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Abstract and Figures

The paper shows the correlation between the need to modernise agriculture and sustainable development. Modernisation of agriculture aiming only at increasing the efficiency of production, if implemented in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, enabled reduction in the negative external effects. Modernisation of agriculture is supposed to ensure productivity growth without imposing any threats to the natural environment and the well-being of animals, reduced impoverishment in rural areas as well as to ensure food security, growth in the profitability of farms, improvement to the efficiency of use of natural resources. Therefore, in the near future, the agriculture – environment relation will be subject to change taking into account, on the one hand, concern about the natural environment, and, on the other, pressure on increasing the efficiency of production. The above challenges will be addressed by the need to implement efficient and, at the same time, environmentally-friendly production technologies and relevant legal instruments which oblige agricultural producers to protect the natural environment.
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Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
Dariusz KUSZ
Rzeszow University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Rzeszów
al. Powstańców Warszawy 10, 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland, Phone: +48 17 865 11 20, Fax: + 48 17
862 81 93, E-mail :
Corresponding author:
The paper shows the correlation between the need to modernise agriculture and sustainable development.
Modernisation of agriculture aiming only at increasing the efficiency of production, if implemented in accordance
with the principles of sustainable development, enabled reduction in the negative external effects. Modernisation of
agriculture is supposed to ensure productivity growth without imposing any threats to the natural environment and
the well-being of animals, reduced impoverishment in rural areas as well as to ensure food security, growth in the
profitability of farms, improvement to the efficiency of use of natural resources. Therefore, in the near future, the
agriculture environment relation will be subject to change taking into account, on the one hand, concern about the
natural environment, and, on the other, pressure on increasing the efficiency of production. The above challenges
will be addressed by the need to implement efficient and, at the same time, environmentally-friendly production
technologies and relevant legal instruments which oblige agricultural producers to protect the natural environment.
Key words : modernisation of agriculture, production technologies, sustainable development
Modernisation of agriculture is a process of
transforming agriculture from traditional
labour-based agriculture to technology-based
agriculture [25]. It is one of the fundamental
issues in agricultural policies, particularly in
countries, where agriculture is less developed.
We can see that in many countries agriculture
is a sector of economy which keeps a greater
distance than the remaining sectors from
modern solutions in the areas of: production
technology and organisation, implementation
of modern technological and IT solutions as
well as management methods, but also with
regard to the utilisation of the institutional
setting. The speed and the scope of the
creation and implementation of modernisation
of farms ensure their permanent competitive
edge. We can also see that low-income
countries are burdened with primitive
technologies, which is both a reason for, and a
consequence of low incomes [3]. Therefore,
the modernisation process and technological
change are regarded as the driving force
behind economic growth. As a result of an
appropriately implemented process of
modernisation of farms, the effectiveness of
management improves, the working
conditions improve and, finally, the level of
satisfaction from the performed work
increases. However, inappropriately designed
or inappropriately implemented modernisation
may bring unfavourable effects.
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the
correlation between modernisation of
agriculture and sustainable agriculture.
The research was based on mass statistical
data from the World Bank and the Main
Statistics Office in Poland. In the study, the
following research methods were applied:
1. 1. critical and cognitive analysis of the
theoretical frameworks found in the literature,
2. analysis of mass statistical data.
Modernisation of agriculture is a continuing
process and it is the essence of progress in
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
agriculture and in rural areas. Constant
creation and implementation of new
technologies is used as a standard reference in
differentiating modern agriculture from
traditional agriculture [23]. Agriculture in
economically developed countries has
changed significantly thanks to broadly
understood progress. Implementation of new
solutions in the organisation of farms and of
new production technologies has increased
production volumes, decreased employment
levels in agriculture and lessened the
burdensomeness of work as well as has
brought a better quality of products and has
decreased the environmental nuisance of
agriculture. Beside the increase in the
effectiveness of management in agriculture,
technological progress contributes to the
reduction in the level of risk of management
Modernisation of production methodology in
agriculture through implementation of new
technological solutions follows from the
presence of the so-called “technology
treadmill” [3, 8, 10]. This results in a constant
need to keep up with technological progress,
or even the need to spearhead this race. When
new technology is being implemented in
agricultural practice, the first farmers
innovators are those who benefit most. The
advantages of being “the first” are related to
the possibility of increasing agricultural
income. This is a consequence of decreasing
individual costs of production with the market
price typical of the old technology. With time,
the economic gains obtained by innovators
attract new farmers who hope to achieve
similar effects. However, when most farmers
introduce new technological solutions, supply
of a given product increases. The low
flexibility of food demand and the higher
price flexibility of supply often lead to price
reductions. A case in point is the data
describing real prices of selected agricultural
products in Poland in the period 1990 2011.
During the restructuring and modernisation of
Polish agriculture, a decrease in real prices
was observed (Fig. 1). Similarly, J.P. Chavas
[7], analysing the evolution of real prices of
agricultural products on the maize, milk and
wheat market in the USA over the past 100
years, reported a persistent downward trend.
Fig. 1. Real prices (PLN) on the wheat, rye and maize
market in Poland in the period 1990 2010 (constant
prices in 2010)
Source: author's own data based on statistics from the Main Statistics
Office in Poland
As a result, the main beneficiaries of the
modernisation of agriculture are consumers
and not agricultural producers (Fig. 2). The
area of field Q3Q4BC indicating the
advantages of the growth in production when
new technology is being used is smaller than
the area of field P2P3AC indicating reduction
in the advantages on the part of producers
resulting from price decreases. Only in the
case of producers who experience endlessly
elastic demand are higher profits arising from
technological change wholly attributable to
producers (Fig. 2).
ST0 aggregate supply in the case of old technology; ST1
aggregate supply in the case of new technology; DE perfectly
elastic demand; DNE inelastic demand
Fig. 2. Technological change vs. producers' gains in the
case of inelastic and perfectly elastic demand
Source: author's own data
The majority of agricultural products show
low price flexibility of demand and it is for
this reason that in the long run agricultural
producers seem not to benefit from
technological progress. Agricultural producers
adapting new technologies which reduce
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
individual costs, and increase productivity.
New technologies cause a transfer of
aggregate supply, as a result of which prices
go down. In the end, farmers may face a
situation which is worse than that existing
prior to the technological change [3, 8, 10,
12]. Empirical data suggest that an increase in
well-being resulting from technological
progress in agriculture is captured” as
consumer surplus resulting from lower prices
and not as producer surplus [1, 12, 20].
The importance of agricultural progress
results from its effects, including, above all:
(i) quantitative increase in production, (ii)
reduction in individual costs of production
and (iii) increase in production potential. The
benefits of farms arising from the
modernisation of production methods
consisting in the implementation of broadly
understood technological progress in the short
term lead to an increase in agricultural income
and/or a decrease in demand for factors of
production. However, in the long run, due to
the technology treadmill mentioned above, the
benefits are difficult to maintain. Because of
the low flexibility of demand for agricultural
products, the benefits are obtained mainly by
food consumers. In the long run,
technological progress does not always lead to
an increase in agricultural income. After a
certain kind of innovation is commonly
introduced, all farms may have lower
profitability than prior to this change. Despite
this effect, however, farms are doomed to
permanent modernisation. Ignoring this
process may result in an even greater
reduction in income than in the case of
continuous implementation of modernisation.
Industrialisation and modernisation have
significantly changed agriculture, shifting it
towards new technologies which enable
production of a substantial number of
products in the most effective way possible.
This has caused a substantial increase in the
concentration and specialisation of
production, changed the structure of factors of
production, caused a reconstruction of
agrarian structures as well as has created a
new organisation of production processes.
Over the past few decades, modernised
agriculture, thanks to an increase in the
volume of agricultural production, has
brought the possibility of feeding an
increasingly greater number of people
worldwide as well as famine reduction [2, 3,
5, 6, 7, 18, 19, 24, 26]. However, the
industrialisation and modernisation processes
have upset, in many respects, the ecological
balance. Industrialised agriculture has caused
a radical decrease in the number of farms and
employment levels in agriculture, reflected in
greater migration from the countryside and
the growing problem of overt and covert
unemployment. Modernisation of agriculture
may also equal a greater threat to the natural
environment, lowering of the quality of food
products and increased social costs of
production [4]. In connection with the above,
apart from the many benefits related to the
modernisation of agriculture, we may witness
undesirable ecological as well as social and
cultural effects, and those related to food
consumption, particularly in the case of an
inappropriately implemented modernisation of
agricultural production (Fig. 3).
The direction of the development of
agriculture which has been pursued so far and
which has been based on the criterion of
microeconomic effectiveness (aimed at
maximising economic gains) has been subject
to criticism.
Fig. 3. Inappropriate modernisation of agriculture vs.
social and cultural as well as environmental problems
Source: author's own data
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
The dominance of economic goals, including
the pursuit of the maximisation of profit, leads
to an upset ecological and social balance.
Private and economic understanding of the
rationality of conduct usually does not
correspond to general social (global) rationality.
What is beneficial to individual entities, i.e.
on the microeconomic scale, is not always
beneficial to all, that is on the macroeconomic
scale. For this reason, it is necessary for one
to seek a compromise, taking into account
both the producer's interests and the interests
of society. Figure 4 shows a theoretical model
which enables the determination of a social
optimum. This model entails a comparison of
economic gains with the costs of
environmental nuisance. The producer's
optimum is at N2, where the volume of
production results in the maximum profit
(marginal profit equals zero). At the same
time, social costs, such as, for instance, soil
erosion, elution of nitrates, disappearance of
species, poorer product quality, deterioration
of the well-being of animals and growing
environmental pollution. The social optimum
N1 is found at the intersection of the marginal
gains and the marginal social costs. Thus, it is
the optimal level of intensity of production,
taking into account not only the producer's
interests, but also ecological and ethical goals.
The goal of sustainable agriculture is to
ensure the possibility of attaining the greatest
gains possible, both private and ecological. At
the same time, the level of the achievable
private goods in the case of sustainable
agriculture is lower, but it allows one to
achieve social benefits (public goods).
Fig. 4. Determination of the social optimum from the
point of view of an individual producer depending on
environmental nuisance
Source: author's own data based on: [17, 22]
An essential question arises here: do the
regulations and restrictions related to
environmental protection or the well-being of
animals lead to increased individual
production costs, decreased individual
efficiency, reduced agricultural income and,
as a consequence, reduced effectiveness of
management? The idea of constant conflict
between environmental goals and economic
goals stems from the static view on
environmental regulations, where products,
technologies, processes and consumers' needs
are constant. In this static vision economic
entities minimise individual production costs,
while environmental protection regulations
inevitably increase these costs. However, over
the past few decades, the competitiveness
paradigm has been shifted from the static
model towards the dynamic one. In the
dynamic model, the new paradigm is based on
innovativeness. Appropriately designed
environmental protection regulations may
lead to innovations which can balance the
costs related to compliance with these
regulations. Environmental protection
regulations should aim at improving the
effectiveness of the management of resources,
rather than focus on limiting pollution. Such a
policy promotes both ecology and
competitiveness of economic entities [21].
The necessity of sustainable development in
agriculture is motivated by the dissatisfaction
with the present state of affairs, but it also
follows from the benefits arising from the
implementation of modern, environmentally-
friendly technological solutions. Drastic
changes which have occurred in agriculture
over the past 100 years have resulted from
external stimuli and they have been a response
to social needs. It is difficult to agree with the
claim that science and technology are by
nature anti-environmental [26]. Studies by Y.
Hayami and V.M. Ruttan [13] as well as Z.
Griliches [11] have demonstrated that
technologies have evolved and have been
adopted in response to external stimuli. In
situations, where new production technologies
harmed the natural environment, this was
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
often a result of the absence of legal
regulations or the lack of incentives
promoting harm prevention. The reasons
behind this state of affairs can be found in
misguided policies, dysfunctional institutions
and a dysfunctional control and management
system. An exceptionally high number of
negative external effects related to the
modernisation of agriculture can be seen in
developing countries, particularly in the south
Fig. 5. Global grain crops in the period 2002 20012
Source: author's own data based on statistics of The World Bank
Fig. 6. Consumption of mineral fertilisers [kg/ha of
arable land] in the period 2002 2009
Source: author's own data based on statistics of The World Bank
A vital role in ensuring sustainable
development of agriculture is played by
present-day research which enables mitigation
of many unfavourable external effects related
to modern agriculture. A case in point is that
of grain crops in the period 2002 2012 (Fig.
5), which show an upward trend both globally
and in individual regions (global growth by
17.7%, EU 4.3%, USA 6.8%, high-income
countries 11.7%, low-income countries
12.0%). At the same time, consumption of
mineral fertilisers showed varied trends (Fig.
6). Worldwide, an increase by 26.1% in the
consumption of fertilisers was reported;
however, a significant rise in the consumption
of mineral fertilisers was observed in low-
income countries (25.2%). On the other hand,
in countries like the USA, consumption of
mineral fertilisers grew by 7.8%, while high-
income countries recorded a mere figure of
0.9%. In the EU, consumption of mineral
fertilisers decreased during the period under
analysis by 12.7%, with an increase in the
level of crops by 4.3%. This may indicate
that, especially in rich countries witnessing
social pressure on environmental protection,
one implements production technologies
which enable reduction in the negative effect
on the natural environment and maintenance
of high production efficiency. Concern about
the natural environment should lead to
technological change oriented both towards
“repairing” the environment and preventing
the negative impact that agriculture has on the
natural environment. Priority should be given
to production technologies which ensure
increased efficiency and sustainable use of
natural resources.
What is also significant is the search for
optimal technological solutions taking into
account local conditions of agricultural
production. The variety of environmental and
climate conditions as well as social and
economic conditions suggests that
technological solutions must be diversified in
space and time as well as adjusted to the
specific conditions of a given location.
Uniform solutions to production problems
which occur in agriculture are impossible.
Development of strategies which promote
initiative and enterprise among farmers,
facilitate adaptation of new technologies and,
further, facilitate farmers' application of
knowledge and practical skills in the
development of new technological solutions is
a key challenge for scientists, political
decision-makers and local activists.
One of the ways in which problems related to
the modernisation of agriculture can be
solved, consisting in the need to combine an
increase in the effectiveness of production
with the reduction in the harmful effect of
agricultural production on the natural
environment, is the application of high-
precision technologies. They are technologies
Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
which enable the application, from the very
beginning, of the exact number of means of
production according to the real needs of
animals and plants, taking into account
variable environmental conditions.
Comparing the profitability of different
production technologies in agriculture, M.
Khanna and D. Zilberman [15] demonstrated
that high-precision technologies lead to an
increase in income, reduction in variable costs
and less environmental nuisance, but, at the
same time, that they also contribute to an
increase in constant costs. The possibility of
using these technologies depends on whether
an increase in efficiency, reduction in the use
of means of production and reduction in
environmental pollution are greater than the
increase in constant costs. Whether net
positive results are obtained depends on the
level of acceptance of high- precision
technologies. One of the reasons why these
technologies are not so commonly adopted,
which is socially optimal, is the fact that
environmental pollution does not affect
directly the farms that generate it. The main
reason for environmental protection problems
in agriculture is the fact that producers do not
take into account in their economic
calculations the social costs related to their
production choices. This, in turn, results in the
lack of interest in investments in production
technologies limiting the negative impact on
the environment as well as excessive use of
means of production in the applied
technologies (e.g. excessive irrigation,
excessive use of chemicals) [26]. In this
situation, it is necessary to implement legal
solutions which enforce environmental
protection as well as an increase in prices of
agricultural products or an increase in prices
of means of production, thus contributing to
greater economic effectiveness of investments
in high-precision technologies. An additional
factor which brings about the need to take into
account ecological aspects in decisions related
to production is the growing ecological
awareness of consumers. Obtaining
information about the pro-environmental
activity of economic entities may increase
demand for its products and, at the same time,
force these entities to take initiatives aimed at
self-regulation and limitation of activities
which harm the natural environment [14].
What matters in the development of
agriculture is the search for sustainable
agricultural systems taking into account not
only economic and social goals, but also
ecological ones. This task is a difficult
enterprise because the goals often exclude
each other. On the one hand, one strives to
achieve a high rate of production efficiency
growth, but on the other, there is a need to
ensure just distribution of income and to take
into account environmental aspects when
making economic decisions. Identification of
potential areas of conflict enables one to seek
a compromise as well as to pursue a relevant
development policy and design its
instruments. One should also reject the notion
that economic growth is permanently linked
to degradation of natural resources, while the
lack of growth equals preservation of these
Modernisation of agriculture which aims only
at increasing production efficiency, if it is
implemented in accordance with the
principles of sustainable development, will
enable one to limit the unfavourable external
effects. Development of agriculture based on
the industrial model encounters obstacles
related to the finiteness of natural resources
and the capacity of the environment in terms
of the consequences of the anthropogenic
impact. Another factor which limits the
industrial development model is the pressure
to include external effects in the economic
calculations in agriculture alongside the
“rights” of farm animals as well as the social
and cultural consequences, such as those
related to the viability of rural areas.
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Scientific Papers Series Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development
Vol. 14, Issue 1, 2014
PRINT ISSN 2284-7995, E-ISSN 2285-3952
... In contrast, in the case of developed countries where the level of technological advancement is higher, research shows that as the scale of production increases, the efficiency of farming improves [6,7,12,17,37,41,46,57], and even growing disproportions are observed [32]. However, it should be borne in mind that striving for an unlimited increase in the size of the farm may result in negative external effects [28,38]. The relationship between farm size and efficiency was explained by the presence of economies of scale and transaction costs [11,17,21,58,59]. ...
... The remaining farm classes ES4, ES5 and ES6 form separate farm groups.This indicates a significant disparity between farms in economic size classes ES1-ES3 and the rest.Only economic size ES4 farms achieve higher technical efficiency. The increase in economic size from the ES1 and ES2 classes to the ES3 level did not produce any clear positive effects during the period under review.It is only from the economic size of ES4 that positive effects can be seen.This indicates that a small increase in farm size from a low level does not have a positive effect.It is only when the appropriate scale of production is exceeded that the farmer benefits.Small farms are not in a position to achieve the same level of efficiency as large farms.In the long term, farming with low efficiency will not allow this type of farm to function and grow.Small farms will be 'out of business' and their resources can be absorbed by larger farms, helping to improve efficiency and provide a sustainable basis for agricultural development.The problem for such an agricultural development strategy is the limited allocation of agricultural production factors, especially land [43,44,52] , and the environmental and social functions of farms [28]. An important aspect of agricultural policy should be to support the development of small farms through easier access to land (purchase or lease) [8,39,47,50,53], helping farmers to access credit, marketing, technology [13,24,35,42]. ...
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The majority of studies of agricultural productivity support the view that there is a relationship between productivity and farm size. How the size of a farm is related to its efficiency is a constant problem in agricultural economics research. It also has important implications for agricultural development policy. For developed countries, including the countries of the European Union, numerous studies show that, with the increase in the size of farms, their efficiency usually increases. Moreover, there is a constant decrease in the number of farms and the concentration of land and labor. For this reason, the problem of the influence of the economic size of a farm is included in the scope of the research related to the analysis of the relationship between the farm size and its efficiency. The purpose of the paper was to investigate the relative technical efficiency of the agricultural sector in the European Union (EU-27) using the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).It was found that with the increase in economic size, the technical efficiency of the researched farms improved.Attention was paid to the possibility of reducing labor inputs, mainly in farms of economic size classes ES1-ES4. No need to reduce the level of capital expenditure has been demonstrated. This emphasizes the growing importance of the substitution of labor with capital.
... Banyak aktivitas dalam usahatani yang sebelumnya memerlukan banyak tenaga kerja manusia telah digantikan oleh mesin, sehingga kegiatan bersama di lahan pertanian menjadi berkurang. Jika mekanisasi membuat petani menjadi lebih individualistis, kearifan lokal dan perilaku budaya akan bernilai negatif (Harwood, 2019;Kusz, 2014). Akibatnya alih-alih memperkuat kohesivitas, perilaku budaya yang negatif dapat mendorong pelemahan kohesivitas yang mengikis kohesivitas sosial sebagaimana telah terbentuk sebelumnya (feedback loop R8). ...
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Land conversion is a serious threat to national rice production. The conversion of agricultural land in West Java is very difficult to control. Conversion of agricultural land economically raises concerns that it endangers food security, reduces food production, reduces agricultural labour, and transforms the culture and livelihoods of local communities. This research intends to find out how the conversion of agricultural land affects the socio-economic life of farmer households and how land protection policies prevent the conversion of agricultural land. The research was conducted in West Java in three districts that have implemented LP2B protection policies (Subang District, Purwakarta District, and Tasikmalaya District) with a qualitative method using a system thinking approach. The results showed that land fragmentation triggered by narrow-land farming and social systems, coupled with economic and population growth pressures, accelerated the process of agricultural land conversion. This land conversion is a feedback or chain process that continues in the long term with high complexity from the micro (farmer households), meso (groups and territories), and macro (regions) levels. The incentives provided must be able to improve the welfare of farmer households in terms of production and markets.
... Attention should be paid here to the social benefits associated with the operation of this type of installation. The following can be mentioned here: a reduction in CO 2 emissions [22,62], a possibility of waste disposal [63,64], a reduction in the excessive consumption of fossil fuels, and an increase in the supply of fuels from renewable sources that will allow for balancing supply and demand at a price level acceptable to consumers, have a positive impact on increasing energy security [65,66], and contribute to improving the economic situation and vitality of rural areas [67]. These benefits should be considered in the context of public goods and analyzed through the prism of social well-being. ...
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High investments and low economic efficiency of agricultural biogas plants operating on farms are two of the main barriers to the development of the biogas plant sector. Identification of economic and financial problems related to the operation of such facilities allows for the reduction of entry barriers for private investors, especially farmers. The aim of this research was to analyze the economic efficiency of investing in an agricultural biogas plant operating at a dairy farm. For the analysis, the case study method was applied. The economic efficiency of investment in a biogas plant was assessed using six different cash flow options. The NPV (net present value) and IRR (internal rate of return) methods were applied to assess the economic efficiency of the investment. It was found that the investment project for an agricultural biogas plant with a capacity of 0.499 MW located at a dairy farm required a subsidy of approximately 40–60% of the value of to ensure satisfactory economic efficiency. It has been shown that a particularly important aspect in assessing the economic efficiency of an investment in an agricultural biogas plant is the use of an economic calculation that takes into account the valuation and quantification of all positive external effects of such projects.
... Since the Green Revolution left issues of soil degradation and environmental externalities, ICLS offers a practical solution that can simultaneously increase food production and support environmental sustainability. Dariusz [118] revealed that production efficiency could be achieved through agriculture modernization by considering sustainability principles. Franzluebbers and Stuedemann [119] stated that robust, diversified ICLS could be developed for impoverished soils, especially when managed under no-tillage, to control environmental quality and improve the resistance of crops to drought. ...
... Agricultural mechanization is a necessary condition for agricultural intensification and modernization since it improves production capacity and land output rates (Devkota et al., 2020;Peng et al., 2022). Mechanization transforms the traditional labor-based agriculture to modern technology-based agriculture and improves input-use efficiency (Kusz, 2014;Devkota et al., 2020). Fischer et al. (2021) and Zhang et al. (2017) reported that mechanization creates a division of labor, enhances specialization and reduces drudgery. ...
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This paper assessed the conditions contributing to the success of smallholder farmer groups in northern Ghana using mechanical maize shellers (MMS) based on a collective business model. A sample of 156 farmers from 18 intervention communities was analyzed using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to examine the conditions necessary to increase usage of MMS. The results revealed a single configuration for achieving high group MMS usage, observed in about 24 percent of the cases. This configuration comprises five sufficient conditions: high cooperation, good relationships among members, payment of financial contributions, provision of prior notice for group meetings, and obedience to group rules. Additionally, two necessary conditions identified were low conflict and reduced use of manual maize shelling. When these core conditions coexist within the farmer groups, the MMS is more likely to be highly utilized. These findings suggest that group leaders and members should encourage mutual understanding, respect individual differences, value diverse opinions, and share responsibilities to improve cooperation, foster better relationships, and reduce conflicts among members. This approach can encourage both existing and new members to utilize the services of mechanical sheller groups, ensuring sustainability. Future research should utilize alternative econometric procedures to evaluate the configurations identified by the QCA analysis, aiming to enhance the reliability and confidence of empirical findings.
... Agricultural mechanization is a necessary condition for agricultural intensification and modernization since it improves production capacity and land output rates (Devkota et al., 2020;Peng et al., 2022). Mechanization transforms the traditional labor-based agriculture to modern technology-based agriculture and improves input-use efficiency (Kusz, 2014;Devkota et al., 2020). Fischer et al. (2021) and Zhang et al. (2017) reported that mechanization creates a division of labor, enhances specialization and reduces drudgery. ...
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This paper assessed the conditions contributing to the success of smallholder farmer groups in northern Ghana using mechanical maize shellers (MMS) based on a collective business model. A sample of 156 farmers from 18 intervention communities was analyzed using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to examine the conditions necessary to increase usage of MMS. The results revealed a single configuration for achieving high group MMS usage, observed in about 24 percent of the cases. This configuration comprises five sufficient conditions: high cooperation, good relationships among members, payment of financial contributions, provision of prior notice for group meetings, and obedience to group rules. Additionally, two necessary conditions identified were low conflict and reduced use of manual maize shelling. When these core conditions coexist within the farmer groups, the MMS is more likely to be highly utilized. These findings suggest that group leaders and members should encourage mutual understanding, respect individual differences, value diverse opinions, and share responsibilities to improve cooperation, foster better relationships, and reduce conflicts among members. This approach can encourage both existing and new members to utilize the services of mechanical sheller groups, ensuring sustainability. Future research should utilize alternative econometric procedures to evaluate the configurations identified by the QCA analysis, aiming to enhance the reliability and confidence of empirical findings.
... (Hidayat, Iskandar, et al., 2020a; (Arjmandi et al., 2011;Talawar & Singh, 1994 (Gultom & Harianto, 2021;Knickel et al., 2017;Kusz, 2014;Rajasekaran et al., 1991).Kemunculan mesin dan cara-cara baru dalam produksi padi yang berasal dari pengetahuan formal modern menandai masuknya Revolusi Hijau di Indonesia pada tahun 1960an ...
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Green revolution have made many changes to traditional agriculture from prioritizing local inputs to becoming dependent on high-cost external input. Various environmental, social and economic damages are unavoidable in these changes. This paper aimed to examine traditional agricultural practices that are still being implemented and how its impact socially and economically. The method is a quantitative design by measuring the farmers behavior in Mekarjaya Village, Kiarapedes District, Purwakarta Regency. Measurements were made with a Likert scale and analyzed using Rasch modeling. The findings of this study indicate that there has been a change in farmer behavior from traditional to modern agricultural practices, which is triggered by significant differences in productivity. The traditional agricultural practices that are still being done are only traditions or rituals that do not affect aspects of rice production. Socio-economically, impact of these changes is an increase in the level of vulnerability of rice due to high dependency and a slowly degraded environment. Farmers' indogenous knowledge has been depreciated by modern knowledge and practices that are highly dependent on external resources. The positive impact of modern agriculture has consequences for a high vulnerability to environmental and economic risks faced by farmers.
Women, constituting nearly half of India's population, are crucial for the nation's economic growth. Gender equality as a core global agenda, is encapsulated in the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 5, which focuses on gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. Despite educational advancements, women in India continue to face significant barriers in other areas. Therefore, it is imperative to implement relevant legal instruments and policies to support environment-friendly agricultural practices, benefiting both ecological sustainability and women's economic participation. Judicial pronouncements related to women also contribute to sustainability and women's participation in labour.
Agricultural development has been articulated as an effective strategy in boosting economic growth and responding to the growing population in sub-Saharan Africa. In line with this assumption, Rwanda implemented an agrarian change through the Crops Intensification Programme (CIP) since 2007. This chapter intends to understand the role of faith-based organisations (FBOs) in the implementation of CIP and how their intervention shapes the benefits of CIP for smallholder farmers the majority of whom are poor. Drawing from the experience of farmers involved in CIP, and taking the case of African Evangelical Enterprise Rwanda, the chapter investigated the types of changes in farming system as per the implementation of CIP and analysed how the role of FBOs has shaped the benefits of CIP for smallholder farmers. The findings revealed that due to their antecedents vis a vis the 1994 conflict and genocide, FBOs are treated like other non-government organisations and act as partners of the government. Hence, the position of FBOs in CIP process opens room for farmers’ proletarianisation and capitalist accumulation as they opt for the interest of the government to the detriment of the farmers’ interest. The study argues for empowering strategies by CFBOs to enable farmers to development resilience and exercise their agency as the main actors of agriculture development and peacebuilding process.
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The objective of this paper is the analysis of the macroeconomic aspects of regional development inthe Slovak Republic. Regional development is a much frequented topic recently. In the pre-accession period, Slovak regions had the opportunity of benefiting from the pre-accession funds and competing for finances through projects and strategies. The EU support did not stop with the accession, it continues with the increasing intensity and variability at present. The real challenge is how efficiently is this support used and if it goes to the destinations where it is most needed. For the purposes of the identification of regional development tendencies, we have tried to analyze the selected macroeconomic characteristics for Slovak regions at the NUTS III level. We analyze the following indicators: GDP per capita, labor productivity, foreign direct investment, so that we can explore the situation of living standards in the regions and the determinants. We use the cluster analysis approach in order to specify and identify the regions with similar development characteristics. Based on our findings, we make some recommendations on the support and development strategies for Slovak regions.
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This article strategically surveys the past century's literature on agricultural development. We organize the discussion around three "grand themes" that reveal the richness of agricultural development as an intellectual endeavor. First, we explore the role of agriculture in the broader development process from a macroeconomic and political economy perspective. We then examine the role of technological and institutional change in successful agricultural development. Finally, the focus turns to a microeconomic perspective on agricultural household decision making and the problems of imperfect and missing markets, asymmetric information, and transactions costs that lead to widespread apparent inefficiency and disequilibrium. Copyright 2010, Oxford University Press.
This paper presents case‐study results and aggregate data to evaluate the impact of research in African agriculture. Of 32 case studies, all but eight report annual returns over 20% and many are far higher, with most gains arising in the late 1980s and 1990s. Spurred by policy reforms and changing incentives, these innovations have led to sustained growth in aggregate cereal crop yields since 1985. Africa's belated ‘green revolution’ is based on new varieties (often with early maturation for drought escape), complemented by new management techniques (typically labor‐intensive efforts to conserve soil moisture and build soil fertility).
В статье производится анализ агрегированной производственной функции, вводится аппарат, позволяющий различать движение вдоль такой функции от ее сдвигов. На основании сделанных в статье предположений делаются выводы о характере технического прогресса и технологических изменений. Существенное внимание уделяется вариантам применения концепции агрегированной производственной функции.
This is a study of factors responsible for the wide cross-sectional differences in the past and current rates of use of hybrid seed corn in the United States. Logistic growth functions are fitted to the data by states and crop reporting districts, reducing differences among areas to differences in estimates of the three parameters of the logistic: origins, slopes, and ceilings. The lag in the development of adaptable hybrids for particular areas and the lag in the entry of seed producers into these areas (differences in origins) are explained on the basis of varying profitability of entry, "profitability" being a function of market density, and innovation and marketing cost. Differences in the long-run equilibrium use of hybrid corn (ceilings) and in the rates of approach to that equilibrium (slopes) are explained, at least in part, by differences in the profitability of the shift from open pollinated to hybrid varieties in different parts of the country. The results are summarized and the conclusion is drawn that the process of innovation, the process of adapting and distributing a particular invention to different markets and the rate at which it is accepted by entrepreneurs are amenable to economic analysis.
This paper briefly reviews the current food situation and provides some historical perspectives on its evolution over time. It documents the important effects of agricultural productivity. It also evaluates the role of externalities, uncertainty and policy in the agricultural sector. The analysis stresses the joint role of uncertainty and externalities in the analysis of efficiency issues in the agricultural sector. Implications for farm management and agricultural policy are discussed.
The inharmonious of agricultural modernization and regional economies development is an important reason to cause the imbalance of China regional economies development. The paper constructs an evaluating indicator system of agricultural modernization, and carries on statistics and sorting to agricultural modernization development of Chinese 31 provinces and cities with grey reational analysis, and makes a comparison combining regional total economy strength. The analysis result shows that disproportionality exists in agricultural modernization development among various areas; Incompatibility exists between agricultural modernization and regional total economy strength in region; Inharmonious characteristic is presented between agricultural modernization development and region overall economy development in China.