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MEDICINAL CHINESE TEAS: review or their health benefits with a focus on fermented tea.


Abstract and Figures

Tea has been enjoyed globally for centuries as a beverage and for its unique medicinal properties. Scientific investigations of the active chemical compounds in tea and their biological mechanisms of action support continued human studies on the prevention and amelioration of chronic diseases. The distinction between different types of teas and their reported health benefits can often be misleading and has been reviewed herein to highlight physical and chemical differences. Because the enzymatic oxidation process is often mistakenly referred to as fermentation, the term "post-fermented" is used to distinguish between teas that have undergone an open-air microbial fermentation step from those teas that have been oxidized only. These post-fermented teas have been ignored largely by Western researchers and are presented as a novel focus area of this review. The emphasis on fuzhuan tea is a result of research conducted in China that suggests that the active components of this tea differ from the catechins and L-theanine that contribute to the bioactivity of green, black, and other kinds of tea. Observational human data suggest that this tea may have unique health properties and that it merits future controlled human clinical trials on the prevention, control, and treatment of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.
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42 ISSUE 94 2012
A review of their
health benefits
with a focus on
fermented tea
According to Chinese lore, tea was first discovered nearly 5,000
years ago when leaves from a nearby tea tree blew into a cup of
warm water belonging to the emperor Shen Nong. From its ancient
origins, tea consumption has grown and it is now second only to
water in worldwide beverage consumption. It continues to gain
popularity in North America because of reported health benefits,
including weight loss, chemoprevention, improved immune func-
tion, and decreased risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.1-4
Despite its widespread and rapidly growing popularity, there is
considerable confusion regarding what constitutes a tea, differ-
ences among types and processing of teas, and their level of oxida-
tion and fermentation. This review is intended to clarify these
important distinctions and to introduce fuzhuan tea (also called
Golden Flower, Hu Nan Hei Cha, Huajuan, and Hu or Fu Brick
tea), a unique type of post-fermented tea from China. Observa-
tional results from Asian populations who eat high-fat, meat-based
diets, but also consume fuzhuan tea daily, strongly suggest lipid
Tea has been enjoyed globally for centuries as a beverage and for its unique medicinal properties. Scientific investigations of
the active chemical compounds in tea and their biological mechanisms of action support continued human studies on the preven-
tion and amelioration of chronic diseases. The distinction between different types of teas and their reported health benefits can
often be misleading and has been reviewed herein to highlight physical and chemical differences. Because the enzymatic oxida-
tion process is often mistakenly referred to as fermentation, the term “post-fermented” is used to distinguish between teas that
have undergone an open-air microbial fermentation step from those teas that have been oxidized only. These post-fermented teas
have been ignored largely by Western researchers and are presented as a novel focus area of this review. The emphasis on fuzhuan
tea is a result of research conducted in China that suggests that the active components of this tea differ from the catechins and
L-theanine that contribute to the bioactivity of green, black, and other kinds of tea. Observational human data suggest that this
tea may have unique health properties and that it merits future controlled human clinical trials on the prevention, control, and
treatment of cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.
By Tiffany L. Weir, PhD; Yabei
Hu, MS; Elizabeth P. Ryan,
PhD; Donghe Fu, PhD; Wenjun
Xiao, PhD; Wenying Lin, OMD,
FABORM, LAc; Paul V. Murray,
LAc, FABORM, CNC; Randall
Snook, MD
Scientists from Hunan City University prepare experimentally fermented fuzhuan tea for taste-testing.
Photo ©2012 Tiffany Weir
protective/lowering effects of this tea.5, 6 These observations have
led to pre-clinical studies in models of hyperlipidemia.5,6 Human
observational studies in the United States are underway to address
whether fuzhuan tea can alter blood lipid profiles (i.e., lowering
low-density lipoprotein [LDL], raising high-density lipoprotein
[HDL], altering particle size). Accumulating scientific evidence
suggests that this post-fermented tea may become a viable alter-
native to statins and other medications. It may have utility as a
dietary supplement for individuals with elevated cholesterol who
are at high risk for cardiovascular disease and plan to manage
disease risk without medication.7
Tea Origins and Processing
Tea is a beverage made from the leaves, buds, stems, and nodes
of the plant Camellia sinensis (Theaceae), an evergreen shrub
originating from Southeast Asia, which is now cultivated in
tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Beverages made of
chamomile (Matricaria recutita, Asteraceae), echinacea (Echinacea
purpurea, Asteraceae), yerba mate (llex paraguariensis, Aquifolia-
ceae), and other herbs, for example, are frequently referred to as
teas, although they contain no C. sinensis and are more accurately
called infusions or tisanes.8,9 Although there are several varieties of
C. sinensis, only two of these make up the majority of commercial
tea production. These major varieties are C. sinensis var. sinensis,
which originated in China, has smaller leaves, and grows at higher
altitudes; and C. sinensis var. assamica, a larger-leafed variety from
the Assam region of India that is adapted to lower elevation. Other
varieties include C. sinensis var. parvifolia, a lesser known hybrid of
assamica and sinensis; C. sinensis var. cambodiensis, “the Java bush;”
and C. sinensis var. waldenae, which had been considered a sepa-
rate species but recently was reclassified as a variety of C. sinensis.10
For the tea drinker, typically the beverage is distinguished more by
the steps that go into processing the teas than the variety of plant
used (Figure 1). Depending on the age of the leaves, the extent of
oxidation, post-harvest treatment, and quality of the final product,
currently most teas are classified as white, green, yellow, oolong,
black, and dark teas.
The steps of tea processing include wilting, rolling, oxidation,
heat fixing (a step to stop the oxidation process), yellowing (only
with yellow tea), shaping, drying, and curing. A tea is classified
depending on the number and sequence of these steps that it
undergoes. Wilting is a process by which newly picked leaves are
thinly spread to air dry. In areas where the climate is too moist,
heated air is forced through the leaves. This step reduces the water
content of the leaves, but they remain pliable enough for rolling.
Rolling of the leaves is conducted either by machine or by hand to
break the cells, releasing oils that give the tea its distinctive aroma.
Rolling can also activate enzymes in the cells resulting in oxidation
of the leaves and is not to be confused with the microbial fermenta-
tion process exclusive to post-fermentation tea processing. During
oxidation, the chlorophyll is broken down, causing the leaves to
turn brown and release tannins. The oxidation is stopped by a
drying step, which evenly dries the leaf without burning it and
inactivates the enzymes that result in oxidation. Green, yellow,
oolong, white, and black teas are primarily determined by their
level of oxidation, while all dark teas undergo a microbial fermen-
tation step and are usually sold as bricks or cakes. Green, dark, and
yellow teas may or may not be wilted, and are then pan-fried or
steamed (heat-fixed) to prevent oxidation, resulting in leaves that
remain green. Black teas are rolled and fully oxidized, while oolong
teas are often shaken rather than rolled and then only partially
oxidized before drying. White tea is the least processed form of tea.
It is made from buds and young leaves of plants that are picked in
early spring and air-dried to prevent oxidation.
Tea Polyphenols and Health Benefits
As a result of the different processing methods, each type of tea
has a different chemical content that results in distinctive flavors,
Tea Camellia sinensis. Photo ©2012 Steven Foster 2012 ISSUE 94 43
44 ISSUE 94 2012
colors, and health benefits. In general, the health-promoting prop-
erties of green teas are the best-studied and are largely attributed
to a class of polyphenolic compounds, including but not limited to
the family of catechins comprising the following: epicatechin (EC),
epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).11
Catechins are natural antioxidants that contribute to a number
of reported biological activities such as protection against cancer
and cardiovascular disease, antimicrobial and antiviral proper-
ties, and modulation of obesity and insulin resistance.12,13 Oolong
and black teas, originally valued for their deep, rich f lavors, lose
many of these beneficial catechin compounds during oxidation.14,
15 During the oxidation process, catechins are converted to other
classes of polyphenolic compounds known as theaf lavins and thea-
rubigens, which are potent antioxidants
and impart different health benefits than
the polyphenols from green teas.15
Although the purported benefits of tea
polyphenols have been widely touted, the
majority of the evidence has been gener-
ated from studies in cell lines, animal
models, or derived from epidemiological
observations, and reports from the exist-
ing human clinical trials are conflicting.
Inconclusive findings regarding therapeutic or protective effects
of teas against cancer and Type 2 diabetes have been summarized
in recent meta-analyses.16,17,18,19 Studies indicating efficacy of tea
polyphenols for reducing body fat and lowering lipid levels are
equally confounding. Although several human intervention stud-
ies have shown that orally administered tea polyphenols result in
weight loss, lower body mass index (BMI), and reduced LDL,20,21
other studies showed significant decrease in body weight but with-
out corresponding reduction in body fat or hip:waist ratios.22,23
There are many confounding factors that must be accounted for,
including human genetics, differences in tea preparation, variation
in tea bioactive chemicals, and bioavailability/metabolism of these
bioactive components. Furthermore, these results highlight the
Although the purported benefits of tea polyphenols have
been widely touted, the majority of the evidence has been
generated from studies in cell lines, animal models, or
derived from epidemiological observations, and reports
from the existing human clinical trials are conflicting.
Tea Province of Origin Processing Method Additional information
Liu Bao Guangxi , Guango ng pile-fermented, aged in bamboo baskets Partially oxidized C. sinensis var . assamica
Qing Zhuan Hubei pile-fermented
Leaves from older, selenium-enriched plants from the western part of the province
Mi Zhuan Hubei natural aging methods Made from fully oxi dized tea leaves
Fu Zhuan Hunan pile-fermented followed by E. crista tum development Brick forms contain stems and twigs, visible "golden flower"
Hua Juan/ Qian Liang Hunan naturally aged and stored in bamboo or palm mats Processed by hand
Xiang Jian Hunan pile-fermented, aged in bamboo baskets Harvested during the "Grain rain" season, no step to stop oxi dati on
Kang Zhuan Si chuan pile-fermented
Pu'erh Yunnan naturally aged or pile-fermented Connesuer's tea, C. sinensis var. assamica
Table 1. Examples of Different Dark Teas and Their Processing Methods.
Although most fermented teas are sold in brick or cake forms, loose-leaf tea bags of Hunan Cha are being manufactured for foreign markets.
Photo ©2012 Tiffany Weir
Tea Province of Origin Processing Method Additional information
Liu Bao Guangxi, Guangong pile-fermented, aged in bamboo baskets
Partially oxidized C. sinensis var. assamica
Qing Zhuan Hubei pile-fermented Leaves from older, selenium-enriched plants from the western part of the province
Mi Zhuan Hubei natural aging methods Made from fully oxidized tea leaves
Fu Zhuan Hunan
pile-fermented followed by E. c ristatu m development Brick forms contain stems and twigs, visible "golden flower"
Hua Juan/ Qian Liang Hunan naturally aged and stored in bamboo or palm mats Processed by hand
Xiang Jian Hunan pile-fermented, aged in bamboo baskets Harvested during the "Grain rain" season, no step to stop oxidation
Kang Zhuan Si chua n pile-fermented
Pu'erh Yunna n naturally aged or pile-fermented
Connesuer's tea, C. sinensis var. assamica
Connoisseur's tea, C. sinensis var. assamica
need for controlled human studies conducted in diverse popula-
tions and clear identification of and amount of the bioactive chem-
ical linked to the specific biological activity under investigation.
Post-Fermented or Dark Teas
In addition to the well-known and widely consumed teas
discussed above, a unique processing method that involves micro-
bial fermentation is used for the production of dark or post-
fermented tea. Most post-fermented teas start with a process to
stop oxidation, similar to green tea, but are then subjected to a
microbial fermentation step that gives the leaves a darker color
and alters their flavor. Raw dark teas are steamed and compressed
into cakes or bricks (zhuan) and aged over a period of years. These
rare and expensive age-fermented teas are highly coveted by tea
connoisseurs, although their origins are much more humble. Tradi-
tionally, these teas were compressed to facilitate their transport by
donkey or horse and preserve them for trade to the northwestern
provinces where natural fermentation would occur by common
microbes such as Sacchromyces spp. (Saccharomyce-
taceae; brewer’s yeast) and Aspergillus spp. (Tricho-
comaceae; bread molds). These teas were histori-
cally traded by way of the “Tea Horse Road” and
were highly valued for their health properties among
nomadic populations who largely consumed high-
fat and protein-based diets.24
Post-fermented brick teas differ from raw dark
teas because they undergo a multi-step curing
process referred to as “cooking” or “ripening.
Cooking consists of piling, dampening, and turning
the leaves in a manner similar to compost, result-
ing in a much faster secondary fermentation while
replicating the taste of naturally aged raw-brick teas.
Post-fermented teas are not to be confused with
kombucha, a fermented beverage of Russian origin.
Kombucha is made by adding a symbiotic colony
of bacteria and yeast (scoby) to ferment an infusion
made with tea leaves or herbs and sweetened with
sugar. The scoby usually contains various yeasts
and acetic acid-producing bacteria, such as Gluco-
nacetobacter xylenus (Acetobactera-
ceae), which converts the alcohols
produced by the yeasts into acetic
Outside of China, Pu’erh tea is
the most popular dark tea and its
origins, processing, and health bene-
fits have been reviewed recently.24
Many westerners believe that Pu’erh
is synonymous with fermented dark
teas, and a significant point of clari-
fication and synthesis for this review
is that Pu’erh is only one of several
specific types of post-fermented
brick tea. Other brick teas include
Hei zhuan, Mi zhuan, Kang zhuan,
Qing zhuan, Liu bao, Hua zhuan,
and Fuzhuan tea. While these post-
fermented teas are considered to be
similar, they are distinguished by
their region of origin and methods of
fermentation (Table 1). Fuzhuan tea
comes from Hunan Province, China,
and undergoes a consistent and
regulated modern process of post-
fermentation (Figure 2). This post-
fermented tea is produced by the
damp-piling method, but unlike the
other post-fermented teas that widely
vary in microflora from factory to
factory, fuzhuan tea is also inten-
tionally fermented with a fungus,
Eurotium cristatum (Trichomaceae),
Figure 1. Stages of Tea Processing
Figure 2. Production of fuzhuan tea. (A) Harvest of Camellia sinensis leaves in Hunan province.
(B) After oxidation is stopped by steaming, an initial fermentation step occurs by damp piling
the tea leaves. (C) Tea leaves are re-steamed and compressed into bricks. (D) Fuzhuan bricks are
subjected to an additional fermentation process where its distinguishing feature, the visible
yellow fungal colonies (inset) of Eurotium cristatum develop.
Photos ©2012 Paul V. Murray and Wenying Lin 2012 ISSUE 94 45
46 ISSUE 94 2012
called the “golden flower” (Figure 2D). This fungus, originally
isolated and described in association with stored corn in South
Africa26 is the dominant micro-organism present during fermen-
tation of fuzhuan tea.27 Eurotium cristatum is closely related to
molds in the genus Aspergillus, a group of fungi that has a wide
range of industrial uses28, 29 and whose consumption is generally
regarded as safe (GRAS) by the US Food and Drug Administra-
tion.30 Fermentation of tea leaves by E. cristatum is thought to
impart unique chemical properties and bioactivity to fuzhuan tea,
and the quality of a brick is often determined by the prevalence of
“golden flowers” on its surface.
Interestingly, fermentation by E. cristatum has been shown to
reduce the amount of catechins, caffeine, and amino acids found
in fuzhuan tea, and the levels of theaf lavin and thearubigin vary
dramatically.31 Thus, this tea has lower levels of the compounds
thought to impart bioactivity than other teas.32,33 However, a
recently published report identified several novel triterpenoid
compounds from fuzhuan tea, but their significance as bioactive
components of the tea has not yet been determined.34 In addi-
tion, E. cristatum produces unique fungal metabolites, such as
anthraquinone pigments including emodin and catenarin,35 which
have reported bioactivities. Emodin was recently shown to inhibit
11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1), a promis-
ing therapeutic target in type 2 diabetes, and also reduced pred-
nisone-induced insulin resistance in a diet-induced diabetic mouse
model.36 Catenarin, the most abundant anthraquinone detected in
the mycelia and the culture filtrates of E. cristatum has antimicro-
bial properties.35,37 The authors’ laboratories are currently explor-
ing chemical differences between fuzhuan tea and a variety of
green teas and have tentatively identified several fatty acid amides
(Keller et al., unpublished data) that are catabolically related to
cannabinoids and are thought to
promote sleep.38
Despite lower levels of the
polyphenols believed to impart
tea’s health-promoting effects,
results from several in vitro and
in vivo animal studies indicate
that fuzhuan tea and its extracts
show activity in reducing hyper-
lipidemia.5,6,32 In addition, the
tea was shown to be active at
inhibiting growth of 2 gastro-
intestinal cancer cell lines.39 A
recently published study report-
ing observational data from 10
individuals showed that indi-
viduals who consumed the tea
for 120 days showed signifi-
cantly lower total cholesterol,
LDL, and HbA1c levels, and
higher HDL when compared to
historical controls.7 Although
further studies are needed to
assess the clinical efficacy of this
tea for cancer and cardiovascular
benefits, in vitro activities and
phytochemical characterization
suggest that the biological activ-
ity of this tea may be due to novel compounds resulting from E.
cristatum fermentation.
The study of fuzhuan tea has been at the forefront of tea research
throughout China, but has not been available for scientific study
and consumption in the United States until recently. In addition
to compelling data suggesting that this tea can regulate blood
sugars and cholesterol,7 fuzhuan tea has been shown in Chinese
studies in vitro and in animal and human models to promote
weight loss,5 aid in digestion,40 prevent certain gastric cancers,39
and treat secretory diarrhea.41 Future studies on fuzhuan tea will
be focused on identifying novel active chemical components and
their cellular targets, and on identifying the tea’s ability to modu-
late native microflora in the gut. A healthy gut flora aids in diges-
tion, prevents pathogen colonization, and modulates mucosal and
systemic immune responses and inf lammation.42 Promotion of
healthy commensal bacteria by fuzhuan tea could provide a mecha-
nism for the broad range of reported effects of this tea. Ultimately,
controlled human clinical studies will also be needed to validate
the various ethnobotanical medicinal uses of this tea.
Tiffany Weir is an assistant professor of food science and human
nutrition at Colorado State University. She can be reached for corre-
spondence at
Dr. Elizabeth Ryan is an assistant professor of toxicology and nutri-
tion in the Department of Clinical Sciences at Colorado State Univer-
Dr. Wenjun Xiao and Dr. Donghe Fu are professors in the National
Research Center of Engineering and Technology for Utilization of
Fungal growth of Eurotium cristatum,
the "Golden Flower," is visible as a
yellow powder on fuzhuan tea leaves.
Photo ©2012 Tiffany Weir
Functional Ingredients from Botanicals at Hunan Agricultural
University, Changsha, China. Dr. Xiao can be reached for correspon-
dence at
Ms. Yabei Hu is an assistant researcher in the National Research
Center of Engineering and Technology for Utilization of Functional
Ingredients from Botanicals at Hunan Agricultural University.
Randall Snook, MD, is an internist/gerontologist in private prac-
tice in Lone Tree, Colorado, a graduate of Colorado State University,
and founder of Advanced Integrative Medicine, PC and Teadoc, LLC.
Wenying Lin is a Chinese medical doctor and Paul V. Murray is
a Chinese medical practitioner. They are co-owners of Whole Health
Centers and Golden Flower Trading Company.
Disclosure: Paul V. Murray and Wenying Lin distribute fuzhuan
tea under the trade name PHatea.
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Opin Biotechnol. 2011;In Press, Corrected Proof. 2012 ISSUE 94 47
... Taken together, this suggests that fuzhuan tea has a unique phytochemical profile that is, in part, due to the microbial fermentation employed during its production. As fuzhuan tea is produced by microbial fermentation of green tea leaves, which have been dried and pan fried to inhibit oxidative enzymes (Weir et al., 2012 ), we chose to compare phytochemical profiles of fuzhuan tea extracts to green tea extracts. Unlike many of the previous studies that examined the chemical composition of fuzhuan tea, we have focused our efforts on obtaining a chemical fingerprint of the hot water extracts of the tea that are equivalent to what is directly consumed. ...
... Taken together, this suggests that fuzhuan tea has a unique phytochemical profile that is, in part, due to the microbial fermentation employed during its production. As fuzhuan tea is produced by microbial fermentation of green tea leaves, which have been dried and pan fried to inhibit oxidative enzymes (Weir et al., 2012 ), we chose to compare phytochemical profiles of fuzhuan tea extracts to green tea extracts. Unlike many of the previous studies that examined the chemical composition of fuzhuan tea, we have focused our efforts on obtaining a chemical fingerprint of the hot water extracts of the tea that are equivalent to what is directly consumed. ...
Fuzhuan tea is a traditional preparation of Camellia sinensis L. (Theaceae) from Hunan, China, that is fermented with the fungus Eurotium cristatum. Metabolomic analysis was performed on fuzhuan tea extracts and compared to extracts of non-fermented green teas using ultra-performance liquid chromatography/time of flight-mass spectrometry (UPLC-ToF-MS). Principal component analysis revealed a unique phytochemical profile between the two types of tea with the largest separation visible along the third principle component, which accounted for 12.4% of dataset variation. Spectral comparison of significantly different tea metabolite features allowed tentative identification of flavonoids including catechins, fatty acid amides, and other lipids and polysaccharides. Fuzhuan tea extracts, at a concentration of 5 mg/mL or less, reduced the growth of en-teric pathogens Shigella sonnei and Staphylococcus aureus by 50%, and had a minimum inhibitory concentra-tion (MIC) of 0.625 mg/mL against S. aureus. These results support a distinct phytochemical profile associated with fermented fuzhuan tea compared to non-fermented green teas that warrant further investigation for novel compounds with antimicrobial bioactivity.
We assessed the effect of ingestion of green tea (GT) extract along with a low-energy diet (LED) on resting energy expenditure (REE), substrate oxidation and body weight as GT has been shown to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation in the short term in both animals and people. Forty-six overweight women (BMI 27 center dot 6 (sd 1 center dot 8) kg/m(2)) were fed in energy balance from day 1 to day 3, followed by a LED with GT (1125 mg tea catechins +225 mg caffeine/d) or placebo (PLAC) from day 4 to day 87. Caffeine intake was standardised to 300 mg/d. Energy expenditure was measured on days 4 and 32. Reductions in weight (4 center dot 19 (sd 2 center dot 0) kg PLAC, 4 center dot 21 (sd 2 center dot 7) kg GT), BMI, waist:hip ratio, fat mass and fat-free mass were not statistically different between treatments. REE as a function of fat-free mass and fat mass was significantly reduced over 32 d in the PLAC group (P < 0 center dot 05) but not in the GT group. Dietary restraint increased over time (P < 0 center dot 001) in both groups, whereas disinhibition and general hunger decreased (P < 0 center dot 05). The GT group became more hungry over time and less thirsty, and showed increased prospective food consumption compared with PLAC (P < 0 center dot 05). Taken together, the ingestion of GT along with a LED had no additional benefit for any measures of body weight or body composition. Although the decrease in REE as a function of fat-free mass and fat mass was not significant with GT treatment, whereas it was with PLAC treatment, no significant effect of treatment over time was seen, suggesting that a robust limitation of REE reduction during a LED was not achieved by GT.
Fuzhuan brick-tea, a fungal-fermented tea, is commonly consumed in northwest China; in places such as Sinkiang and Tibet and is thought to be helpful in digestion. To better understand Fuzhuan brick-tea and its function on digestion, the Fuzhuan brick-tea's chemical compounds were surveyed at pivotal process phases, and its effects on pancreatic enzymes in vitro were studied. Most of the changes in amino acids, proteins, polyphenols, catechins and organic acids were found during fungal fermentation phase. All the infusions of Fuzhuan brick-tea samples had promotional effects on pancreatic amylase and protease and no effect on pancreatic lipase. Correlation analysis and principle component analysis between the main compounds of Fuzhuan brick-tea and the activities of two pancreatic enzymes were performed. The results showed that among ten significantly related compounds, the catechins and organic acids were particularly correlated with these two pancreatic enzymes' activities. The present work confirmed the importance of microbial fermentation in the compositional changes of Fuzhuan brick-tea and its effects on two pancreatic enzymes in vitro, and suggested the possible application of microbial fermented tea such as Fuzhuan brick-tea in digestive aid.