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A preliminary study on the effects of music on human brainwaves


Abstract and Figures

Music is known to have positive effects on humans, enhances learning and aids the healing process. This paper presents the outcomes of a preliminary research that investigates a subject's reaction when exposed to live violin music. An electroencephalogram machine (EEG) and a computer was used to observe and record the subject's brainwaves activities in three phases; before, during, and after listening to violin music in order to compare the subjects brainwaves reaction during this three phases/conditions. Preliminary results from this investigation indicate that while listening to a live performance of violin music, the subject's brain induced both left and right brainwaves (theta, alpha and beta brainwaves) to be balanced. The study points to a possible relationship between frequency and power emitted by live music in affecting human brainwaves, suggesting further research in this domain.
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Abstract— Music is known to have positive effects on
humans, enhances learning and aids the healing process. This
paper presents the outcomes of a preliminary research that
investigates a subject’s reaction when exposed to live violin
music. An electroencephalogram machine (EEG) and a
computer was used to observe and record the subject’s
brainwaves activities in three phases; before, during, and after
listening to violin music in order to compare the subjects
brainwaves reaction during this three phases/conditions.
Preliminary results from this investigation indicate that while
listening to a live performance of violin music, the subject’s
brain induced both left and right brainwaves (theta, alpha and
beta brainwaves) to be balanced. The study points to a possible
relationship between frequency and power emitted by live
music in affecting human brainwaves, suggesting further
research in this domain.
Different types of sounds can be heard in our surroundings.
Some sounds are soothing while others may be irritating or
even hazardous. Music is sound organized in varying
rhythmic, melodic and dynamic patterns performed on
different instruments. Much research has been conducted
on the effects of music on learning [1-5] and its therapeutic
role during rehabilitation [6-11]. Past studies have
demonstrated that music not only affects humans but also
impact on animals [12, 13], plants [14] and bacterial growth
Each type of sound has its own range of frequencies and
power, affecting listeners in positive or negative ways.
Organized sound in Western Classical music is generally
soothing to the human ear. On the other hand, very loud
sounds or noise, which emits power of more than 85 dB may
cause permanent hearing loss in humans when exposed
continuously to it for a period of more than eight hours [16].
Unwanted sounds are unpleasant to humans and may cause
stress and hypertension [17] as well as affect the cognitive
function of children [18].
Sound in the form of music has been used positively in
Manuscript received April 20th, 2012. This work was supported in part
by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia,
JPTS(BPKI)2000/09/01JLD.11(S2) 09/01JLD.11(S2).
N. Buniyamin is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University
Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam,40450, Malaysia, (phone: 603-
5543-6082; fax: 603-5543-5077; e-mail:
H. Hassan, is with the Fac. of Elect. Eng., University Teknologi MARA,
Shah Alam,40450, Malaysia, (
Z.H. Murat is with the Fac. of Elect. Eng., University Teknologi MARA,
Shah Alam,40450, Malaysia, (e-mail: )
V. Ross is with the Fac. of Music, University Teknologi MARA, Shah
Alam,40450, Malaysia, (e-mail:
enhancing brain plasticity. Research has shown that listening
to particular types of music can aid learning and encourage
creativity in humans [19]. Music has been used in medical
treatment such as improving mental illness [10], reducing
anxiety and stress during medical treatments [6-8, 11, 20-
23], enhancing spatial-temporal reasoning [24, 25],
generating higher brain functional skills in reading, literacy,
mathematical abilities and enhancing emotional intelligence
[2-5, 26]. Sound stimulation has even been used in the
sterilization process [27, 28] and the growth of cells and
bacteria [14, 15]. Hence, literature points to the positive
effects of music on humans and its unique role in the
learning process.
This study explores the calming effect of music by
inducing the alpha band in human brainwaves. The alpha
band indicates the listener’s relaxed mood, thus promoting
calmness [9]. This state aids the process of capturing
information, thereby enhancing learning. Also, a relaxed
mood suggests a lower level of anxiety.
The purpose of this experiment is to study the reaction of
a human brain towards sounds heard from live violin music.
This instrument has been known to stimulate creativity
among many eminent thinkers including Einstein and
Thomas Jefferson [29]. The violin was created in early 16th
century [30]. It is said to have the highest frequency range
amongst stringed instruments, ranging from 200Hz to 3.5
kHz [31].
It is hypothesed that listening to live violin music may aid
learning [32] by triggering the alpha wave and activating the
left and right brain simultaneously.
A. Sounds and Brainwave Bands
Sounds made by humans can be divided into verbal sound
such as speaking and singing and non-verbal sound such as
footsteps, breathing and snoring. Even without visual
information, sound recognition abilities by humans and
animals assist in detecting behaviorally relevant events [33].
Sound emerges when the vibrations of an object trigger
the air surrounding it to vibrate, and this in turn causes the
vibration of the human eardrum signaling the brain to
interpret it as sound. Technically, a sound wave is any
disturbance that is propagated in an elastic medium which
may be a liquid, solid or gas and can be perceived by the
hearing sense of a human being [34]. Sound is transmitted
through a medium as longitudinal waves and transverse
waves where the wavelength is expressed as (1):
A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Music on Human Brainwaves
Hasminda Hassan , Zunairah Haji Murat, Valerie Ross and Norlida Buniyamin
2012 International Conference on Control, Automation and Information Sciences (ICCAIS) ME02
978-1-4673-0813-7/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE 176
 
Sound waves are usually visualized as sine waves and
they have fixed frequencies and amplitudes, perceived as
pure tones. Most sound waves consist of multiple overtones
or harmonics and can be represented mathematically, as
follows (2):
󰇛󰇜 
 󰇛2󰇜
p(t) : Instantaneous, incremental, sound pressure (above
and below atmospheric pressure)
po : Maximum amplitude of the instantaneous sound
f : Frequency (the number of cycles per second) (Hz)
t : Time (s)
Sound waves comprise of pure tones (single frequency), a
combination of single frequencies which are harmonically
related and also a combination of single frequency which are
not harmonically related either as finite or infinite in
numbers. The frequency of sound can be determined by
dividing the velocity of sound by its wavelength. The
emission of sound-source into the surrounding air will
produce a measurable amount of sound power (W) [34],
expressed as (3):
: total sound power radiated by source (Watts)
Is : maximum sound intensity (W/m2)
r: distance (m)
Sound intensity is defined as a continuous flow of power
carried by sound waves. A normal person’s ear responds to
sound pressure at 105 or more. The sound power level may
be mathematically derived, as (4):
10 
W = sound power (Watts)
W0 = reference sound power (10-12 W)
B. Frequency Bands in Human Brainwaves
Electrical impulses are generated by parallel-working
neurons in the human brain. The synchronization of neurons
enhances the potential (amplitude) of electrical oscillations
while the speed of these neurons plays a role in enhancing
the frequency of these oscillations. These two parameters,
namely, amplitude and frequency, act as the primary
characteristic of brainwaves [35].
The fundamental brain patterns of an individual are
obtained by measuring the subject’s brain signals during
his/her relaxed condition. Brain patterns usually form
sinusoidal waves that range from 0.5µV to 100µV peak-to-
peak amplitude [36]. During the activation of a biological
neuron, this complex electrochemical system is able to
generate electrical activity, represented in terms of waves
comprising of four frequency bands, namely, Delta, Alpha,
Theta and Beta [37].
Previous studies have determined that among these four
groups, the Beta band has the highest frequency with the
lowest amplitude while the Delta band has the lowest
frequency with the highest amplitude [37]. The Alpha and
Beta waves reflect a conscious or awake state of mind while
Delta and Theta waves indicate the unconscious state [35].
Table 1 illustrates the brainwave bands and their relation to
amplitude, frequency and functions [35, 37].
Brainwaves Frequency
0.1 – 3
Instinct :
Survival, Deep Sleep,
Coma, Dreaming
4 – 7
Emotion :
Feelings, Dreams,
Drowsy, Idea-ling
8 – 12
Consciousness :
Awareness of body,
Integration of feelings,
13 – 40
Thinking, Perception,
Mental Activity, Alert
The Delta band, with its lowest frequency (0.1 – 3Hz)
and highest amplitude is particularly active in infants during
the first few years of life [38]. It is also known as a key state
for healing, regeneration and rejuvenation. The Delta state ,
often referred to as being in ‘deep sleep’, stimulates the
release of human growth hormones which heightens the
synthesis of proteins and mobilizes free fatty acids to
provide energy [39]. Delta brainwave conjures an anesthetic
pseudo-drug effect [40].
Theta (4 – 7Hz) is sometimes said to have the same
anesthetic pseudo-drug effect as the Delta band during its
lowest frequency (example, 4Hz) [40]. It is a state when a
person is having a daydream or a short break after certain
task, or unable to recall their short-term memory.
Unlike Delta and Theta, the Alpha (8-12Hz) band usually
appears when a person is in a conscious condition [35, 37],
such as when a person takes a break after completing a
certain task. The Alpha state is activated during a calm and
relax condition [9]. During this state, the human brain can
easily interpret data and absorb most of the data because of
the relax-but-aware brain mode. For this reason, studies on
the effects of music towards learning will normally focus on
the Alpha brainwave.
On the other hand, the Beta brainwave is active when a
person is doing a task that requires him/her to think and
concentrate [35, 37]. It is a characteristic of a strongly
engaged mind such as a person in active conversation.
In this preliminary study, the experiment took place in the
Biomedical Research and Development Laboratory for
Human Potential, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). The
main objective of this experiment was to study the response
of human brainwaves when exposed to live music played by
a violinist. Violin music from the Baroque period (Bach)
was played for five minutes and a subject’s brainwaves
activities were recorded using EEG. The apparatus used for
this experiment were an EEG machine, electrodes with
conductive paste, violin and computer. Figure 1 is a
schematic diagram that shows the procedure used for EEG
data acquisition.
Fig. 1. EEG Data Acquisition Procedure
The subject was attached to electrodes with conductive
paste. Two channels of bipolar connections were connected
to both ear lobes and the left and right sides of the forehead.
Channel one of the bipolar connections was used to capture
the right brainwave while channel two was dedicated to
capture the left brainwave.
Before listening to the performance, the subject was
directed to remain calm and relaxed for three minutes while
the initial condition of the subject’s brainwaves was
recorded. The violinist was instructed to play for five
minutes while subject’s brainwaves signals were recorded.
After listening to the performance, the subject was again
directed to remain calm and relaxed for three minutes to
record the EEG signals. During the EEG signal recording,
the subject was directed to minimize movements and remain
static in order to secure an accurate reading. All readings
were recorded and analyzed. Figure 2 shows the subject’s
position during EEG data acquisition.
Fig. 2. Subject attached to EEG while listening to live violin music
The results were collated and analysed. Figure 3 indicates
that the initial brainwave signals from the subject were
imbalance for delta, theta and alpha. However for the beta
band, both left and right brain produced a balance signal.
Based on the result, it can be concluded that the subject is
right brain dominant, however the difference between the
subjects’s left and right brain differs by only 1µV.
Fig.3. The EEG Mean Value Before Listening to Violin Music
Figure 4 indicates that while listening to the performance,
the subject reacted in a positive manner whereby both sides
of the brain produced a balance signal. By refering to the
increment value of signals produced by both the left and the
right side of the brain, this result indicates that there is an
activity in the brain that connects the brainwave signals
produced by the subject’s brain, with the frequency and
power produce by the violin sounds. It shows that sounds
emitted from the violin helps in balancing both the left and
the right brain. A balanced brain is one of the key areas in
achieving a balanced lifestyle and healthier living [41].
However, the effects of the music do not last long as can
be seen in Figure 5 where both the left and the right brain
signals began to be imbalanced during the relaxation period
of three minutes after listening to the music. This may be
due to the short period of exposure to the music. However,
the mean value captured, as shown in Figure 5, indicates that
the difference of left and right brain signals has increased.
delta theta alpha beta
left 12 10 14 8
right 13 11 15 8
mean, µV
EEG Mean Value Before
Listening to Violin Music
Fig.4. The EEG Mean Value During Listening to Violin Music
Fig.5. The EEG Mean Value After Listening to Violin Music
Based on the experiment, there is a possibility that at one
point during the live performance, the violin’s frequency and
power attracted the brain’s signal and aligned this signal to
induce a positive effect by balancing the left and right
brainwaves. This outcome suggests that listening to live
violin music may help in improving a person with left- hand
side dominance to increase their right-hand side dominance
by increasing balance between both brain hemispheres.
Further studies are needed to establish the relationship
between listening to live music and its effects on human
brainwaves. The next stage of this study focuses on the
effects of the frequency and sound power of a traditional
string instrument, namely the Rebab , widely used in healing
rituals in Kelantan, Malaysia [42] and comparing their
effects with that of the violin within a larger sampling frame
using EEG.
The authors would like to thank staff from the Biomedical
Research and Development Laboratory for Human Potential
UiTM for their support throughout the experiment. The
authors gratefully acknowledge and thank the Ministry of
Higher Education (MOHE) for providing a grant, “Skim
Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental (FRGS) Fasa1/2011”,
(600-RMI (5/1), JPT.S(BPKI)2000/09/01JLD.11(52) for this
project. Thank you also to Univ. Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
for partially funding this project under the Excellence Fund
Scheme. (600-RMI/ST/DANA/5/3/DsT(379/2011).
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right 178107
mean, µV
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to Violin Music
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... The main objective of music is to generate happiness to their listener (Schubert, 2009). Therefore, listening to music occupies most people during their leisure time (Schäfer, Sedlmeier, Städtler, & Huron, 2013) and numerous research has been done regarding the impact of music towards learning (Hassan, Murat, Ross, Buniyamin, 2012). ...
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The purpose of this study is to take a look at how the use of English songs affect students who have an auditory learning style and their perception on the effects, therefore literature review will be used as a method of achieving the purpose of this study. Literature review is done by doing surveys on multiple scholarly sources such as journal articles on a specific matter. Based on the findings throughout this study, there are some aspects to be discussed by the writer. The first aspect is about how different students have different learning styles. People have their own unique learning style and when they are able to identify their own learning style, it is easier for them to include techniques corresponding to their learning style into their learning process. From all the journals that have been reviewed, the most outstanding part found is the fact that music has an enormous impact on learning, especially language learning. It is widely known that classical music increases concentration, but less research is done around the use of foreign songs to learn a foreign language. By understanding the students’ perception on learning, instructors are more capable of creating the correct approach to students. Therefore, it is necessary for instructors to understand the relationship between songs, music, motivation, and learning.
... The main objective of music is to generate happiness to their listener (Schubert, 2009). Therefore, listening to music occupies most people during their leisure time (Schäfer, Sedlmeier, Städtler, & Huron, 2013) and numerous research has been done regarding the impact of music towards learning (Hassan, Murat, Ross, Buniyamin, 2012). ...
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The purpose of this study is to take a look at how the use of English songs affect students who have an auditory learning style and their perception on the effects, therefore literature review will be used as a method of achieving the purpose of this study. Literature review is done by doing surveys on multiple scholarly sources such as journal articles on a specific matter. Based on the findings throughout this study, there are some aspects to be discussed by the writer. The first aspect is about how different students have different learning styles. People have their own unique learning style and when they are able to identify their own learning style, it is easier for them to include techniques corresponding to their learning style into their learning process. From all the journals that have been reviewed, the most outstanding part found is the fact that music has an enormous impact on learning, especially language learning. It is widely known that classical music increases concentration, but less research is done around the use of foreign songs to learn a foreign language. By understanding the students’ perception on learning, instructors are more capable of creating the correct approach to students. Therefore, it is necessary for instructors to understand the relationship between songs, music, motivation, and learning.
... (1) Brain wave states-Various human brainwave states represent differing levels of relaxation and occur at various frequencies. Brainwave states may be altered during music therapy or sound healing (Ann and Bae 2017;Hassan et al. 2012;Hohashi et al. 2004). Brainwave states commonly discussed in scholarly literature consist of the following: (2) Binaural Beats Binaural beat phenomena occur when two sounds with slightly different hertz levels are played in both ears. ...
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Psychosocial stress, tension, and depression are quite common in many parts of the developed world. Integrative medicine techniques which may potentially increase spiritual and emotional well-being may be useful in combating chronic psychosocial stress, as well as challenges with depression and excessive tension. The present observational study examines the effect of singing-bowl sound healing on emotional and spiritual well-being and particularly examines interrelationships between changes in spiritual well-being with changes in tension and depressed mood post-sound healing. Participants experienced a sound healing environment of vibrational musical instruments such as singing bowls (bell-like instruments), gongs, and other vibrational instruments. Sixty-two participants were examined in an observational study using singing-bowl sound healing. Emotional and spiritual well-being were examined by utilizing standardized questionnaires. Results revealed significant correlations between improvements in scores of spiritual well-being and reductions in scores of tension and depression post-sound healing. Moreover, effects varied by age of the study participants. Specifically, the association between spiritual well-being improvement and depression improvement was strongest for ages 31–40, while spiritual well-being improvement and tension improvement associations were strongest for ages 51–60. Implications for applying sound healing meditations as a potential low-cost, low-technology therapeutic technique are discussed for emotional and spiritual well-being.
... Electroencephalogram or EEG is generated by millions of brain neurons and interpreting and analyzing different complex activity of brain signal [9]. EEG consists of five frequency band: Delta band, Theta band, Alpha band, Beta band and Gamma band [10]. ...
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Physiological research with human brain is being more popular nowadays because it is the center of human nervous system. Music is a popular source of entertainment in modern era which affects differently in specific brain lobes. In this research, an approach has been proposed to identify the music evoked brain lobe activation by using spectral features with different musical stimuli. Music has both positive and negative impact on human brain activity. EEG signals from different subjects are collected for three types of music i.e., mild, pop, rock at different sound level in this work. Music are categorized with their PSD value. The PSD value is 0.21 W/Hz, 0.32W/Hz and 0.84W/Hz for mild, pop and rock song respectively. According to the activity, human brain is subdivided in to frontal, central and parietal lobe. From logarithmic band power and PSD value, it is shown that for a preferable sound level (15%-55% volume) central lobe of the brain is more activated for mild song and parietal lobe is activated for both pop and rock song.
Singing bowl sound meditation is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries in Tibetan and Buddhist cultures as a form of healing and relaxation. The practice involves the use of singing bowls, which produce a soothing sound believed to have a powerful effect on the body's energy system, helping to balance the chakras and promote healing. Over the years, several studies have been conducted to explore the effects of singing bowl sound meditation on mood, tension, and well-being. The reasons behind the positive effects of singing bowl sound healings are not fully understood. Possible explanations include alterations in brain waves, binaural beats, and the vibrations of singing bowls interacting with the energy field surrounding the human body, known as the biofield. Studies have shown that singing bowl sound meditation can produce physiological and psychological responses, reducing negative affect and increasing positive affect, as well as improving blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate. Singing bowl sound meditation may be an effective low-cost and low-technology intervention for reducing feelings of tension, anxiety, and depression while promoting spiritual well-being. However, further research is needed to determine the long-term effects of singing bowl sound meditation on physiological and psychological well-being, as well as its potential clinical applications.
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The purpose of this research is to compare the brainwave patterns between Electrical Engineering students (EE) and Sport Science students (SS) of Universiti Teknologi MARA using Electroencephalogram (EEG) before and after undergoing five sessions of Horizontal Rotation (HR) procedure. EEG signals were captured from 21 EE, 21 SS participants and the signals were filtered, classified into the four frequency bands, and analyzed using paired T test. It was observed that, before HR, EE had higher brainwave synchronization compared to SS for all frequency bands. However, after 5 sessions of HR, SS had overtake EE in three out of four frequency bands namely for Delta, Alpha and Beta. Furthermore, Both EE and SS showed improvement in brainwave synchronization after HR implying existence of evidence that HR could balance brainwaves.
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Past research has shown that a balanced brain induces healthier living. Balanced brainwaves helps to enhance critical learning (left brain) and creativity (right brain) therefore, it is assumed that productivity is maximized by those who use both sides of their brains. This paper presents the outcome of a preliminary research that explores the potential of using music to enhance learning by inducing human subjects to use both sides of their brains.
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Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of music therapy on anxiety, stress and maternal-fetal attachment in pregnant women during a transvaginal ultrasound. Methods This study was a nonequivalent control group nonsynchronized design. Pregnant women (n =232) were assigned to experimental (n= 117) and control (n =116) groups respectively. The data were collected from August 2 to 27, 2010. The experimental group received general prenatal care and single 30-minute session of music therapy, while the control group received only general prenatal care. Anxiety, stress, and maternal-fetal attachment was assessed using three self-report measures by State scale of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (1976), Pregnant women's stress scale of Ahn (1984) and Cranley's (1981) maternal-fetal attachment scale. Results The music therapy group showed statistically significant decrease in anxiety compared to control group but no significant difference was identified in stress and maternal-fetal attachment. Conclusions The finding provides evidence for use of nursing intervention in prenatal care unit to reduce pregnant women's anxiety. Further research is necessary to test the benefits of music therapy with different frequency and duration.
This paper studied on the relationship between cognitive memory and background music by 2 x 3 two-factor variables experiment. According to the habit whether the testees are used to listenning to background music, the author divided them into two groups. When the subjects are arranged in three different kinds of music scenes, the impact of different background music on testees' cognitive memory differed. The results show that pure pop music disturbs all the two groups, that pure soft music improves the people who are used to background music but hinders the ones who are not, and that there is no significant difference between group under no music condition.
This preliminary study analyzes the effect of nasyid music and rock music on brainwave signal particularly focusing on alpha wave. EEG data were recorded from 30 students from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UiTM age 18 to 27 years old. Students were interviewed before EEG recording to find out their music preference. Using EEG, the brainwave signal of the sample is captured twice, once before listening to the music and while listening to the music. Consequently, the brainwave's signal is analyzed and the comparison between these two music genres is discussed. The results demonstrate that 60-80% of the samples show improvement in the alpha band after listening to nasyid while only 56-66% improves after listening to rock music. These findings indicate that the alpha power increases when listening to the nasyid music compare to the rock music. Consequently, nasyid music in particular can result in a more relaxing condition compared to the rock music Keyword- EEG, Alpha wave, Nasyid, Rock
The purpose of this paper is to show some aspects of music therapy application in cancer care and to present the integration of music therapy program into a continuous supportive cancer care for inpatients. A cancer diagnosis is one of the most feared and serious life events that causes stress in individuals and families. Cancer disrupts social, physical and emotional well-being and results in a range of emotions, including anger, fear, sadness, guilt, embarrassment and shame. Music therapy is a part of a complementary medicine program in supportive cancer care which accompanies medical treatment. There are many benefits of music therapy for cancer patients—interactive music therapy techniques (instrumental improvisation, singing) as well as receptive music therapy techniques (listening to recorded or live music, music and imaginary) can be used to improve mood, decrease stress, pain, anxiety level and enhance relaxation. Music therapy is an effective form of supporting cancer care for patients during the treatment process. It may be also basic for planning effective programs of rehabilitation to promote wellness, improve physical and emotional well-being and the quality of life.
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is the sudden onset of a traumatic disabling condition. It impacts on people with SCI physiologically, psychologically and socially. People face major life changes and the lifelong challenges of disabilities that affect every aspect of their lives. This paper is a reflection on the impact of individual music therapy sessions and combined social work and music therapy group sessions, the music therapy program (MTP), on adjustment to SCI. Reflections focused on data drawn from group discussions, semi-structured satisfaction interviews of 13 men with SCI, who had undergone primary rehabilitation in the Royal Talbot Rehabilitation Centre, Melbourne, Australia; findings from an independent evaluation of MTP; and practitioner perceptions. Three themes were identified during this reflection. These were: Music as a conduit; Music and the body; and Music as a connector. Reflections identify a number of benefits of incorporating the MTP in rehabilitation programs for men with SCI.
From the probable origins of the violin in the early 16th century there is a long history of experimentation; first, the empirical development of the violin by the makers themselves over more than 200 years to its height of excellence in the late 17th and 18th centuries; then the scientific investigations of its vibrational characteristics which have been done since the early 19th century. These have progressed in spurts of activity associated with technological innovations, particularly the developments of increasingly sensitive measuring equipment. This paper attempts to cover briefly the work of the early mathematicians as well as that of Savart, Helmholtz, and Rayleigh as related to the violin; then considers the research of the 20th century from the pre‐electronic investigations of Raman, Miller, and Fuhr, through the spate of activity in violin research from 1930 to 1960 particularly in Germany, the USA, and Japan; and finally a brief overview of the many current developments associated with today’s electronic and optical technologies, along with the concept of the violin as a musical instrument involving research in fields as widely separated as psychoacoustics,musical composition and performance, materials research, vibration analysis, and violin making.