Conference Paper

Mesh pillowing in deployable offset paraboloidal umbrella reflector antennas

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An analytical formula capable of describing, with high accuracy, the offset paraboloidal umbrella reflector mesh shape is presented. This formula takes full account of the pillowing effect, and also applies to the front-end geometry, which is simply a degenerate case of an offset paraboloid. The basic steps used in deriving this formula parallel the ones used for the front-fed geometry. The validity of the analytical solution presented has been confirmed by comparison against a numerical solution obtained using the finite-difference technique.

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For deployable paraboloidal antenna reflectors, a rib-mesh structure configuration is suitable owing to its high packing efficiency and reliability. In this configuration, the only supporting members are the ribs. Achieving a sufficient surface accuracy is the primary challenge. In this paper, the rib-mesh antenna reflector structure is divided into two types: a fold-rib structure with a rigid boundary and a wrap-rib structure with an elastic boundary. For each type, a form finding method based on the finite element method (FEM) as well as a rib shape optimization method for enhancing the surface accuracy using a genetic algorithm (GA) are proposed. For the fold-rib structure, the geometric parameters and prestress changes in the mesh shape are analyzed. It is found that the stress ratio influenced the surface accuracy, but the number of ribs is the decisive factor. For the wrap-rib structure, parametric analyses of rib deformation and surface accuracy are conducted. It is found that several parameters significantly affect the deformation, but their influence on the surface accuracy can be almost eliminated by optimization. Following the proposed design method, a prototype of a wrap-rib antenna reflector with a 0.5 m aperture and 16 ribs is designed and fabricated. The accuracy values of the measured surfaces are close to the expected values. It is concluded that the whole design process for rib-mesh structure configuration can be considered to be effective and operable.
Offset antennas with aperture diameters up to 12 m and a medium surface accuracy, will be required for some future European communication satellites. A special offset reflector design with deployable ribs running radially outwards from the apex and covered by a mesh will be suitable for such applications. This paper presents a parametric investigation of the rf characteristics of such an unfurlable antenna concept with single mesh as described above. For a 4.5-m-diam reflector (4/6 GHz application) a lightweight mechanical design has been elaborated based on the design principle already shown. Main features of this reflector and the deployment principle are given. © American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., 1983, All rights reserved.
Conference Paper
An analytical solution for the umbrella reflector surface shape, including the pillowing contribution, is presented. The solution is simple and sufficiently accurate for most antenna applications, and apart from being useful as a design tool, it can be easily incorporated into an existing computer code, allowing for more realistic evaluations of the umbrella reflector electrical characteristics. The analytical solution was tested by numerically solving the equations using a successive overrelaxation procedure. The gain degradation and the gore-related sidelobes clearly show the significance of pillowing on the antenna radiation characteristics