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Abstract and Figures

Background: The physical signs of impending death have not been well characterized in cancer patients. A better understanding of these signs may improve the ability of clinicians to diagnose impending death. We examined the frequency and onset of 10 bedside physical signs and their diagnostic performance for impending death. Methods: We systematically documented 10 physical signs every 12 hours from admission to death or discharge in 357 consecutive patients with advanced cancer admitted to two acute palliative care units. We examined the frequency and median onset of each sign from death backward and calculated their likelihood ratios (LRs) associated with death within 3 days. Results: In total, 203 of 357 patients (52 of 151 in the U.S., 151 of 206 in Brazil) died. Decreased level of consciousness, Palliative Performance Scale ≤20%, and dysphagia of liquids appeared at high frequency and >3 days before death and had low specificity (<90%) and positive LR (<5) for impending death. In contrast, apnea periods, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, death rattle, peripheral cyanosis, pulselessness of radial artery, respiration with mandibular movement, and decreased urine output occurred mostly in the last 3 days of life and at lower frequency. Five of these signs had high specificity (>95%) and positive LRs for death within 3 days, including pulselessness of radial artery (positive LR: 15.6; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 13.7-17.4), respiration with mandibular movement (positive LR: 10; 95% CI: 9.1-10.9), decreased urine output (positive LR: 15.2; 95% CI: 13.4-17.1), Cheyne-Stokes breathing (positive LR: 12.4; 95% CI: 10.8-13.9), and death rattle (positive LR: 9; 95% CI: 8.1-9.8). Conclusion: We identified highly specific physical signs associated with death within 3 days among cancer patients.
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Symptom Management and Supportive Care
Clinical Signs of Impending Death in Cancer Patients
Departments of
Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine and
Biostatistics, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston,Texas, USA;
Department of Palliative Care,Barretos Cancer Hospital, Barretos, Brazil;
Division of Biostatistics, Universityof Texas
Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, Texas, USA;
Programa Medicina Paliativa, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad
Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Disclosures of potential conflicts of interest may be found at the end of this article.
Key Words. Death xDiagnosis xNeoplasms xPalliative care xPhysical examination xSensitivity xSigns xSpecificity
Background. The physical signs of impending death have not
been well characterized in cancer patients. A better under-
standing of these signs may improve the ability of clinicians to
diagnose impending death. We examined the frequency
and onset of 10 bedside physical signs and their diagnostic
performance for impending death.
Methods. We systematically documented 10 physical signs
every 12 hours from admission to death or discharge in 357
consecutive patients with advanced cancer admitted to two
acute palliative care units. We examined the frequency and
median onset of each sign from death backward and calculated
their likelihood ratios (LRs) associated with death within 3 days.
Results. In total, 203 of 357 patients (52 of 151 in the U.S., 151
of 206 in Brazil) died. Decreased level of consciousness,
Palliative Performance Scale #20%, and dysphagia of liquids
appeared at high frequency and .3 days before death and had
low specificity (,90%) and positive LR (,5) for impending
death. In contrast, apnea periods, Cheyne-Stokes breathing,
death rattle, peripheral cyanosis, pulselessness of radial artery,
respiration with mandibular movement, and decreased urine
output occurred mostly in the last 3 days of life and at lower
frequency. Fiveof these signs had high specificity (.95%) and
positive LRs for death within 3 days, including pulselessness of
radial artery (positive LR: 15.6; 95% confidence interval [CI]:
13.717.4), respiration with mandibular movement (positive
LR: 10; 95% CI: 9.110.9), decreased urine output (positive LR:
15.2; 95% CI: 13.417.1), Cheyne-Stokes breathing (positive
LR: 12.4; 95% CI: 10.813.9), and death rattle (positive LR: 9;
95% CI: 8.19.8).
Conclusion. We identified highly specific physical signs asso-
ciated with death within 3 days among cancer patients. The
Oncologist 2014;19:681687
Implications for Practice: In this prospective observational study, we identified 5 physical signs (pulselessness of radial artery,
respiration with mandibular movement, decreased urine output, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, and death rattle) that were associated
with a high likelihood of death within 3 days.The presence of these tell-tale signs may assist clinicians to make the diagnosis of
impending death, with implications for important decisions such as hospital discharges and enrollment onto a clinical care
pathway at the end of life.
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide [1]. Timely and
accurate diagnosis of impending death (i.e., death within
days) is of utmost importance to clinicians, patients, and
families. Many important decisions related to the quality of
end-of-life care, such as discharge planning, hospice trans-
fers, and discontinuation of aggressive investigations and
treatments are dependent on a patients prognosis [2].
Currently, the utility of clinical care pathways at the end
of life (e.g., the Liverpool care pathway) is limited by clini-
ciansinability to accurately diagnose impending death [3].
Clinicians often overestimate survival [4, 5] and hesitate to
make the diagnosis of impending death without adequate
supporting evidence.
The trajectory of cancer has been examined in patients
with months and weeks of life expectancy [69]; however, the
physical signs that occur in the last days and hours of liferemain
poorly understood [10]. The frequency and onset of many
clinical signs associated with impending death have not been
systematically examined. A better understanding of the
frequency and onset of these signs and their diagnostic
Correspondence: David Hui, M.D., Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine, Unit 1414, The University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77030, USA. Telephone: 713-606-3376; E-Mail: Received
December 9, 2013; accepted for publication February 21, 2014; first published online in The Oncologist Express on April 23, 2014. ©AlphaMed
Press 1083-7159/2014/$20.00/0
The Oncologist 2014;19:681687 ©AlphaMed Press 2014
by guest on July 7, 2015 from
performance may assist clinicians with the diagnosis of
impending death. The primary objective of this prospective
observational study was to determine the frequency and
onset of 10 clinical signs associated with impending death
(i.e., apnea periods, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, death rattle,
dysphagia of liquids, decreased level of consciousness, Palliative
Performance Scale (PPS) #20%, peripheral cyanosis, pulseless-
ness of radial artery, respiration with mandibular movement,
and urine output over the last 12 hours ,100 mL) in cancer
patients admitted to acute palliative care units (APCUs). Our
secondary objective was to determine their diagnostic perfor-
mance for impending death in 3 days.
Study Setting and Criteria
The Investigating the Process of Dying Study is a prospective
longitudinal observational study. We enrolled consecutive
patients with a diagnosis of advanced cancer who were $18
years of age and admitted to the APCUs at MD Anderson
Cancer Center (MDACC) in the U.S. between April 5, 2010, and
July 6, 2010, and at Barretos Cancer Hospital (BCH) in Brazil
between January 27, 2011, and July 1, 2011. The institutional
review boards at both institutions approved this study and
provided waiver of consent for patient participation. This ap-
proach was adopted to minimize distress during the con-
sent process and to ensure that we could collect data on an
inclusive sample. All clinicians who participated in this study
signed the informed consent prior to patient enrollment.
Patients with advanced cancer and severe distress were
admitted to APCUs for intensive symptom support and/or for
facilitating transitions relating to goals of care (e.g., palliative),
place of care (e.g., home), and teams of care (e.g., hospice).
Both the 12-bed APCU at MDACC and the 45-bed APCU at
BCH are situated within tertiary care cancer centers and pro-
vide comprehensive symptom management and psychosocial
support through an interdisciplinary team, active treatment
of various complications, and discharge planning for acutely ill
patients.Both APCUs have accessto full arrays of diagnostic and
therapeutic measures, such as computed tomography and
intravenous antibiotics. The historical in-hospital mortality rate
was 30% at MDACC and 70% at BCH [11].
Data Collection
To select clinical signs to be captured in this study, our research
team conducted a literature review of published articles
[10, 1214] and educational materials [15] on the process
of dying. We subsequently discussed these signs with par-
ticipating palliative care physicians and nurses. The final list
of 10 targeted bedside signs were selected based on their
prevalence in the literature and included apnea periods,
Cheyne-Stokes breathing, death rattle, dysphagia of liquids,
decreased level of consciousness, decreased PPS, peripheral
cyanosis, pulselessness of radial artery, respiration with
mandibular movement, and decreased urine output.
Table 1 consists of a description of each sign and its coding.
The level of consciousness was documented using the
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale (RASS), a validated 10-
point numeric rating scale that ranges from 25 (unarousable)
to 14 (very agitated), in which 0 denotes a calm and alert
patient [16, 17]. For study purposes, a RASS score of 22or
lower was considered as decreased level of consciousness.
The PPS is a validated 11-point scale ranging from 0% (death)
to 100% (completely asymptomatic) based on the patients
function [18, 19]. A score of #20% indicates that the patient
is completely bed bound and has limited survival [20].
We collected baseline patient demographics on admis-
sion. All nurses who participated in this study worked full time
in palliative care and were experienced in providing care at the
end of life. All nurses attended an orientation session to review
the study objectives and data collection forms. Moreover,
the principal investigators and charge nurses provided
Table 1. Definition of clinical signs
Physical sign Description Criteria for negative sign Criteria for positive sign
Apnea periods Prolonged pauses between each
None ,30 seconds; 3060 seconds;
.60 seconds
Alternating periods of apnea and
hyperpnea with
a crescendo-decrescendo pattern
Absent Present
Death rattle Gurgling sound produced on
inspiration and/or expiration
related to airway secretions
None Audible if very close; audible at the
end of bed; audible .6 meters from
door of room
Dysphagia of liquids Difficulty with fluid intake Absent Present
Decreased level of
Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale 21to4 22to25 (sedation)
performance status
Palliative performance scale,
validated for assessing function
30%100% #20% (bed bound, completely
Peripheral cyanosis Bluish discoloration of extremities None Toes; feet; up to knees
Pulselessness of radial
Inability to palpate radial pulse Normal Left; right; both
Respiration with
mandibular movement
Depression of jaw with inspiration Absent Present
Urine output Measured volume of urine over
a 12-hour period
.3,600 mL; 2,4013,600 mL;
1,2012,400 mL; #1011,200 mL
#100 mL
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682 Clinical Signs of Impending Death
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longitudinal support during the study by reviewing the forms
on a daily basis to ensure they were complete and accurate and
provided education to the nurses on an as needed basis. The
two study sites had weekly video conferences to ensure data
were collected systematically and accurately. The study forms
were translated into Portuguese to facilitate data collection in
Brazil and back-translated to ensure accuracy of translation.
Every 12 hours from admission to discharge or death, clinical
nurses completed standardized data collection forms in-
dependently of prior assessments. The 12-hour period was
chosen based on the duration of the nursing shift.
Survival from time of APCU admission was collected from
institutional databases and electronic health records.
Statistical Analysis
Our preplanned sample size was a combined total of 200
deaths in the two study sites. For signs with a prevalence of
10%, 30%, and 50%, the corresponding 95% confidence
intervals (CIs) were 4.2%, 6.4%, and 6.9%, respectively. This
sample size was able to provide a standard error of the Kaplan-
Meier estimate at a particular time of #0.025 using the
method described by Peto et al. [21, 22].
We summarized the baseline demographics using de-
scriptive statistics. We documented the frequency of each sign
and the median onset from death backward for all patients
who died in the APCUs. The median time of death after first
occurrence of each sign was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier
method, conditional on observation of that particular sign
or symptom. Patients were left censored if they entered the
APCU with the sign already present.
To determine the diagnostic performance of each sign, we
computed the sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio
(LR), and negative LR using a 2 32 diagnostic table with
random sampling, as described previously [23]. We used data
from all 357 patients, instead of only those 203 patients who
died, because it is the entire population in which the diag-
nostic test will be applied. We coded the diagnostic test
result by dichotomizing all the signs into absentor present
(Table 1). For each diagnostic test result, we then determined
whether the patient died in the next 3 days.We selected 3 days
as the cutoff for impending death because our data showed
emergence of many of these signs during this period, and
knowing a patient is in the last 3 days of lifecould have practical
implications for integrated care pathways and discharge de-
cisions. We subsequently constructed a 2 32 table with one
observation per patient based on the presence or absence of
change in a particular vital sign during a randomly sampled
nursing shift and whether that patient died within the next 3
days.To account for the multiple observations for each patient,
we resampled our data 100 times to obtain the average and
95% CI. Missing data were omitted from the analyses.
Positive LR provides an estimate of how many times more
or less likely patients who died within a given time period are to
have a particular physical sign than patients who did not die,
and it is commonly used in diagnostic studies [24]. Positive LRs
of .5 and .10 correspond to good and excellent discrimina-
tory test performance, respectively [24].
SAS version 9.2 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC,
com) was used for statistical analysis. Urinary output was not
routinely collected at BCH.
Patient Characteristics
Consistent with our projection, 52 of 151 MDACC patients
(34%) and 151 of 206 BCH patients (73%) died in the APCU.
Table 2 shows the patient characteristics at APCU admission. At
the time of analysis, 46 (13%) remained alive, with a median
follow-up of 61 days.
Frequency and Onset of Clinical Signs
Table 3 shows the frequency of each clinical sign among the
patients who died in the APCU.Three signs (PPS #20%, RASS 2
2 or lower, and dysphagia of liquids) were documented in
a substantial proportion of patients over the last 7 days of life,
occurring in a majority of decedents 12 hours before death.
In contrast, seven other signs (apnea periods, Cheyne-
Stokes breathing, death rattle, peripheral cyanosis, pulseless-
ness of radial artery, respiration with mandibular movement,
and decreased urine output) were documented in fewer than
half of the patients, even in the last 12 hours of life.
The onset of the 10 clinical signs is shown in Figure 1A. The
median onset was 4 days, 4.5 days, and 7 days prior to death
for PPS #20%, RASS 22 or lower, and dysphagia of liquids,
respectively. In contrast, the seven other signs had a median
onset of 3 days or less before death. The average number of
these seven signs increased in the last 3 days of life (Fig. 1B).
Diagnostic Performance of Clinical Signs
Table 4 illustrates the diagnostic performance of the 10 clinical
signs. The seven signs that emerged in the last 3 days of life
had high specificity (.95%), low sensitivity (,60%), and high
positive LR for impending death in 3 days. Specifically, the
positive LRs were 15.6 (95% CI: 13.717.4) for pulselessness of
radial artery, 15.2 (95% CI: 13.417.1) for decreased urine
output, 12.4 (95% CI: 10.813.9) for Cheyne-Stokes breathing,
10 (95% CI: 9.110.9) for respiration with mandibular
movement, and 9 (95% CI: 8.19.8) for death rattle. In
contrast, PPS #20%, RASS 22 or lower, and dysphagia of
liquids had higher sensitivity, lower specificity, and lower
positive LR.
Despite the universality and fundamental nature of the dying
process, little is known about the frequency and onset of
clinical signs that occur in the last days of life [12, 14, 25, 26]. By
systematically examining the frequency and onset of 10 clinical
signs, we were able to divide them into two categories: early and
late signs. Early signs were observed relatively frequently and
include decreased performance status, decreased oral intake,
and decreased level of consciousness. Because of their low
specificity,these signs could not reliably predict impending death
in 3 days. In contrast, late signs emerged only in the last few
days of life in a smaller proportion of patients and had high
positive LR for impending death in 3 days. The use of late
physical signs may assist clinicians in making the diagnosis of
impending death.
Impending death is a diagnostic issue rather than a prog-
nostic phenomenon because these signs indicate the presence
of an irreversible physiologic process, similar to the diagnosis ©AlphaMed Press 2014
Hui, dos Santos, Chisholm et al. 683
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of a pregnancy or labor. The ability to make this diagnosis
confidently is of great significance because many critical
decisions such as enrollment into integrated care pathways
and discharge planning are based on this diagnosis. Although
some of the signs identified in this paper have been described
anecdotally in review articles and books [10, 1214], this is the
first study to systematically characterize their frequencies,
onset, and LRs, allowing clinicians to differentiate their relative
importance and utilityfor the diagnosisof impendingdeath. Our
findings suggest that simple bedside physical findings may help
clinicians make the diagnosis of impending death.
Our findings also explain why it is difficult for clinicians to
diagnose impending death in advance. Although the presence
of late signs strongly suggest that death is imminent, these
signs are observed relatively infrequently and only in the last
few days of life. Importantly, their absence could not rule out
the possibility that the patient will die shortly, because their
sensitivity is low. In contrast, early signs are common, are
present early, and have only moderate positive LRs (,5) for
impending death in 3 days.
Kehl et al. conducted a systematic review of the signs and
symptoms and identified very few studies on the signs of
Table 2. Patient characteristics
All patients
Patients who were
alive at APCU
discharge (n5154)
Patients who
died in APCU
Age, average (range) 58 (1888) 57 (1886) 58 (1888) .21
Female sex, n(%) 195 (55) 96 (62) 99 (49) .01
Ethnicity, n(%) ,.001
White 98 (28) 60 (39) 38 (19)
Black 21 (6) 15 (10) 6 (3)
Hispanic 233 (65) 75 (49) 158 (78)
Others 5 (1) 4 (3) 1 (1)
Christian religion, n(%) 329 (93) 136 (89) 193 (96) .02
Married, n(%) 206 (58) 92 (61) 114 (57) .47
Education, n(%) .12
High school or lower 243 (76) 96 (71) 147 (80)
College 59 (18) 32 (24) 27 (15)
Advanced 17 (5) 7 (5) 10 (5)
Cancer, n(%) .13
Breast 40 (11) 20 (13) 20 (10)
Gastrointestinal 101 (28) 33 (21) 68 (33)
Genitourinary 37 (10) 16 (10) 21 (10)
Gynecological 41 (11) 25 (16) 16 (8)
Head and neck 26 (7) 10 (6) 16 (8)
Hematological 17 (5) 7 (5) 10 (5)
Others 44 (12) 21 (14) 23 (11)
Respiratory 51 (14) 22 (14) 29 (14)
Comorbidities, n(%)
Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease
16 (4) 12 (8) 4 (2) .01
Heart failure 17 (5) 8 (5) 9 (4) .74
Coronary artery disease 13 (4) 9 (6) 4 (2) .08
Stroke 8 (2) 4 (3) 4 (2) .73
Chronic kidney disease 5 (1) 4 (3) 1 (0.5) .09
Diabetes 50 (14) 22 (14) 28 (14) .89
Months between cancer diagnosis
and palliative care unit
admission, median (IQR)
15 (634) 20 (946) 13 (431) .002
Duration of palliative care unit
admission, days, median (IQR)
6(49) 7 (59) 5 (29) ,.001
Unless otherwise specified.
Fisher exact test (expected cell count ,5).
Mann-Whitney test.
Abbreviations: APCU, acute palliative care unit; IQR, interquartile range.
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impending death [27]. The OPCARE9 project recently used a
Delphi survey by international experts to identify key clinical
signs associated with impending death [28]. They recommended
10 phenomena for further examination (e.g., degradation of
general condition, no fluid or food intake, conscious level
changes, death rattle, breathing pattern changes) that were
similar to our list of 10 signs chosen for this study.
Early signs are useful because they inform us that the
patient is deteriorating. Based on the literature, the presence
of these signs indicates a survival of weeks or less [11, 20, 29].
Seow et al. showed that PPS declined sharply 46 weeks
before death in a cohort of cancer patients [6]. Ourdata added
to this by demonstrating that both performance status and
level of consciousness continue to deteriorate rapidly in the
last week of life. A majority of patients present with these early
signs in the last days of life. Because of their lower specificity,
early signs cannot reliably inform us that death is imminent.
Late signs are important because their appearance sug-
gests that the patient likely has survival only in terms of days
or less. Interestingly, these signs occurred only in the last days
Figure 1. Frequency and onset of clinical signs among 203 patients who died in acute palliative care units. (A): The median time of onset
(95% confidence interval) is shown. The median onset was #3 days before death for seven of these signs. (B): The average number of the
seven late signs (apnea periods, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, death rattle, peripheral cyanosis, pulselessness of radial artery,respiration with
mandibular movement, and decreased urine output) are shown over time, with error bars indicating standard errors.
Table 3. Frequency of 10 clinical signs before death
Physical signs
Frequency of each sign before death, n/N (%)
of sign in
last 3 days
of life,
PPS #20% 23/65
169 (93)
RASS 22or
159 (90)
Dysphagia of
100 (90)
Urine output
over last
12 hours
,100 mL
48 (72)
Death rattle 3/65
110 (66)
Apnea periods 2/65
71 (46)
92 (56)
99 (59)
61 (41)
of radial artery
57 (38)
The nominator was the number of patients with a sign of interest,the denominator was the number of patients with data at the particular time point. The
number of patients in the denominator varied because of the different duration of hospitalization among patients and missing data. For instance,urinary
output was not routinely collected at Barretos Cancer Hospital.
Any occurrence of the sign of interest within the last 3 days of life among patients who died in the acute palliative care unit.
Abbreviations: PPS, Palliative Performance Scale; RASS, Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale. ©AlphaMed Press 2014
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of life and at relatively low frequencies; for instance, only 54%
of patients had any of these seven signs in the last 12 hours
before death. The frequency of death rattle in our study (66%)
is consistent with others [14, 3032]. Consequently, their
absence cannot rule out imminent death, but their presence
can be highly informative.The positive LRs for pulselessness of
radial artery, decreased urine output, Cheyne-Stokes breath-
ing, respiration with mandibular movement, and death rattle
were particularly high. Based on the pretest probability and
positive LR, the post-test probability for impending death can
be determined using either a nomogram or a formula: Prob
LR1]). For example, the pretest probability of dying within
3 days after admission to our APCUs was 38%. The presence
of respiration with mandibular movement (positive LR: 10) in
a patient results in a post-test probability of 86% ([0.38 / (1 2
0.38) 310] / [1 1(0.38 / (1 20.38) 310)]). Upon external
validation in larger samples, the use of these signs alone or in
combination could facilitate the diagnosis of impending death.
This study was powered based on the combined data.
Notably,the two APCUs had different mortality rates because
of different referral patterns and patient characteristics. When
analysis was conducted by site, we found comparable
specificities and sensitivities for the signs between the two
participating institutions, and this finding further strengthens
our results. Furthermore, because LRs are less dependent on
prevalence, they are particularly suited for this analysis.
This study has several limitations. First, we included only
cancer patients who were admitted to APCUs in the Americas,
where they received intensive symptom management and
interprofessional support [33]. Further studies are needed to
determine whether the process of dying is similar in other
settings and in noncancer illnesses. Second, we may have
underestimated the frequency of some signs because of active
interventions in the APCUs (e.g., death rattle); however, it
would have been unethical to withhold treatments. Third,
variations in the prevalence of some signs may be related to
patient differences, cancer diagnoses, and/or how they were
interpreted. The data were highly compatible when analyzed
by study site, demonstrating similar specificities and sensitiv-
ities for each sign. Fourth, we relied on highly trained nurses
instead of physicians to document the clinical signs because
they spend more time at patientsbedsides. All nurses received
an orientation before study initiation and support throughout
the study. Fifth, we did not assess the inter-rater reliability of
these signs. Further validation is needed. Sixth, this study
focused only on 10 physical signs; the frequency and diagnostic
performance for other bedside signs would need to be
examined. Finally, this study included only two centers with
relatively smallpatient populations,and the signs were collected
every 12 hours, which limited the resolution of data. Future
studies should examine the cardinal signs in greater detail.
We methodically documented the frequency, onset, and
diagnostic performance of 10 signs in cancer patients admitted
to APCUs. On further validation, the late signs may assist
clinicians in formulating the diagnosis of impending death,
help patients and families in preparing ahead, and support
researchers in further investigating the process of dying.
We thank all the patients, clinical nurses, and physicians who
participated in this study and provided valuable data. We also
thank Dr. Maxine De La Cruz and Dr. Camila Zimmermann for
scientific input and Dr. Jing Ning for biostatistics advice. This
research is supported in part by a University of Texas MD
Anderson Cancer Center support grant (CA 016672), which
provided the funds for data collection at both study sites. E.B. is
R01NR010162-01A1, R01CA122292-01, and R01CA124481-01.
Conception/Design: David Hui, Stacy Hall, Julieta Fajardo, Eduardo Bruera
Table 4. Diagnostic performance of 10 target clinical signs (n5357)
Physical signs
Missing data,
(95% CI)
(95% CI)
Negative LR
(95% CI)
Positive LR
(95% CI)
PPS #20% 120 (2.1) 64 (63.464.7) 81.3 (80.981.7) 0.44 (0.430.45) 3.5 (3.43.6)
RASS 22 or lower 90 (1.6) 50.5 (49.951.1) 89.3 (88.989.7) 0.6 (0.50.6) 4.9 (4.75)
Dysphagia of liquids 652 (11.7) 40.9 (40.141.7) 78.8 (78.379.2) 0.75 (0.740.76) 1.9 (1.92)
Urine output over last
12 hours ,100 mL
3262 (58) 24.2 (23.225.1) 98.2 (9898.5) 0.77 (0.760.78) 15.2 (13.417.1)
Death rattle 101 (1.8) 22.4 (21.822.9) 97.1 (96.997.3) 0.8 (0.790.81) 9 (8.19.8)
Apnea periods 85 (1.5) 17.6 (17.118) 95.3 (95.195.6) 0.86 (0.860.87) 4.5 (3.75.2)
Respiration with mandibular
86 (1.5) 22 (21.522.4) 97.5 (97.397.6) 0.8 (0.80.81) 10 (9.110.9)
Peripheral cyanosis 90 (1.6) 26.7 (26.127.3) 94.9 (94.795.2) 0.77 (0.770.78) 5.7 (5.46.1)
Cheyne-Stokes breathing 83 (1.5) 14.1 (13.614.5) 98.5 (98.498.7) 0.9 (0.90.9) 12.4 (10.813.9)
Pulselessness of radial artery 94 (1.7) 11.3 (10.911.8) 99.3 (99.299.5) 0.89 (0.890.9) 15.6 (13.717.4)
Urinary output was not routinely collected at Barretos Cancer Hospital.
We computed the sensitivity,specificity,positive LR, and negative LR for each sign for death within 3 days using data from all 357 patients.We constructed
a232 table with one observation per patient based on the presence or absence of a particular sign during a randomly sampled nursing shift and whether
that patient died within the next 3 days from that shift, and then we calculatedthe sensitivity, specificity, positive LR, and negativeLR. To account forthe
multiple observations for each patient, we resampled our data 100 times to obtain the average and 95% confidence interval for each statistic.
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; LR, likelihood ratio; PPS, Palliative Performance Scale; RASS, Richmond Agitation Sedation Scale.
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Provision of study material or patients: David Hui, Renata dos Santos,
Thiago Buosi Silva, Camila Souza Crovador, Raphael de Almeida Leite, Maria
Salete de Angelis Nascimento, Suresh Reddy, Fabiola Seriaco, Sriram Yennu,
Carlos Edurado Paiva, Rony Dev, Stacy Hall, Julieta Fajardo, Eduardo Bruera
Collection and/or assembly of data: David Hui, Renata dos Santos, Swati
Bansal, Thiago Buosi Silva, Kelly Kilgore, Camila Souza Crovador, Raphael de
Almeida Leite, Maria Salete de Angelis Nascimento, Suresh Reddy, Fabiola
Seriaco, Sriram Yennu, Carlos Edurado Paiva, Rony Dev, Stacy Hall, Julieta
Fajardo, Eduardo Bruera
Data analysis and interpretation: David Hui, Gary Chisholm, Swati Bansal,
Xiaoying Yu, Michael D. Swartz, Pedro Emilio Perez-Cruz, Eduardo Bruera
Manuscript writing: David Hui, Renata dos Santos, Gary Chisholm, Swati
Bansal, Thiago Buosi Silva, Kelly Kilgore, Camila Souza Crovador, Xiaoying Yu,
Michael D. Swartz, Pedro Emilio Perez-Cruz, Raphael de Almeida Leite, Maria
Salete de Angelis Nascimento, Suresh Reddy, Fabiola Seriaco, Sriram Yennu,
Carlos Edurado Paiva, Rony Dev, Stacy Hall, Julieta Fajardo, Eduardo Bruera
Final approval of manuscript: David Hui, Renata dos Santos, Gary Chisholm,
Swati Bansal, Thiago Buosi Silva, Kelly Kilgore, Camila Souza Crovador,
Xiaoying Yu, Michael D. Swartz, PedroEmilio Perez-Cruz, Raphael de Almeida
Leite, Maria Salete de Angelis Nascimento, Suresh Reddy, Fabiola Seriaco,
Sriram Yennu, Carlos Edurado Paiva, Rony Dev, Stacy Hall, Julieta Fajardo,
Eduardo Bruera
The authors indicated no financial relationships.
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CME This article is available for continuing medical education credit at ©AlphaMed Press 2014
Hui, dos Santos, Chisholm et al. 687
by guest on July 7, 2015 from
... Twelve articles were prospective observational studies (seven were multicentre studies) (Hui et al., 2015a(Hui et al., , 2015bHwang et al., 2013;Bruera et al., 2014), and one was a retrospective cohort study (Christ et al., 2022). Twelve studies were conducted in palliative care units or teams (Hosoi et al., 2021;Ikari et al., 2021aIkari et al., , 2021bMori et al., 2021;Hui et al., 2015aHui et al., , 2015bHui et al., , 2014Matsunami et al., 2018;Hwang et al., 2013;Bruera et al., 2014;Christ et al., 2022). Three studies included cancer and noncancer patients (Matsunami et al., 2018;White et al., 2019;Christ et al., 2022), and one was specifically in a respiratory medicine ward (Matsunami et al., 2018). ...
... However, these changes have limited predictive value and many patients have unchanged vital signs during the last few days of life (Bruera et al., 2014). Hui et al. (2014) identified clinical signs of impending death such as pulselessness of the radial artery, respiration with mandibular movement, decreased urine output, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, and death rattle. Further research found additional indicators, including nonreactive pupils, decreased response to stimuli, inability to close eyelids, drooping of the nasolabial fold, hyperextension of the neck, vocal cord grunting, and upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Hui et al., 2015b. ...
... Researchers have shown that mandibular movement during respiration, although with different prevalence data, is the most specific indicator of impending death, regardless of the presence or absence of cancer (Hosoi et al., 2021;Mori et al., 2021;Matsunami et al., 2018;Hui et al., 2014;White et al., 2019). Other cardiovascular parameters, such as changes in blood pressure, can also help diagnose impending death within 2-3 days (Hwang et al., 2013;Bruera et al., 2014). ...
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To map and describe evidence on high specificity clinical signs of impending death in cancer and noncancer hospitalised patients over 18 years of age.
... Some clinical signs are already described as signs of impending death (SID) that help us identify patients who are in their last days or hours of life. These include dysphagia, a performance status of 20 or less, death rattle, decreased level of consciousness, Cheyne-Stokes respiration, livedo reticularis/peripheral cyanosis, decreased or absent urinary output, drooping of the nasolabial fold, fetor hepaticus, and delirium (Ellershaw J & Ward C, 2003;Hui D, et al., 2014;2015a;2015b;Morita T, et al., 1998;Plonk WM, Jr. & Arnold RM, 2005, Sobral et al., 2019Ventafridda V, et al., 1990). The presence of SID can be distressing for relatives. ...
... The presence of SID can be distressing for relatives. Many of them may find that their loved one is exhibiting SID as a sign of suffering (Hui D, et al., 2014;2015a;2015b). Therefore, open communication and providing a simple and adapted pathophysiological explanation of SID are crucial. ...
... Recognizing SID at the patient's bedside is pivotal in palliative care, influencing not only patients and their families but also health-care providers, impacting communication and end-of-life decisions. Despite its significance, there remains limited understanding of identifying SID in the final stages of life (Hui et al., 2014). ...
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One of the most crucial stages of palliative care is the last days and hours of life, which require special attention and knowledgeable identification of clinical signs described as signs of impending death (SID). Our case series of 11 patients receiving home palliative care describes bilateral hypoactive, stereotyped upper arm movements (scratching of the head, forehead, and nose) that were previously unknown or described, often accompanied by SID.
... *, not reported (n=3). Discussion about an advance care plan 69 [33] Completed paracentesis 52 [25] Arrangements for a visit to other health care professionals 21 [10] A DNR order 33 [16] A decision to withhold intensive care 26 [13] DNR, do-not-resuscitate. ...
... This might be due to patients receiving treatments still in poor health, or their health deteriorating suddenly. It is also challenging to predict impending death, since the signs suggesting death are observed relatively infrequently and only in the last few days of life (33). In our study, we did not find any significant signs or differences between groups that could help identify patients dying within the next year. ...
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Background: Integration of palliative care has been shown to be beneficial and is therefore recommended. However, the specific methods for arranging such care remain unclear. Systematic referral and regular visits with a multi-professional palliative care team have appeared most beneficial. This study aimed to study how integrated palliative care is currently carried out in relation to which patients are referred to an integrated visit and what occurs during the visit, along with lifespan after the first integrated visit. Methods: A retrospective chart review of all patients with an incurable cancer receiving integrated palliative care with ongoing oncologic therapy, who were treated in Tampere University Hospital, Finland, between January 1, 2018 and June 30, 2021. Results: Altogether 207 patients were referred to an integrated palliative care visit, which covers 4% of the incurable cancer patients in the department of oncology at the same time. The most common reasons for referral were symptom burden and limited anti-cancer treatment possibilities. The need for advance care planning was seldom identified. During the first year after the integrated visit, 99 (48%) patients died. Approximately one-third of the patients received anti-cancer treatment in the last month of their life. Conclusions: Based on the results of the study, the need for palliative care might be unmet, since so few patients are referred to integrated palliative care visits. Emphasis should be placed on identification of palliative care needs and advance care planning. The follow-up models of outpatient clinics should be examined and developed to better meet the needs of the patients.
... Furthermore, there might have been a regression to the mean, owing to the selection of only patients with both dyspnea and delirium when the PPS score decreased to ≤ 20. These factors may explain why the results differ from those of previous studies, which indicate that dyspnea tends to worsen just before death [23,24]. However, the changes in the mean IPOS scores for dyspnea in this study were smaller than those in previous studies for terminal dyspnea [6,25]. ...
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Introduction Systemic opioids are recommended as a pharmacological treatment for dyspnea, and antipsychotics are widely used for delirium. Because little is known about optimal palliative pharmacological strategies for dyspnea in patients with delirium, this study explored the symptom course in such cases, including the use of opioids and antipsychotics. Methods This was a secondary analysis of a multicenter prospective and observational study. We consecutively enrolled adult patients with advanced cancer at palliative care units in Japan. The eligibility criteria for their participation were a dyspnea Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale (IPOS) score ≥ 2 and the presence of delirium. We investigated pharmacological strategies, IPOS for dyspnea, and delirium symptoms using item 9 of the Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale. Results Of the 1896 patients, 141 were found eligible and were analyzed. Eighty‐two (58%) patients had agitated delirium, and the median survival period was 4 days. Regarding pharmacological strategy, 31 (22%) received opioid initiation or dose escalation, whereas 92 (65%) used regular antipsychotics. Although mean dyspnea IPOS scores significantly decreased from Day 1 to Day 2 (0.44, 95% CI: 0.24–0.64), the proportion of responders (IPOS score ≤ 1) was 21% (30/141). In the agitated delirium group, the proportion of remaining agitation symptoms at Day 2 was 74% (61/82). Conclusions The combined distressing symptoms of dyspnea and delirium during the last days of life are likely to be refractory suffering, which shows a poor response to pharmacological interventions, including opioids and antipsychotics.
... Clinician's accuracy in estimating time until death has had mixed results [16,18,19]. Previous research has examined anticipated timeframes to death, however they focused specifically only on the last three days of life [20][21][22][23] or focused on patients dying from cancer [18,20,21,23,24]. ...
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Background Clinicians are frequently asked ‘how long’ questions at end-of-life by patients and those important to them, yet predicting timeframes to death remains uncertain, even in the last weeks and days of life. Patients and families wish to know so they can ask questions, plan, make decisions, have time to visit and say their goodbyes, and have holistic care needs met. Consequently, this necessitates a more accurate assessment of empirical data to better inform prognostication and reduce uncertainty around time until death. The aims of this study were to determine the timeframes for palliative care patients (a) between becoming comatose and death, and (b) between being totally dependent and bedfast, and then comatose, or death, using Australia-modified Karnofsky Performance Status (AKPS) scores. The secondary aim was to determine if covariates predicted timeframes. Method This is a large retrospective cohort study of 2,438 patients, 18 years and over, cared for as hospice inpatients or by community palliative care services, died between January 2017 and December 2021, and who collectively had 49,842 AKPS data points. An Interval-Censored Cox Proportional Hazards regression model was used. Results Over 53% (n = 1,306) were comatose (AKPS 10) for longer than one day before death (mean = 2 days, median = 1, SD = 2.0). On average, patients were found to be totally dependent and bedfast (AKPS 20) for 24 days, before progressing to being comatose. A difference in life expectancy was observed at AKPS 20 among people with cancer (mean = 14.4, median = 2, SD = 38.8) and those who did not have cancer (mean = 53.3, median = 5, SD = 157.1). Conclusion Results provide clinicians with validated data to guide communication when answering ‘how long’ questions at end-of-life. Knowledge of projected time to death can prompt timely conversations while the patient can understand and engage in meaningful conversations. The importance of considering covariates such as location and diagnosis in determining timeframes has been highlighted. Shared decision-making and essential person-centered end-of-life care can be planned.
... Among these tools, the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) is particularly favored in the hospital palliative care (HPC) setting, as it requires no invasive procedures and offers a valid and reliable assessment of a patient's functional status, oral intake, and cognitive function, ranging from 0% (death) to 100% (completely asymptomatic) (5)(6)(7)(8). A PPS score of 20% signifies complete bedbound status and limited survival, making it clinically relevant for predicting death within 3 days in individuals with limited performance status, commonly seen in inpatient hospices and palliative care units (PCUs) (9,10). In comparison, the Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS) is a fundamental algorithm used for initial patient evaluation on hospital wards. ...
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Background: Palliative care is vital for advanced cancer patients nearing end-of-life. Accurately predicting imminence of death is key for effective care planning. Hence, complementing clinical predictions with prognostic tools, such as Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) and Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS), produces more accurate predictions of life expectancy. This study evaluated the PPS and MEWS for predicting imminence of death in a Saudi Arabian palliative care setting, aiming to enhance hospital policies and patient care. Methods: A retrospective cohort study at Princess Noura Oncology Center in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, analyzed adult patients with advanced cancer who received palliative care between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2021. Data from the institutional database were analyzed using SPSS version 26 to evaluate the prognostic efficacy of the MEWS and the PPS in predicting imminent death. Results: Among the 406 patients with advanced cancer, 73.6% had stable physiological parameters (MEWS < 4), and 95.8% had a PPS of 40 or lower, indicating poor functional status. The PPS was a strong predictor of imminent death, with scores of 40 or lower significantly linked to a higher risk (p < 0.05), while scores above 40 were associated with a significantly reduced risk (p < 0.05). The MEWS, however, did not show a statistically significant correlation with imminent death (p > 0.05). Conclusion: While MEWS lacked predictive value for imminent death, PPS effectively identified high-risk patients. This study underscores the importance of comprehensive tools like PPS in palliative care to enhance clinical policies and patient care.
... The situation of the last hours or days of life, known as "imminent death syndrome", is the final stage of the end-of-life journey [8]. It is characterized by global, irreversible bodily dysfunction and presents its own set of symptoms [8,9], meaning that the needs of patients and their families change drastically. Properly organizing care at this stage facilitates peaceful deaths and fosters healthy grieving [10,11]. ...
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Context: Modern medicine aims to ensure a world in which all people experience a good end of life as an integral part of their life journey. A good end-of-life experience means dying with dignity and receiving the best healthcare based on scientific evidence. Objective: This study aims to reach a consensus about the contents of a comprehensive instrument based on the 10/40 Model of the International Collaborative for the Best Care for the Dying Person for evaluating inpatients facing imminent death in Portuguese internal medicine wards and a proposal for anticipatory medication for symptom control in inpatient and home care settings. Methods: We employed the Delphi method and conducted various rounds of questionnaire administration to 23 Portuguese internists competent in palliative medicine. Data were obtained in July and September of 2022. Results: Consensus was reached among the expert panel on the diagnostic, initial assessment, monitoring, and after-death care items of the tool, with minor adjustments to wording or content. However, it was not possible to reach a consensus on most of the proposals presented for anticipatory medication for symptomatic control. Conclusion: We present the consensus about the contents of a comprehensive instrument for evaluating inpatients facing imminent death in Portuguese internal medicine wards. Best practices in this setting were defined from the point of view of internists with expertise in palliative care. However, the best pharmacological practices still require further reviews of the literature and consensus.
Background: Altered cognitive function due to delirium changes the threshold or tolerance of symptoms. The impacts of delirium motor subtypes on symptoms remain unknown. Objectives: Determining whether delirium motor subtypes are associated with the severity of physical symptoms in a palliative care setting. Design: A secondary analysis of a multicenter prospective observational study. Setting/Subjects: We included consecutive patients with advanced cancer admitted to 23 inpatient hospices in Japan in 2017. Measurements: Occurrence of delirium, motor subtype, and severity of pain and dyspnea (Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale) were assessed at admission (T1) and on the day of Palliative Performance Scale declined to 20 (T2). Results: T1 and T2 data were obtained from 1896 and 1396 patients, respectively. Using patients without delirium as a reference, the odds ratio (OR) for moderate-to-overwhelming pain among those with hyperactive or mixed delirium was significantly higher at T1 and T2 (OR, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.49, 1.15-1.92, and 1.71, 1.26-2.32, respectively). A similar trend was observed for dyspnea at T1 and T2 (OR, 95% CI: 1.54, 1.16-2.06, and 1.88, 1.39-2.55, respectively). However, patients with hypoactive delirium did not have higher odds of developing severe symptoms. Patients without delirium at T1, who developed hyperactive or mixed delirium, had a higher severity of both pain and dyspnea than those who were delirium-free (OR, 95% CI; 1.60, 1.08-2.37, and 1.86, 1.27-2.72, respectively) at T2. Conclusion: Hyperactive delirium is associated with the intensity of pain and dyspnea in patients receiving palliative care.
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Few studies have examined variation in vital signs in the last days of life. We determined the variation of vital signs in the final two weeks of life in patients with advanced cancer and examined their association with impending death in three days. In this prospective, longitudinal, observational study, we enrolled consecutive patients admitted to two acute palliative care units and documented their vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and temperature) twice a day serially from admission to death or discharge. Of 357 patients, 203 (55%) died in hospital. Systolic blood pressure (P < 0.001), diastolic blood pressure (P < 0.001), and oxygen saturation (P < 0.001) decreased significantly in the final three days of life, and temperature increased slightly (P < 0.04). Heart rate (P = 0.22) and respiratory rate (P = 0.24) remained similar in the last three days. Impending death in three days was significantly associated with increased heart rate (odds ratio [OR] = 2; P = 0.01), decreased systolic blood pressure (OR = 2.5; P = 0.004), decreased diastolic blood pressure (OR = 2.3; P = 0.002), and decreased oxygen saturation (OR = 3.7; P = 0.003) from baseline readings on admission. These changes had high specificity (≥80%), low sensitivity (≤35%), and modest positive likelihood ratios (≤5) for impending death within three days. A large proportion of patients had normal vital signs in the last days of life. Blood pressure and oxygen saturation decreased in the last days of life. Clinicians and families cannot rely on vital sign changes alone to rule in or rule out impending death. Our findings do not support routine vital signs monitoring of patients who are imminently dying.
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Background: Providing the highest quality care for dying patients should be a core clinical proficiency and an integral part of comprehensive management, as fundamental as diagnosis and treatment. The aim of this study was to provide expert consensus on phenomena for identification and prediction of the last hours or days of a patient's life. This study is part of the OPCARE9 project, funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Programme. Method: The phenomena associated with approaching death were generated using Delphi technique. The Delphi process was set up in three cycles to collate a set of useful and relevant phenomena that identify and predict the last hours and days of life. Each cycle included: (1) development of the questionnaire, (2) distribution of the Delphi questionnaire and (3) review and synthesis of findings. Results: The first Delphi cycle of 252 participants (health care professionals, volunteers, public) generated 194 different phenomena, perceptions and observations. In the second cycle, these phenomena were checked for their specific ability to diagnose the last hours/days of life. Fifty-eight phenomena achieved more than 80% expert consensus and were grouped into nine categories. In the third cycle, these 58 phenomena were ranked by a group of palliative care experts (78 professionals, including physicians, nurses, psycho-social-spiritual support; response rate 72%, see Table 1) in terms of clinical relevance to the prediction that a person will die within the next few hours/days. Twenty-one phenomena were determined to have "high relevance" by more than 50% of the experts. Based on these findings, the changes in the following categories (each consisting of up to three phenomena) were considered highly relevant to clinicians in identifying and predicting a patient's last hours/days of life: "breathing", "general deterioration", "consciousness/cognition", "skin", "intake of fluid, food, others", "emotional state" and "non-observations/expressed opinions/other". Conclusion: Experts from different professional backgrounds identified a set of categories describing a structure within which clinical phenomena can be clinically assessed, in order to more accurately predict whether someone will die within the next days or hours. However, these phenomena need further specification for clinical use.
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To optimally manage patient care, knowledge of the prevalence of signs of impending death and common symptoms in the last days is needed. Two reviewers independently conducted searches of PubMed, CINAHL, PsychINFO and the Web of Knowledge from January, 1996 to May, 2012. No limits to publication language or patient diagnosis were imposed. Peer reviewed studies of adults that included contemporaneous documentation of signs and symptoms were included. Articles were excluded if they assessed symptoms by proxy or did not provide information on prevalence. Reviewers independently extracted data. Twelve articles, representing 2416 patients, in multiple settings were analyzed. Of the 43 unique symptoms, those with the highest prevalence were: dyspnea (56.7%), pain (52.4%), respiratory secretions/death rattle (51.4%), and confusion (50.1%). Overall prevalence may be useful in anticipating symptoms in the final days and in preparing families for signs of impending death.
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Background: There is scant research concerning the prediction of imminent death, and current studies simply list events "that have already occurred" around 48 h of the death. We sought to determine what events herald the onset of dying process using the length of time from "any change" to death. Methods: This is a prospective observational study with chart audit. Inclusion criteria were terminal cancer patients who passed away in a palliative care unit. The analysis was limited to 181 patients who had medical records for their final week. Commonly observed events in the terminally ill were determined and their significant changes were defined beforehand. We selected the statistically significant changes by multiple logistic regression analysis and evaluated their predictive values for "death within 48 h." Results: The median age was 67 years and there were 103 male patients. After adjusting for age, sex, primary cancer site, metastatic site, and cancer treatment, multiple logistic regression analyses for association between the events and "death within 48 h" revealed some significant changes: confused mental state, decreased blood pressure, increased pulse pressure, low oxygen saturation, death rattle, and decreased conscious level. The events that had higher predictability for death within 48 h were decreased blood pressure and low oxygen saturation, and the positive and negative predictive values of their combination were 95.0 and 81.4%, respectively. Conclusion: The most reliable events to predict impending death were decreased blood pressure and low oxygen saturation.
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Clinicians have limited accuracy in the prediction of patient survival. We assessed the accuracy of probabilistic clinician prediction of survival (CPS) and temporal CPS for advanced cancer patients admitted to our acute palliative care unit, and identified factors associated with CPS accuracy. Eight physicians and 20 nurses provided their estimation of survival on admission by (a) the temporal approach, "What is the approximate survival for this patient (in days)?" and (b) the probabilistic approach, "What is the approximate probability that this patient will be alive (0%-100%)?" for ≥24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. We also collected patient and clinician demographics. Among 151 patients, the median age was 58 years, 95 (63%) were female, and 138 (81%) had solid tumors. The median overall survival time was 12 days. The median temporal CPS was 14 days for physicians and 20 days for nurses. Physicians were more accurate than nurses. A higher accuracy of temporal physician CPS was associated with older patient age. Probabilistic CPS was significantly more accurate than temporal CPS for both physicians and nurses, although this analysis was limited by the different criteria for determining accuracy. With the probabilistic approach, nurses were significantly more accurate at predicting survival at 24 hours and 48 hours, whereas physicians were significantly more accurate at predicting survival at 6 months. The probabilistic approach was associated with high accuracy and has practical implications.
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Ontario's cancer system is unique because it has implemented two standardized assessment tools population-wide to improve care: the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) measures severity of nine symptoms (scale 0 to 10; 10 indicates the worst) and the Palliative Performance Scale (PPS) measures performance status (scale 0 to 100; 0 indicates death). This article describes the trajectory of ESAS and PPS scores 6 months before death. Observational cohort study of cancer decedents between 2007 and 2009. Decedents required ≥1 ESAS or PPS assessment in the 6 months before death for inclusion. Outcomes were the decedents' average ESAS and PPS scores per week before death. Ten thousand seven hundred fifty-two (ESAS) and 7,882 (PPS) decedents were included. The mean age was 65 years, half were female, and approximately 75% of assessments occurred in cancer clinics. Average PPS score declined slowly over the 6 months before death, starting at approximately 70 and ending at 40, declining more rapidly in the last month. For ESAS symptoms, average pain, nausea, anxiety, and depression scores remained relatively stable over the 6 months. Conversely, shortness of breath, drowsiness, well-being, lack of appetite, and tiredness increased in severity over time, particularly in the month before death. More than one third of the cohort reported moderate to severe scores (ie, 4 to 10) for most symptoms in the last month of life. In this large outpatient cancer population, trajectories of mean ESAS scores followed two patterns: increasing versus generally flat. The latter was perhaps due to available treatment (eg, prescriptions) for those symptoms. Future research should prioritize addressing symptoms that worsen over time.
Health professionals should not be forcing the terminal patient into preestablished stages, but rather should take into account the actual experiences of the individual. The purpose of this study was to identify the defining characteristics of the dying process within the terminal phase. A retrospective audit of 11 deceased clients' charts from a hospice program was conducted. Each client had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Defining characteristics of the process of dying were delineated and organized into groups of subjective and objective phenomena. These included anorexia, absence of pain, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, respiratory status, withdrawal of self, secretions, mental status, urinary output, restlessness, bowel sounds, blood pressure, internal temperature, skin temperature, skin color, edema, and diaphoresis. Although the sample size was small, these findings confirmed that the dying process for terminal cancer patients was an individualized experience. Additional research is needed to build on this framework
Death rattle, or respiratory tract secretion in the dying patient, is a common and potentially distressing symptom in dying patients. Health care professionals often struggle with this symptom because of the uncertainty about management. To give an overview of the current evidence on the prevalence of death rattle in dying patients, its impact on patients, relatives, and professional caregivers, and the effectiveness of interventions. We systematically searched the databases PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsychINFO, and Web of Science. English-language articles containing original data on the prevalence or impact of death rattle or on the effects of interventions were included. We identified 39 articles, of which 29 reported on the prevalence of death rattle, eight on its impact, and 11 on the effectiveness of interventions. There is a wide variation in reported prevalence rates (12%-92%; weighted mean, 35%). Death rattle leads to distress in both relatives and professional caregivers, but its impact on patients is unclear. Different medication regimens have been studied, that is, scopolamine, glycopyrronium, hyoscine butylbromide, atropine, and/or octreotide. Only one study used a placebo group. There is no evidence that the use of any antimuscarinic drug is superior to no treatment. Death rattle is a rather common symptom in dying patients, but it is doubtful if patients suffer from this symptom. Current literature does not support the standard use of antimuscarinic drugs in the treatment of death rattle.
Care of the dying patient: the last hours or days of lifeJohn Ellershaw, consultant in palliative medicinea (, Chris Ward, consultant cardiologistba Marie Curie Centre Liverpool, Speke Road, Liverpool L25 8QAb Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD2 9SYKing's Fund, London W1M 0ANCorrespondence to: J EllershawEvidence based guidelines on symptom control, psychological support, and bereavement are available to facilitate a “good death”The impact of death in our society is easily underestimated. National events sometimes provide a timely reminder of the power and influence of a dignified death and the profound effect it has on the family and those close to the person who has died. Evidence based guidelines now exist to help with the care of people who are dying, including guidelines for symptom control, psychosocial support, and bereavement care.1–3 None the less, highly publicised cases continue to occur of patients dying in distress with uncontrolled symptoms and relatives being unsupported at this vulnerable time in their lives.4 Ensuring a good death for all is therefore a major challenge not only for healthcare professionals but also for society.Mortality data for the United Kingdom show that 608 000 people died in 2000; 25% of these deaths were from cancer, 17% from respiratory disease, and 26% from heart disease.5 The table gives a breakdown of place of death for all dying patients and those dying from cancer. The modern hospice movement was established in response to the poor quality of care of the dying patient.6 The hospice model of care is now espoused as a model of excellence and has led to a worldwide hospice movement aspiring to deliver high quality care to dying patients. Palliative care services deliver direct patient care and also have an advisory and educational role to influence the quality of care in the community and in hospitals. The major challenge is to transfer best practice from a hospice setting to other care settings and to non-cancer patients. …
The current state of palliative care in cancer centers is not known. To determine the availability and degree of integration of palliative care services and to compare between National Cancer Institute (NCI) and non-NCI cancer centers in the United States. A survey of 71 NCI-designated cancer centers and a random sample of 71 non-NCI cancer centers of both executives and palliative care clinical program leaders, where applicable, regarding their palliative care services between June and October 2009. Survey questions were generated after a comprehensive literature search, review of guidelines from the National Quality Forum, and discussions among 7 physicians with research interest in palliative oncology. Executives were also asked about their attitudes toward palliative care. Availability of palliative care services in the cancer center, defined as the presence of at least 1 palliative care physician. A total of 142 and 120 surveys were sent to executives and program leaders, with response rates of 71% and 82%, respectively. National Cancer Institute cancer centers were significantly more likely to have a palliative care program (50/51 [98%] vs 39/50 [78%]; P = .002), at least 1 palliative care physician (46/50 [92%] vs 28/38 [74%]; P = .04), an inpatient palliative care consultation team (47/51 [92%] vs 28/50 [56%]; P < .001), and an outpatient palliative care clinic (30/51 [59%] vs 11/50 [22%]; P < .001). Few centers had dedicated palliative care beds (23/101 [23%]) or an institution-operated hospice (37/101 [37%]). The median (interquartile range) reported durations from referral to death were 7 (4-16), 7 (5-10), and 90 (30-120) days for inpatient consultation teams, inpatient units, and outpatient clinics, respectively. Research programs, palliative care fellowships, and mandatory rotations for oncology fellows were uncommon. Executives were supportive of stronger integration and increasing palliative care resources. Most cancer centers reported a palliative care program, although the scope of services and the degree of integration varied widely.