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Combined 3D building surveying techniques-Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and total station surveying for BIM data management purposes


Abstract and Figures

Building information modelling (BIM) represents the process of development and use of a computer generated model to simulate the planning, design, construction and operation of a building. The utilisation of building information models has increased in recent years due to their economic benefits in design and construction phases and in building management. BIM has been widely applied in the design and construction of new buildings but rarely in the management of existing ones. The point of creating a BIM model for an existing building is to produce accurate information related to the building, including its physical and functional characteristics, geometry and inner spatial relationships. The case study provides a critical appraisal of the process of both collecting accurate survey data using a terrestrial laser scanner combined with a total station and creating a BIM model as the basis of a digital management model. The case study shows that it is possible to detect and define facade damage by integration of the laser scanning point cloud and the creation of the BIM model. The paper will also give an overview of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), total station surveying, geodetic survey networks and data processing to create a BIM model. First published online: 24 Oct 2013
Content may be subject to copyright.
Tarvo MILL
, Aivars ALT
, Roode LIIAS
Department of Construction Geodesy, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, 19086 Tallinn,
Department of Civil Engineering, Tallinn University of Applied Sciences, Pa
¨rnu mnt 62, 10135 Tallinn,
Received 23 Dec 2012; accepted 8 Apr 2013
Abstract. Building information modelling (BIM) represents the process of development and use of a computer
generated model to simulate the planning, design, construction and operation of a building. The utilisation of
building information models has increased in recent years due to their economic benefits in design and construction
phases and in building management. BIM has been widely applied in the design and construction of new buildings but
rarely in the management of existing ones. The point of creating a BIM model for an existing building is to produce
accurate information related to the building, including its physical and functional characteristics, geometry and inner
spatial relationships. The case study provides a critical appraisal of the process of both collecting accurate survey data
using a terrestrial laser scanner combined with a total station and creating a BIM model as the basis of a digital
management model. The case study shows that it is possible to detect and define facade damage by integration of the
laser scanning point cloud and the creation of the BIM model. The paper will also give an overview of terrestrial laser
scanning (TLS), total station surveying, geodetic survey networks and data processing to create a BIM model.
Keywords: terrestrial laser scanning, total station surveying, BIM, building managing.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Mill, T.; Alt, A.; Liias, R. 2013. Combined 3D building
surveying techniques terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) and total station surveying for BIM data management
purposes, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 19(Supplement 1): S23S32.
Building renovation is a growing trend in the con-
struction sector. The amount and granularity of
information needed for renovation design is growing
in tandem with the fields of architecture, construction,
engineering and building management. We should not
overlook the importance of cost efficiency. In order to
design cost- efficient renovation works, it is important
to have at hand accurate data reflecting the existing
situation. This will ultimately be the basis of all design
processes and can affect the allocation of costs.
Several studies on the creation of 3D models of
existing buildings have been conducted over the last
decades. These 3D models have been of great im-
portance to architectural city planning. For example,
Donath and Thurow (2007) have suggested an inte-
grated building information system, combined with a
digitally supported survey solution for architectural
surveying. The study brings out a number of problem
areas mainly concerned with accuracies in presenting
building geometry.
Laser scanning with its high level of accuracy and
high level of detail is very versatile and has been
utilised, for example in the assessment of buildings’
condition (Tang, Akinci 2012) and computing accurate
parametric models of complex objects (Bauer, Polthier
2009). For example, Haala and Kada (2010)have
focused their study on the creation of 3D models of
buildings’ roofs and facades using 3D terrestrial laser
scanning (TLS) data, although Rajala and Penttila
(2006) and Larsen et al. (2011) point out that digitalis-
ing a building using TLS data entails a high volume of
work. In the last few years, point cloud software
development has increased the efficiency of point cloud
processing and made it more flexible when creating
building information modelling (BIM) models. Bosche´
(2010) has pointed out how geometry created with
accurate survey (information-rich) data is related to the
Corresponding author: Tarvo Mill
ISSN 1392-3730 print/ISSN 1822-3605 online
2013 Volume 19(Supplement 1): S23S32
S23 Copyright ª2013 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press
BIM model. Using BIM technology requires in addi-
tion to geometric information, other data, such as
physical, structural and functional parameters.
The present case study went through the follow-
ing stages: establishing the external and internal
geodetic survey networks, planning and conducting
laser scanning of the external part of the building,
planning and conducting a total station survey of the
internal part of the building. At the end of each stage,
data processing was performed, and finally a BIM
model was generated.
An unexpected and positive outcome of the case
study was the possibility to detect and define facade
damage by integration of the laser scanning point
cloud and the BIM model created.
1. The case study object
The case study object was the main building of the
Tallinna Tehnikako
˜rgkool/University of Applied
Sciences (TTK/UAS) located in the capital city of
Estonia. The building, built in the 1950s, was designed
and built by the Leningrad architectural institute
Giprosˇaht architect H. Serlin from 1946 to 1953.
The building is in the stalinistic style, characterised by
an abundance of ornaments.
Over the years, the building has been renovated
and expanded numerous times. Since few of the
original architectural drawings are extant, the daily
administrative work has been carried out using hard-
copy 2D inventory plans, some of which were made in
1975. The main problem with inventory plans is that
often they do not coincide with reality. The situation is
similar for existing buildings in Estonia.
In order to simplify the process of administration
and planning, it is essential to have reliable and
informative spatial data. In this case, the existing
data was not sufficient enough to carry out any
administrative activity. As a result, a building survey
was necessary, either as an extension or validation of
existing building documentation or to provide new
documentation (Donath, Thurow 2007).
The current state-of-the-art approach to collect-
ing, organising and integrating survey data of an
existing building into a single data structure is to
model it using BIM tools (Eastman 2008).
2. Concept of BIM
BIM represents the process of development and use of
a computer generated model to simulate the planning,
design, construction and operation of a building. The
resulting model, a building information model, is a
data-rich, object-oriented, intelligent and parametric
digital representation of the building, from which
views and data appropriate to various users’ needs
can be extracted and analysed to generate information
that can be used to make decisions and to improve the
process of delivering the building (Azhar 2011). In
order to simplify real-time tracking of projects and
information management, the processes can be inte-
grated with different applications like Radio Fre-
quency Identification (RFID) and Geographic
Information System (GIS) (Cheng et al. 2008). When
combining RFID, GIS and BIM, we gain a novel and
effective tool with wide application in the Architec-
tural, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.
The basic parameters describing vector objects
are shape and volume and can be simply expressed as
coordinate points and their orientation as an angular
value within a 3D space. Specifications for the
materials and texture can accompany the numerical
data. Parametric CAD differs from generic 3D CAD
in that parameters are assigned to an object prior to
its use. The 3D object as a parametric model can be
edited to revise any or all of its parameters of
construction, texture and orientation (CSA 2005).
Architectural CAD has been developed from 2D
graphic computer representation to parametric mod-
elling to 3D modelling (Tse et al. 2005), and on to
feature extraction and finally to BIM.
The leading BIM software platforms are Auto-
desk Revit, GraphiSoft ArchiCAD and Bentley Archi-
tecture. ArchiCAD by Graphisoft (2012)isan
architectural design application built around the BIM
concept as a standalone application. In ArchiCAD the
modelling of objects can be achieved using standard
parametric construction elements. These elements are
embedded in the software (such as walls, columns,
beams, slabs, roofs, etc.) or created as newobjects using
the embedded scripting language Geometric Descrip-
tive Language (GDL). The use of GDL allows the
creation of any number of rich parametric BIM objects
and for their storage in internal libraries or data bases
for further reuse or modification (Tse et al. 2005). Revit
(Autodesk Inc. 2012) is also a BIM platform, where the
user constructs a mass model with a combination of
solid forms and void forms. The faces of the mass
volume can be turned into building elements, floors
and other architectural elements can be generated
inside the mass model. Bentley Architecture’s interface
is completely different from that of other types of BIM
software, in the sense that it is not a standalone
application but is a plug-in for Bentley MicroStation
TriForma, which in turn is also a plug-in for the
fundamental Bentley MicroStation (Tse et al. 2005).
3. Review of technology
This section gives an overview of the application of
two different techniques to acquire accurate geometric
information for a building. Traditionally, a total
station is used to record single points. Using a total
station, however, is relatively time-consuming since
points are recorded one by one. Each survey point
describes building edges or points of interest. This
24 T. Mill et al. Combined 3D building surveying techniques...
method does not allow the possibility to acquire
complex surface structures. In the case of TLS, one
scan results in a large quantity of points in a
systematic pattern, also called a point cloud. Many
different TLS systems are on the market for a wide
variety of object sizes, ranges and accuracies. In
response to total station survey and TLS, close-range
stereo photogrammetry is the predominant method
for geometric documentation of a complex consisting
of heritage objects. The close-range stereo photogram-
metric measurement system consists mainly of a
digital camera, a laser distance metre, and a special
support for two devices (Ordo´n
˜ez et al. 2010). A more
detailed overview of close-range photogrammetry
applications is given by Ordo´n
˜ez et al. (2010) and
Jiang et al. (2008). Boehler and Marbs (2004) give a
comparison of TLS and close-range photogrammetry.
3.1. TLS technology
A terrestrial laser scanner scans its entire field of view
one point at a time by changing the laser rangefinder’s
direction of view to scan different points (Mill et al.
2011). According to scanning technology, terrestrial
laser scanners can be divided into three basic groups:
triangulation, time of flight (TOF) and phase-shift
(PS) or phase-based (PB).
Triangulation laser scanners shine a laser pattern
onto the object and use a camera to look for the
location of the laser’s projection onto the object
(Lerma et al. 2010). The pattern projector and the
object being measured are configured in a triangle,
hence the name triangulation scanner. Triangulation
laser scanners are used in applications generally
requiring an operating range that is less than 25 m
(Mensi 2012). TOF laser scanners compute distances
by measuring the time frame between sending a short
laser pulse and receiving its reflection from an object.
Since the laser pulse travels with a constant speed, the
speed of light, the distance between the scanner and
the object can be determined. TOF laser scanners can
determine up to 50,000 points per second up to a
distance of over 1 km from the scanner (Riegl Laser
Measurement Systems GmbH 2011).
PB laser scanners avoid using high precision
clocks by modulating the power of the laser beam. The
emitted (incoherent) light is modulated in amplitude
and fired onto a surface. The scattered reflection is
collected and a circuit measures the phase difference
between the sent and received wave-forms, hence a
time delay. This method allows faster measuring, up to
1,000,000 points/s (ZollerFro
¨hlich GmbH 2012).
Because of the laser power required to modulate the
beam to certain frequencies, the range of these
scanners are limited to approximately between 25
and 80 m (3D Risk Mapping 2008).
Laser scanning technology possesses many cap-
abilities for gathering data, but certain aspects should
be considered when planning recording tasks. Laser
scanning does not provide unlimited geometric accu-
racy. Scanning accuracy is dependent on the surface
material and reflecting capabilities of objects observed.
A thorough analysis of laser scanning accuracy has
been carried out by Boehler and Marbs (2003), Schulz
and Ingesand (2004), Mechelke et al. (2007) and Alkan
and Karsidag (2012).
3.2. Total station survey technology
Total stations combine electronic theodolites and EDM
into a single unit. They digitally observe and record
horizontal directions, vertical directions, and slope
distances. These digital data observations can be
adjusted and transformed to local xyzcoordinates
using an internal or external microprocessor. Various
atmospheric corrections, grid and geodetic correc-
tions, and elevation factors can also be entered and
applied. The total station may internally perform and
save the observations, or (more commonly) these data
may be downloaded to an external data collector.
With the addition of a data collector, the total station
interfaces directly with onboard microprocessors,
external PCs, and software (US Army Corps of
Engineers 2007). Total stations can electronically
encode angles to 1 arc-second with accuracy down
to 0.5 arc-second. Distances can be measured with
accuracy down to 0.5 mm (Leica Geosystems AG 2012a).
4. The case study
4.1. Workflow
The case study workflow chart is laid out in Figure 1.
The workflow chart depicts in detail the stages of the
case study. The workflow is divided into five parts.
4.2. Establishment of a geodetic network
The initial phase of the survey project involved
establishing a geodetic survey network around the
Fig. 1. Workflow of the stages of the case study
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(Supplement 1): S23 S32 25
building to provide a common reference frame and to
ensure survey data compatibility. Survey points
around the building (Fig. 2) in the closed survey
traverse were determined using total station measure-
ments. The closed traverse was adjusted, using Trimble
M3 Controller software, which uses the Compass
adjustment also known as the Bowditch adjustment.
The Compass adjustment distributes the error in pro-
portion to the length of the traverse lines (Muskett
An additional four survey traverses inside the
building, one on each floor connected to baselines
outside the building were generated (see Fig. 2, survey
points on the fourth floor P42, P41, P43).
The heights of the external traverse points were
levelled separately using a digital level Leica Sprinter
4.3. External building survey
The external building survey was conducted using a
TOF terrestrial laser scanner Leica C10 in September
2011. The maximum range of the device is 300 m with
a 3602708field of view and maximum scanning rate
of up to 50,000 points/sec (Leica Geosystems AG
TLS data was acquired at 26 stations, to receive
information from as many parts of the object as
possible and to leave fewer hidden sections. Such a
dense database of the facade will allow the Adminis-
trative board to assess the extent of damaged surface
area and other facade elements. In total, over 223
million points were recorded from approximately
9545 m
of facade area (415 m perimeter, 23 m in
height) and from 2924 m
of roof area, each point
consisting of x,y,zand intensity values (Fig. 3). To
obtain a complete representation of the scanned
object, the scans were combined into one dataset by
directly georeferencing the point clouds into the
predetermined geodetic reference frame.
4.4. Internal building survey
Since the level of interior detail was not high, the
internal survey was accomplished using a total station
Trimble M3. The total station was coordinated in each
room using the internal survey traverses on each floor.
As a result, all of the internal surveys were in a
uniform system. The room perimeter was surveyed
using the reflectorless measurement technique at a
height of approximately 1 m. The heights of ceilings,
door lintels and windows, as well as the widths of
Fig. 2. Established survey traverses
26 T. Mill et al. Combined 3D building surveying techniques...
windows, were sometimes measured using an electro-
nic distance metre (Leica Disto A2) depending on the
visibility inside the room. Since it was difficult to
survey corners accurately, some of the corner positions
were created during data processing using the exten-
sions of the walls, where walls intersected.
4.5. Data processing
Data processing was divided into three different
phases, the first, exterior point cloud processing, the
second, internal total station survey data processing
and the third, processing data using BIM software the
BIM model of the building was created.
4.5.1. Laser scanning data processing
After the external perimeter of the building was laser
scanned, information outside the object of interest was
removed from the point cloud using Leica Cyclon 7.3
software. The data was saved in a *pts format for
further processing in Autodesk Revit Structure 2013.
4.5.2. Total station survey data processing
Total station survey data processing was done using
Autodesk AutoCAD 2011. First, 2D floor plans at
zero height were created. Using the heights of ceilings
in rooms, walls were created and since the perimeter
was now known, door and window openings were
added. Rooms were now simple 3D blocks in the
correct plane position. These blocks were then merged
onto the correct height of the floor in the 3D building
model, as illustrated in Figure 4.
4.6. Creation of the BIM model
4.6.1. Importing and merging the data
The BIM model was created in Revit Structure 2013.
Revit Structure 2013 was chosen, because it allows
direct import of a point cloud data in common
Fig. 3. The point cloud of the entire building in Leica Cyclone 7.1
Fig. 4. A fragment of the 3D model of the building in AutoCAD 2011
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(Supplement 1): S23 S32 27
formats like *pts. The software uses a native *pcg
format, and it is possible to convert the *pts format to
the *pcg format.
Of equal importance is the possibility to export
models in open formats like XML, IFC and DWF.
The availability of open file formats can facilitate
collaboration in data collecting, data processing and
data application. It is worth noting that applications
used for viewing, commenting and coordination are
based on open file formats.
Since the building was surveyed using two
different survey methods to create a model of the
whole building, the internal AutoCAD 3D model
based on the total station survey and the exterior
laser scanning point cloud data (Fig. 5) had to be
4.6.2. Modelling the exterior
The surface of the facade was modelled entirely using
the laser scanning point cloud data. Since Revit
Structure does not have an algorithm for determining
the best fit for the location of the surface of the facade,
the modeller chose the location manually. Choosing the
right place for the surface manually may turn out to
be very difficult, especially if the surface is rough and
uneven (see Fig. 6).
The merged dataset is also used for marking
the floor heights and axes of the building in Revit
(Fig. 7).
Using Revit’s commands like columns, walls,
slabs, etc. different structural and architectural parts
of the building were created. The procedure described
above was used to build up the rest of the model.
4.6.3. Modelling the interior
The taxonomy of the BIM is as follows: the model is
divided into separate floors and each floor is divided
into building sections according to its logical location.
Fig. 5. A sample of the internal 3D model merged with the exterior point cloud
Fig. 6. A sample of the building’s limestone facade, front
view (left) side view (right)
28 T. Mill et al. Combined 3D building surveying techniques...
The taxonomy was designed according to the principle
that it would be possible to display smaller parts of the
whole BIM model separately, in turn making it more
convenient for the user to work with a specific section
or floor. Such an approach would also put less of a
load on the computer hardware. Another reason for
using smaller sections is that renovation is typically
carried out on one room or floor at a time, since the
building is in continuous use. For example, renovation
of the ventilation system is planned at first only for
section A on the first floor. The taxonomy created by
the model simplifies the designing for only that part of
the ventilation system.
According to the American Institute of Archi-
tects (AIA), the level of detail of the model is 300
(Weygant 2011), meaning that the model shows the
quantity, shape, size, location and orientation of
elements. The inserted elements carry sufficient in-
formation concerning the required performance cri-
teria; therefore, a detailed analysis of the construction
elements can be performed. For example, a wall
structure is modelled in sufficient detail enough to
carry out a dynamic energy analysis. As a result, it is
possible to simulate different insulation options for
outside walls. It can also be checked if the planned
ventilation system matches the user profiles of differ-
ent rooms.
5. The benefits of the creation of a BIM model
Displaying the model created in Revit and the point
cloud data simultaneously is an effective way to define
the extent of facade damage. Using traditional survey
methods to achieve such an objective would have been
challenging. An example of facade plaster damage is
shown in Figure 8. It is possible to measure the
damaged area in the direction needed.
Fig. 7. Combined point cloud data with AutoCAD 3D to fit height marks
Fig. 8. The damaged facade area dimensions
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 2013, 19(Supplement 1): S23 S32 29
Tools developed to create models from a point
cloud are effective and time saving when modelling
complicated but geometrically proportional facade
elements like columns or ornaments (Fig. 9). Such
elements can be rendered with a high degree of accuracy.
An important benefit of a large amount of high
accuracy data is the ability to detect discrepancies
between the existing drawings and the real situation,
in this case, in the point cloud. For example, in 2007, a
new library was built in the courtyard. The library has
a pyramid-shaped skylight. When the existing fire
zone drawings were compared with the point cloud
data, a major conflict was discovered concerning the
skylight of the new library. The existing drawings and
the point cloud data do not coincide, with differences
up to 4000 mm. The shape and the size of skylight are
remarkably different. This issue leads to another
challenge: different drawings containing the same
information might be remarkably different. Fire sec-
tion drawings of the building contain radically wrong
information about the skylight, though the HVAC
drawings present information in harmony with reality.
This problem highlights the shortcomings in the
management of building documentation.
6. Problem areas
The case study uncovered a series of problematic areas
for future research and development that need to be
resolved. The problem areas are covered in the
following sections.
6.1. Lack of flexibility when integrating different point
cloud data
Problems arose when trying to merge different sets of
point cloud data since the software used does not
support working in survey coordinate systems. The
merging should be done in point cloud processing
software. As a consequence, additional data proces-
sing and data editing is limited. In a situation where
an additional laser scanning campaign is carried out,
it would be difficult to merge the additional data
with existing data and moreover to ensure the accu-
racy and quality of merged data. A simple solution
would be to leave out the additional laser scanning
campaign and design the process thoroughly. In
practice, additional measurements are sometimes
important and necessary.
6.2. Absence of a best-fit algorithm
A best-fit algorithm that could help the modeller
create surfaces more easily is missing. At the moment
a modeller has to choose the best-fit location of
surfaces. This could result either in too much general-
isation or too little generalisation in the produced
model. Either way, modelling will take extra time,
since the work has to be done manually.
6.3. Creating window openings
Creating window openings in cases where the opening
is not shaped like a cuboid have to be done manually.
Other difficulties arise if wall thicknesses differ
significantly. Since there is no automatic recondition-
ing method for windows, this should be considered a
significant shortcoming, especially when dealing with
larger facilities. One solution to the problem would be
to generalise the constructions and use a low level of
6.4. Missing standards for management applications
Standards for building management applications de-
termining requirements for data collection and the
level of detail of object modelling are missing. At the
moment a modeller can insert information into
the model based on the direct needs of the manager
rather than on the bases of standards. These direct
needs usually reflect requirements of the specific
situation and might not consider the information
needed for the overall management system, which is
connected with the building’s lifecycle.
Fig. 9. Columns and ornaments
30 T. Mill et al. Combined 3D building surveying techniques...
6.5. Organisational challenges
Organisational challenges are related to the classifica-
tions under which the items are classified either based
on EVS, TALO 200, Omniclass or Masterformat.
When a model is created for managing purposes,
it is important that the information is unambiguous
and accurate. A fundamental shortcoming is the lack
of ability to uniquely describe building information
models. The graphical information is one of many
elements of a description of the inserted information,
but when the data is processed and different databases
are used, there is a need for unambiguous definitions.
In the case of cross-border cooperation, there is a
problem when combining different classifiers.
The problems identified require further research.
The case study presented the workflow and methodol-
ogy for collecting and processing data for the purpose
of creating a BIM model for data management
purposes. The data collecting methodology combines
the use of TLS with total station surveying. A
complete description of the work carried out on the
main building of the TTK University of Applied
Sciences (TTK/UAS) is presented, and it includes the
collecting of interior and exterior data, the data
merging process and the creation of the BIM model.
The case study highlights several benefits resulting
from creation of a BIM model using a point cloud,
such as the ability to detect and define the extent of
facade damage. Problem areas concerning the process
of composing the BIM model using different survey
data were also pointed out. The case study shows that
the surveying time, data processing time and level of
detail are essential in the process of creating a BIM
model of an existing building.
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Tarvo MILL. Lecturer, MSc, the Chair of Construction Geodesy, Faculty of Construction, Tallinna Tehnika-
˜rgkool/University of Applied Sciences. Currently pursuing postgraduate studies towards PhD degree in Civil
Engineering (Geodesy) at the TUT. Research interests: terrestrial laser scanning, engineering geodesy, building
information modelling, maintenance of buildings, management of construction and built environment.
Aivars ALT. Associate Professor of Construction Management, MSc, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of
Construction, Tallinna Tehnikako
˜rgkool/University of Applied Sciences. Research interests: construction manage-
ment and management of built environment, building information modelling, classification of data in construction.
Roode LIIAS. Professor of Facilities Management, PhD, Department of Building Production, Dean of the Faculty of
Civil Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology. Research interests: maintenance of buildings, management of
construction and built environment, incl. dwellings. He has published about 90 different research papers, 7 text-
books and hand-books, and has also been the author or co-author of several National Standards on maintenance
and facilities management. He has been the project manager of several national and international projects.
32 T. Mill et al. Combined 3D building surveying techniques...
... Baseline discrepancies (the same as inFigure 8) plotted relative to the total station estimated baseline lengths for U03 C1 (a) and U03 C3 (b) outdoor and U03 C1 (c) and U03 C3 (d) thirdfloor surveys. The dashed red lines show the corresponding trends, and the scale error values are estimated according to Equation(2). ...
... Baseline discrepancies (the same as inFigure 8) plotted relative to the total station estimated baseline lengths for U03 C1 (a) and U03 C3 (b) outdoor and U03 C1 (c) and U03 C3 (d) third-floor surveys. The dashed red lines show the corresponding trends, and the scale error values are estimated according to Equation(2). ...
... Leica RTC360 also contains a visual-inertial system for automatic point cloud alignment based on real-time tracking of scanner movement between scanner stations; not available for the Leica RTC360 LT version.2 At 89%(Leica) or 90% (FARO) albedo. ...
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Terrestrial laser scanning can provide high-quality, detailed point clouds, with state-of-the-art research reporting the potential for sub-centimeter accuracy. However, state-of-the-art research may not represent real-world practices reliably. This study aims to deliver a different perspective through collaboration with the surveying industry, where time constraints and productivity requirements limit the effort which can go to ensuring point cloud quality. Seven sizeable buildings’ point clouds (490 to 1392 scanning stations) are evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantitative evaluations based on independent total station control surveys indicate that sub-centimeter accuracy is achievable for smaller point cloud portions (e.g., a single building story) but caution against such optimism for sizable point clouds of large, multi-story buildings. The control surveys reveal common registration errors around the 5 cm range, resulting from complex surface geometries, as in stairways. Potentially hidden from visual inspection, such systematic errors can cause misalignments between point cloud portions in the compound point cloud structure, which could be detrimental to further applications of the point clouds. The study also evaluates point cloud georeferencing, affirming the resection method’s capability of providing high consistency and an accuracy of a few centimeters. Following the study’s findings, practical recommendations for terrestrial laser scanning surveys and data processing are formulated.
... BIM is the process of developing and using a computer-generated model to simulate the planning, design, construction, and operation of a building, a data-rich model from which views and data appropriate to the needs of the various users can be extracted and analyzed to generate information that can be used to make decisions and improve the building delivery process [14]. According to Mill et al. [14], BIM has been widely applied in the design and construction of new buildings, but rarely in the management of existing buildings. ...
... BIM is the process of developing and using a computer-generated model to simulate the planning, design, construction, and operation of a building, a data-rich model from which views and data appropriate to the needs of the various users can be extracted and analyzed to generate information that can be used to make decisions and improve the building delivery process [14]. According to Mill et al. [14], BIM has been widely applied in the design and construction of new buildings, but rarely in the management of existing buildings. The aim of creating a BIM model for an existing building is to produce accurate information about it, including its physical and functional characteristics, geometry, and internal spatial relationships. ...
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Visual inspections using the traditional method can be inefficient and complicated in some buildings, making the anomaly survey process slow and inaccurate. Recently, studies have been carried out on digital surveying and reality capture techniques as a way of inspecting and capturing the in-situ state of structures, especially in complex scenarios. Anomaly detection using laser scanners is a new area of research that offers many opportunities to improve the current practice of visual inspections, which will reduce the need for skilled labor, avoid human access to hostile environments and allow for the automatic documentation of related information using building information modeling (BIM). This article discusses the implementation of a workflow to detect anomalies present in a commercial building using laser scanning and BIM. The results are a technical inspection report with a description of the anomalies and an as-is model of the building with the quantity for the recovery budget.
... Table 3 highlights aerial imagery's high-resolution earth surface images, LiDAR's accurate 3D building and terrain data, photogrammetry's creation of detailed 3D models via high-definition images, and survey data collection with tools like Total Station. Various methods, such as TLS and total station surveying, can input geometric data, as proposed by Mill et al. [72]. Studies show the effectiveness of these methods for energy modeling, with photogrammetry as a cost-effective LiDAR alternative and both providing accurate results [73]. ...
... In the past decade, numerous studies have explored the potential application of terrestrial laser scanning in engineering tasks. Terrestrial laser scanning can be used in testing the verticality of objects [3,4,5,6], creation of as-build projects of objects [7,8,9], creation of 3D models of objects [10,11,12], projects of reconstruction and rehabilitation façade [13,14], deformation monitoring of engineering facilities [15,16,17], as well as in numerous other geodesy tasks. These studies confirm the justification for applying terrestrial laser scanning technology to control objects' geometry. ...
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In this paper, the control of the geometry of a bridge located in Kula, Serbia, was performed. This bridge bridges the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal and is a part of road 108 that runs from Bačka Topola to the Croatian border. In order to perform the geodetic control of the bridge's geometry, terrestrial laser scanning of the bridge was conducted, where a point cloud was obtained as a product. The geometry control procedure involved controlling the verticality of the grooves that enabled the movement of the weights used to raise the bridge and allowed for navigation in the canal. The geometry control of the two horizontal beams of the bridge was also examined. The results that were obtained were interpreted tabularly and graphically.
... In the past decade, numerous studies have explored the potential application of terrestrial laser scanning in engineering tasks. Terrestrial laser scanning can be used in testing the verticality of objects [3,4,5,6], creation of as-build projects of objects [7,8,9], creation of 3D models of objects [10,11,12], projects of reconstruction and rehabilitation façade [13,14], deformation monitoring of engineering facilities [15,16,17], as well as in numerous other geodesy tasks. These studies confirm the justification for applying terrestrial laser scanning technology to control objects' geometry. ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the control of the geometry of a bridge located in Kula, Serbia, was performed. This bridge bridges the Danube-Tisa-Danube canal and is a part of road 108 that runs from Bačka Topola to the Croatian border. In order to perform the geodetic control of the bridge's geometry, terrestrial laser scanning of the bridge was conducted, where a point cloud was obtained as a product. The geometry control procedure involved controlling the verticality of the grooves, that enable the movement of the weights used to raise the bridge and allow for navigation in the canal, as well as the geometry control of two horizontal beams of the bridge was examined. One of the beams is visibly deformed because the excavator, which was transported by truck, hit it directly. The obtained results were interpreted tabularly and graphically.
... Technological devices are not only necessary to detect special defect types but also important to reduce the inspection effort (Lattanzi and Miller, 2017). For example, a terrestrial laser scanner was used in Mill et al. (2013), and an InfraRed thermography camera on a tripod was used in Garrido et al. (2022) for defect detection. Due to their mobility, more research presents defect detection solutions with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) equipped with cameras Choi et al., 2018;Falorca and Lanzinha, 2020;Meng et al., 2022). ...
This chapter presents a thorough literature review to assimilate existing knowledge within the domains of BIM, DSS, and AR, with a particular focus on their applications during the operation and maintenance phases of facility management. The review commences with an exploration of the concept of DSS, emphasizing its pivotal role in enhancing decision-making processes across various managerial levels and detailing how these systems enhance the effectiveness, timeliness, accuracy, and quality of decisions. Subsequently, the chapter shifts its focus to an overview of facility management, outlining the key operational activities that are integral to maintaining and enhancing building performance and occupant comfort. This is followed by an examination of probabilistic models used to manage the uncertainties inherent in facility management, supporting strategies for predictive maintenance and optimized facility operations. A substantial portion of the chapter is dedicated to examining the role of BIM in O&M. It assesses how BIM facilitates the efficient management of a facility's physical and functional characteristics throughout its lifecycle. This leads into a discussion on the critical need for integrating BIM with DSS to harness more robust and dynamic analytical capabilities in facility management. The chapter also delves into the standards for BIM information that are essential for ensuring interoperability during the O&M phases. It explores key standards like IFC and COBie, which facilitate the consistent and accessible exchange of information across different systems and stages of a building's lifecycle. Furthermore, the benefits of implementing AR are highlighted, with a focus on its potential to transform the evaluation of building performance and occupant comfort through enhanced visualization of BIM data. AR’s ability to overlay digital information onto the physical world offers significant advantages for accessibility and interaction with facility data. Finally, the chapter concludes by summarizing the complexities of integrating these advanced technologies, emphasizing the challenges and opportunities arising from the interplay between BIM, DSS, and AR in modern facility management. This introduction not only establishes the foundation for understanding the impact of these technologies, but also frames the subsequent chapters that delve deeper into their practical applications.
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Entity-based modelling and Object-based modelling have been two distinct lines of products since the introduction of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) in the marketplace some twenty years ago. Although the majority of practitioners have opted for entity-based modelling, the enhancement of object-based modelling has continued. In line with the increasing capabilities of computer hardware and software, most CAD vendors have launched more powerful object-based CAD software in recent years. These software are now commonly known as Building Information Modelling (BIM), Virtual Building, Parametric Modelling, or Model-Based Design. The move is considered revolutionary in the world of the construction CAD market, and would enable seamless downstream applications of the rich information generated by the model. Research such as the 3D to nD modelling project at the University of Salford has been started to explore other design dimensions using BIM. In addition to technical considerations, there are other soft factors, such as people, cultural and process factors, that fundamentally affect the uptake of BIM. Based on hands-on testing and a questionnaire survey administered in Hong Kong, this paper addresses these factors and recommends ways of making improvements. The use of BIM is revealed to still be quite low and conventional entity-based CAD software remain the de-facto drafting tools. The core barriers include the spilt between architecture design and drafting, inadequate objects and object customisation capability, a complicated and time-consuming modelling process, a lack of training and technical support, a lack of requirements from clients, extra file acquisition costs and the unavailability of free trial software. Obviously, the separation of design and drafting has been a common practice and may be the most salient obstacle to the widespread use of BIM and the future of nD modelling.
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This study compares the applications of two novel surveying technologies for road surface mapping -Terrestrial Laser Scanners and robotic Total Stations. In particular, a Leica HDS3000 and a Leica TCRP 1203 in-struments were used. The principles of both technologies are reviewed and their applicability is discussed. The study deals with issues of road surveying under non-stop traffic condition, the safety of surveyors, work methodology, op-timization of surveying time. The aspects of data processing, assessment, analysis and achieved accuracy are also handled. Possible reasons for detected discrepancies between different approaches are discussed in detail. The two methods in question both allow the accurate determination of paving material volumes that should be milled off the upper layer of the road surface and the volume of the filling material required to achieve a smooth road surface. However, the study indicates that using conventional surveying methods such as total station surveying in road sur-face mapping is more time consuming and the results are more generalized than using laser scanning technology where capturing thousands of surface points (i.e. point cloud) takes just seconds.
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The historic city of Jeddah faces serious issues in the conservation, documentation and recording of its valuable building stock. Terrestrial Laser Scanning and Architectural Photogrammetry have already been used in many Heritage sites in the world. The integration of heritage recording and Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been introduced as HBIM and is now a method to document and manage these buildings. In the last decade many traditional surveying methods were used to record the buildings in Old Jeddah. However, these methods take a long time, can sometimes provide unreliable information and often lack completeness. This paper will look at another approach for heritage recording by using the Jeddah Historical Building Information Modelling (JHBIM).
Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers a novel approach to design, construction, and facility management in which a digital representation of the building product and process is used to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of information in digital format. BIM is beginning to change the way buildings look, the way they function, and the ways in which they are designed and built. The BIM Handbook, Third Edition provides an in-depth understanding of BIM technologies, the business and organizational issues associated with its implementation, and the profound advantages that effective use of BIM can provide to all members of a project team. Updates to this edition include: • Information on the ways in which professionals should use BIM to gain maximum value • New topics such as collaborative working, national and major construction clients, BIM standards and guides • A discussion on how various professional roles have expanded through the widespread use and the new avenues of BIM practices and services • A wealth of new case studies that clearly illustrate exactly how BIM is applied in a wide variety of conditions Painting a colorful and thorough picture of the state of the art in building information modeling, the BIM Handbook, Third Edition guides readers to successful implementations, helping them to avoid needless frustration and costs and take full advantage of this paradigm-shifting approach to construct better buildings that consume fewer materials and require less time, labor, and capital resources.
Questions concerning the quality and accuracy of the recorded 3D points of laser scanners recei ve little attention. In a resear ch project, i3mainz has installed a number of different test target s that allow an investigation in the quality of points recorded by laser scanners and the geometric models derived from the point clouds. The standardized tests also allow a comparison between instruments of many different manufacturers for the first time. Seven instruments have been tested, more tests are already sche duled for the near future.
The dimensions of façades and window openings are usually determined by direct measurements using tapes and plummets. These direct methods are time consuming and risky for operators, so indirect approaches are needed. In this paper, we analyse a planar-surface measuring system based on close-range photogrammetry to determine its accuracy and precision. This system is composed of a digital camera and a laser distance meter mounted on a support that allows the laser distance meter to be moved independently of the camera. The proposed system can determine the dimensions of objects. Also, this system provides an estimation of the precision of the calculations for the distances between points. By knowing the uncertainty of their measurements, users can accept or reject the measurement depending on the application tolerance.
Due to the need for improving the energy efficiency of existing buildings, various methods for energy retrofitting are being developed. One such initiative is the TES Energy Façade project, a joint European academia and industry project under the umbrella of the WoodWisdom Net research platform. The project has developed a systematic approach for using prefabricated timber-framed elements that can be assembled in front of an existing façade. The TES approach requires a detailed and precise documentation of the as-built/as-maintained conditions of the existing façade. This paper discusses the approach for the surveying and documentation of a building's existing state and the need to establish a continuous digital chain that encompasses the various project stages from the survey to the site assembly of the elements. Technologies such as D laser scanning and BIM are efficient tools in the process but are not yet sufficiently developed to handle all of the challenges in renewal and retrofit projects.