... These initiatives may be characterized as assertive and user involving (Eriksen, Sundfør, Karlsson, Råholm, & Arman, 2012;Hovish, Weaver, Islam, Paul, & Singh, 2012;Killaspy et al., 2009;Verhaegh, Bongers, Kroon, & Garretsen, 2009). Furthermore, they are collaborative, transdisciplinary (Holmesland, Seikkula, & Hopfenbeck, 2014;Ness, Borg, Semb, & Karlsson, 2014;Ness, Karlsson, et al., 2014), network-oriented (Piippo & Aaltonen, 2004;Ulland, Andersen, Larsen, & Seikkula, 2014) and health promoting (Herrman, Saxena, & Moodie, 2005). These lines of development in mental health care represent ways of helping people with mental health difficulties through contextual and interpersonal approaches rather than medical models for individuals. ...