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An estimate of the prevalence of autism-spectrum disorders in an incarcerated population

  • Independent Practice, Little Rock, Arkansas

Abstract and Figures

In the current study, we used the Adult Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) to assess the prevalence of autism-spectrum disorders (ASD) in a maximum-security prison in the United States. Results indicated that, employing a conservative cutoff score, 4.4% of inmates may meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ASD. While this finding is commensurate with previous research involving other criminal populations, it is four times greater than the rate of ASD in the general population. The current study is the first to examine the prevalence of ASD in criminal populations with a U.S. prison population sample. Given the important implications for both the judicial system and offender treatment, further research concerning the prevalence of ASD in forensic populations is needed.
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Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology -- 2012: 69-80
An Estimate of the Prevalence of Autism-Spectrum Disorders
in an Incarcerated Population
Rachel L. Fazio, Christina A. Pietz, and Robert L. Denney
The School of Professional Psychology at Forest Institute
Springfield, Missouri, USA, Email:
In the current study, we used the Adult Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) to assess the
prevalence of autism-spectrum disorders (ASD) in a maximum-security prison in the
United States. Results indicated that, employing a conservative cutoff score, 4.4% of
inmates may meet the criteria for a diagnosis of ASD. While this finding is
commensurate with previous research involving other criminal populations, it is four
times greater than the rate of ASD in the general population. The current study is the
first to examine the prevalence of ASD in criminal populations with a U.S. prison
population sample. Given the important implications for both the judicial system and
offender treatment, further research concerning the prevalence of ASD in forensic
populations is needed.
Keywords: Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, sex offenders
Recently, researchers have begun to critically examine the prevalence of individuals
diagnosed with Autism-Spectrum Disorders (ASD) within the criminal-justice system as
well as the implications the diagnosis carries as they progress through legal
proceedings (Browning & Caulfield, 2011). This research adds to the numerous case
studies that have addressed the relation between ASD and violent or sexual offending
behavior (Baron-Cohen, 1988; Chesterman & Rutter, 1993; Haskins & Silva, 2006;
Mawson, Grounds, & Tantam, 1985; Murrie, Warren, Kristiansson, & Dietz, 2002). To
start, Scragg and Shah (1994) examined the prevalence of Asperger’s Syndrome (AS)
in a special hospital in Britain and determined that 1.5% of the population could be
diagnosed with AS. In the event that equivocal cases were included, the prevalence
rose to 2.3%. Similar results were obtained in a later study of special hospitals in
England (Hare, Gould, Mills, & Wing, 1999). In this study, 2.4% of the population of
three special hospitals met criteria for a diagnosis of ASD, which increased to 5.3% with
equivocal or incomplete cases included. Siponmaa, Kristiansson, Jonson, Nyden, &
Gillberg (2001) examined the prevalence of various neuropsychiatric disorders in young
adults referred for pre-sentencing evaluations in Sweden over a five-year period. They
determined none of their patients could be diagnosed with autism, but four percent
could be diagnosed with AS. When probable cases were included, the figure rose to
ten percent. These findings indicate significantly higher rates of ASD among those in
criminal justice settings as compared to the general population. In the United States, for
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example, the prevalence of ASD is currently estimated at .9% (Centers for Disease
Control [CDC], 2009).
While the aforementioned research has indicated a higher prevalence of those with
ASD in various forensic settings, Mourisden, Rich, Isager, and Nedergaard (2008)
conducted a retrospective case-control study of those with ASD. They found that, while
those with autism were much less likely to be convicted of a crime (.9%) as compared to
controls (18.9%), 18.4% of those with AS were convicted of criminal offenses as
opposed to 19.6% of matched controls. The same study found those with AS were
significantly more likely to commit arson, and there was a trend towards increased
likeliness to commit sexual offenses. No differences were found, however, with respect
to other offense types. In another, smaller community-based study, Woodbury-Smith,
Clare, Holland, and Kearns (2006) found individuals with ASD were less likely to offend
compared to a neuro-typical control group, but they were more likely to commit property
damage or acts of violence than controls, who had a higher incidence of drug offenses.
Another potentially important implication of carrying a diagnosis of ASD in criminal
justice proceedings deals specifically with disposition of the case. It has been argued
the current handling of ASD within the criminal justice system is inconsistent and
insufficient to effectively manage individuals with ASD (Browning & Caulfield, 2011).
Due to a lack of knowledge on the part of an attorney, judge, or jury, an offender
diagnosed with an ASD may be viewed more as a cold, remorseless recidivist, rather
than a person with a mental-health diagnosis or neurobiological deficit. And while it
should be assessed on an individual basis, those with severe ASD may also have
cognitive deficits that would impact their competency-related abilities; a diagnosis of
ASD could also be considered when assessing criminal responsibility or as a mitigating
factor during sentencing (Browning & Caulfield, 2011).
Finally, in the event that the legal system diverts individuals with ASD who become
involved in criminal proceedings into mental-health treatment, there is still the question
of finding appropriate, effective services for them. Hare et al. (1999) found those with
ASD were detained two to three years longer than those with other diagnoses in secure
psychiatric settings. In this same vein, studies concerning treatment of those with ASD
or other cognitive limitations have not always shown promising results. One study
began with ten men with intellectual disabilities (six of whom had ASD) and sexual
offending behavior (Murphy, Powell, Guzman, & Hays, 2007). A modified treatment
group was offered on two occasions: two of the men with ASD who completed the
yearlong group on the first occasion also repeated it on the second occasion. Despite
the extensive treatment, one man with ASD continued his sexual-offending behavior
throughout the time he attended both groups, and three men had committed new sexual
offenses at six-month follow-up, all of whom were on the autism spectrum. If indeed
those with ASD are over-represented in the criminal justice system and also detained
longer, it is of utmost importance to develop effective treatments specifically for this
population to reduce criminal behavior and recidivism rates.
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The Current Study
To date, all existing studies concerning the prevalence of ASD in forensic settings have
been conducted overseas; therefore, the generalizability of the prevalence rates to the
United States criminal justice system is questionable. In addition, studies conducted at
secure psychiatric hospitals and with pre-sentencing evaluees are limited in the extent
to which they can generalize to the broader criminal population. The current study
presents data concerning the prevalence of ASD of those incarcerated in a maximum-
security prison in the Midwestern United States. We hope to provide some indication
that criminal behavior may be more common in individuals with ASD than what has
historically been considered (Kohn, Fahum, Ratzoni, & Apter, 1998).
Approximately 1800 male inmates residing in a single maximum-security state prison in
the Midwest were asked to participate in the survey. Of this number, 431 (24%)
completed the survey. Participant age ranged from 19 to 74, (Mage = 38, SD = 11.8).
Participants had an average of 2 current convictions (SD = 2.3) and 1 prior conviction
(SD = 2). The average current sentence was 15.8 years (SD = 12.2); the average
previous sentence was four years (SD = 4.3). Most participants (71.9%) scored 5 or
higher on the Violence Rating Scale (VRS). A complete description of the VRS follows.
As can be seen in Table 1, however, this score was largely due to the sex offenders in
the sample being almost entirely contact offenders. The non-sexual offenders had a
wider variety of convictions, such as convictions for driving violations and drug sales.
The majority of the participants in this sample (59.9%) had current or prior convictions
for sexual offenses. This was partially due to the sampling method used for data
collection; sex offenders were housed in separate housing units from non-sex offenders
and not all housing units were sampled. Please see Table 1 for demographic data
reported as a single group as well as by offense group.
Materials and Methods
The Adult Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ; Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin,
& Clubley, 2001) was administered to assess autism-spectrum traits. The AQ is a 50-
item self-report instrument designed with ten questions in each of five content areas.
The content areas are social skills, attention switching, attention to detail,
communication, and imagination (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001). Some subsequent
analyses have supported a three-factor structure to improve internal consistency (Hurst,
Mitchell, Kimbrel, Kwapil, & Nelson-Gray, 2007). The three factors were best described
as social skills, detail/patterns, and communication. These areas match the “autistic
triad” of symptoms reported in the DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association,
2000). The initial psychometric assessment of the instrument demonstrated good test-
retest reliability; ratings were also consistent between self-report and parent-report with
self-report producing slightly more conservative scores (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001).
Additionally, the AQ has been validated cross-culturally (Voracek & Dressler, 2006;
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Wakabayashi, Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, & Tojo, 2006) and with a clinical sample
referred for suspected ASD (Woodbury-Smith, Robinson, Wheelwright, & Baron-Cohen,
2005) among others.
Previous research has shown the AQ is effective as a general population screener for
ASD using a cutoff score of 32 (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001). However, Woodbury-Smith
et al. (2005) determined a cutoff score of 26 was more effective when screening for
ASD in clinical populations. In the current study, results are presented using the
conservative cutoff score of 32, and in a continuous format where possible, because the
optimal cutoff score for criminal populations has not been determined. As the existing
research suggests, ASD may also be related to arson and sexual offending behavior; in
particular, results for those convicted of sexual offenses will be analyzed separately. No
participants had a conviction for arson, thus eliminating the need for analysis on this
Demographic data (participant age, race/ethnicity, offense history, sentence, and
educational/reading level) were provided by the State Department of Corrections and
coded by the first author. The participants’ most violent offense was also coded using
the Violence Rating Scale (VRS; Young, Justice, & Erdberg, 1999). A rating of “1” on
the Violence Rating Scale indicates a non-violent crime; a rating of “2” indicates
ambiguous violence such as escape or theft; a rating of “3” indicates a property crime.
At ratings of “4” and above, the crimes become more violent, with a “4” indicating threat
of violence. Attacks on persons receive a rating of “5,” crimes involving a loss of life are
rated as a “6,” and the rating of “7” is reserved for extreme violence, such as serial
murder (Young et al., 1999). The purpose of the VRS was to provide the most efficient
manner of quantifying the array of offenses present in the current study’s sample.
The study was announced in the participants’ housing units. Potential participants
assembled in the common area. The researcher read a script explaining the project
while the surveys were distributed. At the conclusion of the testing script, participants
were free to ask questions and agree or decline to participation. All participants signed
informed consent forms, which were approved by both Forest Institute and the
Department of Corrections. Upon receipt of consent, demographic data were obtained
from inmates’ electronic files within the Department of Corrections.
The mean AQ score was 20 (SD = 6.4). Using the cutoff score of 32, 4.4% of the
sample (n = 19) may meet criteria as having an ASD1. Unfortunately, definitive
diagnosis was not possible due to lack of access to protected health information and
independently validated developmental data. Assuming similar psychometric
1 In the initial study, 80% of those with ASD scored in this range as opposed to only 2% of the general
population. In the validation study in a clinical sample, both the sensitivity and specificity at this cutoff
were approximately 75% resulting in a correct classification rate of 76%.
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functioning to the initial and validation studies, however, the majority of these individuals
are likely correctly classified (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001; Woodbury-Smith et al., 2005).
While the distribution of AQ scores was approximately normal, the distribution of a
number of other variables was not, leading to some non-parametric tests being used for
statistical analyses. Please refer to Table 2 for a distribution of Adult Autism-Spectrum
Quotient scores.
Correlations were conducted between AQ and all demographic variables. AQ showed a
marginally significant correlation with age (Spearman’s r = .10, p = .047). In addition,
age was significantly correlated with eduation (Spearman’s r = -.21, p < .001). The
effect of race on AQ was examined by collapsing participants into Caucasian and non-
Caucasian categories in order to have a sufficient sample size in both categories;
differences between groups were then assessed. Independent samples t-test indicated
that the two groups differed significantly on mean AQ score: t(189.8) = 3.32, p = .001,
with the Caucasian participants having a higher score (M = 20.5, SD = 6.6) than the
non-Caucasian participants (M = 18.4, SD = 5.2). A second independent samples t-test
was conducted to determine if convicted sex offenders scored significantly different on
the AQ compared to non-sex offenders. Results revealed higher mean AQ scores for
the sex-offender group compared to non sex offenders: t(419) = -2.1, p = .038 (M =
20.5, SD = 6.9; M = 19.3, SD = 5.4, respectively).
A series of linear regressions was performed to explore the predictive ability of age,
race, education, and sex-offender status to explain AQ score. The first linear regression
explored the effects of the demographic variables (age, race, and education) on AQ.
The Model was significant: F(3, 415) = 9.1, p < .001, explaining 5.5% of the Model’s
variance. A second regression was performed with sex-offender status added. This
Model was also significant: F(4, 414) = 7.4, p < .001, explaining 5.8% of the variance. In
order to determine if sex-offender status was adding predictive utility to the first Model, a
hierarchical linear regression was conducted with the demographic variables in step one
and sex-offender status in step two. The difference between the steps was not
significant: Fchange(1, 414) = 2.3, p = .133. This suggests that the relation between
sex-offender status and higher AQ score is a result of demographic variables, as sex
offenders were more likely to be Caucasian (χ2 (1, n = 431) = 17.02, p < .001), were
significantly older (M = 41.3 and 33.3, respectively, U = 13454.5, z = -6.99, p <.001),
and had a different distribution of eduational levels (χ2 (3, n = 419) = 16.31, p = .001).
Specifically, 26.4% of the non-sex offenders had less than a high school education
compared to 13.1% of the sex offenders. Alternately, while 10.2% of the non-sex
offenders completed college, 19.8% of the sex offenders had done so.
As per normed data on the AQ, the inmates in the current study had a higher rate of
autism-spectrum disorders compared to the general population. Even using a
conservative cutoff score of 32, the estimated rate of ASD would be 4.4%, which is four
times more than that of the general population in the United States. These results are
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particularly remarkable given the recent increase in the diagnosis of autism-spectrum
disorders in the US. Per the age of the participants in this study, they are not
demographically a large part of the “autism boom” of the 90’s. This makes their
estimated prevalence of ASD even higher relative to their age cohort.
This finding is strikingly similar to the preliminary research by other authors concerning
the prevalence of ASD in criminal populations. While the three other studies (Hare et
al., 1999; Scragg & Shah, 1994; Siponmaa et al., 2001) regarding the prevalence of
ASD in criminal settings have been performed in different countries, using different
methods of diagnosis, in different criminal settings, and with different age groups, all
have found a prevalence of ASD between 1.5% and 5.3%, or higher with equivocal
cases included. This relatively stable estimate may indicate that those with ASD are,
indeed, overrepresented in criminal settings at the rate of approximately 3-4%, on
average. As previously mentioned, the interaction of those with ASD with the legal
system raises important questions not only on the front end of judicial proceedings,
such as issues relating to competency and criminal responsibility, but also indicates a
need for mental-health professionals to address the specific treatment needs of this
population to reduce criminal behavior and recidivism.
Several demographic variables correlated with AQ. The correlation of AQ score with
education is not unexpected. Those with more autism-spectrum traits are generally
increasingly likely to have either intellectual impairments or behavioral issues that would
interfere with their educational/reading level. The slight correlation with age is
somewhat harder to explain, but one explanation could be the likelihood that older
individuals may be less concerned with social norms and more comfortable pursuing
solitary hobbies or more set in one’s routines compared to their younger counterparts.
Alternately, length of incarceration was not measured in this study, so this tendency for
solitary activity and routine could also be explained by more adaptation to a correctional
lifestyle. Other studies (CDC, 2009) have shown that Caucasian children do have a
higher prevalence rate of ASD (9.9 per 1,000) compared to both African-American (7.2
per 1,000) and Hispanic children (5.9 per 1,000), making the higher AQ score among
Caucasian participants also expected. While AQ did correlate with these variables, the
correlations, although statistically significant, were small, and explained only 5.5% of the
variance in AQ score. Despite the existing case-study literature suggesting otherwise,
sex-offender status accounted for no significant portion of the variance in AQ score
above that explained by demographic variables.
Although the current study is significant in that it helps to further solidify the emerging
research concerning the prevalence of ASD in criminal populations, it does have a
number of limitations. The AQ may benefit from revision in order to achieve maximum
effectiveness with a criminal population, particularly with sex offenders. Two of the
items on the AQ ask about finding it easy to play games involving pretending with
children. These items were frequently skipped by the participants who were sex
offenders, the majority of whom were convicted of child molestation. Additionally, as the
AQ has not yet been validated with criminal or forensic populations, it is impossible to
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be certain what cutoff score yields the most accurate estimate of ASD in this population.
Further, this study did have a relatively low participation rate (24%). This could lead to
bias in the sample. The low participation rate is believed to be largely due to mistrust of
the prison system among the inmates. When some units were surveyed, it was noted
that legally minded inmates would attempt to dissuade others from participating. This
seemed to be due to a fear that the collected information could be used against them in
some way, such as civil commitment. Lack of an incentive also reduced interest among
the potential participants.
The self-selected nature of the participants could also introduce bias into the sample for
other reasons. For example, the selection method could have reduced the estimated
prevalence of ASD in the sample, as those with ASD tend to dislike changes in routine.
Participation in this study was certainly a change in the normal prison routine. Similarly,
the demographic features of this particular sample are not representative of the general
prison population of the US. This sample tended to be older and Caucasian (average
age 38 years and 78% Caucasian) compared to that of the total prison population of the
U.S. (51% under 35 years old; 33% Caucasian; Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2010).
This is partially due to the over-representation of sex offenders in this sample, which
tended to be older and have a high proportion of Caucasian offenders, although the
racial demographics are also representative of the state in which the data were
collected. The different demographic features and the single physical location of the
sample could indicate that results would not generalize to other criminal populations.
The prevalence of ASD in a general prison or jail population has yet to be fully
established. Although research has been performed concerning the prevalence of
these disorders in secure hospitals, young offenders, and now a sample from a
maximum-security prison, these findings are all from very specific subsets of the
general criminal population. Additionally, each of the studies has been performed in a
different country using different assessment methods. Despite these methodological
disparities, all have shown similarly elevated rates of ASD in criminal populations. This
has a number of implications for the criminal justice system as ASD could conceivably
impact competency to stand trial, provide a basis for an insanity defense, or be
accepted as a mitigating factor during sentencing (see Barry-Walsh & Mullen, 2004, and
Browning & Caulfield, 2011, for a discussion of these possibilities). Given the important
implications for both the judicial system and for offender treatment, further research
concerning the prevalence of ASD in forensic populations should be of high priority.
The rapidly increasing prevalence rates of ASD may be foreshadowing a looming issue
for forensic psychologists and the criminal justice system in general.
Received May 28, 2012; revision submitted August 1, 2012
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Table 1. Demographic Characteristics – Total and Offense Group – N = 431
Demographic Characteristics
Race/Ethnicity (%)
Age (SD)
41.3 (11.8)
33.27 (9.9)
Total Current Convictions (SD)
2.3 (2.0)
2.3 (2.6)
Total Previous Convictions (SD)
.65 (1.7)
1.2 (2.3)
Average Current Sentence (years, SD)
16.9 (11.3)
14.3 (13.4)
Average Past Sentence (years, SD)
4.0 (3.7)
4.0 (4.9)
Reading/Education Level (%)
< 6th grade
6th grade
College Degree
Violence Rating Scale Highest Offense (%)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Note. Those whose educational/reading level could not be determined (2.6% of the sample) were not
included under reading/education level.
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Table 2. Distribution of Adult Autism-Spectrum Quotient Scores
AQ Scores
... The AQ has been used in a variety of previous research studies in both its 50-item and 10-item forms, including in prison-based research (e.g. Fazio et al., 2012;Loureiro et al., 2018;Robinson et al., 2012). The AQ50 measures autistic traits across five subscale areas: "Social Skill", "Attention Switching", "Attention to Detail", "Communication" and "Imagination". ...
Full-text available
Research suggests that autistic individuals have qualitatively unique experiences of prison social environments, and that these experiences may have implications for autistic prisoners’ mental wellbeing and engagement with offending behaviour interventions. However, this has yet to be quantitatively tested. Using a sample of 177 adult prisoners from two UK prisons that exclusively house individuals with sexual convictions, this study tested a hypothesised double-mediation model, to investigate associations between autistic traits and prisoners’ readiness to engage with treatment, and whether this was mediated by experiences of the prison social climate and mental wellbeing. Results indicated that prisoners with higher levels of autistic traits had poorer experiences of prison social climates, which, in turn, predicted higher levels of anxiety and depression, which subsequently predicted reduced level readiness to engage with offending behaviour interventions. Implications for research and practice are discussed, emphasising the need for increased autism-related awareness and support provisions in prisons.
... However, findings are inconsistent, with some research indicating that autistic young people are more likely to come into contact with the CJS [59]. Although some consider autism to be under-recognised within the CJS [58,60], others have reported higher rates of autism in youth and adult forensic populations compared with the general population, with rates ranging between − 4 and 4.4% [61,62]. ...
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Background Autism spectrum disorder (hereafter referred to as autism) is characterised by difficulties with (i) social communication, social interaction, and (ii) restricted and repetitive interests and behaviours. Estimates of autism prevalence within the criminal justice system (CJS) vary considerably, but there is evidence to suggest that the condition can be missed or misidentified within this population. Autism has implications for an individual’s journey through the CJS, from police questioning and engagement in court proceedings through to risk assessment, formulation, therapeutic approaches, engagement with support services, and long-term social and legal outcomes. Methods This consensus based on professional opinion with input from lived experience aims to provide general principles for consideration by United Kingdom (UK) CJS personnel when working with autistic individuals, focusing on autistic offenders and those suspected of offences. Principles may be transferable to countries beyond the UK. Multidisciplinary professionals and two service users were approached for their input to address the effective identification and support strategies for autistic individuals within the CJS. Results The authors provide a consensus statement including recommendations on the general principles of effective identification, and support strategies for autistic individuals across different levels of the CJS. Conclusion Greater attention needs to be given to this population as they navigate the CJS.
... Despite the wide-ranging variance in estimates, there is a degree of consensus that autistic individuals are overrepresented in the broader CJS context (Cooper et al., 2022;King and Murphy, 2014;Loureiro et al., 2018;Payne et al., 2020), with figures tending to average out higher than the 1-2% prevalence often reported in the general population (Brugha et al., 2011;Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Similarly, whilst there has been some discrepancy in reported prevalence rates (see Underwood et al., 2016) and there are methodological inconsistencies between studies; in the relatively small body of research that has investigated prevalence of autistic individuals serving prison sentences, the suggestion that there is overrepresentation pervades; with an estimated prevalence of up to 8.5% (Ashworth, 2016;Fazio et al., 2012;Robinson et al., 2012;Young et al., 2018). ...
Taking a predominantly social model perspective, this chapter aims to introduce and explore some of the challenges faced by autistic individuals serving prison sentences, which have been identified in contemporary research literature. In addition, the chapter will also identify and explore potentially supportive features of prisons for autistic prisoners. The chapter will open with a brief introduction to the social model perspective on understanding the challenges autistic individuals may face, before specifically exploring how this could be relevant and understood in a prison context. This will be followed by a discussion of some of the most common challenges faced by autistic individuals living in a prison environment. Examples of challenges include: difficulties in the prison social environment, inconsistencies in the prison routine and regime, and aspects of the prison sensory environment. This chapter will then consider some elements of prison life that have been found to be supportive features for autistic prisoners. For example; specialised support provisions, peer support, and additional simple adjustments or accommodations. The chapter will finally consider the nuances associated with rehabilitating autistic prisoners in a prison environment, exploring how the prison context can be both supportive and hindering to interventions and rehabilitation for offending behaviours. This section of the chapter will focus primarily on rehabilitation to address sexual offending behaviours to illustrate key points. The chapter will conclude with overarching recommendations on how best to work with and support autistic prisoners, with a firm focus on utilising inclusive participatory approaches and listening to the voices of autistic prisoners in the design and development of practical changes.
... The prevalence of the disorder in penal settings is significantly higher than in the community 5 : around 4% of inmates present some autistic traits 6,7 , although figures of between 9 8 and 18% 9 . have also been detected. ...
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Introduction: Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by intolerance of change, empathy deficits, misunderstandings, and emotional dysregulation. Core symptoms can determine criminal behaviour and subsequent interactions with the penal system. A significant presence of such symptoms is detected in forensic settings. The objective of this study is to analyze the characteristics of autism within the prison context, summarizing and updating the knowledge in this field. Material and method: Systematic review through databases on studies that analyze the socio-demographic, clinical, and judicial characteristics of prisoners diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Results: Autistic traits constitute an independent risk factor for incarceration. Those inmates with autism spectrum disorder frequently present psychiatric comorbidity, especially substance use disorder, psychotic disorders, and other neuro-developmental disorders. They are associated with a greater probability of self-harming thoughts and disruptive behaviours, which are not predicted by the usual evaluation tools. Discussion: Prisoners with autism spectrum disorder have a differential socio-demographic, clinical, and criminal profile. A specific approach that is different from the one provided for neurotypical prisoners should be offered to these inmates. Infrastructures should be adapted to reduce fragility, and make the environment more flexible and specific methods for evaluation and treatment should be developed.
Adults and young people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) may come into contact with the criminal justice system as either victims, witnesses, or perpetrators of alleged criminal activity. It is crucial, therefore, that the criminal justice system (CJS) is able to respond appropriately when faced with such an individual who may, if higher functioning, appear to all intents and purpose “normal.” It is equally crucial that caregivers, families, and health professionals have an understanding of the factors that may lead to CJS involvement such that strategies can be put in place to reduce the risk of unlawful behavior. While it is certainly true that autistic people are vulnerable to being a victim of crime, much of the literature has been concerned with the risks of perpetration. This is driven, in part at least, by the potentially far reaching consequences for the individual who is accused of a crime. As will be discussed subsequently, despite the lack of clear scientific data regarding the epidemiology and etiology of unlawful behavior among autistic people, many different factors related to the autism phenotype can theoretically impact on risk, and an understanding of these factors can reduce this risk. Understanding these risk factors can also inform the rehabilitation needs of such individuals, who may not necessarily benefit from generic forensic mental health services. Moreover, for those already in the CJS, much can be done to ensure that their vulnerability is recognized and managed accordingly.
There is an overrepresentation of people with intellectual disabilities in prison. People with learning disabilities face inequalities in the support provided in prison and throughout the Criminal Justice System and are therefore at a disadvantage compared to the general population. This chapter will commence with definitions of intellectual disabilities and the changes in these definitions due to changing legislation and policy, which is partially due to the changing societal attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities. The use of different terminology will then be considered both in relation to international differences and variations in UK health and criminal justice service provision. Common physical and mental health comorbidities of people with intellectual disabilities will be discussed due to the inequalities in health outcomes compared with the general population. Then, presenting issues in the identification of prisoners with intellectual disabilities through screening and assessment will be examined. Finally, availability and provision of programmes and support for prisoners with intellectual disabilities will be presented, including the role of the learning disability nurse.KeywordsLearning disabilitiesIntellectual disabilitiesHealth inequalitiesPrison nurseScreening and assessmentScreening for cognitive declinePrison officersCase studies
Tanulmányomban az autizmus spektrum zavar (ASD) egyik speciális és ritkán kutatott társadalmi aspektusát vizsgálom. Elsősorban a felnőtt ASD kapcsán, kevés tanulmány foglalkozik bűnelkövetésükkel, illetve a büntető igazságszolgáltatás rendszerében való megjelenésükkel, különleges helyzetükkel és igényeikkel. A tanulmányon belül kiemelem a szociális munka speciális szerepét és kompetenciáját, illetve a rendvédelmi szervek felelősségét.
Evidence has shown a high prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders amongst offenders in custodial institutions. Bringing together the latest knowledge and understanding, this book describes the needs of offenders who present with neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, intellectual disability and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The book covers aetiology, prevalence, comorbid mental disorders, legal issues, assessment including risk assessments, diagnosis and therapeutic approaches. It describes care pathways through the criminal justice system across the UK and internationally, including the current and ongoing developments of services for this group. With contributions from experts in the field including psychiatrists, researchers and psychologists, this book provides a comprehensive summary of the evidence whilst ensuring the focus is for the everyday clinician working in this area. It is an invaluable resource for psychiatrists and other professionals working across the criminal justice system and within forensic services.
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Asperger's Syndrome is a pervasive developmental disorder on the Autistic spectrum. Antisocial behaviour is frequently described as an accompaniment of Asperger's Syndrome although the strength of any association between Asperger's Syndrome and offending remains uncertain. This paper presents five patients with Asperger's Syndrome with a history of offending. For each of them the offending is understandable in the context of the disorder. The specific and general issues raised by these cases in relation to Fitness to Plead and Legal Insanity are considered. Offenders with Asperger's Syndrome have deficits that raise the likelihood that their disorder will render them unfit or be of exculpatory value.
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The prevalence and pattern of offending and other law-breaking among groups of men and women with High Functioning Autism/Asperger Syndrome (ASDs) living in the community has not, so far, been examined empirically. In this study, the illegal behaviours of a small sample (N = 25) of people with ASDs were investigated. Unexpectedly, both self-report and 'official' data indicated that the rate of law-breaking, including offending, was very low. Indeed, it was significantly (p<0.05) lower than that of a stringent non-ASD comparison group (N = 20). Despite similarities, however, there were some striking differences between the patterns of illegal behaviours in the two groups. The participants with a diagnosis of an ASD significantly (p<0.01) less likely to report that they had engaged in illici drugtaking; in contrast, they were significantly more likely (p<0.05) to report activities which could be categorised as 'criminal damage'. Moreover, they tended to have a greater history of violent behaviours. The methodological limitations of this study, particularly the difficulties of recruiting an adequate community sample of people with ASDs, are discussed, together with the implications for the development of services for the small minority of men and women with this diagnosis who are involved in criminal offending and other law-breaking.
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Clinical knowledge of Asperger’s Syndrome and other Autistic Spectrum Disorders has developed enormously since Hans Asperger’s early definition of ‘autistic psychopathy’ in 1944, yet societal misunderstandings persist and recent research claims that individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome are potentially over-represented within the criminal justice system. Furthermore, numerous authorities have expressed concern that those working within the criminal justice sector lack the requisite training to respond effectively to those with Asperger’s Syndrome and consequently affected individuals experience particular difficulty in negotiating the criminal justice process. This article critically explores existing research in this area, investigating potential links between Asperger’s Syndrome and criminality and looks at the level of understanding of this syndrome by the criminal justice system. As Asperger’s Syndrome is associated with reasonable intellectual ability, it presents greater issues for the identification and treatment of people with the syndrome if they come into contact with the criminal justice system. The authors highlight the need for further research into this complex issue, and suggest that those who work within the criminal justice system should be aware of and have access to training and/or appropriately trained colleagues in order that the needs of this particularly vulnerable group might be more effectively met.
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Currently there are no brief, self-administered instruments for measuring the degree to which an adult with normal intelligence has the traits associated with the autistic spectrum. In this paper, we report on a new instrument to assess this: the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ). Individuals score in the range 0–50. Four groups of subjects were assessed: Group 1: 58 adults with Asperger syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA); Group 2: 174 randomly selected controls. Group 3: 840 students in Cambridge University; and Group 4: 16 winners of the UK Mathematics Olympiad. The adults with AS/HFA had a mean AQ score of 35.8 (SD = 6.5), significantly higher than Group 2 controls (M = 16.4, SD = 6.3). 80% of the adults with AS/HFA scored 32+, versus 2% of controls. Among the controls, men scored slightly but significantly higher than women. No women scored extremely highly (AQ score 34+) whereas 4% of men did so. Twice as many men (40%) as women (21%) scored at intermediate levels (AQ score 20+). Among the AS/HFA group, male and female scores did not differ significantly. The students in Cambridge University did not differ from the randomly selected control group, but scientists (including mathematicians) scored significantly higher than both humanities and social sciences students, confirming an earlier study that autistic conditions are associated with scientific skills. Within the sciences, mathematicians scored highest. This was replicated in Group 4, the Mathematics Olympiad winners scoring significantly higher than the male Cambridge humanities students. 6% of the student sample scored 327plus; on the AQ. On interview, 11 out of 11 of these met three or more DSM-IV criteria for AS/HFA, and all were studying sciences/mathematics, and 7 of the 11 met threshold on these criteria. Test—retest and interrater reliability of the AQ was good. The AQ is thus a valuable instrument for rapidly quantifying where any given individual is situated on the continuum from autism to normality. Its potential for screening for autism spectrum conditions in adults of normal intelligence remains to be fully explored.
A self-report screening measure for high functioning autism spectrum disorders is needed for diagnostic screening and research purposes. The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) has been developed for these rea-sons, although a comprehensive assessment of the psychometric properties of the AQ has not been com-pleted. The purpose of the current study was to assess the distribution, internal consistency, and factor structure of the AQ in a non-clinical sample (n = 1005). The current findings demonstrate the normal dis-tribution of autistic traits and support a three-factor structure of the AQ. Additionally, a three-factor ver-sion of the AQ yielded somewhat improved internal consistency. Implications of these findings and suggestions for further development of the AQ as a measure of the autism spectrum are offered.
Researchers and clinicians have devoted increasing attention to Asperger's syndrome during the past two decades. Although Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder, professionals in a variety of settings have begun to consider the diagnosis among adults who manifest social and communication abnormalities. Case studies (e.g., Baron-Cohen, 1988; Kohn et al., 1998) and prevalence research (Scragg & Shah, 1994) from forensic settings indicate that a small subset of Asperger's syndrome patients come into contact with the legal system due to their social impairments and idiosyncratic interests. We provide case histories of individuals with Asperger's syndrome encountered in forensic contexts and discuss the implications of this disorder for forensic clinicians. Our six cases were notable for certain commonalties, including deficient empathy. The cases also revealed ways in which Asperger's patients tend to differ from most individuals in forensic settings.
A number of case reports have been published that describe offending behaviour in people with developmental disorders. None of the offences referred to in these case reports however, has been sexual in nature. The authors describe a case of Asperger's Syndrome where the diagnosis was made in adulthood after the patient had committed several sexual offences. This case raises the possibility that developmental disorders may go unrecognized among forensic psychiatric populations and that they could be an important consideration in certain offences. The kind of behavioural problems typical of Asperger's Syndrome are seen to be clearly related to the offending behaviour.
Abstract Asperger's Syndrome is assumed to be closely related to autism. A case of a 21-yr-old man with Asperger's Syndrome who is frequently violent to his 71-yr-old girlfriend is presented. According to a social-cognitive model of autism, this man is predicted to be markedly impoverished in his appreciation of his victim's thoughts and feelings. Interview-based assessments confirm this deficit, and this is discussed as an important factor in the maintenance of his violence.