical changes, the technological innovations of digitalization promote the speed of industrial change and introduced the digital age (Kremer, 1993). The resulting digital technologies, such as AI, Big Data, or Robotics, as well as their economical applications, are crucial for the innovativeness and future viability of organizations. They are revolutionizing the way of working in almost any discipline and across most industries. For example, digital connectivity alone can lead to process adaptations through increased data variety, a focus on customer relationships, independence of time and place, the blurring of hierarchy, and incremental production automation. Despite the manifold opportunities created by the adaptation of new technologies, it is an intensive, long-term process, especially for industrial companies which produce mainly material goods and whose business models predate the digital age (Mertens et al., 2017; van der Schaft et al., 2020; Voigt, 2008). As a result of comparing the existing and ideal levels of digitization within companies, adaptations vary from process optimization and strengthening of business models to the redefinition of products or complete restructuring of organizations (Wessel et al., 2021). Especially for traditional companies, this results in a highly scaled, multidimensional transformation process that extends over several years and to many areas of the company, such as strategy, products, processes, employees, culture, and collaboration (Fenlon & McEneaney, 2018; Porfirio et al., 2020). The study by LaClair and Rao (2002) analyzes the success rate of such holistic organizational initiatives. They compare the change initiatives of 40 organizations in different industries and show that 58% of organizations failed to achieve their goals and another 20% only partially achieved their goals. A review of the common success factors of organizations with high levels of goal achievement showed the constant involvement of leaders at all levels (LaClair & Rao, 2002). Leadership theory was able to deduce decades ago that the involvement and capability of leaders are decisive components of the success of transformation projects. Independent studies, such as the by Hambrick and Mason (1984), who introduced macro-organizational theory, or by change luminary Peter Drucker (1999), created the basis for further analyses and recommendations on conducive leadership behaviors, styles, and characteristics (Schoemaker & Day, 2021; Gilley et al., 2009). If we examine the specific change process of digital transformation, a survey from 2015 illustrates that 90% of CEOs consider digitalization have a significant impact on their industry, although only 25% surveyed are prepared for the changes as part of an implementation concept (Taylor, 2015). This is also reflected in the academic community, which reached a consensus on the coherence between the effectiveness of digital transformation and the influence of leaders. However, few academically based analyses on the influences of specific characteristics exist, such as leadership behavior or leadership style, and their practical implications (Porfirio et al., 2021). Given this background, it is of entrepreneurial relevance to resolve the uncertainties and identify the potentials of successful leadership in the digital age, which may stand for the continued existence of companies, especially traditional companies in German industry. The dissertation is dedicated to this highly relevant set of topics, and it examines the mechanisms of leadership in the digital age from different research perspectives with the aim of creating a profound theoretical basis and thus contributing to the further development of theoretical and entrepreneurial understanding. To achieve this goal, this thesis presents three articles that examine empirical data obtained either by the author or through published scholarly articles. The first article reviews the state of research in the topic area through a systematic literature review and identifies the characteristics of effective leadership behavior in the digital age based on theoretical findings. Papers two and three provide a scientific evaluation of empirical data collected by the author herself. Paper two addresses the identification of leadership trends in the digital age. Since paper one and two conclude that “digital collaboration” in the leadership context is highly relevant from the perspectives of theory and practice, the third paper is devoted to this topic exclusively within the framework of a qualitative survey of leaders and experts. In addition, it is combined with an analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on this regard. A brief overview of these essays is provided as follows. Article 1: Effective Leadership Behavior in the Digital Age: A Review and Research Agenda The first article presents the current state of the discussion and research on the emerging topic of leadership behavior in the digital age. In recent years, the number of publications on this topic has increased, but a systematic review of the literature is still lacking. The article addresses this circumstance, and it aims to identify the manifold theoretical contributions, to summarize the results in a structured way, and to derive implications for business and future research proposals. The results of the articles are based on 49 selected scientific articles which present eight leadership behaviors that are rated as conducive to dealing with digital transformation. These are categorized according to Fiedler’s (1966) effectiveness model into task- and relationship-related criteria. To employ the identified behaviors, it is additionally deduced that leaders require awareness, willingness and readiness concerning the opportunities and risks of digitalization. Article 2: New Ways of Leadership in the Digital Age: These Trends are Forcing Leaders to Rethink their Existing Leadership Styles To achieve a holistic and generic understanding of future leadership challenges in the context of digitalization, the next article focuses on examining leadership trends. To identify these seminal implications, the methodology used is a combination of an in-depth expert workshop and a systematic literature review. By selecting the chosen exploratory research design, it is possible to compare leadership trends from theory and practice and identify 21 trends. These are assigned to the following derived, superordinate trends: change of leadership role (individual level), change of collaboration (team level), and change of organizational environment (organizational level). The article thus answers the research question of identifying and characterizing current leadership trends and contributes to the decuviation of common focal areas, as well as differences in leadership trends according to the current state of science and practice. Article 3: Successful Collaboration in the Digital Age and the Potential Effects Caused by COVID- 19 in this Regard Building on the findings of the first and second articles, the leadership topic of “digital collaboration” is addressed separately due to its identified relevance to both economics and science. The author applies a qualitative–explorative research design to obtain a detailed picture of the aspects of digital collaboration. For this purpose, after a systematic literature review, experts and leaders in German industry are interviewed about the success factors and challenges of digital collaboration. Because the survey period took place after the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting effects for digital collaboration had to be considered. After analyzing the qualitative interviews and processing the obtained data, seven key factors for digital collaboration were identified, which are divided among the individual, team, and organizational levels. From a practical perspective, the study shows the need for HR support to professionalize systematically this leadership tool and hence empower leaders. The theoretical contribution consists of the analysis and description of the fundamental factors of collaboration in the digital age.
... as the effects caused or influenced by the use of digital technology in human life in general and in organizations in particular [3,4]. Thus shaping a new trend called Industries 4.0, related to the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and mobile computing [5,6]. ...
In the business sector, digital transformation appears as a new paradigm that enables a profound transformation of business activities, processes, and models. Its relationship with SMEs has brought the academic world's attention in recent years; however, catastrophic events caused by COVID-19 impacted the development of the various world economies and thus the business sector. This article aims to assess the scientific structure of the digital transformation in SMEs, specifically when COVID-19 appeared and developed; through the Scopus database and the bibliometric software VOSviewer. The methodology used reports a systematic process comprising four phases: (i) Search Terms for the research field, (ii) Database and document selection, (iii) Database and document selection, and (iv) Analysis of the results. This last section showed the participation of 75 countries in 612 publications in a challenging environment for the SME caused by the Covid-19 continued digital transformation process focused on its business model, Industry 4.0, IoT, and Digital Innovation and Technology. This research contributes to broadening knowledge in Digital Transformation and its implications in times of pandemic.
... Digital transformation is viewed as a multifaceted phenomenon that affects all aspects of human activity, including technology, the economy, politics and society. From a broad perspective, authors such as Kaplan et al. 31 defined DT as 'the radical and comprehensive changes caused or influenced by the use of digital technology in every aspect of human life'. In contrast, Schallmo et al. 32 defined DT from an organisational standpoint, arguing that DT is the use of technology to generally improve performance or reach. ...
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The economic activities of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) drive much of the region’s economic growth and development. Despite their importance, SMEs tend to fail in their first two years of operation compared to macro enterprises. Digital transformation (DT) of organisations fosters resilience; however, DT of SMEs in SSA has been slow because of several impediments. The objective of this article is to establish how SMEs in the context of SSA can develop comprehensive strategies for integrating digital technologies into their operations to build resilience. Arksey and O’Malley’s systematic scoping review (SR) is used to identify and map articles over a 5 year period using inclusion and exclusion criteria. A total of 44 articles were included for in-depth analysis to address the issue under investigation. The results indicate toward economy-based, market-based and sociotechnical contextual factors emerging as themes that impede DT of SMEs in the SSA region. In the SSA context, SMEs face numerous regional constraints that create barriers in their operations, such as limited access to profitable and value-added markets. Transdisciplinarity Contribution: To develop strategies for integrating technologies, it is critical to have a thorough understanding of SMEs’ operational context. This is vital if SMEs in the SSA region are to fully realise the transformative potential of integrating digital technologies into their business operations and gain long-term resilience. Through digitally enabled resilience, SMEs can continue to play their critical role in the economic growth and development of the SSA region.
... Digital transformation is a shift produced or affected by the use of digital technology in every element of human existence, according to one definition. When companies are forced to alter owing to the Covid-19 outbreak, web apps might be used for advertising [84]. Digital transformation may be successful if there is a commitment from managers of small and medium-sized enterprises, such as supplying items through social media and providing discounts, etc. ...
... Digital business is ranked among the top three business priorities [40], subsequently is it crucial for firms to adopt digitalization. Digitalization in a country is positively associated with industrial and societal realms [41] and affects all spheres of human society at the micro and macro level [42]. The international organization highlights the importance of digitalization in accelerating economic and social growth in a country [43]. ...
Southern Italy has been confronting dire economic and resource scarcity challenges to keep up with the national growth. Digitalization is a changing phenomenon that transforms the firm’s structure and enhances production, operational, and service efficiency helping to reduce economic and geographical disparity. Firms play a crucial role in the development of an economy. In the recent decade, digital transformation has emerged as a driver for economic growth and urban development by transitioning the firms’ processes. However, firms need sufficient institutional support during the digital transition process. The Italian government has taken substantial initiatives to stabilize and boost the economic structure of southern Italy. This study aims to determine the existing relationship between southern Italian cities’ digitalization and firms’ financial capabilities and institutional support. We have applied correlation and regression models to examine the relationship between cities’ digitalization, local firms’ financial capabilities, and institutional support. Our results highlight the significant relationship between cities’ digitalization, firms’ financial capabilities, and institutional support in southern Italian cities. This paper produces policy suggestions for the government to extend the institutional financial support toward the southern firms. As the transformation of cities will increase the operational and production efficiency of the firms, which will add to the regional and national economic development.KeywordsDigital transformationFinancial capabilityInstitutional supportCities’ digitalization
... Digital business is ranked among the top three business priorities [40], subsequently is it crucial for firms to adopt digitalization. Digitalization in a country is positively associated with industrial and societal realms [41] and affects all spheres of human society at the micro and macro level [42]. The international organization highlights the importance of digitalization in accelerating economic and social growth in a country [43]. ...
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Southern Italy has been confronting dire economic and resource scarcity challenges to keep up with the national growth. Digitalization is a changing phenomenon that transforms the firm’s structure and enhances production, operational, and service efficiency helping to reduce economic and geographical disparity. Firms play a crucial role in the development of an economy. In the recent decade, digital transformation has emerged as a driver for economic growth and urban development by transitioning the firms' processes. However, firms need sufficient institutional support during the digital transition process. The Italian government has taken substantial initiatives to stabilize and boost the economic structure of southern Italy. This study aims to determine the existing relationship between southern Italian cities' digitalization and firms' financial capabilities and institutional support. We have applied correlation and regression models to examine the relationship between cities’ digitalization, local firms’ financial capabilities, and institutional support. Our results highlight the significant relationship between cities’ digitalization, firms’ financial capabilities, and institutional support in southern Italian cities. This paper produces policy suggestions for the government to extend the institutional financial support toward the southern firms. As the transformation of cities will increase the operational and production efficiency of the firms, which will add to the regional and national economic development. Book chapter in "Sustainable Digital Transformation: Paving the Way Towards Smart Organizations and Societies"
... There is already very extensive literature on digital transformation, an abundance of which appeared in recent years when dozens of books were published on this topic. Although the first publications date back to least 2004 and even earlier [1], interest rapidly and intensively increased in 2016 and 2017. Google Trends shows a trend of increasing popularity from the beginning of 2014 to the present [2]. ...
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The subject of this paper is a description of the renew and more advanced idea of digital transformation, which is understood not as a contemporary process of the impact of digital technologies on social life, but as an epistemological change in geometry and mathematics in the 19th century. Turing machine was a result of this change as well as the new idea of axiomatic systems. The first brought back the concept of computability as an essence of the world, and the second was a new and arbitrary model of reasoning. Both changed the image of the social world.
... In general, digital transformation is a radical and comprehensive shift in the use of technology with the aim of improving company performance. One of digital transformation definition is from [3], digital transformation is a change caused or influenced by the use of digital technology in every aspect of human life.In contrast to the definition of [9], that digital transformation is as the use of technology with the aim to generally improve the performance or reach of a company. ...
This paper aims to develop a framework for sustainability in SMEs. SMEs are most vulnerable to the effects of covid-19. The implementation of social distancing makes people limit activities outside their home, consequently sales turnover decreases. Therefore, SMEs need to change the mindset in running business by using technology transformation. It is believed to continue the sustainability of SMEs. However, some SMEs do not have knowledge about digital skills that are relevant to their business. In fact, during covid-19 condition, online business can result sustainability in their business that can take place now and in the future.
... Pengertian lain yang cukup umum dari digital transformasi adalah perubahan yang disebabkan atau dipengaruhi oleh pemakaian teknologi digital dalam setiap aspek kehidupan manusia. (Kaplan et al. 2010) Model bisnis menentukan bagaimana sebuah perusahaan menciptakan serta mendistribusikan nilai nya kepada konsumennya dan kemudian melanjutkannya ke tahap pembayaran yang akan menghasilkan keuntungan. (Tecce, 2010) ...
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This study aims to determine the main factors that can influence the shifting in company business model. Based on previous research, two independent variables are obtained: digital transformation and customers behavior pattern. This is a descriptive research by using questionnaire which are distributed to 151 respondents from employee of sales division in Jakarta. Data was collected using simple random sampling method. Partial least square analysis was used for data analysis by using SmartPLS software. Outer model and inner model analysis is being done in the partial least square analysis. This study found that the influence of each variables can directly influence the company’s business model significantly.
... In a broader context, the definition of digital transformation is relevant as the change that digital technologies cause or affect in all aspects of human life [3], which in this case is acceptable in order to clarify the impact of digital transformation on passenger transport management in cities. ...
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The paper presents the approach of digital transformation of company management in the transport of passengers in the city area. The influence of digital technologies on the management of business processes in the transport of passengers, but also in the business environment of these companies, is evident. For these reasons, management and business can no longer be viewed only in traditional frameworks. It is necessary to establish management in the transport of passengers on a process approach with the application of digital technologies, digital content and digital communications. In practice, it has been shown that the strategic approach of management to digital transformation, both in passenger transport companies and in the operation of communication operators, provides good results.
... In a broader context, the definition of digital transformation is relevant as the change that digital technologies cause or affect in all aspects of human life [3], which in this case is acceptable in order to clarify the impact of digital transformation on passenger transport management in cities. ...
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The paper presents the approach of digital transformation of company management in the transport of passengers in the city area. The influence of digital technologies on the management of business processes in the transport of passengers, but also in the business environment of these companies, is evident. For these reasons, management and business can no longer be viewed only in traditional frameworks. It is necessary to establish management in the transport of passengers on a process approach with the application of digital technologies, digital content and digital communications. In practice, it has been shown that the strategic approach of management to digital transformation, both in passenger transport companies and in the operation of communication operators, provides good results.
... Pod tim informacijskim i komunikacijskim tehnologijama smatraju se društvene mreţe, mobilne aplikacije, analitiĉki alati i aplikacije, [2]. U širem kontekstu relevantna je definicija digitalne transformacije kao promjena koju digitalne tehnologije uzrokuju ili na koju utiĉu u svim aspektima ljudskog ţivota [3], a što je u ovom sluĉaju prihvatljivo za rasvjetljavanje uticaja digitalne transformacije na upravljanje u prevozu putnika u gradovima. ...
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SAŽETAK U radu je predstavljen pristup digitalne transformacije upravljanja preduzećem u prevozu putnika na gradskom području. Evidentan je uticaj digitalnih tehnologija na upravljanje poslovnim procesima u prevozu putnika, ali i u poslovno okruženje tih preduzeća. Iz tih razloga se upravljanje i poslovanje više ne možemo posmatrati samo u tradicionalnim okvirima. Potrebno je upravljanje u prevozu putnika uspostaviti na procesnom pristupu uz primjenu digitalnih tehnologija, digitalnih sadržaja i digitalnih komunikacija. U praksi se pokazalo da strategijski pristup menadžmenta digitalnoj transformaciji, kako u preduzećima za prevoz putnika tako i u poslovanju komunikacijskih operatora, daje dobre rezultate. SUMMARY The paper presents the approach of digital transformation of company management in the transport of passengers in the city area. The influence of digital technologies on the management of business processes in the transport of passengers, but also in the business environment of these companies, is evident. For these reasons, management and business can no longer be viewed only in traditional frameworks. It is necessary to establish management in the transport of passengers on a process approach with the application of digital technologies, digital content and digital communications. In practice, it has been shown that the strategic approach of management to digital transformation, both in passenger transport companies and in the operation of communication operators, provides good results.
... An instance of this squeezing out of other epistemological approaches is demonstrated in the IS field with the case of critical research. For many years, the IFIP community promoted the critical IS research agenda (Kaplan, et al., 2004;Lyytinen & Klein, 1985). Nevertheless, critical research is generally ignored (Chen & Hirschheim, 2004), such that there exists "a widespread view that IS researchers face a methodological choice between positivism and interpretivism as the two fundamental ways of researching and understanding the world" (Richardson & Robinson, 2007, p. 252). ...
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The goal of this paper is to raise the level of discourse surrounding paradigms by drawing out a number of observations on how paradigms are interpreted in the IS field, and to reclaim the transformative potential of the Kuhnian paradigm concept in encouraging novel, interesting and relevant research and theorizing. After positioning the contribution of the Kuhnian paradigm and its significance in the philosophy of science, we describe the negative impacts of a research community's preoccupation with the epistemological sense of paradigm, which ignited within the organizational sciences decades of unnecessary "paradigm wars" and a misplaced focus on methodology. We show how this epistemological rendering of paradigm, which is adopted by the IS field, differs from the opinions of well-known critics of Kuhn and how this view obscures the Kuhnian paradigm's potential for innovative research. To provide valuable insights into these issues, we introduce Masterman's interpretation of Kuhn's model, which Kuhn himself endorses, and unpack the paradigm concept into its metaphysical, sociological and artefactual components. Using Masterman's interpretation to highlight the primary meaning of Kuhn's paradigm concept as model problem-solution and exemplar, we describe how this multifaceted transformative view of paradigm benefits the IS field.
... It is called a 'citizen-centric demand model' because the characteristics are viewed from demand perspective, which takes the citizen's paradigm, and not from the supply side where government and technology reside. It is also in accordance with suggestion by Millard (2010), who emphasized that transformational government paradigm concentrates much more on the demand side, which address specific societal challenges.To add rigor to the exploratory process, iteration to the empirical study need to be done (Holwell 2004). Study 2 used an empirical investigation to collect more evidence after the conceptual modeling phase. ...
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Transformational government (t-government) emerges from the evolution of e-government to become more citizen-focused while recognizing the need for fundamental changes of governance. Citizen-centric is a central concept being coined together with t-government implementation and it is proposed as a remedial justification in solving e-government implementation issues. However, although commonly used, the exact definition of citizen-centricity has not been established yet. The research sets out to produce a demand model that outlines the basic principles of citizen-centricity to implement t-government systems. A qualitative approach is undertaken to establish elements of citizen-centric t-government and model citizen-centricity through theory building method. To develop the model, this study has gone through exploratory and confirmatory phases that include studies using literature analysis, expert interview and multi-stakeholders interview method. Four components have been proposed as citizen-centric demand requirements that can benefit the supply side in conducting requirement gathering and designing of t-government systems.
... U najširem kontekstu relevantna je definicija digitalne transformacije kao promena koju digitalne tehnologije uzrokuju ili na koju utiču u svim aspektima ljudskog života [6]. U kontekstu ovog rada relevantna je definicija koja digitalnu transformaciju poslovanja opisuje kao korišćenje tehnologije da bi se radikalno una-Adresa autora: Adam Sofronijević, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Marković", Beograd, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, e-mail: Rad primljen: 15.03.2017. ...
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Paper analyses strategic approach to a very important phenomena of contemporary business environment that is defined as digital transformation of business. Increased influence of digital technologies both on business processes and business environment reaches the tipping point where business can not be perceived only in traditional frameworks and where a need arises to manage business processes having in mind dominant influence of digital technologies, digital content and digital communications on business. Strategic approach perceived as a management direction under conditions of dominant influence of digital technologies on business environment provides for excellent results in practice around the world, especially with companies that do business in global market. Paper also presents examples of practice that illustrate ubiquitousness and influence that digital technologies have in contemporary companies as well as importance of strategic approach to digital transformation of business for success of companies.
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Background Modern work environments constitute an underrepresented part of psychosocial risk assessments at work. Little is known about whether there is an increased stress load at all and what possible improvements could be made in such a case. Methods Modern work environments were assessed in an online questionnaire in 33 companies across a period of more than 4 years. A total of 3431 employees participated in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative data was applied to obtain a differentiated picture. Results Increased stress caused by modern work environments was an issue for around a third of the sample. 31.6% of the participants at least sometimes struggled to balance work and private life. Quite a few of the participants (36.3%) worked sometimes or more outside regular working hours. For 32.4% of participants, the workload has increased due to new technologies, but for 30.4% it has not. The majority (81.4%) feel they can work productively in home offices. The data from 178 completed free text fields on improving modern work environments from the employees’ perspective was analysed. Many named suggestions relate to improvements in time management. Conclusion This study provides both detailed insights into various aspects of modern work environments and offers solutions to counteract possible negative consequences. Assessing modern work environments in psychosocial risk assessments would be a valuable addition to its completeness.
Transformasi digital tidak hanya sekedar perkembangan teknologi informasi namun juga mengenai bisnis, orang dan teknologi yang dipandu oleh strategi bisnis yang luas. Dalam suatu organisasi ataupun lingkungann masyarakat pasti memiliki permasalahan dalam hal memaksimalkan tranformasi digital yang dapat meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang ada pada masyarakat khususnya didesa Cibodas. Pemanfaatan media social diera tranformasi pada Desa Cibodas masih belum maksimal, maka dilakukan sebuah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi arahan dalam memanfaatkan media social di era Transformasi digital saat ini. Dengan memanfaat teknologi informasi seperti media social ini dapat membantu dalam menyalurkan kembali informasi dan mencegah perilaku menyimpang yang didapat dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini. Maka dengan diadakannya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat membantu masyarakat desa Cibodas untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas efisiensi dalam penggunaan media social kedepannya. Sehingga dapat membantu memaksimlakan kegiatan di Desa Cibodas Kecamatan Cikajang dengan efekti dan efisien.
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Transformasi digital tidak hanya sekedar perkembangan teknologi informasi namun juga mengenai bisnis, orang dan teknologi yang dipandu oleh strategi bisnis yang luas. Dalam suatu organisasi ataupun lingkungann masyarakat pasti memiliki permasalahan dalam hal memaksimalkan tranformasi digital yang dapat meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia yang ada pada masyarakat khususnya didesa Cibodas. Pemanfaatan media social diera tranformasi pada Desa Cibodas masih belum maksimal, maka dilakukan sebuah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi arahan dalam memanfaatkan media social di era Transformasi digital saat ini. Dengan memanfaat teknologi informasi seperti media social ini dapat membantu dalam menyalurkan kembali informasi dan mencegah perilaku menyimpang yang didapat dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat (PKM) ini. Maka dengan diadakannya kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat membantu masyarakat desa Cibodas untuk dapat meningkatkan produktivitas efisiensi dalam penggunaan media social kedepannya. Sehingga dapat membantu memaksimlakan kegiatan di Desa Cibodas Kecamatan Cikajang dengan efekti dan efisien.
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Materials science is the cornerstone for technological development of the modern world that has been largely shaped by the advances in fabrication of semiconductor materials and devices. However, the Moore’s Law is expected to stop by 2025 due to reaching the limits of traditional transistor scaling. However, the classical approach has shown to be unable to keep up with the needs of materials manufacturing, requiring more than 20 years to move a material from discovery to market. To adapt materials fabrication to the needs of the 21st century, it is necessary to develop methods for much faster processing of experimental data and connecting the results to theory, with feedback flow in both directions. However, state-of-the-art analysis remains selective and manual, prone to human error and unable to handle large quantities of data generated by modern equipment. Recent advances in scanning transmission electron and scanning tunnelling microscopy have allowed imaging and manipulation of materials on the atomic level, and these capabilities require development of automated, robust, reproducible methods. Artificial intelligence and machine learning have dealt with similar issues in applications to image and speech recognition, autonomous vehicles, and other projects that are beginning to change the world around us. However, materials science faces significant challenges preventing direct application of the models without taking physical constraints and domain expertise into account. Atomic resolution imaging can generate data that can lead to better understanding of materials and their properties through using artificial intelligence methods. Machine learning, in particular combinations of deep learning and probabilistic modelling, can learn to recognize physical features in imaging, making this process automated and speeding up characterization. By incorporating the knowledge from theory and simulations with such frameworks, it is possible to create the foundation for the automated atomic scale manufacturing.
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In drilling small holes with diameters of 1 mm or less, minute clogging and twining of chips or the adhesion of the workpiece material can become factors in causing breakages of the drill bit; moreover, it can be difficult to identify the machining state. Acoustic emission (AE) sensing is a nondestructive inspection technique that measures the elastic-stress waves that are generated when a material is deformed and fractured. AE sensing permits highly sensitive measurements to be made without changing the rigidity of the experimental system, unlike force sensing of cutting resistance, etc. In the present study, attempts were made to identify the machining state and tool wear, and to predict abnormalities in small-diameter drilling by using the change in the frequency of AE signal waveforms arising from deformation and fracture. It was shown that it is possible to predict the breakage of the drill bit by detecting high-frequency AE signals at about 1 MHz, caused by the adhesion of the workpiece material. In addition, a correlation map of the AE frequency spectrum for identifying the machining state in a drilling operation is suggested.
The worldwide growing concern for environmental protection compels businesses to incorporate green orientation in their strategies. Crowdfunding has opened new possibilities to attract investors by encompassing green concerns in their agenda. This study investigates the relationship between green orientation and UK crowdfunding campaign success. We have used both qualitative and quantitative approaches to build the green orientation index, for which we have chosen 210 green campaigns out of 720 crowdfunding campaigns. Then we performed a cluster analysis to identify three clusters (social enthusiast, green fan, and tech-oriented) of green-oriented crowdfunding campaign. We performed a predictive validity analysis to identify which cluster is more effective in ensuring the crowdfunding’s performance. The results show that tech-oriented obtain the highest value and share a positive relationship with the amount raised and crowdfunding’s success. Social enthusiast effectively attracts more crowd through the social platform and thereby successfully raises funds. Green orientation, however, does not affect crowdfunding success or overfunding, which shows that there is a huge difference between the clusters, suggesting that the green orientation itself is not considered so important for the crowdfunding campaigns. It also highlights a crucial point the in the crowdfunding’s objectives, the realization of the environmental concern, society, and the long-term sustainability concern is not promising.KeywordsCrowdfundingGreen orientationSustainabilityCluster analysis
Latar Belakang : Teknologi memberikan efek kombinatorial yang mempercepat kemajuan diberbagai aspek baik dibidang bisnis maupun kehidupan bermasyarakat secara eksponensial. Ini adalah konteks dimana inovasi digital kini mengganggu bisnis dan model operasi, dan membuat beberapa dampak yang signifikan terhadap kehidupan sosial masyarakat. Transformasi digital telah menyentuh organisasi di tiga bidang utama, yaitu Pengalaman Pelanggan,Proses Operasional, Model bisnis. PT. Kimia Farma Plant, dalam satu naungan Holding Company yaitu PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. Kimia Farma telah bersiap menyambut era digital dengan ditandai dengan peningkatan sistem ERP sebagai salah satu asetnya. Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal bisnis dan Sistem Informasi/Teknologi Informasi (SI/TI), mengidentifikasi portofolio aplikasi saat ini dan masa mendatang, serta membuat sebuah Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi (PSSI) dengan menggunakan Framework Digital Transformation dalam upaya pencapaian visi dan misi PT. Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. Metode : Data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara, dan observasi analisis dokumen perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif dengan kerangka kerja PSSI dari Ward dan Peppard, serta hasil rekomendasi strategis didokumentasikan dengan menggunakan kerangka kerja Transformasi Digital dari Westerman dkk. Hasil : Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebuah blueprint terkait strategi bisnis, strategi manajemen SI/TI, strategi SI/TI dan kerangka kerja strategi transformasi digital yang dapat membantu PT Kimia Farma dalam mencapai tujuan strategis perusahaan. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat beberapa usulan Model Bisnis Digital, Operasional Proses Digital, Customers Experience digital, serta pengelolaan Transformasi Digital yang dapat diterapkan di perusahaan. Kata Kunci : Kerangka Kerja Transformasi Digital, Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi, Strategi Bisnis SI, Strategi Manajemen SI/TI, Strategi TI, Portofolio Aplikasi
Die hohe Müttersterblichkeit in Entwicklungsländern ist zum Teil auf indirekte Faktoren wie Analphabetismus und eingeschränkten Zugang zu Gesundheitsinformationen für Mütter zurückzuführen. Während gebildete Frauen auf Gesundheitsinformationen über Online-Plattformen und mHealth-Apps zugreifen können, müssen Analphabetinnen diese in Gesundheitseinrichtungen abrufen, was aufgrund der Transportkosten oft nicht möglich ist. Mobilfunktechnologie hat in der Gesundheitsversorgung Chancen für ressourcenarme Gemeinschaften eröffnet, die sonst nicht von den digitalen Technologien profitiert hätten. Obwohl Mobilfunktechnologie in der Müttergesundheit eingesetzt wird, können die meisten Maßnahmen nicht von Analphabeten genutzt werden, verwenden Sicherheitsmodelle die nicht auf den Kontext von Entwicklungsländern zugeschnitten sind, und wurden nicht auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die Müttergesundheit hin evaluiert. In dieser Arbeit wurden zwei (Web und Mobile) Apps entwickelt, die die Übermittlung von multimedialen Nachrichten zur Müttergesundheit, Terminerinnerungen und Anrufe/Chats erleichtern. Um die Anforderungen der Nutzer zu erfassen, wurde eine Feldstudie mit halbstrukturierten Interviews und Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit schwangeren Analphabetinnen, Gesundheitsexperten und Entwicklern durchgeführt. Es folgte die Entwicklung eines Sicherheitsmodells (T2RoL) zur Sicherung der Gesundheitsinformationen in den Apps, die dann nach einem nutzerzentrierten Designansatz entwickelt wurden. Eine zweite Feldstudie in Form von halbstrukturierten Interviews und Umfragen wurde durchgeführt, um die mobile App in einer randomisierten kontrollierten Studie mit 80 schwangeren Analphabetinnen über 9 Monate zu evaluieren. Die Auswertung zeigte, dass die App akzeptiert wurde sowie einfach zu erlernen und zu benutzen war. Das Wissen über Müttergesundheit in der Interventionsgruppe verbesserte sich, was sich positiv auf gesundheitsbezogene Entscheidungen und Gesundheitsmaßnahmen auswirkte.
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Industry 4.0 has been a common concept recently to characterize the movement toward digitization and automation in the industrial world. When comparing the innovations of other industries, the building industry is slow to integrate these revolutionary developments into its standard procedures, considering the rapid advancements used in other industry sectors and covid-19 which undoubtedly brought more urgency to this task. Despite a number of advantages and opportunities, there are many barriers that prohibit the construction sector from adopting IR 4.0 due to a variety of factors. Therefore, the paper aims to determine the key issues that are preventing the introduction of IR 4.0-related technology in the construction industry, as well as the long-term opportunities. The paper concludes, despite the challenges, the implementation of IR 4.0 within the Construction Industry would drive the industry's performance to match with their industry counterparts such as the manufacturing, and automotive industry. Industry 4.0 is indeed the way of the future and must be embraced. There is no alternative to digitization, even on the building site Construction needs to catch up.
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Industry 4.0 has been a common concept recently to characterize the movement toward digitization and automation in the industrial world. When comparing the innovations of other industries, the building industry is slow to integrate these revolutionary developments into its standard procedures, considering the rapid advancements used in other industry sectors and covid-19 which undoubtedly brought more urgency to this task. Despite a number of advantages and opportunities, there are many barriers that prohibit the construction sector from adopting IR 4.0 due to a variety of factors. Therefore, the paper aims to determine the key issues that are preventing the introduction of IR 4.0-related technology in the construction industry, as well as the long-term opportunities. The paper concludes, despite the challenges, the implementation of IR 4.0 within the Construction Industry would drive the industry's performance to match with their industry counterparts such as the manufacturing, and automotive industry. Industry 4.0 is indeed the way of the future and must be embraced. There is no alternative to digitization, even on the building site Construction needs to catch up.
Conference Paper
Southern Italy has been confronting dire economic and resource scarcity challenges to keep up with the national growth. Digitalization is a changing phenomenon that transforms the firm’s structure and enhances production, operational, and service efficiency helping to reduce economic and geographical disparity. Firms play a crucial role in the development of an economy. In the recent decade, digital transformation has emerged as a driver for economic growth and urban development by transitioning the firms' processes. However, firms need sufficient institutional support during the digital transition process. The Italian government has taken substantial initiatives to stabilize and boost the economic structure of southern Italy. This study aims to determine the existing relationship between southern Italian cities' digitalization and firms' financial capabilities and institutional support. We have applied correlation and regression models to examine the relationship between cities’ digitalization, local firms’ financial capabilities, and institutional support. Our results highlight the significant relationship between cities’ digitalization, firms’ financial capabilities, and institutional support in southern Italian cities. This paper produces policy suggestions for the government to extend the institutional financial support toward the southern firms. As the transformation of cities will increase the operational and production efficiency of the firms, which will add to the regional and national economic development.
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The Industrial Revolution is indeed familiar, Indonesia has known that the 4.0 industrial revolution has existed since 2011 but has been implemented by the Indonesian government since 2019. Currently, Indonesia in terms of its economy often associates it with the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is a change that occurs rapidly in the implementation of the production process or the way of making or increasing the use value of an item that originally used human power (traditional) to use machine tools (modern). The purpose of this community service is to help the community in implementing, being able to implement digitalization in everyday life and being able to develop it. People really need to know how important technology is in today's era. This activity is designed for 1 day starting with the socialization of presidential regulations on digital transformation, how to strengthen the economic foundation in the digitalization era and consumer behavior towards the digitalization era. The preparation for the socialization which was held through this webinar was preceded by coordination and communication with the Governor of the Riau Islands, the leadership of Bank Indonesia and the Head of the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Management at the University of Batam. The results of this activity are in line with what is expected, namely the activities carried out can help the community in preparing themselves and developing themselves in order to compete in the era of digitalization transformation. how to strengthen the economic foundation in the digitalization era and consumer behavior towards the digitalization era. The preparation for the socialization which was held through this webinar was preceded by coordination and communication with the Governor of the Riau Islands, the leadership of Bank Indonesia and the Head of the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Management at the University of Batam. The results of this activity are in line with what is expected, namely the activities carried out can help the community in preparing themselves and developing themselves in order to compete in the era of digitalization transformation. how to strengthen the economic foundation in the digitalization era and consumer behavior towards the digitalization era. The preparation for the socialization which was held through this webinar was preceded by coordination and communication with the Governor of the Riau Islands, the leadership of Bank Indonesia and the Head of the Doctoral Program in Human Resource Management at the University of Batam. The results of this activity are in line with what is expected, namely the activities carried out can help the community in preparing themselves and developing themselves in order to compete in the era of digitalization transformation.
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Through a shared governance approach, the city of Milan is adopting a co-design process that involves citizens and their preferences in designing green roofs and walls throughout the city. This process is supported by the CLEVER Cities project co-creation pathway that fosters the engagement of inhabitants and local stakeholders in leading the Urban Living Lab (ULL) in a collaborative environment towards implementing nature-based solutions (NBS). In this short research in progress article, we emphasize the different workshops of co-design held digitally due to latest health emergency, COVID-19, whereas various instruments and tools were tested and implemented with citizens as residents in their own buildings. The current ongoing results yield on the evolvement of the ULL looking at its spatial challenges, flexibility, citizen engagement dynamics as well as stakeholders shared decision-making mechanism.
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Digital transformation (DT) has received increasing attention in recent years. Despite this, most of the current studies focus on digital transformation in more advanced societies, particularly urban areas, and the concept has not been investigated enough within rural contexts. This study aims at exploring how a rural living lab (Rural LL) is shaped and how this approach can be designed to support digital transformation processes in rural context. In so doing, following a design science research methodology (DSRM), we have designed an artefact (i.e., Rural LL framework) which is an "instantiation" that supports user centric digitalization of rural areas. The designed framework is developed based on the key components of "traditional" and "urban" living labs, as well as empirical data which was collected within the context of the DigiBy project. The main constructs (key components) of this framework are: 1) rural context, 2) digitalization, 3) governance, control, and business mode, and 4) quintuple helix actors. We also offer an empirically derived definition of the rural living lab concept, followed by avenues for future research.
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Digitization in Industry 4.0 is a key trend in a modern company’s development. However, business practice shows that digitization can be associated not only with the prospect of development but with numerous limitations that a company may struggle with. The goal of this manuscript is to verify the existence and identify of the management gaps that lead to formation of digitization problems in companies under the conditions of Industry 4.0. Management gap is understood here as a set of discontinuities, identified within management functions, which result in specific problems in the implementation of digitization projects. In general, this aspect is omitted in the literature on the subject, which focuses on benefits of implementing Industry 4.0 technology. The chosen goal of the manuscript is part of the research trend related to the identification of general digitization problems and to a company’s development, taking into account the use of technological solutions, as well as to the scope of research on the problems of implementing ICT projects. The development of an enterprise is understood as the ability to improve an organization both in the face of internal challenges and the environmental with maintaining innovation potential. The research structure is based on the construction of a conceptual model of management gaps and its empirical verification. In the theoretical part, the chosen research method is analysis of literature from the last 20 years and in the practical part analysis of a business case supplemented with an in-depth interview conducted among the management of the analyzed company. In the theoretical part, the article defines basic concepts related to Industry 4.0 and digitization of companies. It presents the place and role of digitization and its impact on the blurring of boundaries of traditional management layers. Based on these considerations, a conceptual model is developed defining management gaps within which problems of digitization of enterprises are indicated. The practical part of the article presents an empirical verification of the existence of the formulated management gaps on the basis of a business case analysis. The case study describes a mass, geographically dispersed implementation of the application for 34,000 users, which is the result of the implementation of the digitization strategy. Conclusions were formulated in the last part of the manuscript. On the theoretical ground, the analysis confirms that the process of digitization in an enterprise under the conditions of Industry 4.0 is related to blurring the boundaries of operational, tactical and strategic management. The premises of the said blur are identifiable and appear in each of the above-mentioned layers. On the practical ground, the existence of reasons for blurring the boundaries of management is related to the need to adapt the organization to the new operating conditions related to Industry 4.0. The strategic activities should be targeted at determining the directions of company improvement, which should precede the efforts to implement advanced solutions in the field of Industry 4.0. This approach allows providing a sustainable company development with the possibility of creating short-term effects and maintaining a long-term growth perspective.
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Persidangan di pengadilan di era new normal, sejalan dengan maksud penulis bahwa buku ini disusun dalam rangka menjawab berbagai permasalahan yang ditimbulkan akibat pandemi Covid-19 sampai munculnya era new normal atau adaptasi kebiasaan baru yang membuat lembaga peradilan menyesuaikan dengan kebiasaan baru. Sebagaimana dipahami bahwa pandemi Covid-19 merupakan fenomena luar biasa yang memberikan dampak yang amat luas di semua sendi kehidupan baik tingkat nasional maupun global. Hampir tidak ada sektor yang tidak terkena dampak dari virus yang sampai saat ini belum ada obat dan vaksinnya. Dalam konteks peradilan, wabah Covid-19 juga memberikan dampak yang serius. Business process pada Mahkamah Agung dan lembaga peradilan di bawahnya juga disesuaikan dengan protokol kesehatan yang diterbitkan Pemerintah. Kegiatan pelayanan peradilan yang selama ini berjalan rutin harus dibatasi demi keselamatan pegawai pengadilan dan para pencari keadilan. Hal ini sesuai dengan asas Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto (keselamatan rakyat merupakan hukum tertinggi).
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This paper describes a model for determining the price of services in public urban transport of passengers. The model allows to include several input parameters related to demand and supply as well as the inclusion of parameters through which the authorities can act in order to improve the mobility of the population. The financing of public urban transport as one of the key dimensions for establishing sustainable urban mobility, using this model, can be maximized. The prices of transport services determined through this model become acceptable in regulating contractual relations between government representatives and operators, and the operators continuously direct them to rationally operate.
Apesar do grande crescimento no número de artigos em administração publicados durante as últimas três décadas, existe uma escassez de pesquisas de alto impacto em estudos sobre administração. Nós acreditamos que a principal razão por trás dessa escassez paradoxal é o predomínio quase total de pesquisas de identificação de lacunas em estudos sobre administração. Esse predomínio é ainda mais paradoxal quando é bem sabido que pesquisas de identificação de lacunas raramente culminam em teorias influentes. Identificamos três principais forças agindo por trás desse duplo paradoxo: condições institucionais, normas profissionais e as construções de identidade dos pesquisadores. Discutimos o quanto algumas mudanças específicas nessas forças podem reduzir a escassez de teorias influentes de estudos em administração. Também apontamos para duas metodologias que podem encorajar e facilitar uma pesquisa mais construtiva e inovadora e revisões de normas e identidades acadêmicas. </div
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A throwaway economy has produced enormous waste for more than 50 years on earth, and specifically the overuse of disposable items has aroused to one of the most serious problems in urban environment. A lot of educated individuals are aware of the problem, but lack of actions has aggravated it in everyday lives. How can design play an important role in this context? Through a framework and several case studies, I have discovered that offering environmental options only in a consumption process has its limits in changing current human behaviors because of a preformed perception about disposable items and wastes. What if we consider an object as a stakeholder in the waste stream? With the re-imagination of the new relationship between humans and objects, I have developed two roles for an object: a service provider and an intelligent individual. If we speculate that an object can think, communicate with each other, and even track human behaviors, how do they change our everyday environments? Container Union is a speculative group of containers that protect themselves from human behaviors in a throwaway economy. Through unionizing objects, the union offers the supplies, a service, and a system. Departing from a human-centric mindset, Container Union enables us to rethink our attitudes towards objects, and to understand the deep meaning of an ecosystem by reorganizing the relationships among objects, humans, and Mother Nature. Furthermore, this project sheds light on how this new perspective can be applied to current information technology, design methodology, and service design to effectively address the notion of climate change and to envision a holistically sustainable future. The ultimate goal of this project is to broaden the scope of its application in various fields, and develop practical methods.
Conference Paper
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This paper reports on a study into the software Engineering (SE) skills development collaborative initiative between the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT), the Local Government of the Western Cape and the local software development industry – in the form of an internship programme. The provincial government of the Western Cape together with the industrial Sector and tertiary Institutions are taking collaborative efforts to develop relevant SE skills through structured curricula with a balance between theory and practice through internship programs. Despite the nobility of this effort , it became unclear whether it was achieving intended outcomes. Thus, an exploratory study was conducted to understand the content and structure, the roles and objectives of the central stakeholders, as well as the impact and effectiveness of the internship collaborative initiative in the region. Therefore, an interpretive approach – using the qualitative research methods was adopted to conduct this exploratory investigation. In this process, a purposive sampling technique was used to select participants among employers from chosen companies in Cape Town, South Africa. The main question was " What is the efficacy of the internship component of the SE sector in the Western Cape? " The Actor Network Theory (ANT) was adopted and used as an analytical framework for the phenomenon of study, and for the contextualisation of the findings. The findings confirmed a severe shortage of skills in the Software Engineering (SE) sector in the Western Cape. It seems companies have lost on a number projects because of the lack of skilled personnel, a trend which has seen an increase in the rate of skills outsourcing as an alternative. However, most companies are employing inexperienced graduates, with a huge gap in terms of expected skills and what the graduates can offer. The findings also reflect a gap between the expectations of universities and those of the industry. Companies are moving at the pace in which technology innovates, whereas universities are moving at a syllabus pace. As a recommendation then, communication line between universities and SE industry should be enhanced. Even if universities do not want to be dictated by the industry, technology innovations should be allowed to set the pace. Companies should be consulted by universities when syllabuses are prepared. This may help to forge consensus, and help to close the skills gap that currently exists when interns join the field of operation. This was, tertiary institutions can also review and change their syllabus at the right time, focusing more on what is required in the field of operation. Informative seminars for students are also encouraged. Students should be encouraged to join memberships of such valuable groups. This will also facilitate networking and help update graduates on newly emerging technologies and trends currently in use in the SE industries. Getting dedicated resources that will work with the graduates directly rather than use the graduates for other tasks is also encouraged.
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The purpose of this study is to understand the formation and failure of an e-marketplace pioneer in a developing country. Much of the research on e-marketplaces focuses on the developed world. Within the limited literature on the developing world, the dominant focus has been on user adoption and related constraints. Little research thus exists on how emarketplaces are formed and whether they succeed or fail. This study therefore follows qualitative interpretive case study methodology to investigate the formation and failure of an e-marketplace pioneer in a developing country. The findings show that the e-marketplace was formed without a clear e-business model and without enough attention to the developing country environment. The failure was subsequently caused by inability to generate revenue and failure to renew domain name license. The paper advises potential entrepreneurs to pay attention to their local environment and develop e-business models with appropriate revenue options to guide their e-marketplace initiatives.
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