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Abstract and Figures

Mona is a goal - seeking artificial neural network (ANN) that learns hierarchie s of cause and effect contexts . These contexts allow Mona to predict future events. The structure of the environment is modeled in long - term memory; the state of the environment is modeled in working memory. Mona is an active system: it uses environmental contexts to produce responses that navigate the environment toward goal events that satisfy internal needs. Goal - seeking thus also filters learning to retain more relevant information about the environment.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Version 1.1, February 2014
Tom Portegys,
Description..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Neurons ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Needs, goals and motivation. .................................................................................................................................... 6
Learning ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Algorithms ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Sense .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Enable ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Learn ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Drive ........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Respond ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Projects ........................................................................................................................................................................ 12
Muzz World ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
Atani Robot .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Related work ................................................................................................................................................................ 16
HTM/NuPIC .............................................................................................................................................................. 16
BECCA ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Future work ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
References ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Revision History
Sept. 20, 2013
Initial version.
February 13, 2014
Added future work item.
Mona is a goal-seeking artificial neural network (ANN) that learns hierarchies of cause and
effect contexts. These contexts allow Mona to predict future events. The structure of the
environment is modeled in long-term memory; the state of the environment is modeled in
working memory. Mona is an active system: it uses environmental contexts to produce
responses that navigate the environment toward goal events that satisfy internal needs. Goal-
seeking thus also filters learning to retain more relevant information about the environment.
Biological neural networks effectively and sometimes uniquely exhibit a number of desirable
properties, such as pattern classification, noise tolerance, adaptability, intelligence, etc. The aim
of ANNs is to also exhibit these properties through modeling at some level of abstraction. ANN
programming is also done via learning, as opposed to brittle domain-specific encoding.
It is tempting to model biological neurons and networks to a fine level of detail, however there
are cautionary considerations:
There are certainly important mechanisms yet to be discovered. For example, are glial cells
involved in memory?
It is largely unknown which mechanisms are essential, incidental, or are implementations
specific to a biological medium. Neurochemical simulations are also computing intensive.
Can artifice surpass evolution in a different medium?
While most ANN research remains focused on the perceptron architecture, which has seen
great success mainly as a pattern classifier, Mona is an attempt to simulate animal-like behavior
that is likely a necessary, though possibly not sufficient, condition for artificial intelligence.
Mona addresses several crucial problems that ANNs tend to struggle with, yet biological neural
networks have solved to a large extent:
Stability: how well is previous learning retained while new learning occurs? ANNs typically
require the retraining previously learned patterns in order to incorporate new patterns. This
is much less the case with Mona, since new information is stored separately in memory.
Plasticity: how quickly can new learning be done, especially in the presence of previous
learning? ANNs typically require extensive repetitions to learn new patterns. Mona is
capable of single-trial learning, a skill vital for living organisms.
Modularity: can independently learned things naturally integrate? Mona can seamlessly
navigate environments previously learned piece-wise, not as a whole.
A Mona network contains three types of neurons: receptors, motors, and mediators:
Receptor neurons are associated with input sensors, with a possible filtering/feature
detection layer between the sensors and the receptor neurons. Currently sensor vectors are
compactly represented by centroids in sensor space. Sensors can also be grouped into
modalities, which are sub-vectors of related values. For example, a set of rangefinder
readings could be segregated from a touch sensor reading. A receptor neuron can represent
a specific modality or the entire sensor vector, in which case it is non-modal.
Motor neurons are associated with output responses. For example, a firing motor neuron
can cause a robot to make a right turn.
Mediator neurons capture the long-term memory notion of a causal relationship between
environmental events signified by neuron firings:
o One component neuron represents the cause event, and another the effect event.
Often a motor neuron resides between the cause and the effect, representing a
response event. Figure 1 depicts this stimulus-response-stimulus relationship. A
neuron can be reused as a modular component of multiple mediators.
o Mediator neurons can be components of higher level mediators, building
hierarchical structures of cause and effect.
o The enablement of a mediator represents the cause and effect reliability of the
mediator. This is a fluid quantity that shifts between events, depending on their
firing state.
o Working memory is implemented in the enabling state of a mediator. Initially, the
enablement of a mediator enables the cause event. When the cause neuron fires,
the response event becomes enabled. When the response motor neuron fires, the
effect event becomes enabled, indicating that the neuron is expected to fire within a
time frame proportional to the level of the mediator. When its effect event fires, the
mediator fires.
o Higher level over-arching mediators represent hierarchical enabling contexts for a
component mediator. Enabling a component mediator temporarily increases its
enablement, meaning that the mediator is more likely to fire in that context. As a
figurative example, a mediator controlling the opening of a locked door would only
be expected to work in the contexts of a) having the door key, and b) being at the
correct door.
Figure 1 A simple Mona network.
The network also contains one or more needs, which are simple numeric variables that can, for
example, represent homeostatic quantities such as hunger or thirst. A need is associated with
one or more goals, which are neurons whose firings serve to decrease the value of the need by
a goal value amount. The goal value of a neuron can either be programmed into the network or
learned when its firing coincides with need changes. The latter allows reinforcement training of
behavior by external manipulation of need, i.e., reward.
Through their goal neurons, needs drive the network to produce a sequence of motor
responses that navigate from current enabling contexts toward the firing of goal neurons. This
embodies an integrated planning capability for interacting with the environment to achieve
goals that satisfy needs.
Drive back-propagates motive from effect to response to cause events within mediators, and
between mediators of different levels. Motive is channeled through a gating network formed by
the enabling state of the mediators. For example, if a mediator is enabled, it will channel
motive into either into its cause, response, or effect event neurons depending on which is
enabled. If the mediator is not enabled, it will channel motive into higher level mediators for
which it is an effect. This will in turn help to fire cause events that create an enabling context
for it. Motor neurons accumulate motive as it propagates to them though the network. The
response is chosen from motor neurons containing the highest quantities of motive.
The structure and state of the network capture long-term and short-term knowledge of the
environment. Needs and goals constitute a separate control of the network. This means that
the same network can be used for different tasks. In other words, keeping control and data
separate (a standard computer science practice) allows multiple applications of the data. The
standard perceptron model combines data with control.
Multiple needs can simultaneously drive the network toward multiple goals. Depending on the
strength of the needs and goal values, this can result in seemingly single minded behavior,
behavior that appears to be skillfully planned to achieve multiple goals, or behavior that seems
scatter brained. When a need is satiated to zero, it no longer drives the network, meaning that
behaviors motivated by other needs will take over.
A receptor neuron is created when a sensor vector does not match any existing sensor centroid
in sensor space within a specified tolerance. Motor neurons are typically added at network
initialization to effect a set of output responses.
A mediator neuron is created from sequentially correlated neuron firing events that are not
already encompassed by an existing mediator. A mediator represents a speculative cause and
effect relationship between its events. As previously mentioned, a mediator’s effect event is
allowed to fire within a prescribed span of time. For higher level mediators, this span is typically
longer. However, for learning a new mediator from sequential events, the span of time
separating the events is typically set to a lesser amount, again depending on the level of the
mediator. This scheme reduces the spurious formation of mediators from events that are
actually uncorrelated.
The lowest level mediators are composed of receptor and motor events. Higher level mediators
are composed of lower level mediator events, typically the next level down. When sensor
modalities are in use, a non-modal receptor is initially incorporated as the effect event,
speculating that the entire sensor vector is significant. When the effect event of such a
mediator fails to fire as expected, a generalized version of it can be created by substituting a
firing modal receptor as the effect event, a speculation that a subset of the sensor vector is
actually significant.
A new mediator is added to the network and immediately fired, allowing it to serve as an event
in the creation of a higher level mediator.
A new mediator neuron is assigned an initial quantity of enablement. After that, its enablement
is updated to reflect the probability with which it predicts the firing of its effect event given the
firing of its cause event and, if equipped, its response event. This update can be dependent on
context, meaning that a mediator often firing in an enabling context could have an inflated
The rate, or velocity, of enablement change is typically different for increase and decrease.
Enablement increases relatively gradually, reflecting a slow build up in confidence of a
mediator. Conversely, enablement decreases relatively quickly to penalize mediators failing
outside of inflating contexts, for example.
The network has a maximum mediator capacity, so retention in the network depends on a
mediator’s enablement and firing history relative to other mediators. These two quantities
define a mediator’s utility. This means, for example, that a less reliable mediator that is close to
a goal could be driven frequently despite a significant firing failure rate. In this case, the
mediator’s usage would boost its utility, providing it a measure of retention protection. A
mediator cannot be deleted until all of its parent mediators are deleted since its parents cannot
exist without it.
Mona’s processing cycle, shown in Figure 2, is executed for each input-output interchange with
the environment.
Figure 2 Processing cycle.
The high-level algorithms for each function are described in the following sections. The code is
The sense function maps inputs from the environment to receptor neurons.
Update need based on sensors.
Fire receptors matching sensor modes:
Apply sensor mode to sensors.
Get firing receptor based on sensor vector and mode.
Create a receptor that matches sensor vector?
Fire receptor.
Update receptor goal value.
Figure 3 Centroid sensor space.
Floating point sensor values are quantized by mapping them into centroid sensor spaces, one
for each sensor modality. This is shown in Figure 3. A new centroid is created when a sensor
vector does not map to an existing centroid within a specified distance. Modifying this distance
changes the sensory “focus” on the environment, making it fuzzier or sharper. The centroid
spaces are maintained by a fast multi-dimensional lookup algorithm:
T. E. Portegys, "A Search Technique for Pattern Recognition Using Relative Distances",
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 17, Number 9, September,
Using the motor neuron firing for the previous cycle and the receptor neuron firings for the
current cycle, the enable function hierarchically fires mediator neurons. This produces changes
in the enabling distribution among mediator events, which will channel motive in the
subsequent drive function.
Notify mediators of response firing events.
Notify mediators of effect firing events.
Notify mediators of cause firing events.
Update mediator effective enablements.
Firing of mediator cause event:
Determine enabling strength.
Transfer enabling to next neuron.
Firing of mediator response event:
Transfer enabling to effect event.
Firing of mediator effect event:
Update goal value.
Update enablement and utility.
Fire the mediator.
Notify parent mediators of event firing.
Update enablement:
If neuron is firing:
Enablement +=
(1 - Enablement) *
Update value *
Else neuron failed to fire
Enablement -=
Enablement *
Update value *
Update mediator effective enablement:
The effective enablement combines a mediator's enablement
with the enablements of its overlying mediator hierarchy
to determine its ability to predict its effect event.
After the enable function fires neurons, the learn function creates new mediators by correlating
sequences of firing events. These events are saved in a set of time-stamped lists spanning the
maximum allowable amount of time that events can be correlated over. There is an event list
for each mediator level.
Purge obsolete events.
Time-stamp and save events.
Create new mediators from effect events.
Create mediators with generalized effect events.
Delete excess mediators.
Increment event clock.
Create new mediators for given effect:
Find cause event candidates in event lists.
Choose causes and create mediators:
Add a response?
Create the mediator.
Make new mediator available for learning.
Create generalized mediators:
Find effect event candidates:
Is this a modal superset of the mediator's effect?
Choose effects and create mediators:
Make a probabilistic decision to create mediator.
Create the mediator.
Make new mediator available for learning.
The enable function sets the stage for driving motive emanating from needs via goals through
the network, channeled by the enabling state of the mediators. Motive is accumulated in motor
neurons, subsequently used by the respond function to produce a response.
Initialize neurons for drive.
Drive goal receptors.
Drive goal motors.
Drive goal mediators.
Initialize neuron drive:
Assign drive weights to destinations:
The input motive is divided into the "down" value that
is driven to mediator component events and the "up" value
that is driven to parents. The down value is proportional
to the mediator effective enablement. The remaining
fraction goes up. For receptors, all motive is driven
to parents; for motors, none is.
Divide the down amount:
Distribute the down amount among components.
Distribute the up amount among parents.
Neuron drive:
Accumulate need change due to goal value.
Accumulate motive.
Distribute motive to component events:
Drive motive to cause event.
Drive motive to response event.
Drive motive to effect event.
Drive motive to parent mediators.
Parent mediator drive:
Accumulate motive.
Drive motive to cause event.
Drive motive to response event.
Drive motive to parent mediators.
The respond function selects a response from the most motivated motor neurons.
Get response potentials from motor motives.
Incorporate minimal randomness.
Make a probabilistic response selection?
Select maximum response potential.
Fire responding motor.
There have been a number of projects to develop Mona and in support of published research.
For example, a maze-learning task was employed to compare Mona with Elman and LSTM ANNs
in regard to modular sequence learning. Mona was uniquely able to integrate separately
learned contexts to solve composite mazes.
In a recent demonstration of a hybrid instinct/experiential learning ANN, Mona and a recurrent
ANN were partnered to cooperatively solve a set of discrimination/generalization tasks. For
this, artificial creatures are born into one of a set of possible worlds with innate general
knowledge of the worlds. This confers generally useful skills for navigating any of the worlds.
However, when this knowledge fails due to variations in the creature’s specific world,
experiential learning overrides to bridge the navigation gap. Mona played the part of the
experiential learner, since it is well suited for predicting patterns that are not well delimited in a
sensory-motor stream.
Below are two projects demonstrating Mona’s capabilities. The first is an artificial block world
in which food and water are goals for hunger and thirst needs. In the second Mona served as
the controller for a simulated maze-learning robot. The code for Mona and these projects is at
The Muzz World is a block world inhabited by muzzes. Blocks in the world are marked with
characters. There are also marked ramps in the world that can lead between levels. A muzz
needs food and water, and the world contains mushrooms and pools as goals for these needs. A
muzz can sense the character or object on the block or ramp directly ahead, and whether the
forward, left and right directions are accessible. For responses, a muzz and move forward, turn
right and left, eat, drink and wait. Figure 4 shows a split overview and muzz view of the world.
Figure 4 Muzz World.
An expedient way of training a muzz to find food and water is by overriding its responses with
correct ones. When this is done for a number of trials, the muzz will be able to do so on its own.
Using reward to incrementally train is also possible.
Figure 5 shows the muzz’s neural network after a few steps of training. Mediators rapidly build
up to associate learned cause and effect correlations. Some of the graphic notations denote
event relationship and firing status.
Figure 5 Neural network after a few steps.
Figure 6 Neural network after learning food and water task.
After thirty training trials, the mediator block of the network looks like Figure 6. This is a rich,
redundant fabric of intertwined and overlaid mediators containing the know-how necessary to
solve the task.
This is a simulated Pioneer 3DX robot controlled by a Mona neural network that learns T-mazes,
a popular vehicle for animal learning experiments. It uses a high-fidelity simulation of the robot
body, physics, and sensors: laser range finder, webcam, and bumper. A demo can be viewed at
Figure 7 shows a close-up of the robot in the maze. Figure 8 shows an overview of a T-maze.
Figure 7 Atani robot close-up.
Figure 8 T-maze overview.
The color webcam sensors and the laser range finder were floating point quantities with
significant variability. For this the centroid sensor space served well as a means of quantizing
The robot was trained quickly with the forced response method used for training muzzes, but a
dashboard was also available to train the robot by reward. As anyone who has tried to do this
with an animal, it is quite a tedious process.
Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM)/Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) is a
model of the architecture and algorithms (in the form of the Cortical Learning Algorithms (CLA))
of the mammalian neocortex.
These are some similarities with Mona:
In HTM and Mona hierarchical sequence learning is key for making predictions.
In HTM, modular reuse is important. In Mona, a neuron can be reused as a component for
multiple mediators.
Online learning. In HTM, there seems not to be an inherent difference between training and
testing. The same is so for Mona, which learns very quickly to adapt to new environments
without formal training epochs.
Sparse distributed representations are used in HTM to try to extract the most salient input
patterns. In Mona, sensory field centroids are used for this purpose, although perceptron-
like feature detectors could also be plugged in.
These are some differences:
In the initial HTM, the behavior/response aspect is de-emphasized, but in humans and
animals responses are vital to be able to explore the environment. In Mona, the stimulus-
response-stimulus construct is a basic scheme, implemented by receptor and motor
neurons orchestrated by mediator neurons. Note: there are recent efforts to incorporate
motor activity into the HTM model in light of neurological discoveries about how
widespread and integrated motor outputs are in the neocortex.
Needs and goals for filtering and motivation. It isn't feasible for a brain just to sponge up a
complex world. Animals and humans filter the environment by retaining that which
achieves goals satisfying needs and discarding the rest.
In HTM, the “reptile” (older and deeper structures) brain is not thought to be necessary to
the achievement of intelligence, but I believe that it is actually crucial in that it supplies
motivations that filter and control sensory-response learning, and instincts that serve as
substrates for the higher level behavior that is generated by the neocortex.
HTM/NuPIC reference:
Brain-Emulating Cognition and Control Architecture (BECCA) is a general learning program that
consists of an automatic feature creator and a model-based reinforcement learner.
Reinforcement learning is based on biologically-inspired algorithms. BECCA, like Mona, assumes
nothing about the environment, and interacts with it through sensors and responses. BECCA
uses reinforcement learning as a means of training: an agent takes actions and receives sensory
information at each time step. Its goal is to maximize its reward. Mona also implements
reinforcement learning that associates neuron firings with need reductions. Mona also supports
response override training.
BECCA reference:
Planning and learning by speculatively firing neurons. Can something like planning or
imagination be modeled by internally fired neurons? When a causal context is in effect,
speculatively firing the effect neuron could generate an internal stimulus akin to planning
future activity. When this is done with multiple independent contexts, novel stimuli could
be produced suitable for learning.
Hebbian-like associator neurons. An associator neuron mediates a cluster of neurons that
tend to have unordered firings within a window of time. This differs from a cause-effect
neuron that mediates temporally correlated neuron firings. The aim is to model
environmental events that tend to occur together but are not causally related.
Address the frame problem. When a component cause-effect changes, quickly incorporate
it into its contextual hierarchy by swapping it in instead of rebuilding the entire hierarchy.
This could be demonstrated in a world with moving/moveable objects situated in fixed
Context-specific mediator states. Currently a mediator’s enabling state, which is a result of
its event neuron firings, is the same for all its contextual parent mediators. This seems
restrictive and unnatural considering that the same type of cause and effect relationship
could be in a different state in different contexts. Philosophically, the current
implementation views an individual mediator as an object rather that a class or type of
object. Viewing a mediator as a type allows instances of it to occupy multiple places in an
environment model. To use a cookie jar example, there can be multiple instances of it,
occupying different kitchen counter contexts, and in multiple states of containing different
sorts and quantities of cookies. This enhancement would allow a cookie-seeking agent to
acquire cookies in kitchens that it knows contains full cookie jars, and avoid empty jars that
perhaps had been eaten earlier.
More references, abstracts and some papers at
"A Connectionist Model of Motivation", IJCNN'99 Proceedings.
"Goal-Seeking Behavior in a Connectionist Model", Artificial Intelligence Review. 16 (3):225-253,
November, 2001.
"An Application of Context-Learning in a Goal-Seeking Neural Network", The IASTED
International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI 2005).
"A Maze Learning Comparison of Elman, Long Short-Term Memory, and Mona Neural
Networks", Neural Networks, 2010 Mar; 23(2):306-13.
"Discrimination Learning Guided By Instinct", International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent
Systems, 10 (2013) 129-136.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Goal-seeking behavior in a connectionist modelis demonstrated using the examples of foragingby a simulated ant and cooperativenest-building by a pair of simulated birds. Themodel, a control neural network, translatesneeds into responses. The purpose of this workis to produce lifelike behavior with agoal-seeking artificial neural network. Theforaging ant example illustrates theintermediation of neurons to guide the ant to agoal in a semi-predictable environment. In thenest-building example, both birds, executinggender-specific networks, exhibit socialnesting and feeding behavior directed towardmultiple goals.
Complex organisms exhibit both evolved instincts and experiential learning as adaptive mechanisms. In isolation, neither mechanism is sufficient to successfully navigate the environments of such organisms. Instincts provide behaviors that are generally adaptive but fail in specific cases. Learning must rely on some internal or external guidance to succeed on challenging tasks. This paper explores how instincts and experiential learning can work in tandem to solve a maze environment. Specifically, instincts comprise general knowledge of a set of related mazes representing worlds that an organism might be born into, and experiential learning discriminates specific situations in the particular maze world that an organism is born into. Synergy is accomplished by a hybrid neural network, one part instinctive and the other part capable of learning. After sufficient discriminating experiences, learning can override instinct to navigate a maze when instinct would otherwise fail. Results show a marked improvement in performance when this synergistic approach is employed relative to using either instincts or learning in isolation.
This study compares the maze learning performance of three artificial neural network architectures: an Elman recurrent neural network, a long short-term memory (LSTM) network, and Mona, a goal-seeking neural network. The mazes are networks of distinctly marked rooms randomly interconnected by doors that open probabilistically. The mazes are used to examine two important problems related to artificial neural networks: (1) the retention of long-term state information and (2) the modular use of learned information. For the former, mazes impose a context learning demand: at the beginning of the maze, an initial door choice forms a context that must be remembered until the end of the maze, where the same numbered door must be chosen again in order to reach the goal. For the latter, the effect of modular and non-modular training is examined. In modular training, the door associations are trained in separate trials from the intervening maze paths, and only presented together in testing trials. All networks performed well on mazes without the context learning requirement. The Mona and LSTM networks performed well on context learning with non-modular training; the Elman performance degraded as the task length increased. Mona also performed well for modular training; both the LSTM and Elman networks performed poorly with modular training.
An Application of Context-Learning in a Goal-Seeking Neural Network
More references, abstracts and some papers at "A Connectionist Model of Motivation", IJCNN'99 Proceedings. "Goal-Seeking Behavior in a Connectionist Model", Artificial Intelligence Review. 16 (3):225-253, November, 2001. "An Application of Context-Learning in a Goal-Seeking Neural Network", The IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence (CI 2005).