
The Impact of Virtual Fitting Room Technology on Consumers’ Online Purchase Intention

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The online market of apparel is growing up very fast. Brands aim at finding new ways of doing things from old theories, is providing information of the products. The Virtual Fitting Room Technology is a way to display apparel products by using 3D technique trying on virtual models. This paper focuses on the influences of online apparel purchasing intention with using Virtual Fitting Room Technology. It discusses the relations between e-TAM framework, character of innovation, attitude of using Virtual Fitting Room technology, intention of using Virtual Fitting Room technology, and intention of purchasing. The perceived risk has been taken as a moderating variable affecting consumers’ purchasing intention. The results show that perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment are positive significantly to affect attitude of using Virtual Fitting Room Technology. Relative advantage and compatibility are significantly positive to affect intention of using Virtual Fitting Room Technology. Attitude and intention of using Virtual Fitting Room technology will affect intention of purchasing positively. However, the results also show that perceived risk will mediate purchase intention. In conclusion, the Virtual Fitting Room is useful, easy to operate and full of enjoyment. It is able to increase the consumers’ purchasing intention because of its advantageous compare to the past, while fitted with the online shopping experience and under the situation of lower perceived risk.

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... Furthermore, the collected information could also be buyer-oriented, i.e., a virtual trial room provides access to the buyer's social networks profiles. Thus, brands could depend on the collected information to improve their prompt or retargeting tactics [16]. This application, with the help of the client, would perform the procedure of evaluating the apparel effortlessly and quickly and then selecting the finest option, which will, as a result, facilitate us to get the benefit of the large capability given by the science of interaction between computer and man [9]. ...
The world is moving on the clothing mobile application shopping applications, especially during the pandemic COVID 19 days there seems to be an excessive demand of online shopping. Online shopping applications where provides an approach of buying a product of your choice with the least effort also involves some of the risk factors, especially in the psychological environment of the developing county like Pakistan, where people have the minor trust factor and prefer to touch, use and see the personalized appearance before buying the item. This behavior seems to be more regressive when it comes to shopping in terms of clothing. People prefer to wear the items, match the colors, and check if it suits their personality. Online shopping seems to lack this customer’s approach, especially in developing countries like Pakistan. There has always been fear and, at the same time, a trust factor. A virtual trial room is an alternative approach where a user can virtually try the clothes on the body after providing the complete image to the system and then try different color combinations, different fabrics, and matching the contrast. Using an Image processing machine learning approach, a methodology is proposed to judge this behavior of the customer after trying the clothes on personal appearance virtually and evaluate the results after comparing them with buying behavior of the user in a simple online application and the online mobile application containing the virtual trial room model. Furthermore, studies have Virtual trial room model a productive model in the online shopping experience. Following the described methodology in mobile clothing mobile application, it is expected to gain utmost trust after eliminating buying risks associated with online shopping.
... Building a virtual dressing room based on augmented reality technology can be a solution to this problem. It enables consumers to try on apparel to check size, fit or style, but virtually rather than physically [4]. ...
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The exoticism of Madura batik has become one of the tourist charm of the Indonesian Madura island. Madura batik created by skilled hands with a high level of artistic imagination to produce diverse and unique batik. Our virtual dressing room use augmented reality technology to create solution of an efficient shopping experience by superimposing the 3D model of a Madura batik cloth within the live Kinect sensor's. The superimposed 3D model of Madura batik will then transformed using 3D rigid transformation and bond to the movements of customer so it appears as if the customer is wearing the virtual dress in the live video view. We built the system using SimpleOpenNi library, and Microsoft Kinect SDK. User Experience (UX) measurement on the adaptation key performance indicators which include Attention, Importance, and Arousal showed 96% of respondents said that they were satisfied while the Quality key performance indicators which include Impression, Valence, and Enjoy showed 97% respondents were satisfied. Keywords— virtual dressing room; kinect; madura batik; augmented reality; user experience
... Melas et al, 2011;. Ortega andRoman, 2011, Kim, 2012;Liaw et al, 2013.). A review of the literature on TAM model, the approach follows the following hypotheses: H 1 : The perceived ease of use of the mobile application health and well-being, positively influences the intention to use the application. ...
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The recent outbreak of COVID-19 is taking the fashion industry through a challenging period. The industry's activities are now being more facilitated by digital platforms/influencers in the dispensation of products than ever before. This study seeks to investigate digital platforms/influencers in developing countries and their impact on the fashion industry. The study also explores the challenges of information asymmetry online, drawing on the lemon market theory (LMT), as the theoretical lens. Qualitative data was collected from twenty-two respondents; the research findings indicate that the use of digital platforms/influencers is essential in reaching the industry's vital consumers. Also, information asymmetry is the greatest challenge as far as e-business is concerned.-The contribution of this study reposes the use of LMT to determine how information asymmetry is leveraged. In terms of the policy, this research provides strategies for discussions on security and trust for policymakers to secure payment and delivery in e-business.
The purpose of this study was to investigate Chinese consumers’ adoption behaviour toward VFRs by using the Technology Acceptance Model. Additionally, this study aimed to examine the influence of two relevant personality traits, fashion leadership and technology anxiety, on consumers’ VFRs adoption. Data were collected from 474 Chinese consumers via an online survey. Comparative analyses and regression analyses were conducted to test the proposed conceptual model regarding Chinese consumers’ adoption intention towards VFRs. It was surprising to learn that perceived usefulness, among the three perceptions suggested by TAM, had the relatively least influence on Chinese consumers’ adoption intention toward VFRs. Additionally, moderating effects of fashion leadership and technology anxiety were found on the relationship between consumers’ perceptions and adoption intention toward VFRs. The findings could provide implications to retailers and brands in their endeavours to motivate and encourage different consumers to use VFRs for online apparel shopping.
E-Learning is a method of delivering knowledge using information technology and electronic media for the remote users. The advantages of E-Learning method can be fully achieved with the postgraduate studies. Because, majority of the postgraduate students are engaged in learning while they are working and also geographically dispersed due to the family and work life thus physically appearing for the lecture sessions are rather difficult to them. The Technology Acceptance Model identifies how user accept a new technology. Therefore, this chapter attempts to develop a framework to measure the postgraduate students' perceived technology acceptance by developing an extended version of the Technology Acceptance Model. Hence, the original Technology Acceptance Model is modified and 200 postgraduate students were selected from Sri Lanka to validate the model. The structural regression was accepted based on the model fitting criteria. Thus, this model can be used by the future researchers and can be tested in other contexts. Also this model can be further modified by adding more variables.
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