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Estonian Emotional Speech Corpus: Release 1.


Abstract and Figures

The Estonian emotional speech corpus (EEKK) is being created in the framework of the National Programme for Estonian Language Technology in the Institute of the Estonian Language. The corpus contains recordings of read speech sentences expressing anger, joy and sadness, and neutral sentences. The corpus serves two objectives: 1) to form an acoustic basis of corpus-based emotional text-to-speech synthesis; 2) to provide a reliable database for studying emotions rendered by speech. The underlying principle of the corpus is that emotions can be relatively well recognised in natural, non-acted speech which is a precondition for synthesising natural speech (see Iida et al. 2003). The reliability of the corpus is ensured by perception tests: each corpus sentence is provided with perception test results on the recognisability of an emotion. The corpus is now in the testing stage. The present article gives an overview of the stages of corpus creation and results of perception tests.
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Altrov, Rene and Pajupuu, Hille. 2008. “The Estonian emotional speech corpus:
Release 1.” Proceedings of the Third Baltic Conference on Human Language
Technologies: The Third Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies,
František Čermak, Rūta Marcinkevičienė, Erika Rimkutė, Jolanta Zabarskaitė (eds.), 9-
15. Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas, Lietuviu Kalbos Institutas, Vilnius.
Rene Altrov, Hille Pajupuu
Institute of the Estonian Language (Estonia)
The Estonian emotional speech corpus (EEKK) is being created in the framework of the National
Programme for Estonian Language Technology in the Institute of the Estonian Language. The
corpus contains recordings of read speech sentences expressing anger, joy and sadness, and
neutral sentences. The corpus serves two objectives: 1) to form an acoustic basis of corpus-based
emotional text-to-speech synthesis; 2) to provide a reliable database for studying emotions
rendered by speech. The underlying principle of the corpus is that emotions can be relatively well
recognised in natural, non-acted speech which is a precondition for synthesising natural speech
(see Iida et al. 2003). The reliability of the corpus is ensured by perception tests: each corpus
sentence is provided with perception test results on the recognisability of an emotion. The corpus
is now in the testing stage. The present article gives an overview of the stages of corpus creation
and results of perception tests.
Keywords: speech corpus, emotions, natural speech, perception tests, Estonian.
1. Introduction
We started working on the Estonian emotional speech corpus in 2006 in the framework
of the National Programme for Estonian Language Technology (see Altov in print;
2007). The corpus serves two objectives: 1) to form an acoustic basis of corpus-based
emotional text-to-speech synthesis; 2) to provide a reliable database for studying
emotions rendered by speech. At first, we decided to include in the corpus sentences
expressing the three basic emotions anger, joy and sadness and neutral sentences,
reserving an opportunity to expand the corpus with sentences rendering other emotions
or emotion-like conditions (see Scherer 2000). Because the speech synthesisers
presently available in Estonia have been designed to read written texts and not to
develop spontaneous conversations with humans, the corpus contains read-speech
This work was completed within the framework of the National Programme for Estonian Language
sentences. An essential aspect in creating the corpus was not to dictate to the readers of
texts which emotions sentences should express but to allow them to decide on how they
read each sentence. Listeners are actually the ones who decide which emotion each
sentence renders: in perception tests they were asked to listen to the recordings and
decide whether the sentences they heard expressed joy, sadness, anger, or were neutral
in nature. In the corpus, all sentences are presented with the results of the perception
test. In a query, a corpus user can determine the recognition percentage of emotions
contained in sentences. The higher the recognition percentage, the more certain it is that
the sentence carries the desired emotion. As the corpus is in every way open for
expansion, the recognition percentages of sentences may change when more listeners
and repetitive perception tests are added to the sample. By default, the recognition
percentage of an emotion is currently 51%. This means that, with more listeners,
borderline cases may end up in a different emotion category.
Relying on earlier emotional speech research and the experience of the creators
of the existing emotional speech corpora (see e.g. Douglas-Cowie et al. 2003), we
considered the following aspects important in creating our corpus. First, we decided not
to use acting as acted emotions tend to be stereotypic and exaggerated in nature and
different from real-life communication, which is why readers are unable to decode the
real meaning of emotions (Douglas-Cowie et al. 2003; Scherer 2003). Research has
shown that readers are relatively good at recognising emotions also in natural speech
(Iida et al. 2003). Therefore, as our aim is as natural speech synthesis as possible, we
decided to use non-acted, natural emotions.
Second, the reader’s voice needs to be pleasant because it will constitute the
voice material of the synthesiser. The pleasantness of voice was again determined by
listeners. The reader must have good articulation and empathic abilities. Empathic
readers are better at rendering the emotions contained in a text (see, Baron-Cohen,
Wheelwright 2004). Third, recognising an emotion by listening to a recording and not
seeing the speaker is strongly culture-dependent: the longer one has lived in a culture,
the better one is at recognising emotions by listening to an audio only (Toivanen et al.
2004). Therefore our listeners are over 30-year old Estonians whose main language of
education has been Estonian. Fourth, empathic people are better at recognising recorded
emotions than unempathic ones. That is why our listeners were subjected to the
Estonian translation version of the empathy test designed by Baron-Cohen and
Wheelwright (2004). Relying on test results, we excluded unempathic listeners.
Next, we will describe corpus creation and verifying emotions by perception
2. Material and Method
Our starting point was that each text renders an emotion or a neutral message. We took
texts from the media and adapted them for reading out loud. We chose 26 text passages
(see example 1):
(1) Ma ei räägi enam olukorrast, kus liinilt kaob paar bussi, vaid et päevas jääb ära 20-
30 väljumist! Mida peavad tegema need inimesed, kes autot pole? Need ei pääse ju
üldse liikuma! Kord on Harjumaa bussiliikluses täiesti käest ära! Viivitamatult tuleks
leida uus vedaja ja lõpetada praeguse bussifirma monopoolsus. Sellele on ju pidevalt
probleeme kord on neil bussid katki ja puuduvad juhid, siis kurdavad vähese
dotatsiooni üle.
[I’m not talking about a situation where a line loses a couple of busses; instead 20-30
buses are cancelled every day! What should people without cars do? They won’t be able
to move at all! There is a chaos in bus traffic in Harjumaa! We need to immediately find a
new carrier and put an end to the monopoly of the current one. It is always having
problems either buses are broken and drivers are missing or it is complaining about
small subsidies.]
At first, 10 people were asked to read the text passages silently and decide which
emotions the passages contained. Our treatment of emotions was wider than the
stereotypic understanding. For example, in our culture anger stereotypically means
rage, whereas in our treatment anger also included resentment, irony, repulsion,
contempt and malice. Joy included gratitude, happiness, pleasantness and admiration.
Sadness included loneliness, disconsolation, concern, despair; neutrality meant that the
text rendered no particular emotions. Test subjects were also given such an extended
description of emotions.
We excluded one of the 26 text passages as readers were unable to recognise any
emotions in it.
We then selected the readers. We asked three women to read one and the same
text passage, and then organised a voice test. We asked listeners to assess the
pleasantness of the readers’ voices. The instruction was: Listen to three recorded
passages and give your personal opinion about each voice. The results are given in
Table 1.
Table 1. Listeners’ assessment of readers’ voices. Values are given in percentages
Statement and
I like this voice.
Not true
Not quite true
Almost true
Voice 1
Voice 2
Voice 3
We then recorded texts passages read by the two readers with the most pleasant
voices (voice 2 and voice 3). We instructed the readers: Read the text so that you render
its mood. Readers could decide how to interpret each text passage.
Recording was done in a sound studio of the Institute of the Estonian Language,
using Edirol-R09 (sampling frequency 44.1 kHz, 16 bits, stereo). The recorded speech
waves were segmented into sentences with Sony SoundForge 8.0. Uneven breaks
between passages were replaced with 0.2 second silence breaks. Such labelled speech
waves are kept in the database together with texts and reader data.
We compiled two perception tests (separately for each reader). The underlying
principle was that the content of two successive sentences could not form a logical
sequence. Perception test subjects had to listen to isolated sentences without seeing the
text and decide which emotion the sentences contained.
The options were three
Perception test instructions: Although people recognise emotions mostly by relying on both voice and facial
expression, they can also be verified by simply listening to the speaker’s voice.
Although in normal speech speakers do not exaggerate emotions the way actors do, it is quite easy to
recognise them. However, normal speech rarely contains clear emotions. When you are listening to the
following sentences which are cut-outs from recorded texts, we are asking you to mark the emotion that
characterises each sentence most.
You can choose between the three main emotions joy, sadness, anger and neutral speech.
Footnote continued on the next page
emotions sadness, anger, joy or neutral speech. In total, subjects were asked to listen
to 173 sentences (1473 tokens). Perception tests were carried out using a web-based test
environment. Each subject was given a user name and password to access the system.
We asked the subjects’ gender, education, nationality, native language, language of
education and age.
To do the perception test, subjects had to have internet access, a computer with
an audio card and loudspeakers or headphones. It was also important that they had
enough time to do the test. For that, we contacted the potential candidates earlier to
explain the content and structure of the test and the time needed to do it. Only those
candidates who agreed to do the test were given access to the system.
Each sentence was listened to by at least 34 Estonians who were over 30 and had
good empathic abilities. As our aim was to screen out sentences in which emotions
could be recognised by listening an audio recording only, we had to eliminate any side-
effects of the text to recognition of emotions. To do that, we organised another test: we
asked 14 subjects who had not participated in the perception test to decide on the
emotion or neutrality of each sentence by reading the text (and not listening to the
3. Results of perception tests
Emotions determined by listening or reading only did not always coincide. This led to
the establishment of two categories:
1. Emotion is rendered by audio text only.
Listeners cannot determine an emotion in written text but can do it when
listening to a text. See Table 2, 1st sentence.
One emotion (e.g. anger) is recognised in written text, a different one (e.g.
sadness) when listening to the text. See Table 2, 2nd sentence.
2. Recognition of an emotion in the perception test may have been influenced by written
One and the same emotion (e.g. anger) is recognised in written text and when
listening to the text. See Table 2, 3rd sentence.
The audio texts falling to the first category constitute the acoustic basis of
synthesised speech. Recognition of emotions in sentences falling to the second category
is somewhat influenced by text, which is why those sentences should be viewed
separately to find out what (lexis, syntax, etc) enables to recognise the emotion
contained in the text.
As a result of a perception test, of all sentences, 79 were perceived as
expressing anger, 20 expressing sadness, 3 expressing joy and 25 as neutral ones. For
more details, see Table 3.
To make the decision process easier, take a look at the following list of emotions contained in the main
emotions: Joy = gratitude, happiness, pleasantness, admiration; Anger = resentment, irony, repulsion,
contempt, malice, rage; Sadness = loneliness, disconsolation, concern, despair; Neutral = ordinary speech
without any particular emotions
Listen to each sentence and, relying on the voice, try to decide which emotions they contain.
There are no right and wrong answers. On the contrary, your opinion helps us to find out how recognisable
different emotions are. You do not have to complete the test at once. Feel free to save the sentences, take
breaks or change your earlier opinions. Do not forget to save!
There were 46 sentences in which listeners were not able to recognise any
emotion or neutrality. Such sentences will be subjected to further testing. In upcoming
tests, readers will no longer be given a list of emotions to choose from. Instead they can
decide on their own which emotion each sentences expresses. This way we can establish
new emotions which have not been included in the corpus yet.
Table 2. Classification principles of emotion sentences. Values are given in percentages
1st sentence: Ootaks
valitsuse vastust, aga
valitsust ju ei ole. [I’d expect
the government’s response,
but there is no government.]
type in
by reading
unable to
anger, no
by audio
by listening
nised as
2nd sentence: Katkev
internet, tarduv ja ruuduline
telepilt, kättesaamatu
tehnilise toe telefon, mitte
töötav koduleht…! [Abrupt
internet connection, freezing
and checked TV-screen, busy
technical support line and
non-working homepage...!]
type in
by reading
nised as
no content
by audio
by listening
nised as
3rd sentence: Igasugustel
peksta ma ennast ka ei lase!
[I’m not going to have just
anyone beat me!]
type in
by reading
nised as
by listening
nised as
Table 3. Classification of emotion sentences based on reception and reading tests
Perception tested
sentences in the corpus
Emotion rendered
by audio only
Possible text influence on
recognition of emotion
% of all test
sentences expressing
28 (192 tokens)
51 (434 tokens)
sentences expressing
17 (173 tokens)
3 (12 tokens)
sentences expressing joy
3 (11 tokens)
neutral sentences
16 (147 tokens)
9 (81 tokens)
unable to determine
46 (427 tokens)
The category “not sure” was added in case subjects find it hard to decide one particular emotion in a
sentence and feel that the emotion rather depends on how the sentence is read.
4. Queries
In the Estonian emotional speech corpus sentences are stored as segmented and labelled
speech waves, text and related results of perception tests and reading tests.
The corpus can currently be searched for sentences expressing anger, joy,
sadness and neutral sentences. Each sentence is provided with the emotion (or
neutrality) recognition percentage. Sentences can also be searched by the recognition
percentage of emotions (51% by default). Queries can be restricted to: 1) only those
sentences where emotion is rendered by audio; 2) only those sentences where
recognition of emotions may have been influenced by text. Sentences are displayed as
text and can be listened to by clicking on them (see Figure 1).
Figure 1. The Estonian Emotional Speech Corpus: Queries
5. Conclusion
Our emotional speech corpus is a web-based application that uses freeware: Linux,
PostgreSQL, Python, Praat, and is intended for public domain use. The corpus is not
ready yet; we are trying to build an open platform which will satisfy all our research
needs. For now our system supports preparing, executing and analysing automatic
perception tests. The next step is segmentation and labelling of the speech wave and
making the queries of information possible by integrating the Praat programme with our
corpus (Boersma, Weenink 2007). We will continue expanding our corpus with
sentences containing the main emotions. We are also working on sub-classification of
emotions, e.g. differentiating between resentment, malice, irony, etc in anger emotion.
We are planning to enlarge the corpus also with neutral sentences to ensure a sufficient
acoustic basis for speech synthesis (see Nurk et al. in this Vol.)
6. References
Altrov, Rene. 2007. Emotsionaalse kõne korpuse loomine eesti keele tekst−kõne
sünteesi jaoks. Tekstimaterjali evalvatsioon viha näitel. Magistritöö. Tartu Üli-
kooli filoloogiateaduskond. Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse osakond.
Altrov, Rene. In print. Eesti emotsionaalse kõne korpus: teoreetiline tagapõhi. [The
Estonian emotional speech corpus: Theoretical background.] Keel ja Kirjandus.
Baron-Cohen, Simon, Wheelwright, Sally. 2004. The empathy quotient: an investigation
of adults with asperger syndrome or high functioning autism and normal sex
differences. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, vol. 34 (2), 163
Boersma, Paul; Weenink, David. 2007. Praat: doing phonetics by computer (Version
4.6.31) [Computer program]. Retrieved October 8, 2007, from
Douglas-Cowie, Ellen; Campbell, Nick; Cowie, Roddy; Roach, Peter. 2003. Emotional
speech: towards a new generation of databases. Speech Communication, 40 (1-
2), 3360.
Iida, Akemi, Campbell, Nick, Higuchi, Fumito, Yasumura, Michiaki. 2003. A corpus-
based speech synthesis system with emotion. Speech Communication, vol. 40,
Nurk, Tõnis; Mihkla, Meelis, Kiissel, Indrek, Piits, Liisi. In this Vol. Development of
unit selection TTS system for Estonian. The Third Baltic Conference on Human
Language Technologies. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University and Institute of
Lithuanian Language.
Scherer, Klaus R. 2000. Emotion effects on voice and speech: paradigms and
approaches to evaluation. Paper presented at the ISCA w/s on Speech and
Emotion. Newcastle, Northern Ireland., 39-44.
Scherer, Klaus R. 2003. Vocal communication of emotion: A review of research
paradigms, Speech Communication vol. 40, 227256.
Toivanen, Juhani, Väyrynen, Eero, Seppänen, Tapio. 2004. Automatic discrimination of
emotion from spoken Finnish. Language and Speech 47 (4), 383412. (16.10.2007).
RENE ALTROV, MA, Researcher Extraordinary, Institute of the Estonian
Language, Tallinn, Estonia. Doctoral studies of general linguistics and Finno-
ugric languages at the University of Tartu. Fields of research: developing
linguistic corpora (corpus of emotional speech); intercultural communication
(proxemics, contextuality of language). E-mail: rene.altrov[at]
HILLE PAJUPUU, PhD in philology, Scientific Secretary, Institute of the
Estonian Language; docent, The Estonian Information Technology College,
Tallinn, Estonia. Fields of research: speech acoustics (acoustics of sounds,
prosody); speech communication (intercultural communication, structure of
conversation and temporal characteristics of speech); applied linguistics (language
testing). E-mail: hille.pajupuu[at]
... Idiom Size Emotions MELD [28] English 13606 neutral;happy;surprise;anger;sad;disgust;fear EMOV [31] English; French 7590 happy;disgust;sleepy;neutral;anger RAVDESS [32] English 1440 happy;disgust;surprise;anger;sad;fear;calm;neutral JL CORPUS [33] English 2400 anger;sad;neutral;happy;excitated;anxious apologetic;assertive;worry;enthusiastic ANAD [34] Arabic 1383 anger;happy;surprise CREMA [35] English 7442 anger;disgust;fear;happy;sad;neutral EMOVO [36] Italian 588 anger;disgust;fear;happy;sad;neutral;surprise English 480 anger;disgust;fear;happy;sad;neutral;surprise IEMOCAP [37] English 3983 neutral;frustate;excitated;sad;anger;happy;surprise;fear;disgust LEGO [38] English 4243 neutral;anger;very angry;slightly angry;friendly TESS [39] English 2800 neutral;happy;surprise;anger;sad;disgust;fear EMO-DB [40] German 800 anger;neutral;happy;sad EEKK [41] Estonian 1164 anger;neutral;joy;sad layers. Our proposed solution attains a large receptive field, without the inherent costly and difficult training process. ...
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One of the Industry 4.0 landmarks, concerns the optimization of manufacturing processes by increasing the operator’s productivity. But productivity is highly affected by the operator’s emotions. Positive emotions (e.g. happiness) are positively related to productivity, in contrast negative emotions (e.g. frustration) are negative related to productivity and positive related to misconducts and misbehaviors on the workplace. Thus perhaps, automatic recommendation systems can suggest actions or instructions to eliminate or attenuate undesired negative emotions on the workplace. These systems might support their actions based on the reliability of emotion detectors. In this paper, emotions are detected thought a speech system. Our solution was built over deep speech recognition layers, namely the first two convolutional layers of the pre-trained 2015 Baidu’s speech recognition model. In re-utilizing these first two convolutional layers, robust meta-features are expected to be extracted. Our deep learning model attempts to predict the seven primary emotions on the MELD test set. Furthermore, our solution did not use any contextual data and yet it achieved robust results. The proposed weighted TrBaidu algorithm achieved state-of-art results on the detection of joy and surprise emotions, a F1-score rate of 23 % for both emotions.
... Üks selliseid ülesandeid on eestikeelse kõnesünteesi loomulikustamine (Altrov, Pajupuu 2008). Selleks, et etteloetavatele lausungitele oleks võimalik lisada inimlikku emotsionaalsust, on ühest küljest tarvis uurida ja modelleerida emotsioonide prosoodilist väljendumist (Iida jt 2003, Ververidis, Kotropoulos 2006, teisalt aga õpetada süsteem kirjaliku teksti emotsionaalsust või selle puudumist määrama (Vainik 2010, Pajupuu jt, ilmumas). ...
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levaade. Artiklis antakse ülevaade sõnavaraüksuste tundetoonide määramise teoreetilistest alustest ja praktilistest võimalustest. Esmalt kirjeldatakse ülesande olulisust, siis teoreetilisi lähte-eeldusi ja vaetakse neist tulenevaid metoodilisi võimalusi. Juhtumianalüüsina kirjelda-takse eesti keele põhisõnavara sõnastiku märksõnade tundetoonide hindamise metoodikat, katse läbiviimist ja tulemusi ning võrreldakse neid varasemate eesti keele emotsioonisõnavara uurimustega. Artikkel näitab, kuidas eesti lingvistika kontekstis uudset üleannet lahendada metoodiliselt võimalikult korrektselt, kuid arutleb ka küsitavuste ja perspektiivide üle.* Võtmesõnad: emotsionaalne valents, metoodika, sõnavara, afekti-kalduvus, põhisõnavara sõnastik, eesti keel 1.
We propose an end-to-end affect recognition approach using a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) that handles multiple languages, with applications to emotion and personality recognition from speech. We lay the foundation of a universal model that is trained on multiple languages at once. As affect is shared across all languages, we are able to leverage shared information between languages and improve the overall performance for each one. We obtained an average improvement of 12.8% on emotion and 10.1% on personality when compared with the same model trained on each language only. It is end-to-end because we directly take narrow-band raw waveforms as input. This allows us to accept as input audio recorded from any source and to avoid the overhead and information loss of feature extraction. It outperforms a similar CNN using spectrograms as input by 12.8% for emotion and 6.3% for personality, based on F-scores. Analysis of the network parameters and layers activation shows that the network learns and extracts significant features in the first layer, in particular pitch, energy and contour variations. Subsequent convolutional layers instead capture language-specific representations through the analysis of supra-segmental features. Our model represents an important step for the development of a fully universal affect recognizer, able to recognize additional descriptors, such as stress, and for the future implementation into affective interactive systems.
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Empathy is an essential part of normal social functioning, yet there are precious few instruments for measuring individual differences in this domain. In this article we review psychological theories of empathy and its measurement. Previous instruments that purport to measure this have not always focused purely on empathy. We report a new self-report questionnaire, the Empathy Quotient (EQ), for use with adults of normal intelligence. It contains 40 empathy items and 20 filler/control items. On each empathy item a person can score 2, 1, or 0, so the EQ has a maximum score of 80 and a minimum of zero. In Study 1 we employed the EQ with n = 90 adults (65 males, 25 females) with Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA), who are reported clinically to have difficulties in empathy. The adults with AS/HFA scored significantly lower on the EQ than n = 90 (65 males, 25 females) age-matched controls. Of the adults with AS/HFA, 81% scored equal to or fewer than 30 points out of 80, compared with only 12% of controls. In Study 2 we carried out a study of n = 197 adults from a general population, to test for previously reported sex differences (female superiority) in empathy. This confirmed that women scored significantly higher than men. The EQ reveals both a sex difference in empathy in the general population and an empathy deficit in AS/HFA.
Empathy is an essential part of normal social functioning, yet there are precious few instruments for measuring individual differences in this domain. In this article we review psychological theories of empathy and its measurement. Previous instruments that purport to measure this have not always focused purely on empathy. We report a new self-report questionnaire, the Empathy Quotient (EQ), for use with adults of normal intelligence. It contains 40 empathy items and 20 filler/control items. On each empathy item a person can score 2, 1, or 0, so the EQ has a maximum score of 80 and a minimum of zero. In Study 1 we employed the EQ with n = 90 adults (65 males, 25 females) with Asperger Syndrome (AS) or high-functioning autism (HFA), who are reported clinically to have difficulties in empathy. The adults with AS/HFA scored significantly lower on the EQ than n = 90 (65 males, 25 females) age-matched controls. Of the adults with AS/HFA, 81% scored equal to or fewer than 30 points out of 80, compared with only 12% of controls. In Study 2 we carried out a study of n = 197 adults from a general population, to test for previously reported sex differences (female superiority) in empathy. This confirmed that women scored significantly higher than men. The EQ reveals both a sex difference in empathy in the general population and an empathy deficit in AS/HFA.
We propose a new approach to synthesizing emotional speech by a corpus-based concatenative speech synthesis system (ATR CHATR) using speech corpora of emotional speech. In this study, neither emotional-dependent prosody prediction nor signal processing per se is performed for emotional speech. Instead, a large speech corpus is created per emotion to synthesize speech with the appropriate emotion by simple switching between the emotional corpora. This is made possible by the normalization procedure incorporated in CHATR that transforms its standard predicted prosody range according to the source database in use. We evaluate our approach by creating three kinds of emotional speech corpus (anger, joy, and sadness) from recordings of a male and a female speaker of Japanese. The acoustic characteristics of each corpus are different and the emotions identifiable. The acoustic characteristics of each emotional utterance synthesized by our method show clear correlations to those of each corpus. Perceptual experiments using synthesized speech confirmed that our method can synthesize recognizably emotional speech. We further evaluated the method’s intelligibility and the overall impression it gives to the listeners. The results show that the proposed method can synthesize speech with a high intelligibility and gives a favorable impression. With these encouraging results, we have developed a workable text-to-speech system with emotion to support the immediate needs of nonspeaking individuals. This paper describes the proposed method, the design and acoustic characteristics of the corpora, and the results of the perceptual evaluations.
Research on speech and emotion is moving from a period of exploratory research into one where there is a prospect of substantial applications, notably in human–computer interaction. Progress in the area relies heavily on the development of appropriate databases. This paper addresses four main issues that need to be considered in developing databases of emotional speech: scope, naturalness, context and descriptors. The state of the art is reviewed. A good deal has been done to address the key issues, but there is still a long way to go. The paper shows how the challenge of developing appropriate databases is being addressed in three major recent projects––the Reading–Leeds project, the Belfast project and the CREST–ESP project. From these and other studies the paper draws together the tools and methods that have been developed, addresses the problems that arise and indicates the future directions for the development of emotional speech databases.RésuméL’étude de la parole et de l’émotion, partie du stade de la recherche exploratrice, en arrive maintenant au stade qui est celui d’applications importantes, notamment dans l’interaction homme–machine. Le progrès en ce domaine dépend étroitment du développement de bases de données appropriées. Cet article aborde quatre points principaux qui méritent notre attention à ce sujet: l’étendue, l’authenticité, le contexte et les termes de description. Il présente un compte-rendu de la situation actuelle dans ce domaine et évoque les avancées faites, et celles qui restent à faire. L’article montre comment trois récents projets importants (celui de Reading–Leeds, celui de Belfast, et celui de CREST–ESP) ont relevé le défi posé par la construction de bases de données appropriées. A partir de ces trois projets, ainsi que d’autres travaux, les auteurs présentment un bilan des outils et méthodes utilisés, identifient les problèmes qui y sont associés, et indiquent la direction dans laquelle devraient s’orienter les recherches à venir.
The current state of research on emotion effects on voice and speech is reviewed and issues for future research efforts are discussed. In particular, it is suggested to use the Brunswikian lens model as a base for research on the vocal communication of emotion. This approach allows one to model the complete process, including both encoding (expression), transmission, and decoding (impression) of vocal emotion communication. Special emphasis is placed on the conceptualization and operationalization of the major elements of the model (i.e., the speaker's emotional state, the listener's attribution, and the mediating acoustic cues). In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of research paradigms for the induction or observation of emotional expression in voice and speech and the experimental manipulation of vocal cues are discussed, using pertinent examples drawn from past and present research.
In this paper, experiments on the automatic discrimination of basic emotions from spoken Finnish are described. For the purpose of the study, a large emotional speech corpus of Finnish was collected; 14 professional actors acted as speakers, and simulated four primary emotions when reading out a semantically neutral text. More than 40 prosodic features were derived and automatically computed from the speech samples. Two application scenarios were tested: the first scenario was speaker-independent for a small domain of speakers while the second scenario was completely speaker-independent. Human listening experiments were conducted to assess the perceptual adequacy of the emotional speech samples. Statistical classification experiments indicated that, with the optimal combination of prosodic feature vectors, automatic emotion discrimination performance close to human emotion recognition ability was achievable.
Development of unit selection TTS system for Estonian. The Third Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies
  • Tõnis Nurk
  • Mihkla
  • Meelis
  • Kiissel
  • Indrek
  • Liisi Piits
Nurk, Tõnis; Mihkla, Meelis, Kiissel, Indrek, Piits, Liisi. In this Vol. Development of unit selection TTS system for Estonian. The Third Baltic Conference on Human Language Technologies. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University and Institute of Lithuanian Language.