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Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design: Recent Developments

Taylor & Francis
Educational Psychologist
  • Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Wollongong


Cognitive load theory (CLT) originated in the 1980s and underwent substantial development and expansion in the 1990s by researchers from around the globe. As the articles in this special issue demonstrate, it is a major theory providing a framework for investigations into cognitive processes and instructional design. By simultaneously considering the structure of information and the cognitive architecture that allows learners to process that information, cognitive load theorists have been able to generate a unique variety of new and sometimes counterintuitive instructional designs and procedures.
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Educational Psychologist
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Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design: Recent
Fred Paas , Alexander Renkl & John Sweller
Published online: 08 Jun 2010.
To cite this article: Fred Paas , Alexander Renkl & John Sweller (2003) Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design: Recent
Developments, Educational Psychologist, 38:1, 1-4, DOI: 10.1207/S15326985EP3801_1
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Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design:
Recent Developments
Fred Paas
Educational Technology Expertise Center
Open University of The Netherlands, Heerlen
Alexander Renkl
Department of Psychology
University of Freiburg, Germany
John Sweller
School of Education
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Cognitive load theory (CLT) originated in the 1980s and un-
derwent substantial development and expansion in the 1990s
by researchers from around the globe. As the articles in this
special issue demonstrate, it is a major theory providing a
framework for investigations into cognitive processes and in-
structional design. By simultaneously considering the struc-
ture of information and the cognitive architecture that allows
learners to process that information, cognitive load theorists
have been able to generate a unique variety of new and some-
times counterintuitive instructional designs and procedures.
The genesis of this special issue emerged from an interna-
tional symposium on CLT that was organized at the 2001 Bi-
annual Conference of the European Association for Research
on Learning and Instruction, Fribourg, Switzerland. Most of
the articles that follow are based on contributions to that sym-
posium and discuss the most recent work carried out within
the cognitive load framework. Before summarizing those ar-
ticles, we provide a brief outline of CLT.
on many dimensions, the extent to which relevant elements
interact is a critical feature. Information varies on a contin-
uum from low to high in element interactivity. Each element
of low-element interactivity material can be understood and
learned individually without consideration of any other ele-
ments. Learning what the usual 12 function keys effect in a
photo-editing program provides an example. Element
interactivity is low because each item can be understood and
learned without reference to any other items. In contrast,
learning how to edit a photo on a computer provides an exam-
ple of high-element interactivity. Changing the color tones,
darkness, and contrast of the picture cannot be considered in-
dependently because they interact. The elements of high-ele-
ment interactivity material can be learned individually, but
they cannot be understood until all of the elements and their
interactionsareprocessedsimultaneously. As a consequence,
Element interactivity is the driver of our first category of
cognitive load. That category is called intrinsic cognitive
load becausedemandsonworking memory capacity imposed
by element interactivity are intrinsic to the material being
learned. Different materials differ in their levels of element
interactivityandthusintrinsiccognitiveload,and they cannot
be altered by instructional manipulations; only a simpler
learning task that omits some interacting elements can be
chosen to reduce this type of load. The omission of essential,
interacting elements will compromise sophisticated under-
standing but may be unavoidable with very complex, high-el-
ement interactivity tasks. Subsequent additions of omitted
elements will permit understanding to occur. Simultaneous
processingofall essential elements must occur eventually de-
spite the high-intrinsic cognitive load because it is only then
that understanding commences.
One may argue that this aspect of the structure of informa-
tionhas driven the evolution of human cognitive architecture.
An architecture is required that can handle high-element
interactivity material. Human cognitive architecture met this
requirement by its combination of working and long-term
Copyright © 2003, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Requestsforreprintsshouldbe sent to JohnSweller,SchoolofEducation,
University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2026, Australia. E-mail:
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memory. Working memory, in which all conscious cognitive
processing occurs, can handle only a very limited num-
ber—possibly no more than two or three—of novel interact-
ing elements. This number is far below the number of
interacting elements that occurs in most substantive areas of
human intellectual activity. Alone, working memory would
only permit relatively trivial human cognitive activities.
Long-term memory provideshumanswith the ability to vastly
expand this processing ability. This memory store can con-
tain vast numbers of schemas—cognitive constructs that in-
corporate multiple elements of information into a single
element with a specific function.
Schemas can be brought from long-term to working mem-
ory. Whereas working memory might, for example, only deal
with one element (e.g., a cognitive load that can be handled
easily), that element may consist of a large number of lower
level, interacting elements. Those interacting elements may
farexceedworkingmemorycapacity if each elementhadtobe
processed. Their incorporation in a schema means that only
one element must be processed. If readers of this article are
giventheproblemof reversingthelettersof thelastwordofthe
last sentence mentally, most will be able to do so. A schema is
availableforthiswrittenwordalongwithlower level schemas
that make up the letters. This complex set of interacting ele-
ments can be manipulated in working memory because of
schemas held in long-term memory. The automation of those
schemas so that they can be processed unconsciously further
reduces the load on working memory. It is by this process that
human cognitive architecture handles complex material that
appears to exceed the capacity of working memory.
CLT is concerned with the instructional implications of
this interaction between information structures and cognitive
architecture. As well as element interactivity, the manner in
which information is presented to learners and the learning
activities required of learners can also impose a cognitive
load. When that load is unnecessary and so interferes with
schema acquisition and automation, it is referred to as an ex-
traneous or ineffective cognitive load. Extraneous cognitive
load is a second category of cognitive load. Many conven-
tional instructional procedures impose extraneous cognitive
load because most instructional procedures were developed
formation or cognitive architecture. For example, any in-
a search for a problem solution or a search for referents in an
explanation (i.e., when Part A of an explanation refers to Part
B without clearly indicating where Part B is to be found) is
likely to impose a heavy extraneous cognitive load because
working memory resources must be used for activities that
are irrelevant to schema acquisition and automation. The arti-
cles in this special issue are concerned with this second cate-
gory of cognitive load, extraneous cognitive load, and,
indeed, cognitive load theorists spend much of their time de-
vising alternative instructional designs and procedures that
reduce extraneous cognitive load compared to convention-
ally used procedures.
Extraneous cognitive load is primarily important when in-
trinsic cognitive load is high because the two forms of cogni-
tive load are additive. If intrinsic cognitive load is low, levels
of extraneous cognitive load may be less important because
total cognitive load may not exceed working memory capac-
ity. As a consequence, instructional designs intended to re-
duce cognitive load are primarily effective when element
interactivity is high. When element interactivity is low, de-
signs intended to reduce the load on working memory have
little or no effect.
Thelastformofcognitiveloadisgermane oreffective cog-
nitive load. Like extraneous cognitive load and unlike intrin-
sic cognitive load, germane cognitive load is influenced by
the instructional designer. The manner in which information
is presented to learners and the learning activities required of
learners are factors relevant to levels of germane cognitive
load. Whereas extraneous cognitive load interferes with
learning, germane cognitive load enhances learning. Instead
ofworking memory resources being used to engage in search,
for example, as occurs when dealing with extraneous cogni-
tive load, germane cognitive load results in those resources
being devoted to schema acquisition and automation. Note
that increases in effort or motivation can increase the cogni-
tiveresources devoted to a task. If relevant to schema acquisi-
tion and automation, such an increase also constitutes an
increase in germane cognitive load.
Intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive loads are ad-
ditive in that, together, the total load cannot exceed the work-
ing memory resources available if learning is to occur. The
relations between the three forms of cognitive load are asym-
metric.Intrinsiccognitive loadprovidesabase loadthatisirre-
ducible other than by constructing additional schemas and
automating previously acquired schemas. Any available
working memory capacity remaining after resources have
beenallocatedtodealwithintrinsiccognitive load can beallo-
cated to deal with extraneous and germane load. These can
workintandeminthat,forexample, a reduction in extraneous
cognitive load by using a more effective instructional design
can free capacity for an increase in germane cognitive load. If
learning is improved by an instructional design that reduces
extraneous cognitive load, the improvement may have oc-
bythereductioninextraneouscognitiveloadhasnowbeen al-
ing through schema acquisition and automation, intrinsic
cognitive load is reduced. A reduction in intrinsic cognitive
load reduces total cognitive load, thus freeing working mem-
ory capacity. The freed working memory capacity allows the
learnertousethenewly learned material inacquiringmoread-
vancedschemas. A new cycle commences; over many cycles,
very advanced knowledge and skills may be acquired.
Such alterations in expertise also have profound instruc-
tional implications that were realized in the late 1990s. Until
Downloaded by [Universitaetsbibliothek Freiburg] at 02:44 11 August 2015
that time, research had focused on rather static situations in
which novices were confronted with high-interactive materi-
als resulting in a fixed level of intrinsic cognitive load, which
couldnot be altered by instructional manipulations. Although
it was stated theoretically, the changes in cognitive load that
occurred as a function of increasing learner’s expertise were
not considered from an instructional perspective. Within this
static focus, two instructional goals can be characterized. Ini-
tially, cognitive load research was aimed at the development
of instructional techniques to reduce extraneous cognitive
load. The goal specificity, worked examples, completion,
of these research efforts. Under the assumption of a fixed in-
trinsic load and working memory capacity, the successful re-
duction of extraneous load naturally leads to the hypothesis
that the freed capacity could be deployed for techniques that
increase germane cognitive load. Employing example vari-
ability and prompting imagination are instructional tech-
niques that have been used to substitute extraneous load with
germane load.
With the publication in the late 1990s of research on levels
of expertise in instructional design, a second, more dynamic
line of cognitive load research began to materialize. The dy-
namic approach provides an opportunity for researchers to
consider intrinsic load as a property of the task–subject inter-
action, which is open to instructional control. Typically, re-
search within this line studies instructional techniques that
take into account the alterations in the cognitive load that oc-
cur as learners’ levels of expertise increase to facilitate the
transition from novice to expert. The dynamic line’s main
outcome can be summarized as the expertise reversal effect,
indicating that instructional techniques that are effective with
novices can lose their effectiveness and even become ineffec-
tive when used with more experienced learners.
In one way or another, the articles in this special issue re-
flect this theory. The first three articles are all directly con-
cerned with this new, major concern of CLT: How should
instructional design be altered as a learner’s knowledge in-
creases? Schematic information held in long-term memory
will, as just indicated, have dramatic consequences on the
characteristics of working memory. What, in turn, are the in-
structional consequences?
The article by van Merriënboer, Kirschner, and Kester ad-
dresses this issue by beginning with the premise that learners
should be presented realistic tasks despite the fact that, when
dealing with complex areas, realistic tasks presented to nov-
ices with only limited schematic knowledge are likely to im-
pose a heavy cognitive load. Van Merriënboer et al. suggest
two forms of scaffolding to take into account when consider-
ing the alterations in cognitive load that occur with experi-
ence in a domain. The intrinsic aspects of cognitive load can
be reduced by the scaffold of simple-to-complex sequencing,
whereas the extraneous aspects can be reduced by providing
the substantial scaffolding of worked examples initially, fol-
lowed by completion problems and then full problems. (As
mentioned next, Renkl & Atkinson describe a related fading
procedure.) In addition, van Merriënboer et al. indicate that
the timing of essential information presented to students can
be critical from a cognitive load perspective, with inappropri-
ate timing unnecessarily increasing load. They suggest that
general, overarching supportive information be presented
first so that learners can construct a schema to be used
throughout the task, whereas specific procedural information
should be presented only at the particular point when it is re-
quired. Lastly, the authors present their four-component in-
structional design model that integrates the various
instructional design principles outlined in their article.
The use of worked examples rather than solving the equiv-
alent problems is one of the earliest and probably the best
known cognitive load reducing technique. Renkl and
Atkinson are concerned with the role of worked examples
when learning to solve particular classes of problems and,
expertise increase. They suggest that in the earliest stages of
learning, when intrinsic cognitive load is high because few
schemas are available, learners should study instructions;
during intermediate stages when schema formation has freed
some working memory capacity, they should study worked
examples and increase germane load by using self-explana-
tions; in the final stages, there should be sufficient working
memory capacity to permit more problem solving. Renkl and
Atkinsondescribe the fading technique to facilitate the transi-
tion from the intermediate to final stages. Complete worked
examples are faded by successively eliminating sections of
the worked example until eventually only a full problem re-
tion problems that are discussed in the van Merriënboer et
al.’s article. This fading technique was found to be superior to
the traditional procedure of alternating worked examples and
Kalyuga, Ayres, Chandler, and Sweller review research
directly concerned with the consequences of differing levels
of expertise on cognitive load effects. They indicate that
manyinstructional design recommendations proceed without
an explicit reference to learner knowledge levels. Research is
reviewed demonstrating that a large number of CLT effects
that can be used to recommend instructional designs are only
applicable to novices and can disappear and even reverse as a
function of increasing expertise. Kalyuga et al. provide an
overview of this so-called expertise reversal effect by coordi-
nating and unifying multiple empirical observations of the in-
teractions between instructional techniques and levels of
learnerexpertise and show that the effect has a plausible theo-
retical explanation within a cognitive load framework.
Whereas the first three articles deal with issues tradition-
ally considered by cognitive load theorists, Gerjets and
Scheiter are concerned with procedures in which learners
rather than instructors make instructional decisions. CLT
usually has assumed that instructors rather than novice learn-
ersshould decide what should be studied and how it should be
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studied. The worked example effect in which studying
worked examples can be superior to solving the equivalent
problems provides the clearest example. Nevertheless, as the
first three articles indicate, there now is strong evidence that,
as levels of expertise increase, it is appropriate to decrease in-
structor control and increase learner control. Under these cir-
cumstances,Gerjets and Scheiter’s analysis with its emphasis
on learner control is timely. They criticize the fact that CLT
researchtypicallyassumes a one-to-one mapping between in-
structional design and a resulting pattern of extraneous and
germane cognitive loads without taking into account other
moderating variables, such as learner goals that interfere with
this direct mapping. An extension to CLT is proposed along
with the moderating factors of the configuration of teacher
and learner goals and the learner’s processing strategies that
are used to accomplish these goals. Data from four experi-
ments on hypertext instruction are summarized to support the
claim that CLT should take these factors into account when
making predictions for instructional material.
In their article, Mayer and Moreno show why CLT pro-
vides a very fruitful perspective in the area of multimedia
learning. All too often, learners in multimedia environments
experience cognitive overload when dealing with the com-
plexity of text and pictorial presentations. Five overload sce-
narios are described; more importantly, theory-based and
empirically proven solutions for each of these overload prob-
lems are offered. At the conclusion of their article, Mayer and
Moreno suggest that techniques for measuring cognitive load
are one of the most important issues that need to be addressed
by CLT if it is to continue to provide a robust framework for
instructional design. The last two articles, by considering this
vital methodological issue, provide beacons to the future.
Brünken, Plass, and Leutner introduce a dual-task ap-
proach to the measurement of cognitive load in multimedia
learning as a promising alternative to existing methods. They
argue that learners’ performance on a visual secondary reac-
tion time task can be used as a direct measure of the cognitive
ent multimedia learning environments as a cognitive load ef-
fect, thereby demonstrating the feasibility of the dual-task
approach. This approach may provide a viable alternative to
the most commonly used measure of cognitive load, subjec-
tive task ratings.
The final article discusses the conceptual and practical
issues associated with cognitive load measures. Paas,
Tuovinen, Tabbers, and Van Gerven provide an overview
of the different operationalizations of cognitive load and
their advantages and disadvantages. Because a valid mea-
surement of cognitive load is essential to the endeavor to
further advance the empirical basis of cognitive load theory,
their review of recent developments of cognitive load mea-
surement is both important and timely. Finally, Paas et al.
point out that assessing cognitive load is also helpful in the
online adaptation of learning tasks in computer-based envi-
In its ability to generate a large range of novel, the-
ory-based instructional design procedures, CLT is
unique. Furthermore, because the ability of any scientific
theory to generate applications tends to validate the origi-
nal theory, the existence of the applications generated by
CLT validates not only CLT but also many of the con-
structsofcognitive psychology, such as schema construc-
tion and the distinction between working and long-term
memory. The articles in this special issue demonstrate
that CLT is continuing its role of using cognitive psychol-
ogy principles to generate novel instructional design pro-
Downloaded by [Universitaetsbibliothek Freiburg] at 02:44 11 August 2015
... This is where the CLT comes in. Its central aim is to provide instructional principles and recommendations that make efficient use of the learners' limited working memory resources to enhance knowledge acquisition (Paas et al., 2003;Sweller et al., 2019). In this context, learning is successful when people construct and automate schemata in long-term memory. ...
... When needed, a schema can be retrieved from long-term memory for later information processing in working memory, thereby reducing the load on working memory. To enhance the learners' ability to acquire novel knowledge, CLT has proposed several design principles and effects aimed at reducing unnecessary working memory load to free up enough capacity for learning-relevant processes (Paas et al., 2003). Sweller et al. (2019) have argued that cognitive load is increased when demands such as search processes between corresponding information sources unnecessarily burden working memory. ...
... To this end, several design principles have been formulated (for a review, see Mayer & Moreno, 2010). Due to the hypothesized additive nature of ICL and ECL (i.e., additivity hypothesis; Moreno & Park, 2010), ECL only plays an important role when ICL is relatively high, thus taxing working memory capacity resulting from processing the complexity of the task (Paas et al., 2003). Conversely, ECL is less important when the information to be learned is not complex and thus requires less working memory capacity. ...
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In research practice, it is common to measure cognitive load after learning using self-report scales. This approach can be considered risky because it is unclear on what basis learners assess cognitive load, particularly when the learning material contains varying levels of complexity. This raises questions that have yet to be answered by educational psychology research: Does measuring cognitive load during and after learning lead to comparable assessments of cognitive load depending on the sequence of complexity? Do learners rely on their first or last impression of complexity of a learning material when reporting the cognitive load of the entire learning material after learning? To address these issues, three learning units were created, differing in terms of intrinsic cognitive load (low, medium, or high complexity) as verified by a pre-study (N = 67). In the main-study (N = 100), the three learning units were studied in two sequences (increasing vs. decreasing complexity) and learners were asked to report cognitive load after each learning unit and after learning as an overall assessment. The results demonstrated that the first impression of complexity is the most accurate predictor of the overall cognitive load associated with the learning material, indicating a primacy effect. This finding contrasts with previous studies on problem-solving tasks, which have identified the most complex task as the primary determinant of the overall assessment. This study suggests that, during learning, the assessment of the overall cognitive load is influenced primarily by the timing of measurement.
... While it has historically been considered fixed and not subject to influence, intrinsic load is increasingly viewed as potentially dynamic. When intrinsic load is viewed as a feature of the relationship between a subjective learner and a learning task, it can be influenced by manipulating the relationships between the learner, task and subject matter (Paas, Renkl, & Sweller, 2003). Germane cognitive load is associated with processing information, the development of schemas and the automation of information processing. ...
... The first is to reduce cognitive load. Careful attention to instances of cognitive load and alteration to the design and presentation of instructional materials can reduce the levels of cognitive load (see, for example, Chandler & Sweller, 1991;De Jong, 2010;R E Mayer & Moreno, 2003;Paas et al., 2003). The second is to increase the cognitive capacity of the learner. ...
... The additional load is a result of complexity. When there is a potentially excessive number of elements or there are complex interrelationships between the elements (high element interactivity), working memory may be overloaded, impairing the acquisition and automation of schemas (Paas et al., 2003). For online learners engaged in high element interactivity, information processing is more difficult and requires more working memory resources. ...
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This paper examines cognitive load theory in online learning. The central idea of the paper is that by identifying instances of cognitive load in online courses, educators can make practical adjustments in the design and teaching of courses in order to minimise the cognitive load experienced by learners and thereby increase the likelihood of successful cognitive processing. The presentation brings together current thinking in cognitive load theory and descriptions of key aspects of contemporary online learning to identify and describe of potential instances of cognitive load experienced by online learners.
... This includes simplifying instructional materials and presenting information in segments, which can help prevent learners' working memory from being overwhelmed (Mayer & Moreno, 2003). Lastly, germane load enhances learning by encouraging integrating new information with existing knowledge, facilitating deep and meaningful learning processes (Paas et al., 2003;Petlá k, & Birova, J. 2023). ...
... However, they often require learners to process and remember many rules, thus imposing a high intrinsic cognitive load. This can potentially overwhelm learners, leaving limited cognitive resources for deeper understanding and integration of language concepts (Paas et al., 2003). ...
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The present study uses a quasi-experimental design to assess the effectiveness of the Rotation Model (RM) on English as a Second Language (ESL) learners' writing errors among undergraduate students. Few studies have focused on ESL learners' writing errors in inflectional suffixation. To address this gap, the current study investigates the effect of the Rotation Model on ESL learners' writing errors in inflectional suffixation within the Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) framework. The study has collected data from 132 participants. They were divided into two groups. The first group serves as the experimental group (N=66). The experimental group undergoes an intervention through the Rotation Model to improve English writing. The second group is the Control group (N=66). The control received instruction through the grammar-translation method.) Data were collected using pretests and posttests from both groups on two different pictures. The data were analyzed using paired t-tests on SPSS. The analysis revealed that the ESL learners in the experimental group improved their writing by minimizing errors related to inflectional suffixation more than the control group. These findings suggest that the Rotation Model effectively enhances the accuracy of ESL learners' use of inflectional suffixes. The implications of these results underscore the potential of RM as a superior instructional approach over traditional methods in ESL contexts, particularly for complex grammatical structures such as inflectional suffixation.
... Our complexity manipulation also influenced the investment of mental effort, showing that learners invested higher mental effort when confronted with a more complex task. This effect is consistent with the literature, especially in an SRL context, where learners tend to be more engaged when challenged (van Merriënboer & Sweller, 2005;Paas et al., 2003b;Deci & Ryan, 1985;Greene & Azevedo, 2009;Sirock et al., 2023). However, this effect was not consistent across all languages. ...
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Assessing cognitive demand is crucial for research on self-regulated learning; however, discrepancies in translating essential concepts across languages can hinder the comparison of research findings. Different languages often emphasize various components and interpret certain constructs differently. This paper aims to develop a translingual set of items distinguishing between intentionally invested mental effort and passively perceived mental load as key differentiations of cognitive demand in a broad range of learning situations, as they occur in self-regulated learning. Using a mixed-methods approach, we evaluated the content, criterion, convergent, and incremental validity of this scale in different languages. To establish content validity, we conducted qualitative interviews with bilingual participants who discussed their understanding of mental effort and load. These participants translated and back-translated established and new items from the cognitive-demand literature into English, Dutch, Spanish, German, Chinese, and French. To establish criterion validity, we conducted preregistered experiments using the English, Chinese, and German versions of the scale. Within those experiments, we validated the translated items using established demand manipulations from the cognitive load literature with first-language participants. In a within-subjects design with eight measurements (N = 131), we demonstrated the scale’s criterion validity by showing sensitivity to differences in task complexity, extraneous load manipulation, and motivation for complex tasks. We found evidence for convergent and incremental validity shown by medium-size correlations with established cognitive load measures. We offer a set of translated and validated items as a common foundation for translingual research. As best practice, we recommend four items within a reference point evaluation.
... Dyslexia is also associated with working memory differences, particularly in the phonological domain (Menghini et al., 2011). While cognitive load in online learning has been extensively studied in neurotypical populations (e.g., Mayer and Moreno, 2003;Paas et al., 2003), research on its impact on neurodivergent students in online learning is limited (Le Cunff et al., 2024a). This gap in research has significant implications for the design and delivery of inclusive online education, as it may lead not only to the development of online learning materials and strategies that do not adequately address the unique needs of neurodivergent students but might also hinder the identification of accessibility issues in software that is already widely used. ...
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This theoretical paper presents the development and analysis of an inclusive educational framework designed to manage cognitive load for neurodivergent students in online learning environments. Drawing from cognitive load theory and neurodiversity studies, the framework is based on existing literature, empirical work conducted by the authors, and iterative feedback from a participatory research advisory board. Taking a neurodiversity-informed perspective that focuses on interventions addressing challenges common across a range of conditions, it identifies six critical areas that might impact cognitive load in online learning for neurodivergent students: format, environment, delivery, instruction, support, and research (FEDIS+R). To assess the external factors influencing the potential implementation of the framework and its place within the broader landscape of inclusive education, a PESTEL (Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal) analysis was conducted. The analysis highlights challenges such as resource disparities, institutional commitment to inclusion, and legal requirements for accessibility, which may affect the adoption of the framework. Given the evolving nature of both cognitive load theory and neurodiversity studies, future research directions are suggested to evaluate its effectiveness across diverse educational contexts. This paper contributes to the growing body of knowledge on neurodiversity in education and offers practical recommendations for educators and policymakers seeking to create inclusive online learning environments.
Effective presentations are crucial for disseminating knowledge and cultivating skilled learners. Cognitive load theory (CLT) offers a framework for optimizing instructional design by managing the mental effort required for learning. This article explores principles from CLT with practical suggestions to create brain-friendly presentations, focusing on intrinsic, extraneous, and germane cognitive loads. Intrinsic load can be managed through pretraining, organizing topics from simple to complex, and segmenting topics. Extraneous load should be minimized through coherence, signaling, redundancy, and spatial/temporal contiguity principles to eliminate unnecessary cognitive burden. Germane load can be enhanced by incorporating personalization, contextualization, relevance, interactive elements, and variability to promote deeper engagement and schema construction. This article emphasizes applying CLT principles to aid the reader in translating theory into practice.
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The systematic literature review explores the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in foreign language (FL) education within K-12 school settings. It aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research, identify emerging trends and gaps in the literature, and provide valuable insights for educators and researchers in the field. We analysed 16 empirical studies conducted between 2019 and 2023, focusing on three key areas: the pedagogical integration of AI tools, their impact on language learning outcomes, and future research recommendations. The review provides insights into the pedagogical aspects of AI utilization, the theoretical frameworks of the studies, and the research methods employed. The findings highlight the specifics of using AI tools, their impact on language learning outcomes, and the challenges and potential benefits of implementing AI in K-12 FL education.
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