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Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain


Abstract and Figures

Internal (neuronal) representations in the brain are modified by our experiences, and this phenomenon is not unique to sensory and motor systems. Here, we show that different impressions obtained through social interaction with a variety of agents uniquely modulate activity of dorsal and ventral pathways of the brain network that mediates human social behavior. We scanned brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 16 healthy volunteers when they performed a simple matching-pennies game with a human, human-like android, mechanical robot, interactive robot, and a computer. Before playing this game in the scanner, participants experienced social interactions with each opponent separately and scored their initial impressions using two questionnaires. We found that the participants perceived opponents in two mental dimensions: one represented “mind-holderness” in which participants attributed anthropomorphic impressions to some of the opponents that had mental functions, while the other dimension represented “mind-readerness” in which participants characterized opponents as intelligent. Interestingly, this “mind-readerness” dimension correlated to participants frequently changing their game tactic to prevent opponents from envisioning their strategy, and this was corroborated by increased entropy during the game. We also found that the two factors separately modulated activity in distinct social brain regions. Specifically, mind-holderness modulated activity in the dorsal aspect of the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and medial prefrontal and posterior paracingulate cortices, while mind-readerness modulated activity in the ventral aspect of TPJ and the temporal pole. These results clearly demonstrate that activity in social brain networks is modulated through pre-scanning experiences of social interaction with a variety of agents. Furthermore, our findings elucidated the existence of two distinct functional networks in the social human brain. Social interaction with anthropomorphic or intelligent-looking agents may distinctly shape the internal representation of our social brain, which may in turn determine how we behave for various agents that we encounter in our society.
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Special issue: Research report
Different impressions of other agents obtained
through social interaction uniquely modulate
dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social
human brain
Hideyuki Takahashi
, Kazunori Terada
, Tomoyo Morita
Shinsuke Suzuki
, Tomoki Haji
, Hideki Kozima
Masahiro Yoshikawa
, Yoshio Matsumoto
, Takashi Omori
Minoru Asada
and Eiichi Naito
Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan
Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University, Japan
CiNet, NICT, Japan
Department of Information Science, Gifu University, Japan
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute of Technology, United States
Graduate School of Letters, Hokkaido University, Japan
School of Project Design, Miyagi University, Japan
NAIST, Japan
AIST, Japan
Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Japan
article info
Article history:
Received 4 August 2013
Reviewed 9 September 2013
Revised 10 December 2013
Accepted 27 March 2014
Published online xxx
Competitive game
Social brain
Internal (neuronal) representations in the brain are modified by our experiences, and this
phenomenon is not unique to sensory and motor systems. Here, we show that different
impressions obtained through social interaction with a variety of agents uniquely modu-
late activity of dorsal and ventral pathways of the brain network that mediates human
social behavior.
We scanned brain activity with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 16
healthy volunteers when they performed a simple matching-pennies game with a human,
human-like android, mechanical robot, interactive robot, and a computer. Before playing
this game in the scanner, participants experienced social interactions with each opponent
separately and scored their initial impressions using two questionnaires.
We found that the participants perceived opponents in two mental dimensions: one
represented “mind-holderness” in which participants attributed anthropomorphic im-
pressions to some of the opponents that had mental functions, while the other dimension
represented “mind-readerness” in which participants characterized opponents as intelli-
gent. Interestingly, this “mind-readerness” dimension correlated to participants frequently
*Corresponding author. Center for Information and Neural Networks (CiNet), National Institute of Information and Communication
Technology (NICT), 2A6, 1-4 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan.
E-mail address: (E. Naito).
Available online at
Journal homepage:
cortex xxx (2014) 1e12
Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
0010-9452/ª2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
changing their game tactic to prevent opponents from envisioning their strategy, and this
was corroborated by increased entropy during the game. We also found that the two fac-
tors separately modulated activity in distinct social brain regions. Specifically, mind-
holderness modulated activity in the dorsal aspect of the temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
and medial prefrontal and posterior paracingulate cortices, while mind-readerness
modulated activity in the ventral aspect of TPJ and the temporal pole.
These results clearly demonstrate that activity in social brain networks is modulated
through pre-scanning experiences of social interaction with a variety of agents. Further-
more, our findings elucidated the existence of two distinct functional networks in the
social human brain. Social interaction with anthropomorphic or intelligent-looking agents
may distinctly shape the internal representation of our social brain, which may in turn
determine how we behave for various agents that we encounter in our society.
ª2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (
1. Introduction
It is well established that internal (neuronal) representations
in the brain can be modified by experience. Many previous
studies have elucidated how our sensory and motor experi-
ences shape representations in sensory-motor systems;
however, this phenomenon is not limited to the fundamental
systems since modifications can also be observed in brain
networks that mediate social behavior.
For example, when we play a game with others, we often
change our tactics depending on strategies used by our op-
ponents. In this way, our brain flexibly modifies our attitudes
and actions based on the perception and interpretation of our
opponent’s behavior (Delgado, Frank, & Phelps, 2005; Frank,
Gilovich, & Regan, 1993; Kuzmanovic et al., 2012; Parise,
Kiesler, Sproull, & Waters, 1999).
The brain network that mediates social interaction consists
of the posterior end of the superior temporal sulcus (pSTS), the
adjacent temporoparietal junction (TPJ), the temporal pole
(TP), the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), and the posterior
paracingulate cortex (PCC) (Frith & Frith, 1999, 2003, 2006;
Olson, Plotzker, & Ezzyat, 2007; Saxe, 2006). Many previous
studies suggest that these brain regions are assigned specific
roles. For example, the mPFC and PCC are mainly activated
when an individual meditates his/her own mental state or
when they infer another individual’s mental state (Amodio &
Frith, 2006; Frith & Frith, 1999, 2003, 2006). On the other hand,
the TP seems to be involved in more emotional aspects of social
processing. Specifically, it has been proposed that this region
relates social perception with emotion since dysfunction of
this region leads to various psychiatric disorders related to
emotional regulation (Olson et al., 2007). Finally, the TPJ/pSTS
seems to cover a wide range of socio-cognitive functions, such
as social perception, perspective taking, and theory of mind.
Modulation of the activity in these social brain networks is
known to be dependent on various factors including interac-
tion between other humans and even robots (Chaminade
et al., 2012; Krach et al., 2008). Thus, it is likely that activity
in our social brain network is uniquely modulated by how we
perceive and interpret the structurally complex characteris-
tics of others (Gray, Gray, & Wegner, 2007; Haslam, 2006;
Loughnan & Haslam, 2007); however, this has yet to be fully
elucidated. To address this question, we prepared different
types of agents including human-like and non-human-like
robots since multiple agents likely give us different impres-
sions due to their specific characteristics. Indeed, neuro-
imaging research on our interactions with non-human agents
(android, robot, and artificial intelligence; Chaminade et al.,
2012; Krach et al., 2008) may help us to understand how our
brain forms an internal representation of social interactions.
In the present study, we designed a simple matching-
pennies game and performed functional magnetic resonance
imaging (fMRI) on 16 healthy volunteers while they played
against five different types of opponents: human, human-like
android, mechanical robot, interactive robot, and a computer.
As described, we included the robots in order to manipulate
the degree of human-like appearance and attitude, which
could elicit unique impressions to the participants who were
¨ve to robots. Before playing this game in the fMRI scanner,
participants had a chance to socially interact with each
opponent and scored their impressions about each interaction
using a questionnaire. We expected that participants would
have multi-dimensional perceptions about each opponent’s
characteristics since this has been indicated by previous
studies (Gray et al., 2007; Haslam, 2006; Loughnan & Haslam,
2007). We then tested our hypothesis that participants
change their behaviors (tactics) in subsequent gameplay
depending on their putative multi-dimensional perceptions
about each opponent obtained through the pre-scanning so-
cial interaction. In addition, we hypothesized that the partic-
ipants’ multi-dimensional perceptions would have a unique
impact on different sets of social brain networks during
gameplay (Fukui et al., 2006; Gallagher, Jack, Roepstorff, &
Frith, 2002; Rilling, Sanfey, Aronson, Nystrom, & Cohen, 2004).
2. Methods
2.1. Participants
In total, 20 healthy, right-handed volunteers participated in
this study. None of the participants had a history of neuro-
logical or psychiatric illness. All participants provided written
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Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
informed consent prior to the onset of this study, which was
approved by the Ethics Committee of Tamagawa University,
Japan. We analyzed the fMRI data obtained from 16 partici-
pants (five males; age range, 18e25 years), and excluded the
data obtained from the remaining four participants due to
excessive head motion (>5 mm) during the scan.
2.2. Tasks
2.2.1. General procedure
We scanned brain activity using fMRI while participants
played a matching-pennies game with each of the five oppo-
nents. The opponents included a human (woman in her
20 sec), a human-like android (Actroid F; Yoshikawa,
Matsumoto, Sumitani, & Ishiguro, 2011), a mechanical robot
(Infanoid; Kozima, 2002), an interactive robot (Keepon;
Kozima, Michalowski, & Nakagawa, 2008), and a computer
(Fig. 1a). As for the human opponent, we enrolled four women
in order to match the gender with female Actroid F, and in
order to avoid a particular opponent giving a specific
impression to the participants. Human opponents were ran-
domized participant by participant, but a given participant
always played the game against the same female opponent.
All participants were completely naı
¨ve to Actroid F, Infanoid,
Keepon, and the particular human opponent. Before partici-
pants played the game in the fMRI scanner, each participant
experienced a short conversation with each opponent outside
the scanner (Fig. 1b) and was asked to answer two
2.2.2. Short conversation outside the scanner
Each participant chatted with each opponent one-on-one for
30 sec prior to entering the scanner room. The order of the
opponents was randomized across participants. Conversa-
tions included the following three defined topics: first, the
participant verbally asked the name of the opponent, and then
briefly described their impression of their opponent, followed
by the participant talking about his/her ardor for the game
against the opponent. All opponents reacted with verbal re-
sponses and/or bodily gestures that were consistent across
participants (see Supplemental movies). When an opponent
was human, Actroid F, or Infanoid, it reacted to the first
question as follows: “My name is (name of the opponent). Nice
to meet you,” to the second question, “Thank you very much
for your kindly comment,” and to the third comment, “I will do
my best too.” Both the human and Actroid F opponents bowed
to the participant (in physical Japanese-style greeting) before
and after the chatting session and did not move their bodies
except for this action. The Infanoid moved its head in order to
track the participant’s face and moved its hands arbitrarily
during chatting. The Keepon did not talk and simply reacted to
the participant’s speech by wiggling its body. In the case of the
computer that could not make bodily gestures, the participant
could only see the flow of complex program code in the
monitor, which we expected would give an impression of in-
telligence to the participant.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found
online at
Immediately after the interaction with each opponent,
participants were asked to fill out questionnaires about each
opponent. The “impression questionnaire” required the
participant to rate the impressions of the opponent and was a
modified version of an original Japanese questionnaire
(Kanda, Ishiguro, Ono, Imai, & Nakatsu, 2002) that included 22
adjective items (human-like, intelligent, ethical, nice, cute,
friendly, active, positive, kind, warm, curious, thoughtful,
emotionally stable, rational, responsible, biological,
conscious, regular, natural, simple, emotional). Participants
were told to rate each opponent based on how well each ad-
jective item described the each opponent by choosing a
number from 1 to 7, with 1 indicating “an item does not fit to
the character of the opponent at all” and 7 indicating “an item
fits very well to the character of the opponent.”
The “mental function questionnaire” consisted of nine
sentences (#1e#9) as we listed in Supplemental material (e.g.,
“When I ignore the opponent, it will appeal to direct my
attention toward it.”). We asked participants to evaluate the
likelihood of performing the behavior described in each sen-
tence by choosingyes or no. When a participant thought thatan
opponent would likely perform the behavior described in a
sentence, they chose yes, otherwise they selected no. Through
the evaluation process using the second questionnaire, we
could infer to whatdegree the participants explicitly attributed
mental functions to each opponent, because not only a simple
reaction of an opponent but also fundamental aspects of op-
ponent’s mentality, such as thinking (#1), inference (#9),
emotion (#4 and #5) and motivation (#6), can be evaluated by
some of the present sentences. Participantstook approximately
5 min to complete the two questionnaires for each opponent.
Using this design, all participants experienced social in-
teractions with all opponents and evaluated their impressions
Fig. 1 eFive opponents (a) and a scene depicting a short-period conversation outside the scanner (b).
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Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
before beginning the game. Importantly, the impressions
were not preconceived notions that the participants had
formed before they met the opponents, since all of them were
¨ve to each agent, and the impressions emerged purely from
perceptual dimension of the participants, which were not
corroborated by any particular substantial mental faculties of
the opponents.
2.2.3. Matching-pennies game
After participants completed the questionnaires for all oppo-
nents, they were asked to lie in the fMRI scanner with their
heads immobilized with an elastic band and sponge cushions
and their ears plugged. Visual stimuli were presented on a
projection screen and viewed by the participants via a mirror
mounted on the head coil. Inside the scanner, the participant
played a matching-pennies game which is often cited in game
theory literature as the most simplified example of a zero-sum
competitive situation. The game was played between two
players: a participant and an opponent. In each trial, players
were requested to select either the left or the right side of their
bodies, with each participant making his/her decision by
pressing a button. A win or loss was determined based on the
combination of their decisions. Only when each participant
selected the same side as the opponent, he/she was awarded
with 100 yen (about 1 US$), otherwise he/she lost 100 yen.
Thus, being able to predict an opponent’s thoughts was very
important to win the game. The two leftward and rightward
arrows in the “Outcome” panel of Fig. 2 indicate selected di-
rections by the opponent (leftward) and by the participant
(rightward), respectively. In the example presented in Fig. 2,
the participant lost 100 yen.
Before participants entered the scanner room, they were
given instructions on how to play the game and were
encouraged to accumulate as many wins as possible. Impor-
tantly, participants were also instructed that they would play
the game against each opponent, which was presented as a
small icon at the top of the monitor inside the scanner. We
informed participants about the possibility that different op-
ponents may use different game tactics by providing them
with instructions stating that, “considering characteristic
differences among opponents may increase the reward that
you receive.” By giving this instruction, we expected that
participant’s attitude specific to each opponent could become
prominent. All participants completed five practice trials with
a computer opponent before entering the scanner room.
Once in the scanner, participants played against the same
pre-programmed computer algorithm for all five opponents
(human, Actroid F, Infanoid, Keepon, computer), which
generated each of two directions (left or right) with an equal
probability. Therefore, an expected wining ratio was fixed to
50% in each trial, regardless of the opponent. As confirmed by
interviewing participants after the experiment, the opponent
presented in the icon of each trial was believed to be the
opponent during that session.
Each trial lasted for 2 sec (Fig. 2), and participants were
required to select either the left or right side by pressing one of
two buttons with their index or middle finger within 1 sec. The
directions selected by the participant and by the opponent
were indicated by arrows, which were displayed in the
monitor so that the participant would know if he/she won or
lost in each trial. This was presented for 1 sec, and when
participants failed to respond within 1 sec, their response was
randomly determined for that trial.
Each block consisted of 20 trials that lasted for 1 min. In
each block, participants consistently played the game with the
same opponent. We prepared 15 blocks in a 15-min run. Each
participant played with the same, randomly selected oppo-
nent three times in each run. A break was taken between runs,
and the participants completed two runs in the scanner. Each
block began with the presentation of a 2-sec cue that directly
indicated the opponent with a word. Immediately after the
cue disappeared, participants started the game, which lasted
for 40 sec per block, i.e., 20 trials 2 sec. The total amount of
money earned in each block was displayed for 2 sec after the
Fig. 2 eTime course of gameplay in a block. The series of panels represent a case of an Infanoid block, where a participant
played the matching-pennies game with an Infanoid. Throughout a block, the opponent icon was consistently presented at
the top of the screen. At the very beginning of a block, an opponent’s name was presented (2 sec). Immediately after the
game started, participants were required to select either left or right by pressing one of two buttons with their index or
middle finger within 1 sec. During this decision period, upward and downward arrows were presented. Outcomes of
decisions from the opponent and participant were shown as top and bottom arrows, respectively. The panel shows the case
where the opponent chose its “right” and the participant chose his/her “right”, meaning that the participant lost this game.
This was repeated 20 times in each block. At the end of a block, the total reward was shown for 2 sec. In this case, the
participant received a reward of 200 yen. There was a 16-sec resting period before the start of a next block where
participants played with a new opponent.
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uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
game. We also included a 16-sec resting period at the very end
of the block.
2.3. Data analysis
2.3.1. Behavioral analysis
We expected that participants would change their tactics
depending on the various impressions they had formed of the
different opponents they encountered during the game. One
stringent way to evaluate the changes in tactics was to
compute “entropy” (Ohira, Matsunaga, & Murakami, 2013;
Takahashi, Saito, Okada, & Omori, 2013), which can be a
measure of the degree of randomness or uncertainty in
decision-making. Moreover, it has been previously shown that
maximizing entropy is considered an optimal tactic in the
matching-pennies game, according to game theory (Camerer,
2003; Nash, 1950). Therefore, a greater entropy value reflects
difficulty in predicting a forthcoming participant’s response
based on the patterns of responses in previous trials. For
example, if players followed a simple rule, such as a win-stay/
lose-switch rule, the level of entropy tended to be low. In
contrast, entropy was at a maximum when participants’ be-
haviors were completely random during a trial.
We then quantified the randomness of decision-making for
each block of 20 trials as entropy, H, which was calculated
using the conditional frequency, p(djc), of the decision, d (L or
R), selected in the current game context, c (the recent choices
for participants and opponents). Entropy, H, indicated how the
decision, d, was generated independently of the current game
context, and the value of Hpositively correlated with the de-
gree of randomness of decision-making in the matching-
pennies game (Takahashi et al., 2013).
p(djc) was calculated from the following equation:
pðdjsÞ¼ nðdjsÞþk
where a variable n(djc) indicates the number of times a deci-
sion d was made in the context of c, and kis a correction co-
efficient that prevents small samples from deforming p(djc).
Due to the limitation of working memory capacity in humans,
it is unlikely that participants were able to access the entire
context in the game. Thus, we assumed that their decisions
were made based on a portion of the context and assumed six
partial contexts (pc) for entropy estimation (i.e., S1, the latest
decision by the participant; S2, the last two decisions by the
participant; O1, the latest decision by the opponent; O2, the
last two decisions by the opponent; S1 & O1, a combination of
the latest decisions both by the participant and by the oppo-
nent; none, no game context). Below, c
indicates the game
context corresponding to each pc and entropy, H(djc
), in
each block was calculated using the following equation:
Hpc ¼ 1
Npc X
Here, N
is the number of possible alternatives for a
particular c
and this variable normalizes H
in a range from
0 to 1. For each block, the lowest value among the six entropy
values was chosen as the decision-entropy value for that
block. Importantly, this value could potentially increase
toward a value of one as decisions became less predictable.
We next calculated mean entropy for each opponent and
each participant separately, and then calculated the grand
mean across participants (Fig. 3). We performed a one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) for entropy and post-hoc t-
tests to evaluate the statistical difference in entropy between
2.3.2. Questionnaire analysis
We performed principle component analysis (PCA) for the
results obtained from the impression questionnaire by pool-
ing the data obtained from all participants. The factor struc-
ture of 21 items (see above) was assessed by PCA (Lisetti,
Brown, Alvarez, & Marpaung, 2004) using the MATLAB statis-
tical toolbox (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA). We found
three representative orthogonal axes (from the first to third
components, see Table 1). Each opponent had a specific value
for each PCA component, and these were further used as
parametric covariates in our subsequent fMRI analysis.
In order to analyze data obtained from the mental function
questionnaire, we simply counted the number of “yes” an-
swers collected from participants for all nine sentences
assigned to describe each opponent. This value was deter-
mined as a mental function score, which may represent how
much the participants explicitly attributed mental functions
to each opponent. Next, we calculated the correlation coeffi-
cient between the values of the PCA component obtained from
the two questionnaires across the five opponents. This was
done separately for each PCA component. Similarly, we also
calculated correlation coefficients between the PCA and en-
tropy values for each participant. We then transformed the
acquired correlation coefficients to z-scores within each
participant. One-sample t-tests were then performed to eval-
uate if the correlation coefficients obtained from all partici-
pants were significantly different from 0. By evaluating the
correlations, we were able to determine which PCA compo-
nent better reflected the mental function score (how much the
participants explicitly attributed mental functions to
Fig. 3 eGrand means of entropy for the five opponents
across participants. Error bars indicate standard errors of
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Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
opponents) and entropy (how unpredictably the participants
changed their choices during the game).
2.4. fMRI scan
2.4.1. fMRI data acquisition
Functional imaging was conducted using a 3-T Siemens Trio A
Tim MRI scanner. For functional imaging during the experi-
mental sessions, interleaved T2*-weighted gradient-echo
echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequences were used to acquire 44
continuous 3-mm-thick, trans-axial slices that covered nearly
the entire cerebellum [repetition time (TR) ¼3000 msec,
echo time (TE) ¼25 msec, flip angle (FA) ¼90, field of
view (FOV) ¼192 mm
,6464 matrix, voxel
dimensions ¼3.0 3.0 3.0 mm]. A high-resolution anatom-
ical T1-weighted image was also acquired for each participant.
We collected 298 functional volumes in each 15-min run.
2.4.2. fMRI data pre-processing
In this analysis, we discarded the first four volumes to allowfor
magnetization equilibration. Data were then analyzed using
Statistical Parametric Mapping 8 (SPM8, Wellcome Department
of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK) software implemented in
Matlab 2013a (The MathWorks, Inc.). After correcting for differ-
ences in slice timing within each image volume, head motion
was corrected using the realignment program within SPM8.
Following realignment, volumes were normalized to the Mon-
treal Neurological Institute (MNI) space using a transformation
matrix, which was obtained from the normalization process of
the firstEPI image of each participantto the EPI template.Finally,
normalized fMRI datawere spatiallysmoothed with an isotropic
Gaussian kernel of 8 mm (full-width at half-maximum).
2.4.3. fMRI data analysis
We used a general linear model (GLM) to analyze the fMRI
data. From the above-mentioned questionnaire data and
behavioral analyses, it was determined that participants most
likely changed their game tactics based on the different im-
pressions of their various opponents. Thus, we expected that
these impressions formed before scanning would modulate
brain activity during the game. We then prepared parametric
regressors to depict such brain regions.
We prepared four regressors per participant: one regressor
was game-related used to specify the game period composed
of 20 consecutive trials in each block by excluding the last 16-
sec resting period (see above), while the other three regressors,
which were constructed based on the three PCA components
obtained from the impression questionnaire analysis, were
used for parametric modulation. Participants played with each
opponent block by block and had specific values for each PCA
component. Thus, we generated a parametric regressor by
modulating the amplitude of the game-related regressor with
the PCA value assigned to that opponent by the participant.
This was done for all three PCA components.
The parametric modulation analysis for each PCA compo-
nent was first performed in each participant separately. The
result of this analysis was the estimated blood oxygen level-
dependent (BOLD) signal change obtained from each of the
16 participants. To accommodate inter-participant variability,
the images from all participants were entered into a random
effects group analysis (second-level analysis; Friston, Holmes,
& Worsley, 1999) using one-sample t-tests (15 degrees of
freedom), and a voxel-wise threshold of p<.001 (uncorrected)
was used to generate a cluster image. The significance of the
cluster size was determined at p<.05 with the family-wise
error rate (FWE) correction in the entire brain space.
3. Results
3.1. Impression of each opponent: results from PCA
The PCA analysis for the impression questionnaire revealed
three representative orthogonal axes (from first to third
components). The contribution rates of the first to third
components were 74.4%, 13.2%, and 12.4%, respectively. The
loads of questionnaire points for each component are listed in
Table 1.
As shown in Table 1, the first component positively corre-
lated with scores for human-like, cute, friendly, warm, bio-
logical, conscious, natural, and emotional (correlation
coefficients >.25). The second component positively corre-
lated with intelligent, ethical, emotionally stable, and rational
(correlation coefficients >.25), and negatively correlated with
simple (correlation coefficients <.25). Finally, the third
component positively correlated with human-like, intelligent,
and biological (correlation coefficients >.25), but negatively
correlated with cute, friendly, active, positive, and curious
(correlation coefficients <.25). These results strongly indi-
cate that participants formed different impressions of each
opponent during the pre-scanning interaction session.
3.2. Mental function score
When we calculated mental function scores based on the re-
sults of the questionnaire, the mental function score
Table 1 eLoads of questionaries’ items for each PCA
1st 2nd 3rd
Human-like .3345 .0081 .3498
Intelligent .0745 .4607 .2512
Ethical .0398 .4523 .1508
Nice .1751 .0867 .0029
Cute .2846 .0619 .281
Friendly .3243 .0007 .3127
Active .2078 .166 .3477
Positive .1671 .1705 .3017
Kind .19 .042 .0562
Warm .2748 .0066 .1688
Curious .1749 .0718 .2756
Thoughtful .164 .127 .0819
Emotionally stable .0231 .348 .0972
Rational .0748 .4174 .0638
Responsible .108 .026 .2067
Biological .3322 .1024 .412
Conscious .329 .1184 .1665
Regular .1018 .0284 .0017
Natural .2841 .0633 .0812
Simple .1265 .4033 .1303
Emotional .2838 .0642 .1071
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uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
increased in the order of computer, Infanoid, Keepon, Actroid
F, and human, indicating that participants tended to attribute
mental functions to non-human opponents in this order.
3.3. Entropy
Fig. 3 shows the grand means of entropy for the five opponents
across participants. A one-way ANOVA revealed a significant
main effect of opponents [F(4,15) ¼6.40, p<.001], and post-
hoc t-tests revealed that entropies for human, Actroid F, and
the computer were significantly higher than those for Infanoid
and Keepon (Ryan’s method, p<.05). This means that
randomness in the series of left or right choices increased
when the opponent was human, Actroid F, or a computer.
3.4. Relationship between PCA components and other
behavioral measurements
When we evaluated correlations between PCA components
and mental function scores and between PCA components
and entropy, we found that the first PCA component (Table 1)
was significantly correlated with the mental function score
(p<.05, one-sample t-test across participants) but not with
the entropy (p<.05, one-sample t-test across participants)
(Fig. 4). In contrast, the third PCA component was significantly
correlated with entropy (p<.05, one-sample t-test across
participants) but not with mental function (p<.05, one-
sample t-test across participants). No significant correlations
were observed between the second PCA component and both
behavioral variables. Thus, the first PCA component corre-
sponded well to how much the participants attributed mental
functions to the various opponents, but did not reflect that
participants’ mental factors influenced changing their game
tactics. In contrast, the third PCA component well described
participant’s mental factors but not the attribution of mental
function. Importantly, these two PCA components also had
large loads of human-like in the impression questionnaire
(Table 1).
Based on these findings, we plotted specific values for each
opponent obtained from the first and third PCA components
in the x- and y-axes, respectively (Fig. 5). We found that the
values increased in the order of computer, Infanoid, Keepon,
Actroid F, and human along the x-axis, whereas the values
became greater in the order of Keepon, Infanoid, computer,
Actroid F, and human along the y-axis.
As we found that the first PCA component reflected the
participants’ attributions of mental function to the opponents
and that the third PCA component corresponded to the par-
ticipants’ mental factors that led to changing game tactics in
order to prevent their tactics being envisioned by their oppo-
nents (Fig. 4), we defined the x-axis as representing “mind-
holderness” and the y-axis as representing “mind-readerness”
of the opponents (Fig. 5). In light of this view, we could better
explain that the Keepon was perceived by the participants as
an agent with relatively high mind-holderness but less mind-
readerness, in contrast an intelligent-looking computer was
perceived as an agent with relatively high mind-readerness
but less mind-holderness. Human opponents were classified
as agents with higher mind-readerness and mind-holderness,
and Actroid F (human-like android) was classified similarly.
These results clearly indicate the multi-dimensionality in the
perception of the various agents, which generally fits with a
previous report (Gray et al., 2007).
3.5. Modulation of brain activity by preformed
impression of an opponent
When we performed parametric modulation analysis, we
found that activities in the bilateral mPFCs, posterior PCCs,
TPJ/pSTS, and the left hippocampus were positively correlated
with the regressor generated from the first PCA component
(red areas in Fig. 6a and b). This suggests that the perceived
mind-holderness of the opponents significantly modulated
Fig. 4 eRelationships between PCA components and
mental function score (left) and between PCA components
and entropy (right). The correlation coefficients were
transformed to z-scores. The first PCA component was
significantly correlated with the mental function score,
whereas the third PCA component was significantly
correlated with entropy.
Fig. 5 eLocation of each opponent in two-dimensional
space. The x-axis indicates “mind-holderness” and the y-
axis indicates “mind-readerness” (see text). The score of
PCA components for each opponent represents the mean
value among participants.
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Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
the activities in these regions. On the other hand, the activities
in the right TPJ/STS and TP were positively correlated with the
regressor obtained from the third PCA component (blue areas
in Fig. 6a). This indicates that the mind-readerness of the
opponents significantly modulated the activities in these re-
gions. The locations of voxels showing the strongest correla-
tion with the regressors in each region are listed in Tables 2
and 3.
Importantly, activity in the same area of the right TPJ/pSTS
was correlated both with first and third component re-
gressors, but there was a tendency that the more posterior-
dorsal aspect of this region was modulated by mind-
holderness, whereas the anterior-ventral aspect was
modulated by mind-readerness. Taken together, two inde-
pendent impressions of mind-holderness and mind-
readerness obtained from the opponents through pre-
scanning social interaction modulated the activity in distinct
brain regions while participants played the game.
No areas that showed negative correlations with these two
components were depicted. Likewise, no significant modula-
tion of brain activity was observed in association with the
second PCA component.
Finally, when we examined game-related brain regions, we
found that several cortical and subcortical regions were acti-
vated during game playing (green areas in Fig. 6c and d).
However, except for a small section in the TPJ (purple area in
Fig. 6a), the above-mentioned regions did not exhibit signifi-
cant activity increases during gameplay.
Fig. 6 efMRI results. Brain regions where activities were modulated by “mind-holderness” (red) and “mind-readerness”
(blue) are shown in panels (a) and (b). In panel (a), regions are superimposed on a lateral view of the MNI standard brain. In
panel (b), regions are superimposed on a sagittal section, x[D1. In panels (c) and (d), regions activated during the game are
shown in the corresponding images. The purple section in panel (c) represents a TPJ section where activity was modulated
both by “mind-holderness” and by “mind-readerness”, which also corresponded to the region activated during game
Table 2 eRegions where activities are modulated by mind-
Location MNI
Zvalue Cluster
size (voxels)
mPFC 6 60 20 4.27 1793
Right TPJ/pSTS 46 56 20 4.22 470
Left hippocampus 14 30 4 3.95 273
Left TPJ/pSTS 40 58 24 3.87 291
Precuneus/PCC 852 36 3.79 416
Table 3 eRegions where activities are modulated by mind-
Location MNI coordinate Zvalue Cluster
size (voxels)
xy z
Right TPJ/pSTS 58 46 0 4.63 293
Right TP 36 20 32 4.33 638
cortex xxx (2014) 1e128
Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
4. Discussion
4.1. Impression affected later game tactics
In the present study, participants consistently played the
game with a fixed computer algorithm pre-prepared by an
experimenter. However, participants were instructed that
they would play the game with each opponent, which would
be indicated as a small icon at the top of the monitor inside the
scanner. Indeed, post-scanning we confirmed that all of the
participants believed that they played with five distinct op-
ponents. Thus, changes in game tactics corresponding to each
opponent largely depended on impressions that were formed
during the previous interactive experiences (chatting).
This claim is supported by the following lines of evidence.
First, the icon was too small for the participants to obtain
online information about subtle changes in the opponents’
facial expressions and behaviors. Thus, participants had to
rely on their initial impressions about each opponent. Second,
the entropy values obtained when the participants played
with the computer were comparable with those obtained
when playing against a human (Fig. 3). Interestingly, in a
previous study where people played with a computer that did
not show a lively flow of complex program code, the former
was smaller than the latter (Takahashi et al., 2013). This in-
dicates that impressions formed in the current study were
obtained through pre-scanning interactions, and not from
general preconceived notions. Finally, we found that hippo-
campal activity was modulated by mind-holderness (Table 2).
It has been shown that people use their own repertoire of
memories to predict the mental states of others, especially
when the agents are similar to themselves (Perry, Hendler, &
Shamay-Tsoory, 2011). Thus, the present hippocampal activ-
ity modulated by mind-holderness likely reflects a similar
mental process where participants accessed their memories
about the impressions they had made of each opponent.
Taken together, the previously obtained impression about
opponents gained through direct interaction before the
scanning likely affected game tactics that the participants
employed in the scanner.
4.2. Mind-holderness and mind-readerness
In the present study, both mind-holderness and mind-
readerness are defined in perceptual dimension. These are
impressions of opponents received by the participants. In this
sense, the present definition of mind-holderness and mind-
readerness was not based on any particular substantial
mental faculties of the opponents, which were not evaluated
in the present study.
We found that the first PCA component reflected the de-
gree to which participants attributed mental function to the
opponents (Fig. 4), and that PCA values increased in the order
of computer, Infanoid, Keepon, Actroid F, and human (Fig. 5).
Thus, the horizontal mental axis in Fig. 5 reflects the oppo-
nent’s degree of anthropomorphism, i.e., how much the par-
ticipants thought that each opponent had mental function.
Hence, the different degrees of perceived mind-holderness of
the opponent likely affected the participant’s mental
operations while they played the game, as indicated by its
specific modulation of brain activity in a particular set of brain
regions (see Fig. 6 and below).
The vertical mental axis in Fig. 5 (the third PCA component)
should reflect different aspects of the opponent’s character-
istics, as this component was not correlated with the mental
function score but correlated with behavioral entropy (Fig. 4).
Greater entropy was observed when participants played with
the computer, Actroid F, and human as compared with the
Keepon and Infanoid (Fig. 2). It is theoretically known that,
when people play this type of game, they tend to increase
entropy in order to prevent their tactics from being read by an
opponent (Nash, 1950). Based on this notion, together with our
present entropy finding (Fig. 4), mind-readerness seems to be
suitable to represent this metal axis. As described above, the
present mind-readerness does not require any substantial
ability of “mind reading” of an opponent, but reflect partici-
pants’ impression that an opponent likely envisions their
game tactics. In light of this view, it is worth discussing an
opponent’s possible gaze. We know from our previous study
that when people play this game with a humanoid robot,
behavioral entropy significantly increases in those who are
sensitive to a robot’s gaze compared to those who are not
(Takahashi et al., 2013). This generally indicates that sensi-
tivity to an opponent’s gaze may increase behavioral entropy
during the game, and the underlying mental states of partic-
ipants are most likely strategizing to prevent their game tac-
tics from being envisioned by the opponent. Thus, the present
increase in participant entropy during gameplay with an
intelligent-looking opponent with greater mind-readerness
(computer, Actroid F, and human) indicates the existence of
this type of cautious mental state.
One caveat to our conclusion is that there could be multiple
alternative labels of the two mental axes (e.g., cool/warm,
intelligence/emotion). An interesting avenue for future study
is to refine the interpretations. On the other hand, it is worth
noting that in the present study we demonstrated the multi-
dimensionality of human social perceptions about other
people/robots/agents and uncovered the underlying neural
4.3. Roles of two distinct sets of brain regions
4.3.1. Resemblance of social brain network and default mode
network (DMN)
In the present study, we identified two distinct sets of brain
regions with activities that were differently modulated
depending on the perceived degrees of mind-holderness and
mind-readerness of the opponents (Fig. 6). However, except
for a small section in the TPJ (purple area in Fig. 6c), these sets
of brain regions did not correspond to those with significantly
increased activity during gameplay.
Among the modulated brain regions, the mPFC, PCC, and
parts of the TPJ seem to correspond to brain regions that form
the DMN, which shows increased activity during passive or
resting periods compared to task periods (Raichle et al., 2001;
Shulman et al., 1997). Thus, our findings are consistent with
the accumulating evidence that the human social brain
network closely resembles the DMN (Mars, Neubert, et al.,
2012). Activities of these brain regions likely reflect ongoing
cortex xxx (2014) 1e12 9
Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
mental processes of broad- and unconstrained thoughts about
the participant’s bodily, perceptual, mental, and emotional
states, which people call “random episodic silent thinking”
(Andreasen et al., 1995) and “mind wandering” (Mason et al.,
2007). Thus, these brain regions are essentially destined to
deactivate during a “task” that requires participants to focus
on achieving a specific purpose as explicitly constrained by an
experimenter. In this vein, gameplay in the current study was
our “task” that activated a wide range of cortical and subcor-
tical brain regions (Fig. 6). On the other hand, unconstrained
implicit thoughts that pertained to this task, e.g., active
reading of the opponent’s mental state and tactics to win a
game, likely modulated the activity in the sets of brain
Hereinafter, we argue two distinct roles of these sets of
brain regions, which were uniquely modulated by the
perception of the mind-holderness and mind-readerness
attributed to opponents.
4.3.2. Mind-holderness
In the current study, we found that mind-holderness modu-
lated activities in the posterior-dorsal section of the TPJ and in
the networks of the PCC and mPFC (Fig. 6) that belong to the
cingulum fiber tract (Thiebaut de Schotten, Dell’Acqua,
Valabregue, & Catani, 2012). Humans possess the ability to
make inferences about other people’s mental states, such as
the intentions and desires of others, and to refer to them to
predict and explain behavior. This behavior, called mentaliz-
ing, is known to engage the social brain network (see
Introduction), especially brain regions that belong to the
cingulum tract (Amodio & Frith, 2006; Frith & Frith, 1999, 2003,
2006). The fact that the present brain regions directly corre-
sponded to this mentalizing network indicates that the par-
ticipants tried to mentalize an opponent’s intention, tactics,
and emotion during the game. Importantly, as the actual
opponent was always the same computer algorithm that
consistently used a fixed tactic irrespective of the opponent
shown in the icon, this mentalizing was conducted by the
participants based upon their formed pre-scanning social
impressions of their opponents. Our claim that mentalizing
occurs even for the present non-human opponents is
corroborated by the finding that when people play a game
with non-human agents, activities in the mentalizing network
(mPFC and TPJ/STS) change according to the human-likeness
of an agent (Krach et al., 2008). Taken together, the present
activity modulation observed in this set of brain regions likely
reflects the participants’ mentalizing processes employed to
read opponents’ mental states, even for the non-human
agents, depending on the degrees of opponents’ mind-
4.3.3. Mind-readerness
In contrast, mind-readerness modulated activities in the
anterior-ventral section of the TPJ including the pSTS and in
the TP that belongs to the uncinate fascicule (UF) fiber tract
(Thiebaut de Schotten et al., 2012). The UF tract is the largest
tract of the fronto-temporal connections and is a ventral
limbic pathway that originates rostrally in the temporal lobe
and terminates in the ventral, medial, and orbital parts of the
frontal cortex. This tract connects cortical regions involved in
visual and auditory recognition (superior and inferior tem-
poral gyri) and in recognition memory (entorhinal, perirhinal,
and parahippocampal cortices) with frontal areas implicated
in emotion, inhibition, and self-regulation (Price et al., 2008;
Schmahmann et al., 2007). Thus, the UF tract plays an
important role in the interaction between cognition and
emotion (Barbas, 2000; MacLean, 1952). In particular, the TP in
the UF tract seems to be key in linking these two systems
(Olson et al., 2007), which is necessary for complex informa-
tion processing required for social interaction. Indeed, lesions
involving the human UF tract may result in antisocial be-
haviors, probably due to the loss of self-regulation (Price et al.,
2008). As described above, participants increased the
randomness in their left or right choices (indicating entropy)
depending on their perceived mind-readerness of opponents.
Additionally, their underlying mental states were likely being
employed for preventing their game tactics from being envi-
sioned by intelligent-looking opponents. Considering the TP’s
function in linking cognition and emotion, the present activity
modulation in the TP might be reflective of the participant’s
cautious mental states, which could have also affected their
emotional states during the game.
4.3.4. The distinct functions of posterior-dorsal and anterior-
ventral TPJ
We should also carefully discuss the finding that activities in
different TPJ portions were uniquely modulated by mind-
holderness and mind-readerness. Recently, it was shown
that the TPJ can be subdivided into posterior-dorsal and
anterior-ventral portions on the basis of its structural and
functional connectivity (Mars, Neubert, et al., 2012; Mars,
Sallet, et al., 2012). This finding indicates that these two TPJ
areas play distinct roles, as has been previously suggested
(Saxe, 2006).
The peak coordinate of the present TPJ region where ac-
tivity was modulated by mind-holderness (Table 2) well-
corresponded to those reported in many previous mentaliz-
ing tasks (Gallagher et al., 2000; Saxe & Kanwisher, 2003; Van
Overwalle & Baetens, 2009). For example, one recent study
has revealed that a person who has a strong tendency to
attribute anthropomorphism (human characteristics) to ani-
mals or nonliving stimuli has greater gray matter volume in
the TPJ (Cullen, Kanai, Bahrami, & Rees, 2013). Thus, the pre-
sent activity modulation in the posterior-dorsal portion of the
TPJ likely reflects different degrees of mentalizing that
depended on how much participants anthropomorphized
their opponents. Moreover, we assume that the role of the TPJ
activity observed in this study was due to participants
considering other’s perspectives in order to interpret their
opponents’ internal states such as intention, emotion, and
preference. This claim also seems to be supported by many
previous findings (Blanke & Arzy, 2005; Decety, 2005; Jackson,
Brunet, Meltzoff, & Decety, 2006; Ruby & Decety, 2004; Seger,
Stone, & Keenan, 2004).
In contrast, the major role of the anterior-ventral TPJ/pSTS
is social processing of an individual’s physical signs especially
as elicited from the face and eyes (Allison, Puce, & McCarthy,
2000; Hoffman & Haxby, 2000; Puce, Allison, Bentin, Gore, &
McCarthy, 1998; Van Overwalle & Baetens, 2009; Wicker,
Michel, Henaff, & Decety, 1998). Based on our previous
cortex xxx (2014) 1e1210
Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
finding that sensitiveness to a robot’s gaze increases behav-
ioral entropy during gameplay (Takahashi et al., 2013), we
speculate that detecting possible gaze from opponents could
be an important factor in modulating activity in this brain re-
gion. As the computer opponent does not have eyes, we as-
sume that this region is also capable of detecting potential gaze
not only from physical eyes, but also from the mind’s eye.
4.4. Conclusion
Taken all together, when the opponent was an anthropo-
morphic mind-holder, participants took opponents’ perspec-
tives into account in order to mentalize their intention,
tactics, and even emotion by recruiting the dorso-medial
cingulum network. On the other hand, when the opponent
was categorized as a mind-reader, participants became
mindful of the possible gaze of the opponent, which could be
reflected as modulation of activity in the anterior-ventral TPJ/
pSTS. These results suggest that social interaction with mind-
holder or mind-reader may distinctly shape the internal rep-
resentation of our social brain, which may in turn determine
how we behave for various agents that we encounter in our
This study was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Specially
Promoted Research (No. 24000012), a Grant-in-Aid for Scien-
tific Research on Innovative Areas “Founding a creative soci-
ety via collaboration between humans and robots (No. 4101)”
(No. 24118708), Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (No.
23700321), and a Tamagawa University Global Center of
Excellence grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science, and Technology (_501100001700).
Supplementary data
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
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cortex xxx (2014) 1e1212
Please cite this article in press as: Takahashi, H., et al., Different impressions of other agents obtained through social interaction
uniquely modulate dorsal and ventral pathway activities in the social human brain, Cortex (2014),
... Because the eyes are important in human communication 48 , social robots should have eyes that appear natural to humans. A neuroimaging study has revealed that artificial agents that are more humanlike both in appearance and motion more strongly activate the brain regions associated with mental state attribution 49 . In the context of such findings, our results suggest that robot eyes that are humanlike both in appearance and motion can automatically induce social attention allocation and mental state attribution in a similar manner to human eyes, pointing to the potential for optimized collaborations between humans and robots in future societies. ...
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The eyes play a special role in human communications. Previous psychological studies have reported reflexive attention orienting in response to another individual’s eyes during live interactions. Although robots are expected to collaborate with humans in various social situations, it remains unclear whether robot eyes have the potential to trigger attention orienting similarly to human eyes, specifically based on mental attribution. We investigated this issue in a series of experiments using a live gaze-cueing paradigm with an android. In Experiment 1, the non-predictive cue was the eyes and head of an android placed in front of human participants. Light-emitting diodes in the periphery served as target signals. The reaction times (RTs) required to localize the valid cued targets were faster than those for invalid cued targets for both types of cues. In Experiment 2, the gaze direction of the android eyes changed before the peripheral target lights appeared with or without barriers that made the targets non-visible, such that the android did not attend to them. The RTs were faster for validly cued targets only when there were no barriers. In Experiment 3, the targets were changed from lights to sounds, which the android could attend to even in the presence of barriers. The RTs to the target sounds were faster with valid cues, irrespective of the presence of barriers. These results suggest that android eyes may automatically induce attention orienting in humans based on mental state attribution.
... The left temporoparietal network, which is crucial for integrating sensory and cognitive information, showed significant alterations in individuals with ASD. This network is involved in processes such as language comprehension, social cognition, and theory of mind (57). The observed differences in this region may underlie some of the core deficits in social interaction and communication seen in ASD. ...
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Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, communication challenges, and repetitive behaviors. Despite extensive research, the molecular mechanisms underlying these neurodevelopmental abnormalities remain elusive. We integrated microscale brain gene expression data with macroscale MRI data from 1829 participants, including individuals with ASD and healthy controls, from the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) I and II. Using fractal dimension (FD) as an index for quantifying cortical complexity, we identified significant regional alterations in ASD, within the left temporoparietal, left peripheral visual, right central visual, left somatomotor (including the insula), and left ventral attention networks. Partial least squares (PLS) regression analysis revealed gene sets associated with these cortical complexity changes, enriched for biological functions related to synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, mitochondrial dysfunction, and chromatin organization. Cell-specific analyses, protein-protein interaction (PPI) network analysis and gene temporal expression profiling further elucidated the dynamic molecular landscape associated with these alterations. These findings indicate that ASD-related alterations in cortical complexity are closely linked to specific genetic pathways. The combined analysis of neuroimaging and transcriptomic data enhances our understanding of how genetic factors contribute to brain structural changes in ASD.
... Next, how customers perceive android robots based on their appearance and prior knowledge. Takahashi et al. (2014) state that humans perceive agents in two dimensions: the "Mind-holderness" axis, which expresses human-likeness in terms of mental functions, and the "Mind-readerness" axis, which expresses high information processing capability and intelligence. From this claim, customers would perceive android robots to be human-like robots based on their appearance and prior knowledge. ...
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In the development of dialogue systems for android robots, the goal is to achieve human-like communication. However, subtle differences between android robots and humans are noticeable, leading even human-like android robots to be perceived differently. Understanding how humans accept android robots and optimizing their behavior is crucial. Generally, human customers have various expectations and anxieties when interacting with a robotic salesclerk instead of a human. Asymmetric communication arises when android robots treat customers like humans while customers treat robots as machines. Focusing on human-robot interaction in a tourist guide scenario, In this paper, we propose an asymmetric communication strategy that does not use estimation technology for preference information, but instead performs changing the agent’s character in order to pretend to tailor to the customer. In line with this, we prepared an experimental method to evaluate asymmetric communication strategies, using video clips to simulate dialogues. Participants completed questionnaires without prior knowledge of whether the salesclerk was human-like or robotic. The method allowed us to assess how participants treated the salesclerk and the effectiveness of the asymmetric communication strategy. Additionally, during our demonstration in a dialogue robot competition, 29 visitors had a positive impression of the android robot’s asymmetric communication strategy and reported a high level of satisfaction with the dialogue.
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AMD Newsletter - The Newsletter of the Autonomous Mental Development Technical Committee, Volume 12, Number 1, pages 6-7: The scientific dialogue in this newsletter’s issue, proposed by Janet Wiles, revolves around the question “Will social robots need to be consciously aware?”. Responses are provided by Axel Cleeremans, Yasuko Kitano, Cornelius Weber and Stefan Wermter, Justin Hart and Brian Scassellati, Juyang Weng, Guy Hoffman and Moran Cerf. Several dimensions of the question stand out. First, as we are very far from understanding what consciousness is, it appears that building robots capable of various forms of self- and other- awareness, and importantly how they can develop these capabilities progressively, can be very useful in the quest to unveil the underlying mechanisms. Second, as consciousness is a multiscale complex systems, multiple approaches and perspectives need to be taken in this process of robot building. Third, when one looks at applications, it is the function, and not the nature, of consciousness which becomes the relevant angle of analysis, and several ethical questions arise. Then, a new dialog is initiated by Stéphane Doncieux on the topic of representational redescription. It has long been known in AI that having a good representation is key for machines to solve complex problems. However, so far good representations have been pre-programmed by engineers. What technical approaches could we imagine to allow machines to select, and even more important to find, new spaces of representations? Are techniques like deep learning general enough for realising such a challenge for life-long learning robots? Do we need other approaches such as Darwinian mechanisms operating in the brain, like in neural Darwinism?
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In recent years, the development of robots that can engage in non-task-oriented dialogue with people, such as chat, has received increasing attention. This study aims to clarify the factors that improve the user’s willingness to talk with robots in non-task oriented dialogues (e.g., chat). A previous study reported that exchanging subjective opinions makes such dialogue enjoyable and enthusiastic. In some cases, however, the robot’s subjective opinions are not realistic, i.e., the user believes the robot does not have opinions, thus we cannot attribute the opinion to the robot. For example, if a robot says that alcohol tastes good, it may be difficult to imagine the robot having such an opinion. In this case, the user’s motivation to exchange opinions may decrease. In this study, we hypothesize that regardless of the type of robot, opinion attribution affects the user’s motivation to exchange opinions with humanoid robots. We examined the effect by preparing various opinions of two kinds of humanoid robots. The experimental result suggests that not only the users’ interest in the topic but also the attribution of the subjective opinions to them influence their motivation to exchange opinions. Another analysis revealed that the android significantly increased the motivation when they are interested in the topic and do not attribute opinions, while the small robot significantly increased it when not interested and attributed opinions. In situations where there are opinions that cannot be attributed to humanoid robots, the result that androids are more motivating when users have the interests even if opinions are not attributed can indicate the usefulness of androids.
This paper explores the confluence of physical embodiment and social interaction in the context of Cognitive Developmental Humanoid Robotics (CDHR). By classifying varied interactions through developmental stages of the “self” and their interaction spheres, the discussion unearths profound insights into the composite nature of developmental processes. It presents a multi-dimensional exploration through different interaction scenarios, ranging from fetus-mother interactions to advanced large language models like ChatGPT, revealing the intrinsic connection between the physical and social realms of existence. In conclusion, this paper broadens the horizon of our understanding of the intricate interplays between physical embodiment and social interaction, setting the stage for more nuanced, ethically sound approaches and explorations in the realm of humanoid robotics and artificial intelligence.
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We sought to replicate and expand previous work showing that the more human-like a robot appears, the more willing people are to attribute mind-like capabilities and socially engage with it. Forty-two participants played games against a human, a humanoid robot, a mechanoid robot, and a computer algorithm while undergoing functional neuroimaging. Replicating previous studies, we confirmed that the more human-like the agent, the more participants attributed a mind to them. However, exploratory analyses revealed that beyond humanness, the perceived socialness of an agent appeared to be as important, if not more so, for mind attribution. Our findings suggest that top-down knowledge cues are just as important, if not more so, than bottom-up stimulus cues when exploring mind attribution in non-human agents. While further work is now required to test this hypothesis directly, these preliminary findings hold important implications for robotic design and to understand and test the flexibility of human social cognition when people engage with artificial agents.
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Nine previous positron emission tomography (PET) studies of human visual information processing were reanalyzed to determine the consistency across experiments of blood flow decreases during active tasks relative to passive viewing of the same stimulus array. Areas showing consistent decreases during active tasks included posterior cingulate/precuneous (Brodmann area, BA 31/7), left (BAS 40 and 39/19) and right (BA 40) inferior parietal cortex, left dorsolateral frontal cortex (BA S), left lateral inferior frontal cortex (BA 10/47), left inferior temporal gyrus @A 20), a strip of medial frontal regions running along a dorsal-ventral axis (BAs 8, 9, 10, and 32), and the right amygdala. Experiments involving language-related processes tended to show larger decreases than nonlanguage experiments. This trend mainly reflected blood flow increases at certain areas in the passive conditions of the language experiments (relative to a fixation control in which no task stimulus was present) and slight blood flow decreases in the passive conditions of the nonlanguage experiments. When the active tasks were referenced to the fixation condition, the overall size of blood flow decreases in language and nonlanguage tasks were the same, but differences were found across cortical areas. Decreases were more pronounced in the posterior cingulate/precuneous (BAS 31/7) and right inferior parietal cortex (BA 40) during language-related tasks and more pronounced in left inferior frontal cortex (BA 10/47) during nonlanguage tasks. Blood flow decreases did not generally show significant differences across the active task states within an experiment, but a verb-generation task produced larger decreases than a read task in right and left inferior parietal lobe (BA 40) and the posterior cingulate/precuneous (BA 31/7), while the read task produced larger decreases in left lateral inferior frontal cortex (BA 10/47). These effects mirrored those found between experiments in the language-nonlanguage comparison. Consistent active minus passive decreases may reflect decreased activity caused by active task processes that generalize over tasks or increased activity caused by passive task processes that are suspended during the active tasks. Increased activity during the passive condition might reflect ongoing processes, such as unconstrained verbally mediated thoughts and monitoring of the external environment, body, and emotional state.
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This paper reports an evaluation about autonomous behaviors of an interaction-oriented robot, which will work in our daily life as our partner. To develop and improve such an interaction-oriented robot, it is necessary to find out the evaluation method of the human-robot interaction. We tried to evaluate the robot named "Robovie", which has a human-like upper torso, a sufficient physical expressing ability, and abundant sensors for communicating with humans. Robovie autonomously exhibits playing behaviors such as a handshake, hug, and short conversation, based on visual, auditory, and tactile information. For the evaluation, we installed three behavior patterns "passive", "ac- tive" , and "complex"into Robovie. As the result, "passive"pattern brought the best impression. We also analyze the dynamic aspects of the interactions with a concept of "entrain level", then we suggest interaction-chain model for human-robot communication.
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Keepon is a small creature-like robot designed for simple, natural, nonverbal interaction with children. The minimal design of Keepon's appearance and behavior is meant to intuitively and comfortably convey the robot's ex-pressions of attention and emotion. For the past few years, we have been observing interactions between Keepon and children at various levels of physical, mental, and social de-velopment. With typically developing children, we have ob-served varying styles of play that suggest a progression in ontological understanding of the robot. With children suffer-ing from developmental disorders such as autism, we have observed interactive behaviors that suggest Keepon's design is effective in eliciting a motivation to share mental states. Finally, in developing technology for interpersonal coordi-nation and interactional synchrony, we have observed an im-portant role of rhythm in establishing engagement between people and robots. This paper presents a comprehensive sur-vey of work done with Keepon to date. Some portions of this paper are modified from content appearing in [28–32, 34, 35].
Game theory, the formalized study of strategy, began in the 1940s by asking how emotionless geniuses should play games, but ignored until recently how average people with emotions and limited foresight actually play games. This book marks the first substantial and authoritative effort to close this gap. Colin Camerer, one of the field's leading figures, uses psychological principles and hundreds of experiments to develop mathematical theories of reciprocity, limited strategizing, and learning, which help predict what real people and companies do in strategic situations. Unifying a wealth of information from ongoing studies in strategic behavior, he takes the experimental science of behavioral economics a major step forward. He does so in lucid, friendly prose. Behavioral game theory has three ingredients that come clearly into focus in this book: mathematical theories of how moral obligation and vengeance affect the way people bargain and trust each other; a theory of how limits in the brain constrain the number of steps of "I think he thinks . . ." reasoning people naturally do; and a theory of how people learn from experience to make better strategic decisions. Strategic interactions that can be explained by behavioral game theory include bargaining, games of bluffing as in sports and poker, strikes, how conventions help coordinate a joint activity, price competition and patent races, and building up reputations for trustworthiness or ruthlessness in business or life.
“Mentalizing” is the ability to attribute mental states to other agents. The lack of online mentalizing, which is required in actual social contexts, may cause serious social disorders such as autism. However, the mechanism of online mentalizing is still unclear. In this study, we found that behavioral entropy (which indicates the randomness of decision making) was an efficient behavioral index for online mentalizing in a human-human competitive game. Further participants played the game with a humanoid robot; the results indicated that the entropy was significantly higher in participants whose gaze followed the robot's head turn than in those who did not, although the explicit human-likeness of the robot did not correlate with behavioral entropy. These results implied that mentalizing could be divided into two separate processes: an explicit, logical reasoning process and an implicit, intuitive process driven by perception of the other agent's gaze. We hypothesize that the latter is a core process for online mentalizing, and we argue that the social problems of autistic people are caused by dysfunction of this process.
In this paper, we report an android robot system to support medical and welfare fields using communication, and a demonstration experiment using this system at a pain clinic. An android which consist of the system is Actroid-F very similar to real female and can exhibit various facial expressions such as smile, anger and surprise. Since the android and an air-servo control system are light, compact and noiseless, it is easy to introduce them into the medical and welfare fields. The android system has various operation methods. For example, the android can be controlled based on target person's head and facial motion captured by a camera. Using this system, we examined patient's impressions for the android which nod and smile at patients in a medical examination room as a bystander at a pain clinic. As a result, it was revealed that about 30% of 70 patients preferred the presence of the android, and about 80% had no aversion. Elderly patients showed to have positive impressions for the android. Female patients tended to have more positive impressions compared to male. These results show the potentiality of the android in a medical examination room.
The somatic marker hypothesis asserts that decision-making can be guided by feedback of bodily states to the brain. In line with this hypothesis, the present study tested whether sympathetic activity shows an association with a tonic dimension of decision-making, exploratory tendency represented by entropy in information theory, and further examined the neural mechanisms of the association. Twenty participants performed a stochastic reversal learning task that required decision-making in an unstable and uncertain situation. Regional cerebral blood flow was evaluated using (15)O-water positron emission tomography (PET), and cardiovascular indices and concentrations of catecholamine in peripheral blood were also measured, during the task. In reversal learning, increased epinephrine during the task positively correlated with larger entropy, indicating a greater tendency for exploration in decision-making. The increase of epinephrine also correlated with brain activity revealed by PET in the somatosensory cortices, anterior insula, dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, and dorsal pons. This result is consistent with previously reported brain matrixes of representation of bodily states and interoception. In addition, activity of the anterior insula specifically affected entropy, suggesting possible mediation of this brain region between peripheral sympathetic arousal and exploration in decision-making. These findings shed a new light about a role of bodily states in decision-making and underlying neural mechanisms.