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High energy deficit in an ultra-endurance athlete in a 24-hours ultra-cycling race: a case report.


Abstract and Figures

This case-study examined the nutritional behavior and energy balance in an official finisher of a 24-hours ultra-cycling race. Food and beverages consumed by the cyclist was continuously weighed and recorded to estimate intake of energy, macronutrients, sodium and caffeine. In addition, during the race, heart rate (HR) was continuously monitored. Energy expenditure was assessed using a heart rate‒oxygen uptake regression equation obtained previously from laboratory test. The athlete (39 years, 175.6 cm, 84.2 kg, VO2max 64 mL/kg/min) cycled during 22 h 22 min in which he completed 557.3 km with 8,760 m of altitude at an average speed of 25.1 km/h. The average HR was 131 beats/min. During the whole race, he expended 15,533 kcal. Total energy intake was 5,618 kcal deriving 4,105 (73%) and 1,513 (27%) kcal from solids and fluids, respectively. The energy balance resulted in an energy deficit of 9,915 kcal. Carbohydrates were the main macronutrient intake (1,102 g; 13.1 g/kg), however, it was below to the current recommendations. The consumption of protein and fat was 86 g and 91 g, respectively. He ingested 20.7 L (862 mL/h) of fluids being sport drinks the main fluid used for hydration. Sodium concentration in relation with the total fluid intake was 34.0 mmol/L. Caffeine consumption over the race was 231 mg (2.7 mg/kg).
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High energy deficit in an ultraendurance athlete in a 24-hour
ultracycling race
Raúl Bescós, PhD, Ferran A. Rodríguez, MD, PhD, Xavier Iglesias, PhD, Adolfo Benítez, MSc, Míchel Marina, PhD,
Josep M. Padullés, PhD, Priscila Torrado, MSc, Jairo Vázquez, MSc, and Beat Knechtle, MD, PhD
This case study examined the nutritional behavior and energy balance
in an official finisher of a 24-hour ultracycling race. The food and bever-
ages consumed by the cyclist were continuously weighed and recorded
to estimate intake of energy, macronutrients, sodium, and caffeine. In
addition, during the race, heart rate was continuously monitored. Energy
expenditure was assessed using a heart rate–oxygen uptake regression
equation obtained previously from a laboratory test. The athlete (39 years,
175.6 cm, 84.2 kg, maximum oxygen uptake, 64 mL/kg/min) cycled
during 22 h 22 min, in which he completed 557.3 km with 8760 m
of altitude at an average speed of 25.1 km/h. The average heart rate
was 131 beats/min. Carbohydrates were the main macronutrient intake
(1102 g, 13.1 g/kg); however, intake was below current recommenda-
tions. The consumption of protein and fat was 86 g and 91 g, respectively.
He ingested 20.7 L (862 mL/h) of fluids, with sport drinks the main fluid
used for hydration. Sodium concentration in relation to total fluid intake
was 34.0 mmol/L. Caffeine consumption over the race was 231 mg
(2.7 mg/kg). During the race, he expended 15,533 kcal. Total energy
intake was 5571 kcal, with 4058 (73%) and 1513 (27%) kcal derived
from solids and fluids, respectively. The energy balance resulted in an
energy deficit of 9915 kcal.
Ultraendurance competitions are held as solo events in an
attempt to challenge the limits of human endurance.
ese events are defi ned as an endurance performance
of more than 6 hours (1). Careful race preparation is
mandatory for all competitors, and the successful accomplish-
ment of such a race depends on many factors, among which
nutrition is one of the most important. Adequate nutritional in-
take is important not only to maintain or improve performance
but also to avoid disturbances in the athletes’ health. Several
studies have reported on the nutritional behavior and demands
of cyclists during ultraendurance competitions of several days,
such as the Race Across America (2, 3). However, only one
case study published in the 1980s has examined the nutrition-
al demands and nutritional behavior of cyclists during events
lasting for 24 hours (4).  e popularity of these competitions
during the past few years has become evident, and with the
increase in the number of competitions, information is needed
on the nutritional demands in these events (5). Accordingly, the
aim of this case study was to describe the nutritional behavior
From Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Barcelona, Spain (Bescos,
Rodríguez, Iglesias, Benítez, Marina, Padullés, Torrado, Vázquez); and
Gesundheitszentrum St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland (Knechtle).
Corresponding author: Raúl Bescós García, Instituto Nacional de Educación
Física de Barcelona (INEFC), Av. de l´Estadi s/n, 08038 Barcelona, Spain (e-mail:
(ingestion of macronutrients, fl uids, sodium, and caff eine) and
to assess the energy balance of one cyclist during a 24-hour
ultracycling race.
Participant and race
e physical and physiological characteristics of the cy-
clist are shown in Table 1. Before testing, the participant was
informed of the risks associated with the study and provided
written informed consent in accordance with the local ethical
e race consisted of completing the greatest possible dis-
tance during 24 hours (from 7:00  on July 3, 2009, through
Table 1. Physical and physiological characteristics of the cyclist
Variable Value
Age (years) 39
Height (cm) 175.6
Body mass (kg) 84.2
Body mass index (kg/m2) 26.4
Body fat (%) 11.6
VO2max ( mL/kg/min) 64.0
Wmax (watts/kg) 5.5
HRmax (beats/min) 199
VT HR (beats/min) 159
RCP HR (beats/min) 173
VO2max indicates maximum oxygen uptake; Wmax, maximum power output relative
to body mass in watts; HRmax, maximum heart rate; VT HR, heart rate at ventilatory
threshold; RCP HR, heart rate at respiratory compensation point.
124 Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2012;25(2):124–128
7:00  on July 4) on a closed-road circuit that was 3790 m in
length and 60 m of elevation per lap.  e time and velocity to
complete each lap was recorded. During the race, the ambient
air temperature was 27.5ºC (range, 24.6–31.0); the relative
humidity, 53.9% (range, 33.0–72.0); and the mean velocity of
wind, 1.7 m/s (range, 0.6–3.0).
Preliminary testing
One week before the competition, the athlete reported to a
physiology laboratory under controlled conditions (22 ± 1ºC,
40%–60% relative humidity, 760–770 mm Hg) to perform
an incremental maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) test.  e
test was performed on an electronically braked cycle ergometer
(Excalibur Sport, Lode,  e Netherlands) modifi ed with clip-
on pedals.  e exercise protocol started at 25 watts and was
increased 25 watts every minute until exhaustion.  e number
of revolutions was individually chosen in the range of 70 to
100 revolutions per minute. During the test, the respiratory
response was measured, breath by breath, using a computer-
ized gas analyzer (Cosmed Quark PFT Ergo, Italy). Before the
test, the ambient condition was measured and the gas analyzers
and inspiratory fl owmeter were calibrated using high-precision
calibration gases (16.00 ± 0.01% O2 and 5.00 ± 0.01% CO2;
Scott Medical Products, USA). After the test, all respiratory
data were averaged at 30-second intervals to determine VO2max,
taken as the highest average value. In addition, heart rate (HR)
was continuously recorded using a portable HR monitor (Polar
RS800 SD, Finland). HRmax was defi ned as the HR at the point
of exhaustion.
Data collection during the race
Within the circuit, all the athletes had a box where they
could stop during racing to recover, sleep, eat, and repair bicycle
breakdowns. In the other points of the circuit, riders could
not receive any assistance. Nutritional data were collected by
four trained investigators who remained in the box of the rider,
weighing and recording all the food and fl uid ingested. Nutri-
tional data were analyzed for nutrient composition using nu-
tritional software (CESNID 1.0, Barcelona University, Spain).
Information about the nutritional content of foods not available
in the computer program was obtained from the manufacturer.
All the food was weighed on a digital scale (Soehnle 8020,
Spain) with a precision of 1 g increments up to 1 kg and 2 g
between 1 and 2 kg. We divided the input of energy derived
from solid and liquid food, classifi ed as products that did not
need mastication.
In addition, during the competition, HR was continuously
monitored, beat by beat, using a portable HR monitor (Polar
RS800 SD, Finland) that was properly programmed with gen-
der, age, and weight following the manufacturer’s instruction.
Later, all HR data were averaged at 10-second intervals.  e
linear relationship between HR and VO2 obtained during the
laboratory test was used to estimate the oxygen costs and energy
expenditure of racing (r2 = 0.988). Taking the average of HR
during the competition and the maximal HR obtained during
the laboratory test, we calculated the ratio of HRmean/HRmax.
e cyclist successfully completed the race, cycling for
22 h 22 min, in which he completed 557.3 km with 8760 m
of altitude at an average speed of 25.1 km/h, fi nishing in third
place. He reported no gastrointestinal disturbances during the
race.  e average HR during the event was 131 beats/min, with
a ratio of HRmean/HRmax of 0.69. He made a total of seven stops
lasting 1 h 38 min. During the race, he expended 15,533 kcal
of energy, corresponding to 647 kcal/hour.
As shown in Table 2, during the event, solid foods provided
73% (4058 kcal) of the total energy, and the remaining 27%
(1513 kcal) was provided by fl uids such as sport drinks. Car-
bohydrates were the main macronutrient he ingested (1102 g;
13.1 g/kg). Overall consumption of fl uids and sodium dur-
ing the event was 20.7 L (862 mL/h) and 16,182 mg (34.0
mmol/L), respectively. Fluids comprised 86% (13,878 mg)
of the total sodium intake, and solids comprised 14% (2355
mg). During the second half of the event (7–19 h), the cyclist
increased consumption of caff einated drinks, with total caf-
feine intake of 231 mg (2.7 mg/kg); consumed low amounts of
branched chain amino acids in pill form during the rest periods;
and ingested one ibuprofen pill after 9 h of competition and
two aspirin pills at 18 h.
After the event, the athlete lost 2.6 kg of total body mass
(prerace, 84.2 kg; postrace, 81.6 kg). A total defi ciency of
9915 kcal resulted after the race, so that a higher proportion
(64%) of energy was obtained from endogenous fuel stores.
e main fi nding of this study was the high energy defi cit
of this cyclist. He ingested only 36% of the energy expended
through the event, thus providing the remaining 64% of the
energy from endogenous fuel stores. To the best of our knowl-
edge, these data represent the highest energy defi cit reported in
ultraendurance events of 24 hours or longer. Previous studies
showed an energy intake and expenditure ratio between 0.50
and 0.65 (2, 4, 6).
However, it is worth mentioning that the method used in
this study to estimate energy expenditure (relationship between
HR and VO2) has several limitations. For instance, during
longer events, HR can be infl uenced by environmental condi-
tions such as temperature and humidity, which can favor dehy-
dration and an increase of HR without associated changes in VO2
(7). Currently, the method of doubly labeled water is considered
the reference method to estimate energy expenditure. Another
feasible method to estimate energy expenditure in cycling is the
analysis of power output (8). However, neither of these methods
was at our disposal during the current study. For this reason and
similar to other recent studies (6, 9–11), we estimated energy
expenditure using the HR-VO2 method. Compared with the
doubly labeled water method, this method is inexpensive and
easy to perform. Additionally, monitoring of HR also provides
information on the amount of time spent at diff erent levels of
exercise intensity, which may also be useful for the assessment of
physical activity rather than energy expenditure. Furthermore, it
has been reported that energy expenditure estimated using the
High energy deficit in an ultraendurance athlete in a 24-hour ultracycling raceApril 2012 125
Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings Volume 25, Number 2126
HR method compared with the
method of doubly labeled water
is overestimated by ~10% (12). If
we accounted for this by reducing
the energy expenditure estimated
in this study by 10%, the energy
defi cit would be decreased only
4%, from 64% to 60%.  ere-
fore, although the doubly labeled
water method could be used
under fi eld conditions, the high
cost and the inability to obtain
an activity pattern does not always
make it ideal.
Based on the athlete’s aver-
age intensity of 69% HRmax, it
is estimated that approximately
two thirds of the total energy re-
quired was met by fat oxidation,
with carbohydrate oxidation pro-
viding one third (13). However,
fat oxidation is not a limitation
for providing fuel during longer
events (13, 14).  e estimation of
anthropometric characteristics in
the current athlete indicated that
he had ~9.8 kg of subcutaneous
adipose tissue that could provide
>88,000 kcal. Based on that, the
athlete should consume a high
amount of carbohydrates dur-
ing the event due to his limited
glycogen stores (13).  e recom-
mended amount of carbohydrate
intake to optimize the oxidation
rates has been reported to be be-
tween 1.0 and 1.2 g/min (15).  e
current athlete ingested amounts
of carbohydrates below these
recommendations during three-
quarters of the event; only during
the last 6 h, when fatigue symp-
toms were more pronounced and
the glycogen stores were possibly
depleted, did he meet the carbo-
hydrate consumption threshold of
>1.0 g/min.
Additionally, although protein
is not considered a primary energy
source for athletes, it has been sug-
gested to play an important role
during longer events. An adequate
ratio of carbohydrate/protein may
reduce a negative protein balance
(16, 17) and may enhance aero-
bic endurance performance (18).
Table 2. Nutritional analysis of foods and fluids ingested by the cyclist during the event
Variable 0–6 h 6–12 h 12–18 h 18–24 h Total
Solid food (g)
Pasta with olive oil 224 133 200 557
Sport bars 252 137 101 65 555
Fruit – 513 243 756
Chicken 70 70
Cured ham 43 43
Bread 40 40
Fluids (mL)
Sport drinks (0% carbohydrate) 2292 5714 8006
Sport drinks (1.4% carbohydrate) 1806 1830 1279 4915
Sport drinks (7% carbohydrate) 3080 3080
Water 1241 932 2173
Caffeinated drinks 250 330 580 1160
Water in food 8 601 178 365 1152
Juice 250 250
Supplementation and medication
Branched chain amino acids (mg) 1000 1500 2500
Ibuprofen (mg) 600 650
Aspirin (mg) 200 200
Energy (kcal)
Solids 1357 918 675 1108 4058
Fluids 121 211 388 793 1513
Total 1478 1129 1063 1901 5571
Carbohydrates (g)
Solids 260 164 106 192 722
Fluids 28 52 102 198 380
Total 288 216 208 390 1102
Percent of total energy 77.9 76.5 78.3 82.1 79.1
g/min 0.8 0.6 0.6 1.1 0.8
Protein (g)
Solids 23 19 15 29 86
Percent of total energy 6.2 6.7 5.6 6.1 6.2
Carbohydrate/protein ratio 12.5 11.4 13.9 13.4 12.8
Fat (g)
Solids 26 21 19 25 91
Percent of total energy 15.6 16.7 16.1 11.8 14.7
Caffeine (mg) 82 35 113 231
Sodium (mg) 2201 2101 4752 7128 16,182
An optimal rate (g) between carbohydrate and protein intake
seems to be 4:1 (18). Applying these recommendations in the
present case study, and assuming that the athlete had ingested
the recommended carbohydrate rate (~1.1 g/min), protein in-
take would have had to have been ~400 g (4.7 g/kg of body
mass), representing more than threefold the actual amount of
protein intake by the cyclist during the event. Accordingly, this
amount of protein seems to be excessive and, independent of
the supposed benefi ts of carbohydrate and protein combina-
tion, it should also be taken into account that protein intake is
associated with greater satiety and a reduced ad libitum energy
intake in humans.  us, higher protein consumption during
longer events can be associated with a reduction of food intake,
as well as an increase of the risk of gastrointestinal disturbances.
Further studies are needed to analyze whether an increase of
protein intake above the current recommendations (1.2 –1.7 g/
kg of body mass/day) may induce benefi ts in longer and high-
intensity sport events.
Furthermore, the hydration pattern is one of the nutritional
keys in ultraendurance events. While the current athlete ingested
the high amount of 20.7 L of fl uids during the race, the hydra-
tion strategy was not in agreement with current recommenda-
tions (19, 20). He should have prioritized the consumption of
isotonic fl uids containing carbohydrates (sucrose, maltose, or
maltodextrins) at ~3% to ~8% weight/volume during the race
(21).  us, the strategy of hydration followed by the cyclist
substantially reduced the amount of carbohydrate intake. If he
had prioritized the consumption of isotonic fl uids (7% of carbo-
hydrates), he would have obtained ~900 g extra carbohydrates,
reaching values within the carbohydrate recommendations for
longer events (15).
Related to the hydration pattern, one of the most common
medical complications during long-distance events is exercise-
associated hyponatremia (22), defi ned as a serum plasma or
sodium concentration <135 mmol/L-1. To prevent exercise-
associated hyponatremia, the athlete ingested higher amounts
of sodium, mainly during the second half of the event when the
environmental conditions were harsher. Nevertheless, although
some hydration guidelines recommend consuming fl uids with a
high content of sodium (30–50 mmol/L) (21), currently there
is insuffi cient evidence to determine whether sodium intake
prevents or decreases the risk of exercise-associated hypona-
tremia (23). On the contrary, some risks of excessive sodium
supplementation in combination with overhydration have been
documented (24).  ere are at least two ways to reduce the risk
of excessive fl uid retention: 1) drink only according to thirst
and 2) monitor body weight so as to avoid weight gain during
exercise. In the present study, the cyclist showed no weight
gain; he lost 2.6 kg of body mass over the race. However, in
ultraendurance events such as an Ironman triathlon, it has been
reported that part of fl uid losses, at least 2 kg, could be derived
from reduction of fat stores, skeletal muscle mass, glycogen, and
the metabolic water stored in glycogen (25, 26).
In conclusion, this case study shows one of the highest en-
ergy defi cits in the scientifi c sports literature. To minimize the
energy defi cit, athletes should receive nutritional training be-
fore the event so that the digestive system can adapt to higher
amounts of food and fl uids while physical exercise is performed.
In addition, they should begin the event with their meals and
uids planned and prepared beforehand according to their pref-
erences.  e present fi ndings highlight the importance of the
support provided by sports dieticians and sports physiologists
in helping athletes plan and monitor their food and fl uid intake
during longer events.
is study was funded by the National Institute of Physical
Education of Barcelona, Polar Iberica, and RPM Events.  e au-
thors appreciate the technical support of the Research Group of
Applied Nutrition–Department of Nutrition and Bromatology
(University of Barcelona). In addition, we are indebted to Víctor
Cervera for his support in data collection during the study.
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... Current evidence continues to support mandatory high carbohydrate intakes before an event to maximize muscle glycogen stores and during an event to prevent hypoglycemia [4]. Numerous case reports [17,25,2829303132333439] and field studies [19,24,27,4041424344 showed, however, that ultra-endurance athletes were unable to self-regulate diet or exercise intensity to prevent a negative energy balance. Estimation of energy expenditure prior to the beginning of an ultra-endurance event would allow athletes to plan the diet energy intake better [44]. ...
... A significant negative relationship between energy intake and time taken to complete a 384-km cycle race is documented in ultra-cyclists [43] . An ultraendurance performance results in an energy deficit [17,1920212223242526272829303134,363738394849505152535455.There are reports of energy expenditures of ~365-750 kcal/hour with total energy expenditures of ~18 000-80 000 kcal, which were required to complete adventure races. These energy expenditures were accompanied by significant negative energy balances during competitions [8]. ...
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Ultra-endurance athletes try to extend their limits in performance. In ultra-endurance races, athletes face limits in nutrition regarding both energy intake and fluid metabolism. The purpose of this review is to focus on the decrease in body mass, aspects of energy and fluid balance, and exercise-associated hyponatremia in ultra-endurance performance. An ultra-endurance performance lasting 24 hours or longer may lead to an energy deficit of approximately 7,000 kcal per day. This energy deficit may result in a decrease of body mass, including a decrease in both fat mass and skeletal muscle mass. The energy deficit cannot be completely compensated by increasing energy intake. Adequate fluid intake is required during an ultra-endurance performance to prevent dehydration. In case of fluid overload, both exercise-associated hyponatremia and swelling of limbs may occur. Limited fluid intake of approximately 300-400 ml per hour may prevent both exercise-associated hyponatremia and swelling of limbs. In summary, in ultra-endurance performances, an energy deficit seems to be unavoidable, and athletes are at risk to develop both exercise-associated hyponatremia and limb swelling in case of fluid overload.
... Although nutrition plays a key role in increasing cyclists' performance (Leonarda et al., 2018), consuming only regular food items may not be adequate to improve nutrient intake (Spriet, 2019). Especially endurance athletes need a higher amount of energy intake to increase their performance (Bescós et al., 2012). Thus, endurance athletes such as cyclists may need further ergogenic aids (Kerksick et al., 2018). ...
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This study aimed to determine cyclists’ nutritional knowledge and habits, and nutritional ergogenic aid usage and shed light on the relation between cyclists’ nutritional knowledge and ergogenic aid usage. It was conducted in Cyprus. There were three groups (study groups: competitive cyclists-CC, recreational cyclists-RC; control group-CG: sedentary adults). Data were collected with a questionnaire that had three sections (the first two sections were related to general nutritional habits, ergogenic aids, anthropometric measurements, and the last section included The Nutrition for Sport Knowledge Questionnaire-NSKQ). All data were evaluated by Statistical Package for the Social Science-SPSS version 24.0. Totally 174 adults participated voluntarily in this study (n: 58 for each group). CC and RC skipped their main meals and smoked less than CG (p
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Background Ultra-endurance events are gaining popularity in multiple exercise disciplines, including cycling. With increasing numbers of ultra-cycling events, aspects influencing participation and performance are of interest to the cycling community. Main body The aim of this narrative review was, therefore, to assess the types of races offered, the characteristics of the cyclists, the fluid and energy balance during the race, the body mass changes after the race, and the parameters that may enhance performance based on existing literature. A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar using the search terms ‘ultracycling’, ‘ultra cycling’, ‘ultra-cycling’, ‘ultra-endurance biking’, ‘ultra-bikers’ and ‘prolonged cycling’. The search yielded 948 results, of which 111 were relevant for this review. The studies were classified according to their research focus and the results were summarized. The results demonstrated changes in physiological parameters, immunological and oxidative processes, as well as in fluid and energy balance. While the individual race with the most published studies was the Race Across America, most races were conducted in Europe, and a trend for an increase in European participants in international races was observed. Performance seems to be affected by characteristics such as age and sex but not by anthropometric parameters such as skin fold thickness. The optimum age for the top performance was around 40 years. Most participants in ultra-cycling events were male, but the number of female athletes has been increasing over the past years. Female athletes are understudied due to their later entry and less prominent participation in ultra-cycling races. A post-race energy deficit after ultra-cycling events was observed. Conclusion Future studies need to investigate the causes for the observed optimum race age around 40 years of age as well as the optimum nutritional supply to close the observed energy gap under consideration of the individual race lengths and conditions. Another research gap to be filled by future studies is the development of strategies to tackle inflammatory processes during the race that may persist in the post-race period.
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Total energy expenditure (TEE) was measured simultaneously in 36 free-living children aged 7, 9, 12, and 15 y over 10–15 d by the doubly labeled water (DLW) method and for 2–3 separate days by heart-rate (HR) monitoring. The 95% confidence limits of agreement (mean difference ± 2SD) were −1.99 to +1.44 MJ/d. HR TEE discrepancies ranged from −16.7% to +18.8% with 23 values lying within ± 10% of DLW TEE estimates. Boys and girls spent 462 ± 108 and 318 ± 120 min/d, respectively, in total physical activity (P < 0.01). Time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was 68 ± 37 min/d by younger children (7–9 y) and 34 ± 24 min/ d by older children (12–15 y) (P < 0.001). Younger boys engaged in MVPA (91 ±33 min/d) and vigorous physical activity (VPA) (35 ± 15 min/d) significantly longer than younger girls (MVPA, 39 ± 16 min/d,P < 0.001; VPA, 10 ± 4 min/d,P < 0.01) as did older boys (MVPA, 52 ± 21 min/d; VPA, 30 ± 18 min/d) compared with older girls (MVPA, 15 ± 10 min/d; VPA, 8 ± 5 min/d). HR monitoring provides a close estimation of the TEE of population groups and objective assessment of associated patterns of physical activity.
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The aim of this case study was to examine energy expenditure (EE) in one cyclist during an extreme endurance cycling race - the "XXAlps 2004" (2,272 km distance and 55,455 m altitude) which was completed in 5 days and 7 hours - and whether the energy deficit derives primarily from the degradation of subcutaneous adipose tissue or loss of muscle mass. Energy intake (EI) was continuously recorded. EE was estimated using two different methods: 1) Continuous heart rate recording using a portable heart rate monitor (POLAR(®) S710) and 2) using the individual relationship between heart rate and oxygen uptake (VO2) determined under laboratory conditions. Body composition was assessed by measuring body mass, skinfold thickness and extremity circumferences. The cyclist lost 2.0 kg body mass, corresponding to 11,950 kcal (50 MJ). Fat mass was reduced by 790 g (7,110 kcal; 30 MJ) and fat free mass by 1.21 kg (4,840 kcal; 20 MJ). Circumferences of the lower extremities were reduced, in contrast skinfold thickness at the lower limbs increased. Energy deficit (ED) was calculated as the difference between EI and EE. Energy deficit using continuous heart rate monitoring was 29,554 kcal (124 MJ), and using the individual relationship between heart rate and VO2 was 7,111 kcal (30 MJ). The results show that the difference between ED due to decreased body mass and ED estimated from continuous heart rate monitoring was 74 MJ (124 MJ - 50 MJ). In contrast the difference between ED due to decreased body mass and ED estimated from laboratory data was 20 MJ (30 - 50 MJ). This difference between methodologies cannot properly be explained. Body mass and skinfold thickness may be overestimated due to hypoproteinemic oedemas during endurance exercise. Data from the present study suggests the individual relationship between heart rate and VO2 may provide a closer estimation of EE during extreme endurance exercise compared with corresponding data derived from continuous heart rate monitoring using the POLAR(®) S710. Key PointsDuring an extreme endurance cycling race, energy expenditure can not be covered by energy intake and an energy deficit results.The energy deficit seems to be covered by degradation of subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscle mass.Determination of energy expenditure during extreme endurance may be properly determined with the individual correlation of heart rate - VO2 instead of continuous heart rate monitoring.
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Objective: To record weight changes, fluid intake and changes in serum sodium concentration in ultradistance triathletes. Design: Descriptive research. Setting: Ironman triathlon (3.8 km swim, 180 km cycle, 42.2 km run). Air temperature at 1200 h was 21°C, (relative humidity 91%). Water temperature was 20.7°C. Participants: 18 triathletes. Interventions: None. Main Outcome Measures: Subjects were weighed and had blood drawn for serum sodium concentration [Na], hemoglobin, and hematocrit, pre-race, post-race, and at 0800 h on the morning following the race (recovery); subjects were also weighed at transitions. Fluid intake during the race was estimated by athlete recall. Results: Median weight change during the race = -2.5 kg (p < 0.0006). Subjects lost weight during recovery (median = -1.0 kg) (p < 0.03). Median hourly fluid intake = 716 ml/h (range 421-970). Fluid intakes were higher on the bike than on the run (median 889 versus 632 ml/h, p = 0.03). Median calculated fluid losses cycling were 808 ml/h and running were 1,021 ml/h. No significant difference existed between pre-race and post-race [Na] (median 140 versus 138 mmol/L) or between post-race and recovery [Na] (median 138 versus 137 mmol/L). Plasma volume increased during the race, median + 10.8% (p = 0.0005). There was an inverse relationship between change in [Na] pre-race to post-race and relative weight change (r = -0.68, p = 0.0029). Five subjects developed hyponatremia ([Na] 128-133 mmol/L). Conclusions: Athletes lose 2.5 kg of weight during an ultra-distance triathlon, most likely from sources other than fluid loss. Fluid intakes during this event are more modest than that recommended for shorter duration exercise. Plasma volume increases during the ultradistance triathlon. Subjects who developed hyponatremia had evidence of fluid overload despite modest fluid intakes.
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We investigated the effect of carbohydrate and protein hydrolysate ingestion on whole-body and muscle protein synthesis during a combined endurance and resistance exercise session and subsequent overnight recovery. Twenty healthy men were studied in the evening after consuming a standardized diet throughout the day. Subjects participated in a 2-h exercise session during which beverages containing both carbohydrate (0.15 g x kg(-1) x h(-1)) and a protein hydrolysate (0.15 g x kg(-1) x h(-1)) (C+P, n = 10) or water only (W, n = 10) were ingested. Participants consumed 2 additional beverages during early recovery and remained overnight at the hospital. Continuous i.v. infusions with L-[ring-(13)C(6)]-phenylalanine and L-[ring-(2)H(2)]-tyrosine were applied and blood and muscle samples were collected to assess whole-body and muscle protein synthesis rates. During exercise, whole-body and muscle protein synthesis rates increased by 29 and 48% with protein and carbohydrate coingestion (P < 0.05). Fractional synthetic rates during exercise were 0.083 +/- 0.011%/h in the C+P group and 0.056 +/- 0.003%/h in the W group, (P < 0.05). During subsequent overnight recovery, whole-body protein synthesis was 19% greater in the C+P group than in the W group (P < 0.05). However, mean muscle protein synthesis rates during 9 h of overnight recovery did not differ between groups and were 0.056 +/- 0.004%/h in the C+P group and 0.057 +/- 0.004%/h in the W group (P = 0.89). We conclude that, even in a fed state, protein and carbohydrate supplementation stimulates muscle protein synthesis during exercise. Ingestion of protein with carbohydrate during and immediately after exercise improves whole-body protein synthesis but does not further augment muscle protein synthesis rates during 9 h of subsequent overnight recovery.
Meeting the energy demands of ultraendurance cycling requires careful planning and monitoring of food and fluid intake. This case study presents the nutrient intake of a cyclist while training for and competing in the Race Across AMerica (RAAM). Carbohydrate accounted for 65% of the calories consumed during training (4,743 kcal), 75% during 24-hr races (10,343 kcal), and 78% during RAAM (8,429 kcal). Gastrointestinal complaints during RAAM included nausea, feeling of fullness, and abdominal distension. Although probably exacerbated by sleep deprivation, these problems were all diet related. Based on this experience, it appears that by controlling the carbohydrate concentration of beverages, limiting dietary fiber, and relying on carbohydrate as the primary energy source, one could both control gastrointestinal symptoms and promote optimal performance in training and in ultramarathon cycling.
Increasing the plasma glucose and insulin concentrations during prolonged variable intensity exercise by supplementing with carbohydrate has been found to spare muscle glycogen and increase aerobic endurance. Furthermore, the addition of protein to a carbohydrate supplement will enhance the insulin response of a carbohydrate supplement. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effects of a carbohydrate and a carbohydrate-protein supplement on aerobic endurance performance. Nine trained cyclists exercised on 3 separate occasions at intensities that varied between 45% and 75% VO2max for 3 h and then at 85% VO2max until fatigued. Supplements (200 ml) were provided every 20 min and consisted of placebo, a 7.75% carbohydrate solution, and a 7.75% carbohydrate / 1.94% protein solution. Treatments were administered using a double-blind randomized design. Carbohydrate supplementation significantly increased time to exhaustion (carbohydrate 19.7 +/- 4.6 min vs. placebo 12.7 +/- 3.1 min), while the addition of protein enhanced the effect of the carbohydrate supplement (carbohydrate-protein 26.9 +/- 4.5 min, p < .05). Blood glucose and plasma insulin levels were elevated above placebo during carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein supplementation, but no differences were found between the carbohydrate and carbohydrate-protein treatments. In summary, we found that the addition of protein to a carbohydrate supplement enhanced aerobic endurance performance above that which occurred with carbohydrate alone, but the reason for this improvement in performance was not evident.
To investigate exercise intensity, energy expenditure and energy balance of athletes during an ultraendurance event (UE) consisting in hiking, cycling and mountain climbing. Four athletes participated in this study. Maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and "VO2-heart rate" relationships during cycling and walking were determined by indirect calorimetry during two graded exercise tests. Body mass and body fat mass were measured before and after the UE. During the UE, heart rate (HR), diet intake, gastrointestinal disturbances and route characteristics were monitored. UE duration was 19 h29 min over a distance of 108 km, with 6768 meters of altitude difference. Body mass and percent of body fat mass tended to decrease after UE (-3.2% and -8.9%, respectively). During the locomotion phases, mean exercise intensity was 50.8±10.4% of VO2max and 65.8±7.6% of HRmax. Energy expenditure amounted to 51.0±3.4 MJ. Energy supplied from diet and body fat mass oxidation was 20.4±10.7 MJ and 17.3±2.4 MJ, respectively. During the UE, athletes did not suffer of any gastrointestinal disorder. Mean exercise intensity corresponded to 51% VO2max: it was independent from the locomotion type, and it can be considered an adequate intensity for UEs with similar characteristics. Although athletes successfully completed the UE, the self regulation of energy intake led athletes to a negative energy balance. Estimation of energy expenditure prior the begin of UEs would allow athletes to better plan the diet energy intake.
We examined the changes in participation and performance trends in ultra-triathlons, from the Double Iron (7.6 km swimming, 360 km cycling, 84.4 km running) to the Deca Iron (38 km swimming, 1800 km cycling, 422 km running), between 1985 (first year of a Double Iron) and 2009 (25 years). The mean finish rate for all distances and races was 75.8%. Women accounted for ∼8-10% of the ultra-triathlons starters. For Double and Triple Iron, the number of finishers per year increased, from 17 to 98 and from 7 to 41, respectively. In the Deca Iron, the finishers per race have remained <20 since the first event was held, up to 2009. Concerning World best performances, the men were ∼19% faster than the women in both the Double and Triple Iron, and ∼30% faster in a Deca Iron. With the increasing length of ultra-triathlons, the best women became relatively slower compared with the best men. Further investigations are required to understand why this gender difference in total performance time increased with the distance in ultra-triathlons.
We investigated whether male triathletes in an Ironman triathlon lose body mass in the form of fat mass or skeletal muscle mass in a field study at the Ironman Switzerland in 27 male Caucasian non-professional Ironman triathletes. Pre- and post-race body mass, fat mass and skeletal muscle mass were determined. In addition, total body water, hematological and urinary parameters were measured in order to quantify hydration status. Body mass decreased by 1.8 kg (p< 0.05), skeletal muscle decreased by 1.0 kg (p< 0.05) whereas fat mass showed no changes. Urinary specific gravity, plasma urea and plasma volume increased (p< 0.05). Pre- to post-race change (Delta) in body mass was not associated with ? skeletal muscle mass. Additionally, there was no association between Delta plasma urea and Delta skeletal muscle mass; Delta plasma volume was not associated with Delta total body water (p< 0.05). We concluded that male triathletes in an Ironman triathlon lose 1.8 kg of body mass and 1 kg of skeletal muscle mass, presumably due to a depletion of intramyocellular stored glycogen and lipids.
Accurate reports of energy expenditure (EE) during prolonged mountaineering activity are sparse. The purpose of this study was to estimate EE during a winter ultraendurance climbing race and individual mountaineering activities in Mont Blanc, France. Seven days before the race, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and maximal oxygen consumption (Vo2(max)) were measured in 10 experienced male climbers (30.0 +/- 0.9 years). Three days before (reference period) and during the race, heart rate (HR) was recorded for estimation of total daily EE (TDEE), and the type and duration of all activities were collected through questionnaires. Total DEE was calculated by adding DEE during sleep (DEE sleep), sedentary (DEE sedentary), and during exercise (DEE exercise). Daily energy expenditure during exercise was determined through assumption of the rectilinear relationship between heart rate (HR) and Vo2. Anthropometric measurements were performed 7 days before, just before, and immediately after the race. Total time of the race averaged approximately 29 hours and 29 minutes, including 11 hours and 24 minutes in the hut, plus 18 hours and 5 minutes dedicated to climbing. During the race, TDEE was 43.6 +/- 1.2 MJ x d(-1). Energy expenditures for cross-country skiing and alpine climbing were similar (57.3 +/- 2.1 kJ x min(-1) and 54.0 +/- 2.9 kJ x min(-1), respectively). An energy deficit of 33.5 +/- 2.3 MJ resulted after the race, with a mean weight loss of 1.52 +/- 0.31 kg (P < .001). Experienced climbers expended a high level of energy during a winter ultraendurance alpine climbing race at moderate altitude under high degrees of difficulty and risk exposure. These results provide comparative data on the energy cost of the main mountaineering activities during a race: cross-country skiing and alpine climbing.