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Abstract and Figures

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with multifactorial aetiology, represented as impairment in social behaviour, communication and the occurrence of repetitive activities, which can be observed in the early life. The core features are frequently accompanied by other manifestations, including limited environmental exploration. The aim of the presented study, realised on an animal model of autism - VPA rats, i.e. animals prenatally affected with valproic acid on gestation day 12.5, was to investigate the habituation process of exploratory activity (manifested by a gradual decrease in the intensity of locomotor activity), which reflects the stage of the central nervous system. VPA rats were tested in open-field in three developmental periods - weaning (postnatal day 21 - PND 21), puberty (PND 42) and adulthood (PND 72). In each period of ontogenesis, the rapidity of habituation was evaluated by using the method of linear regression. Compared to controls, VPA rats showed a significant decrease in the intensity and an increase in the rapidity of exploratory activity habituation during puberty and adulthood. Our results indicate that the animal model of autism, i.e. VPA rats, showed disabilities in the development of the nervous system. These findings can help confirm not only the validity of this animal model of autism but can also help better understand neuronal changes in humans with autism.
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Habituation of exploratory behaviour
in VPA rats: animal model of autism
Lucia OLEXOVÁ 1, Tomáš SENKO 1, Peter ŠTEFÁNIK 1, Alžbeta TALAROVIČOVÁ 2, Lucia KRŠKOVÁ 1
1 Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Neuroendocrinology Group, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
ITX060413A04 Received: 03 December 2013 Revised: 18 December 2013 Accep ted: 28 Decembe r 2013
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with multifactorial aetiology, represented as impairment in social behaviour, communication
and the occurrence of repetitive activities, which can be observed in the early life. The core features are frequently accompanied by
other manifestations, including limited environmental exploration. The aim of the presented study, realised on an animal model of
autism – VPA rats, i.e. animals prenatally affected with valproic acid on gestation day 12.5, was to investigate the habituation process
of exploratory activity (manifested by a gradual decrease in the intensity of locomotor activity), which reflects the stage of the central
nervous system. VPA rats were tested in open-field in three developmental periods – weaning (postnatal day 21 – PND 21), puberty
(PND 42) and adulthood (PND 72). In each period of ontogenesis, the rapidity of habituation was evaluated by using the method
of linear regression. Compared to controls, VPA rats showed a significant decrease in the intensity and an increase in the rapidity of
exploratory activity habituation during puberty and adulthood. Our results indicate that the animal model of autism, i.e. VPA rats,
showed disabilities in the development of the nervous system. These findings can help confirm not only the validity of this animal
model of autism but can also help better understand neuronal changes in humans with autism.
KEY WORDS: autism; animal model; VPA rats; exploratory behaviour; habituation
Correspondence address:
Lucia Olexová, PhD.
Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology,
Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava
Mlynská dolina B-2, 842 15 Bratislava 4, Slovakia
TEL.: +421 2 60296 680 FAX +421 2 60296 576
Psychiatric Association, 2000) and delayed motor devel-
opment (Ohta et. al., 1987; Landa & Garrett-Mayer, 2006;
Provost et al., 2007; Downey & Raport, 2012; Flanagan et
al., 2012). However studies on autism focused primarily
on social deficit. According to Kawa and Pisula (2010),
only the analysis of behaviour not directly linked with
social interaction may provide new important informa-
tion about autism.
Recently, some authors have explored links between
autism and limited environmental exploration. Children
with autism spent significantly less time by active explora-
tion than normal children (O’Neil & Happé, 2000; Pierce
& Courchesne, 2001).
Moreover, animal models of autism, such as rats
prenatally exposed to valproic acid (VPA rats) (Schneider
& Przewłocki, 2005; Schneider et al., 2006; Kerr et al.,
2013), BALB/cByJ (Moy et al., 2008), Pax6 heterozygous
mutant (rSey
/+) rats (Umeda et al., 2010), and mice with
disruption in chromosome 7 (analogue of human locus
15q11-13) (Tamada et al., 2010), showed, in addition to
other ty pical autistic behavioural deficits, also a reduction
of exploratory behaviour.
The observed changes in exploratory behaviour are
strongly connected with alterations in particular brain
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder with multifac-
torial aetiology characterised by severe deficits in social
reciprocity and communication and an occurrence of
repetitive behaviour (American Psychiatric Association,
2000). This disorder is usually diagnosed by three years
of age (Levy et al., 2009), but video analyses of infants
diagnosed later with autism have revealed disruptions in
development already by the first year of life (Teitelbaum et
al., 1998; Baranek, 1999; Osterling et al., 2002; Esposito,
2011). The core manifestations of autism are frequently
accompanied by other features, e.g. hyperactivity
(Canitano & Scandura, 2011), sleep disturbances, obses-
sive-compulsive behaviour (Amaral & Corbett, 2003),
aberrant sensitivity to sensory stimulation (Militerni et
al., 2000), anxiety (Groden et al., 1994; Gillott et al., 2001;
Tow b in et al., 2005), decrease of motivation (American
Interdiscip Toxicol. 2013; Vol. 6 (4): 222–227.
doi: 10.2478/ intox -2013-0 033
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Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(4): 222–227
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
areas. Changes in the number of Purkinje cells in cerebel-
lar vermal lobules have been observed in both VPA rats
(Rodier et al., 1996, 1997) and autistic patient (Pierce &
Courchesne, 2001). The decreased number of Purkinje
cells correlated with reduced environmental exploration
(Pierce & Courchesne, 2001). Alteration in structures
involved in regulation of fear processing can provide a
further explanation of reduced exploratory behaviour
and similar, changes have been observed in VPA rats
(Mark ram et al., 2008; Rinaldi et al., 2008; Sui & Chen,
2012) as well as in autistic patients (Schumann et al.,
2004; Bachevalier & Loveland 2006).
The aim of the presented study was to investigate the
habituation process of exploratory behaviour of VPA rats
(manifested by a gradual decrease in the intensity of loco-
motor activity in open-field). This process is known to
reflect a stage of the development of the central nervous
system (CNS) (Morokuma et al., 2004) and is changing
during development (Parsons et al., 1973; Chapillon &
Roullet, 1997; Lynn & Brown, 2009).
Habituation is defined as “the decrement in response
following repeated stimulation with the same stimu-
lus and it is considered to be a basic form of learning
(Morokuma et al., 2004). In rodents, habituation is com-
monly evaluated as a quantitative decrease in exploratory
behaviour in response to continued or repeated exposure
to an unknown environment (Leussis & Bolivar, 2006).
Impaired habituation has been reported in individuals
with Down’s syndrome (Hepper & Shahidullah, 1992),
schizophrenia (Ludewig et al., 2003), mental retardation
(Gandhavadi & Melvin, 1985), depression (Michael et al.,
2004), epilepsy (Rogozea & Florea-Ciocoiu, 1982), and
Alzheimer’s disease (Vanini et al., 2010).
Impaired neural habituation has been reported in
people with autism (Kleinhans et al., 2009). Toddlers with
more severe feat ures of autism showed slower habit uat ion
to faces (Webb et al., 2010).
Information about changes of the VPA rat habitua-
tion process during ontogenesis can help to confirm not
only the validity of this animal model of autism but also
contribute to a better understanding of changes in CNS
functional development in humans with autism.
Wistar rats (200–300 g, Institute of Experimental
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Dobra Voda, SR) were
hous ed in g roup s of t wo or t hree a nim als i n stan dard l ight
conditions (12:12; lights on at 6 a.m.) with food (Dos-2b
OVO, Dobra Voda, SR) and water ad libitum. After an
acclimatisation period of 7 days, male and female rats
were mated overnight and the presence of spermatozoa
in vaginal smear was considered the first day of gestation
(GD 1) (Schneider & Przewłocki, 2005; Schneider et al.,
2006). On GD 12.5 (in the middle of the light phase), half
of the females received a single intraperitoneal injection
of sodium valproate (VPA; Sigma, USA) dissolved in
saline (pH = 7.3; 250 mg/ml) in the dose of 600 mg/kg.
The other females served as a controls (C) and received
saline (pH = 7.3; 250 mg/ml) at the same time of gestation
(Schneider & Przewłocki, 2005; Schneider et al., 2006).
Females were housed in groups of two or three animals
until GD 20, later they were housed individually.
After delivery, valproate-treated (VPA) and control
(C) females were allowed to raise their offspring until
weaning on postnatal day (PND) 21. On PND 1, the litters
were culled to 8 animals per litter (4 males, 4 females).
The other animals of the litter were used for sample
preparation for fu rther analysis. After wea ning, the rats of
either sex were housed separately in groups of 4 animals
per cage.
The offspring of VPA (n=18; 9 males, 9 females) and
C (n=18; 9 males, 9 females) were tested in the open-field
test in three developmental periods: weaning (PND 21),
puberty (PND 42) and adulthood (PND 72).
Behavioural test
Spontaneous exploratory behaviour (locomotor activ-
ity) and its habituation were evaluated in an open-field
test. All animals (VPA and C) were tested in Conducta
(Experimetria Ltd., Hungary), a system used the continu-
ous recording of kinetic activity of laboratory rodents. The
testing chamber of this system consisted of a dark plastic
box (48×48×40 cm) with its floor divided into 25 squares
and built-in infrared beam lights (16 diodes at 16 mm
distance from each other in the three lines) for recording
the animals’ movement.
During the light phase (12:00–18:00 h), each animal
was put into the centre of the testing chamber and sub-
sequently tested for 20 minutes. The information about
locomotor activity (horizontal + vertical), expressed as
a number of beam breaks during horizontal and vertical
movement, were exported from Conducta system in four
five-minute intervals (the first interval: 0–5 min; the
second interval: 5–10 min, the third interval: 10–15 min
and the fourt h interval: 15–20 min). A gradual decrease of
locomotor activity during the test represented an uninter-
rupted habituation.
Statistical analysis
The habituation process was evaluated using the expo-
nential function Y(t) = Y
(Y = the amount of locomo-
tor activity in the individual five minute interval, k = the
individual rate of habituation) was used as a model of the
habituation course of locomotor activity (Dubovický et
al., 1999).
The intensit y of locomotor activity (for the whole dura-
tion of the test) and k-value of habituation of VPA and C
animals were analysed using STATISTICA v 7.0 (StatSoft,
Inc., Tulsa, USA) and repeated measures analysis of vari-
ance (ANOVA) with the fixed effects of group, sex, and
age and their interaction. The effect of litter nested within
the group was included in the model. If the interaction
was significant, the dif ferences between individua l groups
were evaluated by Fisher LSD post hoc test. The results are
expressed as means ± SEM.
Lucia Olexová, Tomáš Senko, Peter Štefánik, Alžbeta Talarovičová, Lucia Kršková
Animal model of autism
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
Ethics statement
The methods and procedures of the present study were
approved by the local Ethical Committee of the Comenius
University in Bratislava, Slova k Republic and the Directive
of the European Parliament a nd of the Council on the pro-
tection of animals used for scientific purposes (2010/63/
EU) was followed. All efforts were made to minimise the
number of animals used and their suffering.
A statistical analysis of locomotor activity has revealed
a significant effect of the group (F
=19. 391; p<0.001),
litter (nested within the group) (F
=6.182; p<0.01),
age (F
=10.972 ; p<0.001), and interaction age*group
=4.622; p<0.05). VPA rats showed decreased loco-
motor activity compared to the control group in puberty
(p<0.001) and in adulthood (p<0.001) (Figure 1). In wean-
ing, there were no significant differences between VPA
and C rats. Sex differences were not found at any stage of
ontogenesis. In the VPA group, there were no significant
differences in locomotor activity among the three ontoge-
netic stages. We observed changes in the developmental
period only in C animals. These animals showed an
increase of locomotor activity in puberty (p<0.001) and
adulthood (p<0.001), compared to the weaning period
(Figure 1).
Statistical analysis of habituation rate (k-value) has
revealed a significant effect of group (F
=8.702; p<0.01),
age (F
=25.5 03; p<0.001), and interaction age*group
=7.605; p<0.01). Differences in habituation rate
during the weaning period were not significant between
VPA and C group (Figure 2). VPA rats showed a higher
rate of habituation in the open-field compared to C rats
in puberty (p<0.01) (Figure 3) and in adulthood (p<0.001)
(Figure 4). Similarly to locomotor activity, sex differences
were not found at any stage of ontogenesis.
weaning puberty adulthood
locomotor activity
(number of complete-light suspension)
*** ***
locomotor activity
(number of complete-light suspension)
0-5 min 5-10 min 10-15 min 15-20 min
time interval
locomotor activity
(number of complete-light suspension)
0-5 min 5-10 min 10-15 min 15-20 min
time interval
Figure 1. Locomotor activity of control (C, n=18) and valproic
(VPA, n=18) rats in the open- eld test. Data are given as means
± SEM per 20 min. Asterisks indicate signi cant di erences
between C and VPA group (*** p<0.001), plus they indicate sig-
ni cant di erences between ontogenetic stages in the C group
(+++ p<0.001).
Figure 2. Habituation dynamics and rate (k-value) of control (C,
n=18) and valproic (VPA, n=18) rats during weaning. Data are
given as means ± SEM.
Figure 3. Habituation dynamics and rate (k-value) of control (C,
n=18) and valproic (VPA, n=18) rats in puberty. Data are given as
means ± SEM. Asterisks indicate signi cant di erences between
C and VPA groups (** p<0.01).
Significant changes in k-value were observed between
weaning and puberty (means ± SEM: weaning 0.01±0.03;
puberty 0.27±0.03; p<0.001), and between weaning and
adulthood (means ± SEM: weaning 0.01±0.03; adulthood
0.26±0.02; p<0.001) in VPA group as well as between
weaning and puberty (means ± SEM: weaning 0.07±0.02;
puberty 0.16±0.03; p<0.05) in C group.
Exploratory behaviour is one of the basic forms of
behaviour and its prenatal disruption can reflect a CNS
developmental damage. Over the last 10 years, more
Also available online on PubMed Central
Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(4): 222–227
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
links have been made between autism and limited envi-
ronmental exploration (O’Neil & Happé, 2000; Pierce &
Courchesne, 2001).
Our study performed on an animal model of autism
supports these findings. Prenatal exposure to VPA on
the 12.5
day of gestation had an effect on postnatal
exploratory behaviour and habituation of this activity in
rats during ontogeny.
When compared to the C group, VPA rats showed
a lower level of locomotor component of exploratory
behaviour in puberty and adulthood, but the groups did
not differ at weaning. Lower exploratory behaviour of
VPA rats (compared to C group) was described in puberty
(Schneider & Przewłocki, 2005; Schneider et al., 2006;
Kerr et al., 2013) and also in adulthood (Schneider &
Przewłocki, 2005; Schneider et al., 2006), but informa-
tion about exploratory behaviour of these rats during the
weaning period are missing. Reduction in exploratory
behaviour in adulthood was documented in other animal
models of autism – Pax6 heterozygous mutant (rSey
rats with alter ations in serotonergic system (Umeda et al.,
2010), mic e with dis rup tion i n ch romo some 7 (an alo gue of
human locus 15q11-13) (Tamada et al., 2010), BALB/cByJ
mice (Moy et al., 2008).
Our findings that did not show any significant differ-
ences between the quantity of locomotor activity of VPA
and C groups in the weaning period support the research
of Ohta et al. (1987) realised on autistic individuals.
According to these authors, developmental motor delays,
only minimally different during infancy, may become
magnified with age. However, the human study of
Flanagan and colleagues (2012) documented the existence
of qualitative motor development differences in 6-month-
aged children. Therefore, further studies are needed
to reveal other potential qualitative motor as well as
behavioura l changes in the early development of VPA rats.
The intensity of exploratory behaviour and the loco-
motor part of this activity increased during adolescence
(Lynn & Brown, 2009). In our study, C animals showed a
significant increase of locomotor activity in puberty and
adulthood compared to the weaning period. But in the
VPA group, there were no significant differences between
ontogenetic stages and an increase in locomotor activity
during adolescence was absent. Changes in exploratory
behaviour can reflect developmental damage of the CNS.
One potential explanation of reduced exploratory behav-
iour in VPA rats may be reduced number of Purkinje cells
in cerebellar vermal lobules (Rodier et al., 1996, 1997).
Similarly, reduced cerebellar vermal lobules, which cor-
related with reduction of exploration, were observed by
Pierce and Courchesne (2001) in autistic children. The
second potential explanation could be changes in neural
structures involved in regulation of fear. This includes the
medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala. Abnormalities in
these structures were observed both in VPA rats (Markram
et al., 2008; Rinaldi et al., 2008; Sui & Chen, 2012) and
in autistic people (Schumann et al., 2004; Bachevalier &
Loveland 2006). According to Schneider and Przewłocki
(2005), decreased exploration in adult VPA rats may be
mediated rather by fear-related inhibition of exploratory
behaviour. In an autistic population, even minor changes
in the environment may induce confusion and distress,
while fear of a possible change can be a further source of
anxiety (Groden et al., 1994; Gillott et al., 2001).
However, reduction of exploration may be the result
of decreased motivation to explore a novel environment
(Schneider & Przewłocki, 2005), which is related with
changes in neural structures involved in regulation of
motivation. Decrease of motivation is one of the core
symptoms of autism defined by the American Psychiatric
Association (2000).
We did not observe significant changes in locomotor
activity between males and females, neither within indi-
vidual groups, nor in total. And yet it is well known that
females should be more active than males from pubert y
onwards (Lynn & Brown, 2009).
The quantitative changes in exploration of an unknown
environment (testing chamber) are associated with the
process of habituation. Habituation is classically defined
as the waning of a response, elicited by repeated exposure
to a novel stimulus not accompanied by any biologically
relevant consequence, either positive or negative (Leussis
& Bolivar, 2006). This process reflects the neurological
development of individuals and is changeable during
ontogenesis. Some studies indicate that younger animals
do not react as do older animals in exploratory situations
(Chapillon & Roullet, 1997).
Our VPA treated rats exhibited changes in decrease of
exploratory behaviour after exposure to a novel environ-
ment and habituated more rapidly than did C in puberty
and adulthood. Similarly as in exploratory behaviour, we
did not find any differences in the habituation process
during the weaning period.
locomotor activity
(number of complete-light suspension)
0-5 min 5-10 min 10-15 min 15-20 min
time interval
Figure 4. Habituation dynamics and rate (k-value) of control
(C, n=18) and valproic (VPA, n=18) rats in adulthood. Data are
given as means ± SEM. Asterisks indicate signi cant di erences
between C and VPA groups (*** p<0.01).
Lucia Olexová, Tomáš Senko, Peter Štefánik, Alžbeta Talarovičová, Lucia Kršková
Animal model of autism
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
In ontogenesis, VPA rats, comparably to C, showed an
increased habituation rate during adolescence. Younger
animals, in both cases, showed a lower rate of habituation,
which corresponds to literature information that young
animals habituate more slowly than do their older coun-
terparts (Parsons et al., 1973; Chapillon & Roullet, 1997).
Information ab out the habituation process in VPA rats have
so far been absent, but in autistic patients a slower neural
habituation i n the amygdala and h ippocampus wa s reported
after pre sentation of images of faces – visua l social stimulu s
(Kleinhans et al., 2009; Webb et al., 2010). In our observa-
tions, the rate of habituation, as a reaction to an unknown
environmental stimulus was increased in VPA rats.
The habituation process can be affected by a variety of
factors including arousal level, attention, learning, mem-
ory, and fear of novelty influencing exploratory behaviour
and thus also habituation (Leussis & Bolivar, 2006).
We hypothesise that differences in the rate of habitu-
ation may be related with differences in stimulus charac-
ters and with different motivational value of this stimulus.
However, the understanding of changes occurring in
habituation requires further studies, aimed especially
on discovering neural mechanisms participating in the
regulation of this process in VPA rats.
VPA rats show many features characteristic for the
autistic population, but in our opinion these findings call
for further research. In our article we mentioned only
behavioural changes in VPA rats but we will continue in
deciphering neural mechanism associated with regula-
tion of the specific types of behaviour observed in these
The questions why behavioural changes were dis-
covered in puberty and adulthood and why we did not
observe intersex differences in contrast to other authors,
remain still open.
Our behavioural study supports the findings of devel-
opmental changes in the nervous system of VPA rats.
These changes are not only demonstrating as changes in
locomotor activity but also as so far unpublished changes
in the process of habituation. We believe that these find-
in gs w ill cont rib ute t o the v ali dit y of th e mod el to improv e
research of autism.
This work was supported by grants VEGA 1/0686/12
and VEGA 2/0107/12. The authors would like to thank
Dr. Monika Okuliarová for helpful comments and
Conflict of interest statement
The authors declared no potential conflict of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this study.
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Also available online on PubMed Central
Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(4): 222–227
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
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... In summary, VPA rats did not show differences on these measures of open field test that were assessed in our study. These results are in accordance with previous findings of unchanged locomotor activity in VPA rats at weaning age (Olexova et al., 2013;Dobrovolsky et al., 2019). ...
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Early motor and sensory developmental delays precede Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis and may serve as early indicators of ASD. The literature on sensorimotor development in animal models is sparse, male centered, and has mixed findings. We characterized early development in a prenatal valproic acid (VPA) model of ASD and found sex-specific developmental delays in VPA rats. We created a developmental composite score combining 15 test readouts, yielding a reliable gestalt measure spanning physical, sensory, and motor development, that effectively discriminated between VPA and control groups. Considering the heterogeneity in ASD phenotype, the developmental composite offers a robust metric that can enable comparison across different animal models of ASD and can serve as an outcome measure for early intervention studies.
... Individuals with ASD have reduced novelty processing or enhanced familiarity preference (Maes, 2011), and VPA treated rats explore a novel environment less than controls as reported by Schneider & Przewlocki and Olexová et al (Schneider & Przewlocki, 2005;Olexová, 2013), BTBR mice also exhibit novelty aversion . ...
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Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by deficits in social communication and restricted behaviours, and associated with sensory alterations, gastrointestinal dysfunction and disruptions in the circadian rhythm. This study utilised two animal models of ASD, the BTBR T+tf/J and the prenatal exposure to VPA mouse models of ASD, compared to the control C57 BL/6J strain. The aim of this study was to investigate changes in circadian rhythm and peripheral sensation in the two mouse models of ASD, and identify potential pathways involved. Methods: Home-cage testing was conducted using LABORAS platforms, to record the animals’ behaviour over 24 hours (C57 n = 8; BTBR = 9, VPA = 4). Cutaneous sensory thresholds were determined using the dynamic hot (DHP) and cold plate (DCP) tests (C57 n = 6; BTBR n = 6; VPA n = 4), and sensory function of the gastrointestinal tract was outlined using ex-vivo jejunum preparations, by recording the afferent nerve responses to mechanical and chemical stimuli. Values are mean +/- SEM analysed with two-way ANOVA using GraphPad Prism. Results: the VPA mice exhibited altered circadian rhythm in the dark (active) phase compared to the BTBR and C57 mice (P=<0.05). In the DHP, the BTBR mice (n = 6) responded at a higher temperature (C57 - 38C; BTBR - 40C), responded significantly less to heat (P<0.0005), while VPA mice (n = 4) showed similar responses to the C57 mice. In the DCP, VPA mice start to respond at a lower temperature (C57 - 16C; VPA - 2C), responded slightly less to cold (P=0.055), while the BTBR mice showed similar responses to C57 mice. In the afferent nerve recordings of the jejunum, the BTBR tissue exhibited significantly decreased responses to mechanical distension at a filling rate of 600 μl/min (P<0.0006; BTBR n = 9; C57 n = 10). Peak firing rate at 50 mmHg was 92.68 (+/- 12.80) imp/s-1 in recordings from C57 (n = 10) tissue and 76.49 (+/- 15.44) imp/s-1 in BTBR tissue (n = 9). BTBR afferents also showed an altered response profile to TRPV1 activation (P=<0.0001, BTBR n = 5; C57 n = 5), whereby nerve firing took significantly longer to desensitize compared to control afferents, suggesting altered function of TRPV1. Preparations from BTBR mice also exhibited significantly increased response to intraluminal application of an inflammatory soup (P<0.05), BTBR n = 5; C57 n = 5). Conclusion: the VPA model of ASD showed marked alterations in circadian rhythm and reduced response to cold stimuli, and the BTBR mouse model of ASD exhibited significantly decreased response to heat and significantly altered afferent nerve activity from the jejunum in response to various stimuli. Future studies should investigate whether these changes correlate with CNS dysfunction or whether altered peripheral sensation could drive some of the central deficits observed in ASD.
... We suggest that acceleration is a more sensitive parameter for detecting anxiety in VPA animals. In fact, Olexová et al. (2013), measured displacement and showed that VPAtreatment reduces habituation, but during a longer period of time (15-20 min). It is interesting that we found increased "stops" and decreased "distance/stop" in the first minute of the OFT and in the habituation stage of 3C-ST, but these parameters reached control values at the second or third minute of the test, suggesting that "stops" and "distance/stop" could be related to "acceleration." ...
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Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental alteration characterized by social/communicative deficits, repetitive/stereotyped movements, and restricted/obsessive interests. However, there is not much information about whether movement alterations in ASD comprise modifications at the basic kinematic level, such as trajectory and velocity, which may contribute to the higher level of processing that allows the perception and interpretation of actions performed by others, and hence, impact social interaction. In order to further explore possible motor alterations in ASD, we analyzed movement parameters in the Valproate (VPA) animal model of autism. We found that VPA-treated rats displayed greater movement acceleration, reduced distance between stops, spent more time in the corner of the open-field arena, and executed a number of particular behaviors; for example, supported rearing and circling, with no major changes in distance and velocity. However, in the social interaction test, we found other alterations in the movement parameters. In addition to increased acceleration, VPA-rats displayed reduced velocity, increased stops, reduced distance/stop and lost the social/non-social area discrimination that is characteristic of control rats in acceleration and stops variables. Hence, even if prenatal VPA-treatment could have a minor effect in motor variables in a non-social context, it has a crucial effect in the capacity of the animals to adjust their kinematic variables when social/non-social context alternation is required.
... On the 12.5th day of pregnancy, 500 mg/kg of valproic acid (VPA, SIGMA) dissolved in saline was injected intraperitoneally to pregnant female rats in the VPA group. To the pregnant female rats in the control group only the normal saline was injected (Olexova et al., 2013). After the birth of infant rats, they were counted and their weight and the day of opening their eyes were recorded (Tamburella et al., 2012). ...
... The age at which offspring were tested resulted in a number of relevant outcomes, likely specific to VPA exposure. Interestingly, older ages in the VPA groups had decreased social [66] and total [67] exploration than younger VPA-exposed rodents. Older VPA-exposed rodents had a lower discrimination index in the novel object recognition test compared to younger VPA rodents [68]. ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by repetitive behaviours, cognitive rigidity/inflexibility, and social-affective impairment. Unfortunately, few pharmacological treatments exist to alleviate these socio-behavioural impairments. Prenatal administration of valproic acid (VPA) has become an accepted animal model of ASD and has been extensively used to explore new pharmacotherapies in rodents. We conducted a systematic review of the behavioural impairments induced by the VPA model in rodents, with specific reference to 3 core socio-behavioural alterations associated with ASD: repetitive behaviours, cognitive rigidity/inflexibility, and social-affective impairment. We systematically reviewed studies attempting to alleviate these core behavioural alterations using pharmacological means. We include 132 studies exploring the prenatal effects of VPA in rodents. Gestational exposure to VPA in rodents has significant effects on rodent-equivalent measures of the 3 core behavioural traits characteristic of ASD in humans, inducing social impairments, repetitive behaviour, and cognitive rigidity/inflexibility after birth. This model's validity has seen it used to test potential drug treatments for ASD and is likely to continue doing so. We conclude the rodent VPA model may be suitable to examine future therapeutic interventions for ASD, providing an overview of the progress made so far.
... It is well known that prenatal exposure to valproic acid could result in neurodevelopmental disorder during adolescence (29). The offspring of pregnant Wistar rats that received an intraperitoneal injection of 600 mg/kg valproic acid demonstrated declined spontaneous movements during puberty and maturity compared with rat offspring not treated with valproic acid (30). In our work, high concentration (500 μM) of valproic acid significantly reduced the spontaneous movement of zebrafish larvae under both light and dark conditions. ...
... Clinical studies have shown that exposure to VPA in utero is associated with birth defects, cognitive deficits, and increased risk of autism (Nadebaum et al., 2011). Our data demonstrate that VPA-treated rats also exhibited autism-like behaviors and deficits in the reflex development, motor coordination, auditory and visual development, which are consistent with clinical symptoms of patients with autism and the findings of other labs' using VPA-induced rodent models of autism (Snow et al., 2008;Mehta et al., 2011;Favre et al., 2013;Olexová et al., 2013Olexová et al., , 2016Ha et al., 2017). ...
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Although studies have investigated the role of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic signaling in rodent neural development and behaviors relevant to autism, behavioral ontogeny, as underlain by the changes in GABAergic system, is poorly characterized in different brain regions. Here, we employed a valproic acid (VPA) rat model of autism to investigate the autism-like behaviors and GABAergic glutamic acid decarboxylase 67 (GAD67) expression underlying these altered behaviors in multiple brain areas at different developmental stages from birth to adulthood. We found that VPA-treated rats exhibited behavioral abnormalities relevant to autism, including delayed nervous reflex development, altered motor coordination, delayed sensory development, autistic-like and anxiety behaviors and impaired spatial learning and memory. We also found that VPA rats had the decreased expression of GAD67 in the hippocampus (HC) and cerebellum from childhood to adulthood, while decreased GAD67 expression of the temporal cortex (TC) was only observed in adulthood. Conversely, GAD67 expression was increased in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) from adolescence to adulthood. The dysregulated GAD67 expression could alter the excitatory-inhibitory balance in the cerebral cortex, HC and cerebellum. Our findings indicate an impaired GABAergic system could be a major etiological factor occurring in the cerebral cortex, HC and cerebellum of human cases of autism, which suggests enhancement of GABA signaling would be a promising therapeutic target for its treatment.
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El trastorno del espectro autista se manifiesta con una serie de alteraciones sensoriales y del comportamiento de distinta intensidad y severidad, por lo que su diagnóstico se basa en la evaluación conductual. La activación sensorial auditiva, mediante la estimulación musical, es una de las intervenciones que se han implementado para revertir este trastorno. Sin embargo, en modelos animales aún no se ha evaluado el impacto de la estimulación musical. Este trabajo implementó la estimulación musical en un modelo de inducción posnatal de autismo, donde se expuso a ratas Wistar a música clásica desde el día p1 al p30 para evaluar conductas motrices en campo abierto. Sujetos de ambos sexos presentaron mayor actividad locomotriz cuando recibieron la estimulación musical en comparación con el grupo que no estuvo expuesto. Estos datos sugieren que la vía auditiva activa significativamente a los circuitos involucrados en la locomoción.
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe neurological and developmental disorder that impairs a person's ability to socialize and communicate and affects behavior. The number of patients diagnosed with ASD has risen rapidly. However, the pathophysiology of ASD is poorly understood, and drugs for ASD treatment are strikingly limited. This study aims to evaluate the roles of glyoxalase 1 (GLO1)-methylglyoxal (MG)-γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) signaling in ASD using a valproic acid (VPA)-induced animal model of autism. The GLO1 levels were analyzed by RT-qPCR and Western blot assay, and MG levels were measured with a Methylglyoxal Assay Kit. The open-field and sniff duration tests were used to assess the interest and anxiety of VPA mice. The three-chamber, marble-burying, and tail-flick tests were applied to determine the sociability, repetitive behavior, and nociceptive threshold of VPA mice. Our results demonstrated that increased GLO1 and decreased MG were observed in VPA mice. Administration of S-p-bromobenzylglutathione cyclopentyl diester (BrBzGCp2), a GLO1 inhibitor, was beneficial for alleviating anxiety, reducing repetitive behavior, and improving the impaired sociability and nociceptive threshold of VPA mice. BrBzGCp2 treatment may be developed as a promising therapeutic strategy for patients with ASD.
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OBJECTIVE.Poor postural control during pull-to-sit is a predictor of developmental disruption in cerebral palsy and preterm populations but has not been examined in infants at risk for autism. We examined the association between head lag during pull-to-sit at age 6 mo and autism risk status. METHOD.High-risk participants were siblings of children with autism. We studied one sample of 40 high-risk infants prospectively from 6-36 mo and obtained diagnostic classifications of autism or no autism. We conducted a subsequent between-group comparison with a new sample of 20 high-risk and 21 low-risk infants. RESULTS.Head lag was significantly associated with autism spectrum disorder at 36 mo (p = .020) and was more frequently observed in high-risk than in low-risk infants (p = .018). CONCLUSION.Head lag with other alterations in early development may be associated with autism risk and may serve as an early indicator of neurodevelopmental disruption. Results have clinical implications for occupational therapists in early intervention practice.
Background: Although limited environmental exploration in autism is an obvious behavioral feature and may be a manifestation of “restricted interests” as described in DSM-IV criteria, there have been no behavioral or neurobiological studies of this important aspect of the disorder. Given consistent reports of cerebellar abnormality in autism, combined with animal research showing a relationship between exploration and the cerebellum, this study aimed to test the possible link between cerebellar abnormality and exploration in autism.
Previous work based on observations of home videotapes indicates that differences can be detected between infants with autism spectrum disorder and infants with typical development at I year of age, The present study addresses the question of whether autism can be distinguished from mental retardation by I year of age. Home videotapes of first birthday parties from 20 infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, 14 infants later diagnosed with mental retardation (without autism), and 20 typically developing infants were coded by blind raters with respect to the frequencies of specific social and communicative behaviors and repetitive motor actions. Results indicated that 1-year-olds with autism spectrum disorder can be distinguished from 1-year-olds with typical development and those with mental retardation. The infants with autism spectrum disorder looked at others and oriented to their names less frequently than infants with mental retardation. The infants with autism spectrum disorder and those with mental retardation used gestures and looked to objects held by others less frequently and engaged in repetitive motor actions more frequently than typically developing infants, These results indicate that autism can be distinguished from mental retardation and typical development by I year of age.
Stress and anxiety have historically played a role in many theories of personality and behavior. Both psychoanalytic theorists and behaviorists have postulated that anxiety is the central component of neurotic disorders. Operant investigators, however, have been reluctant to use the concept of anxiety either as an explanatory concept or in a descriptive manner.
The endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in regulating emotionality and social behaviour, however it is unknown whether this system plays a role in symptoms associated with autism spectrum disorders. The current study evaluated if alterations in the endocannabinoid system accompany behavioural changes in the valproic acid (VPA) rat model of autism. Adolescent rats prenatally exposed to VPA exhibited impaired social investigatory behaviour, hypoalgesia and reduced lococmotor activity on exposure to a novel aversive arena. Levels of the endocananbinoids, anandamide (AEA) and 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) in the hippocampus, frontal cortex or cerebellum were not altered in VPA- versus saline-exposed animals. However, the expression of mRNA for diacylglycerol lipase α, the enzyme primarily responsible for the synthesis of 2-AG, was reduced in the cerebellum of VPA-exposed rats. Furthermore, while the expression of mRNA for the 2-AG-catabolising enzyme monoacylglycerol lipase was reduced, the activity of this enzyme was increased, in the hippocampus of VPA-exposed animals. CB1 or CB2 receptor expression was not altered in any of the regions examined, however VPA-exposed rats exhibited reduced PPARα and GPR55 expression in the frontal cortex and PPARγ and GPR55 expression in the hippocampus, additional receptor targets of the endocannabinoids. Furthermore, tissue levels of the fatty acid amide hydrolase substrates, AEA, oleoylethanolamide and palmitoylethanolamide, were higher in the hippocampus of VPA-exposed rats immediately following social exposure. These data indicate that prenatal VPA exposure is associated with alterations in the brain's endocannabinoid system and support the hypothesis that endocannabinoid dysfunction may underlie behavioural abnormalities observed in autism spectrum disorders.
Twenty 22-month-old typically developing children (TD), 11 children with Down syndrome (DS) and 10 children with autism (A), all functioning at a one- or two-word linguistic level, were given eight series of four toys to explore. In each series, the first three toys (i.e. Trials 1–3) were identical, but the fourth toy (i.e. Trial 4) differed on a property or in identity. The children sat beside their mother and the experimenter while exploring the toys. Of interest was whether (1) the TD children would show more exploratory and communicative behavior related to the toys on Trials 1 and 4 than 2 and 3, and (2) how the response patterns of nontypically developing children would compare. The DS group showed a pattern of responding similar to that of the TD group with respect to their attention and interest in the toys, although a much lower rate of communicating with their mother. In contrast, the A group differed significantly from both other groups with respect to both the toys they found of interest and the timing of their topic initiations. Implications for observing declarative communication among children with Down syndrome and children with autism are discussed.
Abnormal pain reactivity is often reported by the parents of children with autistic disorder (AD). This is an interesting feature because it could be related to some neurochemical findings frequently reported in autism. The aim of the present study is to report the preliminary findings about pain reactivity in children with autism, and to relate them to serotoninemia. We studied 77 subjects with “primary” AD. Reports of each child's pain reactivity were obtained through a structured interview with the child's parent. In 44 of the 77 children, serotonin blood levels were measured. We found an abnormal pain reactivity in children with autistic disorder when compared with non-autistic children, matched for age, sex, and socio-economic level. The pain reactivity showed a significant correlation with the serotoninemia levels. The data obtained by the present study are interesting, although they must be considered with careful attention, both for the sample size and for methodological difficulties. In fact, in studying this disorder, only the parents' insight can be of help.
A number of studies have suggested the importance of motor development in ASD. Motor development has been considered a possible biomarker of autism since it does not depend on either social or linguistic development. Based on the hypothesis that suggests movement as an early indicator of Autistic Disorders (AD), the purpose was to analyze the first unsupported gait at the age when child reach the walking autonomy. Using retrospective video analysis we investigated the development of motor milestones in infants with Autism. Our study aims to verify, through observational methods, the possibility of distinguishing toddlers with AD from toddlers with typical development or with developmental delay by movement. Eshkol-Wachman Movement Analysis System (EWMN – Eshkol and Harris, 2001), that analyzed static and dynamical symmetry of movement, was applied to 240 retrospective home videos of children (ASD = 80; TD = 80; DD = 80) during the first two years of life. In particular it was analyzed: (i) postural symmetry during lying (age mean = 5 months); (ii) sitting position (age mean = 7 months; (iii) standing (age mean = 10 months; (iv) and both unsupported gait (age mean = 13.2 months) and gait after 6 months of independent walking (age mean = 19.4 months). Data shows significant differences in the motor patterns among the group of children with autism as opposed to those with typical development or with developmental delay. Our results agree with the report of Teitelbaum and colleagues (2004) that highlighted different patterns of motor development among the groups. The specificity of disturbances in motor sequence we have identified in autism (i.e., postural asymmetry, rigidity) is consistent with previous findings that implicated cerebellar and basal ganglia involvement in the motor symptoms of autism. Movement disorders can be considered as a possible sign in early diagnosis of ASD.
This experiment investigated the development of habituation and memorization capacities of C57BL/6 mice. After a first session on a classic open field, four groups of subjects (3, 4, 5 and 9 weeks of age) were exposed to objects arranged in a pre-defined spatial environment during three exploratory sessions. Subsequently, for the test session, half of the mice was exposed to the previous situation, while the other half was exposed to a novel situation with a different spatial configuration for testing animal's abilities to detect and react to a change in their environment.Analysis showed age-related differences in behavioural habituation patterns. Moreover, contrary to our expectancy based on previous studies, the youngest mice (3 week-old) didn't exhibit significant renewal of exploration of the displaced objects during the test session. This results indicated that the youngest mice react differently than the adult mice when they are confronted to a novel environment and especially seem enable to construct a long-lasting representation of their environment when this representation concerns proximal information.The results are discussed in relation to previous studies conducted on the radial maze and the Morris water maze and it seems that the abilities of the youngest mice to construct a representation of their environment are partially dependent upon the type of information available (i.e. proximal versus distal information).