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Daily Torpor in a Free-ranging Goatsucker, the Common Poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii)


Abstract and Figures

Numerous laboratory studies show that common poorwills (Caprimulgidae: Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) are capable of entering daily torpor when deprived of food. Using temperature-sensitive radio transmitters, I measured the skin temperature of free-ranging birds under natural conditions to test three hypotheses about the use of torpor by poorwills. I predicted that (1) poorwills would enter torpor only in "energy emergencies" (defined as birds with low body mass), (2) only the nonincubating or brooding member of a pair would use torpor during the breeding season, and (3) poorwills would be less likely to enter torpor on moonlit nights when longer periods of activity can be sustained. My results show that adult poorwills of both sexes enter torpor regularly in April, May, and September, but not during the breeding season. I found no evidence that torpor was used only in energy emergencies or that the lunar cycle influenced the use of torpor. Skin temperatures regularly dropped below 10°C and in one instance fell below 3 C. On one occasion an individual bird remained torpid for at least 36 h. I found limited evidence suggesting that the temperature at twilight, but not insect abundance, can be used to predict whether birds will remain active or enter torpor.
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Daily Torpor
in a Free-ranging Goatsucker,
Common Poorwill
R. Mark
Division of Ecology (Behavioural
Ecology Group), Department
of Biological
Sciences, University
of Calgary, Calgary,
Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada
Accepted 8/21/91
Numerous laboratory
studies show that common
poorwills (Caprimulgidae:
laenoptilus nuttallii) are capable of entering daily torpor
when deprived offood.
radio transmitters,
I measured the skin temperature
offree-ranging birds under natural conditions to test three hypotheses
about the
use of torpor by poorwills. I predicted that (1) poorwills would enter torpor only
in "energy emergencies"
(defined as birds
with low body mass), (2) only the non-
incubating or brooding
ofa pair would use torpor
during the breeding
season, and (3) poorwills
would be less likely to enter torpor
on moonlit nights
when longer periods of activity can be sustained.
show that adult
wills of both sexes enter torpor
in April, May,
and September,
but not dur-
ing the breeding
season. Ifound no evidence that torpor
was used only in energy
or that the lunar cycle influenced the use of torpor.
Skin temperatures
below 100
C and in one instance
fell below
30 On one occa-
sion an individual bird remained torpid
for at least 36 h. Ifound limited evidence
that the temperature
at twilight,
but not insect abundance, can be used
predict whether birds
will remain active or enter torpor.
The high metabolic rate
of homeothermic animals
has favored the evolution
of a number of ways to minimize energy expenditure and cope with periods
of food shortage.
which allows the reduction of metabolic rate
consequently body temperature
(Tb), is one physiological means used by
some homeotherms
to "escape"
of extreme cold or food shortage.
In birds and mammals, torpor is characterized
by a periodic, facultative
lowering of Tb
resulting in a hypometabolic
state (Wang
1989). Depending
Present address:
Biology, University
OA2, Canada.
Zoology 65(2):457-472.
C 1992
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458 R.M.
on the species, environmental
conditions, and ecological situation, Tb may
drop 40-350C below normal, and torpor may last from hours to weeks
(Wang 1989).
in birds and mammals is polyphyletic (see Dawson and Hudson
[1970] and Wang [1989] for reviews) and represents an advanced form of
rather than a reversion to primitive
ever, because hypometabolism has been studied almost exclusively in
mammals (Heller 1989), the use of torpor by birds is interesting from a
comparative standpoint.
Dawson and Hudson (1970) and Reinertsen
reviewed the occurrence
of facultative
in birds and listed eight orders
in which the phenomenon has been found. Torpor
in birds typically lasts
less than 24 h and has been characterized
as taking two forms. Nocturnal
hypothermia (see, e.g., Reinertsen and Hafthorn
1983) occurs when indi-
viduals show shallow depressions (5o-100C) in Tb
and return to normal
whereas daily torpor typically
involves depression of Tb
by more than
100C. It is likely that these two physiological states represent a continuum
and cannot be clearly differentiated,
as my arbitrary
temperature ranges
suggest. Many
and Schu-
mann 1982) and goatsuckers (Caprimulgidae;
Bartholomew, Howell, and
Cade 1957) enter daily torpor
under laboratory
conditions. One species that
might not fit this classification is the common poorwill (Caprimulgidae:
Phalaenoptilus nuttallii), the only bird thought to be capable of entering
long-term torpor
or hibernation (Jaeger 1948, 1949; Brauner
Studies of daily torpor
in hummingbirds
(Lasiewski 1963; Lasiewski and
1967; Hainsworth,
Collins, and Wolf 1977;
1977; Krtiger
et al. 1982) and
Bartholomew et al. 1957;
and Bartholomew
and Howell 1962;
Austin and Bradley
and Fisher
1977) are almost exclusively laboratory investigations.
This is probably
to the small
size of these birds and their
under field conditions.
In one of the few field studies, Calder
and Booser (1973) used thermistors
implanted in synthetic eggs and found that incubating
female broad-tailed
hummingbirds (Selasphorusplatycercus)
entered torpor
on only two of 161
nights. On the two nights, the use of torpor
was correlated
with a reduced
for feeding.
On the basis of laboratory
studies, many
authors claim that
in birds
occurs only when the animal is energetically stressed (Calder and King
1974; Hainsworth et al. 1977; Hainsworth and Wolf 1978; Hudson 1978).
In both hummingbirds
and goatsuckers, torpor
under laboratory
has been associated with a prior depletion of energy in the form of reduced
body mass (Marshall
Hainsworth et al. 1977;
see Jaeger 1948;
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Ligon 1970). Recently
however, Carpenter
and Hixon (1988) found a wild,
healthy, energetically unstressed rufous hummingbird (Selasphorus
in torpor.
This is counter to the prediction of the "energy emergency" hy-
pothesis. There are no field data on the use of torpor by goatsuckers
natural conditions that allow for an evaluation of this hypothesis.
Heterothermic bats (e.g., vespertilionids and rhinolophids) are ecologi-
similar to goatsuckers
in that
they feed on flying
insects captured during
crepuscular or nocturnal activity periods. Both laboratory (reviewed in
[1982]) and field studies (Racey and Swift 1981; Audet and Fenton
1988) show that
insectivorous bats use torpor
in situations other than
emergencies (defined by reduced body mass). However, pregnant
and lac-
tating bats, like nesting hummingbirds (Calder and Booser 1973), enter
torpor only under extreme conditions. For bats, the explanation for this is
that it delays parturition
and inhibits lactation
(Racey 1973;
and Swift
1981; McNab
Audet and Fenton 1988).
The purpose of this study was to determine, with temperature-sensitive
when or if free-ranging
If poorwills
enter torpor only in energy emergencies, then torpor should occur rarely
and only in birds with low body masses. If poorwills behave like insectivo-
rous bats (see, e.g., Audet and Fenton 1988), then I predict that they will
enter torpor regularly during periods of low nocturnal temperatures
low insect abundance but not, or only rarely, during the incubating or
brooding period, since this may result in hatching delay or the death of
embryos or chicks (Hafthorn 1988). If torpor occurs during the nesting
period, I predict that it will only be used by the nonincubating or non-
brooding member of the pair. Finally, since some goatsuckers, including
poorwills, forage more during moonlit periods of the night (Mills 1986;
and Barclay,
in press), torpor,
if used, should occur less often on
nights when birds have more time available for foraging.
Material and Methods
Study Site
The study was conducted in September 1988 and from April
to September
in 1989 and 1990 in the Okanagan Valley of south-central
British Columbia
near the northern
limit of the species' breeding range,
where they do not overwinter (Cannings, Cannings,
and Cannings 1987).
Therefore, my observations
represent characteristics
of torpor and not hi-
bernation. The southern
Okanagan Valley comprises a series of lakes linked
by the Okanagan
On the side hills of the valley, where the activities
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460 R.M.
of Phalaenoptilus nuttallii are centered, the vegetation consists of open
conifer forest dominated by Pinus ponderosa (Cannings et al. 1987). In
1988 and 1989, I captured
on the eastern
side of the valley near
In 1990, I trapped
on the western side, 8 km NW
of the town of Oliver. The two study areas were separated
by less than 10
km. I captured poorwills in mist nets set in foraging areas (usually across
gravel roads) or by luring birds into nets using song playbacks. I distin-
guished males from females by the presence and length of white tips on
the rectrices (Chapman
1925). Females had buff-colored tail tips about half
the length of males' tail tips (J. T. Marshall,
personal communication). All
included in the analysis
were at least 1 yr old.
I used temperature-sensitive
radio transmitters
(model PD-2T,
Holohil Sys-
tems, Woodlawn, Ontario) to measure the temporal patterns
of activity by
poorwills and to ascertain
when they entered torpor.
mass 2.4 g) were affixed
to the birds with an elastic harness slipped over
the wings (Brigham 1989). The effective range of signal reception varied
from 1 to 4 km depending on terrain. I classified individuals as either moving
or stationary
at 5-min
using a Merlin 12 telemetry
receiver (Custom
Ill.) and a five-element
each mea-
a minimum of 20 pulses were monitored and any change in either
the direction or strength
of the signal was defined as a movement.
Transmitters were affixed
so that the harness
kept the temperature
in contact
with the bird's skin on the back between the wings (interscapular
region). Thus, I measured skin temperature
(Tsk) in a manner analogous
to that
of Audet
and Fenton (1988). Transmitters
were calibrated to measure
from 0o to 400C (+0.5oC). I determined Tsk
by averaging
timings of the interval
for 10 transmitter
pulses and then using the
calibration curves prepared
for each transmitter
by the manufacturer.
was done every 20 min during nightly activity periods and opportunistically
during the daytime. Because of the transient fluctuations in avian Tb'S
and Hafthorn
1983) and the fact that
the Tb
active poorwills
varies between 350 and 44oC under laboratory
conditions (Bartholomew
al. 1962), I followed Hudson (1978) and operationally
defined poorwills
as having
entered torpor
when Tsk
fell below 30 C. In this study,
skin temperatures
below 300C
were never found or measured
to be active.
Thirteen adult
(six females,
seven males) were captured
and outfitted
with transmitters.
I monitored individual birds carrying
transmitters for 165
bird-nights. On 108 of these nights, I monitored movements and the Tsk
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Poorwills 461
of the individual all night (from approximately
sunset until activity
at dawn).
Environmental and Lunar Conditions
I measured the minimum
nightly temperature
+0.50C), using a Taylor
maximum-minimum thermometer
mounted 1 m above the ground. In both
years the thermometer was placed within 1 km of the day roost or nest
locations of birds carrying
transmitters. There was a significant
in both 1989 and 1990 (r2 = 0.73 and P< 0.05 in both years) between Tmin
and the minimum temperature
measured at the Penticton airport,
15 km north of the study
a relative indication of twilight temperatures
I used measurements from Penticton. At the same time that I measured
I used a Taylor laboratory
thermometer at the tracking
position to mea-
sure ambient temperature
to the nearest 20C.
Nightly lunar conditions were grouped into five categories based on the
percentage of the moon face illuminated (%MFI)
at midnight (0%, 1%-
26%-50%, 51%-75%, 76%-100%;
Mills 1986). Values of %MFI were
taken from tables published in the Astronomical Almanac (e.g., Anawalt
and Boksenberg 1987). The times of sunset, nautical
twilight, and sunrise
were calculated for the study site by the Dominion Astrophysical
British Columbia.
I used the end of nautical
twilight (when
the sun is 120 below the horizon) as the time delineating dusk or dawn
true night (Mills 1986). Cloud cover was not taken into account, since
it was rarely
cloudy in the study area and because Mills showed it did not
influence activity by whippoorwills (Caprimulgus vociferus).
In 1989, I assessed the influence of insect abundance on the use of torpor
by poorwills. Four sticky traps (coated with Tangletrap;
Southwood 1978;
Kunz 1988) were suspended approximately
1, 2, 3, and 5 m above a gravel
road where poorwills commonly foraged. On nights when birds were
the traps
were hung at sunset and collected at sunrise. I recorded
the total number of insects captured, identified each insect to order, and
characterized them as large (>4 mm) or small (4 mm) in body length.
On 16 occasions I measured Tsk
while simultaneously measuring cloacal
using a quick-registering
thermometer inserted 1 cm into
the cloaca. There was a highly significant
relationship between Tsk
and Tc
(Tc = 1.58 + 0.9598 Tsk; r2 = 0.99, P < 0.01; fig. 1). This illustrates the
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462 R.M.
Skin Temperature ('C)
40 OO
10 - O
5 O
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cloacal Temperature
Fig. 1. Relationship between simultaneous measurement of Tsk
( C) and
T, (oC). The diagonal represents Tsk
= Tc.
of using Tsk
to assess Tb. Generally, Tc
was between 10 and 20C
higher than Tsk
(intercept = 1.58).
poorwills entered torpor
on 29 of the 165 bird-nights.
Ten of
the 13 birds that carried transmitters
(six males, four females) used torpor.
Twelve of the 13 birds carrying
in at least one
nesting attempt. One male apparently
did not acquire a mate and did not
nest. The incidence of torpor was not evenly distributed throughout the
(table 1). No individual male or female used torpor
while incubating
eggs or brooding chicks or during periods not spent on the nest. The latest
date in the spring that an individual entered torpor
was June 3, 1990, and
the earliest date in the fall was September 1, 1989. The body mass of nine
males and six females captured
during April,
and September,
the period
when torpor
was used, varied
between 36.9 and 54.5 g, with males weighing
44.7 and females 48.3 g, on average.
Distribution of torpor
bouts during the summers of 1989 and 1990
April-May June July-August September
Bird-nights ... 55 44 58 7
Torpor ...... 24 2 0 3
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(28 of 29 torpor
bouts), individuals were active
at dusk and entered
torpor at the end of nautical twilight (fig. 2). This suggests that the birds
use cues available during the dusk foraging period to determine whether
or not to enter torpor.
one exception, torpor
bouts lasted less than 12
h. On May
22-23, 1990, a male bird remained torpid for at least 36 h and
did not forage during the dusk period of May
The use of torpor
on a given night varied among individuals. On five of
the nine nights when I monitored the Tb
of more than one bird simulta-
neously (two birds on eight nights and three birds on one night) one in-
dividual remained homeothermic while one entered torpor. On the night
when three birds were tracked,
two remained homeothermic and one en-
tered torpor.
The lowest Tsk
I recorded
was 2.80C
for a male bird at 0650 hours on May
13, 1989, when Tmin reached -1lC. From
the regression equation this cor-
responds to a predicted Tc
of 4.3 C. Not surprisingly,
I never recorded min-
imum predicted Tc
below Tmin (fig. 3); however, there was no significant
correlation between Tmin and predicted Tc (r2 = 0.38, n = 16, P> 0.10).
On nine occasions I measured
the cooling rates of poorwills entering
The values ranged from a minimum of 4.20C per hour to a maximum of
per hour.
2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500
- Active
birds -- Torpid
Fig. 2. Mean Ts, (O C) for three male poorwills during the period from
30-May 20, 1989. Abscissa values show the time of the night. The
was measured
for at least one bird all night on 15 dates during this
period, with a total sample of 20 bird-nights
(11 active and nine torpid).
bars represent
+ 1 SE. The
arrow indicates the end of nautical twi-
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464 R.M.
16 0 0
12 o
4- O
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Fig. 3. Minimum
Tc ("C) predicted by the equation
fromfig. 1,
against Tmin
(o C). The diagonal represents T, = Tm:n,.
In an attempt
to identify
the cues birds
might use in determining
or not to enter torpor, I compared the distributions of Tmin,
Twi, total insect
abundance, and the abundance of large insects for nights when birds did
and did not enter torpor
using two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov
tests (figs.
4, 5). These distributions
represent 29 bird-nights
when torpor was used
and 40 nights when it was not for the same 10 individual birds (six males
and four females). For those nights when some individuals entered torpor
and some did not, I included data for the relevant individuals in both dis-
tributions. As
poorwills never became torpid
the nesting or brooding
period (between June 4 and August 31), this period was not included in
the analysis.
There were no significant
differences between the torpid and nontorpid
distributions with respect to the Tmin, total insect, or large insect variables
D's of 0.20, 0.10, and 0.20, respectively;
P> 0.05 in
all cases). There was, however, a significant
difference in the distributions
of Tw measured at the Penticton airport
for nights when birds did and
nights when they did not enter torpor (D = 0.43; P < 0.01). The nonover-
lapping portion of the distributions
suggests that, when Trwi
at the airport
was below 80C,
poorwills entered torpor,
while, above 120C,
remained homeothermic.
poorwills are more active on nights with moonlight than
on "dark"
nights (Brigham
and Barclay,
in press). Therefore, I compared
the distribution of %MFI
for just
the nights when birds entered torpor
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Torpor Non torpor
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Temperature (oC)
Torpor M Non torpor
30 b
c 15
o 10
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Temperature (OC)
Fig. 4. a, Distribution of Tmin
(0 C)for nights when birds did (n = 29)
and nights when they did not (n = 40) enter torpor.
Data for June 4-
August 31 are not included, since this was a period when birds did not
enter torpor.
b, Distribution of T,,, (oC) for nights when birds did (n =
29) and nights when they did not (n = 40) enter torpor.
A Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test shows that the distributions
are significantly diferent (see
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S Torpor Non torpor
60 -
- 40 -
c 30
o 20
1 -5 6-10 11 -20 21+
Total number
of insects
Torpor Non torpor
70 b
0 1-5 6-10 11+
Number of large insects
Fig. 5. a, Distribution of the total number of insects sampled by sticky
traps on nights when birds did (n = 12) and nights when they did not (n
= 17) enter torpor. Data for June 4-August 31 are not included, since
this was a period when birds did not enter torpor.
b, Distribution of the
number of large insects sampled by sticky traps on nights when birds did
(n = 12) and nights when they did not (n = 17) enter torpor.
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Poorwills 467
the distribution of %MFI on all nights that I tracked on (excluding the
period from
June 4 to August
31, when torpor
was never recorded). I found
no significant
between the lunar condition and the use of torpor
= 0.66, P> 0.10; table 2).
Adult free-ranging poorwills of both sexes enter torpor regularly except
during the breeding season. Body temperature
of torpid birds regularly
dropped below 10oC,
and in one case a bird remained torpid for at least 36
h. I found limited evidence that Twi,
but not the abundance of insects, can
be used to predict whether poorwills will remain active or enter torpor
any given night.
On 97%
of the nights
when individuals
entered torpor, foraging
occurred at dusk. Foraging
occurred at dusk on every night when
birds did not enter torpor. Activity
levels at dusk were lower for individuals
that ultimately became torpid, but the birds appeared to compensate for
this lower activity by initiating foraging activity significantly
earlier (R. M.
unpublished data). This difference in behavior
may be a result of
poorer foraging conditions on those nights when torpor is subsequently
used. Activity
at dusk and the almost complete cessation of activity
at the
beginning of true night by birds using torpor suggests that environmental
conditions near the end of the dusk foraging
bout influence the likelihood
of entering torpor.
and insect abundance are the two most obvious potential
cues birds might use to "decide" whether to enter torpor. However, my
measures of prey abundance, especially of large insects, which make up
the vast majority
of the diet (R. D. Csada,
unpublished data) and therefore
relationship between %MFI and the use of torpor by poorwills
0 1-25 26-50 51-75 76-100
Bird-nights ... 21 4 4 8 8
Torpor ...... 9 2 3 4 4
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468 R.M.
should be related to the rate of energy intake and Tmin, could not be used
to reliably
the nights when birds entered torpor.
there was
a significant difference between the distributions of Tw,
for nights when
poorwills did and nights when they did not enter torpor,
there was no ob-
vious threshold temperature
would allow the prediction of whether an
individual would enter torpor on any given night. This is not surprising,
given that moths, which are commonly consumed by poorwills (Bent 1940;
R. D. Csada,
unpublished data), emerge at different times of the year (see,
e.g., Yack
1988) and are influenced
by Ta
and Mommsen
1985). Similarly,
there is no precise threshold temperature
that can be used
to predict activity
or the entry into torpor by insectivorous
bats (Audet and
Fenton 1988). Variation
in the use of torpor between individuals is also
by the fact that, on the same night, some individuals
used torpor
whereas others did not. Unfortunately,
my small sample size of
nights when torpor
was used precludes rigorous analysis for the effects of
gender, time of year,
and foraging
success on the previous night on the use
of torpor by individual birds. However, it is worth noting that Audet and
Fenton (1988) found variation
between individual bats in the use of torpor
on the same night, which they ascribed to differences in reproductive
Poorwills did not enter torpor in energy emergencies only, as some lab-
studies suggested they would (e.g., Marshall
1955). Except during
the nesting period, all tagged individuals (n = 10), with a range of body
masses, used torpor at one time or another. Thus, the data for poorwills
support the conclusions of Carpenter
and Hixon (1988), who rejected the
hypothesis that under natural conditions torpor is used by hummingbirds
only in energy emergencies.
To my knowledge, a Tsk
2.80C, which corresponds to a Tc
of 4.30
C, is
the lowest naturally
recorded temperature
for any species of bird. Withers
(1977) found that captive poorwills could not spontaneously arouse them-
selves from
when Tb
was below 50C.
field data
suggest that,
conditions, Tb
can fall below 50C and individuals can still sponta-
neously rewarm.
This inconsistency in results could be due to the difference
in body mass between individuals in Wither's
study (35 g) and the free-
living birds in my study (46 g on average). Heavier
should have larger
energy reserves and may be able to generate the heat required to rewarm
from low temperatures.
Therefore, these birds should be at less risk when
lowering Tb
below 50C.
possible explanation is that Wither's
were captured in southern California
and thus could have been less cold
tolerant than birds from the Okanagan.
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Poorwills 469
measurements of cooling rates for poorwills entering torpor
are similar
to those measurements made in the laboratory.
Cooling rates measured
under laboratory
conditions range from 1.80C to 17.1"C
per hour (Howell
and Bartholomew 1959; Lasiewski and Lasiewski
Austin and Bradley
1969; Ligon 1970) and are highly dependent on Ta.
This suggests that the
mechanism by which captive birds enter torpor is similar to the process
used under natural conditions.
I found no evidence to support the hypothesis that poorwills use torpor
less often on nights with moonlight than dark
nights. The use of torpor
not related to the relative illumination
provided by the moon, even though
this significantly
influences the foraging activity of these birds (Brauner
and Barclay,
in press) and other
goatsuckers (Wynne-Edwards
1930; Mills 1986). It appears
that lunar condition has no effect on the use
of torpor by poorwills.
Although the southern Okanagan Valley of British Columbia is close to
the limit of the northern
range of the poorwill, the climate is moderate for
its latitude (Cannings
et al. 1987). Still, I expected that individual
birds not
attending eggs or chicks would enter torpor
to conserve energy on nights
with low Ta
and low insect abundance.
data confirm that
both male
and female members of the pair participate
in incubation and brooding
(Aldrich 1935; Orr 1948). There was no obvious gender-related
the way nesting activity
was shared.
In some pairs,
the duties were unequally
divided (R. M. Brigham,
unpublished data). I predict that the probability
of finding
torpid birds during
the nesting period will increase in areas with
more continental climates than the Okanagan.
However, if this is not the
case, it suggests that the regular
occurrence of conditions requiring
the use
of torpor during
the nesting cycle may
be an ultimate constraint
the northern
extent of the breeding range of this species.
In conclusion, this paper is the first
to provide field data about the use of
torpor by the poorwill, a bird whose physiological capabilities have long
attracted interest. The study demonstrates the critical
need for field data to
confirm or reject
the conclusions from
studies of thermoregulation
(e.g., Carpenter
and Hixon 1988). In the case of poorwills, the large body
of laboratory
data does not completely account for the manner in which
poorwills use torpor
under natural
conditions. The apparently
unique attri-
butes of poorwills studied under laboratory
conditions prompted Heller
(1989) to suggest that conclusions regarding
the mechanisms of avian
should consider the poorwill as a special case. Whether
in these birds
really does represent a special case among birds or, for that matter,
brates should be addressed
by comparing
nuttallii with other
and insectivorous bats. The depth and duration of bouts of
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470 R. M.
torpor by poorwills appears to be similar to those used by bats (Audet and
Fenton 1988), an ecologically similar group of animals. It remains to be
determined whether the apparent hibernation by poorwills also resembles
that of bats. Heller (1989) and Wang (1989) both conclude that there is
strong evidence for physiological homology between all forms of avian and
mammalian torpor. Only with further work in the field will it be determined
whether this conclusion holds true.
I am grateful
to R. L.
M. C. Firman,
T. S. Collard,
S. D. Grindal,
Kershaw, A. L. MacKinlay, D. R. C. Prescott, D. W. Thomas, R. M. R. Barclay,
and H. N. Matthews for their help catching birds and timing beeps. The
was supported by Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council
operating grants
to R. M. R. Barclay,
a University
of Calgary
term research grant, and an NSERC postdoctoral fellowship to myself. The
comments of R. D. Csada, A. C. Brigham, M. B. Fenton, M. B. C. Hickey, D.
Audet, P. A. Faure, R. M. R. Barclay, S. D. Wilson, and two anonymous re-
viewers greatly improved earlier versions of the manuscript.
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... This kind of long-lasting sleepiness is very similar to hibernation and is not common in birds [McKechnie et al., 2007]. The common poorwill (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii [Brigham, 1992]) belongs to the Caprimulgidae family and is a nocturnal bird. It can be found from southern Alberta and British Columbia through the western United States and northern Mexico. ...
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This paper presents a discrete predator–prey interaction model involving hibernating vertebrates, with detailed analysis and simulation. Hibernation contributes to the survival and reproduction of organisms and species in the ecosystem as a whole. In addition, it also constitutes a wise sharing of time, space, and resources with others. We have created a new predator–prey model by integrating the two species, Holling-III and Holling-I, which have a bifurcation within a specified parameter range. We discovered that this system possesses the stability of fixed points as well as several bifurcation behaviors. To accomplish this, the center manifold theorem and bifurcation theory are applied to create existence conditions for period-doubling bifurcations and Neimark–Sacker bifurcations, which are depicted in the graph as distinct structures. Examples of numerical simulations include bifurcation diagrams, maximum Lyapunov exponents, and phase portraits, which demonstrate not just the validity of theoretical analysis but also complex dynamical behaviors and biological processes. Finally, the Ott–Grebogi–Yorke (OGY) method and phases of chaos control bifurcation were used to control the chaos of predator–prey model in hibernating vertebrates.
... Surface skin temperature is a reasonable proxy for body temperature in very small endotherms as there are relatively small differences between skin and core body temperature (McCafferty et al., 2015). For example, the difference between skin temperature and core body temperature was not significant in the 12 g zebra finch (Oswald et al., 2018a), less than 1 • C for the 19 g great tit (Nord et al., 2013), and less than 2 • C for the 20 g song sparrow (Adelman et al., 2010) and the 50 g common poorwill (Brigham 1992). Thus, we expect that for the smaller 7 g superb fairy-wren nestlings, the difference between core and skin body temperature would be less then 1 • C. Surface skin temperature has also been used as a proxy for body temperature in adult superb fairy-wrens (Romano et al., 2019). ...
... Instead, the rewarming to active T s was completed before sunrise, while T a was still low (about 4-6 °C on average; Fig. 2). Second, T s is very close to core T b in small birds, variation being less than 2 °C in the 50 g common poorwill (Brigham 1992). Moreover, a reduction of T b by > 5 °C is a conservative measure to define torpor in comparison to metabolism. ...
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Torpor, a controlled reduction in metabolism and body temperature, reduces energy expenditure substantially. However, torpor expression in wild passerines is currently understudied. We show that skin temperature (T s ) of resting White-throated Treecreepers ( N = 4) fell by ~ 5 °C on average in both summer and winter, independent of ambient temperature, but we could not confirm torpor use (T s reduction > 5 °C). It is possible that roosting in tree hollows provides sufficient insulation to minimise energy loss, or torpor is used only during extreme conditions. Further studies are needed to characterise the physiological flexibilities of species and, therefore, their capability to cope with changing environmental conditions.
... For the purposes of analyses, we pooled T b and T skin data. Simultaneous measurements of T skin and core T b reveal that T skin remains within 2-4 • C of T b , with the difference increasing as the gradient between T b and environmental temperature widens (Brigham 1992;McKechnie et al. 2007;Smit and McKechnie 2010), although larger T b -T skin gradients have been reported (Körtner et al. 2001). The data currently available do not permit a rigorous analysis of the potential effect of body mass (M b ) on T b -T skin gradients, for two reasons. ...
Synopsis Many birds reduce rest-phase energy demands through heterothermy, physiological responses involving facultative, reversible reductions in metabolic rate and body temperature (Tb). Here, we review the phylogenetic distribution and ecological contexts of avian heterothermy. Heterothermy has been reported in 140 species representing 15 orders and 39 families. Recent work supports the view that deep heterothermy is most pronounced in phylogenetically older taxa whereas heterothermy in passerines and other recently diverged taxa is shallower and confined to minimum Tb > 20°C. The reasons why deep heterothermy is absent in passerines remain unclear; we speculate an evolutionary trade-off may exist between the capacity to achieve low heterothermic Tb and the tolerance of hyperthermic Tb. Inter- and intraspecific variation in heterothermy is correlated with factors including foraging ecology (e.g., territoriality and defense of food resources among hummingbirds), food availability and foraging opportunities (e.g., lunar phase predicts torpor use in caprimulgids), and predation risk. Heterothermy also plays a major role before and during migration. Emerging questions include the magnitude of energy savings associated with heterothermy among free-ranging birds, the role phylogenetic variation in the capacity for heterothermy has played in evolutionary radiations into extreme habitats, and how the capacity for heterothermy affects avian vulnerability to rapid anthropogenic climate change.
... Furthermore, most studies use a more or less arbitrary threshold based on a cut-off temperature and a minimum duration of metabolic depression to differentiate between normothermic resting and torpor use (e.g. Brigham, 1992;Christian and Geiser, 2007;Nowack et al., 2010). By focusing on those thresholds, we may risk overlooking ecologically important energy-and water-saving strategies, such as the recently discovered micro-torpor bouts (<20 min) of a Malagasy bat species (Reher et al., 2018) that would not have been detected under many of the commonly used torpor definitions. ...
Maintaining a high and stable body temperature as observed in most endothermic mammals and birds is energetically costly and many heterothermic species reduce their metabolic demands during energetic bottlenecks through the use of torpor. With the increasing number of heterotherms revealed in a diversity of habitats, it becomes apparent that triggers and patterns of torpor use are more variable than previously thought. Here, we report the previously overlooked use of, shallow rest-time torpor (body temperature >30 °C) in African lesser bushbabies, Galago moholi. Body core temperature of three adult male bushbabies recorded over five months showed a clear bimodal distribution with an average active modal temperature of 39.2 °C and a resting modal body temperature of 36.7 °C. Shallow torpor was observed in two out of three males (n = 29 torpor bouts) between June and August (austral winter), with body temperatures dropping to an overall minimum of 30.7 °C and calculated energy savings of up to 10%. We suggest that shallow torpor may be an ecologically important, yet mostly overlooked energy-saving strategy employed by heterothermic mammals. Our data emphasise that torpor threshold temperatures need to be used with care if we aim to fully understand the level of physiological plasticity displayed by heterothermic species.
... More broadly, it would be relevant to increase taxonomic and phenotypic coverage of these studies, spanning cold-hardy, non-hypothermic, birds (e.g., Ref. [71]) to those that routinely use shallow (e.g., [72]) or deep (e.g., Refs. [73,74]) torpor. ...
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Many animals downregulate body temperature to save energy when resting (rest-phase hypothermia). Small birds that winter at high latitudes have comparatively limited capacity for hypothermia and so pay large energy costs for thermoregulation during cold nights. Available evidence suggests this process is fueled by adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent mechanisms. Most ATP is produced by oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, but mitochondrial respiration may be lower during hypothermia because of the temperature dependence of biological processes. This can create conflict between increased organismal ATP demand and a lower mitochondrial capacity to provide it. We studied this in blood cell mitochondria of wild great tits (Parus major) by simulating rest-phase hypothermia via a 6°C reduction in assay temperature in vitro. The birds had spent the night preceding the experiment in thermoneutrality or in temperatures representing mild or very cold winter nights, but night temperatures never affected mitochondrial respiration. However, across temperature groups, endogenous respiration was 14% lower in hypothermia. This did not reflect general thermal suppression of mitochondrial function because phosphorylating respiration was unaffected by thermal state. Instead, hypothermia was associated with a threefold reduction of leak respiration, from 17% in normothermia to 4% in hypothermia. Thus, the coupling of total respiration to ATP production was 96% in hypothermia, compared to 83% in normothermia. Our study shows that the thermal insensitivity of phosphorylation combined with short-term plasticity of leak respiration may safeguard ATP production when endogenous respiration is suppressed. This casts new light on the process by which small birds endure harsh winter cold and warrants future tests across tissues in vivo.
... La durée de ces périodes est généralement de quelques heures pour la grande majorité des oiseaux (Bicudo et al., 2010 ;Reinertsen, 1996 ;Ruf et Geiser, 2015). À ce jour, chez les oiseaux, l'engoulevent de Nuttall (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii) est la seule espèce connue à être capable, durant l'hiver, d'entrecouper de longues périodes de torpeur avec de courtes périodes d'activité, ce qui revient à hiberner (Brigham, 1992 (Cooper, 1999 ;Paclík et Weidinger, 2007). Les espèces utilisant cette stratégie profitent également de l'élévation de la température à l'intérieur de la cavité pour réduire les dépenses énergétiques liées à la thermorégulation (Walsberg, 1986). ...
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Organisms are confronted with multiple environmental constraints to which they can respond through phenotypic adjustments that can potentially lead to physiological trade-offs. Contrary to species living only in temperate environments, the mechanisms underlying the phenotypic adjustments of species confronted with cold temperatures during most of the year are still poorly understood. My thesis focuses on the phenotypic adjustments of snow bunting's (Plectrophenax nivalis), a migratory passerine that winters in temperate zones (between 40° and 60°N) and migrates in spring to Arctic regions to breed. More specifically, I was interested in the variations of body composition (body mass, lipid and lean mass, pectoral muscle thickness), oxygen transport capacity (hematocrit) and metabolic performance (physiological maintenance costs - BMR and thermogenic capacity - Msum) among the winter, migratory and reproductive stages. For this, I conducted measurements from 2013 to 2019 on individuals either (1) held captive in an outdoor aviary in Rimouski (QC, 48°N), (2) on wild individuals captured on their wintering grounds in Rimouski and (3) wild birds captured at the northernmost point of their breeding range in Alert, Nunavut (82°N). In Chapter 1, I studied the winter phenotypic adjustments of buntings held captive in the temperate zone. The objective was to determine if the pattern of adjustments for this cold-associated species conformed to that of resident species at the same latitudes. Increases in body and lipid mass, pectoral muscle thickness, hematocrit, and Msum observed between summer and winter suggest that the phenotypic flexibility of traits associated with thermal acclimation in northern species is comparable to that of temperate resident passerines and thus that these adjustments are not constrained by life in a cold environment. However, lean mass declined and BMR remained stable over the winter, suggesting that buntings may also minimize the energetic costs of living in cold environments. In Chapter 2, I analyzed the phenotypic adjustment patterns of captive buntings during periods corresponding to migration and reproduction and compared them to the winter phenotype. The objective was to see if, and by what mechanism, traits associated with winter cold acclimation could be transferred to later stages of the annual cycle. The results show that although body mass, lipid mass and BMR increase for migration, traits related to cold endurance do not change in parallel since they are already elevated at the end of winter. This is the first direct demonstration that phenotypic traits associated with winter acclimation can transfer to the migratory phenotype and even be maintained during the breeding season. Through Chapter 3, I compared the phenotype of free-living buntings caught during winter at Rimouski and during pre-breeding at Alert. The objective was to determine whether cold endurance and associated traits could be maintained at a winter level during migration and pre-breeding. Results indicate that despite a decline in muscle thickness and hematocrit between winter and pre-breeding, cold endurance and energy reserves were maintained. These results support the hypothesis that migratory cold specialist species could maintain their cold endurance at a winter level until pre-breeding. Finally, in Chapter 4, I examined the change in phenotype between the pre-breeding and chick provisioning periods at Alert to determine how the transition between life stages on the breeding grounds, in interaction with spring thermal conditions, could influence cold endurance. Results show that buntings maintain a high thermogenic capacity as long as temperatures remain below 0-2°C, whether or not they actively reproduce. These observations therefore suggest that buntings likely experience a double physiological cost in late spring, when reproductive activities (i.e., egg production and incubation) begin and air temperatures are still below 0-2°C. Overall, this study demonstrates that not all thermal acclimation mechanisms established to date are generalizable to Arctic species. It therefore provides a reference point for future comparative research. Les organismes sont confrontés à de multiples contraintes environnementales auxquelles ils peuvent répondre par des ajustements phénotypiques menant potentiellement à des compromis physiologiques. Contrairement aux espèces vivant uniquement en milieux tempérés, les mécanismes sous-jacents aux ajustements phénotypiques des espèces confrontées au froid la majeure partie de l'année sont encore mal compris. Ma thèse porte sur les ajustements phénotypiques du plectrophane des neiges (Plectrophenax nivalis), un passereau migrateur qui hiverne en zone tempérée (entre 40° et 60°N) et migre au printemps vers les régions arctiques pour se reproduire. Plus particulièrement, je me suis intéressée aux variations de composition corporelle (masse corporelle, lipidique et maigre, épaisseur des muscles pectoraux), de capacité de transport de l'oxygène (hématocrite) et de performance métabolique (coûts de maintenance physiologiques - BMR et de capacité thermogénique - Msum) au cours de l'hiver, de la migration et de la reproduction. Pour cela, j'ai effectué de 2013 à 2019, des mesures (1) sur des individus maintenus captifs en volière extérieure à Rimouski (QC, 48°N), (2) sur des individus capturés sur leur aire d'hivernage à Rimouski et (3) à l'extrême nord de leur aire de reproduction, à Alert au Nunavut (82°N). Dans le chapitre 1, j'ai étudié les ajustements phénotypiques hivernaux des plectrophanes maintenus captifs en zone tempérée. L'objectif était de déterminer si le patron d'ajustements de cette espèce associée au froid la majeure partie de sa vie se conformait à celui des espèces résidentes aux mêmes latitudes. Les augmentations de masse corporelle et lipidique, d'épaisseur des muscles pectoraux, d'hématocrite et de Msum observées entre l'été et l'hiver suggèrent que la flexibilité phénotypique des traits associés à l'acclimatation thermique chez les espèces nordiques est comparable à celle des passereaux résidents des zones tempérées et donc que ces ajustements ne sont pas contraints par la vie dans un environnement froid. Toutefois, le déclin de masse maigre et la stabilité du BMR observés au cours de l'hiver suggèrent que les plectrophanes peuvent aussi minimiser les coûts énergétiques de la vie en milieux froids. Au chapitre 2, j'ai analysé les patrons d'ajustements phénotypiques de plectrophanes maintenus captifs au cours des périodes correspondant à la migration et la reproduction et je les ai comparées au phénotype hivernal. L'objectif était de voir si et par quel mécanisme, les traits associés à l'acclimatation au froid hivernal pouvaient être transférés aux stades ultérieurs du cycle annuel. Les résultats montrent que, bien que la masse corporelle, la masse lipidique et le BMR augmentent pour la migration, les traits liés à l'endurance au froid ne changent pas en parallèle puisqu'ils sont déjà élevés à la sortie de l'hiver. Il s'agit de la première démonstration directe que des traits phénotypiques associés à l'acclimatation hivernale peuvent se transférer au phénotype migratoire et même se maintenir en période de reproduction. Au travers du chapitre 3, j'ai comparé le phénotype de plectrophanes capturés en milieu naturel en hiver à Rimouski et en pré-reproduction à Alert. L'objectif était de déterminer si l'endurance au froid et les traits associés pouvaient se maintenir à un niveau hivernal durant la migration et la pré-reproduction. Les résultats indiquent que malgré un déclin d'épaisseur des muscles et d'hématocrite, l'endurance au froid et les réserves énergétiques étaient maintenues. Ces résultats confirment l'hypothèse selon laquelle les espèces migratrices spécialistes du froid pourraient maintenir leur endurance au froid à un niveau hivernal jusqu'à la pré-reproduction. Enfin dans le Chapitre 4, j'ai examiné l'évolution du phénotype entre la période de pré-reproduction et d'approvisionnement des oisillons à Alert afin de déterminer comment la transition entre les stades de vie sur les aires de reproduction, en interaction avec les conditions thermiques printanières, pouvait influencer l'endurance au froid. Les résultats montrent que les plectrophanes maintiennent une capacité thermogénique élevée tant que les températures demeurent inférieures à 0-2°C, qu'ils se reproduisent activement ou non. Ces observations suggèrent donc que les plectrophanes subissent probablement un double coût physiologique à la fin du printemps, lorsque les activités de reproduction (c.-à-d., production et incubation des œufs) commencent alors que les températures sont encore inférieures à 0-2°C. De manière générale, cette étude démontre que les mécanismes d'acclimatation thermique établis jusqu'à maintenant ne sont pas tous généralisables aux espèces arctiques. Elle constitue donc un point de référence pour de futures recherches comparatives.
... Although in some cases relatively clean rhythmic records can be achieved [57,67], data on skin temperature are prone to confounding effects. In particular, ambient temperature, wind [54,56,68] and solar radiation [55] can affect skin temperatures, and such confounds can be accentuated depending on the tightness between skin and transmitter (e.g., if the attachment loosened). ...
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Chronotypes describe consistent differences between individuals in biological time-keeping. They have been linked both with underlying variation in the circadian system and fitness. Quantification of chronotypes is usually by time of onset, midpoint, or offset of a rhythmic behaviour or physiological process. However, diel activity patterns respond flexibly to many short-term environmental influences, which can make chronotypes hard to identify. In contrast, rhythmic patterns in physiological processes, such as body temperature, may provide more robust insights into the circadian basis of chronotypes. These can be telemetrically recorded from skin-mounted, temperature-sensitive transmitters, offering minimally invasive opportunities for working on free-ranging animals in the wild. Currently, computational methods for deriving chronotype from skin temperature require further development, as time series are often noisy and incomplete. Here, we investigate such methods using simultaneous radio telemetry recordings of activity and skin temperature in a wild songbird model (Great Tit Parus major) temporarily kept in outdoor aviaries. Our aims were to first develop standardised selection criteria to filter noisy time series of skin temperature and activity, to second assign chronotype based on the filtered recordings, and to third compare chronotype as assigned based on each of the two rhythms. After the selection of rhythmic data using periodicity and autocorrelation parameters, chronotype estimates (onset and offset) were extracted using four different changepoint approaches for skin temperature and one approach for activity records. The estimates based on skin temperature varied between different approaches but were correlated to each other (onset: correlation coefficient r = 0.099–0.841, offset: r = 0.131–0.906). In contrast, chronotype estimates from skin temperature were more weakly correlated to those from activity (onset: r = −0.131–0.612, offset: r = −0.040– −0.681). Overall, chronotype estimates were less variable and timed later in the day for activity than for skin temperature. The distinctions between physiological and behavioural chronotypes in this study might reflect differences in underlying mechanisms and in responsiveness to external and internal cues. Thus, studying each of these rhythms has specific strengths, while parallel studies of both could inform broadly on natural variation in biological time-keeping, and may allow assessment of how biological rhythms relate to changes in the environment.
... In extenso, investigators also routinely used stomach temperatures as best-proxies for core body temperature, at least when the animal was not feeding (Wilson and Grémillet 1996). Further, a series of studies (Brigham 1992;Brigham et al. 2000;Körtner et al. 2001;McKechnie et al. 2007), quoted in Nord et al. (2016), demonstrate tight linkages between body skin temperatures and core body temperatures. Finally, McCafferty et al. (2015), underlined the potential of using infrared thermography to assess bird surface temperatures. ...
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Studies performed in humans and farm animals indicate that infrared thermography can be used to estimate the body temperature of homeotherms. However, this method has seldom been validated for wild animals in their natural environment. To fill this major gap, we shot facial infrared thermograms of red-footed boobies (Sula sula) in situ, while remotely recording their internal body temperatures. We identified strong linear relationships between the surface temperatures of six facial regions and the internal body temperatures of the birds. At the individual level, maximum facial temperatures, corresponding to the corner of the bill and the internal cantus of the eye, provided the best relationships with internal temperatures. At the species level, minimal and mean temperatures of the eyeballs provided the best estimates of internal temperatures. Wind speed, ambient temperature, sun exposure and shooting distance influenced bird facial surface temperatures as inferred through infrared thermography. Our study underlines the practicability of using facial infrared thermography to infer avian body temperatures, and opens new perspectives for the conservation physiology of wild species.
Reproduction and development are energetically expensive and risky processes in most organisms. Animals typically must increase the acquisition of nutrients and energy, which results in high energy expenditure. This may result in increased predator exposure due to more foraging needed by the parents to obtain food for the growing young. In birds and mammals it also often includes an increase in Tb and MR during the mating period or during various stages of the reproductive cycle (Tyndale-Biscoe and Renfree 1987; Monaghan and Nager 1997; Speakman 2008). Generally in small placental mammals, energy expenditure increases with pregnancy, the increase is usually more pronounced after parturition and, during the period of lactation, may about double in comparison to energy expenditure without reproduction (Speakman 2008; Rödel et al. 2016). In monotremes and marsupials the change in energy expenditure during the typically long reproductive period is less pronounced, but it occurs over a longer time (Munks and Green 1995; Nicol 2017). In flying birds and bats extra costs arise from carrying an egg or growing foetus as well as allocating nutrients to the young. Mammalian reproduction is also associated with an increase in circulating reproductive hormones, such as steroids and specifically testosterone, which are known to inhibit torpor in at least some heterothermic species, especially sciurid and cricetid rodents (Goldman et al. 1986), and sperm production is negatively affected by deep torpor (Gagnon et al. 2020). All of these requirements and physiological changes seem to preclude the use of torpor of adults during the reproductive cycle and it is of little surprise that reproduction in birds and mammals and expression of torpor have been widely viewed as mutually incompatible (Landau and Dawe 1960; Wimsatt 1969). This tenet applies especially to areas at high latitudes with strong seasonal cycles of temperature and food availability and only a narrow window of time that is suitable for reproduction, growth and development.
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Nocturnal hypothermia is demonstrated in a number of small northern birds. These birds utilize hypothermia among other energy-saving mechanisms and lower the body temperature by some 10°C. In most bird species hypothermia is utilized only in conjunction with a state of inanition. However, hypothermia has also been demonstrated in birds with satisfactory feeding conditions and body weight. For none of the small northern birds utilizing nocturnal hypothermia. is inanition necessary for the induction of a state of hypothermia. A seasonal effect on the hypothermic response has been demonstrated for two species of tits, the black-capped chickadee Parus atricapillus and the willow tit Parus monfanus, and also for an Andean hummingbird. The depth of hypothermia achieved significantly and linearly was correlated with the ambient temperature for the same two species of tits. By the use of nocturnal hypothermia, birds living in temperate zones can save as much as 75% of their energetic costs, compared with their energy consumption at normal body temperature. The reduction in the nightly expenditure of energy is considerable also in small-sized arctic and subarctic birds that utilize nocturnal hypothermia. The saving of energetic costs may easily represent the margin between life and death for such small birds living under the combined stresses of hunger, cold and long nights.
Whip-poor-wills (Caprimulgus vociferus) showed significantly higher levels of locomotory, vocal, and nest activity during twilight and bright moonlight than under moonless conditions. Field observations and nest record card data indicated that Caprimulgus species usually synchronize their reproductive cycle with the lunar cycle. Hatching tends to occur during young waxing moons, presumably so that moonlight-enhanced foraging will be at a maximum while the dependent nestlings are an energy burden on the parents. Observations of foraging Whip-poor-wills suggest they are primarily visually oriented, unlike the bats (Chiroptera).
We constructed estimates of daily energy budgets for male Eugenes fulgens and female Archilochus alexandri from daily time budgets, energetic rate functions, measurements of food intake, and nocturnal oxygen consumption. These budgets permitted us to examine the relationship between net energy gains and the occurrence of torpor. Results indicated that torpor was used only in "energy emergency" situations at a minimum "threshold" of energy reserves and not to reduce nocturnal energy expenditures when net energy gains during the day were sufficient for overnight expenditures.The feeding behavior of hummingbirds together with a threshold model of torpor generates a scheme of daily energy balance which produces the relationship between torpor and reduced net energy gains that is characteristic of several species exhibiting daily torpor. The absence of torpor except in energy emergencies suggests either a loss in energetic efficiency due to torpor or a constraint from entering torpor due to predation or some physiological risk.
Radiotelemetry studies of free-living Eptesicus fuscus demonstrated that the occurrence of daily torpor was influenced by ambient temperature and varied with the reproductive state of the bat. Lactating females were torpid significantly less often than pregnant and nonpregnant bats. Although the bats had the potential for behavioral thermoregulation, there was evidence that they actively controlled entry into and arousal from torpor. For pregnant females, prolonged periods of torpor coincided with prolonged gestation.
Bats are often thought to have poor temperature regulation, to feed on insects, and to enter hibernation. This combination of characteristics is typical only of temperate species. In the last two decades intensive work in the tropics, especially in the New World, has shown the great ecological diversity existing among bats, which in turn permits us to place temperate species in their appropriate ecological and evolutionary perspective and to examine some of the physiological and ecological alternatives available to bats when living in a physically benign environment.