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Abstract and Figures

The content of tocopherols, B vitamins, as well as free soluble, soluble conjugated and insoluble bound phenolic compounds was determined in untreated, steeped and sprouted wheat grains. Antioxidant capacity of whole wheat grains and their phenolic fractions was also evaluated. Sprouting significantly increased the levels of tocopherols, niacin, riboflavin, as well as free and bound phenolic compounds improving nutritional value and antioxidant capacity of wheat grains/flour. After sprouting for 5 days, the content of total phenolics, flavonoids and ferulic acid calculated as the sum of its fractions was increased by 9.9, 30.7 and 21.6%, respectively. The content of α-, β+γ- and δ-tocopherols was increased for 3.59-fold, 2.33-fold and 2.61-fold respectively, while the content of niacin, as predominant B vitamin, was increased for 1.19-fold after sprouting. The total antioxidant capacity of untreated, steeped and sprouted whole wheat grains was 19.44, 20.37 and 22.70 mmol Trolox Eq/kg, respectively. Sprouted wheat, as a rich source of bioavailable phytochemicals, should be used to improve the nutritional quality of food.
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Original article
Can the sprouting process applied to wheat improve the contents
of vitamins and phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of
the flour?
Sla dana
* Zorica Basi
Vesna Had
Vuk Maksimovi
Marijana Jankovi
& Milomir Filipovi
1 Department of Technology, Maize Research Institute, Slobodana Baji
ca 1, Belgrade-Zemun 11085, Serbia
2 Military Medical Academy, Institute of Hygiene, Crnotravska 17, Belgrade, Serbia
3 Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Kneza Vi
seslava 1, Belgrade, Serbia
4 Department of Breeding, Maize Research Institute, Slobodana Baji
ca 1, Belgrade-Zemun 11085, Serbia
(Received 1 July 2013; Accepted in revised form 20 September 2013)
Summary The content of tocopherols, B vitamins, as well as free soluble, soluble conjugated and insoluble bound
phenolic compounds was determined in untreated, steeped and sprouted wheat grains. Antioxidant capac-
ity of whole wheat grains and their phenolic fractions was also evaluated. Sprouting significantly increased
the levels of tocopherols, niacin, riboflavin, as well as free and bound phenolic compounds improving
nutritional value and antioxidant capacity of wheat grains/flour. After sprouting for 5 days, the content
of total phenolics, flavonoids and ferulic acid calculated as the sum of its fractions was increased by 9.9,
30.7 and 21.6%, respectively. The content of a-, b+c- and d-tocopherols was increased for 3.59-fold, 2.33-
fold and 2.61-fold respectively, while the content of niacin, as predominant B vitamin, was increased for
1.19-fold after sprouting. The total antioxidant capacity of untreated, steeped and sprouted whole wheat
grains was 19.44, 20.37 and 22.70 mmol Trolox Eq/kg, respectively. Sprouted wheat, as a rich source of
bioavailable phytochemicals, should be used to improve the nutritional quality of food.
Keywords Antioxidant capacity, phenolics, sprouted wheat, steeped wheat, vitamins.
Many epidemiological studies have demonstrated that
health beneficial effects of whole wheat were attributed
to the bioactive factors in bran, such as nondigestible
carbohydrates and phytochemicals (Jensen et al.,
2004). However, the importance of wheat has mainly
been attributed to its ability to be ground into flour
and semolina that form the basic ingredients of bread
and pasta, respectively, while bran is mainly used for
animal feeding. Due to low nutritional quality of
bread, its vitamin fortification has become mandatory
in many countries. In contrast to fortification, adding
of sprouted wheat flour is a natural way to increase
vitamin levels. Although sprouting has been known
for a very long time mainly in the Eastern countries,
in recent years, sprouted grains have become very pop-
ular and widely accepted as a functional food because
of their nutritious and health benefits. Hydrolytic
enzymes activated during the process of wheat sprout-
ing result in the degradation of starch and nonstarch
polysaccharides, as well as proteins, leading to an
increase in reducing sugars, soluble dietary fibres,
peptides and amino acids, as well as the release of the
insoluble phenolic compounds covalently bound to cell
wall polysaccharides (Hung et al., 2012). Further, the
biochemical processes, occurring during sprouting, can
generate bioactive components, such as riboflavin,
thiamine, biotin, pantothenic acid, niacin, vitamin C,
tocopherols and phenolic compounds, and also
increase their availability (Moongngarm & Saetung,
2010). Sprouting of wheat has been suggested as an
inexpensive and effective method to enhance the anti-
oxidant capacity of flour through the increase of low-
molecular weight antioxidants (Alvarez-Jubete et al.,
2010). Improving the hydrolytic enzymes efficiency,
sprouting supports the biochemical mechanisms in
humans and therefore can be considered as a kind of
predigestion that helps breaking down the high-molec-
ular complex compounds into their building blocks
that are considered to have many physiological
*Correspondent: Fax: +381 11 37 54 994;
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2014, 49, 1040–1047
©2013 Institute of Food Science and Technology
benefits related to life-threatening diseases (Komatsu-
zaki et al., 2007). In contrast to the increase in bioac-
tive compounds, the baking performance of wheat
drastically decreases during sprouting, making the use
of sprouted wheat for baking restricted. Additionally,
due to the increased content of free amino acids and
reducing sugars, sprouted wheat can potentially
promote the Maillard reaction (Abderrahim et al.,
2012). On the other hand, the study of Hussain & Ud-
din (2012) indicated that sprouting improved wheat
flour functional properties such as water absorption
capacity that is important in the development of
ready-to-eat cereal foods.
In recent years, efforts have been made to improve
plant raw materials that are widely used as food ingre-
dients through the increase in the content of bioactive
compounds, as well as processing methods to achieve
a higher bioavailability of nutrients naturally present
in the plant materials. There are a number of detailed
studies showing the nutritional and antioxidant prop-
erties of sprouted wheat. However, studies on quantifi-
cation of B vitamins and characterisation of all three
differently bioavailable chemical forms of phenolic
compounds of steeped and sprouted wheat flours are
very limited. Therefore, in this study, we investigated
the effects of steeping and sprouting on the content of
bioactive components such as riboflavin, thiamine,
pyridoxine, niacin and tocopherols in wheat flours and
also how this approach affected the health considering
the development of phenolic phytochemicals in terms
of content and chemical form and contribution to the
total antioxidant capacity of whole wheat flours.
Material and methods
Plant materials, steeping and sprouting conditions
The grains of bread wheat genotype harvested in Ser-
bia in 2012 were used. The wheat grains were washed
with distilled water in the flow for 60 min with air
continuously bubbled through the system. The grains
were then immersed in distilled water (1:1.5, w/v) and
steeped for 24 h at room temperature (21 °C). After
steeping, the water was decanted. A portion of
imbibed wheat grains were transferred into a plastic
container and incubated in the dark for 5 days in an
incubator at 20 °C and humidity of 50%. The grains
steeped for 24 h and grains sprouted for 5 days were
air-dried at 55 °C for 8 h to remove the moisture of
approximately 11%. For the control sample, untreated
whole wheat grains were used. All samples were milled
into whole-grain flour using a Perten 120 lab mill (Per-
ten, Sweden) to a fine powder (particle size <500 lm).
Steeped and sprouted whole wheat grains were
produced in a mill company (Bread Line d.o.o., Bel-
grade-Zemun, Serbia).
Analytical procedures
Analysis of tocopherols
The content of tocopherols was determined by the
HPLC method (S
erez et al., 2000). A n-hex-
ane extraction was applied. The wheat flour sample
(1 g) was mixed with 10 mL of n-hexane, and the mix-
ture was rigorously shaken at 4 °C for 30 min. After
centrifugation at 7000 gfor 15 min, the upper layer
was separated and evaporated under N
. The dried
sample was then redissolved in 5 mL of methanol, vor-
texed, centrifuged at 5000 gfor 10 min, and the clean
upper layer was collected. A HPLC system with the
Waters M600 E pump, thermostat and Rheodyne 7125
injector was used. The separation of tocopherols was
performed on the Nucleosil 50-5 C18 column
(250 94 mm, i.d., 5 lm) at flow rate of 1.0 mL min
The mobile phase consisted of 95% methanol. The
detection was performed with the Shimadzu RF-535
fluorescence detector at an excitation wavelength of
295 nm and an emission wavelength of 330 nm. Identi-
fied peaks were confirmed and quantified by data
acquisition and spectral evaluation using the ‘Clarify’
chromatographic software. The content of tocopherols
is expressed as lg per g of d.m.
Analysis of thiamine (vitamin B
), riboflavin (vitamin B
and pyridoxine (vitamin B
The thiamine, riboflavin and pyridoxine were released
from wheat flour by alkaline and enzymatic hydrolysis
as described by S
anchez-Machado et al. (2004). Specif-
ically, 1 g of a finely ground wheat sample was treated
with 15 mL of 0.1 MHCl at 100 °C for 30 min. After
cooling to room temperature, sample was brought to
pH 4.34.7 with 2.5 Msodium acetate, then 1.25 mL
of a 10% aqueous solution of taka-diastase was added,
incubated in an oven at 45 °C for 4 h, filtered through
Whatman No. 41 paper and diluted to 25 mL with
Milli-Q water. For thiamine determination, it was
necessary to perform its oxidation to thiochrome. One
mL of the solution prepared as mentioned was treated
with 0.5 mL of a 1% solution of potassium ferricya-
nide in cold 20% aqueous NaOH, vortexed for 10 s
and used. All extracts were injected in the HPLC
system. The separation of B vitamins was performed
on the Nucleosil 50-5 C18 column (250 94 mm, i.d.,
5lm). The mobile phases were a 450 mL of metha-
nol +650 mL of 5 mMammonium acetate for B1 and
B2 vitamins, and a 250 mL of methanol +770 mL of
Mhexanesulphonic acid for B6 vitamin. The flow
rate was set at 1.0 mL min
. The detection was
performed with the Shimadzu RF-535 fluorescence
detector at the excitation wavelength of 370, 450 and
286 nm, and at the emission wavelength of 430, 530
and 392 nm for vitamin B1, B2 and B6, respectively.
Identified peaks were confirmed and quantified by data
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acquisition and spectral evaluation using the ‘Clarify’
chromatographic software. The content of B vitamins
is expressed as lg per g of d.m.
Analysis of niacin (vitamin B
Total niacin was extracted according to the modified
AOAC (1984) method. One g of wheat flour was
hydrolysed with 25 mL of 4% calcium hydroxide for
2 h in an autoclave at 8.27 kPa. Cooled hydrolysates
were centrifuged for 15 min at 7000 g. After the pH
was adjusted to 5.05.2 with 1% phosphoric acid and
diluted to 50 mL, the extracts were filtered through
0.45-lm membrane filters and injected in the HPLC
system consisting of Waters M600 E binary pumps,
thermostat and Rheodyne 7125 injector connected to
the Waters 2996 diode array detector (Waters, Mil-
ford, MA, USA). Niacin was separated on the LiChro-
CART 125-4 Purospher C-18 RP column
(125 94 mm, i.d., 5 lm) at a temperature of 20 °C
using an isocratic elution programme with a mobile
phase containing 50 mMphosphate buffer pH 3.0, at a
flow rate of 1 mL min
. Identified peaks were con-
firmed and quantified by data acquisition and spectral
evaluation using the ‘Clarify’ chromatographic soft-
ware. The content of niacin is expressed as lg per g of
Extraction of free soluble, soluble conjugated and insoluble
bound phenolic compounds
Free soluble, soluble conjugated and insoluble bound
phenolic compounds in wheat samples were extracted
according to the procedure described by Antoine et al.
(2004). Twenty mL of acetone/methanol/water mixture
(7:7:6, v/v/v) was used to extract free and soluble con-
jugated phenolic compounds from 0.5 g of flour. Insol-
uble phenolic compounds in the residue and
conjugated phenolic compounds in the acetone/metha-
nol/water extract were released by alkaline hydrolysis
for 4 h at room temperature using 4 MNaOH before
extraction. After the pH was adjusted to 2.0 by 6 M
HCl, all the hydrolysates were extracted with ethyl
acetate and diethyl ether (1:1, v/v) for four times. Five
mL of combined extracts were evaporated under N
stream at 30 °C to dryness. The final residues were
redissolved in 1.5 mL of methanol. After filtering
through a 0.45-lm nylon filter, samples were kept at
40 °C prior to the HPLC analysis. Such prepared
methanolic solutions of phenolic fractions (phenolic
extract) were used for the analyses of phenolic acids,
total phenolic compounds, flavonoids and antioxidant
Measurement of total phenolics content (TPC)
The total phenolic content was determined according
to Singleton et al. (1999) and expressed as mg of gallic
acid equivalent (GAE) per kg of d.m.
Measurement of total flavonoids content
The flavonoid content was determined according to
Eberhardt et al. (2000) and expressed as mg of cate-
chin equivalent (CE) per kg of d.m.
Analysis of individual phenolic acids
Quantification of phenolic acids was performed by the
HPLC system. Prior to injection, methanolic extracts
were filtered through 0.22-lm nylon syringe filters
(Phenomenex, Torrance, CA, USA). Filtered extracts
were injected in the Waters HPLC system consisting of
1525 binary pumps, thermostat and 717 +autosampler
connected to the Waters 2996 diode array detector
(Waters). Phenolic acids were separated on the Sym-
metry C-18 RP column (125 94 mm, i.d., 5 lm)
using the linear gradient elution programme with a
mobile phase containing solvent A (0.1% phosphoric
acid) and solvent B (acetonitrile), at a flow rate of
1 mL min
with the following gradient profile:
20 min from 10 to 22% B, 20 min with a linear rise to
40% B, 5 min reverse to 10% B and additional 5 min
equilibration time. The identification of phenolic acids
was accomplished by comparing the retention time
and absorption spectra of peaks in wheat samples to
those of standard compounds. The quantification of
phenolic acids was based on calibration curves built
for each of the compounds identified in the samples.
The content of phenolic acids is expressed as lg per g
of d.m.
Analysis of total antioxidant capacity (TAC)
Measuring the total antioxidant capacity of phenolic
fractions and wheat flour samples was done based on
QUENCHER method described by Serpen et al.
(2008) using 7 mMaqueous solution of ABTS (2,2-azi-
no-bis/3-ethyl-benothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) with
2.45 mMK
as the stock solution. The working
solution of ABTS
was obtained by diluting the stock
solution in water/ethanol (50:50, v/v). The wheat flour
samples (10 mg), as well as phenolic extracts (500 lL
evaporated to dryness), were mixed with 20 mL of
working solution, and the mixture was rigor-
ously shaken at 4 °C for 25 min. After centrifugation
at 6200 gfor 5 min (10 °C), the absorbance measure-
ment was performed at 734 nm. The total antioxidant
capacity was expressed as the Trolox equivalent anti-
oxidant capacity (TEAC) in mmol of Trolox per kg of
Statistical analysis
The analytical data were reported as mean SD of at
the least two independent extractions. Significance of
differences between wheat samples were analysed by
the Fisher’s least significant differences test, after vari-
ance analysis for trials was set up according to the
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randomised complete block design. Differences with
P<0.05 were considered significant. Statistical evalua-
tion was carried out by MSTATC statistical software
(Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA).
Results and discussion
The content of tocopherols (a,b+cand d), thiamine
(vitamin B
), riboflavin (vitamin B
), niacin (vitamin
) and pyridoxine (vitamin B
) in the wheat samples
is given in Table 1. Tocopherol contents in untreated
wheat grains were low, with 0.94 lgg
of a-tocoph-
erol, 1.71 lgg
of b+c-tocopherol and 1.26 lgg
d-tocopherol. a-Tocopherol concentration, quantified
in this study, was a fivefold lower than that
(4.37 lgg
) reported by Yang et al. (2001), but
threefold higher than that (0.3 lgg
) reported by
Seibold (1990). According to Lampi et al. (2008) in
genotypes rich in tocols, there was usually a high pro-
portion of b-tocotrienols and low proportion of a-
tocopherol. However, the content of a-, b+c-, as well
as d-tocopherol was significantly affected by sprouting.
The content of aforementioned tocopherols was
increased for 3.59-fold, 2.33-fold and 2.61-fold respec-
tively, in relation to that in untreated wheat grains.
These results are in agreement with Yang et al. (2001).
Although the wheat samples contain all tocopherol
forms, only a-tocopherol is the most biologically active
form of vitamin E because in biological systems it is
the major lipid-soluble chain-breaking antioxidant.
Besides, bioaccessibility of a-tocopherol from wheat
bread is very high, being 99.6%, and that from wheat
germ almost as good, being 53.29% (Reboul et al.,
2006). These results indicate that sprouted wheat
grains and their products could be important sources
of a-tocopherol.
Although wholegrain cereals are a rich source of
many vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin
(vitamins B
) have been normally added to
white flour and other refined grains since the 1940s to
replace the nutrients that are removed with refining. In
untreated wheat sample, the 92% of total content of
group B vitamins (79.27 lgg
) was mainly repre-
sented by niacin (72.81 lgg
; Table 1). Unfortu-
nately, it should be noted that some diseases, such as
pellagra, occur because niacin in cereals, being incor-
porated in large molecules (probably glycoproteins), is
mainly present in a nutritionally unavailable form
(Combs, 2008). Prodanov et al. (1997) have reported
increments in available niacin brought about by
sprouting. According to our study, after sprouting, the
content of total niacin was increased by 19.13% than
in untreated wheat grains, while that in steeped wheat
grains was slightly reduced. Our results have confirmed
early research of Nason (1950) according to which the
increase occurred in the maize embryo while the endo-
sperm lost niacin. Tarr & Arditti (1982) have suggested
that tryptophan from the endosperm acts as a niacin
precursor when translocated to the embryonic axis.
Our results indicate that sprouting also significantly
improved the content of riboflavin by about 1.5-fold
compared with the untreated wheat grains. However,
in accordance with the results of Moongngarm &
Saetung (2010) for germinated brown rice, sprouting
of the wheat brought a slight reduction of thiamine
and pyridoxine contents probably due to leaching out
of water-soluble vitamins during the soaking. Thia-
mine and pyridoxine contents decreased from 5.81 and
0.38 lgg
of nontreated to 5.18 and 0.30 lgg
sprouted wheat grains, respectively (Table 1).
The changes in the total phenolic content (TPC) of
wheat during sprouting determined by the FolinCio-
calteu method are shown in Table 2. The present study
demonstrated that bound phenolics were a predomi-
nant fraction in untreated grains, and its content was
higher by about 2.12 and 1.24-fold as compared to
those of soluble free and conjugated phenolics, respec-
tively. The level of total soluble conjugated phenolics
in wheat grains was higher by about 1.72 times than
those of its total soluble free phenolics. The similar
phenolic fractions relation was obtained by Liyana-
Pathirana & Shahidi (2006) in whole grains of soft
white winter and hard red spring wheat. According to
our study, both steeping and sprouting significantly
(P<0.05) increased the content of total soluble
free and insoluble bound phenolic fractions, while
decreased the conjugated component. Food compo-
nents to exert their biological effects must be in some
form bioavailable. Compared with untreated wheat
grains, the content of free phenolic compounds, that
may be declared bioavailable, was increased by 5.7
and 28% after steeping for 24 h and sprouting for
Table 1 Content of tocopherols and B vitamins in whole untreated,
steeped and sprouted wheat grains/flours
E vitamins (lgg
a-Tocopherol 0.94 0.09
0.96 0.08
3.38 0.26
b+c-Tocopherol 1.71 0.05
1.51 0.08
3.98 0.26
d-Tocopherol 1.26 0.06
1.06 0.08
3.29 0.23
Total tocopherols 3.91 0.14
3.53 0.18
10.65 0.49
B vitamins (lgg
Niacin 72.81 1.69
70.87 1.99
86.74 1.74
Thiamine 5.81 0.17
5.73 0.14
5.18 0.14
Riboflavin 0.27 0.02
0.28 0.02
0.41 0.02
Pyridoxine 0.38 0.02
0.37 0.01
0.30 0.02
Means followed by the same letter within the same row are not signifi-
cantly different, according to Fisher’s last significance difference test
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5 days, respectively. This result can be caused by the
hydrolysis of conjugated phenolic compounds that
contributes to increase the free phenolics content after
sprouting. As regards the 1.14-fold increase in insolu-
ble bound phenolic compounds found in sprouted
wheat compared with untreated, this result can be
explained by phenols biosynthesis de novo in the
embryonic axis of sprouted wheat grains. It is known
that bound wheat phenolics associated with the cell
walls may survive upper gastrointestinal tract digestion
and finally reach the colon, where colonic digestion by
intestinal microflora may release the bulk of them.
Thus, our results suggest that the majority of the
wheat phenolic compounds are those which can be
released in the colon to exert their healthful benefits
locally and beyond after absorption. Based on the
literature data, it can be concluded that the content of
different fractions of total phenolics is highly depen-
dent on sprouting conditions. Although our results are
consistent with the studies of Hung et al. (2012), these
authors reported reduction of waxy wheat bound
phenolic compounds after 12 and 24 h of sprouting,
but then a significant increase after 36 and 48 h. Yang
et al. (2001) suggested that wheat grains steeped for
24 h and then sprouted for 7 days would produce the
most desirable sprouts with respect to concentration of
antioxidants, such as phenolics.
The total flavonoid content (TFC) of untreated,
steeped and sprouted wheat is shown in Table 2. In
accordance with the study of Dinelli et al. (2009),
insoluble bound flavonoids were predominant fraction
in all samples. The content of total soluble flavonoids
(free +conjugated fractions) was low being 56.37,
48.33 and 58.48 mg CE kg
in untreated, steeped and
sprouted wheat grains, respectively. The obtained
range was slightly lower than the total soluble flavo-
noids contents of 10 durum wheat evaluated by Dinelli
et al. (2009). However, our results indicated that a sig-
nificant increase in the content of soluble free and
insoluble bound flavonoids, respectively by 48.77 and
38.49%, occurred after sprouting for 5 days.
Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that occur
ubiquitously in plant tissues in relatively high concen-
trations as sugar conjugates. They occur mostly in O-
glycosidic form with a number of sugars such as glu-
cose, galactose, rhamnose, arabinose, xylose and ruti-
nose. However, major cereal crops such as wheat
predominantly synthesise flavone-C-glycosides, which
are stable to hydrolysis (Brazier-Hicks et al., 2009). It
follows that can be assumed that a low degree of fla-
vone-C-glycosides hydrolysis may be reason for the
low values of conjugated flavonoids in all wheat sam-
ples, given that the applied spectrophotometric assay is
based on the aluminium chloride complex formation
with flavonoid aglycones. Among bioactive com-
pounds, flavonoids are particularly important in the
human diet as antioxidants and antiviral agents. Also,
the epidemiological studies have indicated that their
consumption is associated with a reduced risk of can-
cer and cardiovascular disease (Wang et al., 2012).
Four individual phenolic acids, ferulic, isoferulic,
p-coumaric and caffeic acid, were detected in the wheat
samples. The contents of soluble free, soluble conju-
gated, insoluble bound, as well as the total phenolic
acids calculated as the sum of these fractions, are
given in Table 3. As shown, ferulic acid was the major
compound, followed by isoferulic, p-coumaric and
caffeic acids. In addition, the insoluble bound form
Table 2 Content of free soluble, soluble conjugated and insoluble bound total phenolics (mg GAE kg
) and flavonoids (mg CE kg
whole untreated, steeped and sprouted wheat grains/flours
Phenolics Phenolic fractions* Untreated wheat Steeped wheat Sprouted wheat
Total phenolics Free soluble 673.56 0.17
712.22 2.99
862.46 29.89
Soluble conjugated 1156.58 36.34
818.62 47.51
1094.96 6.64
Insoluble bound 1430.70 17.99
1490.67 23.34
1626.89 16.16
Total 3260.84 58.13
3021.51 67.86
3584.31 52.70
Total flavonoids Free soluble 18.41 0.06
20.69 0.22
27.39 0.84
Soluble conjugated 37.96 1.05
27.64 1.56
31.09 0.19
Insoluble bound 195.43 2.36
193.81 2.99
270.66 2.68
Total 251.80 4.11
242.14 5.41
329.14 4.77
Means followed by the same letter within the same row are not significantly different, according to Fisher’s last significance difference test
*Values in parentheses represent the percentage contribution of each phenolic fraction to its total.
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was the major form of the phenolic acids in all wheat
samples. Several previous studies have found increases
in free and total phenolic acids of sprouted wheat
(Yang et al., 2001; Hung et al., 2011). In our study,
the germination process increased the content of feru-
lic acid compared with that in untreated wheat grains
by about 175, 88 and 19% in soluble free, conjugated
and insoluble bound phenolic fractions, respectively.
The accumulation of the ferulic acid was due to the
phenolic biosynthesis and hydrolysis of polyphenolic
compounds bound to cell walls, as reported by Yang
et al. (2001). The increase in the free ferulic acid
content found in sprouted wheat suggests an improved
bioavailability and a higher antioxidant potential.
However, the contents of free isoferulic as well as
bound caffeic acid were decreased by sprouting.
Here, the QUENCHER method with the ABTS
reagent was used to determine the antioxidant capacity
of phenolic fractions (Table 4) and whole untreated,
steeped and sprouted wheat grains (Fig. 1). Total anti-
oxidant capacity of free and bound phenolics corre-
lates very well with their contents in phenolic extracts
of untreated, steeped and sprouted wheat samples
=0.72 and r
=1, P<0.05, respectively). In our
study, after sprouting, antioxidant capacity of free,
conjugated and bound phenolic was increased by 6.8,
2.3 and 9.2%, respectively, in relation to that in phe-
nolic extracts of untreated wheat grains (Table 4).
These results are in agreement with those reported by
Table 3 Content of free soluble, soluble conjugated and insoluble bound phenolic acids (lgg
) in whole untreated, steeped and sprouted
wheat grains/flours
Phenolic acids Phenolic acid fractions* Untreated wheat Steeped wheat Sprouted wheat
Ferulic Free soluble 11.08 0.22
2.93 0.05
30.5 0.42
Soluble conjugated 34.69 0.69
38.53 1.01
65.22 0.33
Insoluble bound 561.45 5.61
628.48 0.69
670.05 3.35
Total 607.22 5.64
669.94 6.11
738.32 4.43
Isoferulic Free soluble 4.92 0.10
2.31 0.06
1.66 0.01
Soluble conjugated 19.84 0.39
15.51 0.61
34.36 0.58
Insoluble bound 145.14 2.87
137.64 2.11
145.48 2.89
Total 169.90 3.01
155.47 2.57
181.99 3.26
p-Coumaric Free soluble n.d. (0.00) 0.31 0.01
n.d. (0.00)
Soluble conjugated 1.50 0.02
1.63 0.06
n.d. (0.00)
Insoluble bound 18.24 0.30
20.91 0.46
39.73 0.79
Total 19.74 0.39
22.85 0.52
39.73 0.79
Caffeic Free soluble n.d. (0.00) n.d. (0.00) n.d. (0.00)
Soluble conjugated n.d. (0.00) n.d. (0.00) n.d. (0.00)
Insoluble bound 5.53 0.13
7.11 0.25
4.79 0.39
Total 5.53 0.13
7.11 0.25
4.79 0.39
n.d., not detected.
Means followed by the same letter within the same row are not significantly different, according to Fisher’s last significance difference test
*Values in parentheses represent the percentage contribution of each phenolic acid fraction to its total.
Table 4 ABTS radical-scavenging capacity (mmol Trolox Eq kg
of phenolic fractions from whole untreated, steeped and sprouted
wheat grains/flours
Free soluble 11.61 0.19
11.17 0.03
12.40 0.36
Soluble conjugated 10.85 0.27
10.67 0.60
11.10 0.13
Insoluble bound 24.66 0.11
24.61 0.86
26.93 0.45
Total 47.12 0.57
46.45 1.53
50.43 1.02
Means followed by the same letter within the same row are not signifi-
cantly different, according to Fisher’s last significance difference test
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Hung et al. (2011). The results of Lee et al. (2005)
showed that flavonoid aglycones had greater antioxi-
dant activities than their glucosides when the potency
was assessed using the LDL oxidation assay. As
mentioned, in our study, the total antioxidant capacity
of whole grains of wheat samples was determined with
the direct measurement procedure that skips all time-
consuming solvent extraction and hydrolysis steps. As
both soluble and insoluble compounds simultaneously
come into contact with the ABTS radical cations, the
direct procedure is able to measure accurately the total
antioxidant capacity of whole wheat grains. Our results
indicate that sprouting significantly improved the anti-
oxidant capacity of whole wheat grains. Although
other antioxidant compounds such as tocopherols, car-
otenoids, proteins, vitamin C, sugars and lignans might
increase the antioxidant capacity of cereals grains
cet al., 2011), the fact is that the antioxidant
capacity of untreated, steeped and sprouted whole
wheat grains when compared with the sum of antioxi-
dant capacity of phenolic fractions in the samples was
considerably lower. So, the total antioxidant capacity
of untreated, steeped and sprouted whole wheat grains
was 19.44, 20.37 and 22.70 mmol Trolox Eq kg
respectively (Fig. 1), while the sum of antioxidant
capacity of phenolic fractions in the samples was
47.12, 46.45 and 50.43 mmol Trolox Eq kg
, respec-
tively (Table 4). Furthermore, our results indicate that
wheat grain phenolic compounds especially in bound
form, as dominant, exert lower antioxidant capacity in
comparison with its hydrolysed and isolated free forms
in analysed extracts. This behaviour could probably be
explained by the chemical nature and reactivity of the
aforementioned compounds present in the wheat grain.
The individual compounds can suffer polymerisation
and other reactions that promote important structural
changes and as a consequence, variations in their anti-
oxidant capacity. For instance, when the degree of
phenolic compounds polymerisation exceeds a critical
value, the reduced availability of its hydroxyl groups
and the increased molecular complexity promotes a
decrease in antioxidant capacity (Pinelo et al., 2004).
The present study shows that sprouting enhances the
nutritional value of whole wheat flours through
biosynthesis of tocopherols, niacin and riboflavin in
the embryonic axis. In addition to other antioxidants,
enhancement in phenolic compounds caused by either
biosynthesis de novo or release of these compounds by
induced enzymatic hydrolysis during sprouting
contributed to the increase in antioxidant capacity of
whole wheat grains/flour. Although whole sprouted
flour is a negative quality parameter with regard to
standard baking processes, it should be taken into con-
sideration for human diets as a food ingredient that
could provide positive health effects. Interests in incor-
porating bioactive ingredients such as phenolic antioxi-
dants and vitamins from sprouts into popular foods
such as bread have grown rapidly, due to the increased
consumer health awareness. Common dietary com-
pounds, such as bread, in the form of functional
foods, can deliver a high concentration of antioxidants
that may play a role in protection from diseases, such
as cancer, cardiovascular diseases and degenerative
diseases (Arts & Hollman, 2005).
This work was funded by the Ministry of Education,
Science and Technological Development of the Repub-
lic of Serbia (Grants No. TR-31069) and supported by
COST action FA1005 (Infogest).
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... These differences in TP could be associated with different aspects, the most significant of which are the genotype and environmental aspects which can modulate the phenol content [56,57]. Also, the conditions used during germination affect the TP content due to the degradation of the cellular structures of the grains by the enzymes, which favors the extractability of the bound phenolic compounds, and the process improves the de novo biosynthesis in the embryo axis of the phenolic content [41,[58][59][60]. Moreover, humidity plays an important role in the process before (pre-sowing) and during the germination, as hydration involves the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which could damage the structures of DNA, proteins, lipids, and other macromolecules in the seeds. ...
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Nutraceuticals obtained from sprouted wheat and oat grains and processing by-products (bran and hull, respectively) naturally containing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds were evaluated. The objective of this study was the development of a cereal-based nutraceutical formula combining extracts from sprouts and by-products and the exploration for potential synergetic effects in their bioactive properties. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacities, glycemic index, phytic acid, and β-glucan of individual wheat bran hydrolysate (EH-WB), sprouted wheat (SW), oat hull hydrolysate (EH-OH), sprouted oat (SO), and combined ingredients (CI 1, CI 2, and CI3) were used to tailor an optimal nutraceutical formula. The three blend ingredients (CI 1, CI2, and CI3) were formulated at different ratios (EH-WB:SW:EH-OH:SO; 1:1:1:1, 2:1:2:1, and 1:2:1:2, w:w:w:w, respectively). The resulting mixtures showed total phenol (TPs) content ranging from 412.93 to 2556.66 µmol GAE 100 g−1 and antioxidant capacity values from 808.14 to 22,152.54 µmol TE 100 g−1 (ORAC) and 1914.05 to 7261.32 µmol TE 100 g−1 (ABTS•+), with Fe3+ reducing ability from 734. 02 to 8674.51 mmol reduced Fe 100 g−1 (FRAP) for the individual ingredients produced from EH-WB and EH-OH, where high antioxidant activity was observed. However, the anti-inflammatory results exhibited an interesting behavior, with a potentially synergistic effect of the individual ingredients. This effect was observed in CI2 and CI3, resulting in a higher ability to inhibit IL-6 and TNF-α than expected based on the anti-inflammatory values of their individual ingredients. Similar to the antioxidant properties, oat-based ingredients significantly contributed more to the anti-inflammatory properties of the overall mixture. This contribution is likely associated with the β-glucans and avenanthramides present in oats. To ensure the bioaccessibility of these ingredients, further studies including simulated digestion protocols would be necessary. The ingredient formulated with a 2:1 hydrolysate-to-sprout ratio was the most effective combination, reaching higher biological characteristics.
... Substantial variation has been noted among HRS wheat genotypes cultivated in diverse locations. For example, the bound phenolic content from the Auburn location was 130 µg/g higher (p < 0.05) than that from St. Marys [97]. This trend was consistent for other bioactive compounds as well. ...
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Hard red spring (HRS) wheat cultivated in the Northern Great Plains of the United States is often considered as premium-quality wheat because of its potential to produce high-quality end- products. The potential of HRS wheat mainly stems from its high protein and strong gluten contents, which make it a valuable ingredient for baking, especially specialized bakery products. It can also be blended with other wheat types for improved flour protein content and is well suited for sourdough, frozen dough, and clean-label baking. However, keeping its quality attributes consistent is often challenging due to the complex interplay of genetic and environmental factors in regulating them. This is further intensified by unpredictable weather events and pest infestations which cause a deterioration of quality. Although HRS wheat is widely used to improve the quality of end-products, comprehensive information about the scientific reasons behind these quality attributes is still lacking. This review summarizes scientific information regarding the unique quality attributes of hard red spring (HRS) wheat and its exclusive applications in the food industry, particularly for high-quality baking. It also identifies the challenges in upholding the standards of HRS wheat and discusses possible strategic approaches to further elevate its quality attributes. The insights gained from this review will be beneficial to a broad spectrum of stakeholders in the food industry, including bakers, millers, breeders, growers, and the scientific community.
... After germination, wheat grains could effectively promote the accumulation of phenolic substances and the improvement of antioxidant activity (Tomé-Sánchez et al., 2020). Pham et al. (2011) found that total phenolic acid content and antioxidant capacity of germinated Canadian wheat were higher than those of ungerminated wheat, and Zilic et al. (2014) studied the germination process of Serbian wheat seeds and found that total phenolic content, total free radical scavenging activity, and ferulic, p-coumaric, and caffeic acid content were increased in wheat. Tomé-Sánchez et al. (2020) found that germination time had a significant impact on the accumulation of phenolic substances in wheat sprouts. ...
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Changes in physio-biochemical metabolism, phenolics and antioxidant capacity during germination were studied in eight different wheat varieties. Results showed that germination enhanced sprout growth, and caused oxidative damage, but enhanced phenolics accumulation. Ferulic acid and p-coumaric acid were the main phenolic acids in wheat sprouts, and dihydroquercetin, quercetin and vitexin were the main flavonoids. The phenolic acid content of Jimai 44 was the highest on the 2th and 4th day of germination, and that of Bainong 307 was the highest on the 6th day. The flavonoid content of Hei jingang was the highest during whole germination. The enzymes activities of phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase (C4H) and 4-coumarate coenzyme A ligase (4CL) were up-regulated. The activities of catalase, polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase were also activated. Antioxidant capacity of wheat sprouts was enhanced. The results provided new ideas for the production of naturally sourced phenolic rich foods.
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The aim of this work was to improve the quality parameters, functional properties, and sensory attributes of the fino bread using sprouted whole wheat flour (SWWF) at different levels, i.e., 3, 6, and 9%. Results demonstrated that SWWF has two-fold phenolic compounds and antioxidant ability compared to unsprouted wheat. The SWWF was found to be high in protein, minerals, and fat while low in carbohydrates compared to the control sample. Additionally, the microbial loads of SWWF were within processing-acceptable limits. Dough stability and rheological attributes of wheat with SWWF were evaluated to predict the texture of the final bread. There was a positive correlation between stability time and mixed dough and texture parameters of wheat bread with SWWF. The bread made using SWWF was high in protein content. The panelists accepted the bread up to 9% SWWF addition from a sensory perspective. The findings demonstrated that SWWF might be suggested for utilization as an enhancer, particularly up to 9% addition in the bread-making industry.
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Cereal (1,3)(1,4)-β-d-glucans, known as β-d-glucans, are cell wall polysaccharides observed in selected plants of grasses, and oats and barley are their good natural sources. Thanks to their physicochemical properties β-d-glucans have therapeutic and nutritional potential and a specific place for their functional characteristics in diverse food formulations. They can function as thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers, and textural and gelation agents in beverages, bakery, meat, and extruded products. The objective of this review is to describe the primary procedures for the production of β-d-glucans from cereal grains, to define the processing factors influencing their properties, and to summarize their current use in the production of novel cereal-based foods. Additionally, the study delves into the utilization of β-d-glucans in the rapidly evolving field of nanotechnology, exploring potential applications within this technological realm.
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In this study, the content of soluble, free forms of phenolic compounds (total phenolics, flavonoids, PVPP (polyvinylpolypyrrolidone) bound phenolics, proanthocyanidins and phenolic acids), as well as the content of carotenoids and tocopherols, were determined in whole grains of bread and durum wheat, rye, hull-less barley and hull-less oat, each represented with four genotypes. Antioxidant activity was eval- uated as radical scavenging activity with DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) reagent, as well as by hydrogen transfer reaction (reduction power) based on the reduction of Fe3+ . Generally, a considerable variation in antioxidant activities and phytochemical contents was observed between the cereals. Remarkably higher DPPH radical scavenging ability and reducing power were detected in hull-less barley, followed by rye and hull-less oat and durum and bread wheat, indicating that small grain species have different major antioxidants with different properties. Hull-less barley had the highest content of total free phenols, flavonoids, PVPP bound phenolics and contained flavan-3-ols, not found in other species. Hull-less oat had the highest content of tocopherols, very high content of yellow pigments and PVPP bound phenolics. Ferulic acid was the major free phenolic acid in small grain cereals tested. The rela- tionship between the content of soluble phenols, as well as reducing power and DPPH scavenging activity are also considered
Germination of cereals/pseudo-cereals has been suggested as an effective method to increase antioxidant compounds. However, this process could also lead to high reducing sugar levels and subsequent Maillard reaction products. The aim of this work was to determine the time course effect of canihua (Chenopodium pallidicaule) germination on: 1) antioxidant capacity, 2) extractable and non-extractable phenolic compounds content, 3) Maillard reaction products and 4) oxidative stress markers. Germination increased antioxidant capacity, phenolic compounds and Maillard reaction products, including advanced glycated end products while it decreased oxidative stress markers. All parameters exhibited a similar time course pattern with a maximum at 72 h. In addition to the increase in phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity, canihua germination produced advanced glycated end products. The impact on human health of these compounds in germinated seeds deserves future attention.
Flavonoids have been recognised as having antitumour activity for years, although the precise mechanism of this activity is not known. In this study, we used the quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR), a method of computer simulation, to investigate this mechanism. The heuristic method (HM), support vector machine (SVM) and gene expression programming (GEP) were employed to build the QSAR models between antitumour activity (i.e. survival percentage) of a series of flavonoids and five molecular descriptors derived from the CODESSA. The GEP, which was used for the first time to predict the antitumour activity of flavonoids, was found much more accurate than the HM and the SVM. The descriptors involved in the models are mainly electrical related, and the quantum chemical factors relevant to the oxygen atom may play an important role in antitumour activity of flavonoids. These models may provide helpful information for designing novel antitumoural compounds with higher bioactivity.
Vitamin C is used as a dietary supplement because of its antioxidant activity, although a high dose (500 mg) may act as a pro-oxidant in the body1, 2. Here we show that 100 g of fresh apples has an antioxidant activity equivalent to 1,500 mg of vitamin C, and that whole-apple extracts inhibit the growth of colon- and liver- cancer cells in vitro in a dose-dependent manner. Our results indicate that natural antioxidants from fresh fruit could be more effective than a dietary supplement.
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the analysis of total phenols and other oxidation substrates and antioxidants by means of Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. Analyses of the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) type are convenient, simple, and require only common equipment and have produced a large body of comparable data. Under proper conditions, the assay is inclusive of monophenols and gives predictable reactions with the types of phenols found in nature. Because different phenols react to different degrees, expression of the results as a single number—such as milligrams per liter gallic acid equivalence—is necessarily arbitrary. Because the reaction is independent, quantitative, and predictable, analysis of a mixture of phenols can be recalculated in terms of any other standard. The assay measures all compounds readily oxidizable under the reaction conditions and its very inclusiveness allows certain substances to also react that are either not phenols or seldom thought of as phenols (e.g., proteins). Judicious use of the assay—with consideration of potential interferences in particular samples and prior study if necessary—can lead to very informative results. Aggregate analysis of this type is an important supplement to and often more informative than reems of data difficult to summarize from various techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) that separate a large number of individual compounds .The predictable reaction of components in a mixture makes it possible to determine a single reactant by other means and to calculate its contribution to the total FC phenol content. Relative insensitivity of the FC analysis to many adsorbents and precipitants makes differential assay—before and after several different treatments—informative.