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Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
Climate is arguably the most important factor in virtu-
ally every agricultural enterprise. Overall, a region’s base-
line annual and seasonal climate and its variability largely
deter mine crop suitability, productivity, and quality. For
viticulture and wine production, the spatial distribution of
mesoclimates in a region is important for understanding
cultivar suitability and potential wine styles (Winkler et
al. 1974, Carbonneau 2003). While many factors other than
temperature drive viticultural suitability and wine produc-
tion (Jackson and Lombard 1993, Jones and Davis 2000),
simple to complex indices of temperature are the most com-
1Department of Environmental Studies, Southern Oregon University, 1250
Siskiyou Blvd, Ashland, OR 97520; 2Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife, 600 Capitol Way N., Olympia, WA 98501; 3National Wine and Grape
Industry Centre, Charles Sturt University, Locked Bag 588, Wagga Wagga,
NSW 2678 Australia; and 4Vinetinders, LLC, 11950 Southeast Loop Rd.,
Dayton, OR 97114.
*Corresponding author (email:
Acknowledgments: Andrew Hall’s contribution was supported by the Wine
Growing Futures Program through the Grape and Wine Research and Develop-
ment Corporation of the Australian Federal Government, the National Wine
& Grape Industry Centre, and a Charles Sturt University Competitive Grant.
The authors thank Chris Daly and Matt Doggett at the PRISM Group, Suzi
Serby of VinMaps, Ben Slaughter of Correia-Xavier, Jordan Thomas of The
Map Store, and Stuart Spencer, David Wilkins, and Alan Busaca for help with
AVA boundary les.
Supplemental data is freely available with the online version of this article.
Manuscript submitted Jun 2009, revised Dec 2009, Feb 2010, accepted Mar
2010. Publication costs of this article defrayed in part by page fees.
Copyright © 2010 by the American Society for Enology and Viticulture. All
rights reserved.
Spatial Analysis of Climate in Winegrape Growing Regions
in the Western United States
Gregory V. Jones,1* Andrew A. Duff,2 Andrew Hall,3 and Joseph W. Myers4
Abstract: Knowledge of the spatial variation in temperature in wine regions provides the basis for evaluating the
general suitability for viticulture, allows for comparisons between wine regions, and offers growers a measure of
assessing appropriate cultivars and sites. However, while tremendous advances have occurred in spatial climate
data products, these have not been used to examine climate and suitability for viticulture in the western United
States. This research spatially maps the climate in American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) throughout California,
Oregon, Washington, and Idaho using the 1971–2000 PRISM 400 m resolution climate grids, assessing the statis-
tical properties of four climate indices used to characterize suitability for viticulture: growing degree-days (GDD,
or Winkler index, WI), the Huglin index (HI), the biologically effective degree-day index (BEDD), and average
growing season temperatures (GST). The results show that the spatial variability of climate within AVAs can be
significant, with some regions representing as many as five climate classes suitable for viticulture. Compared to
static climate station data, documenting the spatial distribution of climate provides a more holistic measure of
understanding the range of cultivar suitability within AVAs. Furthermore, results reveal that GST and GDD are
functionally identical but that GST is easier to calculate and overcomes many methodological issues that occur
with GDD. The HI and BEDD indices capture the known AVA-wide suitability but need to be further validated
in the western U.S. Additionally, the research underscores the necessity for researchers, software developers,
and others to clearly communicate the data time period and method of calculating GDD so that results can be
correctly interpreted and compared.
Key words: climate, viticult ure, temperature, degree-days, American Viticultural Area
monly used measures by which regions are compared (Fre-
goni 2003, Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004, Blanco-Ward et
al. 2007). The mostly frequently applied measure is the stan-
dard degree-day formulation rst proposed by A.P. de Can-
dolle in France during the mid-19th century (Seguin 1982)
and further developed in California to include more objec-
tive fruit and wine composition and quality determinants
(Amerine and Winkler 1944, Winkler et al. 1974). Other
climate measures in viticulture suitability studies typically
account for either simple temperature characteristics such as
the mean temperature of the warmest month (Prescott 1965)
or growing season (Jones 2006), heat accumulation or grow-
ing degree-day formulations that include moisture or solar
radiation parameters (Branas 1974, Riou et al. 1994, Fre-
goni 2003), latitude-temperature indices (Kenny and Shao
1992), and multiparameter or multi-index methods that use
combinations of temperature, relative humidity, sunshine
hours, evapotranspiration, and continentality (Smart and
Dry 1980, Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004). While the more
complex measures show promise in certain specic areas
of research (e.g., individual phenological events), they are
limited by globally available data, do not have widespread
use in general wine region climate comparisons, and entail
more complicated calculations for the typical grower.
Histor ical ly, a given region’s climate and suitability
for viticulture were assessed via climate station analyses,
which seldom depict the spatial variation of climate in ac-
tual or prospective vineyard sites within wine-producing
regions. As a result, reference vineyard networks were de-
veloped within regions to better capture the spatial climate
314 – Jones et al.
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characteristics (Jones and Davis 2000, Battany 2009). How-
ever, low network density does not account for all meso-
climatic structure. To overcome these issues, climatologists
developed spatial data products through interpolation of
existing long-term, quality-controlled data sources. Numer-
ous techniques such as kriging and smoothing splines (e.g.
in ANUSPLIN, version 4.3; Australian National University)
have been proposed to produce interpolated surfaces of valu-
able meteorological inputs at different spatial and temporal
scales. The results are spatial climate products at daily or
monthly time scales and at a range of spatial scales (Willmott
and Robeson 1995) such as Daymet (Thornton et al. 1997),
PRISM (parameter-elevation relationships on independent
slopes model) (Daly et al. 2008), and WorldClim (Hijmans
et al. 2005). However, even with these tremendous advances
in spatial climate data products, to our knowledge there has
been no large-scale update of climate suitability for viticul-
ture in western U.S. wine regions over the last 30 years.
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to provide an
updated analysis and overview of climate indices consid-
ered important for understanding viticult ural suitability
within the western U.S. wine regions. Our focus was to
develop regional climate assessments for four commonly
used indices: average growing season temperatures (GST)
(Jones 2006); simple growing degree-days (GDDs) clas-
sified by the Winkler index (WI) (Amerine and Winkler
1944, Winkler et al. 1974); the Huglin index (HI) (Hug-
lin 1978); and the biologically effective degree-day index
(BEDD) (Gladstones 1992). Overall, the goal was to provide
a method for more appropriate and accurate climate com-
parisons between wine-producing regions in the western
U.S. and other regions worldwide than can be obtained
through static climate station data.
Materials and Methods
This research used PRISM, the official spatial climate
data set of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Daly et al.
2008). PRISM creates 1971–2000 mean monthly minimum
and maximum temperatu re data as 15 arc-second (~40 0
m) grids through a climate st ation interpolation method
that reflects the current state of knowledge of U.S. spatial
climate pat terns. The PRISM model inter polates a com-
prehensive collection of stations from many networks, in-
cluding the National Weather Service Cooperative Network,
USDA Snow Telemetr y, U.S. Forest Service Remote Auto-
matic Weather Stations, local networks, and snow courses
(16,615 precipitation sites and over 11,500 temperature sites
were used in the U.S.) and then constructs a continuous
gr id data set for locations without stations. PRISM does
this by calculating a climate-elevation regression for each
digital elevation model (DEM) grid cell, and stations en-
tering the regression are assigned weights based primarily
on the physiographic similarity of the station to the grid
cell (Daly et al. 2008). The model accounts for location,
elevation, coastal proximity, aspect, ver tical differences
in atmospheric layers, and orographic effects. The PRISM
data set also underwent comprehensive peer review to in-
cor porate local knowledge and data into the development
process (Daly et al. 2008). While there are other spatial
climate data sets, such as Daymet (Thor nton et al. 1997)
and WorldClim (Hijmans et al. 2005), PRISM has been val-
idated in the mountainous and coastal areas of the western
U.S. (Daly et al. 2008), showing greater accuracy in re-
gions characterized by sparse data coverage, large elevation
gradients, rain shadows, inversions, cold air drainage, and
coastal effects. Furthermore, PRISM has been validated to
closely match values at remote vineyard locations (G. Jones,
unpublished data, 2005), applied in viticulture zoning stud-
ies in the western U.S., and used in other applications such
as regional snow assessment (Nolin and Daly 2006), river
forecast and water balance assessments (National Oceanic
and Atmospher ic Administration; rfc.noaa.
gov/), and pest and plant disease modeling (Integrated Plant
Protection Center;
The four climate measures used in this analysis were
chosen based on their applicability in understanding gen-
eral wine-region climate characteristics, ability to depict
cultivar suitability or wine style potential, and widespread
acceptance and use in different regions (e.g., WI in the U.S.
and HI in Europe) (Table 1). Each measure described below
was calculated from the PRISM g rids for the 1971–2000
monthly climate normals for California, Oregon, Washing-
ton, and Idaho. The spatially explicit climate data allowed
us to calculate the climate measures for every 400 x 400 m
grid cell in the western U.S., allowing for the spatial map-
ping of climate over the entire domain instead of relying
on station comparisons as has been done in the past. With
a grid spacing of ~400 m, each climate grid cell represents
~16 hectares.
A growing season average temperature index (GST) was
calculated by taking the average of the seven months of the
growing season (Apr–Oct) and the result was classied into
ve groups according to cool, intermediate, warm, hot, and
very hot climate-variety maturity types (Jones et al. 2005,
Hall and Jones 2009). The simple GST index correlates
broadly to the maturity potential for winegrape varieties
grown across many wine regions (Jones 2006) and provides
the basis for placing latitudinal boundaries on viticulture
zones in both hemispheres (Gladstones 2004, Schultz and
Jones 2008).
Growing degree-days (GDDs) were calculated from the
climate grids based upon the standard simple degree-day
formulation using average temperatures above a 10°C base
for April through October (Table 1). While an upper tem-
perature threshold to the standard degree concept is un-
doubtedly warranted (McIntyre et al. 1987, Snyder et al.
1999), the goal of this research was not to prove that one
threshold or another is more applicable, but simply to update
the values to the 1971–2000 climate normals and provide a
measure comparable to the original GDD method (Amerine
and Winkler 1944, Winkler et al. 1974). Furthermore, the
standard Winkler index (classed GDD) was developed using
ve broad classes (regions) for general wine styles, which
did not provide an upper or lower class limit (Winkler et
Western United States Spatial Climate Structure – 315
Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
Table 1 Climate variables derived for the western U.S. using the PRISM 1971–2000 climate normals along with the number and percent of
total AVAs (n = 135) with median climate index values in each class (Table 3). Note that the GDD classes are based upon limits originally
given by Amerine and Winkler (1944) along with lower and upper bounds for Region I and Region V as detailed in the text. Also note that
the class names given below are not directly comparable (e.g., GST cool does not necessarily compare to HI cool).
Variable Equation Months Class limits
growing season
(GST, °C)
Apr–Oct Too cool
Very hot
Too hot
(GDD, C° units)a
Apr–Oct Too cool
(Region I)
(Region II)
(Region III)
(Region IV)
(Region V)
Too hot
Huglin index
(HI, C° units)
Apr–Sept Too cool
Very cool
Very warm
Too hot
(BEDD, C° units)
Apr–Oct Too cool
Too hot
aGDD classes (regions) are based on rounded °F limits as defined by Winkler et al. (1974) (in parentheses), which produce nonrounded classes
in °C units.
bK is a latitude coefficient that takes into account increasing day lengths starting from 1.0 at 33.3° increasing incrementally poleward and is
based on day lengths using Julian day and latitude. See Hall and Jones (2010) for calculation details.
Oct 31
Σ min[(max[([Tmax + Tmin ] / 2) – 10,0]),9] • DTRadj • K
Apr 1
Sep 30
Σ max([([Tmean – 10] + [Tmax – 10]) / 2],0) • K
Apr 1
where K is an adjustment for latitude/day lengthb
Oct 31
Σ (Tmax + Tmin ) / 2
Apr 1
Oct 31
Σ max[([Tmax + Tmin ] / 2) – 10,0]
Apr 1
where K is an adjustment for latitude/day lengthb
0.25[DTR – 13], [DTR] > 13
where DTRadj = 0, 10 < [DTR] < 13
0.25[DTR – 10], [DTR] < 10
al. 1974). Therefore, this research examined the data over
the western U.S. to help establish a lower Winkler Region I
limit and an upper Winkler Region V limit (Table 1).
The Huglin index (HI) represents a similar heat summa-
tion formulation to the GDD with an adjustment that gives
more weight to maximum temperatures and is multiplied
by a coefcient of correction (K) which takes into account
the average daylight period for the latitude studied (Hug-
lin 1978) (Table 1). When used in Europe and elsewhere,
the HI is a six-month index summed over the Apr–Sept
growth period, as Huglin surmised that heat accumulation
in October was less important, even though many regions
in Europe harvest in October. Comparisons between the HI
calculated for Apr–Oct and Apr–Sept are highly correlated
(r > 0.95) for many regions (authors’ own calculations), and
while Apr–Sept represents one less month than standard
GDD formulation, it was adhered to for ease of comparison
with published data. In addition, the HI latitudinal correc-
tion was developed for the latitudes of European viticulture
as a linear response to increasing day lengths (K = 1.02 at
40°N to K = 1.06 at 50°N). The correction as originally ap-
plied was by the latitude of each weather station in each re-
gion (Huglin 1978). However, with the advent of spatial data
processing, this research was able to enhance the original
HI latitudinal adjustment by applying a grid cell correction
to all latitudes over the western U.S. (with the day length
effect starting at 33.3°N). This effectively adjusts all 400 m
grids over California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho for
the latitude-day length effect. The original class structure
of the HI (Huglin 1978) was preserved in the mapping by
using six classes based upon cultivar suitability with lower
(1200 C° units) and upper bounds (3000 C° units) (Table 1).
The BEDD index was developed by Gladstones (1992)
after observing that plant growth and phenological devel-
opment respond to temperature in a nonlinear fashion and
nding potential limitations to the standard WI and HI ap-
proaches. As such, the BEDD has three adjustments: (1) the
interval of effective heat summation is considered between
316 – Jones et al.
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10°C (base temperature) and 19°C (upper threshold); (2) a
latitude adjustment to account for an increasing day length
effect (the same as HI); and (3) a diurnal temperature range
adjustment (DTRadj, upward if the DTR is >13°C and down-
ward if <10°C) (Gladstones 1992). Once the corrections for
latitude and diurnal temperature range were applied to the
monthly BEDD indices, a seasonal total was calculated by
summing the months from April to October. The 10 and
19°C thresholds limit any given day to 9 C° units, individual
months to 270 or 279 C° units, or the season to 1926 C°
units, although the diurnal temperature range adjustment can
either add or subtract values from the theoretical maximum.
BEDD was then classed into six groups for this analysis
representing cool regions with low/late maturity potential
to hot regions with high/earlier maturity potential (Table 1).
To assess the spatial climate characteristics of these four
climate indices in the western U.S. wine regions, this re-
search used A merican Viticultural Area (AVA) boundar-
ies created from federally approved descriptions (Code of
Federal Regulations 2008). The first U.S. region approved
was the Augusta AVA in Missouri in 1980, and today there
are nearly 200 AVAs in 31 states. For this research the AVA
boundaries were digitized from the approved boundary de-
scriptions, resulting in a total of 131 individual AVAs in
California (109), Oregon (16, three shared with Washing-
ton and one with Idaho), Washington (9, three shared with
Oregon), and Idaho (1, shared with Oregon) (Figure 1). Of
the 131 AVAs, 129 were approved as of the beginning of
2008 and two were under review (Calistoga and Tulocay)
but were included in the analysis.
Using a geographic information system (ArcGIS version
9.3; ESRI, Redlands, CA), the area and elevation of the
digitized AVAs were determined (Table 2) using a 30 m
digital elevation data set (USGS 1993) for the western U.S.
(Figure 1). The AVA boundaries were then used with the
spatial climate grids for GST, GDD, HI, and BEDD to as-
sess the spatial characteristics of each AVA climate (Table
3). The process analyzed all 400 m grids that fell within
each AVA, producing quantile statistics for each AVA (min-
imum, 25%, median, 75%, and maximum values), which
was the most practical measure of characterizing the entire
within-AVA climate, addressing the problem that many of
the subjectively constructed AVA boundaries include ar-
eas that are not planted (and likely never will be). While
low-relief AVAs are best represented by the median or the
interquartile range statistics, the outlier zones in many re-
gions (i.e., too high of elevation and/or too cold as in the
Columbia Valley AVA) render them less than ideal statisti-
cal measures for all AVAs, where the median to the maxi-
mum or 75% to the maximum may well be more indicative
of the actual suitable areas. Therefore, we present the entire
quantile statistics allowing for an AVA-by-AVA assessment
of the best statistical parameters that define those areas.
AVAs across the western U.S. range from very large
(over 750,000 ha, or 7500 km2) to small (less than 1,000
ha, or 10 km2) (Table 2, Supplemental Table 1). Columbia
Valley AVA is the largest, span ning over 4.6 million ha
(46000 km2) in both Washington and Oregon (Figure 1).
Cole Ranch AVA in Northern California is the smallest at
~80 ha (0.8 km2). The median AVA in the western U.S. is
15,110 ha (151.1 km2), roughly the size of the Knights Val-
ley AVA (Table 2).
Elevations for western U.S. AVAs range from a mini-
mum at sea level (e.g., Puget Sound, Los Carneros) to over
1500 m (e.g., Sierra Foothills, Central Coast). The lowest
median elevations of ~1 m are in the Delta region of the
California Central Valley (e.g., Clarksburg). The highest
median elevation of 880 m is in the Snake River Valley of
Idaho and Oregon (Table 2). The smallest range in eleva-
tion (<2–3 m) is throughout the AVAs in the Delta region.
At 1,953 m, Southern Oregon and its sub-AVA the Rogue
Valley have the greatest elevation range.
In general the median AVA values for the four climate
indices are high ly correlated (0.89 < r < 0.99) over the
entire western U.S. AVAs, indicating that each index de-
picts similar spatial climate characteristics (Figure 2). The
highest correlation is between GST and GDD (r = 0.99),
indicating that these two indices fundamentally capture the
Figure 1 American Viticultural Areas (AVAs) over the western United
States (California, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho), as of 1 Jan 2008.
Western United States Spatial Climate Structure – 317
Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
same climate information. The lowest correlations (0.89 <
r < 0.91), with more curvilinear relationships, are between
the BEDD and the other three indices and are due to the
additional DTR adjustment used in the BEDD (Gladstones
1992). Similar cor relations and functional relationsh ips
between the climate indices have been documented for
Australia (Hall and Jones 2010). However, while the me-
dian AVA values are highly correlated, the class names and
limits as originally applied to each index (Table 1) are not
directly comparable (e.g., the cool GST class limits do not
necessarily equate to the cool HI class limits).
Each index depicts a generally intuitive spatial frame-
work with warm to hot conditions for viticulture in south-
ce ntral and southeastern Califo rnia , to cool and cold
conditions north into Washington, and cooler conditions
with increasing elevation throughout the western U.S. The
spatial structure of GST (Figure 3) reveals predominately
cool to intermediate climate types throughout much of the
intermountain valleys from the Puget Sound south through
Oregon, in the Snake River Valley of Idaho and Oregon,
and along the narrow California coastal zones. Warmer cli-
mate types occur throughout a broad area of the Columbia
Valley of Washington and Oregon, throughout the inter-
coastal valleys and Sierra Nevada foothills of California,
and into the middle portion of the Central Valley. The hot-
test climate types suitable for viticulture are in the northern
and southern por tions of the Central Valley. Overall, the
median AVA GST averages 18.0°C and ranges from a low
of 13.9 and 14.0°C in the Puget Sound and Columbia River
Gorge AVAs, respectively, to 21.7°C in the Madera AVA of
California (Table 3, Supplemental Table 2). The range in
median AVA GST values is approximately normally distrib-
uted with wine regions spread from cool to very hot climate
maturity groupings (Jones 2006, Hall and Jones 2009), with
over 45% of all AVAs categorized in the warm climate type
between 17°C and 19°C (Table 1).
Table 2 Examples of western U.S. American Viticultural Area (AVA) elevation and area characteristics.
(See Supplementary Table 1 for complete list of all 135 western U.S. AVAs.)
Elevation (m)
AVA State Areaa (km2) Median Max Min Range
Columbia Valley OR/WA 46106.1 402 1559 22 1537
Central Coast CA 22159.4 325 1670 0 1670
Snake River Valley ID/OR 21651.9 880 1471 549 922
Willamette Valley OR 13875.9 122 797 6 791
Puget Sound WA 11654.0 78 963 0 963
Sierra Foothills CA 10806.8 470 1701 54 1647
Southern Oregon OR 9245.3 406 1987 34 1953
Rogue Valley OR 4638.4 576 1987 244 1743
Umpqua Valley OR 2805.8 236 718 34 684
Paso Robles CA 2464.2 398 745 176 569
Lodi CA 2195.2 24 151 0 152
Madera CA 1851.1 65 148 38 110
Santa Cruz Mountains CA 1661.0 337 1069 5 1064
Napa Valley CA 1623.9 248 1175 0 1175
Walla Walla Valley OR/WA 1306.3 317 784 122 662
Columbia River Gorge OR/WA 756.3 375 849 43 806
Mendocino CA 715.4 375 1139 124 1015
Russian River Valley CA 631.7 62 438 15 423
Temecula Valley CA 373.9 426 845 191 654
Wahluke Slope WA 334.4 240 475 122 353
Alexander Valley CA 316.9 148 746 48 698
Rattlesnake Hills WA 301.2 547 850 365 485
Clarksburg CA 275.4 1 3 0 3
Anderson Valley CA 236.2 217 536 60 476
Yamhill-Carlton District OR 235.3 122 365 51 314
Eola-Amity Hills OR 158.8 127 314 57 257
Los Carneros CA 151.3 29 380 0 380
Knights Valley CA 151.1 257 1186 65 1121
Santa Rita Hills CA 135.2 166 461 59 402
Carmel Valley CA 73.9 405 778 161 617
Dundee Hills OR 50.8 122 301 54 247
Hames Valley CA 49.9 234 374 171 203
St. Helena CA 37.3 89 197 59 138
Yountville CA 33.7 81 358 18 340
Red Mountain WA 18.4 208 311 152 159
Cole Ranch CA 0.8 474 524 456 68
aArea rounded to the nearest 0.1 km2 (10 ha); approximate due to the grid-based estimation procedure.
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There are similar patterns for GDD (WI) regions (Figure
3), where Region I is mostly conned to western Oregon and
Washington, the coastal zone of California, higher up in
the Sierra Nevada foothills, and along valley extensions in
parts of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Region II is found
broadly throughout the Columbia Valley, the Rogue Valley,
in the Snake River Valley, and along an elevation band of
the California intercoastal valleys and foothills. In Califor-
nia, Region III locations are found slightly more inland than
those of Region II and in areas of lower elevation along the
Sierra Nevada foothills. Outside California, Region III is
limited to only a few areas of the Columbia Valley (Figure
3). Region IV is limited to California only, with prominent
areas on the eastern fringes of the coastal mountains, the
western periphery of the Central Valley, and through the
Central Valley east of San Francisco into the Sierra Nevada
foothills. Region V encompasses broad areas throughout the
Central Valley.
However, the original Winker region formulation did
not provide both the lower and upper classes limits, which
would lead to all areas below 1389 GDD belonging to Re-
gion I and all areas above 2222 GDD belonging to Region
V. The results here suggest that the upper limit of Region V
is near 2700, as this encompasses the median values of the
warmest region, the Madera AVA (Table 3). Similarly, to en-
compass the median values of the coolest regions, the lower
limit of Region I would need to be set to 850 GDD. Using
these criteria, GDDs average 1,711 units over all AVAs rang-
ing from a median low of 851 and 903 in the Puget Sound
and Columbia River Gorge AVAs, respectively, to a median
Table 3 Examples of western U.S. American Viticultural Area (AVA) 1971–2000 PRISM-calculated quantile statistics for growing season average
temperature (GST, °C), growing degree-days (GDD, C° units), Huglin index (HI, C° units), and biologically effective degree-days (BEDD, C° units).
(See Supplementary Table 2 for complete list of all 135 western U.S. AVAs.)
AVA Name Min 25% Median 75% Max Min 25 % Median 75% Max Min 25% Medi an 75% Max Min 25% Median 75% Max
Alexander Valley 17.1 18.0 18.1 18.3 19.1 1521 1705 1741 1785 1957 1844 2297 2375 2455 2651 1381 1774 1874 1914 2003
Anderson Valley 15.9 16.5 17.2 17.6 18.3 1254 1400 1533 1630 1773 1784 2008 2187 2313 2474 1374 1554 1694 1803 1914
Carmel Valley 15.8 16.2 16.5 16.8 17.2 1236 1325 1392 1459 1540 1790 1906 1946 1978 2068 1418 1471 1502 1532 1585
Central Coast 13.1 16.5 17.8 18.8 21.5 674 1398 1677 1877 2469 979 1832 2278 2626 2955 639 1425 1737 1988 2166
Clarksburg 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 2135 2154 2176 2198 2230 2746 2764 2788 2813 2834 1994 2002 2005 2009 2021
Cole Ranch 17.9 17.9 18.0 18.0 18.0 1701 1703 1714 1724 1724 2372 2396 2412 2420 2420 1774 1778 1781 1785 1795
Columbia River
12.6 13.5 14.0 14.7 16.9 686 830 903 1028 1490 1264 1515 1599 1742 2215 761 959 1031 1136 1486
Columbia Valley 9.8 15.2 16.2 16.9 18.3 382 1167 1329 1483 1779 823 1938 2141 2290 2590 416 1244 1373 1486 1655
Dundee Hills 14.3 14.7 15.0 15.2 15.4 940 1022 1081 1115 1154 1532 1640 1725 1764 1822 1009 1115 1176 1213 1255
Eola-Amity Hills 14.2 14.6 14.9 15.1 15.3 935 1010 1059 1093 1138 1502 1660 1739 1794 1850 1003 1120 1186 1230 1282
Hames Valley 18.8 19.2 19.4 19.6 19.8 1880 1969 2018 2047 2099 2726 2798 2831 2847 2868 2074 2131 2143 2150 2159
Knights Valley 14.7 17.7 18.3 18.5 19.2 1057 1644 1788 1826 1967 1598 2090 2416 2503 2641 1159 1544 1852 1931 2009
Lodi 20.0 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.7 2133 2175 2211 2225 2290 2743 2781 2797 2828 2906 1904 1958 1980 2001 2022
Los Carneros 17.0 17.4 17.6 18.0 19.5 1497 1593 1637 1705 2027 2007 2126 2191 2270 2579 1581 1693 1749 1813 1932
Madera 21.2 21.4 21.7 21.8 22.5 2409 2450 2511 2537 2686 3009 3055 3131 3175 3325 2044 2069 2099 2119 2175
Mendocino 16.9 18.0 18.3 18.5 19.5 1489 1713 1774 1824 2046 1899 2330 2461 2562 2644 1345 1681 1838 1927 1978
Napa Valley 15.1 18.2 18.8 19.2 20.4 1131 1753 1883 1970 2235 1668 2317 2504 2601 2884 1210 1743 1850 1923 2060
Paso Robles 16.4 18.3 18.9 19.2 20.2 1361 1779 1903 1978 2177 2048 2585 2681 2736 2900 1619 1982 2032 2059 2158
Puget Sound 10.4 13.6 13.9 14.3 15.2 336 785 851 923 1112 697 1319 1414 1497 1725 324 816 890 967 1167
Rattlesnake Hills 13.8 15.0 15.6 16.2 16.8 921 1125 1205 1340 1452 1589 1913 2061 2191 2305 1029 1232 1340 1441 1541
Red Mountain 16.8 17.0 17.0 17.1 17.3 1466 1493 1505 1520 1557 2271 2302 2330 2337 2378 1458 1509 1526 1533 1562
Rogue Valley 10.5 14.9 15.7 16.2 17.0 486 1101 1225 1326 1509 853 1794 2011 2168 2391 440 1231 1386 1522 1715
Russian River
16.3 17.0 17.1 17.2 18.4 1347 1492 1520 1539 1796 1901 2107 2152 2167 2473 1505 1703 1747 1756 1951
Santa Cruz
14.3 16.8 17.2 17.6 18.5 913 1450 1553 1628 1823 1262 1844 2005 2118 2358 934 1442 1554 1666 1882
Santa Rita Hills 16.1 16.8 17.0 17.2 19.0 1314 1455 1496 1532 1938 1654 1885 1956 1997 2177 1335 1525 1586 1629 1710
Sierra Foothills 14.2 19.0 19.8 20.4 22.7 1008 1926 2098 2218 2718 1472 2556 2715 2839 3343 1023 1749 1852 1943 2205
Snake River Valley 13.0 15.6 16.1 16.5 18.6 811 1241 1329 1402 1836 1406 2095 2207 2301 2645 898 1365 1436 1499 1702
Southern Oregon 10.8 14.9 15.4 15.9 17.1 469 1067 1165 1266 1509 848 1739 1900 2069 2391 493 1197 1314 1436 1715
St. Helena 18.7 18.8 18.9 19.0 19.3 1870 1876 1896 1922 1997 2552 2566 2571 2592 2629 1905 1942 1954 1959 1987
Temecula Valley 19.1 20.3 20.6 20.9 21.6 1957 2198 2264 2342 2478 2222 2602 2755 2907 3090 1642 1846 1975 2082 2190
Umpqua Valley 13.3 14.9 15.2 15.5 16.4 786 1053 1115 1184 1371 1296 1719 1827 1915 2198 823 1177 1266 1332 1564
Wahluke Slope 15.1 16.9 17.2 17.5 18.2 1144 1484 1545 1602 1758 1947 2311 2371 2422 2539 1252 1495 1531 1561 1622
Walla Walla Valley 13.4 16.7 17.1 17.3 17.5 849 1444 1528 1564 1617 1582 2202 2296 2331 2405 1044 1408 1480 1510 1565
Willamette Valley 12.3 14.7 15.0 15.2 16.3 596 1014 1081 1119 1354 1087 1658 1748 1784 1969 621 1116 1195 1224 1370
13.8 14.7 15.0 15.2 15.5 858 1029 1072 1109 1180 1444 1660 1723 1775 1863 934 1119 1173 1216 1289
Yountville 18.3 18.7 18.9 19.0 19.3 1788 1864 1898 1927 1993 2393 2499 2521 2545 2663 1814 1916 1924 1934 1959
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Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
high of 2511 in the Madera AVA. In terms of median values
the AVAs predominately fall into Region III (33%) followed
by Region II (25%) and Region IV (19%) (Table 1).
The other two indices (HI and BEDD) produce broadly
similar patterns of climates across the western U.S. (Figure
4). However, because of a latitude adjustment for day length
influences, both the HI and BEDD suggest greater viticul-
tural suitability over much of Oregon, Washington, and Ida-
ho than either GST or GDD. For the HI, much of the Pacific
Northwest falls into very cool and cool classes while broad
areas of eastern Washington and Oregon are classified as
temperate, warm temperate, and warm. In California the HI
depicts much of the Central Valley as very warm or too hot,
while the intercoastal valley AVAs span cool to warm. The
median HI averages 2347 units (warm temperate) over all
AVAs in the western U.S., with a low of 1414 in the Puget
Sound AVA and a high of 3131 in the Madera AVA. These
values place the Puget Sound AVA into the very cool to
cool class, but still suitable as compared to marginally suit-
able on the GDD, while the Madera AVA is considered too
hot on the HI. The highest frequency HI classes over the
western U.S. are warm temperate (28%) and warm (33%).
The BEDD depicts a spatial pattern intermediate to GDD
and HI, with cool to intermediate maturity classes dominat-
ing the Willamette and Umpqua Valley AVAs of Oregon,
the California coastal zones and intermediate elevations
in the Sierra Foothills AVA, and surrounding areas of the
Columbia River Valley AVA (Figure 4). The California in-
tercoastal valley AVAs fall more into the intermediate to
warm maturity classes on the BEDD. Over all of the AVAs,
the median BEDD averages 1717 with a range from 890 in
the Puget Sound AVA to a maximum of 2143 in the Hames
Valley AVA, located at the southern end of the Monterey
Valley AVA in California. The distribution of the median
AVA BEDD values is slightly skewed to the higher maturity
classes, with over 60% of the AVAs in the fourth and fifth
maturity classes (Table 1).
Examining the within-AVA spatial characteristics of the
climate indices enhances the broad regional applicability
of the results discussed above (Figure 5). For example,
the Napa Valley AVA, which encompasses many smaller
sub-AVAs, ranges from cool to hot climate types for GST,
Region I to a lower Region V for GDD, cool to very warm
climate types for HI, and the lowest to the highest maturity
classes for BEDD (Table 3). While the Napa Valley AVA
has Region I through V zones, the dist ribution of climate
types within t he AVA reveals that it is predominantly a
Region III (56%) and Region IV (30%) (Figure 5). A more
inland region, the Walla Walla Valley AVA, ranges from
cool to warm climate types using the GST index, with areas
considered too cool in GDD (<Region I) to Region III, cool
to warm on the HI, and range across the first three matu-
rity classes on the BEDD. The spatial distribution of GDD
in the Walla Walla Valley AVA reveals mainly Region II
(82%) zones with some Region I (18%) areas (Figure 5). For
warm regions with low topographical relief, the Lodi AVA
and the Madera AVA both exhibit less spatial variability
over each of the climate indices (Table 3). Lodi is mainly a
hot climate type on the GST index, a Region IV and V in
GDD (78% and 22%, respectively; Figure 5), very warm on
Figure 2 Matrix scatterplot and Pearson correlation coefcients illustrating the relationships of each of the median AVA values for the four climate
indices. Each plotted point represents one AVA’s median value for that index.
320 – Jones et al.
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the HI, and in the upper two maturity classes on the BEDD.
The warmer Madera is largely a very hot climate type on
the GST index, a Region V in GDD (100%, Figure 5), con-
sidered too hot on the HI, and in the highest maturity class
on BEDD. For a cooler region with moderate topographi-
cal relief, the Eola-Amity Hills AVA, a sub-AVA of the
Willamette Valley, is cool to intermediate climate types
for GST, an intermediate Region I (100%, Figure 5), cool
to temperate for HI, and in the first and second maturit y
class for BEDD (Table 3). The level of spatial variability in
climate within different AVAs can be significant (Figure 5),
indicating that single climate stations cannot fully represent
the climate within most AVAs. For example, this issue is
clearly depicted for two AVAs with substantial differences
in coastal versus inland inf luences: Anderson Valley and
Paso Robles. Each one spatially spans three Wink ler re-
gions, with the Anderson Valley Region I–III (26%, 58%,
and 16%, respectively) and the Paso Robles Region II–IV
(14%, 49%, and 37%, respectively) (Figure 5).
While the median AVA summary described above cap-
tures the overall framework of the climate indices over the
western U.S. AVAs, elevation issues (Table 2) must be con-
sidered when assessing the quantile statistics within each
AVA (Table 3). Note that the range between the minimum
and maximum values represents the entire climatic range
for each index within each AVA, not necessarily those areas
that are or could be planted. For AVAs with low elevation
ranges (~<200 m; Table 2), the entire quantile range from
the minimu m to the maximu m values well represent the
suitable climate characteristics of a given region (Table 3).
For example, the Lodi AVA has a 152 m elevation range,
reected in its fairly narrow quantile distribution for all four
climate indices. For AVAs with very high elevation ranges
(~>1000 m; Table 2) the minimum to 25% to median quan-
tile statistics represent higher elevation zones considered not
suitable to viticulture. For example, the Rogue Valley AVA
has an elevation range of 1743 m, which results in very low
Figure 3 Average growing season temperatures (GST, left) and growing degree-days (GDD, right), over the western U.S. derived from PRISM 1971–
2000 climate normals. GDD class limits originally given by Amerine and Winkler (1944) along with lower and upper bounds for Region I and Region V
(see text). Class limits in legends are not directly comparable (e.g., the coolest GST class limits do not necessarily equate to the Region I class limits).
Western United States Spatial Climate Structure – 321
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Figure 4 Huglin Index (HI) (left) and biologically effective growing degree-days (BEDD) (right), over the western U.S. derived from PRISM 1971–2000
climate normals. Class limits in legends are not directly comparable (e.g., the coolest HI class limits do not necessarily equate to the coolest BEDD
class limits).
Figure 5 Distribution of Winkler region climate types (growing degree-days; GDD) within eight AVAs ranging from cool to hot growing conditions as
given in Table 1. GDD classes are based upon limits originally given by Amerine and Winkler (1944) along with lower and upper bounds for Region I
and Region V as detailed in the text.
322 – Jones et al.
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stations. The Lodi, California climate station has a 1971–
2000 climate normal 2145 GDD, wh ich is in the lower
quantile of the AVA statistics but in the same Region IV as
78% of the AVA (Figure 5). The Madera, California climate
station 1971–2000 climate normal 2532 GDD is close to the
Madera AVA median. However, both the Lodi and Madera
climate station values still do not represent the range of
±100 GDD experienced across the AVAs.
Comparing the complete spatial depiction of the four
climate indices across the western U.S. reveals significant
broad (western U.S.) and within-AVA differences (Figure
2, Figure 3). For example, GST and GDD both produce the
known pattern of general wine region suitability, yet these
indices do not provide for much within-AVA differentiation
(Figure 3). Even though the HI is summed over Apr–Sept
instead of Apr–Oct as with the other indices, it correlates
strongly with GST, GDD, and BEDD and depicts similar re-
gional climate characteristics. However, the HI and BEDD
tend to depict within-AVA spatial variations more strongly,
but also include mostly untested land outside the generally
recognized wine regions (Figure 4). Because of the addi-
tion of a day length adjustment, the HI also classes much
of the Pacific Northwest as ver y cool and cool, closely
matching the northern areas of Europe where the index
was first applied (e.g., parts of Germany, Champagne, Cha-
blis, Burgundy). This designation matches observations in
the Puget Sound AVA where cool-climate varieties have
been successfully grown in both trial and commercial vine-
yards (Moulton and King 2006). Furthermore, much of the
Central Valley is depicted by the HI as too hot, whereas
GDD shows it within the upper limit of suitability. The
BEDD depicts a spatial pattern intermediate to GDD and
HI, identifying the known cool to warm climate AVAs in
the Pacific Northwest, but maintaining suitable zones at the
warmer limits in California.
Similar research for Australia (Hall and Jones 2010) and
Europe (Jones et al. 2009) has enabled an examination of
commonly compared wine regions (Table 4). For example,
Burg undy, the Willa mette Valley, and the Yarra Valley
each grow similar varieties (Pinot noir and Chardonnay).
However, while Burgundy and the Willamette Valley’s me-
dian spatial climate values on all indices are similar on av-
erage, the Yarra Valley is significantly warmer. This result
would be masked by a simple station comparison. Simi-
larly, although Bordeaux, the Napa Valley, and Coonawarra
are often compared, the results reveal that the Napa Valley
is substantially warmer as a spatial average compared to
Bordeaux and that Coonawarra is intermediate to Bordeaux
and the Napa Valley. Furthermore, the five western U.S.
locations (Table 4) all have greater within-region spatial
variability on all climate indices than comparable locations
in Europe or Australia (not shown), which are likely caused
by g reater elevation dif ferences and the greater diurnal
temperature ranges that result from lower humidity levels
during the growing season (Jones et al. 2009).
While this research provides a detailed overview of the
spatial characteristics of climate within the western U.S.
index values at high elevations that would be considered
climatically unsuitable to some zones with a mid-Region
I using the minimum to 25% statistics (e.g., 486–1101 for
GDD). The median to 75% to maximum statistics identies
the Rogue Valley AVA as an intermediate to warm climate
type on the GST, a Region I to Region II in GDD (78% and
20%, respectively; Figure 5), temperate to warm-temperate
on the HI, and in the second to fourth maturity classes on
the BEDD (Table 3). T he values match the reality in the
Rog ue Valley AVA, where a wide range of varieties can
be successfully grown. For AVAs with elevation ranges be-
tween 200 and 1000 m, variations in the quantile statistics
used to characterize those regions need to be assessed on
an AVA by AVA basis. For example, with an elevation range
of 567 m, the Paso Robles AVA has some higher elevations
that are not likely to be planted, best represented by the
minimu m to 25% quantile statistics (Table 3, Figure 5),
and leaving the suitable planting areas covering the climate
range from the cooler sites (25% statistic) to the warmest
sites (maximum statistic). Another determining issue is the
orientation of the landscape to the coast or the valley. A
given AVA might have a wide range of suitability whereby
the range of quantile statistics would depend on the loca-
tion and variety intended. For example, the Anderson Valley
AVA with an elevation range of 476 m is oriented from the
southeast to the northwest toward the coast. The southeast-
erly portion of the valley is warmer (better represented by
the 16% of the AVA in Region III; Figure 5) and more ap-
propriately represented by the 75% to maximum quantile
statistics for each climate index (Table 3). However, the
cooler climate of the northwestern portion of the valley is
better captured in the minimum to 25% quantile statistics
(represented by the 26% of the AVA in Region I; Figure 5),
while intermediate locations fall in the 25% to 75% range
(represented by the 58% of the AVA in Region II).
The value of knowing the full spatial range of climate
indices within an AVA versus using single climate station
values is further illustrated with examples from the 1971–
2000 climate normals for stations across each of the five
Winkler regions (Western Regional Climate Center; www. For Region I, the Salem, Oregon climate sta-
tion is 1278 GDD for the 1971–2000 climate normals, while
the median Willamette Valley AVA GDD is 1081. In this
case, Salem is clearly an urban station representing one of
the warmest locations in the valley. The Sunnyside, Wash-
ington climate station, which is commonly used to charac-
terize the Yakima Valley AVA, is 1561 GDD or a Region
II. However, the Yakima Valley AVA is shown to contain
zones with GDD from a high Region I to a high Region II
(Table 3). For a Region III, the Paso Robles climate station
has a 1971–2000 climate normal 2145 GDD. But this sta-
tion is lower than the Paso Robles AVA median GDD and
does not represent the 14% and 37% of the AVA, which are
Region II and Region IV, respectively (Table 3, Figure 5).
Examples of the warmer Region IV and V tend to show
locations with low topographic and therefore low climate
index variation that are somewhat bet ter represented by
Western United States Spatial Climate Structure – 323
Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
AVAs, the use of climate to describe and/or compare regions
within the U.S. and worldwide is inadequate (McIntyre et al.
1987, McMaster and Wilhelm 1997). The numerous issues
concerning the comparison of climate indices from other
sources results from the historic use of station data, using
data from different time periods, and using different meth-
ods of calculating the indices, especially degree-days (Mon-
cur et al. 1989, Roltsch 1999, Cesaraccio et al. 2001, Battany
2009). While many governments and organizations recog-
nize the 30-year climate normal period (1971–2000) as the
standard (e.g., the World Meteorological Organization), not
all published climate data (e.g., temperatures, degree-days)
are summarized similarly. Some data may include the entire
period of record (i.e., tens of years to over 100 years), while
others might include a shorter subset of years. Using the
same time period is important, as both climate variability
and trends will result in changes in the statistical distribu-
tion of the data. For example, in the western U.S., GST and
GDD have standard deviations of 0.7–1.2°C and 100–200
units, respectively (Jones and Goodrich 2008). However, the
variability over differing time periods can vary by as much
as 50% depending on the length of the data record. In addi-
tion, warming trends in GST and GDD in the western U.S.
during 1948–2004 have been 0.9–1.7°C and 100–300 units,
respectively, indicating the importance of using the exact
same time period for climate index comparisons (Jones
2005, Jones and Goodrich 2008).
A comparison of the 1971–2000 time period spatial AVA
results with the original map and data (Winkler et al. 1974,
pages 62-66) reveals some significant differences due to
the use of stations, the time period of the data, and the
available mapping technology at the time. First, Winkler
and colleag ues used data from multiple sources without
specifying the time period of the data or the exact method
of calculation for the degree-days reported (i.e., simple av-
erage GDD, and daily, multiday, or monthly formulations),
which makes precise comparisons difficult. Second, the use
of individual stations and the construction of a map from
the few sites in each region resulted in a general depiction
of the climate in California at the time but with marginal
accuracy. Broad areas were shown with similar levels of
suitability, whereas the spatial data used in this research
depicts much more pronounced within-region variation.
Third, a sample of 30 stations (Winkler et al. 1974) reveals
GDD values that are 160 GDD (10%) lower on aver age
(ranging 3 to 23% lower) than their respective 1971–2000
station climate normals (Western Regional Climate Center; Climate changes highlight the need to
use values from a current and similar time period to more
precisely compare wine region climates (Jones 2005).
Table 4 Wine region total area, median elevation, and median values for each of the climate indices for Europe (Jones et al. 2009),
Australia (Hall and Jones 2010), and selected western U.S. AVAs from Tables 2 and 3. Climate indices are average growing season
temperature (GST, °C), growing degree-days (GDD, C° units), Huglin index (HI, C° units), and biologically effective degree-days
(BEDD, C° units). Table sorted by GST.
Location Region
Germany Mosel 198 179 14.0 891 1411 966
Germany Rheinhessen 327 170 14.1 922 1473 989
France Champagne 381 170 14.2 923 1492 981
Germany Baden 189 245 14.9 1056 1602 1117
Oregon Willamette Valley 13876 122 15.0 1081 1748 1195
France Burgundy 260 264 15.2 1118 1648 1171
Italy Valtellina Superiore 5 476 16.2 1335 1880 1304
France Bordeaux 1471 50 16.5 1387 1890 1382
Spain Rioja 605 506 16.6 1410 1886 1343
Australia Coonawarra 400 65 16.9 1457 1998 1498
Washington, Oregon Walla Walla 1306 317 17.1 1528 2296 1480
Australia Yarra Valley 3120 251 17.3 1558 2000 1510
France Côtes du Rhône Méridionales 1440 174 17.3 1570 2067 1447
Italy Barolo 56 314 17.5 1600 1960 1559
Italy Vino Nobile di Montepulciano 28 307 17.5 1613 2057 1473
Portugal Vinho Verde 61 190 17.6 1635 1987 1576
Italy Chianti Classico 101 321 17.9 1685 2112 1507
Portugal Porto 807 437 17.9 1684 2155 1489
Australia Barossa Valley 590 278 18.7 1848 2302 1670
Australia Margaret River 2640 75 18.7 1844 2201 1676
California Napa Valley 1624 248 18.8 1883 2504 1850
California Paso Robles 2464 398 18.9 1903 2681 2032
Spain La Mancha 2864 689 18.9 1912 2417 1445
California Lodi 2195 24 20.3 2211 2797 1980
Spain Jerez-Xéres-Sherry 126 57 20.9 2343 2441 1921
aArea rounded to the nearest 1 km2 (100 ha); approximate due to resolution and precision of the wine region boundary data.
324 – Jones et al.
Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
(Winkler et al. 1974, McIntyre et al. 1987), no large-scale
work in this area has been attempted. Optimizing the lower
and upper temperature thresholds for degree-day for mu-
lations is one topic for additional research. While these
thresholds have typically been defined by their influence
on phenological event timing, they are commonly derived
from photosynthetic activity limits. For example, it has
been shown that very little photosynthesis occurs in grape-
vi ne leaves when temperat ures are <5°C (Kriedemann
1968). Furthermore, while there is strong evidence for a
4°C base temperature for grapevines in Australia (Moncur
et al. 1989) and a 5°C base from modeling efforts in France
(Ga rcía de Cortáza r-Atauri et al. 2009), there has been
little conf irmation of these thresholds across other wine
regions and for a wider range of var ieties. In addition,
from the discussion of early versus late budding varieties
(Winkler et al. 1974), the base temperature threshold for
accumulation is likely strongly cultivar specif ic. There is
also some evidence that grapevines have a maximum tem-
perature threshold of ~32 to 35°C (Jackson 2000), although
others have found that optimum net photosynthesis occurs
over a wide range of temperature (25–35°C), making it dif-
ficult to pinpoint a universal upper temperature threshold
(K riedemann 1968). The application of an upper thresh-
old of 19°C (average temperatu re) to heat accumulation
in the BEDD for mulation attempted to quantify this issue
(Gladstones 1992), but was identified by trial and error and
needs further examination.
Two important issues involved in the clasif icat ion of
quantitative data include the nu mber of classes and the
specific way the dat a is divided int o the classes. Such
determinations are import ant for depicting climate indi-
ces for viticulture suitability because they can include or
exclude sites/regions and are often based on convenience
(i.e., rounded numbers). For example, A merine and Win-
kler (1944) specified their five region concept in order to
“reduce the size of the tables and differentiate among the
recommendations,” not necessarily to provide clear demar-
cations between climate-class suitability. In addition, the
specified classes did not assign specific lower and upper
limits to Regions I and V, respectively, but only noted ap-
proximate limits of 950 and 2778 based on anecdotal evi-
dence from a short list of climate stations worldwide, not
stations in the western U.S. or California. In this work, a
lower limit of 850 GDD (WI Region I) was applied based
on inclusion of the median GDD of the coolest region, the
Puget Sound AVA. The validity of this limit is evidenced
by trial planting and commercial vineyard observations in
the Puget Sound AVA (Moulton and King 2006). However,
a criticism of the Winkler region divisions (Gladstones
1992, Jones 2006) is that it does not discriminate suffi-
ciently bet ween cooler climate zones (Region I), indicat-
ing that the range from 850 to 1389 should be subdivided
into two or more classes. We have also applied an upper
limit of 2700 GDD (Region V) based on the spatial climate
characteristics of the Madera AVA, the warmest region in
the western U.S. Finally, the class limits applied to climate
How data are averaged (i.e., hourly, daily, or monthly) is
another issue in comparing climate information. While the
advent of better weather station instrumentation and soft-
ware to calculate climate indices has helped to develop site-
specic data from hourly or shorter time periods, often this
data is compared to historical information from daily maxi-
mum and minimum observations or monthly data. Hourly
data, which arguably better reects the true thermal effects
on the crops, results in heat accumulation values that tend
to be lower than both daily and monthly approximations
(McIntyre et al. 1987, Bat tany 2009), while monthly data
can slightly underestimate heat accumulation during the rst
and last months of the growing season (Gladstones 1992).
Therefore, it is important to compare similar time period av-
eraged data. Furthermore, the use of readily accessible daily
maximum and minimum temperature data to derive heat
accumulation values has been criticized for not represent-
ing the diurnal structure of temperature (Snyder et al. 1999,
Roltsch et al. 1999, Cesaraccio et al. 2001). Various methods
have been proposed (e.g., sine wave, triangle) to improve the
simple averaging method and have achieved some success.
However, these methods do not produce tremendous differ-
ences in heat accumulation indices that would affect general
suitability studies for viticulture, are much more applicable
for scientic eld applications such as phenological model-
ing (Snyder et al. 1999), are not readily accessible for the
average grapegrower, and are not comparable to commonly
published climate index values.
Another signicant methodological difference exists be-
tween simple average GDD formulations that are standard
practice in viticulture studies (Winkler et al. 1974, Glad-
stones 1992, Jones 2006) and the so-called corn degree-days
(McMaster and Wilhelm 1997). The main difference is how
the base temperature is dealt with in the formula. With the
simple average method, for any day with an average tem-
perature below the base of 10°C for winegrapes, there is no
accumulation. The corn degree-day method, however, adjusts
all minimum temperatures to the base, therefore articially
adjusting the average temperature and resulting in spring
and fall monthly values 50–400% higher than simple average
degree-days or Apr–Oct total accumulations 28–33% higher
(McMaster and Wilhelm 1997). According to calculations
for a sample of western U.S. wine regions, the corn degree-
day formulation was 10–15% higher than the simple average
formulation (authors’ unpublished data, 2009). Furthermore,
while corn degree-days may be the standard for broadacre
crops (McMaster and Wilhelm 1997), the formulation has a
set upper limit of 30°C, which, along with articially adjust-
ing the base temperature, may or may not be appropriate
for winegrapes (see below) and is not commonly applied in
historic degree-day calculations for viticulture (Jones 2006).
Furthermore, as the corn method has been integrated into
some weather station software (e.g., HOBOware, Onset Com-
puter Corporation), it can confound any comparison with
published data using the simple average method.
While previous research has suggested that refinements
to understanding wine region climate indices are needed
Western United States Spatial Climate Structure – 325
Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
indices should considered general demarcations between
broad regions or maturity groups, whereby some varieties
clearly overlap from one class type to another (e.g., GST
maturity classes; Jones 2006).
Other potential climate index criteria have been devel-
oped. Recent research that shows promise for viticulture
suitability depiction combined a reduced number of cli-
matic indices that account for solar, frost, and drought vari-
ability and provided a classification of viticulture climates
(Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004). This Multicriteria Climat-
ic Classification system (Geoviticulture MCC) results in 36
different climatic types from a summation of three indices;
the Huglin index, a cool night index, and a dryness index.
The classification has been successfully tested to differen-
tiate the climate of 97 stations in wine regions worldwide.
However, the complex comparison of station versus region-
wide spatial climate is evident even in the MCC system
(Tonietto and Carbonneau 2004), whereby the given val-
ues are often warmer (urban stations) than the actual wine
region median index values (Jones et al. 2009). However,
the MCC system has been applied to numerous climate sta-
tions in the Galicia region of Spain, effectively portraying
the spatial climate suitability for Galicia (Blanco-Ward et
al. 2007). The indices of the MCC system were also spa-
tially modeled over Europe (Jones et al. 2009). However,
the application of the MCC system is limited because the
dryness index requires long-term observations on potential
evapotranspiration and soil conditions, which are not avail-
able from all climate stations or well represented in spatial
climate data products. Fur ther more, the cool night index
class structure does not appear universally valid, especially
for the western U.S. where lower ripening period nighttime
temperatures and higher diurnal temperature ranges are ex-
perienced (Jones et al. 2009).
Establishing a region’s spatial climate characteristics
and suitability for viticulture provides researchers, grow-
ers, and wine producers with information to compare wine
region climates. However, published climate information
is often tied to individual stations, which do not represent
the true spatial climate characteristics within any wine re-
gion. In addition, comparative climate information is often
published without documentation of the time period it rep-
resents and how the climate index was formulated, result-
ing in erroneous comparisons. Furthermore, little has been
done to update the original formulation of suitable climate
zones for viticulture in California. This research has up-
dated and depicted the climate for viticulture over the west-
ern U.S. AVAs using recently available higher resolution
and spatially validated climate grids over a common time
period (1971–2000 climate normals). In addition, the re-
search provides for the first time a regionwide comparison
of four climate indices historically used in various regions
worldwide. The research describes the spatial framework
of the climate indices over the wine regions (AVAs) instead
of the common method of station-to-station comparison.
Results show that each climate parameter depicts a broad
structure across a range of cool to hot climates suitable for
viticulture in western U.S. AVAs. Comparison of GST and
GDD indices reveals no functional differences, except in
ter ms of magnitude. While GDD is useful for determining
stages of annual phenological development at time steps
within a season, GST is simpler to calculate, has fewer
methodological issues, and provides a similar comparative
result over the whole season. The HI and BEDD indices
both provide good AVA-wide depictions of known climate
suitability, owing to a latitude adjustment for increasing
day lengths poleward, at the expense of either excluding
known suitable regions or including areas that may or may
not be climatically viable. Furthermore, the HI and BEDD
appear to better differentiate the within-AVA structure of
the climate indices, with BEDD showing the greatest prom-
ise because of its diurnal temperature range adjustment and
its tie to variety maturity classes. However, both the HI and
BEDD need further validation for use in the western U.S.
Developments in spatial climate data products have al-
lowed for the depiction and assessment of climate charac-
teristics by accounting for climate variations over the land-
scape. While microscale site differences are still not fully
depicted in our spatial climate data, the ~400 m resolution
of the PRISM data provides a substantial improvement in
understanding general site climate characteristics. Its ap-
plication as a statistical range over wine regions allows for
a better assessment of the spatial climate characteristics
within them. While this work does not fully account for the
potential shortcomings of heat summation formulations, it
addresses some concer ns and provides the framework for
future assessments and refinements. First, it is suggested
that users of climate data for comparing wine regions know
the lineage of the published numbers or data (e.g., source,
time period of data summary, and whether formulations are
hourly, daily or monthly). Additionally, it is important that
researchers, software developers, and others clearly com-
municate the method of calculating growing degree-days
so that others can correctly inter pret and compare results.
If corn degree-days or some other nonviticulture standard
formulation is implemented in the weather station software,
a user should export the raw daily data to a spreadsheet to
calculate the degree-days.
While the temperature-based climate indices examined
here have been developed with consideration of viticul-
tural suitability, the applicability of the indices to wine
regions outside of where they were originally developed
has not been fully examined. The data and methods pre-
sented here and by others using spatial data products are
providing a more holistic look at climate index character-
istics for viticulture globally and the framework by which
regional validation can be further examined. However, as
greater spatial resolution of the climate grids and new time
periods of data (i.e., 1981–2010 climate normals) become
available, this work should be updated so that climate suit-
ability, variability, and change are monitored and reported
326 – Jones et al.
Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 61:3 (2010)
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