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To improve kinetic flotation models, many first-order flotation kinetics models with distributions of flotation rate constants were redefined so that they could all be represented by the same set of three model parameters. As a result, the width of the distribution become independent of its mean, and parameters of the model and the curve fitting errors, became virtually the same, independent of the chosen distribution function. In our case, investigations of the chalcopyrite ores are carried out using the Classical model, Klimpel Model and fully mixed model. According to the experimental results obtained in laboratory, the Classical model is most appropriate for presentation of kinetic flotation, especially by means of MATLAB modeling.
Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 12 – 16, 2013
A. Krstev, B. Krstev, Z. Zdravev, Ferat Sala, J. Zivanovik, Z. Gocev
1University “Goce Delchev”, Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Shtip, R. of Macedonia
2Mine Bucim, Radovis, R. of Macedonia
3University “Goce Delchev”, Faculty of Computer Science, Shtip, R. of Macedonia
4University Prishtina, Faculty of Geoscience, Mitrovica
ABSTRACT. To improve kinetic flotation models, many first-order flotation kinetics models with distributions of flotation rate constants were redefined so that they could
all be represented by the same set of three model parameters. As a result, the width of the distribution become independent of its mean, and parameters of
the model and the curve fitting errors, became virtually the same, independent of the chosen distribution function. In our case, investigations of the chalcopyrite ores are
carried out using the Classical model, Klimpel Model and fully mixed model. According to the experimental results obtained in laboratory, the Classical model is most
appropriate for presentation of kinetic flotation, especially by means of MATLAB modeling.
KEYWORDS: investigation, modelling, kinetic, Matlab, Bucim
In the possible and existing equations for flotation kinetic the
assumption is such that velocity coefficient for anyonessulphide
minerals (for example chalcopyrite or galena) is the constant k. The
huge number of investigators, as A. Gupta, D.S. Јuanhad calculated
the number of group models (
grouped tests for flotation
) or
cumulative flotation from first order considering the following models:
Clasical kinetic model, I=Io[1-e-kt]
Klimpel kinetic model, I=Io[1- )]
Kelsal kinetic model, I = (io-)(1- )+ (1- )
Modified Kelsal kinetic model Gama model from Loveday,
Innou, I=Io(1-( )P)
The mentioned kinetic models are appropriate for presentation of
the main flotation charascteristic,
the flotation kinetic
, very important
for everyone project solution or assumption for good and sure
flotation performance. According to the existing or previous kinetic
investigations for kinetic flotation (Clasical kinetic model) for different
sulphide minerals, the above mentioned models and constant k for
copper mineral will have the following equation (chalcopyrite):
I = Io [1-e-kt] = 89.25 [1 – e- 1.025xt]
According to the existing or previous kinetic investigations for
kinetic flotation (Clasical kinetic model) for different oxide - sulphide
minerals, the above mentioned models and constant k for copper
mineral will have the following equation (65% chalcopyrite and 35%
oxide minerals as cuprite, azurite, malachite):
I = Io [1-e-kt] = 73.5 [1 – e- 0.56xt]
According to the existing or previous kinetic investigations for
kinetic flotation (Clasical kinetic model) for different oxide - sulphide
minerals, the above mentioned models and constant k for copper
mineral will have the following equation (65% chalcopyrite and 35%
oxide minerals as cuprite, azurite, malachite), but with application of
process of sulphidization with Na2S, (NH4)2SO4, NH2SO4 :
I = Io [1-e-kt] = 74.2 [1 – e- 0.61xt]
Kinetic flotation modeling of chalco pyrite using software
The applicatible software packete for kinetic flotation modeling in
MATLAB®(R) GUI, will be shown for concrete examples for copper
minerals flotation (chalcopyrite ores or mixed oxide – sulphide ores)
enabling appropriate tabular or graphic presentation for Clasical
kinetic model (I. Brezani, F. Zelenek), determining the constant kin
the function of the time frequency of the useful reagent addition.
Fig. 1 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Fig. 2 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Fig. 3 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 12 – 16, 2013
Fig. 4 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Fig. 5 Results in total
Comparison of the kinetic models (Classical, Klimpel andFully
mixed model) for constant
and flotation time
Fig. 6 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Fig. 7 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Fig. 8 Kinetic presentation by Matlab
Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 12 – 16, 2013
Tabl. 1Comparison of the kinetic models for flotation kinetic
(I%) Classical
Fully mixed
Time (s) Mineral (%) Mineral (%) Mineral (%)
60 0.5723 0.3342 0.4407
120 0.7776 0.5132 0.5901
180 0.8513 0.6157 0.6652
240 0.8777 0.6784 0.7104
300 0.8872 0.7194 0.7407
360 0.8906 0.7477 0.7623
420 0.8918 0.7682 0.7785
480 0.8923 0.7837 0.7911
540 0.8924 0.7958 0.8012
720 0.8925 0.8199 0.8223
According to the experimental results obtained in laboratory and
industrial conditions, the Classical model is most appropriate for
presentation of kinetic flotation, especially by means of MATLAB
Brezani, I. Zelenak, F., (2010). MATLAB® tool for determining first
order flotation kinetic constants., Institute of Montanneous
Sciences and Environmental Protection. Technical University of
Kosice,BERG Faculty,
Brezani, i. Zelenak, f., (2010). Matlab® tool for modeling first order
flotation kinetics., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and
Environmental Protection. Technical University of Kosice,BERG
Evgun L., Ekmekci Z., Gülsoy Ö., Benzur H., (2004). “Modelling and
Simulation of Grinding Circuit in Magneuli Copper Concentrator”,
Physicochemical Problems in Mineral Proceding, 38(2004), 231-
240, USA.
Krstev A. PhD Thessis, 2012.
Herbst, J. A. (1982). “The Application of Modern Control Theory to
Mineral Processing Operations”, Proceedings 12th CMMI
Congress. H. W. Glen, Editor, South Africa Inst. Min. Metall.,
Johannesburg, 779-823.
... Several authors have investigated the first order flotation kinetics models [1], [6], [8], [10], [12]- [13]. Among those models, the classic model is investigated for our study and according to this model; we have calculated the first order rate constant k from equation (2). ...
Full-text available
Copper and cobalt are two major metals used in industry. They play a role in widely many domains like that electricity, chemistry and electrochemistry. They are contained into several minerals like chalcopyrite, carrolite, chalcocite, etc. associated to pyrite. The froth flotation and behaviors of chalcocite and carrolite were investigated through many flotation tests in order to recovery copper and cobalt. This paper investigates the effect of potassium amyl xanthate (PAX) and sodium dibutyl dithiophosphate (DANA) performance on both copper and cobalt recovery in single roughing flotation. The effect of pH on the flotation is proposed. Some parameters were kept constant such as particle size d80=75 μm, pulp density 10% solids, impeller speed 1300 rpm, and PAX doses of DANA (105 g/t per each) as collectors, dose of DF250 (5 drops) as frother, dose of Na2SiO3 (200 g/t) as dispersant and depressant. Only the pulp pH was varied from the natural pH to 11, using Ca(OH)2 as regulator. According to results, PAX (105 g/t) was found as the best collector for recovery of copper both at natural pH and pH=11. At natural pH, the concentrate was found at 16.1% copper recovery with a yield of 99.63%. At pH=11, the concentrate was found at 16.1% copper recovery with a yield of 99.05%. For the recovery of cobalt, DANA (105 g/t) was found better as the collector at natural pH producing a concentrate at 0.51% cobalt recovery yield of 76.48%. At pH=11, PAX (105 g/t) was found better as the collector. The concentrate was found at 0.91% cobalt with a recovery yield of 85.13%.
In this study, modelling and simulation studies to improve the performance of grinding circuit of Madneuli Copper Flotation Plant in Georgia were presented. After detailed sampling surveys, size distribution and solids content of the samples were determined. Then, mass balance of the circuit was calculated using these data. The results showed that the existing performance of the plant was not good and required to be improved. Using the data obtained, the models were developed for the mills and classifiers used in the circuits. Finally, several alternatives for a better performance were evaluated by using computer simulation. The results showed that the performance of the circuit could be improved and energy consumption in the grinding circuit could also be decreased.
The Application of Modern Control Theory to Mineral Processing Operations
  • J A Herbst
Herbst, J. A. (1982). "The Application of Modern Control Theory to Mineral Processing Operations", Proceedings 12 th CMMI Congress. H. W. Glen, Editor, South Africa Inst. Min. Metall., Johannesburg, 779-823. .
MATLAB® tool for determining first order flotation kinetic constants., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and Environmental Protection Matlab® tool for modeling first order flotation kinetics
  • I Brezani
  • F Zelenak
  • Berg Faculty
  • Brezani
  • Zelenak
Brezani, I. Zelenak, F., (2010). MATLAB® tool for determining first order flotation kinetic constants., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and Environmental Protection. Technical University of Kosice,BERG Faculty, Brezani, i. Zelenak, f., (2010). Matlab® tool for modeling first order flotation kinetics., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and Environmental Protection. Technical University of Kosice,BERG Faculty,
MATLAB® tool for determining first order flotation kinetic constants., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and Environmental Protection
  • I Brezani
  • F Zelenak
Brezani, I. Zelenak, F., (2010). MATLAB® tool for determining first order flotation kinetic constants., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and Environmental Protection. Technical University of Kosice,BERG Faculty, Brezani, i. Zelenak, f., (2010). Matlab® tool for modeling first order flotation kinetics., Institute of Montanneous Sciences and Environmental Protection. Technical University of Kosice,BERG Faculty,