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Hyaluronan and synovial joint:
function, distribution and healing
Tamer Mahmoud TAMER 1,2
1 Polymer Materials Research Department, Advanced Technologies and New Materials Research Institute (ATNMRI), City of Scientific Research and Technological
Applications (SRTA-Cit y), New Borg El-Arab City, Alexandria, Egypt
2 Laboratory of Bio organic Chemistry of Drugs, Institute of Exp erimental Pharmacology & Toxicology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
ITX060313R03 • Received: 18 July 2013 • Revis ed: 25 August 2013 • Accepted: 10 September 2013
Synovial fluid is a viscous solution found in the cavities of synovial joints. The principal role of synovial fluid is to reduce friction
between the articular cartilages of synovial joints during movement. The presence of high molar mass hyaluronan (HA) in this fluid
gives it the required viscosity for its function as lubricant solution. Inflammation oxidation stress enhances normal degradation of
hyaluronan causing several diseases related to joints.
This review describes hyaluronan properties and distribution, applications and its function in synovial joints, with short review for
using thiol compounds as antioxidants preventing HA degradations under inflammation conditions.
KEY WORDS: synovial joint fluid; hyaluronan; antioxidant; thiol compound
Correspondence address:
Dr. Tamer Mahmoud Tamer
Polymer Materials Research Department, Advanced Technologies and
New Materials Research Institute (ATNMRI), City of Scientific Research
and Technological Applications (SRTA- City)
New Borg El-Arab City 21934, Alexandria, Egypt.
Cartilage functions also as a shock absorber. This
property is derived from its high water entrapping capac-
ity as well as from the structure and intermolecular inter-
actions among polymeric components that constitute the
The human skeleton consists of both fused and individual
bones supported and supplemented by liga ments, tendons,
and skeletal muscles. Articular ligaments and tendons are
the main parts holding together the joint(s). In respect of
movement, there are freely moveable, partially moveable,
and immovable joints. Synovial joints (Figure 1), the
freely moveable ones, allow for a large range of motion
and encompass wrists, knees, ankles, shoulders, and hips
(Kogan, 2010).
Structure of synovial joints
In a healthy synovial joint, heads of the bones are encased
in a smooth (hyaline) cartilage layer. These tough slippery
layers – e.g. those covering the bone ends in the knee joint
– belong to mechanically highly stressed tissues in the
human body. At walking, runn ing, or sprinting the strokes
frequency attain approximately 0.5, 2.5 or up to 10 Hz.
Interdiscip Toxicol. 2013; Vol. 6 (3) : 111 –125 .
doi: 10.2478/ intox-2013- 0019
Published online in: &
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & IEPT, SASc.
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Joint cavity with
synovial uid
Ligament forming
joint capsule
Figure 1. Normal, healthy synovial joint (adapted from Kogan,
Tamer Mahmoud Tamer
Hyaluronan and synovial joint
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
cartilage tissue (Servaty et al., 2000). Figure 2 sketches
a section of the cartilage – a chondrocy te cell that per-
manently restructures/rebuilds its extracellular matrix.
Three classes of proteins exist in articular cartilage: col-
lagens (mostly type II collagen); proteoglycans (primarily
aggrecan); and other noncollagenous proteins (including
link protein, fibronectin, COMP – cartilage oligomeric
matrix protein) and the smaller proteoglycans (biglycan,
decorin, and fibromodulin). The interaction between
highly negatively charged cartilage proteoglycans and
type II collagen fibrils is responsible for the compressive
and tensile strength of the tissue, which resists applied
load in vivo.
Synov ium/syn ovial mem brane
Each synov ia l joint is surrounded by a fibrou s, highly vas-
cular capsule/envelope called synovium, whose internal
surface layer is lined with a synovial membrane. Inside
this membrane, type B synoviocytes (fibroblast-like cell
lines) are localized/embedded. Their primary function is
to continuously extrude high-molar-mass hyaluronans
(HAs) into synovial fluid.
Synovial fl ui d
The synovial fluid (SF) of natural joints normally func-
tions as a biological lubricant as well as a biochemical
pool through which nutrients and regulatory cytokines
traverse. SF contains molecules that provide low-friction
and low-wear properties to articulating cartilage surfaces.
Molecules postulated to play a key role in lubrication
alone or in combination, are proteoglycan 4 (PRG4)
(Swann et al., 1985) present in SF at a concentration of
0.05–0.35 mg/ml (Schmid et al., 2001), hyaluronan (HA)
(Ogston & Stanier, 1953) at 1–4 mg/ml (Mazzucco et al.,
2004), and surface-active phospholipids (SAPL) (Schwarz
& Hills, 1998) at 0.1 mg/ml (Mazzucco et al., 2004).
Synoviocytes secrete PRG4 (Jay et al., 2000; Schumacher
et al., 1999) and are the major source of SAPL (Dobbie
et al., 1995; Hills & Crawford, 2003; Schwarz & Hills,
1996), as well as HA (Haubeck et al., 1995; Momberger et
al., 2005) in SF. Other cells also secrete PRG4, including
chondrocytes in the superficial layer of articular cartilage
(Sch mid et al., 2001b; Schumacher et al., 1994) and, to a
much lesser extent, cells in the meniscus (Schumacher et
al., 2005).
As a biochemical depot, SF is an ultra filtrate of blood
plasma that is concentrated by virtue of its filtration
through the synovial membrane. The synovium is a thin
lining (~50 µm in humans) comprised of tissue macro-
phage A cells, fibroblast-like B cells (Athanasou & Quinn,
1991; Revell, 1989; Wilkinson et al., 1992), and fenes-
trated capillaries (Knight & Levick, 1984). It is backed
Decorin Type IX collagen
Type II collagen
Link protein
Figure 2. Articular cartilage main components and structure (adapted from Chen et al., 2006).
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Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(3): 111–125
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
by a thicker layer (~100 µm) of loose connective tissue
called the subsynovium (SUB) that includes an extensive
system of lymphatics for clearance of transported mol-
ecules. The cells in the synovium form a discontinuous
layer separated by intercellular gaps of several microns
in width (Knight & Levick, 1984; McDonald & Levick,
1988). The extracellular matrix in these gaps contains
collagen types I, III, and V (Ashhurst et al., 1991; Rittig et
al., 1992), hyaluronan (Worrall et al., 1991), chondroitin
sulphate (Price et al., 1996; Worrall et al., 1994), biglycan
and decorin proteoglycans (Coleman et al., 1998), and
fibronectin (Poli et al., 2004). The synovial matrix pro-
vides the permeable pathway through which exchange of
molecules occurs (Levick, 1994), but also offers sufficient
outflow resistance (Coleman et al., 1998; Scott et al.,
1998) to retain large solutes of SF within the joint cavity.
Together, the appropriate ref lection of secreted lubricants
by the synovial membrane and the appropriate lubricant
secretion by cells are necessary for development of a
mechanically functional SF (Blewis et al., 2007).
In the joint, HA plays an important role in the protec-
tion of articular cartilage and the transport of nutrients
to cartilage. In patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA),
(Figure 3) it has been reported that HA acts as an anti
inflammatory substance by inhibiting the adherence of
immune complexe s to neutrophils th rough t he Fc receptor
(Brandt, 1970), or by protecting the synovial tissues from
the attachment of inflammatory mediators (Miyazaki et
al., 1983, Mendichi & Soltes, 2002).
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) (O
, H
OH) are
generated in abundance by synovial neutrophils from RA
patients, as compared with synovial neutrophils of osteo-
arthritis (OA) patients and periphera l neutroph ils of both
RA and OA patients (Niwa et al., 1983).
McCord (1973) demonstrated that HA wa s susceptible
to degradation by ROS in vitro, and that this could be
protected by superoxide dismutase (SOD) and/or catalase,
which suggests the possibility that there is pathologic
oxidative damage to synovial fluid components in RA
patients. Dahl et al. (19 85) r epor ted that t here are re duce d
HA concentrations in synovial fluids from RA patients.
It has also been reported that ROS scavengers inhibit the
degradation of HA by ROS (Soltes, 2010; Blake et al., 1981;
Betts & Cleland, 1982; Soltes et al., 2004).
These findings appear to support the hypothesis that
ROS are responsible for the accelerated degradation of HA
in the rheumatoid joint. In the study of Juranek and Soltes
(2012) the oxygen radical scavenging activ ities of synovial
fluids from both RA and OA patients were assessed, and
the antioxidant activities of these synovial fluids were
analyzed by separately examining HA, -glucuronic acid,
and N-acetyl--glucosamine.
In 1934, Karl Meyer and his colleague John Palmer iso-
lated a previously unknown chemical substance from the
vitreous body of cows’ eyes. They found that the substance
Cartilage Loss
Inamed Synovium
Synovial Fluid
Joint Capsule
Swollen Joint Capsule
Bone Loss
Bone Loss/Erosion
Figure 3. Normal, (healthy) and rheumatoid arthritis synovial joint.
contained two sugar molecules, one of which was uronic
acid. For convenience, therefore, they proposed the name
“hyaluronic acid”. The popular name is derived from
“hyalos”, which is the Greek word for glass + uronic acid
(Meyer & Palmer, 1934). At the time, they did not know
that the substance which they had discovered would
prove to be one of the most interesting and useful natural
macromolecules. HA was first used com mercially in 1942
Tamer Mahmoud Tamer
Hyaluronan and synovial joint
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
when Endre Bala zs applied for a patent to use it as a substi-
tute for egg white in bakery products (Necas et al., 2008).
The t erm “ hya luronan” w as i ntro duce d in 198 6 to con-
form to the international nomenclature of polysaccharides
and is attributed to Endre Balazs (Balazs et al., 1986) who
coined it to encompass the different forms the molecule
can take, e.g, the acid form, hyaluronic acid, and the salts,
such as sodium hyaluronate, which forms at physiological
pH (Laurent, 1989). HA was subsequently isolated from
many other sources and the physicochemi cal structure
properties and biological role of this polysaccharide were
stud ied in numerous laborato ries (Kreil, 1995). This work
has been summarized in a Ciba Foundation Symposium
(Laurent, 1989) and a recent review (Laurent & Fraser,
1992; Chabrecek et al., 1990; Orvisky et al., 1992).
Hyaluronan (Figure 4) is a unique biopolymer com-
posed of repeating disaccharide units formed by N-acetyl-
-glucosamine and -glucuronic acid. Both sugars are
spatially related to glucose which in the β-configuration
allows all of its bulky groups (the hydroxyls, the carbox-
ylate moiety, and the anomeric carbon on the adjacent
sugar) to be in sterically favorable equatorial posi tions
while all of the small hydrogen atoms occupy the less
sterically favorable axial positions. Thus, the structure of
the disaccharide is energetically very stable. HA is also
unique in its size, reaching up to several million Daltons
and is synthesized at the plasma membrane rather than in
the Golgi, where sulfated glycosaminoglycans are added
to protein cores (Itano & K imata, 2002; Weigel et al., 1997;
Kogan et al., 2007a).
In a physiological solution, the backbone of a HA mol-
ecule is stiffened by a combina tion of the chemical struc-
ture of the disaccha ride, internal hydrogen bonds, and
interactions with the solvent. The axial hydrogen atoms
form a non-polar, relatively hydrophobic face while the
eq uato ria l sid e chai ns f orm a more polar, hy d roph ilic fa ce,
thereby creating a twisting ribbon structure. Solutions of
hyaluronan manifest very unusual rheological properties
and are exceedingly lubricious and very hydrophilic. In
solution, the hyaluronan polymer chain takes on the
form of an expanded, random coil. These chains entangle
with each other at very low concentrations, which may
contribute to the unusual rheological proper ties. At
higher concentrations, solutions have an extremely high
but shear-dependent viscosity. A 1% solution is like jelly,
but when it is put under pressure it moves easily and
can be administered through a small-bore needle. It has
therefore been called a “pseudo-plastic” material. The
extraordi nary rheological properties of hyaluronan solu-
tions make them ideal as lubricants. There is evidence
that hyaluronan separates most tissue surfaces that slide
along each other. The extremely lubricious properties
of hyaluronan have been shown to reduce postoperative
adhesion forma tion following abdominal and orthopedic
surgery. As mentioned, the polymer in solution assumes
a stiffened helical configuration, which can be at tributed
to hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyl groups along
the chain. As a result, a coil structure is formed that traps
approximately 100 0 times its weight in w ater (Chabre cek et
al., 1990; Cowman & Matsuoka, 20 05; Schiller et al., 2011)
Properties of hyaluronan
Hyaluronan networks
T he p hy si co -c hem ic a l p rop er t ies of hy al ur on an we re s t ud-
ied in deta il from 1950 onwards (Comper & Lau rent, 1978).
The molecules behave in solution as highly hydrated
randomly kinked coils, which start to entangle at concen-
trations of less than 1 mg/mL. The entanglement point
can be seen both by sedimentation analysis (Laurent et
al., 1960) and viscosity (Morris et al., 1980). More recently
Scott and his group have given evidence that the chains
when entangling also interact with each other and form
stretches of double helices so that the network becomes
mechanically more firm (Scott et al., 1991).
Rheological properties
Solutions of hyaluronan are viscoelastic and the viscosity
is markedly shearing dependent (Morris et al., 1980; Gibbs
et al., 1968). Above the entanglement point the viscosity
increases rapidly and exponentially with concentration
) (Morris et al., 1980) and a solution of 10 g/l may
have a viscosity at low shear of ~10
times the viscosity of
the solvent. At high shear the viscosity may drop as much
as ~10
times (Gibbs et al., 1968). The elasticity of the
system increases with increasing molecular weight and
concentration of hyaluronan as expected for a molecular
network. The rheological properties of hyaluronan have
been connected with lubrication of joints and tissues
and hyaluronan is commonly found in the body between
surfaces that move along each other, for example cartilage
surfaces and muscle bundles (Bothner & Wik, 1987).
Water homeostasis
A fixed polysaccharide network offers a high resistance
to bulk f low of solvent (Comper & Laurent, 1978). This
was demonstrated by Day (1950) who showed that hyal-
uronidase treatment removes a strong hindrance to water
flow through a fascia. Thus HA and other polysaccharides
prevent excessive fluid fluxes through tissue compart-
ments. Furt hermore, the osmotic pressure of a hyaluronan
solution is non-ideal and increases exponentially with the
concentration. In spite of the high molecular weight of
the polymer the osmotic pressure of a 10 g/l hyaluronan
solution is of the same order as an l0 g/l albumin solu-
tion. The exponential relationship makes hyaluronan
and other polysaccharides excellent osmotic buffering
substances – moderate changes in concentration lead
Figure 4. Structural formula of hyaluronan – the acid form.
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Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(3): 111–125
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
to marked changes in osmotic pressure. Flow resistance
together with osmotic buffering makes hyaluronan an
ideal regulator of the water homeostasis in the body.
Network interac tions with other macromolecules
The hyaluronan network retards the diffusion of other
molecules (Comper & Laurent, 1978; Simkovic et al.,
2000). It can be shown that it is the steric hindrance which
restricts the movements and not the viscosity of the solu-
tion. The larger the molecule the more it will be hindered.
In vivo hyaluronan will therefore act as a diffusion barrier
and regulate the transport of other substances through
the intercellular spaces. Furthermore, the network will
exclude a certain volume of solvent for other molecules;
the larger the molecule the less space will be available
to it (Comper & Laurent, 1978). A solution of 10 g/l of
hyaluronan will exclude about half of t he solvent to serum
albumin. Hyaluronan and other polysaccharides therefore
take part in the partition of plasma proteins between the
vascular and extravascular spaces. The excluded volume
phenome non w il l al so a ffe ct t he so lubi lit y of ot her m acro -
molecules in the interstitium, change chemical equilibria
and stabilize the structure of, for example, collagen fibers.
Medical applications of hyaluronic ac id
The viscoelastic matrix of HA can act as a strong bio-
compatible support material and is therefore commonly
used as growth scaffold in surgery, wound healing and
embryology. In addition, administration of purified high
molecular weight HA into orthopaedic joints can restore
the desirable rheological properties and alleviate some of
the symptoms of osteoar thritis (Bala zs & Denlinger, 1993;
Balazs & Denlinger, 1989; Kogan et al., 2007). The success
of the medical applications of HA has led to the produc-
tion of several successful commercial products, which
have been extensively reviewed previously.
Table 1 summarizes both the medical applications and
the commonly used commercial preparations containing
HA used within this field. HA has also been extensively
studied in ophthalmic, nasal and parenteral drug delivery.
In addition, more novel applications including pulmonary,
implantation and gene delivery have also been suggested.
Generally, HA is thought to act as either a mucoadhesive
and retain the drug at its site of action/absorption or to
modif y the in vivo relea se/abs orpti on ra te of the th erap eu-
tic agent. A summary of the drug delivery applications of
HA is shown in Table 2.
Table 1. Summary of the medical applications of hyaluronic acid (Brown & Jones, 2005).
Disease state Applications Commercial products Publications
Osteoarthritis Lubrication and mechanical
support for the joints
Hyalgan® (Fidia, Italy)
Artz® (Seikagaku, Japan)
Healon®, Opegan® and Opelead®
Hochburg, 200 0; Altman, 2000; Dougados, 2000; Guidolin et al.,
2001; Maheu et al., 2002; Barrett & Siviero, 2002; Miltner et al.,
2002;Tascioglu and Oner, 2003; Uthman et al., 2003; Kelly et al.,
2003; Hamburger et al., 2003; Kir wan, 2001; Ghosh & Guidolin,
2002; Mabuchi et al., 1999; Balazs, 2003;
Frase r et al., 1993; Zhu & Granick, 2003.
Surgery and
wound healing
Implantation of artificial
intraocular lens,
viscoelastic gel
Bionect®, Connettivina®
and Jossalind®
Ghosh & Jassal, 2002; Risbert, 1997; Inoue & Katakami, 1993;
Miyazaki et al., 1996; Stiebel-Kalish et al., 1998; Tani et al., 2002;
Vazqu ez et al., 2003; Soldati et al., 1999; Ortonne, 1996; Cantor et
al., 1998; Turino & Cantor, 2003.
Embryo implantation Culture media for the use of
in vitro fertilization EmbryoGlue® (Vitrolife, USA)
Simon et al., 2003; Gardner et al., 1999; Vanos et al., 1991; Kem-
mann, 1998; Suchanek et al., 1994; Joly et al., 1992; Gardner, 2003;
Lane et al., 2003; Figueiredo et al., 2002, Miyano et al., 1994; Kano
et al., 1998; Abeydeera, 2002; Jaakma et al., 1997; Furnus et al.,
199 8;J an g et al., 2003.
Tab le 2 . Summary of the drug deliver y applications of hyaluronic acid.
Route Justification Therapeutic agents Publications
Increased ocular residence of drug,
which can lead to increased
Pilocarpine, tropicamide, timolol, gen-
timycin, tobramycin,
arecaidine polyester, (S) aceclidine
Jarvinen et al., 1995; Sasaki et al., 1996; Gurny et al., 1987; Camber
et al., 1987; Camber & Edman, 1989;
Saettone et al., 1994; Saettone et al., 1991; Bucolo et al., 19 98;
Bucolo & Mangiafico, 1999; Herrero -Vanrell et al., 2000; Moreira
et al., 1991; Bernatchez et al., 199 3;
Gandolfi et al., 1992; Langer et al., 1997.
Nasal Bioadhesion resulting in increased
Xylometazoline, vasopressin,
gentamycin Morimoto et al., 1991; Lim et al., 2002.
Pulmonary Absorption enhancer
and dissolution rate modification Insulin Morimoto et al., 2001; Surendrakumar et al., 2003.
Parenteral Drug carrier and facilitator of liposo-
mal entrapment
Taxol, superoxide dismutase,
human recombinant insulin-like
growth factor, doxorubicin
Drobnik, 1991; Sakurai et al., 1997; Luo and Prestwich, 1999; Luo
et al., 2000; Prisell et al., 1992; Yerushalmi et al., 1994; Yerushalmi
& Margalit, 1998; Peer & Margalit, 2000;
Eliaz & Szoka, 2001; Peer et al., 2003.
Implant Dissolution rate modification Insulin Surini et al., 2003; Takayama et al., 1990.
Gene Dissolution rate modification
and protection Plasmid DNA/monoclonal antibodies Yun et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2003.
Tamer Mahmoud Tamer
Hyaluronan and synovial joint
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
Cosmetic uses of hyaluronic acid
HA has been extensively utilized in cosmetic products
because of its viscoelastic properties and excellent bio-
compatibility. Application of HA containing cosmetic
products to the skin is reported to moisturize and restore
elasticity, thereby achieving an antiwrinkle effect, albeit
so far no rigorous scientific proof exists to substantiate
this claim. HA-based cosmetic formulations or sun-
screens may also be capable of protecting the skin against
ultraviolet irradiation due to the free radical scavenging
properties of HA (Manuskiatti & Maibach, 1996).
HA, either in a stabilized form or in combination with
other polymers, is used as a component of commercial
dermal fillers (e.g. Hylaform®, Restylane® and Dermalive®)
in cosmetic surgery. It is reported that injection of such
products into the dermis, can reduce facial lines and
wrinkles in the long term with fewer side-effects and
better tolerability compared with the use of collagen
(Duranti et al., 1998; Bergeret-Galley et al., 2001; Leyden
et al., 2003). The main side-effect may be an allergic reac-
tion, possibly due to impurities present in HA (Schartz,
1997; Glogau, 2000).
Biological function of hyaluronan
Naturally, hyaluronan has essential roles in body func-
tions according to organ type in which it is distributed
(Laurent et al., 1996).
Space fi ller
The specific functions of hyaluronan in joints are still
essentially unknown. The simplest explanation for its
presence would be that a flow of hyaluronan through the
joint is needed to keep the joint cavity open and thereby
allow extended movements of the joint. Hyaluronan is
constantly secreted into the joint and removed by the
synovium. The total amount of hyaluronan in the joint
cavity is determined by these two processes. The half-life
of the polysaccharide at steady-state is in the order of
0.5–1 day in rabbit and sheep (Brown et al., 1991; Fraser
et al., 1993). T he volu me of the cavit y is dete rmi ned by th e
pressure conditions (hydrostatic and osmotic) in the cav-
ity and its surroundings. Hyaluronan could, by its osmotic
contributions and its formation of f low barriers in the
limiting layers, be a regulator of the pressure and f low rate
(McDonald & Leviek, 1995). It is interesting that in fetal
development the formation of joint cavities is parallel with
a local increase in hyaluronan (Edwards et al., 1994).
Hyaluronan has been regarded as an ideal lubricant in
the joints due to its shear-dependent viscosity (Ogston &
Stanier, 1953) but its role in lubrication has been refuted
by others (Radin et al., 1970). However, there are now
reasons to believe that the function of hyaluronan is to
form a film between the cartilage surfaces. The load on
the joints may press out water and low-molecular solutes
from the hyaluronan layer into the cartilage matrix. As a
result, the concentration of hyaluronan increases and a
gel structure of micrometric thickness is formed which
protects the cartilage surfaces from frictional damage
(Hlavacek, 1993). This mechanism to form a protective
layer is much less effective in arthritis when the synovial
hyaluronan has both a lower concentration and a lower
molecular weight than normal. Another change in the
arthritic joint is the protein composition of the synovial
fluid. Fraser et al. (1972) showed more than 40 years ago
that addition of various serum proteins to hyaluronan
substantially increased the viscosity and this has received
a renewed interest in view of recently discovered hyalad-
herins (see above). TSG-6 and inter-α-trypsin inhibitor
and other acute phase reactants such as haptoglobin are
concentrated to arthritic synovial fluid (Hutadilok et al.,
1988). It is not known to what extent these are affecting
the rheology and lubricating properties.
Scavenger functions
Hyaluronan has also been assigned scavenger functions
in the joints. It has been known since the 1940s that
hyaluronan is degraded by various oxidizing systems
and ionizing irradiation and we know today that the
common denominator is a chain cleavage induced by free
radicals, essentially hydroxy radicals (Myint et al., 1987).
Through this reaction hyaluronan acts as a very efficient
scavenger of free radicals. W hether this has any biological
importance in protecting the joint against free radicals is
unknown. The rapid turnover of hyaluronan in the joints
has led to the suggestion that it also acts as a scavenger
for cellular debris (Laurent et al., 1995). Cellular material
could be caught in the hyaluronan network and removed
at the same rate as the polysaccharide (Stankovska et al.,
2007; Rapta, et al., 2009).
Regulation of cellular activities
As discussed above, more recently proposed functions
of hyaluronan are based on its specific interactions with
hyaladherins. One interesting aspect is the fact that hyal-
uronan influences angiogenesis but the effect is different
depending on its concentration and molecular weight
(Satta r et al., 1992). High molecular weight and high
concentrations of the polymer inhibit the formation of
capillaries, while oligosaccharides can induce angiogen-
esis. There are also reports of hyaluronan receptors on
vascular endothelial cells by which hyaluronan could act
on the cells (Edwards et al., 1995). The avascula rity of the
joint cavity could be a result of hyaluronan inhibition of
Another interaction of some interest in the joint
is the binding of hyaluronan to cell surface proteins.
Lymphocytes and other cells may find their way to joints
through this interaction. Injection of high doses of hyal-
uronan intra-articularly could attract cells expressing
these proteins. Cells can also change their expression of
hyaluronan-binding proteins in states of disease, whereby
hyaluronan may inf luence immunological reactions and
cellular traffic in the path of physiological processes
in cells (Edwards et al., 1995). The observation often
Also available online on PubMed Central
Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(3): 111–125
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
reported that intra-articular injections of hyaluronan
alleviate pain in joint disease (Adams, 1993) may indicate
a direct or indirect interaction with pain receptors.
Hyaluronan and synovial uid
In normal/healthy joint, the synovial flu id, which consists
of an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma and glycoproteins con-
tains HA macromolecules of molar mass ranging between
6–10 mega Daltons (Praest et al., 19 97). SF serves al so as a
lubricating and shock absorbing boundary layer between
moving parts of synovial joints. SF reduces friction and
wear and tear of the synovial joint playing thus a vital role
in the lubrication and protection of the joint tissues from
damage during motion (Oates et al., 2002).
As SF of healthy humans exhibits no activity of
hyaluronidase, it has been inferred that oxygen-derived
free radicals are involved in a self-perpetuating process
of HA catabolism within the joint (Grootveld et al.,
1991; Stankovska et al., 2006; Rychly et al., 2006). This
radical-mediated process is considered to account for ca.
twelve-hour half-life of native HA macromolecules in SF.
Acceleration of degradation of high-molecular-weight
HA occurring under inflammation and/or oxidative
stres s is accompanied by impairment and loss of its v isco-
elastic properties (Parsons et al., 2002; Soltes et al., 2005;
Stankovska et al., 2005; Lath et al., 2005; Hrabarova et al.,
2007; Valachova & Soltes, 2010; Valachova et al., 2013a).
Low-molecular weight HA was found to exert different
biological activities compared to the native high-molecu-
lar-weight biopolymer. HA chains of 25–50 disaccharide
units are inflammatory, immune-stimulatory, and highly
angiogenic. HA fragments of this size appear to func-
tion as endogenous danger signals, reflecting tissues
under stress (Noble, 2002; West et al., 1985; Soltes et al.,
2007; Stern et al., 2007; Soltes & Kogan, 2009). Figure5
describes the fragmentation mechanism of HA under free
radical stress.
a. Initiation phase: the intact hyaluronan macromol-
ecule entering the reaction with the HO
formed via the Fenton-like reaction:
+ H
+ HO
+ OH
has its origin due to the oxidative action of
the Weissberger system (see Figure 6)
b. Formation of an alkyl radical (C-centered hyal-
uronan macroradical) initiated by the HO
c. Propagation phase: formation of a peroxy-type
C-macroradical of hyaluronan in a process of
oxygenation after entrapping a molecule of O
d. Formation of a hyaluronan-derived hydroper-
oxide via the reaction with another hyaluronan
e. Formation of highly unstable alkoxy-type
C-macroradical of hyaluronan on undergoing
a redox reaction with a transition metal ion in a
reduced state.
f. Termination phase: quick formation of alkoxy-
type C-fragments and the fragments with a termi-
nal C=O group due to the glycosidic bond scission
of hyaluronan. Alkoxy-type C fragments may
continue the propagation phase of the free-radical
hyaluronan degradation reaction. Both fragments
are represented by reduced molar masses (Kogan,
2011; Rychly et al., 2006; Hrabarova et al., 2012;
Surovcikova et al., 2012; Valachova et al., 2013b;
Banasova et al., 2012).
Several thiol compounds have attracted much atten-
tion from pharmacologists because of their reactivity
toward endobiotics such as hydroxyl radical-derived spe-
cies. Thiols play an important role a s biological reductants
(antioxidants) preserving the redox status of cells and
protecting tissues against damage caused by the elevated
reactive oxygen/nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) levels, by
which oxidative stress might be indicated.
Soltes and his coworkers examined the effect of sev-
eral thiol compounds on inhibition of the degradation
kinetics of a high-molecular-weight HA in vitro. High
molecular weight hyaluronan samples were exposed
to free-radical chain degradation reactions induced by
ascorbate in the presence of Cu(II) ions, the so called
Figure 5. Schematic degradation of HA under free radical stress
(Hrabarova et al., 2012).
Tamer Mahmoud Tamer
Hyaluronan and synovial joint
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
Weissberger’s oxidative system. The concentrations of
both reactants [ascorbate, Cu(II)] were comparable to
those that may occur during an early stage of the acute
phase of joint inflammation (see Figure 6) (Banasova et
al., 2011; Valachova et al., 2011; Soltes et al., 2006a; Soltes
et al., 2006b; Stankovska et al., 2004; Soltes et al., 2006c;
Soltes et al., 2007; Valachova et al., 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011;
2013; Hrabarova et al., 2009, 2011; Rapta et al., 2009; 2010;
Surovcikova-Machova et al., 2012; Banasova et al., 2011;
Drafi et al., 2010; Fisher & Naughton, 2005).
Figure 7 illustrates the dynamic viscosity of hyaluro-
nan solution in the presence and absence of bucillamine,
-penicillamine and -cysteine as inhibitors for free radi-
cal degradation of HA. The study showed that buci llamine
to be both a preventive and chain-breaking antioxidant.
On the other hand, -penicillamine and -cysteine dose
dependently act as scavenger of
OH radicals within the
first 60 min. Then, however, the inhibition activity is lost
and degradat ion of hyaluronan t akes place (Valachova et al.,
2011; Valachova et al., 2009; 2010; Hrabarova et al., 2009).
-Glutathione (GSH; -γ-glutamyl--cysteinyl-glycine;
a ubiquitous endogenous thiol, maintains the intracel-
lular reduction-oxidation (redox) balance and regulates
signaling pathways during oxidative stress/conditions.
GSH is mainly cytosolic in the concentration range of
ca. 1–10 mM; however, in the plasma as well as in SF, the
range is only 1–3 µM (Haddad & Harb, 2005). This unique
thiol plays a crucial role in antioxidant defense, nutrient
metabolism, and in regulation of pathways essential for
the whole body homeostasis. Depletion of GSH results in
an increased vulnerability of the cells to oxidative stress
(Hultberg & Hultberg, 2006).
It was found that -glutathione exhibited the most
significant protective and chain-breaking antioxidative
effect against hyaluronan degradation. Thiol antioxida-
tive activity, in general, can be influenced by many factors
such as various molecule geometry, type of functional
groups, radical attack accessibility, redox potential, thiol
concentration and pK
, pH, ionic strength of solution, as
well as different ability to interact with transition metals
(Hrabarova et al., 2012).
Figure 8 shows the dynamic viscosity versus time
profiles of HA solution stressed to degradation with
Weissberger’s oxidative system. As evident, addition of
different concentrations of GSH resulted in a marked pro-
tection of the HA macromolecules against degradation.
The greater the GSH concentration used, the longer was
the observed stationary interval in the sample viscosity
values. At the lowest GSH concentration used, i.e. 1.0 µM
(Figure 8), the time-dependent course of the HA degrada-
tion was more rapid than that of the reference experiment
with the zero thiol concentration. Thus, one could classify
GSH traces as functioning as a pro-oxidant.
The effectiveness of antioxidant activity of 1,4-dithio-
erythritol expressed as the radical scavenging capacity was
studied by a rotational viscometry method (Hrabarova et
al., 2010). 1,4-dithioerythritol, widely accepted and used
as an effective antioxidant in the field of enzyme and
protein oxidation, is a new potential antioxidant standard
exhibiting very good solubility in a variety of solvents.
Figure 9 describes the effect of 1,4-dithioerythritol on
Cu (I)
Cu (I)
+ Cu(II) + O2
+ Cu(II) + H2 O2
+ H+
Dynamic viscosity [mPa·s]
Time [min]
Time [min]
Time [min]
100 50
Figure 6. Scheme. Generation of H2O2 by Weissberger’s system
from ascorbate and Cu(II) ions under aerobic conditions (Vala-
chova et al., 2011)
Figure 7. E ect of A) L-penicillamine, B) L-cysteine and C) bucillamine with di erent concentrations (50, 100 µM) on HA degradation induced
by the oxidative system containing 1.0 µM CuCl2 + 100 µM ascorbic acid (Valachova et al., 2011).
Also available online on PubMed Central
Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(3): 111–125
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
degradation of HA solution under free radical stress
(Hrabarova et al., 2010).
N-Acetyl--cysteine (NAC), another significant pre-
cursor of the GSH biosynthesis, has broadly been used as
effective antioxidant in a form of nutritional supplement
(Soloveva et al., 2007; Thibodeau et al., 2001). At low con-
centrations, it is a powerful protec tor of α
against the enzyme inactivation by HOCl. NAC reacts
with HO
radicals and slowly with H
; however, no
reaction of this endobiotic with superoxide anion radical
was detected (Aruoma et al., 1989).
Investigation of the antioxidative effect of N-Acet yl-
-cysteine. Unlike -glutathione, N-acetyl--cysteine was
fo u nd to ha ve pr ef er en ti al t en de nc y t o r ed uc e C u( II ) i on s to
Cu(I), forming N-acetyl--cysteinyl radical that may sub-
sequently reac t with molecular O
to gi ve O
(Sol oveva et
al., 2007; Thibodeau et al., 2001). Contrary to -cysteine,
NAC (25 and 50 µM), when added at the beginning of the
reaction, ex hibited a clear antioxidat ive effect withi n ca. 60
and 80 min, respectively (Figure 10A). Subsequently, NAC
exerted a modest pro-oxidative effect, more profound
at 25-µM than at 100-µM concentration (Figure 10A).
Dynamic viscosity [mPa·s]
Time [min]
Time [min]
0 60 120 180 240 300
Dynamic viscosity [mPa·s]
Time [min]
0 60 120 180 240 300
Dynamic viscosity [mPa·s]
Time [min]
Figure 8. Comparison of the e ect of L-glutathione on HA deg-
radation induced by the system containing 1.0 µM CuCl2 plus
100 µM L-ascorbic acid. Concentration of L-glutathione in µM:
1–1.0; 2–10; 3, 4, 5–50, 100, and 200. Concentration of reference
experiment: 0–nil thiol concentration (Hrabarova et al., 2009;
Valachova et al., 2010a).
Figure 9. E ect of 1,4-dithioerythritol (1) on HA degradation
induced by Weissberger’s oxidative system (0) (Hrabarova et al.,
Figure 10. Evaluation of antioxidative e ects of N-acetyl-L-cysteine against high-molar-mass hyaluronan degradation in vitro induced by
Weissberger´s oxidative system. Reference sample (black): 1 µM Cu(II) ions plus 100 µM ascorbic acid; nil thiol concentration. N-Acetyl-L-
cysteine addition at the onset of the reaction (A) and after 1 h (B) (25, 50,100 µM). (Hrabarova et al., 2012).
Tamer Mahmoud Tamer
Hyaluronan and synovial joint
ISSN: 1337-6853 (print version) | 1337-9569 (electronic version)
Application of NAC 1 h after the onset of the reaction
(Figure 10B) revealed its partial inhibitory effect against
formation of the peroxy-type radicals, independently
from the concentration applied (Hrabarova et al., 2012).
An endogenous amine, cysteamine (CAM) is a cystine-
depleting compound with antioxidative and anti-inflam-
matory properties; it is used for treatment of cystinosis – a
metabolic disorder caused by deficiency of the lysosomal
cystine carrier. CAM is widely distributed in organisms
and considered to be a key regulator of essential metabolic
pathways (Kessler et al., 2008).
Investigation of the antioxidative effect of cysteamine.
Cysteamine (100 µM), when added before the onset of the
reaction, exhibited an antioxidative effect very similar to
that of GSH (Figure 8A and Figure 11A). Moreover, the
same may be concluded when applied 1 h after the onset
of the reaction (Figure 11B) at the two concentrations (50
and 100 µM), suggesting that CAM may be an excellent
scavenger of peroxy radicals generated during the peroxi-
dative degradation of HA (Hrabarova et al., 2012).
The author would like to thank the Institute of
Experimental Pharmacology & Toxicology for having
invited him and oriented him in the field of medical
research. He would also like to thank Slovak Academic
Information Agency (SAIA) for funding him during his
work in the Institute.
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Also available online on PubMed Central
Interdisciplinary Toxicology. 2013; Vol. 6(3): 111–125
Copyright © 2013 SETOX & Institute of E xperimental Pharmacol ogy and Toxicology, SASc.
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