... While some approaches are heavily oriented on the learner-centric nature of the LOs for linear education (both in terms of instructional tools and of the educational scheme), others focus on the educational tools (multiple agents) and their interaction with the learners. Consequently, re-usability is a major common attribute of all examined approaches ( (Kurilovas et al, 2014a), (Falconer et al, 2006), (Rodríguez et al, 2013), (Limongelli et al, 2012), (Burbaite et al, 2013), (Garrido and Onaindia, 2013), (Tsai et al, 2006)), with personalisation of some sort (usually according to pre-defined manual information from the teachers) being the second most prominent attribute ( (Kurilovas et al, 2014a), (Falconer et al, 2006), (Burbaite et al, 2013), (Garrido and Onaindia, 2013), (Tsai et al, 2006)). Interoperability of LOs is also a major attribute ( (Kurilovas et al, 2014a), (Falconer et al, 2006), (Rodríguez et al, 2013), (Limongelli et al, 2012)), while the rest of the target criteria are selectively present. ...