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Honey’s Ability to Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Healthy Male Subjects

  • University of Uyo,Uyo, Nigeria

Abstract and Figures

Food is the energy source of the body; honey is not only a natural sweetener that provides the body with energy, but has been used as a medicine for different diseases in different parts of the world. This study evaluated honey’s ability to reduce systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in healthy male subjects. We assessed the systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) of fifty healthy male subjects, their basal SBP, DBP and HR were taken and was use as the control value. Each subject was give 20 ml of honey to consume and their systolic SBP, DBP and HR were measured at different intervals; 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes after the intake of honey. The blood pressure was measured, using sphygmomanometer/auscultatory method and heart rate was determined via palpating the radial pulse. Honey significantly (p = 0.05) decreased SBP from 117.80±0.88 to 110.20±2.14 after 15 minutes of honey intake, the significant (p = 0.05) decrease was maintain after 30 minutes of honey consumption at 111.33±2.14, and it was also observed after 60 minutes of honey intake at 110.4±2.08. The result shows that short-term honey consumption has the ability reduce blood pressure in healthy male subject and its consumption might have a beneficial effect.
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Frontiers in Science 2014, 4(1): 8-11
DOI: 10.5923/j.fs.20140401.02
Honey’s Ability to Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate
in Healthy Male Subjects
Esther Olusola Aluko1,*, Titilope Helen Olubobokun1, Dara Ezekiel Atang1, Victor Udo Nna2
1Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Health Sciences, University of Uyo, Uyo, Nigeria
2Department of Physiology, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medical Sciences, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria
Abstract Food is the energy source of the body; honey is not only a natural sweetener that provides the body with
energy, but has been used as a medicine for different diseases in different parts of the world. This study evaluated honey’s
ability to reduce systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate in healthy male subjects. We assessed the
systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate (HR) of fifty healthy male subjects, their basal
SBP, DBP and HR were taken and was use as the control value. Each subject was give 20 ml of honey to consume and
their SBP, DBP and HR were measured at different intervals; 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes after the intake of
honey. The blood pressure was measured, using sphygmomanometer/auscultatory method and heart rate was determined
via palpating the radial pulse. Honey significantly (p= 0.05) decreased SBP from 117.80 ± 0.88 mmHg to 110.20 ± 2.14
mmHg after 15 minutes of honey intake. The significant (p= 0.05) decrease was maintained after 30 minutes of honey
consumption at 111.33 ± 2.14 mmHg, and it was also observed after 60 minutes of honey intake at 110.4 ± 2.08 mmHg.
The result shows that short-term honey consumption has the ability to reduce blood pressure in healthy male subjects and
its consumption might have a beneficial effect.
Keywords Diastolic blood pressure, Healthy male, Heart rate, Honey, Systolic blood pressure
1. Introduction
Diet is either beneficiary or detrimental to health, studies
have associate the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages with
elevated blood pressure [1] but interestingly, honey, a
complex form of sugars has been documented to have
several medicinal benefits: as remedy for diarrhea [2],
gastric ulcers [3], wound healing [4], as skin disinfectant [5],
as immune inducer [6], as anti-diabetic agent [7, 8], as
antibacterial agent [2], as antioxidant [9], and also has an
antimutagenic and antitumor activity [10]. Antimicrobial and
antibacterial properties of honey have been ascribe to its
sugar concentration plus other factors which include low pH,
hydrogen peroxide, flavanoids, phenols and terpenes [11].
Nigerian honey is produced by Apis mellifera adansonii a
native of West Africa [12]. It physiochemical study shows it
constituents to include 17.9% water, 28.3% glucose, 38.9%
fructose, 4.4% maltose, 1.6% sucrose, 0.2% nitrogen and
8.5±2.7 mg/kg Hydroxymethylfurfural, has a pH of 3.9, total
acidity of 21.5±5.6 meq/kg, and 15 mm2/s viscosity [13].
Traditionally it is used in the treatment of various ailments,
thus; bronchial cough, feverish cough, colds, sore or irritated
throats, ulcers in the mouth, tension, burns and wounds
* Corresponding author: (Esther Olusola Aluko)
Published online at
Copyright © 2014 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved
earache, and also taken daily to maintain good health [14].
Studies have documented its anti-diabetic property [14] and
that it can also be use as a nutraceutical agent [15].
Arterial blood pressure is the force exerted by blood
against the arterial walls, it is expressed in millimeter of
mercury (mmHg), the highest is systolic blood pressure and
the lowest diastolic blood pressure [16]. Arterial pressure is
the major factor that affects the effectiveness of the heart
pumping action, the heart can be hypo effective, if arterial
blood pressure is elevated [17]. High arterial pressure causes
excessive workload on the heart and this may lead to heart
failure, coronary heart disease or even death as a result of
heart attack. Furthermore, high arterial pressure causes
multiple hemorrhage in the kidney, consequently destroying
the kidney tissues. The kidney plays an important role in
normal functioning of the cardiovascular system [17].
Diet is one of the risk factors associated with the
development of high blood pressure. Various diets such as
high salty diet has been documented to cause high blood
pressure [18, 19]. Cholesterol is the factor responsible for
atherosclerosis (narrowness of blood vessels) thus food rich
in saturated fats and trans fats are detrimental to the heart
[20]. High carbohydrate diet has also been documented to be
detrimental to the cardiovascular system [21]. Honey, though
constituted by mainly sugar has been reported to be
cardioprotective; Maureen 2004 [22] recommended that
eating honey can reduce blood levels of some
macromolecules that are linked to an increased risk of heart
Frontiers in Science 2014, 4(1): 8-11 9
disease, a study reported that systolic and diastolic blood
pressure were reduced by honey inhalation in hypertensive
patients [23]. Romero-Silva et al, 2011[24] in their animal
study reported that honey decreased the increased blood
pressure on carbohydrate-induced obesity in rats. This is
consistent with another animal study which reported that
honey decreased systolic blood pressure in spontaneously
hypertensive rats [25]. The risk of developing high blood
pressure is gender related; males have been reported to have
higher risk of developing high blood pressure compared with
their female counterparts, and it is well documented that men
have higher blood pressure then their age - matched women
[26]. This study therefore evaluates honey’s ability to reduce
systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure
(DPB) and heart rate (HR) in healthy male subjects.
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Honey
The honey was obtained from the Agric-extension and
was certified pure by the wildlife unit of Department of
Forest Resource Management, Faculty of Agriculture of the
University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
2.2. Subjects
Seventy subjects randomly selected from University of
Ilorin, mini campus were recruited for the study. The age
ranges between 18 - 25 years, with weight of 56 - 70 kg and
height of 1.62 - 1.82 m. Exclusion criteria were the presence
of cardiovascular disorder, blood pressure above 120/80
mmHg in accordance to the JNC-7 [26] and use of any
medications. After prior examination, 50 male subjects were
certified fit to participate in the study. Each subject gave a
written consent to participate in the study. The study was
reviewed and approved by the ethical committee of the
University of Ilorin teaching hospital on human subjects.
2.3. Experimental Procedures
The experiment was done in the morning and all the
subjects did not take breakfast prior to the experiment. The
blood pressure was measured with the subjects in the sitting
position after a 10 mins rest, with the arm supported and the
forearm at the heart level, using a mercury
sphygmomanometer with a cuff size of 12 x 26 cm. The heart
rate was determined via palpating the radial pulse. The blood
pressure and heart rate were measured three consecutive
times at 1 minute interval between measurements and the
average was recorded. After baseline recording, each subject
was given 20 ml of honey. The blood pressure was then
measured after 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes of
2.4. Statistical Analysis
The results were presented as mean ± standard error of
mean (SEM). Statistical differences were evaluated using the
Student paired t-test and the Student independent t-test. The
statistical significance was accepted at the level of p=0.05.
3. Results
The study assessed the effect of honey intake on SBP,
DBP and HR in healthy male subjects. Honey significantly
(p=0.05) decreased mean systolic blood pressure after 15, 30
and 60 minutes of consumption when compared to the
control value (table 1). The changes in mean diastolic blood
pressure and heart rate were not significant when compared
with the control value (table 1). The increase in mean
systolic blood pressure, heart rate and the reduced mean
diastolic blood pressure at 30 minutes when compared to that
of 15 minutes after intake of 20 ml of honey was not
significant. The mean systolic blood pressure, the increased
mean diastolic blood pressure and the heart rate at 60
minutes compared to that of 15 minutes was also not
significant (table 1). The decrease in mean systolic blood
pressure, increased mean diastolic blood pressure and mean
heart rate at 60 minutes compared to that of 30 minutes was
not significant (table 1).
The values are represented in mean ± standard error of
mean (SEM). a- Significantly different from basal values
after intake of 20ml of honey, (p=0.05, n= 50).
Table 1. Effect of Honey on Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Healthy Male Subjects
SBP (mmHg) 117.80±0.88 110.20±2.14a 111.33±2.14a 110.4±2.08a
DBP (mmHg) 79.60± 0.03 80.20±3.13 78.73±2.63 81.47±1.79
(beat/minute) 70.80±2.19 70.40±3.10 72.33±2.53 73.33±2.66
10 Esther Olusola Aluko et al.: Honey’s Ability to Reduce Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Healthy Male Subjects
4. Discussion
Food, an essential source of energy, can either maintain or
deteriorate a person’s health. Some diets such as high salt
diet, fatty diet and sugar sweeten food are detrimental to the
cardiovascular system [1, 18, 19]. Honey is a natural
sweetener that supplies the body with quick energy and is
used in different parts of the world for diverse medicinal
purposes. This study evaluates honey’s ability to reduce
systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and heart
rate in healthy male subjects after 15, 30 and 60 minutes of
honey intake.
We observed that honey decreased systolic blood pressure
after 15, 30 and 60 minutes of honey intake, this is consistent
with the study of Al-Waili 2003 [23], he reported that honey
decreased SBP in hypertensive patients and mild reduction
was observed in normal subjects, concurring animal studies
have also reported a similar decrease in SBP after honey
administration; Romero-Silva et al, 2011[24] reported that
honey reduced the increased blood pressure in
carbohydrate-induced obese rats and a study in
spontaneously hypertensive rats reported same decrease in
SBP [25]. Honey has no significant effect on DBP and HR
differing from the findings of Al-Waili 2003[23], and
Romero-Silva et al 2011 [24]. This may be attributed to the
short duration of study.
The mechanism through which honey elicits it
hypotensive effect is not well understood. It might be via
inducing synthesis of endothelium derived nitric oxide
which results in vasodilatation, Al-Waili 2003[28] reported
that honey contains various concentrations of nitric oxide
(NO) metabolites and suggested that NO might be partially
responsible for the biological and therapeutic effects of
honey. It can also be suggested to be as a result of its ability
to trigger insulin secretion; insulin facilitates absorption of
magnesium ions which in turn cause vascular dilation. Al
Waili 2004 [29] in his study suggested that honey has an
insulin sensitization effect, he explained that honey though a
mixture of sugars fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose and
other complex carbohydrates would be expected to raise the
blood sugar level and its glycemic index should be similar to
that of glucose, has been demonstrated to cause reduction in
blood glucose in both normal and diabetic patients. It is an
established fact that insulin secretion is mainly stimulated by
high blood glucose, thus if honey decreases blood glucose
level but increases insulin secretion, it is suggestive that
honey might have a direct effect on the beta cells of the
pancreas. The ability of insulin to increase cellular
magnesium levels was first reported by Lostroh 1973 [30].
The result was consistent with that of Paolisso and
Barbagallo 1997 [31] who reported that insulin directly
stimulates magnesium ions absorption and might also
contribute to its regulation. Magnesium ions have been
demonstrated to cause nitric oxide independent coronary
artery vasodilatation in human [32]. Honey has been
documented to contain minerals like sodium, calcium,
potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron,
manganese, chromium, and selenium [33]. However, this
study did not assess the mechanism of action of honey, this is
recommended for future study.
5. Conclusions
The results of this study showed that short-term honey
consumption has the ability to reduce systolic blood pressure
in healthy male subjects and it might have the ability to
decrease the risk of developing elevated blood pressure
associated with male. However, to ascertain this, further
study is needed to evaluate the long-term effect of honey in
healthy males.
Limitation of Study
The limitations of this study are as follows;
The effect of honey was studied only in short term
consumption, further studies (probably using animals) is
required to ascertain possible long term effects.
The study only compared the initial SBP, DBP and HR
measured prior to honey consumption with after
consumption, but did not evaluate a control group.
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... It is documented that honey has ability to control diastolic as well as systolic BP (i.e. blood pressure) and heart rate (Aluko et al., 2014). Further, it controls BMI and serum homocysteine, C-reactive protein, lipids, and insulin. ...
... (Rhone and Basu, 2008;Vit and Jacob, 2008;Cernak et al., 2012;Salehi et al., 2014) Heart diseases Regulate blood pressure and heart rate. (Al-Waili et al., 2013;Aluko et al., 2014) Kidney diseases Antibacterial and antioxidant. (Francis et al., 2015;Elhaskoury et al., 2018) ...
Honeybees are flying insects, belong to genus Apis, are highly social, produce honey and construct colonial nests by wax secreted with the help of workers in the colony. Bees comprise almost 20,000 species, out of which, only ten species are of honeybees, while 29 subspecies of Apis mellifera have been reported from all over the world. Honey is composed of sugars (75%), disaccharides (10–15%), water, proteins 0.1% to 3.3%, Amino acids 1% and also having vitamins, minerals, organic acids, phenolic compounds, pigments, more than 400 solid particles and volatile compounds. It is better product than cane-sugar. It is reported that insulin levels don’t boost as compared to blood sugar level after intake of honey as compared to other synthetic sugar products of the same caloric value shortly after eating. Few studies have reported that honey minimized impacts of diabetes in living. In traditional medicine, honey is used a remedy of eye disease, expectorant, cold, myalgia, gastritis, snake-bite, teething in child, migraine, stomach, spleen, dark spots, skin, diarrhea, allergy, burn, wounds in the mouth, influenza, toothache, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, urinary system, Alzheimer's disease, throat pain, cough, tonsils, asthma, acidity and obesity. Honey is also used in nanomedicine to treat various diseases and acts as ie anti-apoptosis, anti-proliferative, antidiabetic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cataract, antibiotic, antifungal in cornea, reduces the risk of endophthalmitis, regulate blood pressure, antibacterial, antioxidant, and intervention of oxidative stress. It is concluded that honey possesses different types of vitamins, minerals and compounds, which are essential for human health and a therapeutic agent in both traditional and modern medicine.
... It is documented that honey has ability to control diastolic as well as systolic BP (i.e. blood pressure) and heart rate (Aluko et al., 2014). Further, it controls BMI and serum homocysteine, C-reactive protein, lipids, and insulin. ...
... (Rhone and Basu, 2008;Vit and Jacob, 2008;Cernak et al., 2012;Salehi et al., 2014) Heart diseases Regulate blood pressure and heart rate. (Al-Waili et al., 2013;Aluko et al., 2014) Kidney diseases Antibacterial and antioxidant. (Francis et al., 2015;Elhaskoury et al., 2018) ...
... Honey is utilized as a therapy in folk medicine to heal acidity, obesity, allergy, Alzheimer's disease, asthma, atherosclerosis, burn, cancer, cold, cough, diabetes mellitus, diarrhea, expectorant, eye infection, gastritis, hypertension, influenza, migraine, skin, snake-bite, spleen, throat pain, tonsils, toothache, and urinary system (7, 18, 30, 81, 82, 84, 98, 115-117, 119, 120, 123, 124, 126, 137, 176-183). Honey is also used in nanomedicine to heal diverse sicknesses and behaves as oxidative stress, heart, blood pressure, anti-proliferative, antioxidant, antiinflammatory, anti-fungal endophthalmitis, anti-diabetic, anticataract, antibiotic, antibacterial, and anti-apoptosis (184)(185)(186)(187)(188)(189)(190)(191)(192)(193)(194)(195)(196)(197)(198)(199). Many fauna species have been shown to be quite adaptable in their applications. ...
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Introduction The utilization of fauna and fauna-based byproducts in ethnomedicinal usages has been a longstanding human activity, practiced across various cultures worldwide. This study focuses on investigating the utilization of animal-based traditional medicine by the people of Pakistan, specifically in the Gujranwala area. Methods Data collection took place from January to September 2019 through interviews with local communities. Ethnomedicinal applications of animal products were analyzed using several indices, including Relative Frequency of Citation (RFC), Relative Popularity Level (RPL), Folk Use Value (FL), and Relative Occurrence Percentage (ROP). Results The study identified the use of different body parts of 54 species of animals in treating various diseases and health issues. These include but are not limited to skin infections, sexual problems, pain management (e.g., in the backbone and joints), eyesight issues, immunity enhancement, cold, weakness, burns, smallpox, wounds, poisoning, muscular pain, arthritis, diabetes, fever, epilepsy, allergies, asthma, herpes, ear pain, paralysis, cough, swelling, cancer, bronchitis, girls’ maturity, and stomach-related problems. Certain species of fauna were noted by informers with high “frequency of citation” (FC), ranging from 1 to 77. For instance, the black cobra was the most frequently cited animal for eyesight issues (FC = 77), followed by the domestic rabbit for burn treatment (FC = 67), and the Indus Valley spiny-tailed ground lizard for sexual problems (FC = 66). Passer domesticus and Gallus gallus were noted to have the highest ROP value of 99. Discussion The findings of this study provide valuable preliminary insights for the conservation of fauna in the Gujranwala region of Punjab, Pakistan. Additionally, screening these animals for medicinally active compounds could potentially lead to the development of novel animal-based medications, contributing to both traditional medicine preservation and modern pharmaceutical advancements.
... Madu juga mempunyai sifat antimikroba yang akan menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri dan jamur sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengawet alami [4]. Selain itu, madu kaya akan antioksidan yang dapat memperbaiki stress oksidatif yang berperan pada keseimbangan mekanisme vasokontriksi dan vasodilatasi pada pembuluh darah, hal ini menjadikan madu sebagai bahan yang menunjang efek terapi dari labu siam [17]. ...
... Honey is used as a remedy in traditional medicine to cure gastritis, snake-bite, cold, myalgia, eye infection, teething in child, dark spots, skin, diarrhea, expectorant, migraine, allergy, burns, wounds in the stomach, spleen, toothache, mouth, influenza, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, urinary system, throat pain, asthma, acidity obesity, cough, and tonsils (Mahawar and Jaroli, 2006;Padmanabhan and Sujana, 2008;Dixit et al., 2010;Jaroli et al., 2010;Oliveira et al., 2010;Abbasi et al., 2011;Benítez, 2011;Deb and Haque, 2011;Lohani, 2011b;Yirga et al., 2011;Barros et al., 2012;Erejuwa et al., 2012;Haileselasie, 2012;Chinlampianga et al., 2013;Betlloch Mas et al., 2017;Mootoosamy and Mahomoodally, 2014;Sreekeesoon and Mahomoodally, 2014;Vallejo and González, 2014;Vijayakumar et al., 2015b;Waykar and Alqadhi, 2016;Yeshi et al., 2017;Altaf et al., 2018;Altaf and Umair, 2020). Honey is also utilized in nano-medicine to cure various ailments and acts as anti-apoptosis, anti-proliferative (Oršolić, 2009;Li et al., 2010;Mandal and Mandal, 2011;Vallianou et al., 2014), anti-diabetic, antioxidant (Omotayo et al., 2010Erejuwa, 2014;Bobiş et al., 2018), antibiotic, anti-cataract, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and endophthalmitis (Rhone and Basu, 2008;Vit and Jacob, 2008;Cernak et al., 2012;Salehi et al., 2014), blood pressure, heart problems (Al-Waili et al., 2013;Aluko et al., 2014), antibacterial, antioxidant (Francis et al., 2015;El-haskoury et al., 2018), and oxidative stress (Zhao et al., 2018). ...
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Background: The use of animals and animal-derived products in ethnopharmacological applications is an ancient human practice that continues in many regions today. The local people of the Himalayan region harbor rich traditional knowledge used to treat a variety of human ailments. The present study was intended with the aim of examining animal-based traditional medicine utilized by the population of the Himalayan region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Methods: Data were collected from 2017 to 2019 through individual and group interviews. Data on traditional uses of animal products were analyzed, utilizing following indices such as the frequency of citation, use value, relative importance, similarity index, principal component analysis, and cluster analysis to find the highly preferred species in the area. Results: Ethnomedicinal uses of 62 species of vertebrates and invertebrates were documented. Flesh, fat, bone, whole body, milk, skin, egg, head, feathers, bile, blood, and honey were all used in these applications. The uses of 25 animals are reported here for the first time from the study area (mainly insects and birds, including iconic species like the kalij pheasant, Lophura leucomelanos; Himalayan monal, L. impejanus; and western tragopon, Tragopan melanocephalus). The diversity and range of animal-based medicines utilized in these communities are indications of their strong connections with local ecosystems. Conclusion: Our results provide baseline data valuable for the conservation of vertebrate and invertebrate diversity in the region of Himalayan of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. It is possible that screening this fauna for medicinally active chemicals could contribute to the development of new animal-based drugs.
... 192 Similar instant hypotensive effects of honey have been reported in healthy subjects. 193,194 The underlying mechanism of action of honey in reducing blood pressure is unknown. Honey contains a high concentration of NO, which may contribute to its therapeutic effects on hypertension. ...
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Metabolic syndrome (MetS) refers to the simultaneous presence of hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and/or visceral obesity, which predisposes a person to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Evidence suggesting the presence of direct and indirect associations between MetS and osteoporosis is growing. Many studies have reported the beneficial effects of polyphenols in alleviating MetS in in vivo and in vitro models through their antioxidant and anti-inflammation actions. This review aims to summarize the effects of honey (based on unifloral and multi-floral nectar sources) on bone metabolism and each component of MetS. A literature search was performed using the PubMed and Scopus databases using specific search strings. Original studies related to components of MetS and bone, and the effects of honey on components of MetS and bone were included. Honey polyphenols could act synergistically in alleviating MetS by preventing oxidative damage and inflammation. Honey intake is shown to reduce blood glucose levels and prevent excessive weight gain. It also improves lipid metabolism by reducing total cholesterol, triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein, as well as increasing high-density lipoprotein. Honey can prevent bone loss by reducing the adverse effects of MetS on bone homeostasis, apart from its direct action on the skeletal system. In conclusion, honey supplementation could be integrated into the management of MetS and MetS-induced bone loss as a preventive and adjunct therapeutic agent.
... Amlodipin Amlodipine besylate adalah obat anti hipertensi yang termasuk ke dalam golongan calcium channel blockers. Obat ini bekerja dengan cara menghambat secara selektif masuknya ion kalsium ke dalam membran sel terutama sel otot polos pembuluh darah dan sel-sel otot jantung [3]. ...
Hypertension is an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure more than 140/90 mmHg. Honey has the potential to reduce blood pressure because it has 200 chemical substances. This study aims to ford the effectiveness of giving honey to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels in hypertensive patients, as well as knowing the content of secondary metabolites found in honey. The research method used was semi quantitative with pre and post procedurs. Honey contains secondary metabolites of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. The results of the analysis of honey give a significant decrease in systolic pressure, diastole, heart rate and cholesterol levels. Consumption honey regularly effectively reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients.
... Administration of 60% honey solution via inhalational route showed a marked decrease in blood pressure at 60 and 120 min post-treatment [92]. The instant hypotensive effects of honey have also been reported by Aluko et al. (2013; in healthy subjects [93,94]. These studies related to the antihypertensive effects of honey have been summarized in Table 4. ...
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Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a cluster of diseases comprising of obesity, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. There are numerous pre-clinical as well as human studies reporting the protective effects of honey against MetS. Honey is a nutritional food low in glycemic index. Honey intake reduces blood sugar levels and prevents excessive weight gain. It also improves lipid metabolism by reducing total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which leads to decreased risk of atherogenesis. In addition, honey enhances insulin sensitivity that further stabilizes blood glucose levels and protects the pancreas from overstimulation brought on by insulin resistance. Furthermore, antioxidative properties of honey help in reducing oxidative stress, which is one of the central mechanisms in MetS. Lastly, honey protects the vasculature from endothelial dysfunction and remodelling. Therefore, there is a strong potential for honey supplementation to be integrated into the management of MetS, both as preventive as well as adjunct therapeutic agents.
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Honey contains a high concentration of fructose, a monosaccharide, capable of raising blood sugar level after oral ingestion. It is thus a paradox that nutritional experts have advocated its use as a nutrition supplement in patients with diabetes mellitus. It has also been used, over the years, as a sweetener by those who wish to avoid the use of sugar. The effective use of sugar in diabetes may be due to its other constituents, especially the various antioxidants that are abundant in honey. Glycemic effect of honey on alloxaninduced diabetes and with concomitant administration of fructose was studied in male rats of the Wistar strain. Alloxan was injected into the rats through a tail artery and three days later, a confirmation of successful induction of diabetes was made by demonstration of hyperglycemia in the rats. Another group of rats received daily oral ingestion of fructose. At the end of three weeks it was found that daily ingestion of honey for three weeks progressively and effectively reduced blood glucose level in rats with alloxaninduced diabetes. Honey also caused a reduction in hyperglycemia induced by long-term ingestion of fructose, albeit to a lesser degree than its effect on alloxan-induced hyperglycemia. Honey could not reduce blood glucose in controlled rats that received neither alloxan treatment nor fructose ingestion, even though it caused an increase in body weight, irrespective of other substances concomitantly administered to the rats. It is thus apparent that honey may be a useful adjunct in the management of diabetes, while serving as a sweetener, especially if taken in moderate quantities. (Afr. J. Biomed. Res. 11: 191 - 196) Key Words: Honey, Alloxan-induced diabetes, Fructose-induced diabetes, Rats
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Modern Apicultural practices in Kwara State date back to the year 2000 and has been assessed as being on low ebb. Fourteen bee farms were identified in nine of the sixteen Local Government Areas in the State and the Kenyan top bee hive was more used. Bee colony establishment rates were low but Ifelodun, Moro and Ilorin South Local Government Areas recorded high success rates of 73.32%, 65.85% and 47.42% respectively. All the government-owned apiaries paraded impressive numbers of hive but less than 20% of the hives were colonized by bees. The privately owned farms, however, did very well except Boorepo and Oniyangi farms in Ekiti and Irepodun Local Government Areas where apicultural practice is less than two years old. Cashew (Anacardium occidentalis) was the most popular of the six shade tree observed for bee hives. The likely factors standing in the way of the realization of the optimal beekeeping potential in Kwara State were highlighted. JARD Vol. 5 (2) 2006: pp. 203-214
Background and Purpose: Honey has been used as a folly remedy for various ailments, but its heterogeneous composition has limited scientific evaluation of this material. It has been reported that honey possesses moderate antitumor and pronounced antimetastatic effects in murine tumor models. We investigated the antimetastatic efficiency of honey and possible ode of antitumor action. Material and Methods: Transplantable marine tumors were used: a spontaneous mammary carcinoma (MCa) and a methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma (FS) of CBA mouse and an anaplastic colon adenocarcinoma (ACa) of Y59 rat. Metastases in the lung were generated by injecting viable tumor cells intravenously (iv). Results: A pronounced antimetastatic effect (p < 0.01; 0.001) was achieved by oral application of honey given before tumor cell inoculation (2 gr/kg for mice or 1 gr/kg for rats, once a day for 10 consecutive days); however; given after tumor cell inoculation, honey enhanced lung metastases. Conclusion: These findings indicate that honey activates immune system and may be advantageous with respect to cancer and metastasis prevention. In addition, honey given orally before tumor cell inoculation may have an impact on tumor spread.
This study was designed to assess the effect of honey supplementation and sugar-based hypercaloric regimen on weight gain and blood pressure (BP) in Wistar rats. Animals were fed for 8 weeks with standard diet (S-free) or a hypercaloric diet (standard chow and 30% sugar in drinking water), (SF), or standard chow supplemented with fat and honey and 10% sugar in drinking water (HF). Overall weight gain and body fat levels were significantly higher in SF and HF than in S-free. Fat cells were significantly larger in SF compared with HF. Compared with SF and S-free, HF had higher glucose, but triglycerides, and LDLc levels were not different. BP was significantly higher in SF but not in HF compared to S-free. These observations indicate that honey may afford a protection against increase in BP and in fat cell size resulting from a hypercaloric diet.
Nigerian honey competes globally in the world honey market. The physicochemical parameters of honey samples sourced from colonies of Apis mellifera adansonii were studied with the effect of storage-time over a period of two years. This was done by analyzing and evaluating eleven common physicochemical parameters including colour, moisture content, ash content, sugar content, acidity, pH value, hydroxymethylfurfural, diastase activity, nitrogen content, insoluble matter and viscosity of honey samples with the effect of storage-time on the physicochemical parameters using Association of Official Analytical Chemists methods. Most of the honey samples showed proper maturity considering the moisture content (17.9 +/- 2.0%). The total acidity (21.5 +/- 5.6 meq kg(-1)) indicated absence of undesirable fermentation after harvest and extraction. The Mean +/- SD pH value (3.9 +/- 0.2) of the honey samples was within acceptable standards of Economic European Community (EEC) and Codex. The ash content (0.4 +/- 0.2%) (0.2-0.6%) was slightly higher than 0-0.50% of EEC and Codex standards. The fructose and glucose mean values were 38.9 +/- 0.8% and 28.3 +/- 2.4%, respectively. The Mean +/- S.D value of hydroxymethylfurfural content (8.5 +/- 2.7 mg kg(-1)) was low, while the Mean +/- SD value of diastase activity was high depicting freshness. The evaluated physicochemical parameters of two years old honey samples exhibited no significant deviation (p > 0.05) from that of the fresh samples. This study showed that natural honey if properly harvested, extracted hygienically, preserved and stored can maintain their stability relatively for at least two years at room temperature without undue interference.
The incidence of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease (CAD) was assessed in 4,559 male participants (aged 40 to 64 years) from the Prospective Cardiovascular Münster study, over a 6-year follow-up period. During this time, 186 study participants developed atherosclerotic CAD (134 definite nonfatal myocardial infarctions and 52 definite atherosclerotic CAD deaths including 21 sudden cardiac deaths and 31 fatal myocardial infarctions). Univariate analysis revealed a significant association between the incidence of atherosclerotic CAD and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (p < 0.001) and triglycerides (p < 0.001). The relation to HDL cholesterol remained after adjustment for other risk factors. By contrast, the relation between the incidence of atherosclerotic CAD and triglycerides disappeared if, in a multivariate analysis by means of a multiple logistic function, cholesterol or HDL cholesterol were taken into account. However, the data suggested that hypertriglyceridemia is a powerful additional coronary risk factor, when excessive triglycerides coincide with a high ratio of plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol to HDL cholesterol (>5.0). Even though the prevalence of this subgroup was only 4.3%, it included a quarter of all atherosclerotic CAD events observed.