This paper presents the design and initial characterization of a video game controller prototype with tactile skin stretch displays embedded into its thumb joysticks. This work builds on previous work using lateral skin stretch at a single fingertip to provide direction cues. Our game controller allows a gamer to receive directional tactile feedback through the same interface he/she makes game inputs, and has the potential to enhance the gaming experience. Direction cues correspond to the direction of applied skin stretch. Modern game controllers typically have users angle their thumbs diagonally inwards to reach the joysticks, however, this may affect the cognition of skin stretch cues. Testing with a game controller prototype that allows for both forward and angled alignment of the user's thumbs shows no significant difference in accuracy or response time due to thumb orientation. Our results show no significant reduction in performance due to the required mental rotation of stimuli delivered in the angled thumb configuration. Furthermore, the angled thumb configuration appears to have ergonomic advantages. A more integrated game controller prototype is in development, which will permit further human factors testing to examine effects such as stimulus masking.