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Avocado Oil Supplementation Modifies Cardiovascular Risk Profile Markers in a Rat Model of Sucrose-Induced Metabolic Changes

  • Tecnológico Nacional de Mexico/Instituto Tecnológico de Veracruz


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of avocado oil administration on biochemical markers of cardiovascular risk profile in rats with metabolic changes induced by sucrose ingestion. Twenty-five rats were divided into five groups: a control group (CG; basic diet), a sick group (MC; basic diet plus 30% sucrose solution), and three other groups (MCao, MCac, and MCas; basic diet plus 30% sucrose solution plus olive oil and avocado oil extracted by centrifugation or using solvent, resp.). Glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL, HDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), lactic dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein concentration were analyzed. Avocado oil reduces TG, VLDL, and LDL levels, in the LDL case significantly so, without affecting HDL levels. An effect was exhibited by avocado oil similar to olive oil, with no significant difference between avocado oil extracted either by centrifugation or solvent in myocardial injury biochemical indicators. Avocado oil decreased hs-CRP levels, indicating that inflammatory processes were partially reversed. These findings suggested that avocado oil supplementation has a positive health outcome because it reduces inflammatory events and produces positive changes in the biochemical indicators studied, related to the development of metabolic syndrome.
Research Article
Avocado Oil Supplementation Modifies Cardiovascular
Risk Profile Markers in a Rat Model of Sucrose-Induced
Metabolic Changes
Octavio Carvajal-Zarrabal,1Cirilo Nolasco-Hipolito,2
M. Guadalupe Aguilar-Uscanga,3Guadalupe Melo-Santiesteban,4
Patricia M. Hayward-Jones,1and Dulce M. Barradas-Dermitz5
1Biochemical and Nutrition Chemistry Area, University of Veracruz, SS Juan Pablo II s/n, 94294 Boca del R´
ıo, Ver., Mexico
2Department of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Resource Science and Technology, University Malaysia Sarawak,
94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia
3Food Research and Development Unit, Veracruz Institute of Technology, Calz. M.A. de Quevedo 2779, 91860 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
4Pathology Laboratory, Institute of Forensic Medicine, University of Veracruz, SS Juan Pablo II s/n, 94294 Boca del R´
ıo, Ver., Mexico
5Biological-Chemistry Area, Veracruz Institute of Technology, Calz. M.A. de Quevedo 2779, 91860 Veracruz, Ver., Mexico
Correspondence should be addressed to Octavio Carvajal-Zarrabal;
Received  June ; Revised  December ; Accepted  December ; Published  February 
Academic Editor: Fabrizia Bamonti
Copyright ©  Octavio Carvajal-Zarrabal et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
e purpose of this study was to evaluate the eects of avocado oil administration on biochemical markers of cardiovascular risk
prole in rats with metabolic changes induced by sucrose ingestion. Twenty-ve rats were divided into ve groups: a control group
(CG; basic diet), a sick group (MC; basic diet plus % sucrose solution), and three other groups (MCao, MCac, and MCas; basic
diet plus % sucrose solution plus olive oil and avocado oil extracted by centrifugation or using solvent, resp.). Glucose, total
cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, low- and high-density lipoproteins (LDL, HDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL),
lactic dehydrogenase, creatine kinase, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein concentration were analyzed. Avocado oil reduces
TG, VLDL, and LDL levels, in the LDL case signicantly so, without aecting HDL levels. An eect was exhibited by avocado oil
similar to olive oil, with no signicant dierence between avocado oil extracted either by centrifugation or solvent in myocardial
injury biochemical indicators. Avocado oil decreased hs-CRP levels, indicating that inammatory processes were partially reversed.
ese ndings suggested that avocado oil supplementation has a positive health outcome because it reduces inammatory events
and produces positive changes in the biochemical indicators studied, related to the development of metabolic syndrome.
1. Introduction
Food is a factor that plays a key role in life style, a determining
inuence on health and quality of life. It is known that popula-
tions with a high consumption of meat, dairy foods, and sugar
have a higher mortality rate than those that feed mainly on
fruits, vegetables, sh, and unsaturated oils []. Undesirable
of carbohydrates (sugars) and fats. Manifestations of health
disorders in people with metabolic implications are related
to the incidence and prevalence of chronic and degenerative
diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
dyslipidemia (low HDL-cholesterol and high triglycerides),
among others [,]. Although there are many factors that
contribute to its development, one of the main causes that
lead to these conditions is the diet that is consumed. A diet
containing a great amount of nutrients produces a strong
impact on structure, physiology, and cellular metabolism.
In recent years, the increase in these diseases has become a
global public health problem inspite of the increasing medical
knowledge for their prevention and treatment; consequently,
the nutritional aspect seems to remain vital.
Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Disease Markers
Volume 2014, Article ID 386425, 8 pages
Disease Markers
Statistics from the Secretary of Health in Mexico indicate
that the incidence of cardiovascular diseases has increased
in recent years, so that now they are the leading cause of
death worldwide (WHO, ). On the other hand, reports
found in scientic literature about the health benets of
the Mediterranean diet and olive oil have attracted interest
in research on the eects and consumption of oils rich in
monounsaturated fatty acids, particularly oleic acid, and its
relationship with metabolic syndrome, which predisposes the
individual to more serious complications, such as diabetes
and cardiovascular diseases [].
Mexico is a major world producer of avocados; this
fruit is a rich potential source of oil (– g/ g of fruit),
mostly monounsaturated [], and a good source of linoleic
acid []. It also contains high levels of antioxidants including
polyphenols, proanthocyanidins, tocopherols, and caroten-
oids which have shown positive health outcomes. It has also
been established that soluble components of avocado oil
confer these antioxidant properties. Studies in human and
animal models have shown that this oil helps to control
weight, reduces the risk of diabetes [], normalizes blood
cholesterol levels [], is involved in liver metabolism [], and
helpsinskincare[]. Other studies reported the presence
of functional molecules such as glutathione [], a molecule
related to decreased risk of cancer. On the other hand, the
unsaponiable components, rich in antioxidant molecules
[], have also shown benecial eects on anti-inammatory
processes related to the development of cancer [].
In the relevant literature, the benets generated by
including olive oil in the diet for cardiovascular disease risk
reduction are well documented. Due to similarities in lipid
composition between olive oil and avocado oil, it may be
assumed that the high concentration of monounsaturated
lowering blood lipid levels. In addition, the phytochemical
components of avocado oil are also related to the disease
manifestations associated with an altered metabolic prole;
so overall, it is expected that all the benecial properties of
avocado oil will achieve positive health eects.
2. Material and Methods
2.1. Avocado Oil Extraction. ere are dierent technologies
for extracting oil from the avocado and they can aect its
quality. e oil was obtained from Hass avocado purchased
from a local market in the Port of Veracruz, Mexico. When
edible maturity had been reached, the avocados were washed
and peeled and the seed was removed. Subsequently, the
pulp was homogenized by adding tert-butylhydroquinone
(TBHQ) at .% (w/w).
2.1.1. Oil Extraction by Centrifugation. e avocado pulp was
mixed with water to achieve a  :  w/v and NaCl (.%w/w),
the pH was adjusted to . with ascorbic acid, and the mixture
was homogenized in a blender (Black & Decker Model MX
) at , rpm for  hour at C. Subsequently, the oil
was removed by centrifugation at  rpm in a tubular
continuous centrifuge (Cepa-Schnell, GLE Model NBS) fed
at . L/min.
T : Composition of basal and experimental diets formulated
according to AIN-.
Ingredients Basal diet (g)
Cornstarch .
Casein .
Cellulose .
Mineral mix AIN- .
Vitamin mix AIN- .
DL-methionine .
Tert-butylhydroquinone .
Corn-canola in the basal diet (CG and MC groups); experimental diets
(MCao, MCac, and MCas resp.) were formulated with olive oil or avocado
oil, extracted either by centrifugation or solvent.
2.1.2. Avocado Oil Extraction by Solvent. Ahomogenatewas
made with a portion of the avocado pulp and two parts
of a mixture of hexane-isopropanol ( : v/v) in separate
funnels, and the oil phase was collected. Subsequently, the
solvent was removed in a rotary evaporator (Buchi R-,
Labortechnik AG, Switzerland) at C and  mmHg
pressure. e remaining solvent was removed by entrainment
with nitrogen gas and then the oil was exposed to high
vacuum in a freeze dryer for  h. ereaer the oil was stored
in refrigeration and protected from light until use.
2.2. Experimental Animals and Diets. In this experiment 
male Sprague-Dawley weaned rats ( weeks old and weighing
 ± g) were purchased from Teklad, Co. (Mexico City),
and caged individually in stainless steel boxes in a room
with controlled temperature (C) and a light-dark cycle
of  hours. e experimental protocol for the management
of experimental animals was approved by the animal ethics
committee, Biochemical and Nutrition Chemistry Area, Uni-
versity of Veracruz. e basal diet was prepared according
Table . A mixture of corn-canola oil (.g/ g diet) was
used as a source of dietary fat (Patrona from the local
market). e experimental diet was prepared based on the
composition of the basal diet plus oil (.% w/w): olive
oil (carbonell), avocado oil extracted by centrifugation or
solvent, respectively. Diets were prepared once a week and
kept in powder form at C until use. As part of this study, the
fatty acid composition of the oils used in preparing diets was
analyzed and it was found that all the oils had a rather similar
composition, mainly oleic and linoleic acids (Table ).
2.3. Sucrose-Induced Metabolic Changes Model. e animals
were divided into two groups: a control group (CG, 𝑛=5)
receiving a basal diet and a group with sucrose-induced
metabolic changes (MC, 𝑛=20), which received the basal
diet plus % sucrose solution as drinking water to induce
this condition. e animals had free access to food and water
of this period, the diet was withdrawn for at least  hours
and the manifestation of the metabolic characteristics was
Disease Markers
T : Fatty acid composition of dietary oils (%).
Fatty acid Corn Canola Olive AvocadocAvo cad os
 :  . . . . .
 :  . . . . .
 :  . . . . .
 :  . . . . .
 :  . . . . .
 :  . . . . .
Values are expressed as mean of duplicate analysis. Avocadoc:avocadooil
extracted by centrifugation; avocados: avocado oil extracted by solvent.
checked by determining body weight; then serum glucose,
triglycerides, and cholesterol levels were determined and
obtained by cardiac puncture.
2.4. Animal Treatment
2.4.1. Experimental Diet Management. Once the sucrose-
induced metabolic changes model had been obtained, the
MC animals were divided into four groups of ve rats
each. One group was maintained on the basal diet (the
sick group, MC); three groups of rats designated, as MCao,
MCac, and MCas, respectively, received an experimental
diet containing .% w/w oil (olive and avocado extracted by
centrifugation or extracted with solvent) as the sole source
of dietary fat. ese four groups received the experimental
diets and water with % sucrose solution for  weeks. e
CG group continued to receive only the diet with corn-
canola oil and no sucrose in the drinking water. Diets were
prepared once a week and kept refrigerated until use. At
the end of the experiment the diet was withdrawn, and the
fasting animals were sacriced through decapitation. Serum
glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, and phospholipid levels
were determined. All animals were sacriced and the organs
were extracted for further analysis.
2.5. Biochemical Indicators. All biochemical indicator anal-
yses were carried out on serum blood samples. Glucose
was determined with the glucose oxidase method. Total
cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), phospholipids (PL), low-
and high-density lipoprotein (LDL, HDL), very low-density
lipoprotein (VLDL), lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine
kinase (CK), and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP)
were determined by enzymatic colorimetric methods using
commercial kits obtained from Bayer and BioMerieux, using
an automated analyzer (RA  XT, Bayer Technicon) and a
microplate reader to determine hs-CRP. e fatty acid prole
of vegetable oils was determined by gas chromatography
(Hewlett Packard , Palo Alto, CA.) using pentadecanoic
acid as internal standard. All chemicals used were of analyti-
cal grade.
2.6. Statistical Analysis. e data are expressed as the mean ±
standard deviation (x±SD). Statistical signicance was
determined with analysis of variance procedures, with a post
hoc Tukey multiple-range test for comparison of means (𝑃<
0.05). Data were analysed using IBMcSPSScStatistics Version
, .
T : Growth parameters, food and caloric intake, liquid con-
sumption, and biochemical markers in control (CG) and sucrose-
induced metabolic changes (MC) rats.
Variabl e s Dietary groups
CG group MC group
Initial body weight (g) 239 ± 22 242 ± 24
Final body weight (g) 445 ± 53 470 ± 38
Body weight gain (g) 206 ± 1.8 228 ± 2.0
Food intake (g/d) 26.1 ± 1.3 14.3 ± 1.1∗∗
Liquid consumption (mL/d) 46.3 ± 3.3 58.1 ± 3.4
Liquid consumption (mL/d/ g bw) 9.3 ± 1.4 10.5 ± 0.6
kcal equivalent in drinking water . 10.8 ± 1.7∗∗
Glucose (mg/dL) 114 ± 18 130 ± 11
Cholesterol (mg/dL) 104 ± 12 101 ± 12
Triglycerides (mg/dL) 79 ± 12 179 ± 35∗∗
Valu e s a re mea n ±SD. CG group: 𝑛=5;MCgroup:𝑛=20.𝑃 < 0.05;
∗∗𝑃 < 0.01.
3. Results
3.1. Metabolic Characteristics Evaluating Rats in the Control
Group and Rats with Sucrose-Induced Metabolic Changes.
Table  shows growth variables, food and caloric intake,
liquid consumption and the biochemical markers assessed
in rats of the control group (CG) and those with sucrose-
induced metabolic changes (MC).
Aer  weeks, a signicant increase (𝑃 < 0.05)in
nal body weight and body weight gain was observed in
the MC group as compared to the CG group, although the
food intake in rats in the CG group was signicantly higher
(𝑃 < 0.01) than in the MC group. Contrary to this, the MC
group showed a daily liquid intake signicantly higher (𝑃<
0.05) as compared with the CG group. However, when the
daily liquid intake per  g in weight was compared between
CG and MC groups, this was not signicant. e caloric
equivalent produced by liquid intake was . ±. kcal in
the MC group; the CG group did not have any energy intake,
because this group received only puried drinking water.
Triglyceride levels in the MC group were signicantly greater
(𝑃 < 0.01)thanintheCGgroup;however,nosignicantly
dierent results were found in any group for either glucose or
cholesterol levels.
3.2. Eect of Dietary Oils on Metabolic Change Biochemical
Indicators. e eect of olive and avocado oils on biochem-
ical indicators in rats with metabolic changes induced by
sucrose ingestion aer the administration of experimental
diets for  weeks is shown in Tab l e  .
MC group triglyceride levels increased signicantly (𝑃<
the contrary, MCao, MCac, and MCas groups exhibited
reduced levels, although not signicant compared to MC
the MC group showed signicantly increased levels (𝑃<
0.05) compared to CG; however, in MCao, MCac, and MCas
groups, no signicant change was observed when compared
to MC, but their results were signicantly higher (𝑃 < 0.05)
Disease Markers
T : Glucose- and lipid-metabolic parameters 𝑥±SD (mg/dL) in rats fed diets with dierent dietary oil sources during  weeks.
Variabl e s Dietary groups
CG MC MCao MCac MCas
Glucose 147 ± 41 158 ± 18 155 ± 38 145 ± 16 131 ± 21
Triglycerides 48 ± 11 181 ± 29145 ± 42145 ± 58133 ± 28
Cholesterol 95 ± 12 91 ± 9 97 ± 11 99 ± 12 104 ± 14
Phospholipids 43 ± 4 55 ± 457 ± 456 ± 455 ± 6
HDL-C 18 ± 4 18 ± 3 19 ± 3 18 ± 4 20 ± 4
LDL-C 50 ± 1 69 ± 1∗∗ 50 ± 2 51 ± 1 53 ± 1
VLDL 10 ± 2 36 ± 630 ± 1029 ± 1128 ± 6
Valu e s a re mea n ±SD.
Corn-canola diet (CG group, 𝑛=5); MC group: corn-canola diet plus % sucrose in drinking water (𝑛=5); MCao group: olive oil plus % sucrose in
drinking water (𝑛=5); MCac group: avocado oil extracted by centrifugation plus % sucrose in drinking water (𝑛=5); MCas group: avocado oil extracted
by solvent plus % sucrose in drinking water (𝑛=5).
𝑃<0.05;∗∗𝑃<0.01compared to corresponding data in CG group.
T : Prole of myocardial injury enzymes in rats fed diets with dierent dietary oil sources during  weeks.
Variabl e s Dietary groups
CG MC MCao MCac MCas
Lactic dehydrogenase (U/L) 3820 ± 955 3446 ± 1214 2974 ± 2145 802 ± 598 3573 ± 1031
Creatine kinase (U/L) 822 ± 198 556 ± 71 364 ± 220 530 ± 358 658 ± 254
High sensitivity C-reactive protein (mg/dL) 1.7 ± 0.1 3.0 ± 0.2∗∗ 1.8 ± 0.21.5 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.1
Valu e s a re mea n ±SD.
Corn-canola diet (CG group, 𝑛=5); corn-canola diet plus % sucrose in drinking water (MC group, 𝑛=5); olive oil diet plus % sucrose in drinking water
(MCao group, 𝑛=5); avocado oil diet extracted by centrifugation plus % sucrose in drinking water (MCac group, 𝑛=5); avocado oil diet extracted by
solvent plus % sucrose in drinking water (MCas group, 𝑛=5).
𝑃<0.05;∗∗𝑃<0.01versus corresponding data in CG group.
when compared to CG. LDL levels in MCao and MC ac groups
did not show signicant dierences with respect to CG, but
there was a very signicant increase (𝑃 < 0.01)intheMC
group, much more than the increase (𝑃 < 0.05)inthe
MCas group. VLDL in the MC group increased . times in
comparison to CG levels and no signicant decrease from
there was observed in MCao, MCac, and MCas groups, all
still signicantly higher (𝑃 < 0.05)thanCG.Signicantly
dierent results were not found for any group in the cases of
glucose, cholesterol, or high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
3.3. Eect of Dietary Oils on Myocardial Injury Indicators. e
indicators in rats with metabolic changes induced by sucrose
ingestion is shown in Tab l e  .
A highly signicant increase (𝑃 < 0.01) of hs-CRP serum
levels was observed in the MC group, almost double CG
these levels somewhat (𝑃 < 0.05), while MCac and MCas
groups completely returned to CG values. Lactic dehydroge-
nase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK) levels did not show any
signicant dierences for any study group compared to CG;
however, in MCao, MCac, and MCas groups, CK levels did
fall below CG values.
4. Discussion
Metabolic changes are associated with a number of diseases,
including obesity, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and
other abnormalities of importance related to their develop-
ment. ese are grouped into dierent proles, such as liver,
pancreatic, and cardiovascular functions.
Within this framework, in the present study, signicant
dierences were found for MC groups as compared to the
signicantly higher ( and %, resp.), although food intake
was signicantly lower (%). ese results are consistent
with those reported in other studies where metabolic changes
were induced by the administration of a sucrose-rich diet
in addition to an experimental diet causing changes in the
biochemical indicators measured [,]. In relation to serum
biochemical indicators associated with the development of
terol concentrations in MC group rats were similar to those
have suggested that this is due to hyperinsulinemia developed
in metabolic abnormalities which maintains normal levels
of blood glucose. TG levels were signicantly higher (%)
in MC group rats (a . fold increase). Other studies have
found similar results [,]; Piatti et al. []reportedthe
association in healthy patients between sudden TG elevation
and insulin resistance and suggested that the increase in
blood TG in vivo inhibits glucose utilization and oxidation
stimulated by insulin action in the peripheral tissues. One
possible increase in the reesterication of fatty acids from the
et al. []; this monosaccharide stems from sucrose hydrolysis
Disease Markers
and in the liver, fatty acids are mainly used for the HDL and
TG synthesis, which in turn raise serum levels.
Few studies have evaluated the inuence of avocado
oil as a dietary fat on the lipid prole and lipoprotein
metabolism, specically in animal models with manifesta-
tions of metabolic disorders. is study found that the dietary
intake of olive oil and avocado oil extracted by centrifugation
or solvent exerted little or no eect on glucose, cholesterol,
and HDL levels, there being no signicant changes in the
circulating levels of these indicators for any study group.
Among the most important eects observed in this
experiment is the signicant elevation of TG levels in the
MC group, at least .-fold compared with the CG group, a
phenomenon reversed with the subsequent administration of
olive oil or avocado extracted by centrifugation or solvent.
is eect is attributed to the ingestion of a high amount
metabolic disorder [], since several studies demonstrate
that high carbohydrate intake is associated with increased
TG levels []. On the other hand, the MCao, MCac, and
MCas groups were able to reduce TG levels signicantly (,
without reaching the lower levels of the CG group. ese
data are consistent with previous ndings by Lerman-Garber
et al. [], Carranza et al. [], and L´
opez Ledesma et al.
decreased TG levels by , ., and .%, respectively.
In addition, the observations reported in this study add
support to those postulated by P´
oveda et al. [], which
indicate that oils rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and
saturated fatty acids. Phospholipids maintained a similar
percentage increase (, , and %) in the MCao, MCas, and
MCac groups, with respect to the SG group, and showed no
signicant eect on this indicator; however, their levels were
all signicantly higher, by , , and %, respectively, in
relation to the CG group. Other researchers have reported
that, although olive oil has a hypocholesterolemic eect on
theserumlipidprole[], there is some evidence to suggest
that it does not signicantly aect the prole of heart or
erythrocyte phospholipids []. On the other hand, it has
been found that avocado oil supplementation in rats increases
[]; the present study shows that avocado oil, while being
a crude oil high in micronutrients, also has a signicant
percentage of monounsaturated fatty acids (:N oleic: –
%), which could explain its eect to increase phospholipid
It has been established that the consumption of olive oil
reduces cholesterol bound to LDL (LDL-C) when replacing
a source of saturated fat or one high in carbohydrates [,
monounsaturated fatty acids; however, it is not exclusive to
such as avocado oil. is study conrmed that olive oil very
signicantly decreased (%) LDL levels in the MCao group
and that avocado oil extracted by centrifugation (MCac) or
solvent (MCas) reduced very signicantly and signicantly
group levels.
atherosclerosis pathogenesis are the oxidation of low-density
lipoproteins (LDL) in the artery walls, the proliferation of
smooth muscle cells, endothelial activation, and leucocyte
Among the studies linked to these mechanisms and to
to oxidation. Parthasarathy et al. [] demonstrated that LDL
particles rich in oleic acid are markedly more resistant to
oxidative changes. is has been corroborated by Abbey et
al. [] and Reaven et al. []wherethissameparticletype
presented greater resistance to ex vitro oxidation than those
rich in linoleic acid. Moreover, Mata et al. []reportedthat
supplementation with monounsaturated fatty acids produces
a reduction in the synthesis of smooth muscle cells in
cell cultivations incubated with human serum. Studies with
endothelial cells showed that oleic acid inhibits endothelial
activation analysed through VCAM- expression (vascular
cell adhesion molecule-) []. Carluccio et al. []suggested
that oleic acid contributes to atherosclerosis prevention by
replacing the saturated fatty acids of cell membrane phospho-
lipids and by modulating the genetic expression of molecules
implicated in monocyte capture.
present in both olive and avocado oils used in this study to
the variety of mechanisms mentioned.
On the other hand, it is possible that part of the
hypocholesterolemic eect observed is due to changes in the
metabolism of LDL lipoproteins caused by the ingestion of
avocado oil in the diet, an eect related on the one hand
to the type of fat and, on the other, to the concentration
of biologically active microcomponents acting additively or
synergistically and not simply as isolated components [].
Experimental data indicate that polyphenols from virgin
and extra virgin oils might additionally inuence lipid
modifying lipid values [].
e intake of olive oil (MCao) and avocado oil extracted
by centrifugation (MCac) or solvent (MCas) signicantly
decreased (, , and %, resp.) the VLDL levels when
a diet with avocado oil not only lowers LDL but also TG
associated with VLDL. As it appears, in comparison with
of this metabolic eect in the liver, reducing triglyceride-
rich lipoproteins biosynthesis. ese observations have been
conrmed in previous studies [,].
Metabolic changes did not aect LDH levels; although
their values were not signicantly dierent compared to
those in the CG group. In the olive oil group (MCao),
LDH levels were reduced by % ( versus  U/L),
whereas in the avocado oil groups extracted by centrifugation
(MCac) or solvent (MCas), LDH levels decreased by %
and increased by %, respectively, compared with the MC
Disease Markers
group. Moreover, in all groups, the olive oil (MCao) and
avocado oil extracted by centrifugation (MCac) or solvent
(MCas) groups, LDH levels decreased by , , and .%,
eect was observed because the values of this indicator
overlapped with those in the CG group (, , and 
versus  U/L, resp.).
Regarding CK, it was observed that the metabolic abnor-
mality did not signicantly aect its levels. e SG group had
decreased CK levels (%) as compared to the CG group;
the olive oil group (MCao) exhibited decreased enzyme levels
and a decrease of  and %, respectively, when compared to
MCac and MCas data. It should be noted that although both
olive oil and avocado oil groups had decreased CK levels, no
signicant eect was observed when compared with MC and
CG groups.
signicant increase (. times) compared to the CG group.
is is consistent with other studies in humans, since it has
been reported that hs-CRP levels are increased in subjects
with signs of health disorders from metabolic abnormality
[]; this increase may also heighten the risk of cardiovas-
cular disease []. Nevertheless, the olive oil group (MCao)
reversed hs-CRP levels, almost reaching CG group levels (.
Meanwhile, avocado oil extracted by centrifugation (MCac)
or solvent (MCas) groups reduced hs-CRP levels even more
than olive oil so as to attain levels statistically similar to
the CG group (. and . versus . mg/dL, resp.). As can
centrifugation or solvent reversed the metabolic changes
induced by sucrose ingestion signicantly and very signi-
cantly reducing hs-CRP levels by % in the MCao group
and by % in the MCac and MCas groups, respectively, as
compared with the MC group. It has been shown that oils rich
in monounsaturated fatty acids do not increase hs-CRP levels
a Mediterranean diet, where the main source of monoun-
saturated fatty acids is olive oil []. Other studies show
that elevated hs-CRP levels are directly related to infectious
processes, inammatory response, steatosis, cardiovascular
disease, prevalence, and risk of arteriosclerotic ventricular
thrombosis [,]; this is why the use of hs-CRP has
been proposed in prognostic stratication in subjects having
health disorders with metabolic abnormalities [].
e inammatory response and its relationship with
atherosclerosis-cardiovascular risk is well demonstrated;
however, it is still under discussion if the measurement
of increased levels of hs-CRP consistently and signicantly
predict cardiovascular risk from a clinical point of view [].
In the present case, one possible explanation of a decrease
in hs-CRP (an inammation biomarker) in a diet with olive
or avocado oil (obtained by any method) could be related to
cytokine inhibition observed in diets with a high oleic acid
content [], considering that interleukin  sets o hepatocyte
hs-CRP synthesis [].
To the best of our knowledge, these markers have not been
evaluated in rat models where metabolic changes induced by
abnormalities in liver function. A concentration of normally
metabolized molecules occurs which can have a detrimental
eect on health, hence the importance of these ndings in the
study of the eect of dietary oils such as from avocados.
In conclusion, the results suggest that avocado oil and its
antioxidant content place it as a potential oil to be used as
one of the preventive factors of metabolic syndrome since
it reduces TG, LDL, and VLDL levels, signicantly so in
the case of LDL, without aecting HDL levels. Furthermore
the results indicate that avocado oil exerts eects similar to
olive oil, and that the type of extraction exerts an eect on
only one of the biochemical indicators analyzed. It has also
been found that avocado oil extracted by centrifugation or
solvent decreases hs-CRP levels, indicating that inamma-
tory processes have been at least partially reversed, probably
because the manifestation time of metabolic change was very
short. Further studies are needed to elucidate the eects on
cardiovascular risk prole and inammatory markers and
establish the optimal time of avocado oil supplementation
in rats with sucrose-induced metabolic changes, as well as
the :N specic action on human phospholipid fraction
biosynthesis in HDL as a surface component.
Conflict of Interests
e authors certify that they do not have any conict of
interests regarding the publication of this paper.
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... Table 2 shows the variations in the contents of the main fatty acids present in avocados. Table 2. Major fatty acid profile in avocado oil [11,13,[70][71][72]. ...
... The compound is classified according to the functional group to which it is attached, along with the number of benzene rings and hydroxyl substituents. Avocados are mostly rich in organic acids, which are precursors of fatty acids, flavonoids, and other polyphenols [72,75]. In the fruit, the following acids are identified in higher concentrations: epigallocatechin (1.03 mg GAE/100 g), quercetin (0.557 mg GAE/100 g), caffeic acid glucoside (0.270 mg GAE/100 g), ferulic acid (0.19 mg GAE/100 g), 5-feruloylquinicacid (2.11 mg GAE/100 g), coumaric acid (0.64 mg GAE/100 g), p-coumaric acid (0.58 mg GAE/100 g), p-coumaric acid glucoside isomers (2.62 mg GAE/100 g), pcoumaric acid rutinoside (0.45 mg GAE/100 g), and tyrosol-hexoside-pentoside (0.63 mg GAE/100 g) [3,75]. ...
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Avocado oil is rich in nutrients beneficial to human health, such as monounsaturated fatty acids, phenolic compounds, tocopherol, and carotenoids, with numerous possibilities for application in industry. This review explores, through a comparative approach, the effectiveness of the supercritical oil extraction process as an alternative to the conventional cold-pressing method, evaluating the differences in the extraction process steps through the effect of temperature and operating pressure on bioactive quality and oil yield. The results reveal that supercritical avocado oil has a yield like that of mechanical cold pressing and superior functional and bioactive quality, especially in relation to α-tocopherol and carotenoids. For better use and efficiency of the supercritical technology, the maturation stage, moisture content, fruit variety, and collection period stand out as essential factors to be observed during pre-treatment, as they directly impact oil yield and nutrient concentration. In addition, the use of supercritical technology enables the full use of the fruit, significantly reducing waste, and adds value to the agro-industrial residues of the process. It produces an edible oil free of impurities, microorganisms, and organic solvents. It is a green, environmentally friendly technology with long-term environmental and economic advantages and an interesting alternative in the avocado market.
... The overall quality of biscuit is determined by the type of fat used in baking. Consumption of saturated fats from baked products is highly prevalent and is a cause for nutritional concern [7]. Studies have reported that consumption of fat in large amounts for a long period is associated with health problems such as cardiovascular diseases [8], thus making it imperative to search for healthier alternatives from local crops. ...
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This study investigated the effect of replacing fat with avocado paste on the physical properties, dietary fibre profile and peroxide value of wheat-tigernut biscuits. Whole tigernut was processed into flour and blended with wheat flour at three different levels; 10%, 20% and 30% weight basis into two parts. The first part of the composite (T10, T20, and T30) and control sample (100% wheat flour, T00) were baked into biscuit using margarine, while in the second batch (AT10, AT20, and AT30), margarine was replaced with avocado paste (100%). The biscuit samples were analysed for physical properties, dietary fibre profile and peroxide value using standard procedures. Data were subjected to Analysis of variance, and means were separated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test at p<0.05. Biscuits baked with avocado paste had higher spread ratio (6.98-7.19) and weight (17.39-17.51 g) than samples baked with margarine. Break strength of control sample was higher (185g) compared to biscuit samples baked with margarine (182.70-175.81 g), but lower than biscuits baked with avocado paste (182.70-175.81 g). Biscuits baked with avocado had higher dietary fibre profile of 7.49 to 7.84% and 5.72 to 5.82% for insoluble and soluble fibres. Biscuits containing avocado paste had higher peroxide values (1.91 to 2.56 meq O2/kg) than samples containing margarine (1.67 to 2.18 meq O2/kg). Replacing avocado with margarine improved the physical properties and dietary fibre profile of the biscuits with no adverse effect on the peroxide value and could therefore, be exploited as a healthier shortening agent to enrich biscuits.
... The overall quality of biscuit is determined by the type of fat used in baking. Consumption of saturated fats from baked products is highly prevalent and is a cause for nutritional concern [7]. Studies have reported that consumption of fat in large amounts for a long period is associated with health problems such as cardiovascular diseases [8], thus making it imperative to search for healthier alternatives from local crops. ...
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This study investigated the effect of replacing fat with avocado paste on the physical properties, dietary fibre profile and peroxide value of wheat-tigernut biscuits. Whole tigernut was processed into flour and blended with wheat flour at three different levels; 10%, 20% and 30% weight basis into two parts. The first part of the composite (T10, T20, and T30) and control sample (100% wheat flour, T00) were baked into biscuit using margarine, while in the second batch (AT10, AT20, and AT30), margarine was replaced with avocado paste (100%). The biscuit samples were analysed for physical properties, dietary fibre profile and peroxide value using standard procedures. Data were subjected to Analysis of variance, and means were separated using Duncan's Multiple Range Test at p<0.05. Biscuits baked with avocado paste had higher spread ratio (6.98-7.19) and weight (17.39-17.51 g) than samples baked with margarine. Break strength of control sample was higher (185g) compared to biscuit samples baked with margarine (182.70-175.81 g), but lower than biscuits baked with avocado paste (182.70-175.81 g). Biscuits baked with avocado had higher dietary fibre profile of 7.49 to 7.84% and 5.72 to 5.82% for insoluble and soluble fibres. Biscuits containing avocado paste had higher peroxide values (1.91 to 2.56 meq O2/kg) than samples containing margarine (1.67 to 2.18 meq O2/kg). Replacing avocado with margarine improved the physical properties and dietary fibre profile of the biscuits with no adverse effect on the peroxide value and could therefore, be exploited as a healthier shortening agent to enrich biscuits.
... Nasri et al. (2021) have reported that the fat content was 44.69, 55.71, 56.25, and 72.54 for Fuerte, Hass, Reed, and Ettinger, respectively. The lipid (saturated) content of the avocado is a very low significant amount of cholesterol, which lowers harmful triglycerides without raising the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (bad cholesterol) level of the body by 22%, and it also increases the high-density lipoprotein (HDL) (healthy or good cholesterol) level by 11%, because it contains a high content of both monounsaturated (MUFAs) (oleic and palmitoleic fatty acid) and polyunsaturated (PUFAs) (linoleic fatty acid) fats, which play a great role in controlling the risk of cardiovascular-related diseases (Carvajal-Zarrabal et al., 2014;Jakobsen et al., 2009;Nasri et al., 2021;Sacks et al., 2017;Wang et al., 2015;Wardlaw & Kessel, 2002). The variation in avocado flesh compositions differs depending on the cultivars, stage of maturity, and the geographical area where the plant was grown (Mooz et al., 2012). ...
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Avocado is the most important fruit with high nutritional value in the tropics and subtropics. It is a widely grown cash crop in Ethiopia’s south, southwest, and east. However, the fruit quality of different varieties has not been studied at various locations. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of variety and agroecology on the physio-chemical and sensory qualities of avocado fruit. This study used six varieties of avocados (Hass, Fuerte, Nabal, Bacon, Ettinger, and Pinkerton) and three avocado growing locations. The highest maximum values of total soluble solids, pH, and titratable acidity were found in varieties of Bacon at Wondo Genet (10.97%), Nabal at Debre Zeit (7.4), and Pinkerton at Wondo Genet (8.36%). All the study locations showed significant differences in total soluble solids, pH, and titratable acidity values (P > 0.05). Instrumental color measurement revealed statistical variations in the values of L*, a*, b*, chroma (C*), and hue angle among varieties and variety*location interaction (ho). At Wondo Genet, Nabal (81.38%), Pinkerton (5.76%), Pinkerton (5.73%), and Hass (62.23%) had the highest moisture, ash, protein, and fat content, respectively. The grand mean values of color, appearance, aroma, taste, and overall acceptability for six different avocado varieties at three different locations were 3.72, 3.65, 3.72, 3.75, and 3.68, respectively. The results revealed that physio-chemical and sensory parameters vary with variety and agroecology. Therefore, it is recommended that avocados be grown with proper sensory and physicochemical properties included into the production system for both domestic and industry for various purposes.
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The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of fat type and mango peel powder (MP) on the physicochemical properties of cooked beef patties during cold storage and after in vitro digestion. Beef patties were prepared with saturated beef fat (BF) and pre-emulsified avocado oil (AO) or pre-emulsified safflower oil (SO). MP was added at 0% or 1%. The treatments were as follows: T1 (BF, no added MP), T2 (AO, no added MP), T3 (SO, no added MP), T4 (BF+1%MP), T5 (AO+1%MP), and T6 (SO+1%MP). Substituting saturated fat with AO and SO improved the fatty acid profile of beef patties. The addition of pre-emulsified oils increased (p<0.05) the L∗, a∗, and b∗ values. Moreover, the incorporation of MP in the meat formulation decreased (p<0.05) lipid oxidation during cold storage. Adding MP to the meat formulation decreased (p<0.05) lipid oxidation before and after in vitro digestion. Replacement of saturated fat with vegetable oils and incorporation of MP may be an alternative strategy to improve the quality of beef patties during cold storage and decrease lipid oxidation after in vitro digestion.
Plant-derived bioactive macromolecules (i.e., proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) were prepared as extracellular vesicles (EVs). Plant-derived EVs are gaining pharmaceutical research interest because of their bioactive components and delivery properties. The spherical nanosized EVs derived from Raphanus sativus L. var. caudatus Alef microgreens previously showed antiproliferative activity in HCT116 colon cancer cells from macromolecular compositions (predominantly proteins). To understand the mechanism of action, the biological activity studies, i. e., antiproliferation, cellular biochemical changes, DNA conformational changes, DNA damage, apoptotic nuclear morphological changes, apoptosis induction, and apoptotic pathways, were determined by neutral red uptake assay, synchrotron radiation-based Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, comet assay, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining, flow cytometry, and caspase activity assay, respectively. EVs inhibited HCT116 cell growth in concentration- and time-dependent manners, with a half-maximal inhibitory concentration of 675.4 ± 33.8 μg/ml at 48 h and a selectivity index of 1.5 ± 0.076. HCT116 treated with EVs mainly changed the cellular biochemical compositions in the nucleic acids and carbohydrates region. The DNA damage caused no changes in DNA conformation. The apoptotic nuclear morphological changes were associated with the increased apoptotic cell population. The apoptotic cell death was induced by both extrinsic and intrinsic pathways. EVs have potential as antiproliferative bioparticles.
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Consumer priorities in healthy diets and lifestyle boosted the demand for nutritious and functional foods as well as plant‐based ingredients. Avocado has become a food trend due to its nutritional and functional values, which in turn is increasing its consumption and production worldwide. Avocado edible portion has a high content of lipids, with the pulp and its oil being rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and essential omega − 3 and omega − 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). These fatty acids are mainly esterified in triacylglycerides, the major lipids in pulp, but also in minor components such as polar lipids (phospholipids and glycolipids). Polar lipids of avocado have been overlooked despite being recently highlighted with functional properties as well. The growth in the industry of avocado products is generating an increased amount of their byproducts, such as seed and peels (nonedible portions), still undervalued. The few studies on avocado byproducts pointed out that they also contain interesting lipids, with seeds particularly rich in polar lipids bearing PUFA, and thus can be reused as a source of add‐value phytochemical. Mass spectrometry‐based lipidomics approaches appear as an essential tool to unveil the complex lipid signature of avocado and its byproducts, contributing to the recognition of value‐added lipids and opening new avenues for their use in novel biotechnological applications. The present review provides an up‐to‐date overview of the lipid signature from avocado pulp, peel, seed, and its oils.
In the present review, the ethnomedicinal uses, the phytochemistry, and the pharmacological effects of established cytotoxic plants of the flora of Africa have been reported. The best botanical source of potential anticancer agents, as well as the best cytotoxic phytochemicals, were also identified and highlighted. The relationship between various health conditions in association with cancer was also given. It was shown that few evidenced cytotoxic are used to treat cancer as well as diseases with cancer-related symptoms, such as inflammatory diseases, parasitic infections, microbial and viral infections, cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system disorders, diabetes, and digestive system disorders. A total of 111 cytotoxic African medicinal plants belonging to 46 families are reported. Up to 50 potent African medicinal plants were identified as potentially suitable to fight at least one type of cancer. A total of 20 plants were identified to be suitable to fight the drug resistance of at least one type of cancer. One hundred and eight phytochemicals from African medicinal plants were identified as potentially suitable to fight at least one type of cancer. Phytochemicals identified as potent cytotoxic agents included 48 phenolics, 28 terpenoids, 26 alkaloids, 4 carbohydrates, and 2 fatty acids. A total of 42 phytoconstituents were identified to be suitable to fight the drug resistance of at least one type of cancer. This review constitutes a good collection for scientists, especially since it identifies new botanicals and phytochemicals that could undergo further in-depth studies to discover novel and powerful anti-cancer drugs. It also identifies the best classes of plant cytotoxic molecules, which could better guide scientists in the search for new anticancer agents.
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Bu çalışmada fonksiyonel bir gıda olan avokadonun sağlık ilişkisi ve farklı kültürlerdeki avokado tüketim alışkanlıkları açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Özellikle ulusal alan yazında avokadoya yönelik akademik bilgilerin azlığı dikkat çekmektedir. Bu bağlamda oluşturulan araştırma metni, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden derleme tekniği kullanılarak yazılmıştır. Avokado meyvesi yağ asitleri, vitaminler, mineraller ve antioksidanlarca zengindir. Meyve doğrudan insan tüketimi için üretilmekte ve satılmaktadır. Avokado ticareti son zamanlarda önemli düzeyde gelişmiştir.Dünyada avokado tüketim alışkanlıkları farklılık göstermektedir. Ancak avokadolar genellikle çiğ tüketilmektedir. Meyve vegan ve vejetaryenler için kırmızı etin alternatifi olarak kullanılabilir. Geleneksel Türk mutfağında avokado yer almamaktadır ancak son dönemlerde Akdeniz havzasında üretimi ve tüketimi artmaya başlamıştır. Bu bağlamda Türkiye’de avokado üretiminin ve tüketiminin artacağı ön görülmektedir.
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Objetivo: Establecer cuáles son los efectos de la inclusión de aguacate en la dieta sobre la estructura de las HDL, y sobre la enzima asociada a éstas, la paraoxonasa 1 (PON1).
Background-Inflammation (assessed by C-reactive protein [CRP]) and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD), but population-based data are limited. Methods and Results-We assessed the cross-sectional relations of CRP to the MetS ( National Cholesterol Education Program Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, Adult Treatment Panel III definition) in 3037 subjects ( 1681 women; mean age, 54 years) and the utility of CRP and the MetS to predict new CVD events (n = 189) over 7 years. MetS (greater than or equal to3 of 5 traits) was present in 24% of subjects; mean age-adjusted CRP levels for those with 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 MetS traits were 2.2, 3.5, 4.2, 6.0, or 6.6 mg/L, respectively (P trend < 0.0001). In persons with MetS, age-adjusted CRP levels were higher in women than men (7.8 versus 4.6 mg/L; P < 0.0001). MetS and baseline CRP were individually related to CVD events (for MetS: age-sex-adjusted hazard ratio [HR], 2.1; 95% CI, 1.5 to 2.8; for highest versus lowest CRP quartile: HR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.4 to 3.5). Greater risk of CVD persisted for MetS and CRP even after adjustment in a model including age, sex, MetS (HR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.4 to 2.5), and CRP (HR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.2 to 2.9). The c-statistic associated with the age- and sex-adjusted model including CRP was 0.72; including MetS, 0.74; and including CRP and MetS, 0.74. Conclusions-Elevated CRP levels are related to insulin resistance and the presence of the MetS, especially in women. Although discrimination of subjects at risk of CVD events using both MetS and CRP is not better than using either phenotype alone, both CRP and MetS are independent predictors of new CVD events.
Avocados, long known for their pleasing taste and predominance of monounsaturated fatty acids, are now recognized as a fruit that contains health-promoting phytochemicals such as glutathione and beta-sitosterol.
The present study investigated the effects of virgin olive oil and their polyphenols on lipid content of liver, cholesterol metabolism related enzymes of liver microsome and fatty acid composition. Four groups of seven male rats were fed for 5 weeks diets with cholesterol (1%) supplemented with virgin olive oil with or without polyphenols or polyphenols extracted from virgin olive oil. Total cholesterol and phospholipid levels of liver tissu were not affected by either type of diet. However, triacylglycerol levels increased in both animals fed virgin olive oil with or without polyphenols. Furthermore, the activity of HMG-CoA reductase decreased significantly in liver microsome from polyphenols extract-fed group. Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase was significantly diminished in rats fed virgin olive oil with polyphenols compared to olive oil without polyphenols.
The aim of this research was to investigate the bioactivity of durian, snake fruit and mangosteen, rare exotic Thai fruits. These fruits were compared among them and with conventional fruits: durian with mango and avocado, and snake fruit with mangosteen and kiwifruit in order to find the preferable diet for human consumption. The contents of polyphenols, flavonoids, flavanols, tannins, anthocyanins, ascorbic acid and carotenoids, and the level of antioxidant potential by ABTS, DPPH, FRAP and CUPRAC in different extracts (methanol, water, acetone, and hexane) were determined. The presence of polyphenols (flavonoids and phenolic acids) in the investigated samples was characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy and three-dimensional fluorimetry (3D-FL).The in vivo studies were carried out on 25 male Wistar rats, divided into 5 diet groups, each of 5. During 30days of the experiment the rats of all 5 groups were fed basal diet (BD), which included wheat starch, casein, soybean oil, vitamin and mineral mixtures. The rats of the Control group were fed only the BD. The BD of the other 4 groups was supplemented with 1% of nonoxidized cholesterol (NOC) (Chol group), 1% of NOC in each group and 5% of lyophilized fruits: durian (Chol/Durian), snake fruit (Chol/Snake), mangosteen (Chol/Mangosteen). After the experiment diets supplemented with exotic fruits significantly hindered the rise in plasma lipids and hindered the decrease in the plasma antioxidant activity. In conclusion, the contents of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant potential are relatively high in the studied fruits and varied among them depending on the extraction procedure. FT-IR and 3D-FL can be used as additional tools for identification and comparison of bioactive compounds. Supplementation of diets with exotic fruits positively affects plasma lipid profile and antioxidant activity in rats fed cholesterol-containing diets.