... However, it does not mean that other types of empirical or non-empirical research are of less importance. There are many insightful conceptual or theoretical papers that have discussed in detail the implications of the increasing use of ELF for translation theory, practice, and pedagogy (Hewson, 2009(Hewson, , 2013Taviano, 2013Taviano, , 2018, interpreter and translator training (P. L. Chang, 2017;Donovan, 2011;Giczela-Pastwa, 2021;Murphy, 2013;Stewart, 2013Stewart, , 2021Tang, 2017), the European Union's language and translation policies (Gazzola & Grin, 2013;Leal, 2013Leal, , 2016Leal, , 2021, the mediation and translation of scientific knowledge and academic discourse (Bendazzoli, 2016;Bennett, 2007Bennett, , 2008Bennett, , 2013aBennett, , 2013bFan, 2017;Montgomery, 2009), and translation in international sports events (Keown, 2017). ...