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Problems And Issues On The
Implementation Of Quality Management System In
Construction Projects
Noor Sahidah Samsudin1, Seti Mariam Ayop2, SitiSuhaidah Sahab3 and Zulhabri Ismail4
Centre of Construction Studies,
Faculty of Architecture Planning & Surveying 1,2,3,4
Research Management Institute 4
UniversitiTeknologi MARA (UiTM) Malaysia,
40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia,
Abstract—Quality Management System (QMS) is part of the
commitment made by the construction industry in Malaysia to
show their interest in the project quality delivery. Enforcement
by CIDB Malaysia towards G7contractor to compulsorily be
certified with ISO certification had made rapid changes in the
industry. The acceptance is not as wide as in other industries due
to the special features in the industry that limit the
implementation of the system. This paper presents part of the
research which investigates what are the problems and issue that
are affecting the implementation of Quality Management System
(QMS) in construction project. A quantitative research
approaches were appliedin this research.The findings reveals
evidenced that there are several critical problems and issues in
conjunction with the adoption of QMS in the Construction
Industry. This fact has been agreed by a numbers of CIDB Grade
7 ISO certified contractors. Perceiving at a wider perspective, the
findings retrieved from the research could provide visible
prospect at minimizing the identified problems and issues in the
Keywords-Quality Management System (QMS); Project Quality
Plan (PQP); Quality Assurance Quality Control (QAQC); Internal
Quality Audit (IQA); Problems and Issues.
Quality is one of the project success factors that always
become an issue upon the completion of a project. Quality was
defined by reference [1] as the degree of excellence,
conformance with requirements, the totality of characteristic of
an entity that bear its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs
and fitness for useMalaysian construction industry
continuously put the great effort in dealing with construction
quality issue. A good example ismade previously by SIRIM
Berhad on the introduction of ISO to the construction industry.
On December 6, 2006, CIDB’S circular stated that all G7
contractors are required to obtain ISO 9001:2000 certifications
effective on 1st January 2009. However, after considering the
request by contractors who are at that time still in the process
of certification, the Minister of Works has agreed to postpone
the enforcement of the ISO 9001:2000 certification for another
six (6) months and with the new effective date will be 1st July
2009. With that, CIDB is urging all G7 contractors to make full
use of the extension period to obtain the ISO certification in
order to maintain their G7 registration with CIDB. Failure at
obtaining ISO 9000 certification will withdraw the contractors’
eligibility to be granted with project worth RM10 million and
above; besides being demoted into G6 contractor.As a result to
the enforcement, the construction industry in Malaysia shows
and increasing number of contractor obtained certification of
ISO 9000 Quality management system [2].
Even though the enforcement on the implementation of ISO
certification to all Grade 7 contractors had been put into effort,
there is still problems and issue that need to be address. The
industry is still facing problems in the implementation of QMS
[3].This is due to many problems and issues that arise in the
organization level as well as in the project level. As according
to scholar [4], study on the project-based QMS is lagging
behind. As construction is a project-based business, it is
appropriate to study QMS in the project level. Issues and
problems that arise during the project level should be identified
to help project managers and contractors to have plan of
actions when facing such issues and problems.
Therefore, this paper investigate what are the issues and
problems that affecting the implementation of QMS in the
construction project especially those project that undertake by
Grade 7 ISO certified contractor. The objective of the research
is to investigate and validate the issue and problems that
affecting the implementation of QMS in construction project
carried out by Grade 7 ISO certified contractor mainly in Klang
In the real world, ‘Project-based QMS’ doesnot exist since
any quality system is basically an organization oriented.
Nevertheless, this condition is not applicable in the
construction industry since construction is a project-based
industry that hire various different parties to cooperate together
to achieve the desired quality of the final products. Other than
that, construction project is unique from one to another which
makes them always different from others. A single system
definitely will have a problem to suit a different project.
According to [2], the QMS implementation during its infancy
This research is funded by Research Intensive Faculty Grant No 600-
RMI/DANA 5/3/RIF (213/2012), Research Management Institute (RMI),
UniversitiTeknologi MARA (UiTM)
2012 IEEE Symposium on Business, Engineering and Industrial Applications
978-1-4577-1634-8/12/$26.00 ©2012 IEEE 684
stage in the construction industry is totally dependent on
relationships, attitudes and communication and not the
documented framework in which the QMS processes are
controlled. Basically, according to [5] there are three levels of
Quality Management System in the construction industry
namely QMS system for the construction industry, QMS
system for a construction company and Quality plan for a
For the purpose of this paper, the three Quality
Management System activities will be used to identify what
sort of problem that the contractor faced during the project
implementation stage namely Project Quality Plan (PQP),
Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) and finally
Internal Quality Audit (IQA).
A. Project Qualit Plan (PQP)
Project Quality Plan (PQP) is define as a document where a
party has to submit to the client to demonstrate the
commitment to complete a project or contract in a manner that
will satisfy the client’s requirements or in quality term, the
work had achieved the quality standard [6]. At the project
level, quality management system requires PQP as part of the
system. A study by [4] shows that being a project-based quality
management system document which originated from ISO
9000 standards, PQP is designed to ensure the success of
quality programme at project level.
B. Quality Assurance Quality Control
Quality Assurance (QA) is a set of activities whose purpose
is to demonstrate that an entity meets all quality requirements
[7]. QA activities are carried out in construction projects to
inspire the confidence of stakeholders in meeting the quality
requirements.Meanwhile, Quality Control (QC) is the set of
activities or techniques whose purpose is to ensure that all
quality requirements are being met. In order to achieve QC,
processes are monitored and performance problems are solved
[7]. Quality Control (QC) is concerned with actual
measurement, testing or supervision of manufacturers’ own
final product control, either by inspection of each unit or by
sample testing.The main objective of construction QA/QC is to
independently assure that the activities of a specific project are
being performed in accordance with all contractual
specifications, codes and standards or government regulations
C. Internal Quality Audit (IQA)
Scholar [1] states that the main purpose of an Internal
Quality Audit (IQA) is to determine whether the QMS is
effective in maintaining control to meet the resultant products
and services of the specified requirements and achieving the
prescribed quality objectives and establish through unbiased
means, factual information on quality performance. Scholar [9]
explained that IQA will ensure that the QMS is effectively
implemented. It must be conducted in all departments and
projects at regular intervals.
There are many problems and issues that were identified
based on the literature review which prevents the QMS to be
successfully implemented in the construction project. Some of
the related problems and issues that being faced in the QMS
implementation especially in project level are, QMS are seen as
a marketing tool, issue of knowledge and experience, issue on
training, motivation factors and qualification of quality
consultant in internal audit.
A. QMS as Marketing Tools
A study conducted in the United Kingdom by [10] shows
that some of the construction industry clients made quality
management system as a compulsory whereby the contractors
must implement ISO quality system in their organizations to
qualify for bidding process. As a consequence to that, a
tremendous impact was observed with more and more
contractors seeking for ISO certification. QMS is seen as a
marketing tool to the contractor to at least qualify on the early
stage of winning a construction project. The impact to this
action is that the contractors are not actually willing to change
and adopt such tools, it only as a requirement to them in order
to take part in the project.
Other opinion by [11] said that marketing and customers’
insistence have become the key factors driving the ISO
Implementation, which are generally short-lived. As a result
the implementation of the ISO system will not earn benefit to
the company and neither will satisfy the requirements of the
customer. Experience of other countries such as United
Kingdom, Singapore and Hong Kong revealed that, due to the
globalization, quality management system implementation was
very encouraging at the initial stage but over a time period
became burdensome to all parties involved if the right
approaches were not adopted [[10]; [12]; [13]]. The
requirement from the Government according to [12] is the
prime reason for seeking certification. As what happen in
Malaysia for instance is that the Construction Industry
Development Board had make an announcement on the
compulsory of G7 contractor to be awarded with ISO
B. Knowledges and experience
Knowledge is defined as detailed familiarity with, or
understanding of, a person, thing or situation by Oxford
English Dictionary. It can include facts and information, as
well as understanding that are gained through experience,
education or reason. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or
expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a
subject); and it can be more or less formal or systematic.
Meanwhile experience were defined as a general concept
comprises knowledge of or skill in or observation of something
or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to
that thing or event
The lack of knowledge and experience during the
implementation of PQPwere some of the construction
personnel did not well expose to the PQP document. It takes
time for them to fully understand on the document and the
system. Some of the personnel in a project were appointed in
the contractual scheme, where once the projects finish, the
personnel service contract will be terminated. Other than that,
[8] said that the quality conscious construction stakeholders
believe that the essence of true QA/QC is in constant
inspection along with project quality teams having a deep
knowledge of the QA/QC procedures. However, with lack of
experience on ISO quality implementation, the construction
participants are floundered with several performance-related
problems [14]. Some of the QAQC personnel are not coming
from construction background which this will lead to
misunderstanding on the construction project quality
requirement. Additional to that, with limited number of quality
assurance/quality control (QA/QC) personnel which were
responsible for an increasingly large workload involving many
more complex practices than found in traditional construction
C. Motivation
The levels of motivation of employees are also reviewed by
[15] in their research. A study in Indonesia had proven that
motivation can actually influence the industry which actually
reflects on the implementation of QMS. Studies show that the
key to motivating employees is therefore to find proper ways to
satisfy their needs [16]. An example for the most powerful
motivational factor to improve company’s quality performance
is by providing a well-designed reward system, such as a
financial bonus or career promotion. Strong motivation driven
from all levels of management is, in fact, very important to
encourage employees to be fully involved in the company’s
quality system [[17]; [18]]. As agreed by [2] that incentives,
either monetary or otherwise by job guarantees and forms of
appreciation should be given to the construction team for
successfully performing the work in accordance to the QMS
requirements. All benefits that the company gained during the
implementation of the QMS should be publicized to dispel the
fear and misunderstanding of other companies on the
implementation of the QMS
D. Training
According to [19] it is crucial for a successful ISO-driven
QMS implementation, that management allocates financial
resources for several rounds of quality training. For example,
the prospective quality manager needs training to become a
lead auditor (if he/she does not already have such training),
members of the quality management and operational teams
require training on developing quality documentation, and
process control skills are required by operational staff and
According to [15] top management needs to be convinced
of the underlying concepts of ISO 9000 and its benefits if
properly implemented and operated. The quality management
team should have the skills to assist the quality manager in
ensuring that the operation of a company’s QMS complies with
all of the ISO 9000 requirements. In addition, technical
employees and site operatives also need concentrated training
on how to properly carry out specified works on construction
projects to a high standard.
It is proved proven by [21]that a majority of the companies
acknowledged the importance of having trained internal
auditors and had sent their staff for external training. All staff,
including the management, need to attend internal quality audit
training so that there will be true feedback of the quality
management system strength and weakness. Based on the
KLIA experience, it shows that training can constructively
make a rapid change to the perception of the QMS and a rapid
development of the skill to implement the QMS [2]
E. Quality Audit
Checking and monitoring on QMS implementation can be
achieved through a properly conducted Internal Quality Audit
[20]. The presence of quality auditor during internal audit
becomes the key to measure the successful implementation of
QMS in the construction project. In conjunction to that, the
quality consultants might further worsen the situation as many
of them do not have construction background, hence do not
understand the construction process [21]. Other than that, the
organizations will normally be trapped in the vicious circle of
compliance that is inflexible and put much emphasis on
bureaucracy, paperwork and deficiency in quality improvement
[11]. Understanding on the paperwork is vital in order to the
auditor to truly understand what actually the quality
management system is meant for. Lack of detailed instructions
and guidelines for defining and designing quality management
system documentation and other omissions causes some
construction firms to encounter difficulty in properly
implementing their quality systems [22].
To ensure the smooth run of the implementation of the
QMS, auditing has to be carried out frequently. Inconsistency
in auditing will lead to lost control over performance and the
quality of the work, results the failure to accomplish the work
in time and to the specification [2].
Quantitative research approaches wereapplied in this
research.The researchwas conductedamong the Malaysian
Grade 7 contractor in Klang Valley. A total number of 23
problems and issues thatbeen retrieved from the literature
review. The identified problems and issues were grouped into
five specific categories; namely QMS as marketing tools,
knowledge and experience, motivation, training and quality
audit. Sets of research questionnaires were distributed to 150
contractors through postal mail. Post-paid envelopes were
provided as a strategy to stimulate the possibility of abstracting
a ‘filled and responded’ questionnaire. The respondents were
of contractors that are operating within Klang Valley vicinity
and had obtained their ISO certification as listed in the CIDB
websites. They were the Project Manager, Project Engineer,
Quality personnel and supervisors.
Out of 150 selected contractors, only 39 contractors replied
and responded to the survey questionnaire. Out of the number
of replies, 31 responded through postal mails and 8 had
responded via e-mails. These were used as the basis of the
analysis for this research.
As retrieved from the literature review, it was discovered
that there are 23 problems and issues that been identified. The
retrieved variables were grouped into five (5) classifications as
follow: QMS as marketing tools (B), Knowledge and
Experience (C), Motivation (D), Training (E) and Quality
Audit (F). The data were analyzed and summarized into Table
I-V.Alpha Combach’s test was taken to determine the
reliability of the scale. The test evidences that the data
retrieved is acceptable when its mean is equal or more than
0.6. The selected respondents are of personnel with
construction related education background. 95 per cent of the
personnel are those who are equipped with 2 years working
experiences. Other than that, variety answers were received
from the respondents, depending on the positions that they are
obligated such as manager, engineer and quality personnel.
This offers an advantage at extracting the best input from the
best personnel that are practicing QMS in handling
construction project. Ultimately, they were the best person to
convey matters pertaining to the implementation of QMS in
the industry.
No Problems and Issue Mean Scale Description
QMS was set by the client as a
compulsory requirement in order for
the contractor to be qualified in the
bidding process.
3.54 4 Agree
B2 ISO Certification as eligible entity to
be granted a project 3.69 4 Agree
Contractor with ISO certification
possess a better image compared to
non-certified company.
4.33 5 Strongly
QMS as a requirement by the
government to qualify for a bigger
4.31 5 Strongly
Table I shows mean value score of factor B1-B4. Factor B1
and B2 were agreed by all respondents with mean value score
of 3.54 and 3.69 respectively. Meanwhile factor B3 and B4
were strongly agreed by respondents with mean value score of
4.33 and 4.31 respectively.
No Problems and Issue Mean Scale Description
Construction personnel are not well
exposed to Quality Management
3.31 4 Agree
Appointment based on contractual
scheme causing construction
personnel who directly involve with a
project have limited time in
experiencing the system
3.28 4 Agree
Limited knowledge on the Quality
Assurance and Quality Control
(QAQC) procedure
3.33 4 Agree
C4 QAQC personnel are not from
construction background 2.77 3 Average
C5 QAQC personnel responsible for
large workload 3.26 4 Agree
Difficulty in understanding ISO and
QMS terminology used in the
Construction project
2.97 3 Average
Table II summarized mean value score of factor C1-C6. Factor
C1, C2, C3 and C5 were agreed by the respondents with mean
value score of 3.31, 3.28, 3.33 and 3.26 respectively.
Meanwhile factor C4 and C6 were rated as average with mean
value score of 2.77 and 2.97 respectively.
No Problems and Issue Mean Scale Description
D1 Motivation has a big influence in 3.87 4 Agree
QMS implementation on project level
Top management of your company
possess a proper way to satisfy
employees needs
3.79 4 Agree
Top management of your company
providing a well-designed reward
3.33 4 Agree
Incentives such as monetary or job
guarantees will help the project team
to perform QMS wisely
3.28 4 Agree
QMS sometimes cause
misunderstandings to the project team
3.13 4 Agree
Table III summarized the mean value score of factor D1-D5.
All factors D1-D5 were rated as agreed by the respondents.
With mean value score ranging from 3.87 to 3.13.
No Problems and Issue Mean Scale Description
E1 Top management allocates financial
resources for quality training 3.56 4 Agree
Short term training on QMS
implementation is important to
educate construction project teams
4.00 5 Strongly
Identification of the strength and
weakness of QMS by attending
internal quality audit training
4.05 5 Strongly
E4 Training can change the negative
perception of QMS 4.13 5 Strongly
E5 There is a need to introduce QMS at
the university level 3.95 4 Agree
The mean value score for E1 to E5 were summarized in Table
IV. Factors E1 and E 5 were rated as agreed. Meanwhile E2 to
E4 were rated as strongly agreed. The mean value score for
each factor were shown in the Table IV.
No Problems and Issue Mean Scale Description
F1 Some of the quality consultant do
not have construction background 3.77 4 Agree
Quality consultant do not understand
on the QMS paperwork which
created for constriction project
3.15 4 Agree
F3 The consistency of auditing is
important 4.26 5 Strongly
The mean value score for F1 to F3 were summarized in Table
IV. Factors F1 and F2 were rated as agreed with mean value
score of 3.77 and 3.15 respectively. Meanwhile F3 were rated
as strongly agreed by the respondents with the highest mean
value score of 4.26.
The analysis had shown that 91.3 per centof all of the
problems and issues gained the mean score more than three as
illustrated in Table I-V. Only two problems andissues scored
score a mean value below than three as Table II
displayedabbreviated as factor C4 and factor C6 with the mean
value of 2.77 and 2.97 respectively. The problem and issues
are ‘QAQC personnel are not from the construction
background’ and ‘Difficulty in understanding ISO and QMS
terminology used in the construction project’.
As agreed by [3], QMS application was discovered can
enhances the image and reputation of an organization.
However, some organization does not have the ability to carry
out the granted project. The findingsurge that there is a great
need of perspective renewal among the contractors. Thereby,
the mindsets of the contractor need to be transformed from
treating QMS as their marketing tools to QMS as their
precious asset. In reality, most of the top management in the
construction industry was being ignorant at allocating fund for
training purposes, perceiving that would add additional
spending to the company cash-flow. Therefore, education on
the system is needed by providing short term training and
early education such as in undergraduates’ program.This is
essential, to provide the undergraduate students who soon will
engage in construction arena with a better exposure and to
mould the construction players’ prospect on the crucial need
of equipping the industry with QMS.
On the other side, it is important that the quality personnel
should at least possess construction background or experience
in the construction industry. Their eligibility shall be elevated
as to ensure a better understanding on the need of the system
can be performed and the hassles of implementing the system
can be minimized.The quality auditing should consistently be
carried out in order to ensure that the standard of system can
be maintained and there is always a room for continuous
improvement. Apart from that, motivation factor plays an
important role to ensure job success. It influences a lot
especially in hectic working environment just like construction
project. The most suggested by providing motivational booster
elements such as reward system or incentives to ensure the
team could actually enjoy the benefits of the system.
Finally is knowledge and experience on the system as well
as the industry. Some of the quality personnel appointed are
not from construction background which they are not fully
understand on the terminologies used in the system. Addition
to that, heavy workloads can cause hardship at performing a
better focus, resulting in a lower standard of work. The
industry practice of appointment based on contractual scheme
cause project personnel to have not enough time to experience
the whole system of QMS. This especially refers to young
construction personnel that usually jumping from one project
to another to seek for better opportunity. Their knowledge and
experience on the system is limited.
Obviously, almost all of the problems and issues that had
been investigated were rated as agreed or strongly agreed by
the respondent. This portrays the validity of each problems
and issue that become the barriers for QMS to be implemented
wisely in the construction project. It is therefore believes that
by tackling the problems and issues in implementing QMS in
the construction project as early as possible the contractor can
actually enjoy the benefits of the system. This investigation
actually provides guidelines to the industry players on what
should be done before executing a construction project with
regards to the QMS implementation.
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