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Abstract and Figures

Given the important role of hydropower in peak electricity management, Middle Eastern countries are actively pursuing development of more hydropower resources by construction of large dams. Nonetheless, climate change is expected to affect the future productivity of hydropower by influencing the hydrologic cycle and different climate variables in the region. Although reactive plans to minimize climate change impacts on hydropower production have been implemented in the developed world, the developing world can still benefit from proactive actions. Studies of climate change impacts before and during implementation of hydropower projects can result in timely responses and adaptation to climate change with a potential of considerable cost savings. This study investigates the potential impacts of climate change on the hydropower systems in the Karkheh River Basin—the third largest river basin in Iran—in terms of potential for hydroelectricity generation. A simulation model is developed to examine how hydropower generation levels vary for different future climate change scenarios in this representative Middle Eastern basin. The obtained results suggest that the existing operation rules and design specifications, developed based on the historical climatic conditions, can lead to inefficient operations of the hydropower in the basin. Because of insignificant streamflow reductions in the short term, hydropower production may not change considerably in the near future. However, a serious hydropower generation deficit is expected in the midterm and long-term horizons in the Karkheh River Basin. Therefore, adaptation to the future climate change conditions and revision of the operation rule curves and design specifications are essential to optimal hydropower operations in this basin.
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Climate Change and Hydropower Planning in the Middle
East: Implications for Irans Karkheh Hydropower Systems
Saeed Jamali, Ph.D.1; Ahmad Abrishamchi, M.ASCE2; and Kaveh Madani, A.M.ASCE3
Abstract: Given the important role of hydropower in peak electricity management, Middle Eastern countries are actively pursuing develop-
ment of more hydropower resources by construction of large dams. Nonetheless, climate change is expected to affect the future productivity
of hydropower by influencing the hydrologic cycle and different climate variables in the region. Although reactive plans to minimize climate
change impacts on hydropower production have been implemented in the developed world, the developing world can still benefit from
proactive actions. Studies of climate change impacts before and during implementation of hydropower projects can result in timely responses
and adaptation to climate change with a potential of considerable cost savings. This study investigates the potential impacts of climate change
on the hydropower systems in the Karkheh River Basinthe third largest river basin in Iranin terms of potential for hydroelectricity
generation. A simulation model is developed to examine how hydropower generation levels vary for different future climate change scenarios
in this representative Middle Eastern basin. The obtained results suggest that the existing operation rules and design specifications, developed
based on the historical climatic conditions, can lead to inefficient operations of the hydropower in the basin. Because of insignificant stream-
flow reductions in the short term, hydropower production may not change considerably in the near future. However, a serious hydropower
generation deficit is expected in the midterm and long-term horizons in the Karkheh River Basin. Therefore, adaptation to the future climate
change conditions and revision of the operation rule curves and design specifications are essential to optimal hydropower operations in this
basin. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EY.1943-7897.0000115.© 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Climate change; Hydro power; Simulation; Models; River basins; Middle East.
Author keywords: Climate change; Hydropower; Operations; Simulation; Modeling; Adaptation; Karkheh River Basin; Iran.
Accounting for 16% of the electricity production worldwide,
hydropower is one of the most popular energy resources because
of its low cost, near-zero greenhouse gas emissions, and the flex-
ibility it provides in operations (Madani and Lund 2009). Despite
its great advantages over other electricity sources, hydropower is
among the most vulnerable energy sources to changes in global
and regional climates because of its direct dependence on the mag-
nitude and timing of streamflows. Therefore, the availability of hy-
dropower at its current or planned levels remains in question under
the expected climatic changes and associated spatial and temporal
streamflow changes [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) 2007].
Climate warming can exacerbate the situation of water resources
in the semiarid and arid regions of the world (IPCC 2007). These
effects are of particular importance for the Middle East countries,
which are already experiencing stressed water resources because of
the limited water availability and growing water demand (Sowers
et al. 2011). Temperature is expected to increase up to 4.5°C in the
Middle East by the end of the century, which with the expected
25% decrease in average annual precipitation and the changing
precipitation patterns (Zereini and Hotzl 2008) can create serious
challenges to water resources management in the region. Although
considerable effects on water resources systems are expected in the
region, adaptive measures do not have a high priority in planning in
the Middle Eastern countries (Sowers et al. 2011). These countries
pursue their aggressive development plans, relying on historical
conditions with no climate change effects.
In Iranthe second largest country in the Middle East
hydropower production has a key role in supplying the peak power
demand. The first Iranian hydropower plant was built in 1961 on
the Dez River. Since then, Iran has been actively developing hydro-
power projects. Depending on the hydrologic conditions, hydro-
power represents 615% of the nations electricity and is the
largest renewable energy source in Iran. The present installed
hydropower generation capacity is approximately 9,000 MW and
is expected to reach 28,000 MW in the next two decades based
on the development plans of the Iran Water and Power Resources
Development Company (IWPCO), a state agency that is respon-
sible for construction of dams and hydroelectric power plants
in Iran.
Most of Irans hydroelectric generation capacity is concentrated
in three major river basins, namely, the Karun, Dez, and Karkheh
River Basins. The Karkheh River Basin is the third most productive
basin in Iran in terms of total surface water flow and potential
for hydropower generation. The current total available surface
water storage capacity accounts for only 40% of the potential
surface water storage capacity of 15,000 million cubic meters
(MCM). Therefore, IWPCO is in the process of expanding the
1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Engineering, Islamic Azad Univ., Central
Tehran Branch, Tehran 1965916954, Iran (corresponding author). E-mail:
2Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sharif Univ. of Technology,
Tehran 1136511155, Iran. E-mail:
3Alex Alexander Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil, Environmental and
Construction Engineering, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816.
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 5, 2011; approved
on January 15, 2013; published online on January 17, 2013. Discussion
period open until February 1, 2014; separate discussions must be submitted
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Energy Engi-
neering, Vol. 139, No. 3, September 1, 2013. © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9402/
J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:153-160.
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hydroelectricity generation capacity in the basin by 2,000 MW by
constructing six new large dams.
Development plans that ignore the potential climate change
impacts are associated with a considerable risk of failure, especially
in developing nations located in water-stressed areas (Brown et al.
2010,2011). Thus, considering the potential effects of climate
change is essential in designing large dam and hydropower projects
to develop systems that are resilient to climate change and its as-
sociated extreme events. Whereas in developed countries adapta-
tion capacity of water resources systems to climate change may
be limited by the design conditions of the existing systems, devel-
oping countries still have a chance to design water resources sys-
tems that provide high flexibility in operations and reasonable
adaptation capacity to cope with climate change. Nevertheless,
timely and early consideration of climate change impacts is neces-
sary to designing and developing systems that are less vulnerable to
climate change.
Given the value of hydropower, both developing and developed
countries have a serious need to study climate change effects on
hydropower production to prepare for future climatic and socioeco-
nomic changes. Therefore, several researchers have studied the
climate change effects on different aspects of hydropower sys-
tems at different scales around the world. Example studies include
studying the climate change impacts on hydropower production in
New Zealand (Garr and Fitzharris 1994), eastern United States
(Robinson 1997), Switzerland (Westaway 2000;Schaefli et al.
2005), Sweden (Bergström et al. 2001), Nepal (Agrawala et al.
2003), the Colombia River Basin (Payne et al. 2004), the Colorado
River Basin (Christensen et al. 2004), United States Pacific north-
west (Markoff and Cullen 2008), California (Medellin-Azuara et al.
2008;Vicuna et al. 2008;Madani and Lund 2010;Connell-Buck
et al. 2011;Guégan et al. 2012a,b), and Canada (Minville et al.
2009,2010); studying the effects of climate change on financial
aspects of hydropower projects (Harrison and Whittington 2001;
Harrison et al. 2003); and studying the climate change impacts
on legal aspects of hydropower systems (Madani 2011;Viers
2011). Reviewing the existing literature reveals the limited concern
of developing countries, especially the Middle Eastern countries,
about the vulnerability of hydropower systems to climate change
because most studies of the subject belong to researchers in western
countries. Climate change has become an issue of concern after
development of hydropower projects in the developed world,
whereas the developing countries ignore climate change effects
during hydropower design and development phases. This is despite
the fact that developing countries can benefit more from proactive
assessment of climate change effects on hydropower projects
than reactive assessment because the former can reduce the cost
of climate change to such countries and modify irreversible devel-
opment plans early on, before the massive hydropower projects are
Given the value of hydropower and its current development
status in the Middle East, the objective of this study is to assess
potential vulnerability of an example Middle Eastern hydropower
system to climate change. Irans Karkheh River Basin hydropower
system has been selected for the Middle East and developing world
as an example to underline the value of proactive assessment of
climate change impacts on hydropower to minimize the potential
costs of climate change to hydropower systems.
The paper is structured as follows. The next section describes
the study basin and provides some information on previous regional
climate change studies. Details of the developed simulation model
are presented in Hydropower Operations Modelsection. The
Results and Discussionsection presents the obtained simulation
results under a range of climate change scenarios and reflects how
climate change can affect hydropower production in the basin. The
last section concludes.
Karkheh River Basin
The Karkheh River originates from the Zagros Mountains in west
Iran. After a journey of approximately 900 km, the Karkheh River
discharges in the Hoor-Al-Azim Swamp at the Iran-Iraq border.
The Karkheh River Basin (Fig. 1), with a catchment area of
48,000 km2, is located in southwest Iran (between 3035° northern
latitude and 4649° eastern longitude). Elevation of the Karkheh
Basin ranges from a few meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.) in the
south to more than 3,500 m.a.s.l. in the northeast. The basin has
a Mediterranean climate and more than 64% of annual water flow
occurs from January to May. The basin experiences high spatial and
temporal variation in precipitation (Muthuwatta et al. 2010).
Whereas the Khuzestan plain and southern area of the catchment
is semiarid with mild winters and long hot summers, the northern
parts and the alpine regions have cold winters and mild summers.
Temperature in this area ranges from 25 to 50°C. The average
annual rainfall in the basin varies from 150 mm in the south to
1,000 mm in the north and the east upper Karkheh River. The aver-
age annual flow of the Karkheh River is 5,916 MCM.
The Karkheh River Basin includes approximately 9% of the
total irrigated area of the country and provides 10% of the total
nationally produced wheat (Marjanizadeh 2008;Muthuwatta et al.
2010). Agriculture production, urban water, and fish farming are
the most important water consuming activities in the basin. In
the upper basin, areas with both rainfed and irrigated agriculture
are practiced, but in the lower basin, only irrigated agriculture is
possible because of the drier conditions.
Karkheh River Basin
Hydropower Plant
Karkheh River
Kashkan River
Saymareh River
Qarasou and Gamasiab catchments
Koran Bozan Dam and Hydropower
Saz Bon Dam and Hydropower
Saymareh Dam and Hydropower
Karkheh II Dam and Hydropower
Garsha Dam and Hydropower
Tangeh Mashoureh Dam
and Hydropower
Karkheh Dam and Hydropower
Hoor Al Azim Swamp
Fig. 1. Schematic of the Karkheh River Basin
J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:153-160.
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The Karkheh Reservoir with the storage capacity of 5,600 MCM
(active storage capacity of approximately 4,600 MCM) and the
Karkheh hydropower station have been in operation since 1999.
Given the great potential of the Karkheh River Basin for hydroelec-
tric generation, five additional large hydropower dams are already
under study, and one dam is under construction. Characteristics of
these dams and their tentative locations are shown in Table 1and
Fig. 1, respectively.
Average annual flow of the Karkheh River is approximately
36% of the total planned storage capacity. The high ratio of storage
capacity to river flow may make the system vulnerable to natural
climatic changes that are expected to affect water availability in the
basin. Jamali et al. (2012) studied the hydrologic effects of climate
change on the Karkheh River Basin by downscaling the results of
two general circulation models, namely CGCM3 and HadCM3,
under three emission scenarios, i.e., A1B, A2, and B1. Results were
obtained for three 20-year horizons, i.e., 2020s (20112030),
2050s (20412060), and 2080s (20712090). Both CGCM3 and
HadCM3 outputs for all emission scenarios showed an increase
in downscaled monthly mean temperature over all months in all
considered time horizons. An average temperature increase of ap-
proximately 0.9, 2.0, and 2.5°C are expected in the basin under the
future climate change scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s,
respectively. The projected increase in mean temperature is higher
Table 1. Karkheh River Basin Reservoirs
Reservoir Current condition
Normal level
Normal storage
(MCM) Purpose
capacity (MW)
Karkheh Under operation 220 4,616 Hydropower/Agriculture 400
Saymareh Under construction 720 2,474 Hydropower 480
Garsha Under study 1,245 1,385 Hydropower 280
Koran Bozan Under study 1,090 3,350 Hydropower 330
Saz Bon Under study 850 1,576 Hydropower 360
Tangeh Mashoureh Under study 1,400 1,640 Hydropower/Agriculture 154
Karkheh II (Run of the River Karkheh) Under study 375 317 Hydropower 300
GBon Saymareh
Mean Monthly Inflow (MCM)Mean Monthly Inflow (MCM)Mean Monthly Inflow (MCM)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20 % 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20 % 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20 % 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%)
HadCM-A1B HadCM-A2 HadCM-B1
Fig. 2. Inflow exceedence probability curves for each dam in different time periods
J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:153-160.
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in the months of June, July, and August in comparison to other
months. The annual amount of rainfall is not expected to change
considerably, but rainfall timing will change. As a result, peak rain-
fall will shift from spring to winter. Climate change can lead to
considerable reduction in streamflow. Average streamflow reduc-
tion of 5, 15, and 27% are expected in the basin under the future
climate change scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s, respec-
tively. Currently, the hydropower systems of the basin are fed by
the streamflow resulting from precipitation in winter and spring
months and snowmelt during the spring. Under climate change,
peak streamflow shifts to earlier months because of earlier snow-
melt and more precipitation in the form of rain rather than snow
(Jamali et al. 2012).
The expected changes in the magnitude and timing of stream-
flows can affect hydropower operations in the basin. Therefore,
early investigation of the potential effects can help the decision
makers of the basin in revising their hydropower development
plans to prevent inefficient operations in the future.
Hydropower Operations Model
In this study, MODSIM (Shafer and Labadie 1978) is used to de-
velop a hydropower operations model that can provide useful in-
sights into hydropower planning and management in the basin. The
MODSIM model facilitates modeling complex water systems
through transforming the river basin to a network of nodes and
Mean Monthly Inflow (
) Mean Monthly Inflow (
)Mean Monthly Inflow (
Karkheh II
20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Exceedence Probability (%) Exceedence Probability (%)
Exceedence Probability (%) Exceedence Probability (%)
Exceedence Probability (%) Exceedence Probability (%)
HadCM-A1B HadCM-A2 HadCM-B1
Fig. 2. (Continued.)
1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2012 2015 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030
Hydropower Production (GWh)
1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2042 2045 2048 2051 2054 2057 2060
Hydropower Production (GWh)
1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2072 2075 2078 2081 2084 2087 2090
Hydropower Production (GWh)
Control Period Pessimistic Scenario Optimistic Scenario
Fig. 3. Comparison of the annual mean hydropower production during
the control period with historical climate and during different time hor-
izons for optimistic and pessimistic climate change scenarios: (a) 2020s
(HadCM B1, CGCM A1B); (b) 2050s (HadCM A2, HadCM A1B);
(c) 2080s (CGCM B1, CGCM A2)
Change in Annual Mean Hydropower Production
Fig. 4. Estimated changes in Karkheh River Basins average annual
hydropower production for different climate change scenarios in the
2020s, 2050s, and 2080s with respect to the historical conditions
J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:153-160.
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links. To find the optimal decision, MODSIM employs a minimum
cost network flow algorithm that solves a linear optimization
problem in a specified time step over a desired planning horizon.
This model uses a capable network flow optimization algorithm,
combining simulation with optimization to determine optimal
flows within the network. Detailed information about MODSIM
can be found in Labadie (2010a,b).
Reservoir operation rules, suggested by the Karkheh River
Basins integrated water resource planning study (IWPCO 2011),
are used in developing the hydropower operations model that sim-
ulates the Karkheh River Basin operations under any given climate
scenario. These standard operation policy (SOP)-based reservoir
operation rules suggest matching release to demand as long as the
available storage (AS) exceeds the demand (assuming there is
enough storage capacity and spillage is not required) and releases
the AS otherwise.
The developed model is used to examine the potential climate
change impacts on hydroelectricity production in the basin. The
MODSIM model applies the following equation to calculate hydro-
power generation in high-head power plants:
where for powerplant iduring period t,Pi;t=power output; Qi;t=
water flowing through the turbine (release rate); ¯
effective head; eiðQi;t;Hi;tÞ=plant efficiency as a function of Qi;t
and ¯
Hi;t;K=water-to-electricity conversion ratio; and Pi;max =
maximum generation capacity of the power plant.
On-peak hydroelectricity generation can be calculated as
where ΔTP
i;t=total hours of on-peak generation of powerplant iin
time period t. Off-peak hydropower generation of the same power-
plant is then calculated as
Table 2. Average Change in Annual Hydropower Production for Different
Climate Scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and 2070s with Respect to
Historical Climate Conditions during the Control Period
Garsha 2020s 18 12 14 11 210
2050s 30 36 17 21 118
2080s 32 39 24 53 29 25
2020s 18 11 14 11 210
2050s 30 37 16 26 117
2080s 33 38 25 49 31 27
Saz Bon 2020s 13 611 749
2050s 25 30 14 25 018
2080s 29 32 23 33 30 23
Saymareh 2020s 13 626 6417
2050s 23 23 10 28 139
2080s 26 30 43 31 28 46
Karkheh II 2020s 514228
2050s 11 13 913 211
2080s 16 16 11 14 15 14
Karkheh 2020s 413208
2050s 11 11 10 13 512
2080s 16 15 12 12 15 16
Total 2020s 11 58629
2050s 20 24 12 19 215
2080s 24 26 19 29 23 20
Generation (GWh)
Time equal or exceeded (%)
Generation (GWh)
Time equal or exceeded (%)
Historical CGCM-A1B CGCM-A2 CGCM-B1
HadCM-A1B HadCM-A2 HadCM-B1
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Generation (GWh)
Time equal or exceeded (%)
Fig. 5. Total hydropower generation duration curve for three horizons: (a) 2020s; (b) 2050s; (c) 2080s
J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:153-160.
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where ΔTt=total number of hours in period t.
Eqs. (1)(3) are used to estimate the on-peak and off-peak
hydropower generation. In the original MODSIM formulation,
run-of-the-river projects are modeled as hydropower plants below
reservoirs with no storage capacity and constant ¯
Hi;t. However, this
may not be applicable to the Karkheh II powerplant, which has a
limited storage capacity and is used for regulation of the flow.
Therefore, the following equation is used to estimate the power out-
put of this powerplant:
ΔTKarkheh II;t¼MINK·Qt·¯
Ht·eKarkheh IIðQt;¯
×The number of hours per time periodð4Þ
where ΔTKarkheh II;t=number of hours Karkheh II powerplant runs
during period t; and Qt=upstream inflow (volume/time period).
This equation implies that the Karkheh II powerplant is operated at
any time when inflow is sufficient (operation is not limited to the
on-peak and spill times only).
Results and Discussion
The model was run for 18 different climate change scenarios
extracted from a previous climate change impact assessment study
in this basin (Jamali et al. 2012). Fig. 2shows the mean monthly
inflow exceedence probability curves for the six reservoirs of the
basin in different time horizons. These curves result from the op-
eration rules suggested by the Karkheh River Basin integrated
water resource planning study (IWPCO 2011) based on the histori-
cal climatic conditions. The first observation is that there is no
significant reduction in mean monthly inflow to all reservoirs in the
first time period. In fact, for some climate change scenarios, a slight
increase in high flows is expected during the first time period. In the
second and third time periods, a decrease of 2580% in both high
and low flows is expected for most future climate scenarios. The
magnitude of flow reduction significantly increases in the 2070
2090 period. Low flows will decrease at all reservoirs. The
projected inflow changes can affect the performance of the basins
hydropower systems, having important implications for reservoir
Fig. 3compares the average annual hydropower production
under the historical climatic conditions during the control period
with that under the optimistic and pessimistic climate change
scenarios during different future time horizons. Generally, optimis-
tic scenarios (from the hydrological standpoint) suggest lower
reductions of annual runoff or even minimal increase in the total
annual runoff. Here, HadCM-B1, HadCM-A2, and CGCM-B1 can
be considered as optimistic scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and
2080s, respectively. Pessimistic scenarios suggest higher levels
of decrease in the annual flows. Here, CGCM-A1B, HadCM-
A1B, and CGCM-A2 represent the pessimistic scenarios in the
2020s, 2050s, and 2080s, respectively. The results indicate that
the future average annual production in almost all scenarios will
decrease. The reduction in production in all periods is mainly attrib-
utable to decreasing reservoir inflows under the drier conditions
with climate change.
Fig. 4shows the estimated changes in the average annual hydro-
power production in the basin for different climate change scenar-
ios in different future time periods with respect to the control period
with historical climatic conditions. The expected generation losses
under all scenarios (expect for two climate change scenarios in the
2020s) suggest that the Karkheh River Basin hydropower plants
will not be able to meet the target hydropower generation level,
based on the design specifications, relying on historical climate
conditions. Although the average annual hydropower generation
reduction may not be considerable in the first time period (near
to 3.5%), the expected reduction is considerable in the second
and third periods (15 and 24%, respectively). Table 2shows ex-
pected average variations of hydroelectricity production of each hy-
dropower plant in the basin under future climatic conditions in
different time horizons with respect to historical climatic conditions
in the control period. This table suggests that generally, hydro-
power production is expected to decrease at all plants in the future
(except for two climate change scenarios in the first time horizon).
The greatest hydropower generation reduction is expected at the
Saymareh, Saz Bon, Garsha, and Koran Bozan hydropower plants
in the first time horizon (expect for two climate change scenarios).
Other hydropower plants will not experience serious electricity
production deficits during this period. Decrease in hydropower
production is more significant in the second and third horizons
for all hydropower plants. The Saz Bon, Saymareh, Garsha, and
Generation (GWh)
Generation (GWh)
Generation (GWh)
Fig. 6. Average monthly hydropower generation in the basin for 342
three horizons: (a) 2020s; (b) 2050s; (c) 2080s
J. Energy Eng. 2013.139:153-160.
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Koran Bozan hydropower plants can experience serious generation
reductions (up to 50%) in these time periods.
Fig. 5shows the total hydropower production exceedence
curves for different climate scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and
2070s. The expected hydropower generation reductions become
more significant in the 2050s and 2080s. The significant reduction
in hydropower generation is very important, given the fact that
these reservoirs are already in construction or will be constructed
based on the design plans, which completely ignore the climate
change effects. The inability of the system to meet the target hydro-
power generation reductions is attributable to plans that have been
developed and are in implementation without recognition of cli-
mate change impacts on the Karkheh River Basin.
Fig. 6indicates the average monthly hydropower generation in
the basin for different climate scenarios in the 2020s, 2050s, and
2080s. In the first period, reduction in annual generation is not sig-
nificant. Monthly generation variation in this period ranges from
þ10% in February to 11% in May and June. In the 2050s, gen-
eration losses will be more, and can be up to 31% in May and June.
During the last period, higher hydropower generation reductions
are expected (up to 40% in May and June). Moreover, deficit in
peak of electricity demand can be as high as 20% in this period.
Table 3provides an overview of the estimated average seasonal
and annual hydropower productions in different study periods.
Results suggest that the decrease in the total annual hydropower
generation is mainly attributable to the expected hydropower
generation reduction during spring. The springs hydropower re-
duction is expected to increase over time as a result of projected
drier conditions. In Iran, hydropower plays a key role in providing
electricity during warm months when the electricity demand is
higher for cooling. Therefore, the availability of hydroelectricity
is of considerable importance during hotter (summer) months.
The study results suggest that fortunately, hydropower generation
reduction is not significant during summer months.
Potential climate change impacts on hydropower systems of the
Karkheh River Basin were examined in this study. Results indicate
that the expected climate change impacts on hydrological variables
will substantially affect hydropower generation in the basin.
Because of insignificant streamflow reductions in the 2020s, hydro-
power production may not change considerably during this period.
However, serious hydropower generation deficit is expected in the
2050s and 2080s in the Karkheh River Basin. Results indicate that
in the first period, hydroelectricity reduction is less than 4%. In the
second and third periods, reduction may be more than 15 and 23%,
respectively. These significant expected reductions in hydropower
generation under future climatic conditions in the basin suggest
that operation rules and the suggested design specifications for
future hydropower projects in the basin may result in suboptimal
hydropower operations. The Garsha, Koran Bozan, Saz Bon, and
Saymareh hydropower plants are expected to experience serious
challenges in meeting the target generation levels under future
climatic conditions.
Given the limited availability of water resources in the region,
reconsideration of hydropower development plans is necessary to
avoid future failures in meeting the target hydropower production
levels. With timely consideration of future climatic conditions and
appropriate adaptive actions, future undesired conditions can be
avoided in the basin. Such appropriate actions may include revi-
sions of the suggested operations rules and omitting some reser-
voirs and/or hydropower plants from the system, which can be
the focus of future studies. It should be noted that although recon-
sideration of hydropower development plans might not necessarily
result in increased hydropower production, it can result in consid-
erable cost savings by preventing implementation of overdesigned
The authors are thankful to Eisa Bozorgzadeh, Ali Heidari, and
Mahmoud Talebbidokhti at IWPCO for providing valuable advice
and data.
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... The Iran has a high hydropower generation potential of 42 GW due to the river basin in the West, especially in the province of Khuzestan around the city of Ahvaz, where the rivers Karun, Dez and Karkheh flow (Jamali et al., 2013). Hydropower accounts for 96.48% of renewable energy production. ...
... Iran pays increased attention to the development of hydroelectric power plants, which ensures the growth of electricity generation by an average of 10% per year over the past ten years. However, due to climate change, rivers are projected to become shallow, which could lead to a 15% decrease in hydropower generation in 2050 and 23% in 2080 (Jamali et al., 2013). ...
This paper is devoted to analyzing the processes that took place in the energy sector of Iran for the period from 2004 to 2021. It is emphasized that for the sustainable development of the country's economy, a reliable, long-term, and economically acceptable supply of various types of energy in their optimal combination is necessary. Despite the territory of Iran having an extremely high potential for the development of non-traditional energy, the analysis shows that the development of the Iranian economy is mainly based on oil revenues. In the context of the growing crisis in the global economy, an increase in demand for oil and oil products, oil accents in energy diplomacy began to intensify, which allows us to speak about the actualization of the problems of developing the oil and gas sector of Iran and shifting the focus towards traditional energy sources. Nevertheless, to achieve sustainable development, along with the possession of a resource base, the availability of modern equipment and technologies, and dominance in the market for products that foreign partners are interested in acquiring are necessary. It is concluded that Iran is vulnerable to geo-economic risks in the current conditions of the development of the world economy.
... Looking at the vast amount of EIA literature currently available, it is clear that many diverse contributions have been made to evaluate the effectiveness of national EIA systems [25]; [26]. The US, Canada, and the EU have all produced well-known comparative and [27]; [28]; transnational research [29]; [30], Others have focused on the quality of EIA reports' technical and scientific content. ...
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More than 16% of the total electricity used worldwide is met by hydropower, having local to regional environmental consequences. Pakistan's Environmental Protection Ordinance (PEPO) 1983 mandated Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). In the Shangla District, the village of Kuz Kana is located about 300 meters upstream of the run-of-river project known as the Karora Hydropower project. The study reviewed the Environmental Impact Assessment and mitigating methods for the Karora hydropower project, Shangla, Pakistan. The authors analyzed the impact area, land resources, water resources, flora and fauna, and the Socio-Economic setup of district Shangla. They also consulted with stakeholders to address potential impacts, issues raised, and compensations according to regulations. According to the survey, the cumulative negative effect of acquiring 64.321 kanals of land will impact around 18 landowners. Only 0.14% and 0.11% of the land in the villages of Kuz Kana and Ranial, respectively, needs to be acquired compared to the proposed area with the complete community. The affected individuals and communities received complete compensation for their losses following the Land Acquisition Act (1984), KPK practice, and ADB policy on “Involuntary Resettlement.” The study concluded that the project has no adverse environmental effects, and the minor potential impacts and compensation were done smoothly per the regulations. The lack of meaningful involvement by the public in the dam construction process is a key critique, which is especially essential for local communities directly impacted by hydropower projects. The study recommended implementing the environmental impact assessment for all hydropower projects in Pakistan.
... There was a 0.44 degree drop in temperature and a 0.77 percentage rise in rain. The results showed that the case study was more reactive to changes in precipitation than in temperature (Jamali et al. 2013). The data and isolines from the 2080s showed that a change of 1 degree Celsius in temperature had the same effect on hydropower as a change of 3 percent in precipitation. ...
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Globally there is already a lot of pressure on water resources because of climate change, economic development, as well as an increasing global populace. Many rivers originate in the mountains, where snowfall fluctuations and the global climate’s inherent unpredictability affect the hydrological processes. Climate change sensitivity has been recognized in recent years and would affect hydropower, such as humidity, cloudiness, and precipitation, that are considered; global warming emerges as one of the most important contributors to climate change. The Yangtze River supports rich biodiversity and provides important ecosystem services for human survival and development. In addition, climate changes, particularly short-term and long-term precipitation and temperature fluctuations, influence the snow regime and the hydrological development of river flow response at the basin and sub-basin scales. More precise this review focused to understand the hydropower potential, freshwater fisheries, and hydrological response of snow dynamics in snow-dominated basins.
... The basin covers an area of 50,800 km 2 that is located between 30 • 50 ′ -35 • 05 ′ N latitude and 46 • 06 ′ -49 • 10 ′ E longitude and is distributed into five sub-basins, namely, Gamasiab, Qarasou, Saymareh, Kashkan, and South Karkheh, passing through parts of seven provinces. In particular, the elevation varies from a few meters above the sea level (masl) in the south to 3,615 masl in the north (two-thirds of the basin are located in the mountainous region) (Jamali et al., 2013). This diverse topography increases the complexity of the hydrological features of this basin, wherein the Mediterranean climate prevails with wet winters and dry summers. ...
Precise long-term streamflow prediction has always been important in the hydrology field, and has provided essential information for efficient water-resource management and disaster prevention. Attention to this field has increased recently owing to water and climate crises. Despite the remarkable improvements in existing data-driven models, they still have weaknesses, particularly for multistep predictions in poorly gauged basins. The purpose of this study is to improve the multistep ahead prediction ability by considering mesoscale hydroclimate data as booster predictors and employing attention-based deep learning. Therefore, a meta-algorithm is proposed for analyzing time-series data in complex geo-spatiotemporal environments to assess the superiority of prediction with booster predictors through direct and direct-recursive hybrid strategies. In the subsequent stage, a novel, integrated neural network architecture is demonstrated that couples a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) with a deep attention network. In particular, the former network performs automatic feature engineering, and the latter focuses on lengthy sequence complexities. Four state-of-the-art combinations for 12-month ahead prediction are introduced, including pairs of TimeDistributed-CNN (TD-CNN) and 3D-CNN along with a Long- and Short-term Time-series network (LSTNet) or a Transformer network. Moreover, a base architecture was employed for model comparison that contains the ConvLSTM2D layer that is compatible with multidimensional time-series data. For this, all models were applied to the Karkheh River basin in the northeast of the Persian Gulf, where monthly historical records of streamflow are available from 1955 to 2021. The results revealed that the application of hydroclimate sea surface temperature data and mean surface level pressure along with local data increased the prediction accuracy. Moreover, the proposed integrated networks delivered more accurate long-term streamflow predictions than the base models through various evaluation criteria, including r, R2, mean absolute error, root-mean-square error, Kling–Gupta efficiency, Willmott's Index, Legates–McCabe's, and the Akaike information criterion. In summary, the 3D-CNN–Transformer achieved the best performance, followed by the TD-CNN–Transformer, TD-CNN–LSTNet, and 3D-CNN–LSTNet with R2 values equal to 0.952, 0.930, 0.900, and 0.837, respectively. This study demonstrates that the application of hydroclimate data with proposed integrated networks are particularly useful for poorly gauged basin. Thus, the proposed models can potentially improve multistep ahead streamflow prediction compared to univariate and equation-based models.
... Given this two-way relationship between hydropower and climate change, it is important to understand how climate change is affecting water resources (Dallison et al. 2021). Studying the effects of climate change on hydropower projects can lead to timely response and adaptation (Jamali et al. 2013). Numerous studies have examined the effects of climate change on hydropower. ...
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This paper evaluates several efficiency indexes of hydropower energy generation in Iran’s Karkheh Basin water reservoir system (i.e., Seymareh and Karkheh Rivers) under climate change based on the system dynamics approach. The climate change effects are investigated with simulations of surface temperature and rainfall driven by downscaled climate projections from atmosphere–ocean circulation models in the current literature, and the models with the highest correlation and lowest error for rainfall and temperature in the 1976–2005 baseline period are identified. Rainfall and temperature are projected over two future periods, 2040–2069 and 2070–2099, and are downscaled to basin scale. Results project that the basin temperature over future periods will be higher than in the baseline period. Downscaled results under climate change indicate that rainfall will not follow a specific pattern. An artificial neural network applied to predict runoff indicates that the runoff and flood peak will decrease. Software is implemented to simulate the operation of hydropower reservoirs in baseline and future periods. Five reservoir operation states are considered, with simulation results of energy production showing that runoff and energy production have a complex pattern. Seven indexes of hydropower reservoir efficiency are also calculated for the five operation states corresponding to targets of energy production.
As an alternative to fossil fuels-based power generation, hydropower offers cheap operating and maintenance costs, a clean, and sustainable domestic energy source. Currently, hydro resources account for about more than 15% of the global electricity, with renewables accounting for 70% of the total. While 150 countries produce hydropower, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has around 559 dams that could have the capacity for hydropower energy production. KSA can meet its internal demand, produce an excess for export, and create jobs for its people by utilising its renewable resource. Therefore, this paper reviews KSA’s current dams and assesses their environmental and socioeconomic impacts and then, it is conducted out technical feasibility study if is sustainable to retrofit Hydroelectric Power (HEP) to existing dams.
Lake Urmia, located in northwest Iran, was among the world's largest hypersaline lakes but has now experienced a 7 m decrease in water level, from 1278 m to 1271 over 1996 to 2019. There is doubt as to whether the pixel-based analysis (PBA) approach's answer to the lake's drying is a natural process or a result of human intervention. Here, a non-parametric Mann-Kendall trend test was applied to a 21-year record (2000-2020) of satellite data products, i.e., temperature, precipitation, snow cover, and irrigated vegetation cover (IVC). The Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud-computing platform utilized over 10 sub-basins in three provinces surrounding Lake Urmia to obtain and calculate pixel-based monthly and seasonal scales for the products. Canonical correlation analysis was employed in order to understand the correlation between variables and lake water level (LWL). The trend analysis results show significant increases in temperature (from 1 to 2ºc during 2000-2020) over May-September, i.e., in 87%-25% of the basin. However, precipitation has seen an insignificant decrease (from 3 to 9 mm during 2000-2019) in the rainy months (April and May). Snow cover has also decreased and, when compared with precipitation, shows a change in precipitation patterns from snow to rain. IVC has increased significantly in all sub-basins, especially the southern parts of the lake, with the West province making the largest contribution to the development of IVC. According to the PBA, this analysis underpins the very high contribution of IVC to the drying of the lake in more detail, although the J o u r n a l P r e-p r o o f Journal Pre-proof 2 contribution of climate change in this matter is also apparent. The development of IVC leads to increased water consumption through evapotranspiration and excess evaporation caused by the storage of water for irrigation. Due to the decreased runoff caused by consumption exceeding the basin's capacity, the lake cannot be fed sufficiently.
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To understand the concerns, approvals and disapprovals of expert opinions about managerial issues from around reservoirs this study uses the approach of Fuzzy Composite Programming (FCP) in direct questionnaires to parameterize and rate a set of indicators with statements about managerial issues concerning societal implications by the responding experts. The personal ratings get summarized in four different layers and converted into one final numerical value which will be in the range of 0 as the absolute disapproval of the indicators and 1 as the absolute approval of the indicators. The FCP approach thereby rates the individual indicator, secondly the indicator category, thirdly the compensational factor and fourthly the dimensions of sustainability. This facilitates a rapid comparison of results of rather complicated sets of pre-set indicators in topics reaching from legal issues to societal concerns in one final numerical value to identify crucial topics and start open debates. This study was carried out as a methodological test at two water reservoirs in southern Germany. The results show a general possibility of using a rather retrospect methodology towards current ratings of experts in the field of reservoir management. 10 respondents answered the FCP questionnaires, 5 at each study site. The scores of the calculation showed a higher level of positive connection in the case of the Schwarzenbachtalsperre (SBT) with a score of 0.77, compared to a score of 0.54 in the case of the Franconian Lake District (FLD). Apart from the pure numerical scores, FCP can show conflicting issues and possible compromise solutions between the different stakeholders, in/based on the individual ratings. The findings could help reach a more sustainable management of water resources that includes all stakeholders, by pointing out debatable implications.
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Reservoir-based hydropower systems represent key interactions between water and energy systems and are being transformed under policy initiatives driven by increasing water and energy demand, the desire to reduce environmental impacts, and interacting effects of climate change. Such policies are often guided by complex system models, whereby divergence in system representations can potentially translate to incompatible planning outcomes, thereby undermining any planning that may rely on them. We review different approaches and assumptions in hydropower representation in water and energy systems. While the models and issues are relevant globally, the review focuses on applications in California given its extensive development of energy and water models for policy planning, but discusses the extent to which these observations apply to other regions. Structurally, both water-driven and energy-driven management models are similar. However, in energymodels, hydropower is often represented as a single-priority output. Watermanagement models typically allocate water for competing priorities, which aregenerally uninformed by dynamic electricity load demand, and often result in a lowerpriority for hydropower. In water models, constraints are increasingly resolved fornon-energy components (e.g., inflow hydrology and non-energy water demand); few analogues exist for energy models. These limitations may result in inadequate representations of each respective sector, and vastly different planning outcomes for the same facilities between the two different sectors. These divergent modeling approaches manifest themselves in California where poorly reconciled outcomes may affect decisions in hydropower licensing, electricity grid flexibility and decarbonization, and planning for environmental water. Fully integrated water-energy models are computationally intensive and specific to certain regions, but better representation of each domain in respective efforts would help reconcile divergences in planning and management efforts related to hydropower across energy and water systems.
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The increased use of renewable energy is critical to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in order to limit climatic change. Hydropower is currently the major renewable source contributing to electricity supply, and its future contribution is anticipated to increase significantly. However, the successful expansion of hydropower is dependent on the availability of the resource and the perceptions of those financing it. Global warming and changes in precipitation patterns will alter the timing and magnitude of river flows. This will affect the ability of hydropower stations to harness the resource, and may reduce production, implying lower revenues and poorer returns. Electricity industry liberalisation implies that, increasingly, commercial considerations will drive investment decision-making. As such, investors will be concerned with processes, such as climatic change, that have the potential to alter investment performance. This paper examines the potential impact of climatic change on hydropower investment. It introduces a methodology for quantifying changes in investment performance, and presents preliminary results from a case study. These inform discussion of the implications for future hydropower provision and our ability to limit the extent of climatic change.
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The Karkheh River Basin is one of the Iranian river basins with a high potential for hydropower production. While Iran is actively constructing large dams in the Basin for hydropower production, climate change is putting the future status of hydropower production in the Basin in question. Using MODSIM, sensitivity of the Basin to climate change is investigated by estimating stream flow changes and the resulting impacts on hydropower production for different climate change scenarios. Results indicate considerable reductions in annual and seasonal hydropower production due to the expected dry climatic conditions under the existing operation rules. Findings highlight the necessity for revision of the operation rules, developed based on the historical hydrologic data, to minimize the negative impacts of climate change on the Basin.
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This paper addresses the impacts of climate change on hydrology and water resources in the Karkheh River Basin (KRB), which is the third most productive basin in Iran and has great potential for hydropower generation. The total potential capacity of reservoirs in this basin is more than 15 310 9 Mm 3 , of which 40% has been built. The sensitivity of the KRB to potential climate change is investigated by simulating basin streamflow response under different climate change scenarios. A conceptual rainfall–runoff model (IHACRES) was first calibrated by using hydrological and streamflow observations. The model was then applied by downscaling two general circulation model outputs (CGCM3 and HadCM3) under three emissions scenarios (A1B, A2 and B1). The results show that, in the short term, annual mean temperature increases by about 0 . 98C, the annual amount of precipitation will not change significantly and annual streamflow decreases by 10–15%. In the mid and long term, respectively, temperature increases by more than 2 . 08C and 4 . 08C, precipitation decreases by about 15 and 17%, and annual streamflow decreases by about 25 and 32%.
The MODSIM generalized river basin management decision support system (DSS) is designed as a computer-aided tool for developing improved basin-wide and regional strategies for short-term water management, long-term operational planning, drought contingency planning, water rights analysis, and resolving conflicts between urban, agricultural, and environmental concerns. Sprague and Carlson (1982) defined a DSS as “an interactive computer-based support system that helps decision makers utilize data and models to solve unstructured problems.” A DSS integrates the following interactive subsystems: (1) model base management subsystem; (2) data base management subsystem; and (3) dialog generation and management subsystem. As illustrated in Figure 23.1, MODSIM embodies all essential components of a decision support system. The graphical user interface (GUI) connects MODSIM with the various data base management components and an efficient network flow optimization model. The objective function and constraints of the network flow optimization model are automatically constructed through the GUI without requiring any background in optimization or computer programming by the user. Optimization of the objective function essentially provides an efficient means of achieving system targets and guide curves according to desired priorities, while assuring that water is allocated according to physical, hydrological, and institutional/administrative aspects of river basin management.
MODSIM 8.0 is a generic river basin management decision support system for analysis of long term planning, medium term management, and short term operations on desktop computers operating under MS Windows 2000/XP. MODSIM is free from expensive licenses for proprietary software since all components are developed from native code or shareware under the MS .NET Framework. MODSIM includes a powerful, interactive graphical user interface for creating, locating and connecting river basin network components, as well as spreadsheet-style data editing in an object-oriented spatial data base management system. Flexible data import and export tools are included for interaction with external data base management systems. One of the greatest advantages of the MS .NET Framework is the ability to customize MODSIM for any specialized operating rules, input data, output reports, and access to external modules such as water quality models running concurrently with MODSIM, all without having to modify the original source code. The basic solver in MODSIM is a state-of-the-art network flow optimization algorithm up to two orders of magnitude faster than solvers in other river basin modeling packages and capable of simulating complex, large-scale networks. An iterative solution procedure allows consideration of non-network and conditional constraints. GEO-MODSIM, a full implementation of MODSIM operating as a custom extension in ArcGIS (ESRI, Inc.), allows automatic generation of MODSIM networks from geometric networks and processing of spatial database information in a GIS.
Global Climate Changes - Sources and Impacts on the Water Cycle.- Climate Change and Water Cycle - Some Lessons from the Geological Past.- Climate Change and the Water Cycle - Some Information Concerning Precipitation Trends.- Moroccan Climate in the Present and Future: Combined View from Observational Data and Regional Climate Scenarios.- Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability in.- Climatic Changes in Lebanon, Predicting Uncertain Precipitation Events - Do Climatic Cycles Exist?.- Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources.- Water Resources Management in the Middle East under Aspects of Climatic Changes.- Virtual Water Trade as an Adaptation Demand Management of Climate Change Impact on Water Resources in the Middle East.- The Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources in Jordan.- Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources of Lebanon: Indications of Hydrological Droughts.- The Impact of Global Warming on the Water Resources of the Middle East: Past, Present, and Future.- Decadal Precipitation Variances and Reservoir Inflow in the Semi-Arid Upper Draa Basin (South- Eastern Morocco).- Management Options for a Sustainable Groundwater Use in the Middle Draa Oases under the Pressure of Climatic Changes.- Water Resources and Water Management.- A Decision Support System (DSS) for Water Resources Management, - Design and Results from a Pilot Study in Syria.- Management Strategies of Water Resources in the Arid Zone of South-Eastern Morocco.- The Role of Groundwater During Drought in Tunisia.- The Evolution of Groundwater Exploration Methods in the Moroccan Oases through History, and Managing Ecological Risk of their Present Pollution.- Investigating Unconsolidated Aquifers in an Arid Environment - A Case Study from the Lower Jordan Valley/Jordan.- Water Resources Protection Efforts in Jordan and their Contribution to a Sustainable Water Resources Management.- Model Investigations on the Groundwater System in Jordan - A Contribution to the Resources Management (National Water Master Plan).- Seawater Intrusion in Greater Beirut, Lebanon.- Long Term (1970 - 2001) Eco-Hydrological Processes in Lake Kinneret and its Watershed.- Transfer of the Concepts of the European Water Framework Directive to Arid and Semiarid Regions.- Seal Formation Effects on Soil Infiltration and Runoff in Arid and Semiarid Regions under Rainfall and Sprinkler Irrigation Conditions.- Restoring the Shrinking Dead Sea - The Environmental Imperative -.- Groundwater in the Shallow Aquifer of the Jericho Area, Jordan Valley - Noble Gas Evidence for Different Sources of Salinization.- The Interaction of Population Dynamics and Transformations in Water Supply Systems in the Jordan River Basin.
Climate warming is expected to alter hydropower generation in California through affecting the annual stream-flow regimes and reducing snowpack. On the other hand, increased temperatures are expected to increase hydropower demand for cooling in warm periods while decreasing demand for heating in winter, subsequently altering the annual hydropower pricing patterns. The resulting variations in hydropower supply and pricing regimes necessitate changes in reservoir operations to minimize the revenue losses from climate warming. Previous studies in California have only explored the effects of hydrological changes on hydropower generation and revenues. This study builds a long-term hydropower pricing estimation tool, based on artificial neural network (ANN), to develop pricing scenarios under different climate warming scenarios. Results suggest higher average hydropower prices under climate warming scenarios than under historical climate. The developed tool is integrated with California's Energy-Based Hydropower Optimization Model (EBHOM) to facilitate simultaneous consideration of climate warming on hydropower supply, demand and pricing. EBHOM estimates an additional 5% drop in annual revenues under a dry warming scenario when climate change impacts on pricing are considered, with respect to when such effects are ignored, underlining the importance of considering changes in hydropower demand and pricing in future studies and policy making.
Abstract of the book Changes to the earth's climate have a direct effect on the global hydrological cycle and hence on water. The rise of temperatures may exacerbate existing water shortages, impair water quality or enhance the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts. In particular countries in the transition zone from wet to dry arid climatic conditions have experienced water-related problems, such as uneven distribution of water resources and year-to-year variability. These changes in water resources and water-related extreme events are likely to affect social and economic developments. Water resources is one of the highest-priority issues with respect to climate change impacts and adaptation in the Middle East and North Africa. While many aspects of climate variations and their impact on water resources have been presented and published, the information is still greatly dispersed and lacks a general overview. In order to support exchange on this issues the German Arab Scientific association organised in 2006 an conference on this topic. The resulting report, provides a broad overview of this important issue. It highlights the current knowledge about climate variations and change, discusses the impact on water resources systems, characterizes its predictability, and provides examples of its use in water resources management, planning, and design. This book „Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and in North Africa“ is the first to comprehensively present and discuss the results of scientific research on Impact of climate change on water resources in this regions from a variety of disciplines. The subject is described and discussed in three main chapters and different case studies. The three main chapters are (1) Chronology and periodicity of climatic changes (temperature and precipitation distribution), (2) Impact of climate change on water resources, (3) Water resources and water management. These chapters are further split up into 26 sections. A total of 64 individuals from Germany, Israel, Italy, Jordon, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, and UK have made contributions to this book. The editors would like to thank the authors and reviewers for their contributions and cooperation in terms of the successful completion of this book. Many thanks go to Dr. C. Wiseman from Centre for Environment, University of Toronto, Canada, and Prof. Dr. R. Azzam from the Department of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTU-Aachen University and Dr. A. Margane from Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany for their support. We would further like to thank Prof. Dr. Broder J., Merkel from the Geology Department, University of Freiberg, Germany, Prof. Dr. Christian-D. Schönwiese from Institute for Atmosphere and Environment, J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany, and Dr. A. Shaban from National Council for Scientific Research, Remote Sensing Center, Beirut, Lebanon. We are especially grateful to Mrs from Springer, who made this publication possible. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mr. H.-H. Dülfer from the Institute for Atmospheric and Environmental Studies, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.
Many electric utilities use small reservoirs in mountainous regions to generate hydropower to meet peak energy demands. Water input depends on the water budget of the catchment, whereas output depends on user demand, which is influenced by temperature. Hence reservoir performance depends on climatic factors and is sensitive to climate change. A model, based on the systems of Duke Power and Virginia Power in the south-eastern USA, was developed to simulate performance. The annual maximum draw-down of the reservoir, which represents the minimum dam size needed to maintain continuous energy generation, is considered here. The model was tested for four regions in the eastern USA using 1951-1995 observations. The amount of draw-down depended on the linked daily sequences of precipitation and temperature, the former dictating the water available, the latter influencing both evaporation and energy demand. The time and level of the annual extreme emphasized that small changes in the timing of a dry spell had a major impact on the draw-down. Climatic changes were simulated by uniformly increasing temperatures by 2C and decreasing precipitation by 10 per cent. The resultant draw-down increased from current simulated values by about 10 per cent to 15 per cent with extremes up to 50 per cent. This was of the same order, but in the opposite direction, as the change created by a 10 per cent increase in the efficiency of energy generation. Without such an efficiency increase, many utilities will face the prospect of reduced or less reliable hydroelectric generation if climate changes in the manner examined here. # 1997 by the Royal Meteorological Society. Int. J. Climatol., 17: 983-996 (1997).