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The economic effects of lowering HIV incidence in South Africa: A CGE analysis


Abstract and Figures

South Africa has the highest UNAIDS HIV severity rating: “generalised pandemic”. A country with this classification requires public health interventions aimed at the general population. This paper investigates the efficacy of one such policy, examining the national economic effects of an increase in condom use. We use an epidemiological model to estimate the impact of condom use on HIV infections distinguished by age, gender and race. The epidemiological model's outputs are input to an economy-wide dynamic general equilibrium model that distinguishes labour market participants by age, gender, race, labour market status and HIV status. We find that the programme generates gains in real consumption with a present value of approximately USD 30billion,orUSD30 billion, or USD 2000 per household.
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The economic effects of lowering HIV incidence in South Africa:
A CGE analysis
E.L. Roos , J.A. Giesecke
Centre of Policy Studies, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Accepted 20 February 2014
Available online 22 March 2014
JEL classication:
Computable general equilibrium (CGE)
HIV prevention
South Africa has the highest UNAIDS HIV severity rating: generalised pandemic. A country with this classica-
tion requires public health interventions aimed at the general population. This paper investigates the efcacy of
one such policy, examining the national economic effects of an increase in condom use. We use an epidemiolog-
ical model to estimate the impact of condom use on HIV infections distinguished by age, gender and race. The
epidemiological model's outputs are input to an economy-wide dynamic general equilibrium model that distin-
guishes labour market participants by age, gender, race, labour market status and HIV status. We nd that the
programme generates gains in real consumption with a present value of approximately USD $30 billion, or
USD $2000 per household.
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
South Africa is dened by the Joint United Nations Programme
on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) as experiencing a hyper-endemic HIV epi-
demic, with epidemiological data showing HIV prevalence among
adults aged 1549 at more than 15% (Department of Health, 2011;
Shisana et al., 2009; UNAIDS, 2008). Heterosexual transmission re-
mains the dominant mode of HIV transmission in South Africa, followed
by mother-to-child transmission. An important factor contributing to
South Africa's high HIV prevalence is the existence of multiple hetero-
sexual concurrent relationships, with low and inconsistent condom
use, especially in long-term relationships (Department of Health,
Epidemiological data shows that HIV prevalence and incidence
vary across subgroups within the South African population. The
Human Science Research Council conducted national household-based
population surveys in 2002, 2005 and 2008. Results from these surveys
show that the epidemic has a disproportional impact on the working
age population (Shisana et al., 2009: 31). Gender variation in HIV
prevalence is especially evident in younger age groups, with women
aged between 20 and 24 four times more likely to be HIV positive
than males in the same age group (Department of Health, 2011: 18).
More broadly, females aged 15 and older show disproportionally high
levels of HIV infection (13.6%) relative to men in the same age group
(7.9%) (Shisana et al., 2009: 79). On average, younger females are infect-
ed about 5 years earlier than males. For young females, the prevalence
rate peaks at 32.7% in the age group 2529. For males, the peak age
group is 3034, with a prevalence rate of 25.8% (Shisana et al., 2009:
30). Within South Africa, there is also signicant racial variation in HIV
prevalence, with the prevalence rate for Africans substantially higher
than that of other racial groups. HIV prevalence for Africans is 13.6%,
compared with 1.7% for Coloureds, and 0.3% for Indians and Whites
(Shisana et al., 2009:79).
Many studies suggest that there is an inverse
relationship between HIV prevalence and educational attainment, with
higher levels of educational attainment associated with lower HIV prev-
alence rates. This is consistent with ndings from the 2002 HIV house-
hold survey which suggested that the prevalence of HIV among those
with tertiary degrees was lower than those with no school, primary or
high school attainment (Shisana and Simbayi, 2002: 54). Historical
imbalances in terms of educational attainment and employment
discrimination are reected in the current race and gender proles of
Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 3 9919 1491.
E-mail address: (E.L. Roos).
HIV prevalence is dened as the total number of infections at a given point in
time. HIV incidence is dened as the number of people or percentage of a population
who become newly infected over a period of time, traditionally a given year (UNAIDS,
See Shisana et al. (2009 ) for a detailed gure showing HIV prevalence by gender and
age (p.31) and a detailed table of HIV prevalence by gender, age, population group and
province (p.79).
0264-9993/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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occupational employment. Unskilled labour tends to be poorly educated
and mainly performed by Africans.
People employed in skilled occupa-
tions report higher levels of education and are predominantly per-
formed by the White population group (Statistics South Africa, 2009).
With HIV prevalence and incidence rates varying along the dimensions
of age, gender, race, education and employment status, it is important
that our economic model embodies this detail.
HIV prevention at a population level requires a combination of pre-
vention measures to be most effective (UNAIDS, 2010). This concept
of combined prevention rests on three pillars: biomedical, behavioural
and structural changes. The combined intervention strategy depends
on the interdependent and mutually reinforcing attributes of individual
interventions. For example, the effectiveness of a biomedical interven-
tion (such as condom distribution) is likely to be enhanced when
accompanied by a behavioural intervention (such as an instruction
programme in correct condom use). This would in turn require a
structural intervention (such as government funding and policy
The South African Minister of Health has recently reafrmed the im-
portance of combined prevention, and the role of condom distribution
within this prevention programme, with the national HIV Counselling
and Testing (HCT) campaign launched in 2010 (Motsoaledi, 2010). To
our knowledge, no study has focused on the economic evaluation of
condom distribution programmes in South Africa. For a developing
country such as South Africa, understanding the economic contribution
of the programme is important, particularly in the context of the signif-
icant economic damage caused by AIDS as reported by Booysen et al.
(2003),Haacker (2002) and United Nations (2004). In this paper we in-
vestigate the economic consequences of a change in the number of sex
acts protected by condoms. The aim is to provide insights into the pos-
sible economic consequences of public condom distribution. Results of
In this paper Africans refers to the Black population group.
Fig. 1. Flows between categories at the start of year tand activities during year t.
124 E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
this type can be useful for evaluating the net benets of such
Since the early 2000's, public condom distribution in South Africa has
expanded from approximately 267 million units in 2001 to 445 million
units in 2010 (Marumo, 2011). Despite this increase, the number of
condoms per male remains low. On average, 14.5 male condoms were
distributed per male 15 years and older in 2010/11 (Day et al., 2012).
A number of studies have shown that condoms play a key role if it is
part of a wider prevention programme in reducing HIV infections. For
example, for South Africa, Rehle and colleagues use the Human Science
Research Council surveys to estimate changes in incidence between
2002 and 2005 and between 2005 and 2008. Among the results, they
nd that incidence decreased for women between the ages of 15 and
24. Behavioural trends were analysed, nding both an increase in
condom use at last sex, and a rise in the propensity to be tested for
HIV (Rehle et al., 2010). The rise in condom use for women may also
point to thefact that females are becoming more empowered to negoti-
ate condom use. The 2008 survey nds that not only has there been a
shift in negotiating skills towards women, but communities are becom-
ing more open to discussing topics such as sex and condom use (Shisana
et al., 2009). The increase in reported condom use is consistent
with ndings of a panel data study among South African youth by
Dinkelman et al. (2007). Dinkelman et al. examined recent trends in
adolescent sexual behaviour in Cape Town to determine whether house-
hold and community poverty and negative economic shocks predict
risky behaviour. Their study found that sexual behaviour between
2002 and 2005 shifted towards safer practices. They found a statistically
signicant increase in condom use and a decrease in the incidence of
multiple sexual partners for women aged 17 to 22. Results from the
2006 national HIV/AIDS communication survey for South Africa shows
that education and information have led to an increase in condom use
and HIV testing among young adults (Parker et al., 2007). The survey
further showed that, although other risky behaviours, such as multiple,
concurrent and intergenerational partnerships may have increased
over time, condom use has also increased. However, while the evidence
suggests that there has been an increase in condom use, consistent con-
dom use, especially among youth, is still not optimal (Parker et al.,
In this paper, we examine the labour market and economy-wide
effects of an increase in condom use and decrease in HIV incidence.
There are many channels through which HIV affects the economy
(Arndt and Lewis, 2000).At the level of the AIDS-affected household, re-
searchers have identied the potential for reductions in labour supply,
through ill-health, absenteeism, care-giving and death (Booysen et al.,
2003; International Labour Organization, ILO, 2005; International
Monetary Fund, 2004; Jefferis et al., 2006; Jefferis et al., 2007). Expendi-
ture switching can take place, towards medical treatment and funeral
costs (Booysen et al., 2003; Steinberg et al., 2002; United Nations,
2004). The impact that these factors have on individual household
budgets can result in reduced spending on education, and thus lower
the educational attainment of the children of AIDS-affected households
(Steinberg et al., 2002). At the rm level, productivity can be affected
by absenteeism, employment of temporary staff, loss of expertise,
retraining costs and poor morale (Rosen et al., 2003; United Nations,
2004; USAID, 2001). At the government level, HIV/AIDS-related spend-
ing can increase, which may have implications for other elements
of public spending such as welfare and education (International
Monetary Fund, 2004). Of these many channels, we focus on labour
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In Section 2 we
describe the theoretical structure of our economic model, SAGE-H.
Section 3 outlines the model's database. In Section 4, we describe a
simple back-of-the-enveloperepresentation of the main economic
relationships in SAGE-H that will prove important in understanding
our simulation results. Section 5 describes how we translate a hypothet-
ical condom distribution policy into a set of exogenous shocks to an in-
dependent epidemiological model and our economic model. Section 6
discusses the simulation results, and Section 7 concludes the paper.
2. Description of the Sage-H model of the South African economy
SAGE-H is a large-scale dynamic computable general equilibrium
(CGE) model of the South African economy. SAGE-H consists of two
inter-dependent modules. The rst module describes the behaviour of
industries, investors, households, government and exporters at the na-
tional level, and is based on the theoretical structure of the MONASH
Table 1
BOTE: stylised representation of selected relationships in SAGE-H.
Equations holding within any given year of the year-on-year base-case and policy simulations
(1) Short-run closure(2) Effectivelong-run closure
Af1 K;LDðÞ Y¼1
Af1 K;LDðÞ (B.2)
PX =f4(1/X,F
)PX =f4(1/X,F
LD =LS ×ER LD =LS ×ER (B.13)
Equations determining start-of-the-year variables in year-on-year base-case and policy simulations
Lagged wage adjustment in the policy simulations
Wbase ¼Wt1
LDbase LS
hi (B.21)
Bold denotes exogenous. Remaining variables are endogenous. Table 2 includes a description of the variables in Table 1.
125E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
model (Dixon and Rimmer, 2002). The second module describes labour
supply, and is based on the theory described in Dixon and Rimmer
(2010) and Dixon et al. (2011). While the complete model is too large
to describe in detail in a journal-sized paper, we render such a descrip-
tion unnecessary by presenting a back-of-the-envelope model (hereaf-
ter, BOTE) that describes the key economic relationships in SAGE-H
that are relevant to our simulation of a fall in the number of new HIV in-
fections. Use of miniature models such as BOTE to describe the results
from a full-scale applied economic model has a long tradition in CGE
Before describing BOTE, we rst provide a brief overview
of SAGE-H.
SAGE-H models production of 28 commodities by 28 industries.
Three primary factors are identied: land, capital and labour. Labour is
further distinguished by 11 occupational types. The model has one
representative household and one central government. Optimising
behaviour governs decision-making by the household and rms. Indus-
tries minimise costs subject togiven input prices and a constant returns
to scale production function. The household is assumed to be a budget-
constrained utility maximiser. Units of new industry-specic capital are
cost minimising combinations of South African and foreign commodi-
ties. We assume that domestic and imported varieties of commodities
are imperfect substitutes for each other, with this modelled via constant
elasticity of substitution (CES) functions. The export demand for any
South African commodity is inversely related to its foreign-currency
price. SAGE-H models the consumption of commodities by government
as well as direct and indirect taxes. All sectors are competitive and
all commodity markets clear. SAGE-H recognises ve main types of
dynamic adjustment: capital accumulation, net foreign liability accu-
mulation, public sector debt accumulation, labour force movements be-
tween labour market states via transition matrices and labour market
offers, and short-run stickiness in wage adjustment. Capital accumula-
tion is industry-specic and linked to industry-specic net investment.
Changes in industry-specic investment are linked to changes in
industry-specic rates of return. Changes in net foreign liabilities are
linked to changes in the current account balance, and changes in public
sector net debt are linked to changes in the government decit.
The model's HIV detail is expressed in the labour supply theory.
This theory imposes a stock/ow dynamic on labour market groups dis-
tinguished by labour market activity, age, gender, race, and HIV status
and, if positive, HIV stage. Broadly, the theory species that at the start
of year t, people aged 1565 (the working age population, hereafter
the WAP) are divided into categories based on common characteristics.
These characteristics are age, gender, race, HIV status/stage and labour-
market activity in year t 1. People in categories offer their labour
services to activities performed during year t. Although most people in
year t remain within the same employment status they held during
year t 1, a person may offer (and be accepted) into a different em-
ployment statuses. At the end of year t, people still part of the WAP
progress one year in age and may change their HIV status/stage. Some
people leave the WAP due to retirement or death. After this transition,
people are again grouped into categories, based on common character-
istics. The process of labour supply from a category to an activity is then
The following equations explain the operation of the labour supply
module. Eq. (E.1a), allocates people of gender g,racer, at the start
of year tto categories based on their labour market activities in year
t1, while also ensuring that people move between age groups and
HIV statuses via the mediation of a transition matrix.
ACT t1
To;aa;g;r;hh;a;hðÞ ðE:1aÞ
¼Exogenous ðE:1bÞ
F2aa;g;r;HivN;a;Stage1ðÞ ðE:2Þ
See Dixon et al., (1984) fo r an early example.
HIV negative
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Fig. 2. Number of persons by HIV negative and HIV positive category at the start of each year(percentage deviation from baseline).
126 E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
is the number of adults with employment status owho
are of age a,genderg, race rand HIV status hat the start of year t.
is the number of new entrants to the WAP who areof age
a,genderg, race rand HIV status h.Theyaredened as people who
were not part of the WAP in year t1, but will be 15 in year t.New
entrants are exogenously added at the start of each year.
is the number of people with employment status o,of
age aa,genderg,racerand HIV stage hh in year t1.Thisarray
describes the detail of South Africa's highly differentiated labour
is the number of new HIV cases by age a, gender gand
race rof people already part of the WAP.
is a transition matrix recording the proportion of peo-
ple in each labour market activity oby gender gand race r,surviving
from age aa to aand moving from HIV stage hh to h.
is a shift variable on the proportion of people in each
employment status oby gender gand race r, surviving from age aa
to aand moving from HIV stage hh to h.
is a shift variable on the proportion of people by
gender gand race rmoving from age aa to aand from the negative
HIV stage to Stage 1.
EUP is the set of all employment statuses comprising: (i) 11 occupa-
tions, (ii) two unemployment statuses and (iii) permanently de-
parted from the labour force(PDL) status. The 11 occupations are
Legislators, Professionals, Technicians, Clerks, Service workers,
Skilled agricultural workers, Craft workers, Plant and equipment op-
erators, Elementary workers, Domestic workers and an Unspecied
occupation. Unemployment statuses are short-term and long-term.
Short-term unemployment is where a person is unemployed in
year t 1 but employed in year t 2. Long-term unemployment
is where a person is unemployed in year t 1 and year t 2. PDL
refers to people who are either not economically active or who are
in HIV Stage 4.
AGE is the set of all age groups dening the working age population,
namely: 1524, 2534, 3544, 4554 and 5565.
GEN is a set dening males and females.
RACE is a set dening two race groups namely; African and Other.
The Othergroup refers to the sum of the Coloured, Indian and
White population groups.
STG is a set containing all HIV stages, namely: HIV negative, HIV
Stage 1, HIV Stage 2, HIV Stage 3 and HIV Stage 4. The HIV positive
stages are based on the World Health Organisation's (WHO) clinical
classication of HIV/AIDS for adults and adolescents with conrmed
HIV infection (World Health Organisation, 2007: 12, 1516).
Eq. (E.1a) models two transitions; (i) people moving from one age
group to the next and (ii) people changing their HIV status/stage. Nor-
mally the transition matrix is treated as exogenous. However, in formu-
lating the policy shocks for this paper, it was helpful to endogenise
elements of the transition matrix to accommodate independent infor-
mation on the number of new HIV cases. This is the purpose of
Eqs. (E.2) and (E.3). Eq. (E.2) sets the transition variable equal to two
shift variables. Eq. (E.3) calculates the number of new HIV cases as peo-
ple who were part of the HIV negative WAP in year t 1 and become
HIV positive (Stage 1) in year t. We expand on the operation of
Eqs. (E.2) and (E.3) in Section 5 where we explain the calculation of
our policy shocks.
Eq. (E.4) describes planned labour supply to speciclabourmarket
activities in year tby people distinguished by start-of-year labour
market categories. These offers are guided by changes in the relative
returns available across different labour market activities.
As describedin WH O,( 2007), people with Stage4 HIV have severe symptomssuch as
HIV wasting syndrome and pneumonia (WHO, 2007:16).
WHO clinical staging of established HIV infection is: Asymptomatic (Stage 1), mild
symptoms (Stage 2), Advanced symptoms (Stage 3) and Severe symptoms (Sta ge 4)
(WHO, 2007: 12).
Labour supply (Persons)
Employment (Persons)
Real wage
Labour force (Persons)
Fig. 3. Aggregated labour demand, supply, real wage and labour force (percentage deviation from baseline).
127E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
is the planned labour supply (offers) from all employ-
ment statuses oo of age a,genderg,racerand HIV stage h, to all
employment statuses o.
is the number of adults in each employment status oo
who are of age a,genderg,racerand HIV status hat the start of
year t.
captures exogenous non-wage factors (such as prefer-
ences) that may motivate people of age a,genderg,racer, HIV status
hand labour market status oo to offer their labour to activity o.
is the occupation-specic real after-tax wage rate.
ηis a parameter that reects the ease with which adults can shift
between activities. Following Dixon and Rimmer (2010),wesetηat 2.
EUPN is a set of all employment statuses dened at the start of year t.
They include employment, unemployment, PDL and new entrants.
Eq. (E.5) describes the wage adjustment mechanism which is oper-
ational during policy simulations (Dixon and Rimmer, 2010).
5for οOCC ðE:5Þ
and Wpolicy
toðÞ are the wage in the baseline and policy simulation
in year t, respectively;
and Wpolicy
t1oðÞ are the wage in the baseline and policy simula-
tion in year t1, respectively;
and LDpolicy
toðÞ are the demand for labour in the baseline and
policy simulation in year t, respectively; and
and LSpolicy
toðÞ are labour supply in the baseline and policy simula-
tion in year t, respectively.
In the policy simulation, W
and LS
are exogenously de-
termined and equal to their baseline values. Wpolicy
toðÞ ,LDpolicy
toðÞ and LSpolicy
evolve endogenously. Eq. (E.5) states that if, for example, a policy causes
a larger percentage deviation in labour supply than labour demand,
then there will be a decrease between years t1and tin the deviation
in occupation o's real wage rate. In other words, in periods in which a
policy elevates labour supply relative to labour demand, real wages
fall relative to their baseline values. However, short-term wage rates
are sticky, so the initial effect of the increase in labour supply is to
increase unemployment while only slowly decreasing the wage. The
positive parameter αgoverns the speed at which wages adjust in the
policy case to return the employment rate to its baseline value.
Fig. 1 describes all possible ows from categories to activities. We
describe below the possible ows in Fig. 1 in the context of each starting
to CAT
This category describes people employed in
year t1for a given age a, gender g,racerand HIV stage h.In
year t, people in this category can remain in the same occupation o
(ow a); move to a different occupation oo (ow b); move to
short-term unemployment (ow c); or move to the PDL activity
(ow d). Because wages are stickly, not all offers to employment
are necessarily accepted. Hence, to determine ows b, e, h and l,
we begin by dening vacancies in each employment activity oin
year tas the number of jobs less the incumbents (ow a).
Flow b
is modelled as being proportional to the vacancies in o, and the
share of category oo in the supply of labour to activity ofrom people
outside o. People who are employed in occupation oo and plan on
moving to occupation o, but are unable to move due to insufcient
vacancies in o, simply remain in oo. Flow c shows the number of
people moving to short-term unemployment as the sum of volun-
tary movesand involuntary moves. Involuntary moves are modelled
as a xed fraction of the number of people in each employment
category. Flow d is only relevant to a proportion of people who
were employed and in HIV Stage 3 during year t1. A proportion
of people in HIV Stage 3 will move to HIV Stage 4 at the beginning
of year t. They are grouped in an employment category with an
HIV stage of Stage 4. We do not allow anyone with a Stage 4 status
to be employed or unemployed. Instead, they move to the PDLactiv-
ity in year t.Wemodelows g,jand nin a similar way.
This category describes people of a given age a, gender g,
race rand HIV stage h, who were not employed in year t1, but
employed in year t2.Inyeart, people in this category can move
to employment activity o(ow e); those who fail to secure employ-
ment move into the long-term unemployment activity (ow f); or
those with a Stage 4 status move to the PDL activity (ow g).
This is a non-technical description.For a technical description, see Eqs.(E.14) to (E.32)
and associated discussion in Roos (2013a).
Average rate of return
Fig. 4. Investment, capital stock and rates of return (percentage deviation from baseline).
128 E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
This category describes people of a given age a, gender g,
race rand HIV stage h, who were unemployed in years t1
and t2.Inyeart, people in this category can move to employment
activity o(ow h); those who do not secure employment simply re-
main in the long-term unemployment activity (ow i); or move to
the PDL activity (ow j).
This category describes people of a given age a, gender g,
race rand HIV stage h, who were PDL in year t1. They are not con-
sidered part of the labour force and donot move to any employment
or unemployment activities. PDL also includes all persons with a
Stage 4 status. In year t, people in this category only move into the
PDL activity (ow k).
The nal category describes people of a given age a, gender
g, race rand HIV stage h, who enter the labour force for the rst time.
In year t, people in this category can move to employment activity o
(ow l); new entrants who fail to secure a job, move to the short-
term unemployment activity (ow m); or those with a Stage4 status
move to the PDL activity (ow n).
Finally, labour supply to activity ois dened as:
LS o
ðÞ ¼X
ðÞ ðE:6Þ
is the supply of labour to employment, unemployment and PDL ac-
tivities. The employment subset of LS dened in Eq. (E.6) appears in the
sticky wage adjustment mechanism, Eq. (E.5).
3. Description of the databases
Two large databases form the initial solution to the SAGE-H model.
The core CGE database is calibrated from the 2002 Supply-Use
Tables (Statistics South Africa, 2006, 2009).
In parameterising the
labour supply module we begin with working age population data on
labour market activities by gender and race (Statistics South Africa,
2005). We then create an age dimension using census data (Statistics
South Africa., 2003). The HIV detail is based on the ASSA2003 model's
age-, race- and gender-specic information of adults across different
HIV stages (Actuarial Society of South Africa, ASSA, 2005). This data
forms the basis of the activity matrix dened in Eq. (E.1a). Next we cre-
ate the transition matrix, which is the product of an age and an HIV sta-
tus/stage transition matrix.The transition matrix recordsthe proportion
of people in each labour market activity osurviving from age aa to aand
moving from HIV stage hh to h. These transition rates are unique over
gender and race. To infer the ageing transition rates, we used age, gen-
der and race-specic demographic and mortality data implicit in the
ASSA model (Actuarial Society of South Africa, ASSA, 2005). We adopt
age, gender and race-specic non-AIDS and AIDS death rates. Non-
AIDS death rates show a smooth increase from younger to older age
groups. The second set of age and gender-specic death rates describe
AIDS-related deaths. A distinct age and gender-specic pattern is ob-
served. For both genders, younger age groups have higher death rates
compared to the non-AIDS death rates. The high death rates are follow-
ed by a rapid decline in the AIDS death rates for older age groups. AIDS
deaths peak at 3034 for females and 3539 for males. To calculate
transition probabilities for the HIV dimension, we adopt data from the
ASSA model (Actuarial Society of South Africa, ASSA, 2005). The transi-
tion matrix ensures that people move sequentially through the 5 HIV
stages. For example, a person transitioning from HIV negative to HIV
positive moves from HIV negative to Stage 1. From Stage 1 they move
sequentially through the stages until they reach Stage 4. People cannot
move backward through the stages. The resulting set of transition rates
see E.1a) are non-uniform over age, gender, race and
labour market activity.
There is little ofcial statistical data to inform HIV-stage-specic
ows in L
in Eq. (E.4). However there are some studies that
evaluate the impact of HIV and AIDS on absenteeism (Morris et al.,
2000; Orr and Patient, 2006). We draw upon these studies to inform
plausible ows based on HIV stage. For example, Orr and Patient
(2006) evaluate the impact of HIV and AIDS on absenteeism in the
At the time of developing the SAGE-H model, the2002 SUT was the most recent avail-
able data.
For a detailed description on the creation of the labour module database, see Roos
Employment (Wage-bill)
Employment (Persons)
Fig. 5. Real GDP, labour input and capital stock (percentage deviation from baseline).
129E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
South African hospitality industry. Their study shows a correlation be-
tween sick leave and the illnesses associated with the clinical stages of
infection. USAID (2001) states that during the early stages of HIV infec-
tions, managers may observe unexplained increases in the number of
sick days taken. As the illness progresses, managers may observe an in-
crease in disease such as TB or malaria which leads to increases in sick
days (USAID, 2001). As a consequence HIV positive workers may be
retained in their current position, moved toa less demanding job within
the company, or red (USAID, 2001). We have drawn on these studies
to inform the values for Lin the following ways:
(i) HIV negative people offer more strongly to employment activi-
ties than do HIV positive persons.
(ii) An HIV positive employed person with a Stage 3 status is more
likely to offer to short-run unemployment than an HIV negative
person or a person who is HIV positive and in Stage 1 or 2.
(iii) People who are HIV positive and unemployed in year t1offer
more weakly to employment activities in year tthan an HIV neg-
ative unemployed person.
(iv) A person with an HIV positive Stage 3 status who was part of the
labour forcein year t1and moves to Stage 4 at the start of year
t, offers onlyto the permanently departed from the labour force
activity in year t. We assume that people who are permanently
departed from the labour forceremain in this category.
After the creation of these databases, we move both databases for-
ward to 2011 via simulation, by imposing on the model as exogenous
shocks known outcomes for macroeconomic variables and HIV inci-
dence rates, using data from the South African Reserve Bank data and
Rehle et al. (2010).
4. A back-of-the-envelope representation of SAGE-H
In this section we outline a back-of-the-envelope model (BOTE)
describing a stylised representation of the key macroeconomic relation-
ships in SAGE-H relevant to the simulation results reported in Section VI.
BOTE will also prove useful when we explain how the results from the
ASSA model are introduced to SAGE-H. The BOTE equations are presented
in Table 1.Table 2 describes the variables in Table 1.
SAGE-H is a recursive dynamic model, linking a sequence of annual
equilibria through stock-ow accounting and transition probabilities.
In using BOTE to describe SAGE-H, we distinguish between equations
that describe:
(i) economic relationships within any given year of our year-on-
year simulations (Eqs. (B.1)(B.14));
(ii) how the HIV status of adults changes between years
(Eqs. (B.15)(B.18));
(iii) movements in other economic stock variables between years
(Eqs. (B.19)(B.20)); and
(iv) the sticky wage adjustment mechanism (Eq. B.21).
Eq. (B.1) describes real gross domestic product (GDP) from the
expenditure side in constant price terms. Eq. (B.2) describes an
economy-wide constant returns to scale production function, relating
real GDP to inputs of capital and labour and primary-factor technical
efciency. Eq. (B.3) relates the sum of private and public consumption
to real (consumption-price deated) gross national income (GNP) via
a given average propensity to consume. Eq. (B.4) denes the ratio of
public to private consumption. Eq. (B.5) denes realGNP as real GDP ad-
justed by a positive function of the terms of trade, less interest payment
on real foreign debt. Eq. (B.6) relates aggregate import volumes to real
GDP and the terms of trade. Eq. (B.6) summarises our SAGE-H assump-
tion that agent-specic demand for an individual import is positively
related to the agent's activity level (proxied by real GDP in B.6) and
negatively related to the price of the import relative to the price of the
domestic substitute (proxied by the terms of trade in Eq. (B.6)).
Eq. (B.7) denes the terms of trade as the ratio of the export price
index to the import price index. In SAGE-H, the export volume for any
individual commodity is negatively related to its foreign-currency
price via a constant elasticity export demand function. At the economy-
wide level, we summarise this in BOTE in Eq. (B.8). Eq. (B.9) makes
investment a positive function of the rate of return on capital. Eq. (B.10)
denes the gross capital growth rate as the ratio of investment to capital.
Since the production function is constant returns to scale, marginal prod-
uct functions are homogenous of degree zero and can be expressed as
functions of the capital/labour ratio. This accounts for Eqs. (B.11) and
(B.12). Eq. (B.11) relates the prot-maximising capital/labour ratio to
the rate of return on capital, technical change, and the terms of trade.
Eq. (B.12) relates the real consumer wage to changes in the capital-
labour ratio, technical change and the terms of trade. Eq. (B.13) equates
labour demand with labour supply multiplied by the employment rate.
We distinguish in BOTE the labour supply of HIV positive and negative
individuals because our policy simulations involve interventions aimed
at reducing the number of persons entering the HIV positive category.
Eq. (B.14) denes start-of-year labour supply as the sum of HIV negative
Private consumption
Public consumption
Fig. 6. Private and public consumption and real GDP (percentage deviation from baseline).
130 E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
labour force participants and HIV-positive labour force participants
multiplied by their respective employment offer rates. Eq. (B.14) distin-
guishes the offer rates of HIV-negative and HIV-positive labour force par-
ticipants because, as discussed in Sections 2 and 3, SAGE-H recognises
that HIV-positive people make weaker offers to employment activities
relative to HIV-negative people.
Eqs. (B.15) to (B.18) determine year-on-year movements in the la-
bour force, distinguished by HIV status. In the BOTE framework, an
HIV negative adult in year t1has three transition probabilities in
moving to year t:
(i) They might survive, and change their HIV status from HIV nega-
tive to HIV positive. We represent this probability by T
(ii) They might die, with probability DRT
(iii) They might survive, and remain HIV negative, with probability
Since T
and T
exhaust the transition possi-
bilities for an HIV negative adult, Eq. (B.15) calculates T
as a re-
sidual of T
and DRT
Eq. (B.16) relates the start-of-year number of HIV negative adults in
the labour force (LF
) to the number of HIV negative adults in the la-
bour forcein year t1 who surviveto year t(LF
number of HIV negative new entrants to the labour force (NEW
Eq. (B.17) relates the start-of-year number of HIV positive people in
the labour force (LF
) to the number of adults who were HIV positive
in year t1 and survive to yeart (LF
(1 DRT
the numberof
new HIV infections (HIV
) and the number of HIV positive new en-
trants to the labour force (NEW
). Eq. (B.18) denes the start-of-
year number of new HIV infections (HIV
) among current labour
force participants as the product of the number of HIV negative adults
during year t1(LF
) and the probability of changing HIV status
from HIV negative to HIV positive (T
Eq. (B.19) relates the start-of-year capital stock to investment in the
previous year and depreciation on the existing capital stock. Eq. (B.20)
relates start-of-year foreign debt to the previous year's foreign debt
and the excess of investment over savings.
Eq. (B.21) describes the path of the real wage in the policy. With
Eq. (B.21) activated in the policy simulation, the real wage deviation
will gradually decrease (increase) as long as the deviation in the labour
supply/demand balance lies above (below) its basecase level.
We now consider a closure for Eqs. (B.1) to (B.20) that reects the
closure of SAGE-H. In doing so, we distinguish between equations that
describe economic relationships within any given year (Eqs. (B.1) to
(B.14)) and equations that describe start-of-the-year variables
(Eqs. (B.15) to (B.20)). We begin by noting that start-of-year values
for T
, K and FDATT are uniquely deter-
mined by Eqs. (B.15) to (B.20). As such, T
K and FDATT, while formally endogenous, are effectively exogenous
within any given year of a year-on-year simulation. Thus, recognising
that Eqs. (B.15) to (B.20) govern dynamics across years, our task of un-
derstanding the model closure narrows to choosing appropriate short-
run and long-run closures for Eqs. (B.1) to (B.14).
Eqs. (B.1) to (B.14) comprise 14 equations and 28 unknowns. Table 1
presents two closures: a short-run closure and an effectivelong-run
closure. By effectivelong-run closure, we mean that while ROR and
Ψare presented as exogenous in the long-run, no such exogeneity is ac-
tually imposed on these variables in SAGE-H simulations. Rather, in the
year-on-year dynamic simulations, Eqs. (B.9) and (B.19) lead the econ-
omy to a long-run state that can be described by the exogenous status of
ROR and Ψin BOTE.
A closure for Eqs.(B.1) to (B.14) that reects the short-run closure
environment of SAGE-H would have X, Y, C, Γ, GNP, M, TOT, PX, I, Ψ,
ROR, LD, ER and LS determined endogenously, given exogenous values
for G, A, APC, FDATT, R, PM, F
. This closure is described in column (1) of Table 1. Our description
of SAGE-H's long-run behaviour using BOTE differs in two respects from
this short-run closure. First, policy-case employment rates by occupa-
tion are returned to their baseline levels via real wage adjustment. In
BOTE, this is represented by long-run exogeneity of ER and endogeneity
of W. Second, the short-run operation of Eqs. (B.9) and (B.19) gradually
Note that thesurvival probability in Eq. (B.17) refers to the probability of an HIV pos-
itive person in year t 1 surviving to year t and still remain part of the labour force. In
BOTE we do not distinguish between the HIV positive stages.
Note that the transition matrix in BOTE Eq. (B.18) refers to the probability of a person
moving from HIV negative to HIV positive (T
). In the description of the full
SAGE-H labour-market theo ry, this description specically refers to the transition from
HIV negative to Stage 1 HIV status. In the SAGE-H model, additional dimensions distin-
guish transition probabilities by age, gender, race and occupation.
The start-of-the-year foreign debt can be written as FDATT = FDATT
This equation relates start-of-the-year foreign debt to the previous years foreign debt
and the current account decit. The current account decit is dened as X-M. We also
know that X-M = I-S. From BOTE, (B3) implies that national savings is given as (1-APC)
× GNP. Hence, CADEF = I-(1-APC) × GNP. Substituting CADEF into FDATT yields FDATT
) × GNP
Terms of trade
Fig. 7. Exports, imports, GDP and domestic absorption (percentage deviation from baseline).
131E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
drives therate of return back to its baseline value viacapital adjustment.
In BOTE, the end-point of this process is represented by ROR exogenous
and K endogenous.
5. Simulation design
We model two routes through which the increase in condom use has
a direct effect on the South African economy: (1) new HIV infection
numbers, and (2) the nancing cost of expanded public distribution of
free condoms.
To implement the appropriate shocks in SAGE-H, we
must know the level, the composition and timeframe of these effects.
We obtain information on the impact of condom use on the number
of age, gender and race-specic new HIV infections by simulating the
Actuarial Society of South Africa epidemiological model (Actuarial
Society of South Africa, ASSA, 2005; Dorrington et al., 2005). We run
two simulations. The rst simulation incorporates the default settings
in the ASSA modeland does not include our policy of an increase in con-
dom use. This simulation incorporates the baselinesettings for the ASSA
model's ve sets of policy interventions (Dorrington et al., 2005). In the
second simulation we assume that the number of sex acts protected
from the HIV virus by condom use increases by 10% relative to base-
We then calculate thepercentage deviations in new HIV casesbe-
tween the two ASSA simulations distinguished by age, gender and race.
Next we run a side-simulation with SAGE-H in which we impose the
ASSA model deviations in new HIV cases as exogenous shocks to
HIVNEW by age, gender and race (See Eq. (E.3)). HIVNEW is normally
endogenous. In our side simulation its exogenous status is supported
by the endogenous determination of the shift variable F2
(normally exogenous) in Eq. (E.2).
Our policy simulation involves
returning SAGE-H to the standard closure in which new HIV cases
(HIVNEW) is endogenous and we shock F2 with the side-simulation
values. The ASSA model does not provide information on the number
of condoms required to achieve the ASSA model's outcome for averted
HIV infections. In the absence of independent information regarding
the quantity of additional condoms implicit in the ASSA model input as-
sumptions, we assume that an additional 113 million condoms must be
An estimate of the unit cost of these condoms was obtain-
ed from the National Department of Health (Marumo, 2011).
There may be other important avenues of the impact of HIV that arenot addressed in
this paper.An obvious avenue is theimpact on the wider publichealth budget arisingfrom
a fall in new HIV cases.
For example, in the baseline ASSA simulation, for 1419 year old Africans in the at
riskcategory, 42.33% of sex acts are protected via condom use. In the policy ASSA simu-
lation, this proportion becomes 46.56%.
With Eq. (E.2) endogenously determining the transition probability from negative to
Stage 1, we endogenously determine the transition probability of remaining HIV negative
as a residual under an assumption that age, gender and race-specic death rates for HIV-
negative individuals remain unchanged.
Given the current status of the epidemic in South Africa, it would be useful to know
how many condoms are required to avert one new HIV infection. This is a rather difcult
task as it depends on numerous factorssuch as the sexual behaviour of people in different
risk groups, HIV prevalence by risk group, STI rates and percentage of sex protected by a
condom. In the absence of independent information on the matter, we outline below a
set of simple equations (Eqs. (E.1) to (E.6)) to calculate the number of condoms required
to avoid the new HIV infections calculated in our ASSA simulations. Eq. (E.1) denes the
number of protecte d sex acts (P) as the product of the total numbe r of sex acts (Γ)
and the proportion of sex acts protected from the HIV virus due to condom use (Ψ).
(E.1) P=Γ×ΨEq. (E.2) states that the number of condoms used to protect sex acts (C)
is the product of the number of protected sex acts (P) and the number of condoms re-
quired to protect one sex act(E). (E.2) C = P × E SubstitutingEq. (E.1) into Eq. (E.2) yields
(E.3) C = Γ×Ψ× E Rewriting Eq. (E.3) into percentage changeform (E.4) c = γ+ψ+ε
Eq. (E.4)suggests that ifwe increase the proportion of protected sexacts (ψ) by 10%, while
holdingγand εconstant, the numberof condoms used rises by 10%.Eq. (E.5) denes total
condomssupplied in South Africaas the sum of condoms suppliedby the government (G)
and the private sector (B). (E.5) C = G + B Thepercentage changeform of Eq. (E.5) is (E.6)
C = Sg × g + Sb × b where Sg = G/Cand Sb = B / C The government is thelargest distrib-
utor of condomsin South Africa. On the basis of gures reported in Myer et al. (2001),we
assume that the public sector is responsible for 90% of condom supply in South Africa.
Eq. (E.6) implies that if we hold the number of condoms distributed by theprivate sector
constant, and require C to rise by 10%, then G must increase by 11.11%. The public sector
distributed 445 million condoms in 2010 (Marumo, 2011). An 11.11% increase in this
numberrepresents a 49.4 million increase in thenumber of condomssupplied by the gov-
ernment.However, we recognise thatnot all condoms distributedby the public sector are
used during sex. In their study, Myer et al. (2001) investigates what happens to condoms
which were distributed free of charge by the public sector. They found that 43.7% of the
condoms were used in sex. Hence, base d on their nding we assume that to secure a
49.4 million increase in condom use,113 million additional condoms must be distributed.
Our calculations make clear that in arrivingat our 113 millionunit estimate we havemade
three assumptions: no crowding out of privately supplied condoms (B is constant), no
change in wastage (E is constant), and no changein the number of sex acts (Γis constant).
We are aware of no studies that elucidate the elasticities of B, E and Γto G. Nevertheless,
we think it likely that the constancy of B, E and Γin the face of a rise in G is not assured.
As such, we view our estimate for the change in G of 113 millionunits as perhaps a good
order-of-magnitude estimate only.
The average unit cost of condoms is R0.23. On this basis, we assume that the annual
cost of providing an additional 113 million condoms will be R26 million. This is a once
off permanent increase in costs.
African 15–44
African 45–65
Other 45–65
Other 15–44
Fig. 8. Labour supply from all labour force categories to employment activities by broad age group and race (percentage deviation from baseline).
132 E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
6. Results
In interpreting the results produced by SAGE-H we refer to the BOTE
equations listed in Table 1. The immediate effects of a decrease in the
probability of an adult moving from HIV negative to Stage 1 are: (1) a
fall in the number of new HIV infections, and (2) an increasein the sur-
vival probability of an HIV negative adult. This accounts for the positive
deviation in the number of HIV negative persons in Fig. 2. It also
accounts for the negative deviation in the number of HIV positive per-
sons by HIV Stage. Initially, the fall in new HIV cases is manifested as
negative deviation in Stage 1. Consistent with the HIV transition path-
way described by Eq. (E.1a), over time the fall in Stage 1 persons ows
through into negative deviations in persons in Stages 24. This accounts
for the pattern of staggered deviations in HIV positive stages in Fig. 2.
The pattern of initial trough and partial recovery in the number of
persons by HIV-positive category in Fig. 2 reects the pattern of
subgroup-specic transition rates, in particular, the fact that for individ-
uals in certain high-risk groups, the condom programme delays, but
does not prevent, eventual infection. Nevertheless, over the entire
simulation period,the average probability of moving from HIV negative
to Stage 1 remains below its baseline values. In terms of BOTE, we
represent this as a fall in T
. Via BOTE Eq. (B.18), a decrease in
leads to fewer new HIV infections. A corollary of the decrease
in T
is that, with death rates (in BOTE, DRT
) remaining at
their base levels, the diagonal transition rate of HIV negative adults
) rises. In BOTE, this relationship is captured by Eq. (B.15).
In BOTE, the number of people of a given HIV status who are part of
the labour force at the start of the year is modelled by Eqs. (B.16) and
(B.17). Via Eq. (B.16) we see that the number of people who are HIV
negative depends on new entrants to the labour force and movements
in the survival probability of HIV negative adults. Eq. (B.17) summarises
the calculation of the number of HIV positive labour force participants,
noting that this depends upon the survival probability of existing HIV
positive persons, newly-infected existing members of the labour force,
and new entrants to the labour force who are already HIV positive.
Both Eqs. (B.16) and (B.17) summarise the more detailed modelling in
SAGE-H. In particular, Eqs. (B.16) and (B.17) are based upon SAGE-H
Eq. (E.1a),discussedinSection 2 above.
The prevention policy affects transition rates regulating the propen-
sity of HIV negative people in year t 1 to become HIV positive in year t.
In the policy simulation we assume that all other transition rates remain
set at their baseline values. The reader will recall that our underlying
theory species that a person who is HIV positive and in Stage 1
moves sequentially through stages 1 to 4. This accounts for the pattern
of lagged deviations in the number of persons categorised by HIVstatus
in Fig. 2, which shows thetiming of the negative deviations by HIV stage
moving sequentially through stages 1 to 4. In the long run the total
number of HIV positive persons is approximately 0.72% lower than
baseline and the number of HIV negative persons is approximately
0.45% higher than baseline.
Age- and gender-specic mortality rates rise with HIV status. Hence,
with fewer people moving into the HIV positive categories, the devia-
tion in South Africa's labour force is positive (Fig. 3). Note that the devi-
ation in labour supply exceeds the deviation in the labour force. As
discussed in Section 2, our labour market theory embodies lower labour
market attachment for HIV positive persons relative to those who are
HIV negative. Labour market attachment declines further as HIV posi-
tive persons move through successive HIV stages. As discussed in
Section 2, in the labour market theory of SAGE-H, declining labour
market attachment manifests as lower participation rates and higher
offers to voluntary unemployment. As is clear from Fig. 2, the policy
causes a positive deviation in HIV-negative individuals (with compara-
tively strong labour market attachment) and a negative deviation in
HIV-positive individuals (with comparatively weak labour market
attachment). In Fig. 3, this explains why the deviation in labour supply
exceeds the deviation in the labour force.
In Fig. 3 we see that the deviation in employment tracks close to, but
initially lags, the deviation in laboursupply. This reectsour assumption
of transient stickiness in the real wage. In BOTE, we represent this in the
short-run by setting W exogenous in column (1) of Table 1.WithW
exogenous, LD is largely determined by Eq. (B.12).
Hence, in the
short-run, the positive deviation in LS causes a negative deviation in
the employment rate.
This accounts for the initial growing negative
Eq. (B.12) has 2 endogenous variables in the short run, TOT and LD. Scope for large
movements in TOT is limited by South Africa's high demand elasticities (5) in SAGE-H.
With movements in TOT limited, and with K, A and W exogenous in the short run,
Eq. (B.12) can be viewed as largely determining LD.
While we treat W as short-run exogenous in BOTE,in SAGE-H we assume thatthe de-
viation in W is a positive function of the deviation in the employment rates (ER in BOTE).
This renders W sticky in short-run applications of SAGE-H. In BOTE, we represent this
short-runstickiness in the wage by exogenous determination of W. Interms of BOTE, this
implies, via Eqs. (B.13) and (B.21), that a rise in labour supply will be matchedby a fall in
employment rate. However in SAGE-H, a short-run negative deviation in ER produces a
negative deviation in W, allowing a short-run positive deviation in LD via Eq. (B.12).
Fig. 9. Output by broad sector (percentage deviation from baseline).
133E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
deviation in the average employment rate, manifested in Fig. 3 by the
gap between the deviations in labour supply and employment. Because
our HIV prevention programme generates a growing positive deviation
in labour supply (Fig. 3), the negative deviation in the employment rate
persists. However, via the sticky wage mechanism (Eq. (B.21)) it nar-
rows over time, ensuring that accretions to labour supply from earlier
periods eventually manifest as a rise in employment. In the long-run,
as the growth rate of the deviation in labour supply declines, (Fig. 3),
wage exibility allows the employment deviation to catch-up with the
labour supply deviation, allowing the employment rate to return
towards its baseline level. In BOTE, we represent SAGE-H's property
of medium- to long-run wage exibility by the endogenous status of
W and the exogenous status of ER in column (2) of Table 1.Via
Eqs. (B.13) and (B.21), we expect that the deviation in long-run labour
demand will match the long-run deviation in labour-supply. We see
this conrmed by the long-run convergence of the employment and
labour supply deviations in Fig. 3.
Although the policy change leads to an increase in the total number
of people employed, the improvement in health status leads to a lower
increase in labour input measured by wage-bill weights relative to per-
son weights. In terms of contribution to GDP, labour input is calculated
as the number of employment activities weighted by their respective
wage rates, reecting differences in productivity across occupational
groups. In Fig. 5 we see that long-run wage bill-weighted labour input
increases by 0.2% relative to baseline, slightly less than the long-run
deviation in employed persons of 0.23%. This reects the fact that the
employment-promoting effects of the policy are weighted towards
relatively low wage occupations such as craft and plant and machine
With employment higher, but capital stocks slow to adjust in the
short-run, the capital/labour ratio declines relative to baseline (Fig. 5).
Via Eq. (B.11) the short-run negative deviation in the capital/labour
ratio generates a positive deviation in the rate of return on capital.
This accounts for the growing positive deviation in the rate of return
on capital in the rst half of the simulation period (Fig. 4). The positive
rate of return deviation causes positive deviations in the capital growth
rate (Ψ) and with it, real investment through BOTE Eqs. (B.9) and (B.10)
(column 1 of Table 1). This accounts for the positive deviation in real in-
vestment in Fig. 4. As discussed in Section 3, in BOTE, we represent the
long-run outcome of the process described by Eqs. (B.9) and (B.10)
(namely, a positive deviation in the capital growth rate so long as the
rate of return on capital exceeds a given normal rate of return) via the
exogenous status of the capital growth rate (Ψ)andtherateofreturn
on capital (ROR). In Fig. 4, we see these two long-run properties of the
SAGE-H model expressed, respectively, in the convergence of the in-
vestment and capital deviations, and the gradual elimination of the
rate of return deviation.
Via long-run BOTE Eq. (B.11), we expect that, for a given terms of
trade the long-run growth in employment generated by the policy
should produce a corresponding positive deviation in the long-run cap-
ital stock. Broadly, we see this expectation conrmed in Fig. 5. Note
however that in Fig. 5 we nd the deviation in the capital stock lies
below the deviation in (wagebill-weighted) employment. This implies
that in the long-run there is a small decline in the capital-labour ratio
relative to baseline. As we explain below, the policy generates a long-
run decline in South Africa's terms of trade. Via Eq. (B.11) this causes a
negative deviation in the long-run capital/labour ratio. Via Eq. (B.2),
the positive deviations in employment and the capital stock generate
Table 2
BOTE variable descriptions.
APrimary-factor augmenting technical change
Average propensity to consume, years t and t 1
CReal private consumption
Depr Depreciation rate
Death rate of HIV negative adults
Death rate of HIV positive adults
FDATT Real net foreign liabilities in the current year
Real net foreign liabilities in year t 1
Export demand shift variable
Normal rate of return on capital
GReal government consumption
Real (consumption price deated) gross national product, years t and t 1
New HIV infections at the start of year t
Real investment expenditure, years t and t 1 respectively
Capital stock, years t and t 1 respectively
Labour demand in the policy and base simulation in year t
Offer rates to employment, HIV negative and positive (OR
Labour supply in the policy and base simulation in year t
Number of HIV negative people in the labour force in year t 1
Number of HIV positive people in the labour force in year t 1
Number of HIV negative people in the labour force at the start of year t
Number of HIV positive people in the labour force at the start of year t
MImport volumes
HIV negative new entrants to the labour force
HIV positive new entrants to the labour force
PX,PM Foreign-currency export price, foreign-currency import price
RInterest rate on foreign liabilities
ROR Rate of return on capital
Survival probability of an HIV negative adult
Probability of a person surviving to the next year and changing their HIV status from HIV negative to HIV positive
TOT Terms of trade
Real (CPI-deated) wage in the policy and base simulation in year t
t1Real (CPI-deated) wage in the policy and base simulation in year t 1
XExport volumes
YReal gross domestic product (GDP)
ΓRatio of public to private consumption
ΨGross capital growth rate
134 E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
a positive deviation in real GDP. This accounts for the long-run positive
deviation in real GDP of approximately 0.17% reported in Fig. 5.
We assume that public and private consumptions are a xed propor-
tion of gross national product (GNP). GNP in turn is a function of real
GDP, the terms of trade, and foreign interest payments. In BOTE, we
represent these relationships via Eqs. (B.3), (B.4) and (B.5). In
Eq. (B.5) we see that, for a given level of the terms of trade and foreign
debt, movements in real GNP depend on movements in real GDP. This
explains why, in Fig. 7, the real consumption deviations (which are
indexed to real GNP via Eqs. B.3 and B.4) closely track the real GDP
deviation. Ultimately, the real GNP deviation and with it, the real
consumption deviation, lie below the real GDP deviation. This is so for
two reasons. First, the policy causes a negative deviation in the terms
of trade (Fig. 7). Second, the positive deviation in real investment
exceeds the deviation in real national savings. Via Eq. (B.20) this gener-
ates a positive deviation in net foreign debt,and with it, foreign interest
payments on that debt. Together, thenegative deviation in the terms of
trade and the positive deviation in net foreign debt damp the real GNP
deviation relative to the real GDP deviation.
As discussed above, the long-run deviation in real GDP is approxi-
mately 0.17% (Fig. 5). With the long-run negative deviation in the
terms of trade, and the long-run positive deviation in net foreign liabil-
ities, the real GNP deviation is slightly below this, at0.15%. As discussed
in Section 4,inSAGE-Hwemodelthecondomdistributionprogramme
via an increase in public spending on the relevant commodities. This is
nanced via a direct tax on households. In Fig. 6, this explains why the
private consumption deviation lies below the public consumption
The policy generates a negative deviation in the terms of trade
(Fig. 7). This reects the modelling of commodity-specic export vol-
umes in SAGE-H, which are assumed to be inversely related to foreign
currency export prices. In BOTE, we represent this by Eq. (B.8). The
policy generates a growing positive deviation in South Africa's export
volumes (Fig. 7). It is this positive deviation in exports, which, via
Eqs. (B.8) and (B.7), accounts for the negative deviation in the terms
of trade. We trace the long-run positive deviation in export volumes
to the operation of Eqs. (B.1) and (B.6). In Eq. (B.6) we see that aggre-
gate imports are determined by two broad forces: an activity effect
(represented by movements in Y) and a real exchange rate effect (rep-
resented by TOT). The importance of the activity effect is clear from
Fig. 7, where we see that the import volume deviation broadly tracks
the real GDP deviation. To explain the long-run export volume devia-
tion, we turn our attention to Eq. (B.1). In Fig. 6 and the attendant
discussions above, we saw that the real consumption deviations broadly
track the real GDP deviation. In Figs. 4 and 5 and the attendant discus-
sions above, we saw that the real capital deviation broadly tracked the
real GDP deviation, and the real investment deviation broadly tracked
the capital deviation. By extension the real investment deviation
broadly tracks the real GDP deviation. With the deviations in C, I and
G broadly tracking the deviation in real GDP, in Fig. 7 we nd that the
real GNE deviation broadly tracks the real GDP deviation. With the
import volume deviation broadly tracking the real GDP deviation, and
with the GNE deviation broadly tracking the real GDP deviation, via
Eq. (B.1) the export volume deviation must also track the real GDP
deviation (Fig. 7).
The foregoing discussion explains why the export and import
volume deviations in Fig. 7 broadly track the real GDP deviation. What
remains is to explain why the export volume deviation initially lies
below the real GDP deviation, before ending the simulation period
above the real GDP deviation, while the import volume deviation ex-
hibits the reverse pattern. First, we note that in the short-run, the real
investment deviation greatly exceeds the real GDP deviation. In the ini-
tial years ofthe simulation, this causes the real GNE deviation to exceed
the real GDP deviation, pushing the deviation in the real balanceof trade
towards decit via Eq. (B.1). This explains why the import volume devi-
ation lies above the export volume deviation during the rst two
decades of the simulation period (Fig. 7). Towards the end of the simu-
lation period, the real investment deviation moves below the real GDP
deviation. At the same time, the negative deviation in the terms of
trade and the positive deviation in net foreign liabilities cause the real
consumption deviation to lie below the real GDP deviation (Fig. 6). In
the long-run, with the deviations in C, I and G lying below the deviation
in real GDP, the real balance of trade must move towards surplus. It is
this long-run movement towards trade surplus that explains why,
during the last decade of the simulation period, the export volume devi-
ation comes to lie above the import volume deviation (Fig. 7).
Consistent with the age and race categories most at risk from HIV in-
fection being young African adults, the condom distribution policy has
its largest initial impact on the labour supply of these individuals
(Fig. 8). Hence, while the policy generates positive deviations for all
employment activities, it produces relatively large increases in those
occupations to which young African adults most intensively supply
their labour, in particular those classied as unskilled and semi-skilled
employment activities.
For reporting purposes, we aggregate the output results for the
model's 28 industries into seven broad sectors (Fig. 9). The policy gen-
erates positive deviations in output for all sectors. The output deviations
of four sectors, Services, Manufacturing, Dwellings and Utilities, track
broadly in line with real GDP. The positive deviation in output is the
lowest for the Agricultural and Mining sectors, despite these sectors
being relatively intensive users of unskilled and semi-skilled labour.
This reects our assumption that inputs of agricultural land and sub-
soil mining assets in the policy simulation cannot deviate from their
baseline forecast values. The strong positive deviation in the output of
the Construction sector is mainly due to the positive deviation in invest-
ment, to which Construction sells just under two-thirds of its output.
In Table 3 we summarise the main SAGE-H outcomes as they relate
to assessing the policy's potential net benets. Rows 1 and 2 summarise
the outputs of the ASSA model. Over the simulation period, just over
200,000 new HIV cases are averted (row 1). This implies an average
annual decrease of 5888 new HIV cases (row 2). When input to SAGE-
By 2045, long-run wage-bill weighted employme nt is 0.20% above b ase and the
rental-weighted capital stock is 0.15% above base. Land is assumed to be unchanged from
base. The shares of returns to employment, capital and land in GDP in 2045 are 40%, 56%
and 4% respectively. Changes in factor supply therefore explain0.164% of the 2045 devia-
tion in real GDP (=0.4 0.204 + 0.56 0.15 + 0.04 0).
Table 3
Summary of result20122046.
Source: Author's calculations.
1 Total number of new HIV cases averted by 2046 206,067
2 Average annual number of new HIV cases averted 5888
Rand million USD$ million
3 Total real gross consumption gains 653,923 87,540
4 Total cost of the prevention programme 1051 141
5 Present value of real gross consumption gains 219,124 29,334
6 Present value of the cost of the prevention programme 544 73
7 Present value of the net benet of the programme 218,580 29,261
8 Present value of the net benet of the programme per household 15,613 2090
135E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
viaanincreaseinlong-runlaboursupply. As discussed in the main body
of Section 6, the positive employment deviation generates a positive devi-
ation in South African real consumption. Row 3 reports the total of the
positive deviations in real consumption over the period. Row 4 reports
the programme's total real cost. In rows 5 and 6 we apply a 4% discount
rate to the undiscounted streams of real benets and costs summarised
in rows 3 and 4. The present value of the programme's potential gross
gains is approximately USD 29.3 billion (row 5). The present value of
the programme's cost is less than USD $0.1 billion.
The programme's
net benet is thus in the vicinity of USD $29.2 billion (row 7). Expressed
on a per-household basis, this represents a net benet, in present value
terms, of USD $2090 (row 8).
7. Concluding remarks
In this paper, we use a detailed economy-wide model (SAGE-H) to
investigate the economy-wide effects of a 10% increase in the propor-
tion of sex acts protected from the HIV virus by condom use. We
began by using an epidemiological model (ASSA) to calculate the
change in HIV infections resulting from such a policy. We shocked tran-
sition rates between HIV-negative and Stage 1 within SAGE-H to track
the ASSA model outputs. SAGE-H embodies two salient features of HIV
and the South African labour market that are relevant to calculating
the policy's economy-wide effects: (1) HIV incidence and transmission
rates follow distinct patterns by age, gender, race and occupation; and
(2) the disease progresses through a number of stages.
Over the simulation period the prevention policy leads to a fall in
new HIV infections of approximately 200 thousand. With fewer people
moving into HIV positive categories, the long-run deviation in employ-
ment is 0.23%. This generates long-run positive deviations in real GDP
and real consumption of 0.17% and 0.14% respectively. Expressed in
terms of present value per household, the net benet of the programme
is in the vicinity of $USD 2000. This benet calculation captures only the
gains from expansion in employment, net of the costs of the pro-
gramme. It excludes other important sources of potential gain, such as
reduced rates of infection from other STDs, and lower spending on phar-
maceuticals and health care. Another benet not discussed in this paper
is the decrease in future treatment and care costs. With fewer new HIV
infections, future expenditure on home care and treatment as well as
future government spending on treatment may fall.
The South African government has greatly expanded its condom
distribution programme in recent years (Marumo, 2011), and rates of
new HIV infection have fallen (Shisana et al., 2009; Simbayi, 2009).
This fall in infection rates has been linked to the expansion in condom
distribution (Shisana et al., 2009). Nevertheless, there remains signi-
cant scope for further expansion in condom distribution (Motsoaledi,
2010). Our economic modelling results can be interpreted in two
ways. By measuring the effects of an incremental (10%) change in
the number of sex acts protected from the HIV virus, our results can
either be used to support current government efforts to reduce HIV
infection rates via condom distribution, should cuts to the programme
be considered; or, to the extent that epidemiological and public health
evidence points to a continuing deciency in condom distribution, our
results can be used to support expansion in public nancing of such
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137E.L. Roos, J.A. Giesecke / Economic Modelling 39 (2014) 123137
... It is common for authors to merely state that the model is calibrated to a social accounting matrix (SAM) or Supply Use Table (SUT), without providing any detail about the process of deriving the data from official statistics. For example, in a recent article by Roos and Giesecke (2014) the development of a dynamic CGE model is described, including a detailed description of a labour-market module, capturing the prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS for South Africa. The authors state that "two large databases form the initial solution to the SAGE-H model. ...
... In parameterising the labour supply module we begin with working age population data on labour market activities by gender and race." (Roos and Giesecke 2014). The authors then proceed to shortly describe the sources of HIV data and the use of these data, without going into great detail of the steps taken to transform the initial data into the required databases. ...
Full-text available
This paper describes how we transformed the 2002 Ugandan Supply Use Table (SUT) into the required structure of a database for the static Ugandan CGE model Dixon et al. (ORANI: A multisectoral model of the Australian economy, 1982). We describe the unique features captured in the Ugandan SUT as well as that of the CGE database. We highlight the structural differences of the published data and that of the CGE database. In describing the SUT we identify data issues, such as negative capital rentals and omitted data entries that had to be addressed before the database could be constructed. The ideas put forward in this paper describe, in a pragmatic manner, not only how to transform published data into a CGE database, but also how to create an additional sector in the CGE database. For the Ugandan CGE database, we created an additional Oil sector.
... It is common for authors to merely state that the model is calibrated to a social accounting matrix (SAM) or Supply Use Table (SUT), without providing any detail about the process of deriving the data from official statistics. For example, in a recent article by Roos and Giesecke (2014) the development of a dynamic CGE model is described, including a detailed description of a labour-market module, capturing the prevalence and incidence of HIV/AIDS for South Africa. The authors state that "two large databases form the initial solution to the SAGE-H model. ...
... In parameterising the labour supply module we begin with working age population data on labour market activities by gender and race." (Roos and Giesecke 2014). The authors then proceed to shortly describe the sources of HIV data and the use of these data, without going into great detail of the steps taken to transform the initial data into the required databases. ...
Full-text available
This paper documents (1) the structure of a CGE database; (2) the data manipulation steps in creating such a database from published data; (3) updating a SAM; and (4) describe features of the updated SAM. The database is constructed for a Ugandan CGE model. The building blocks for creating a database for a CGE model are official data from an Input/output (IO) table, or from a Supply Use Table (SUT), or from a SAM. Often the structure of the published data is not in the required format of a CGE database, and so a major task is to transform the official data into a form required by a CGE database. The first step in this task is typically a review of the primary source of data. We then proceed by identifying any implausible, unusual and negative values. We adjust these elements and rebalance the database to ensure that the balancing conditions hold. We then proceed to create the matrices required by the CGE model. Typically we create (1) a source dimension for all user-specific matrices, (2) user and source-specific margin matrices, (3) user and source-specific tax matrices and (4) industry-specific land rentals. It is likely that as we adjust data and create the required matrices, we violate the balancing conditions. Therefore in each step in the database construction stage, we check the balancing conditions and when appropriate we rebalance the database to ensure that the balancing conditions hold. Having constructed the 2002 database that conforms to the CGE structure, we update the database to 2009. We then proceed to create an additional sector namely, RawOil sector. In terms of the database, we create an additional industry and an additional commodity. Our final task is to create, based on the 2009 database, an updated SAM. The CGE database does not provide information on transfers between economic agents. We therefore adjust the transfer elements based on shares estimated for 2002.
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Three national HIV household surveys were conducted in South Africa, in 2002, 2005 and 2008. A novelty of the 2008 survey was the addition of serological testing to ascertain antiretroviral treatment (ART) use. We used a validated mathematical method to estimate the rate of new HIV infections (HIV incidence) in South Africa using nationally representative HIV prevalence data collected in 2002, 2005 and 2008. The observed HIV prevalence levels in 2008 were adjusted for the effect of antiretroviral treatment on survival. The estimated "excess" HIV prevalence due to ART in 2008 was highest among women 25 years and older and among men 30 years and older. In the period 2002-2005, the HIV incidence rate among men and women aged 15-49 years was estimated to be 2.0 new infections each year per 100 susceptible individuals (/100pyar) (uncertainty range: 1.2-3.0/100pyar). The highest incidence rate was among 15-24 year-old women, at 5.5/100pyar (4.5-6.5). In the period 2005-2008, incidence among men and women aged 15-49 was estimated to be 1.3/100 (0.6-2.5/100pyar), although the change from 2002-2005 was not statistically significant. However, the incidence rate among young women aged 15-24 declined by 60% in the same period, to 2.2/100pyar, and this change was statistically significant. There is evidence from the surveys of significant increases in condom use and awareness of HIV status, especially among youth. Our analysis demonstrates how serial measures of HIV prevalence obtained in population-based surveys can be used to estimate national HIV incidence rates. We also show the need to determine the impact of ART on observed HIV prevalence levels. The estimation of HIV incidence and ART exposure is crucial to disentangle the concurrent impact of prevention and treatment programs on HIV prevalence.
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If your company operates in a developing country, AIDS is your business. While Africa has received the most attention, AIDS is also spreading swiftly in other parts of the world. Russia and Ukraine had the fastest-growing epidemics last year, and many experts believe China and India will suffer the next tidal wave of infection. Why should executives be concerned about AIDS? Because it is destroying the twin rationales of globalization strategy-cheap labor and fast-growing markets--in countries where people are heavily affected by the epidemic. Fortunately, investments in programs that prevent infection and provide treatment for employees who have HIV/AIDS are profitable for many businesses--that is, they lead to savings that outweigh the programs' costs. Due to the long latency period between HIV infection and the onset of AIDS symptoms, a company is not likely to see any of the costs of HIV/AIDS until five to ten years after an employee is infected. But executives can calculate the present value of epidemic-related costs by using the discount rate to weigh each cost according to its expected timing. That allows companies to think about expenses on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment programs as investments rather than merely as costs. The authors found that the annual cost of AIDS to six corporations in South Africa and Botswana ranged from 0.4% to 5.9% of the wage bill. All six companies would have earned positive returns on their investments if they had provided employees with free treatment for HIV/AIDS in the form of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), according to the mathematical model the authors used. The annual reduction in the AIDS "tax" would have been as much as 40.4%. The authors' conclusion? Fighting AIDS not only helps those infected; it also makes good business sense.
We use simulations from a detailed dynamic computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to study three broad policies toward illegal workers in U.S. employment: supply restriction (tighter border security), demand restriction (prosecution of employers), and legalization through a guest-worker program with a visa tax. From the point of view of the welfare of legal residents, the results strongly favor the third option. In our welfare analysis, we use a six-part decomposition. This identifies effects on the occupational mix of legal employment as a major factor. Throughout the chapter, model results are explained through arguments and diagrams that will be familiar to economists, particularly those working in trade. No familiarity with the underlying CGE model is assumed. Technical details on our labor market assumptions are given in the Appendix.
We use an economy-wide model to analyze the effects of three broad programs to reduce illegal immigrants in U.S. employment: tighter border security; taxes on employers; and vigorous prosecution of employers. After looking at macroeconomic industry and occupational effects, we decompose the welfare effect for legal residents into six parts covering changes in: producer surplus and illegal wage rates; skilled employment opportunities for natives; aggregate capital; aggregate legal employment; the terms of trade; and public expenditure. The type of program matters. Our analysis suggests a prima facie case in favor of taxes on employers.
Public sector male condom distribution in South Africa rose from six million in 1994 to 198 million in 1999 as part of the government's condom promotion efforts for HIV/AIDS prevention. This study investigates what happens to the condoms which are distributed free of charge by the South African Department of Health. A prospective study was undertaken during 1998-1999 at 12 representative public health facilities. Five-hundred and fifty-four consecutive subjects leaving the facilities were recruited and followed-up for 5 weeks to ascertain the fate of the 8164 condoms they had procured. A total of 384 participants (69.3%) and their 5528 condoms (67.7%) were followed successfully. After 5 weeks, 43.7% of the condoms had been used or broken in sex, 21.8% had been given away, 8.5% had been lost or discarded, and 26.0% were still available for use. Increased rates of condom use by participants were associated with active (compared to passive) condom procurement. In light of the rapidly increasing number of free condoms being distributed by the public health service in South Africa, it is reassuring to note that wastage at 5 weeks is less than 10%. Extrapolating these data to the 198 million public sector condoms distributed in South Africa in 1999, at least 87 million condoms were used in sex. This methodology may be used to help evaluate the impact of existing condom distribution systems and the effectiveness of various condom promotion strategies.
To describe recent trends in adolescent sexual behavior in Cape Town, South Africa, and to determine whether household and community poverty and negative economic shocks predict risky sexual behavior. Matched survey data on 2993 African and coloured youth from the Cape Area Panel Study 2002 and 2005. Sexual debut, multiple sexual partners in past year, condom use at last sex, measured in 2002 and 2005. We tested for changes over time in reported sexual behavior and estimate multivariate probit models to measure the association between 2002 individual, household and community characteristics and 2005 sexual behavior. There was a statistically significant increase in condom use and a decrease in the incidence of multiple sexual partners between 2002 and 2005 for young women aged 17-22 years. Young women in households with 10% higher income were 0.53% less likely to debut sexually by 2005; young men in communities with a 10% higher poverty rate were 5% less likely to report condom use at last sex. Negative economic shocks are associated with a 0.04% increase in the probability of multiple partnerships for young women. Education is positively correlated with sexual debut for young women and with multiple partnerships for both sexes. Trends in sexual behavior between 2002 and 2005 indicate significant shifts towards safer practices. There is little evidence of a relationship between negative economic shocks, household and community poverty, and risky behavior. We hypothesize that the unexpected positive relationship between education and sexual debut may be driven by peer effects in schools with substantial age mixing.